Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27, 2020

Page created by Emma Strickland
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27, 2020
September 27, 2020
Mission Statement                Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
As a welcoming family of
believers, Holy Family
Catholic Parish works together
to know, love, and serve God
through worshiping together,
celebrating the sacraments,
providing a strong Catholic
education, actively engaging
in faith formation, sharing
God’s Word, assisting those
in need, and celebrating
life together.

Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses
 5:00 p.m. Saturday
 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Weekday Masses
 8:00 a.m. Tuesday-Friday

Parish Information
Phone: (812) 482-3076
Fax: (812) 634-6998
Parish Website:
Parish Facebook:
Holy Family Parish, Jasper

Sister Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Dupity, Haiti

          9 5 0 E . C H U RC H AV E N U E · J A S P E R , I N D I A NA 4 7 5 4 6
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27, 2020
CONTACT INFO.                          Monday - Saint Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions
                                            7:00 p.m. - Stephen Ministry Commissioning
Parish Phone: (812) 482-3076
                                       Tuesday - Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael - Archangels
Parish Fax: (812) 634-6998
                                            8:00 a.m. - Tom Brosmer
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to             Wednesday - Saint Jerome
4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday                  8:00 a.m. - Monica Knies
                                            Holy Trinity Catholic School Mass
Pastor                                 Thursday - Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
Rev. John Boeglin, Ext. 308
                                            8:00 a.m. - Marilyn Kress
                                       Friday - The Holy Guardian Angels
Deacons                                     8:00 a.m. - Fr. Jim Blessinger
Deacon Michael Helfter                      Holy Trinity Catholic School Mass
                                       Saturday - Anticipation: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon David McDaniel                       5:00 p.m. - Viola and Orville Schroeder, Doug and Jack Moeller
                                       Sunday - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Director of Faith Formation                 8:30 a.m. - Bob and Lou Obermeier, Leon Fleck
Joseph H. Munning IV, Ext. 304
                                            10:30 a.m. - People of Holy Family
                                            12:30 p.m. - First Communion Mass
Director of Music                           7:00 p.m. - Patriotic Rosary
Dan Racicot
Finance Administrator                   Prayer Line: (812) 482-3076 or (812) 661-2094 anytime day or night
Lori Murphy, Ext. 301                   Stephen Ministry                         If you or a loved one are in need of a Stephen Minister, call Robbie
Parish Secretary                            Mehringer at (812) 661-2171 anytime. We provide one-to-one
Diane Verkamp, Ext. 302                     confidential, Christian care to those needing support at a difficult time.
                                        St. Vincent de Paul
School Phone: (812) 482-4485                 If you or someone you know needs financial assistance, please call the
School Fax: (812) 481-9909                   Parish Office at (812) 482-3076.
Principal’s Office:                     Church Open For Prayer: 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  (812) 482-5050
Principal East Campus
Jon Temple, Ext. 151                   SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION
                                       Sacrament of Baptism for Infants and Children
Principal Central/West Campus               Please call the Parish Office to set up a time for Baptism
Jenna Seng                                  Preparation Class and to schedule the Baptism                      Sacrament of Reconciliation
Facilities Manager                          Saturday from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m., Sunday from 8:00 - 8:15 a.m.,
David Underwood, Ext. 159                   and any time by appointment                 Sacrament of Confirmation
Technology Coordinator                      Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements
Cathy Mundy, Ext. 157                  Sacrament of Marriage                          Arrangements are to be made at the Parish Office six months prior
                                            to the wedding date
School Secretary                       Sacrament of the Sick
Cindy Miller, Ext. 152                      Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements                    Communion to the Sick and Homebound
St. John BOSCO Youth Ministries             Communion calls to the Nursing Homes and Homebound are
Jacqueline Ripberger, (812) 481-2442        temporarily suspended due to the restrictions with the pandemic.
Facebook: Saint John Bosco Youth       Adults and Teens who wish to become Catholics and Catholics
Ministry - Instagram: sjbymjasper      Returning Home
                                            Contact the Parish Office or Sharon Burger at (812) 482-5682

