Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...

Page created by Dolores Bell
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
Sh i pshew
          m      p



                         Hebrews 12:28

          Su m mer Cam p 2020

Financial Assistance Available   www.CampShipshewana.org
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
                                                 “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom
                                                   that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful,
                                                   and so worship God acceptably with reverence
                                                   and awe,.”                      Hebrews 12:28

2020 Executive Director Letter to Parents                                    campfires. There are numerous
                                                                             opportunities for campers to
Dear Camper Families,                   This summer at Camp                  make spiritual discoveries, as well
It’s our 100th Anniversary! We          Shipshewana 2020, our 300+           as develop friendships which will
have been worshiping God on             campers will receive a kingdom       last a lifetime! Invest in the eternal
the south shore of Shipshewana          that is UNSHAKEN. Our twelve         future of your loved ones! Sign
Lake since 1920. For ten decades        college age Summer Staff enjoy       them up for Camp Shipshewana
this ministry has sought to bring       worshiping with campers all day      today!
glory to God. There have been           and around a glowing campfire.
                                                                             Check out our website for
good times and some really rough        We desire to connect campers
                                                                             details on financial assistance.
times. Through it all we have been      with new activities, new friends
                                                                             The Brethren Retreat at
thankful and stayed focused upon        & a mighty God. Will you send us
                                                                             Shipshewana Lake desires that
our founding principles;                your loved ones?
                                                                             any child be able to attend camp
•	Impact Youth with the Salvation      Please send us your loved ones!      despite stressed family finances.
   Message of Jesus Christ              Encourage them to bring a friend     We understand that there are
•	Refresh Adults Weary from            or two. This may be a summer         certain situations that make
   Battling the World                   that creates an eternal difference   families unable to afford camp
•	Reconnect Families Torn Apart        in their life. REMEMBER: You can     fees for their children. For this
   by Busy Schedules                    attend for FREE! Register three      reason, the Brethren Retreat has
                                        new campers to attend with you.      designated a “Campership Fund”
We want to worship God                                                       to provide financial assistance to
with reverence and awe this             Camp Shipshewana offers an
                                        overwhelming value at a fair         families in need.
It is our desire to explore the seven   price. The Brethren Retreat at       Please call me if you have any
ways to worship. We want to teach       Shipshewana Lake provides            questions about attending a Camp
our campers how to worship God          a valuable and distinctive           Shipshewana program. I desire
acceptably and with awe. Our            opportunity for your family!         to make Camp Shipshewana
God is a mighty God. He longs for       Campers will engage in new           a valuable and distinctive
our sweet fragrance of worship in       adventures. They will share          experience for you and your child.
praise, song, dance, celebration,       with peers from diverse
                                                                              See ya around the campfire,
service, submission, and prayer.        backgrounds in a safe
                                        environment. College-                     Rick Miller
We will share Bible stories that
                                        age staff will lead                         Executive Director
illustrate how the many characters
in the Bible worshiped God. We          worship services, teach
will memorize Bible verses to help      eternal truths during
campers sing, pray and celebrate        Bible studies, and share
as they worship.                        testimonies at
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
NEW ACTIVITY                                           WACKY WEDNESDAY
LOTS OF NEW FUN STUFF! We have replaced the            Camp Shipshewana has officially named Wacky
25’ Aqua Jump with a 7’ floating Ice Berg. Can you     Wednesday as a camp tradition! Every Wednesday
conquer the Ice Berg Mountain? Everyone loves          during camp, we encourage everyone to dress
Octaball. So we rebuilt it with two entry points.      as crazy as possible. You can wear hats, wigs,
Do you have the energy to pedal fast? Then you         outdated clothes, goofy clothes, fake glasses, face
will love our six new Pedal Karts and track on         paint, mismatched shoes, or anything else you
Horseshoe Acres. How is your aim? Test it out on       can think of! Our only rule is that all clothing is
the refurbished Frisbee golf course. Do you like       appropriate for the camp setting. So, bring your
hammock time? Then you will enjoy the hammock          Wacky Wednesday outfit to Camp Shipshewana!
station available on Horseshow Acres.
Give A Great Gift!                                     Amphitheater, Air Hockey, Aqua Jump with Mini
Send your loved ones to Camp Shipshewana as            Blob & log, Archery. Basketball, Bible Stories, Bible
a gift from you. This could be a Birthday gift, a      Dramas, Boating, Campfire, Canoeing, Canteen/
Christmas gift, or an “I Love You” gift. You can       Snacks, Carpet ball, Challenge Course Elements,
impact youth with the salvation message by giving      Competition & Tournaments, Field Games, Football,
them a memorable experience which will change          Frisbee Golf, Fun Bugs, Handcrafts, Hi Li, Hiking,
their eternal future. That’s more valuable than any    Human Foosball, 7’ Iceberg, Kayaks, 9-Square-in-
plastic toy that comes in a cardboard box or           the-Air, Octaball, Pedal Carts, Ping-Pong, Puppetry,
a digital device that distracts their attention. Did   Shuffle Board, Skit Night, 6’ Pushball, Spike ball,
you know that several of our campers have heeded       Swimming, Singing, Table Soccer, Talent Night,
the call to full time ministry? Buy your loved one     Tether Ball, Sand Volleyball…and LOTS MORE FUN!!
a gift to attend Camp Shipshewana…or offer
a scholarship gift that provides any child to
attend Camp Shipshewana this summer!
You will be blessed for this outreach effort.
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
“I learned
that I need
  to guard
 my heart
  and love                           GrandCamp
                                     Friday, June 5th to
 my body”                            Sunday, June 7th
    - Ella                           Registration @ 6:30 pm
                                     Camp Concludes: Sunday noon
Ignite Camper
                                     4-14 yr olds & Adult(s)
                                     2 nights/5 meals
                                     FEE: $110.00ea*
                                     Deposit: $60.00ea
                                     Balance Due May 31st: $50.00ea

