The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish

Page created by Roland Tucker
The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish
C R A N B E R R Y           T W P .      E L L W O O D          C I T Y .     Z E L I E N O P L E

The Cities of God
            St. Ferdinand Parish
                                                                     SAINT FERDINAND PARISH
                                                                     2535 Rochester Road,
                                                                     Cranberry Township
                                                                     Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm/
                                                                     Communion distribution after Mass
                                                                     until 5:15 pm
                                                                                   6:00 pm
                                                                     Sunday        8:00 am
                                                                                    10:00 am/
                                                                     Communion distribution after Mass
                                                                     until 11:15 am
                                                                                   12:00 pm
                                                                                   5:00 pm

                                                                     HOLY REDEEMER PARISH
                                                                     415 4th Street,
                                                                     Ellwood City
                                                                     Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm

                                                                     Sunday            9:00 am
                                                                                    11:00 am/
                                                                     Communion distribution after Mass
                                                                     until 12:15 pm

                                                                     SAINT GREGORY PARISH
                                                                     2 West Beaver Street,
                                                                     Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm

WELCOME EVERYONE                                                        Sunday         8:00 am
No matter what your past or present status is in the Catholic Church,                  11:30 am/
your current family or marital status, your past or current religious   Communion distribution after Mass
affiliation, your personal history, age, background or ethnicity, you   until 12:45 pm
are invited, accepted and most welcome at St. Ferdinand Parish. We
hope Christ will bring fullness into your life, and that we provide you
with information and spiritual support.

                                  O C T O B E R          3 ,   2 0 2 1
The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish
2 OCTOBER 3, 2021
CLERGY                                                      MASSES FOR THE WEEK
Rev. Philip N. Farrell, Administrator                       The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. John P. Gallagher, Senior Priest                          4:00 pm      Hank & Rita Selle (Tim & Anna Marie)
Rev. Mark L. Thomas, Senior Parochial Vicar                    6:00 pm      Helen & Stephen Madeja
Rev. David J. Egan, Parochial Vicar                                         (Daughter, Cheri)
Rev. Mr. Donald Pepe, Deacon                                Sun. Oct. 3     The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in
Rev. Mr. Jeffrey J. Ludwikowski, Deacon
                                                                            Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday
PASTORAL STAFF                                                 8:00 am      Liz Wiegand (Husband & Family)
Dr Thomas J. Brozich, Parish Grouping Director of              10:00 am Christopher Clifford
                        Faith Formation, D.Min, Psy.D                       (Sue Tomaszewski)
Kevin Johnson, Associate Organist/Music Minister              12:00 pm      Kerry Taylor (Al & Frances Horn)
Alena Kucan, Parish Grouping Director of                       5:00 pm      In Memory of Paul Anthony
                 Communications                                         Sammartino ( Family)
Cathy Nowak, Parish Grouping Safe Environment               Mon. Oct. 4 St. Francis of Assis
                 Coordinator                                  8:30 am 35th Wedding Anniversary of
Julie Strosnider, Parish Grouping Business Manager                          David & Kathryn Fuhr
                                                            Tues. Oct. 5 Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Priest
                                                               8:30 am Ron Hiniker (Nadeem Bunni & Family)
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm
                                                            Wed. Oct. 6 St. Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie Rose
Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 pm
                                                                       Durocher, Virgin
FAITH FORMATION OFFICE                                         8:30 am James DePalma (Family)
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm                                  7:00 pm Vi Tobolski (Tobolski Family)
And during Faith Formation Classes                          Thurs. Oct. 7 Our Lady of the Rosary
                                                               8:30 am Kathleen Patronie
                                                                            (Frank, Brian, Christine & Frank III)
Catholic Charities 724.775.0758 ext. 4052
                                                            Fri. Oct. 8
Parish Office 724.776.2888
                                                                 8:30 am    Theresa Newman
DIRECTORY                                                                   (Phyllis & Michael Coleman)
Bulletin Email                                Eucharistic Adoration after 8:30 am Mass
Faith Formation Office            724.776.9177              Sat. Oct. 9     St. Denis, Bishop, and Companions,
Faith Formation Fax               724.776.6640                              Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest
General Email                                    The Twenty–Eighth Sunday in
Parish Administration Office      724.776.2888                          Ordinary Time
Parish Fax                        724.776.2378
                                                               10:00 am Reconciliation
Pastoral Associate &
                                                                4:00 pm John & Josephine Moravek (Family)
Adult Formation                   724.776.1357
                                                                6:00 pm Vi Tobolski (Tobolski Family)
Pastoral Council     
                                                            Sun. Oct. 10    The Twenty–Eighth Sunday in
Safe Environment Email  
                                                                            Ordinary Time
Small Faith Communities           724.776.1357
                                                               8:00 am      Kelso Kenneth Myers (Kelly Family)
                                                               10:00 am     Don Schaly & Jim Warren
Youth Ministry Office             724.776.1920
                                                                            (Joanne Warren)
                                                               12:00 pm     Frank Carothers (His Wife, Dottie)
                                                               5:00 pm      Elizabeth Stratigos
   Please remember St. Ferdinand Parish in your will.                       (Knights of Columbus Wives)
The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish
                                                                                   OCTOBER 3, 2021 3