2   Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Faith Community ~ Jasper, Indiana
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27, 2020
GOSPEL REFLECTION                                                                           STEPHEN MINISTRY
                          26th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                      “This is enough,
                                                                                            O Lord!”
           What prompts you to make the decisions you make? When confronted with            1 Kings 19:4
 a decision, whether one that is more trivial and mundane or one that is more
 significant and profound, we rely on guidance. That guidance can be the result of          Can you relate to
 impulse and passion or the fruit of the interior voice of conscience. Decisions made on    Elijah’s words of
 impulse and passion can be misguided and erroneous. Decisions based on conscience,         despair? Please call
 or the moral voice within, will reflect the depth and maturity of our soul work. A         Stephen Ministry
 more contemplative soul will make more contemplative decisions. A less developed           and allow a fellow Christian
 conscience will make decisions based on the individual’s level of development.             to journey with you in support
           Conversion and a change of heart are at the core of Jesus’ message precisely     for just as long as you need.
 because of this reality. We are works in progress. For the person on fire with the
 Holy Spirit and centered on God, life reflects an ever-deepening awareness and             Stephen-Ministry
 heightened sense of God’s presence and a greater willingness to do God’s will. What
 is happening internally is validated by what is witnessed externally. The hypocrite is
 the one who says yes when they really mean no. From the start, they had no desire
 to do the virtuous act, but wanted to outwardly appear as if they did.
           Where are you on the road of integrity? Honesty is all that is required. God
 is good with that. It is okay to struggle with our decisions and wrestle with ourselves.
 Consciences on the path to maturity and greater depth are not always going to know
 what action is immediately best. We may, at first, say no to what we know is right
 and, after prayerful reflection and thought, come around to doing it. Conversion
 happens when our no changes to yes, regardless of how sinful or out of sync we may
 be at the time. God is anxious to welcome us to Himself. But we cannot embrace
 Him unless we want to. Learning to orient our gift of free will to what is of divine       WEEKLY READINGS
 origin, right, and best is a discipline we must always tweak and perfect.        ©LPi
                                                                                            Sunday: Ez 18:25-28/Ps 25:4-5,
                                                                                                6-7, 8-9/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/
                                                                                                Mt 21:28-32
GROWING WITH THE GOSPEL                                                                     Monday: Jb 1:6-22/Ps 17:1bcd,
                                                                                                2-3, 6-7 [6]/Lk 9:46-50
Sharing the Gospel - Maybe you have heard that actions speak louder than words. It          Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv
means that the things you do are more important than the things you say. Show                   12:7-12a/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3,
kindness to others. Trust God. He wants what is best for you, so find out how to
                                                                                                4-5 [1]/Jn 1:47-51
work for God. Then do what He asks.
                                                                                            Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16/Ps
                                                                                                88:10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15 [3]/
Prayer - God, I want to show you that I love you.                                               Lk 9:57-62
                                                                                            Thursday: Jb 19:21-27/Ps 27:7-8a,
Something to Draw - Draw a picture of yourself washing the dishes.                              8b-9abc, 13-14 [13]/Lk 10:1-12
                                                                                            Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5/Ps
Mission for the Week - Show kindness to a friend. Help someone pick up a mess                   91:1-2, 3-4ab, 4c-6, 10-11 [11]/
they made, just because you love Jesus.                              ©LPi                       Mt 18:1-5, 10
                                                                                            Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17/Ps
                                                                                                119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130
                                                                                                [135]/Lk 10:17-24
  WELCOME IN JESUS’ NAME!                                                                   Next Sunday: Is 5:1-7/Ps 80:9, 12,
                                                                                                13-14, 15-16, 19-20 [Is 5:7a]/
                                                                                                Phil 4:6-9/Mt 21:33-43 ©LPi
  We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to everyone here celebrating
  with us. If you would like to register as a member of our faith community, have a
  change of address, or would like to sign up for a ministry within the parish, please      Abortion Alternatives:
  fill out this form. Return the completed form to the parish office or in the collection       Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
  basket. Someone will contact you if requested. Thank You and God Bless You!                   (812) 683-2111
  Name: _________________________________ Phone: _________________                              Hours: M, W, F: 9 am - 1 pm
  Address: __________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________                       Tue, Thurs: 5 pm - 9 pm
            _____ New Parishioner             ________ Address Change                           24 hr. hotline: 1-800-395-HELP
            _____ Parish - Please Call Me     ________ School - Please Call Me
                                                                                            Crisis Connection:
  I would like the opportunity to serve in the parish and/or school as a                        1-800-245-4580 ~ 24 hr.
                                                                                                hotline for violence and abuse