                                     It’s only a weekend but a lifetime
                                     of memories. This is a great
                                     opportunity to create a life-long
                                     memory with your Grandchild or
                    “I really like   Grandparent. The Grand Camp
                                     schedule will be full of choices to
                     quiet time”     allow you to spend time in a variety
                       - Teagan      of activities to enhance your Grand
                    Ignite Camper    Camp experience. Only a few large
                                     group activities will be planned
                                     during this 2-day camp. Lodging
                                     will be dormitory style in the
                                     Retreat Haus. This camp coincides
                                     with Parent-Child Camp.

   “I learned
    I should
    read the
  Bible when
   in doubt”
       - Flo
  Fuel Camper

Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
Registrations paid in full by April 30th receive a gift certificate

                                             redeemable in the Brethren Retreat’s Novelty Nook

                                             *The total camp fee is the sum of the Deposit and the
                                              Balance Due payment.

Parent -                                Ignite Camp                            Fuel Camp
Child Camp                              Sunday, June 14th to                   Sunday, June 21st to
Friday, June 5th to                     Saturday, June 20th                    Saturday, June 27th
Sunday, June 7th                        Registration @ 3:30 pm                 Registration @ 3:30 pm
                                        Closing Program: Sat. 10:00 am         Closing Program: Sat. 10:00 am
Registration @ 6:30 pm
Camp Concludes: Sunday noon             11-14 yr olds                          8-11 yr olds
4-14 yr olds & Adult(s)                 6 nights/17 meals                      6 nights/17 meals
2 nights/5 meals                        Please join us for the FREE Family     Please join us for the FREE Family
FEE: $110.00ea*                         Picnic after the Closing Program       Picnic after the Closing Program
Deposit: $60.00ea                       FEE: $365.00*                          FEE: $365.00*
Balance Due May 31st: $50.00ea          Deposit: $185.00                       Deposit: $185.00
                                        Balance Due May 31st: $180.00          Balance Due May 31st: $180.00
Parents – What are you doing to
nurture the spiritual formation of                                             Find the Fuel to grow your faith
                                        Ignite your life with new
your child? Take them to Camp                                                  and create stronger friendships
                                        experiences, special friends, and a
Shipshewana this year to establish                                             for a whole week. Fuel Camp
                                        stronger faith. Ignite Camp involves
a strong foundation between you                                                is an excellent opportunity for
                                        many interesting recreational
and your children. There are many                                              elementary students to develop
                                        activities that challenge Jr. Hi
fun activities to choose from to                                               new friendships and explore
                                        students to cooperate as a group
create life-long memories to share.                                            the need for accepting Jesus
                                        in order to succeed. Ignite Camp
Come to Camp Shipshewana and                                                   Christ as their personal Savior.
                                        embraces the individual needs of
enjoy activities like swimming,                                                Program emphasis includes Bible
                                        a camper seeking Biblical answers
canoeing, crafts, Bible stories, a                                             memorization and promoting
                                        to overcome the struggles faced at
campfire, games and archery. The                                               friendships. Bible stories and
                                        home, school, and life in general.
Parent-Child Camp schedule will                                                characters are utilized as practical
                                        College-age staff serve as leaders
be full of choices to allow you to                                             illustrations for the need to be
                                        to guide activities and discussions
spend time in a variety of activities                                          responsible, obey parents, and
                                        in a secure environment. Campfire
to enhance your camp experience.                                               live honestly. College-age staff
                                        testimonies are a traditional
Lodging will be dormitory style in                                             serve as role models for campers
                                        favorite of this camp.
the Retreat Haus. Bring the whole                                              to emulate these qualities in
family! This camp coincides with                                               life. Fuel Camp also involves
Grand Camp.                                                                    exciting activities which promote
                                                                               participation and friendly
                                                                               competition in a safe environment.