TODAY’S READINGS                                                         SANCTUARY CANDLE
First Reading: That is why a man leaves his father                       The Sanctuary Candle will burn
and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of                        this week in loving memory of
them become one flesh. (Gn 2:24)                                         Kerry Taylor
Psalm: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.
                                                                         from Al & Frances
(Ps 128)
Second Reading: He who consecrates and those
who are being consecrated all have one origin.                           PRAYER GARDEN
(Heb 2:11)
Gospel: “Therefore what God has joined together, no
human being must separate.” (Mk 10:9)                                    A prayer Garden Candle will burn this week in loving
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.             memory of:
The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy   June & Hettie
Corporation. All rights reserved.
©LP                                                                      from Tina Krynicki
                                                                         Stan Verona
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                    from John & Rita Verona
Sunday:            Gn 2:18-24/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [cf. 5]/             Josephine LeGrand
                   Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12                      from Linda & Joe
Monday:             Jon 1:1—2:2, 11/Jon 2:3, 4, 5, 8/
                    Lk 10:25-37
Tuesday:            Jon 3:1-10/Ps 130:1b-2, 3-4ab, 7-8 [3]/
                    Lk 10:38-42
Wednesday: Jon 4:1-11/Ps 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10 [15]/
                    Lk 11:1-4
Thursday:           Mal 3:13-20b/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6                    SACRAMENTS
                    [Ps 40:5a]/Lk 11:5-13                                Confession/Reconciliation: Saturdays at 10:00 am.
Friday:             Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Ps 9:2-3, 6 and 16, 8-9 [9]/
                                                                         Anointing: Contact the Parish Office before
                    Lk 11:15-26
                                                                         entering the hospital for a scheduled surgery or an
Saturday:           Jl 4:12-21/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 [12a]/
                                                                         emergency illness, or contact the Pastoral Care
                    Lk 11:27-28
                                                                         Department of the Hospital.
                                                                         Marriage: Please call six months in advance for an
                                                                         appointment with a priest. Marriage preparation
                                                                         classes are required. Call the Parish Office as soon as
                                                                         possible to schedule.
                                                                         Baptism for Adults: Through Rite of Christian
                                                                         Initiation of Adults.
                                                                         Baptism for Infants: By appointment. Please call
                                                                         the Parish Office at least two months in advance.
                                                                         A Baptism class is required for parents. Please call
   Ann Maaghul, mother of Sheila Fedorek, Dorothy
                                                                         the Parish Office to register.
   Pumphrey, mother of Pete & Jackie Pumphrey
   and Joseph Lombardi, brother in law of Sherry
   Maudie . May the souls of our deceased parish
   members and the souls of all the faithfully
                                                                           Victims of Sexual Abuse Hotline 1-888-808-1235
   departed, through the mercy of God, continue
                                                                           Diocesan Victim Assistance Office 412.456.3093
   their journey to eternal life in the heavenly
                                                                           PA Childline 1.800.932.0313
   kingdom. Amen.
The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish
4 OCTOBER 3, 2021
 The Whole ≠ The Sum of Its Parts                        to which WE have all contributed, WE need to