                                                                           Working together to know, love, and serve God      3
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 27, 2020
Parish Council
    Jason Luebbehusen 812-630-6835                                                       Last Week        Year-to-Date
RCIA/Invitation to Catholic Teachings      Budgeted (needed) Collections                 $ 17,021.52      $ 204,258.23
    Sharon Burger           812-482-5682
CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish)            Envelope/Cash Collection                      $ 10,661.00      $ 126,142.01
    Alex/Brittany Krempp 812-630-0312      Direct Debit Collection                       $ 4,741.25       $ 56,817.50
Spiritual Life Ministry                    Total Weekly Collection                       $ 15,402.25      $ 182,959.51
    Joseph Munning IV 812-482-3076
Ministers at Mass, Communion to            Special Collection                            $       .00      $      700.00
Homebound, Prayer Line, Nursing Home       TOTAL OVER (UNDER) BUDGET                     $(-1,619.27)     $ (20,598.72)
Visits, Collection Counters
    Parish Office           812-482-3076
                                                        CATHOLIC PARISHES CAMPAIGN (CPC)
Music Ministry
    Dan Racicot             812-482-3188   CPC Goal: $ 174,622.00      CPC Pledged-to-date: $                       .00
Stephen Ministry                                                   Thank You for your generosity !!
    Gene Recker             812-760-0814
Parish Nursing/Prayer Shawl Ministry
    Donna Humbert           812-639-9307     Memorials: Gerald Stenftenagel, Judy Klem, Art Kempf, Doris Schnell
Bereavement Luncheon Ministry
    Dave/Rita Blessinger 812-482-4745
Finance & Administration Ministry
    Steve Rennie            812-639-6613   STEWARDSHIP ~ A DISCIPLE’S RESPONSE
Facilities Management
                                           The first son in today’s Gospel said he would do his father’s bidding, but did
    Stan Verkamp            812-482-2481
Parish Technology                          not. The second son balked at first, but then repented and did as he was
    Diane Verkamp           812-482-2481   asked. What service is God calling me to do? Which son am I more like?
School / Parish Endowment
    Brian Eckman            812-634-2548
Parish Picnic                              VOCATIONS
    Mike Fischer            812-482-2342
    Chris Kunz              812-639-1750   As a parish family, we are asked to Pray Daily For Vocations to the priesthood
Religious Ed., VBS, CLOW                   and religious life. Religious Organization information and prayers for Vocations
    Joseph Munning IV 812-482-3076         are available on our parish website
    Dana Krodel             812-481-2196
Social Concerns / Dupity Ministry          Thank you for promoting religious vocations through your faithful prayers.
    John Schroering         812-482-4915   Those considering a life of service as a priest, deacon, or religious should
    Jan Stenftenagel        812-389-2538   contact the Diocese of Evansville Vocations Office at 812-424-5536.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
    Judy Sonderman          812-482-5284   Vocations Director: Rev. Tyler Tenbarge
Family Life Ministry                       Pray for a Priest: Each week we offer our prayer support for a priest within
    Laura Roettger          812-630-1886   our diocese. This week our thoughts and prayers are for:
    Britni Erny             812-827-1992   Rev. Robert Nemergut, M.R.E. ~ Retired
    Chelsea Reinbold        812-631-5209
Holy Name Society
    Linus Lampert           812-482-1530
Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary            We welcome and encourage you to participate in any of our parish
    Rosie Gutgsell          812-482-3925      ministries. Please refer to the Parish Ministry Guidebook and Directory
Quilt Ministry                                 or contact the Parish Office at 812-482-3076 for more information.
    Johnnie Heeke           812-309-0604
Welcoming / Communications                 Rosary Ministry – Prayer is our lifeline, and a powerful resource for prayer
    Brenda Wheatley         812-634-6230   is the Rosary. Each week our parish prays the Rosary before the 8:30 a.m.
    Deb Stenftenagel        812-482-9607   Mass on Sunday. Volunteers currently lead the Rosary in teams of 2, with one
Respect Life Ministry                      volunteer leading at the pulpit, and one volunteer in the
    Kayla Dooley            812-661-0080   pews responding to the prayers. With multiple people
Helping Hands Ministry                     leading the Rosary each week, we are looking for more
    Vikki Trout             812-309-2077   volunteers to help lead the Rosary. Sharing the Rosary
St. John Bosco Youth Ministry              with our parish family is a great way to promote prayer.
    Jacqueline Ripberger 812-481-2442      Please consider joining this prayerful ministry.
Holy Trinity Catholic School Council
    Kayla Dooley            812-661-0080
Holy Trinity SCRIP Program                                  Good Deed from our Children’s Envelopes:
    Angie Hasenour          812-309-8229                          “I helped mom make supper”