                                                                         Hebrews 12:28
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
BIBLE CAMPS (Continued)
Blaze Camp                             Mini Camp                              C.I.T. Camp
Sunday, June 28th to                   Sunday, July 19th to                   14 yrs old by September 1st
Thursday, July 2nd                     Tuesday, July 21st                     Registration @ 3:00 pm, Sunday
Registration @ 3:30 pm                 Registration @ 3:30 pm                 Camp Concludes: 12:00 pm, Saturday
Closing Worship: Thursday 4:30 pm      Closing Program: Tuesday 4:30 pm
                                                                              FEE: $111.00*
14-18 yr olds                          6-8 yr olds                            (6-day camp session)
6 nights/17 meals                      2 nights/6 meals                       Deposit: $56.00
Please join us for the FREE Family     Please join us for the FREE Family     Balance Due May 31st: $55.00
Picnic after the Closing Program       Picnic after the Closing Program       C.I.T. Camp is a weekly counselor
FEE: $254.00*                          FEE: $133.00*                          training program to develop
                                                                              servant leadership characteristics.
Deposit: $131.00                       Deposit: $70.00
Balance Due May 31st: $123.00          Balance Due May 31st: $63.00           Only five C.I.T. positions are
                                                                              available each camp session. C.I.T.
Blaze a trail into life with passion   Mini Camp is a short version           Campers share in developing
and power to serve Jesus Christ.       of other Bible Camps for early         a team bond, daily devotions,
Blaze Camp offers distinctive          elementary students. Program           a facility improvement project,
memories developed in a unique         emphasis includes: explaining          large group camper activities,
community of Sr. Hi students and       “Who is Jesus?”, learning the Books    support roles in camp food service
young adult leaders. Campers are       of the Bible, being responsible        & housekeeping, managing the
guided by young adult couples          for self, and stressing the need       Canteen, exploring opportunities
to answer questions about              to obey parents. Mini Camp also        for Christian camping careers, and
relationships, college, careers,       involves time for many simple          a special C.I.T. team outing. C.I.T.
and God’s will for their lives.        and fun games for the campers          Camp is hard work with lots of
Life-long friendships are welded       to participate in. Mini Camp is        fun. Explore God’s call for your life
together as campers share their        an excellent program, providing        through a week of serving as a C.I.T
fears and hopes for the future.        young children a chance to develop     at Camp Shipshewana 2020.
Many opportunities to experience       confidence and independence, as
leadership roles allow campers to      well as familiarizing campers with
develop Christian leadership skills.   the facility of the Brethren Retreat
The love of Jesus Christ shared        at Shipshewana Lake for many
in Blaze Camp is an assurance          years of enriching camp memories.
of security as the future unfolds.
Experience Blaze Camp to help
power your future.
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
“I love the free time that Blaze camp has” - Mia Blaze Camp

Registrations paid in full by April 30th receive
a gift certificate redeemable in the Brethren
Retreat’s Novelty Nook

*The total camp fee is the
  sum of the Deposit and
  the Balance Due payment.

                                                                       “The coffee cake
                                                                       is sooooo good”
                                                                           - Madison
                                                                          Blaze Camp

       “I learned to have
          a pure heart”
      - Natalie Mini Camp

                                                   “This week I learned to sing new
                                                       songs and praise Jesus”
                                                         - Autumn Mini Camp
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
Campers may attend any 2020 Specialty Camp for $225.00 if
registered and attend another 6-day Camp Shipshewana 2020 session.              *The total camp fee is the sum
                                                                                  of the Deposit and the Balance
Registrations paid in full by April 30th receive a gift certificate               Due payment.
redeemable in the Brethren Retreat’s Novelty Nook