                                                         recognize that WE will not get lost in the shuffle but
                                                         will find a depth of faith unattainable otherwise. It is
How often do we (fail to) consider                       essential that WE share without hesitation and
the lowly One Dollar bill? Carrying                      welcome with thanksgiving. In uniting what WE are
around one or more of them seems                         WE become what WE are meant to be by God.
to be rather insignificant. We prefer                    He lovingly gives US to OURselves as a gift, which
to go with the bigger bills. In fact, your local ATM     means WE only find OURselves in giving OURselves
machine may not even give you one. However, it’s         to God and to others. This new unity is a new gift
                                                         from God and back to God, which WE would never
only on the One Dollar bill that we can see the best
                                                         be able to offer if it weren’t for each other. This is not
depiction of the Great Seal with the eagle clearly
                                                         an admixture of disjointed parts but a wholly new
holding in it’s beak the national motto “E Pluribus      life in faith, and as Jesus says, “Therefore what God
Unum” – “From Many, One”. We may be many                 has joined together, no human being must
people, many states, many nationalities, many            separate”. (Mk 10:9)
races, but we are all “One Nation Under God”.
                                                         God Bless The Cities of God!
We are continuously at work trying to transcend
our individualities in order to become something
new together. It’s not about our separate pasts
giving us security but our united future giving us
hope. Each person brings something that enriches
us and fosters our collective identity. We are so
much more because of what everyone contributes.           St. Francis of Assisi | Feast Day
                                                          October 4
In our 1st Reading this weekend from the Book of
                                                          St. Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226) left a life of luxury
Genesis, we see how that first man, in his single and
                                                          for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly
solitary state, was acutely aware of his                  hearing the voice of God, who commanded him
incompleteness. He needed someone, unlike                 to rebuild the Christian church and live in
himself, with whom he might share his experience          poverty. He founded the men's Order of Friars
and from whom he might have a fuller experience,          Minor, the women's Order of St. Clare, the Third
and in the process, the two would form an exciting        Order of St. Francis and the Custody of the Holy
new entity, heaping with possibility and hope for
                                                          Born in 1181 in Italy, St. Francis of Assisi was
what this might become. As Jesus in the Gospel            renowned for drinking and partying as a youth.
reminds us, the beauty of this relationship is that       During a military expedition/battle between
these individuals and this unity are made by God.         Assisi and Perugia, he was captured and
It is impossible to separate the parties back to their    imprisoned for ransom. He spent nearly a year in
                                                          prison and began receiving visions from God.
prior state once they have been joined into a totally
                                                          After his release from prison, St. Francis of Assisi
new creation together. The Letter to the Hebrews          claimed to have heard the voice of Christ, who
takes this even one step further by proclaiming that      told him to restore the Christian Church and live
God took His divinity and united it with our              a life of poverty. As a result, St. Francis of Assisi
humanity, without a loss of either, so that in and        abandoned his life of luxury and became a
                                                          devotee of the Catholic faith.
through Jesus Christ we might be brothers –
                                                          Today, St. Francis of Assisi, known for his deep
brothers with Him and with each other. This brings        love of nature and animals, is the patron saint
us hope for our new future!                               of the environment and animals. Each October,
                                                          many animals are blessed on his feast day.