4   Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Faith Community ~ Jasper, Indiana
FROM OUR PASTOR’S DESK                                                              ANNOUNCEMENTS
         This weekend we kick off our annual Catholic Parishes Campaign.
Remember, I said our annual CPC drive. Each parish of our Diocese is               Get Well Notes:
assessed annually a financial amount based on the number of active givers                   Please pray for all who are
in the parish. Our goal is $174,622.00. It is a large amount, but it is appro-     suffering, whether it is physical,
priate for our size and generosity. We can manage it. Remember that every          spiritual, or emotional. Trusting in
parish is assessed to support the operation of the Diocese of Evansville.          God our Heavenly Father to walk
No parish is excluded. You will be receiving a letter from me with a pledge        with us on our journey, bringing
card. I ask that you do your best. Please give according to your financial         strength and healing, and guiding
means. If God has blessed you with the ability to give, then give a gift that      us closer to Him along the way.
reflects your gratitude to God. Someone from the Finance Committee will
speak after every Mass encouraging your support.                                   Sympathy Notes:
         Next Sunday we will celebrate Mass for our First Communicants                      We express our deepest
with their families and relatives. We will have a special Mass at 12:30 p.m.       sympathy to Tim Kempf in the
which is reserved for the First Communicants and their families only. We           death of his father Arthur Kempf,
have a large group of some 30 young people receiving Jesus sacramentally           and to Joe Stenftenagel in the
for the first time. Having a separate Mass for our First Communicants will         death of his brother Gerald “Chub”
allow plenty of room for all our guests. We will still observe social distanc-     Stenftenagel.     May God’s loving
ing and face masks. We pray for a beautiful day.                                   presence surround you, along with
         This Monday, September 28th, Stephen Ministers will renew their           the prayers and support of your
commitment to serve our parish family. We have had Stephen Ministry at             family, friends, and faith community.
Holy Family since the mid 1990’s. This ministry has helped so many of our
parishioners over the years. Just a month ago I sent you a list of possible        Baptism Blessings:
ways Stephen Ministry could help you mentally and spiritually. This year has              We congratulate Boone
taken its toll on most of us. Stephen Ministry offers lots of Christian hope in    Richard Fuhs, son of Stuart and
difficult times. Let us pray for those who renew their commitment to be a          Dana (Rosbottom) Fuhs. May you
Stephen Minister, and for those who chose to take a sabbatical and/or retire.      and your family be blessed with
         There is still time to sign up for our new Religious Ed program.          God’s precious gifts as He guides
There is information and registration forms on our website where you can           you on your spiritual journey.
sign up. All 4 Catholic parishes of the Jasper area are working to offer this
joint program ‘Together’. You can participate as a family online and your            Please notify the Parish Office of info.
students can participate in person. Please visit our parish website and/or             to include in the announcements.
contact our DRE, Joseph Munning, for registration.
         On October 4th, our local Catholic Radio Station WTJW 93.1 observes
its 5 anniversary. We congratulate all those who have make it possible to
share our Catholic Faith over the radio. All registered Catholics of Dubois,        ADORATION/
southern Martin, and northern Spencer Counties are receiving a survey from          ROSARY/STATIONS
the radio station seeking your feedback so that the station can make improve-       Eucharistic Adoration:
ments to encourage local Catholics and potential Catholics to live the truth of     ¨ All Day Adoration - 3rd
the Catholic Faith. This is being done to observe and the celebrate the radio           Tuesday of each month after
station’s 5th anniversary. Congrats to WTJW 93.1 FM.                                    morning Mass, ending with
         Fervent Prayer, Hope, and Do not worry.                                        Benediction at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    ¨ Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the                  is open daily from 7:00 a.m.
issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country, and how the                   to 8:00 p.m. for prayer
Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We              Praying the Rosary:
ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other           ¨ First Monday of the Month
as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity, especially those who are             Family Prayer Night
victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. We ask for ears that             ¨ Sunday - 8:00 a.m. before
will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, men and                     8:30 a.m. Mass
women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender. We ask                Stations of the Cross:
for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will         ¨ Take a self-guided tour
bring us closer to your Kingdom. We pray for discernment so that we may                 through the Way of the
choose leaders who hear your Word, live your love, and keep in the ways                 Cross behind the Rectory.
of your truth as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and                 Enjoy music and wildlife.
                                                                                    ¨ Enjoy the lit Stations of the
guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace. We ask this in the name of
                                                                                        Cross in back of church.
your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

                                                                  Working together to know, love, and serve God                 5
LITURGICAL MINISTERS for the Weekend of OCTOBER 3RD - 4TH, 2020
                                SATURDAY 5:00 P.M.                   SUNDAY 8:30 A.M.              SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.

       LECTORS            Stephen Scott                        Elmer Brames                  Kayla Dooley
                          Dan Eby                              Ruth Gehlhausen               Kristi Nord
                          Judy Gress                           Brenda Wheatley               Kim Messmer
                          Vikki Trout                          Jerry Wheatley                Francis Ripberger
     GIFT BEARERS         n/a                                  n/a                           n/a
        SERVERS           Robbie Mehringer                     Del Steinhart                 Ralph Hughes
                          Pat Dunkel                           Vince Granacher
    MUSIC MINISTERS                                                                          The New Disciples
                          Linda Kaiser Wessel                  Linda Kaiser Wessel
      SACRISTIANS         Ann Nicholson                        Ed and Rosie Werner           Vicki Granacher
       GREETERS           n/a                                  n/a                           n/a
                          Glenn Horney                         Greg Hollinden                Mark Block
                          Tom Kleinhelter                      Gene Humbert                  Ben Krapf
                          Zach Mauder                          Brian Mathies                 John Sonderman
                          Jason Schmitt                        Terry Wagner                  Tim Doersam

       CLOW - CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD AT THE 10:30 MASS                               No CLOW

BOSCO YOUTH MINISTRY                                             PARISH/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES
For more information, contact Jacqueline or Anna at 812-         It’s time for a little ShOwEr!!!!!! - In January, Respect
481-2442 or our parish rep. Connie Brenner 812-631-1312.         Life decorated a Christmas tree with prayer card ornaments
                                                                 that individuals and families could take along home and                Spiritually Adopt an unborn baby. For 9 months, we’ve
Facebook: St. John Bosco Youth Ministry                          been praying daily for our spiritually adopted babies! 100
BOSCO SEPTEMBER EVENTS                                           prayer cards went home in January; that means up to 100
Sept. 30: *Beloved for HS girls 3:30-4:30 pm, Bosco house        babies may have been saved!!! Bless you!
Sept. 30: TOGETHER, MS 6-7am, HS 7:15-8:15am Kundek                      Now it’s time for a shower in honor of the babies
                                                                 and their parents. For the month of September, drop off
* = RSVP before attending                                        diapers in the Narthex. These will be given to Crisis
                                                                 Connection as they are in need. One twist... add a positive
WTJW 93.1 FM Catholic radio is celebrating its 5 year            message to the gift to also share a bit of kindness.
Anniversary! This Jasper radio station broadcasts EWTN
programming 24/7 including such excellent programs as            Fall Faith Formation is back! Join us Thursday nights in
Morning Glory 7 AM with Gloria Purvis and Deacon                 Fellowship Hall every week as we learn how to walk the
Harold Burke-Sivers and Take 2 With Jerry & Debby                path to holiness with Bishop Barron's “Untold Blessings”
Noon and Catholic Answers Live 4-6 PM - one of the               series. Together we will learn about three paths to holiness
most popular Catholic programs in the United States.             to draw us closer with God. Anyone is welcome to attend.
WTJW announces area Catholic church events and Catho-            Optional study guides can be ordered for $20 each. We will
lic organization activities. Please call us if we can be of      meet Thursdays, Oct. 1 to Nov. 12, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in
service 812-556-0552. Give us a listen on your next drive        Fellowship Hall. For registration or questions please email
time and see what you think! You might be pleased to             Joseph at or call the parish office.
learn something new about our wonderful Catholic faith.          Holy Trinity Garage & Bake Sale - Friday, Oct. 9th from
                                                                 Noon - 6 pm and Saturday, Oct. 10th from 8 am - Noon
Drivers Needed - Saint Joseph Church is continuing to
                                                                 at St. Joseph Parish Center. Do you have new or gently
provide release time religious education to public school
                                                                 used items that you have no use for anymore? We will take
children this year. They have purchased a mini-bus and           them, along with homemade baked goods for this event.
are looking for more volunteers to each drive it 1 day every     We can also use clothes hangers! The more donations we
month. NO special license is required to operate this size       receive, the better the sale! Items do not need to be priced.
of bus. Anyone who is interested should please contact           Flyers are available in the Narthex with more information.
Pam Freyberger at St. Joseph Church at 812-482-1805.             This is a public event and everyone is welcome!