As WE eagerly anticipate OUR merger in a mere             ©LPi
nine months and await the birth of something new
The Cities of God St. Ferdinand Parish
                                                                                     OCTOBER 3, 2021         5

Open House Grades K – 6                                   Women’s Club
October 4 & 5 during CCD class times                      The members of St. Ferdinand’s Women’s Club are
4:30 – 5:45 pm or 6:00 – 7:15 pm                          always hard at work. Although last year halted our
Come and meet your teacher!                               usual meetings and activities, our St. Ferdinand’s
Meet Dr. Thom Brozich, our new Director of Faith          Women’s Club managed to keep busy behind the
Formation!                                                scenes. This past spring, we arranged to collect
Book & materials pick-up for Home Taught only             donations for an organization called “Sleep in
(all other students will receive their textbooks on       Heavenly Peace”. This non-profit organization
their first day of class).                                constructs beds by hand as well as provides all the
General classes (K – 8) begin the week of                 bedding to go along with the beds for children
October 17.                                               that are sleeping on the floor. The women of our
Welcome back!                                             club successfully collected gift cards for building
                                                          supplies as well as new bedding items. We had
                                                          a variety of age/gender appropriate linens,
                                                          comforters and accessories to give these children
                                                          an opportunity to sleep in their own bed. The
                                                          St. Ferdinand’s Women’s Club looks forward to
Catechists Needed                                         once again, reach out in the community and
We are in need of catechists and substitute               provide opportunities for fellowship the third
catechists to help with the new catechetical year.        Thursday each month.
If you are a faith-filled person who is willing to
share your faith with our young people, please            Women’s Retreat
give us a call. We will help you get ready for your       St. Ferdinand's Women's Retreat will be held the
class by providing catechist guide books, training,       weekend of October 15-17 at St. Paul's Retreat
and support. We are also in need of hall monitors.        Center on Pittsburgh's South Side.
Sunday       6:00 – 7:15 pm      Grade 7                  Please contact either Barb K. (724.709.7946) or
                                                          Kathy Z. (412.716.8647) for details or to let us
Please call the Faith Formation Office,
                                                          know you will be attending.
724.776.9177, Ext. 307 to volunteer.
                                                          The theme for this year's retreat is:
Little Sisters of the Poor October 16 & 17
                                                          I will reveal to you an abundance of lasting
The Little Sisters of the Poor are a Catholic religious
                                                          peace. (Jeremiah 33:6)
order founded by St. Jeanne Jugan. Their work
                                                          Finding Peace and Serenity in Christ
among the elderly poor began in Pittsburgh
150 years ago. Since that time they have depended         Thursday Afternoon Lunch Bunch
on the support of people in parishes and others to        If you are looking for fellowship and conversation,
continue their work. They operate a home for the          please join our “Lunch Bunch” on
aged on Benton Avenue in Pittsburgh. It is truly a        Thursdays at 12:30pm. We will be meeting in the
“home” for those who are most in need. The Sisters        Upper Room. Please bring your lunch with you.
and volunteers will be at the doors of the church         Questions? Please contact Vera
as you leave Mass. Please be as generous as               at 724.513.9099. Looking forward to seeing you
possible to them and their incredible work for the        then!
6 OCTOBER 3, 2021

                                                         40 Days for Life– October 9
Patriotic Rosary                                         The Cities of God Parish will be participating in the
Father Joseph P. Newell Knights of Columbus              40 days for Life Lenten Campaign this Fall. The
Council 11838 will be Hosting a Patriotic Rosary on      event runs from September 22 through October 31.
Monday, October 11, at 7:00 pm in St. Ferdinand          40 days for Life is a worldwide Pro-Life mobilization
Church. This beautiful ceremony takes                    that involves three components: Prayer and
approximately 40 minutes and will include many           Fasting, Peaceful Vigil and Community Outreach.
of our favorite patriotic songs. Every person in every   On Friday October 1 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and
state of our Nation will be prayed over during the       again on Saturday October 9 from 11:00 am to
recitation of the rosary. Booklets will be available     1:00 pm, The Cities of God Parish will link with
for everyone to follow along and participate. This is    dozens of area Churches in the completion of a
a very formal and moving prayer service for the          shift at the ongoing Peaceful Vigil held at
protection of our Country.                               933 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh (Planned
Founded in 1881, the Knights of Columbus is one of       Parenthood location). The Respect Life Committee
the world’s largest fraternal organization for           would like to invite anyone interested to join us for
Catholic men. The organization is dedicated to the       our vigil period. We are hoping for a strong turnout
principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and            to show our support for the Pro-Life movement.
Patriotism. Please come and experience this              The Vigil will involve periods of prayer and
Patriotic Celebration.                                   reflections. You do not have to be present for the
Refreshments will follow the Ceremony.                   entire two hours to participate, as we would
For more information on becoming a member of             welcome anytime you could make it. It is
the Knights of Columbus please visit our website         completely acceptable to bring a chair if standing                                            for long periods is an issue. For more information,
                                                         please contact Bill at 724.772.7962.