6     Welcome to Holy Family Catholic Faith Community ~ Jasper, Indiana
THIS WEEK AT HOLY FAMILY                                                                                              PARISH/COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES
Sunday, September 27, 2020                                                                                            Holy Family Church has extended the special offer on
· Little Bible Study - Brute Room, 9:30 a.m.                                                                          Deluxe Edition Catholic Bibles with an easy-to-read font
Monday, September 28, 2020                                                                                            size. These Bibles use the NABRE translation, just like
· Cursillo Grouping - Seton Room, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                                                                    the Bibles we read from in Church. The Bibles look beau-
· Scouting DCA Team - Fellowship Hall, 5:00 - 7:00 pm                                                                 tiful with leather like embossed covers and gilt-edge pages.
· Stephen Ministry Commissioning - Church, 7:00 p.m.                                                                  We received our initial order of Bibles, and will be placing
Tuesday, September 29, 2020                                                                                           another order the first of October. A sample is available
· St. Vincent de Paul - Seton Room, 6:30 p.m.                                                                         in the parish office if you would like to preview it.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020                                                                                         These Bibles are $25 and if you are interested in placing an
· Quilting - Rectory Quilt Room, 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                                                               order, please call the parish office at 812-482-3076 or email
· First Communion Rehearsal - Church and Fellowship                                                                   Joseph at by the morning of Oct. 1st.
   Hall, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                      Drive Thru Dinners - Sunday, October 4, St. Raphael
Thursday, October 1, 2020
                                                                                                                      Campus in Dubois. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (or until sold
· Adult Faith Formation - Fellowship Hall, 7:00 - 8:15 pm
                                                                                                                      out) $15 plate includes Roast Beef, 1/4 Fried Chicken,
Sunday, October 4, 2020
                                                                                                                      Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Slaw, and Peach Cobbler.
· Little Bible Study - Brute Room, 9:30 a.m.
· First Communion Mass - Church, 12:30 p.m.                                                                           Please join us in a Public Square Rosary Rally Saturday,
· Patriotic Rosary - Church, 7:00 p.m.                                                                                October 10th at 12:00 Noon. America Needs Fatima is
MARK YOUR CALENDAR                                                                                                    sponsoring the Rosary all over the United States on the
October 12 - 15 - Priest Convocation - No Masses                                                                      10th at Noon in honor of Our Lady. It is especially
October 16 - 26 - Collection for Mission in Appalachia                                                                important to pray this year after all our world has encoun-
October 19 - 23 - Fall Break for Dubois County Schools                                                                tered. We sincerely hope you will join us as we safely
                                                                                                                      gather outside (please bring a chair or blanket to sit upon
                                                                                                                      and your Rosary) by our parish road sign marquise. The
PATRIOTIC ROSARY - Join us as we pray a beautiful                                                                     event will be moved indoors if rain is prevalent. Thank
rosary for our country with prayers from our founding                                                                 you for honoring Our Lady and her Son, Jesus Christ! If
fathers and patriotic songs sung between decades of the                                                               you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vikki
Rosary. Our Country needs prayer now more than ever.                                                                  Trout at (812) 309–2077. Thank you and God bless you!
Holy Family Church - Sunday, October 4th and Sunday,
November 1st at 7:00 p.m.                                                                                             Enjoy a Marriage Encounter Weekend from the comfort
Divine Mercy Parish at St. Anthony                                                                                    of your own home! We would not expect a car, or a
Church - each Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.                                                                                    house heating/air conditioning system to run for years
through October 6th.                                                                                                  without any servicing, so why do we expect our marriage
This powerful prayer was created for the                                                                              relationship to keep running smoothly without a little
consecration of our entire nation to her                                                                              maintenance? The Virtual Worldwide Marriage Encoun-
Immaculate Heart. Patriotic Rosary                                                                                    ter Weekend gives married couples the tools to keep their
Prayer Books are also available for those                                                                             relationship in top running condition. Upcoming week-
who are interested in praying at home.                                                                                ends are October 9-11, November 6-8, November 13-15
                                                                                                                      and November 20-22. Visit for further
Assistance Needed - Looking for help with a disabled man                                                              information. Quote from a couple who made a World-
in a wheelchair. For more information call 812-683-3237.                                                              wide Marriage Encounter Weekend: “Our Weekend will be
Your time and assistance would be greatly appreciated.                                                                a dramatic high point in our lives for years to come.”

Schnitzelbank                          JASPER PEDIATRICS
                                      721 W. 13th Street - Suite 321 • Jasper, Indiana 47546
                                        Phone - (812) 996-7918 • Fax - (812) 996-1644
                                                                                                                 Craig Hanneman
                                                                                                                  Financial Advisor
                                                                                                                     416 Jackson St.
      (812) 482-2640                                           Michael E. Ruff, M.D., F.A.A.P.
                                                               Douglas A. Bies, M.D., F.A.A.P.                      Jasper, IN 47546
             CATERING                                   Kathirene A. Wilcoxen, M.D., F.A.A.P.                        812-481-1035
          (812) 634-2584                                     Lindsey B. Taylor, M.D., F.A.A.P.
                                                            Yvonne S. Rominger, RN, C.F.N.P.                    CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS
         (812) 481-1888                           “Caring for your children from birth to 23”
                                                               Member SIPC                                   1805 Dispatch Rd., Jasper • 482-3535

 Hoosier Business Machines, Inc.       
                                            Jasper              Vincennes
          812-482-3736                   800-937-8721          800-264-0046

                                     Kim A. Messmer                                                                                                                                      BLIZZARDS             BLIZZARD CAKES
                                     Independent Director/Consultant
                                                                                                                                                                                         SUNDAES                           CAKES
                                     (812) 634-1646 office
                                     (812) 630-1622 cell                                                                               Affordable, Independent Senior Living Community   CONES                            SHAKES
                                                                                                                 660 Rumbach Ave • 482-5913                        At the “Y” in Jasper
                                                                                                            Linda R. Gerber - Property Mgr.                         482-2766

		                                 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                              Holy Family Catholic Church, Jasper, IN                                      B 4C 01-1212
Since 1875

                                                                                                             P.O. Box 643
   EATON MONUMENT CO., INC.                                                                             Jasper, IN 47547-0643
            Tom Kellams
   658 N. 490 W., Jasper, IN 47546                                                                        Fax: (812) 482-5870
   812.482.7080         Cell   309.9132                                                            (812) 482-5869 • (812) 482-7469

                                                      MEHRINGER                                     CARPET                                                                     “The Buy From Me,
                                                      METAL DESIGN, LLC                            WAREHOUSE                                                                  Sell for Free Company”
                                                           Custom Powdercoating                       “Quality you can stand on”                 Brenda Welsh                                                                 Andy Welsh
                                                                  650 Woodlawn (off Hwy. 162) • Next to VUJC                                     216 W. 6th St., Jasper, IN
                                                           Phone: 812.634.6100                       (812) 482-5692                               309-0630                                                                   309-0628
                                             919 E. 14th St. | Jasper, IN 47546                                                         
                                             (812) 634-6646                721 W. 13th Street                                                     Gift Shop and Scholar Shop
                                                                                    Suite 322
                                                                            Jasper, IN 47546                                                                                200 Hill Drive
                                                                                                                                                                        St Meinrad, IN 47577