                                                          Social Services (Food Bank)
                                                          Opened every Tuesday to Thursday from
                                                          9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Holy Redeemer.
ABC MOM                                                   Volunteers are needed the first Tuesday of every
The ABC Mom's ministry is looking for babysitters         month to help with the Food Truck delivery.
for our monthly meetings at St. Ferdinand's.              Call 724.758.3465 for more information or if you
We meet one Friday morning a month during the             need food assistance.
school year. This is a paid position, and clearances
required by the diocese must be up-to-date.
If you are interested, please contact
                                                                             OCTOBER 3, 2021          7

 Widowed, Divorced or Separated?
 The loss of a spouse is a traumatic experience.
 The Beginning Experience ministry provides a
 weekend program to help widowed, divorced, or
 separated men and women pass through grief
 and move forward with their lives.                 Job Opportunity
 The next weekend program is                        The Cities of God Parish Grouping once again
                                                    would like to make available an exciting new
 October 15-17, 2021 at the Martina Spiritual
                                                    position in anticipation of our merger in July 2022.
 Renewal Center, 5244 Clarwin Avenue, West          This position is Youth and Young Adult Minister.
 View, PA 15229 (Ross Township.) Payment            A brief summary of the position is stated below.
 arrangements and financial assistance may be       For more details, including a job description and
 available. Visit:                                  application requirements, please go to
                                                    Youth and Young Adult Minister, Parish Grouping
 register or make a confidential call to Rob at
                                                    of The Cities of God (St. Ferdinand Parish, St.
 412.584.5575 or Kim at 412.352.2653 to learn
                                                    Gregory Parish and Holy Redeemer Parish)
 more about this healing ministry.
                                                    The Parish Grouping of The Cities of God, which
                                                    includes the three parishes of St. Ferdinand, St.
                                                    Gregory, and Holy Redeemer is seeking a Youth
                                                    and Young Adult Minister. These parishes call
                                                    together the faithful in three principle cities
                                                    (Cranberry Twp., Zelienople, and Ellwood City)
                                                    and all the many other communities in between.
                                                    The Youth and Young Adult Minister is responsible
                                                    for the development and implementation of the
                                                    vision, strategy, and tactical elements for all
                                                    programs related to youth and young adults of the
                                                    parish. The goals of the Youth and Young Adult
                                                    Minister, working under the direction of the Faith
                                                    Formation Director and in collaboration with other
                                                    parish ministries of a large-sized parish, are to
Super Bingo
                                                    disciple youth and young adults in their
Doors and kitchen open at 4:30 pm                   relationship with Jesus Christ and empower them
Early Birds at 5:45 pm. Regular games at 6:00pm     with the tools to grow and mature their faith and
32 Regular Games pay $100 - 4 Specials pay $250     understanding of God.
$300 Mini Jackpot - $300 Quickie Coverall Jackpot
All Jackpot Games Sold Separately.
Tickets, food, and refreshments available.
Smoke –Free facility. Additional parking at
Municipal Center.
$30 Per Person Paid in Advance
$35 Per Person Paid at the Door
No one under 18 years old admitted
Sponsored by the Men’s Club of St. Ferdinand
For more information, email:
or Call 412.759.0644
8 OCTOBER 3, 2021

   St. Ferdinand Auto Raffle
                     Any vehicle of your choice, up to
                    $45,000, available from Ron Lewis
                      Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Fiat,
                     Cranberry Twp. Plus $3,000 cash

     Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100 and can be
     purchased at any of The Cities of God Parish
                   Grouping Offices
                        2nd Prize $1,000 Cash
                     3rd Prize $500 in Gift Cards

     Drawing is November 20, 2021
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 800 Cranberry Woods Drive, Suite 100
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                        3-D-4-3                For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                        Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania                                                                                                  14-1741
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