                                                Ann B. Patterson M.D., PC                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                KNIES FLOOR & WALL COVERING
                               Still the                PIEPER-BURNS                                                                                   CERAMIC TILE • CARPETING
                               Original               INSURANCE AGENCY                                                                              VINYL FLOORING INSTALLATIONS
                                              Auto • Life • Health • Home • Business                                                                 1742 SOUTH A STREET, JASPER
          (812) 936-2962                                                                                                                                                                                       “Simply the Best”
8498 W. State Road 56 • French Lick, IN       415 CLAY ST. • JASPER      482-5151                                                                              482-4434                          • 482-1200

                                                                                                  HOLIDAY FOODS                                                    Doctor. Surgeon.
                                                                                                Jasper Manor Shopping Center                                               Healer. Friend.
                                                                                                           482-4464                                                 Dr. Daniel C. Eby, Orthopedic Surgeon
                                                                                                                                                                    Saint Thomas Medical Center
                                                                                                   “Fast, Friendly Service                                          600 W. 13th St., Ste. 200, Jasper, IN. 47546
                                                                                                  All the way to your car”                                              812.482.7441 •

                                                                                                      Monuments, Inc.
                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 430
                                                                                                                   Dale, Indiana

                                             DEBBIE K. ALLEN                                                                                         Contact Heather Benefiel to place an ad today!
                                             812-482-1300                                                                                    or (800) 477-4574 x6464
                                             2408 Newton St. • Jasper, IN 47546-1326

                                                                                                                                                                                                           1163 Wernsing Rd. • 634-7030

                                                              Andrea M Lichlyter
                                                              Financial Advisor
                                                              860 Third Avenue

      Indiana                                                 Jasper, IN 47546

                                             STERNBERG                                                                                                                                                                WHOLESALE • RETAIL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CUSTOM PROCESSING

                                                    Chrysler • Jeep                                                                                                                                       3994 W. 180 N. • 482-7020
                                                Ford • Dodge • Ram                                                                                     In the “Y” Jasper, IN 47546                      MERKLEY & SONS                           482-5125
                                                                                                                                               “We’ll Give You Lots of Great Reasons to Visit Tom’s”    PACKING CO., INC.

                                                                                                                                                    Werner Sawmill Inc.
                                                                                                                                                              GRADE LUMBER
                                                                                                                                                            PALLET DIMENSION
                                                                                                                                                   3545 North 550 West • Jasper, IN 47546
                                                                                                                                                          Kevin - Sawmill Manager                       205 E. 6th Street • Jasper, IN
                                                                                                 Hwy. 231 N. Jasper, IN 47546 • 812-482-2020
                                                                                                                                                    (812) 634-9444 • Fax: (812) 482-4883
                                                                                                                                               Tim - Timber Buyer       Luke - Trucking Dept.
                                                                                                             Cell: 630-6354               Cell: 630-6356             Brad Eckerle          Phil Buehler

BECHER-KLUESNER                              James Schoenbachler Construction LLC                      Animal Medical Center
                                                                                                       of Dubois County, P.C.
 Funeral Homes, Inc.                         Building and Remodeling
                                             Woodworking & more                                          1390 Crossroads Ave. Jasper
    Downtown & North Chapels                 717 East 15th Street, Jasper, IN 47546                  CHARLES R. JOHNSON, D.V.M
          812-482-4141                       Cell: (812) 630-2026                                     LORI H. MEHRINGER, D.V.M.                 Home: (812) 634-6130                                      MOLLY R. JOHNSON, D.V.M                   All Your Home Improvement Needs!                   (812) 634-9752    Fax (812) 482-7293

                                                                                                     (812) 482-6766
                                                                                                 402 3RD AVENUE JASPER, IN 47546

		                                         For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                              Holy Family Catholic Church, Jasper, IN                                          A 4C 01-1212
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