                                          Archery                                Nature
Campers spend up to                       Camp                                   Discovery
four hours with their                     Sunday, June 28th to                   Camp
specific activity and the                 Thursday, July 2nd                     Sunday, June 28th to
rest of the day includes                  Registration @ 3:30 pm                 Thursday, July 2nd
other fun camp activities.                Closing Program: Thursday 4:30 pm      Registration @ 3:30 pm
                                          9-13 yr olds                           Closing Program: Thursday 4:30 pm
Campers will have daily
                                          4 nights/12 meals/1 excursion          9-13 yr olds
Bible lesson, worship, and
                                          Please join us for the FREE Family     4 nights/12 meals
devotions and conclude
                                          Picnic after the Closing Program       Please join us for the FREE Family
with a snack and                                                                 Picnic after the Closing Program
                                          FEE: $260.00*
                                          Deposit: $150.00                       FEE: $260.00*
                                          Balance Due May 31st: $110.00
                                          Take aim at the Bulls eye! Learn
                                                                                 Deposit: $150.00
                                                                                 Balance Due May 31st: $110.00
                                          how to safely shoot a bow and   ArcGod
                                                                               her  made yit allCforam    p
                                                                                                     us! Creation
                                          arrow. Enjoy various games and
                                          challenges on the archery range.
                                                                           “I le
                                                                              is a
                                                                                   arned toto take care
                                                                                   gift from God, but we also
                                                                              have a responsibility
                                          Campers will spend up to four    shofothis
                                                                                  otgift.aDigbintoow the book of
                                          hours a day with this specific
                                          activity. The rest of the day will
                                                                                 arro       winteresting
                                                                                                 s” nature
                                                                              Genesis to learn about creation.
                                          include many other favorite            activities that demonstrate
                                          camp activities. Campers will          the handiwork of God.
                                          be involved in a daily Bible
                                          lesson, worship, and devotions.

“This week I learned
that we need to love
each other.” – Megan
      Archery Camp
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
Cooking Camp                           Sports Camp
Sunday, July 5th to                    Sunday, July 5th to
Thursday, July 9th                     Thursday, July 9th                          “I liked swimming”
Registration @ 3:30 pm
Closing Program: Thursday 4:30 pm
                                       Registration @ 3:30 pm
                                       Closing Program: Thursday 4:30 pm
                                                                                           – Zak
9-13 yr olds                           9-13 yr olds
                                                                                       Sports Camp
4 nights/12 meals                      4 nights/12 meals
Please join us for the FREE Family     Please join us for the FREE Family
Picnic after the Closing Program       Picnic after the Closing Program
FEE: $260.00*                          FEE: $260.00*
Deposit: $150.00                       Deposit: $150.00
Balance Due May 31st: $110.00          Balance Due May 31st: $110.00
What did God’s children eat during     Do you enjoy sports? Wanna mix it up
Bible times? Come to Cooking           on the court, field, or in water? Then
Camp to explore some of the foods      Sports Camp is for you! Enjoy many
talked about in the Bible. Learn why   various sporting activities, contests &
certain foods were prepared for        tournaments such as: tetherball, 1-on-
holy ceremonies and out of             1 & 3-on-3 basketball, a challenging
necessity. Search the Scriptures for   obstacle course, swimming, beach-
references of spices and why they      style volleyball, shuffleboard, ping
were used. Enjoy an opportunity to     pong, air hockey, soccer, boating
prepare a recipe to cook indoors.      races, archery, punt, pass & kick.
Experience cooking outdoors over       There are many opportunities for
a fire, on a stick, wrapped in foil    competitions, as individuals and in
and in a cast iron pot.  Activities    teams. A fitness routine will begin the
will be focused around nutrition       morning to help wake up the campers
and healthy eating habits.             . . . and staff. The camp objective is
                                       to illustrate how we all have many         “I learned to pray
                                       talents to make up the body of Christ.
                                       We will also discuss the character
                                                                                 to God even if it is
                                       habits for winning and losing.              just a short little
                                                                                   prayer” – Hanna
                                                                                     Sports Camp
 “My favorite food was the broccoli
cheese soup” – Jessilyn Cooking Camp
Unshaken Hebrews 12:28 Summer Cam p 2020 - Financial Assistance Available www.CampShipshewana.org - Brethren Retreat ...
CAMPS                                     Registrations paid in full by April 30th receive a gift certificate
                                          redeemable in the Brethren Retreat’s Novelty Nook

                                          *The total camp fee is the sum of the Deposit and the
                                           Balance Due payment.

Canoe Camp                                              BlazeX Camp - extended
Sunday, July 5th to Saturday, July 11th                 Thursday, July 2nd to Saturday, July 4th
Registration @ 3:00 pm                                  Registration @ 6:00 pm
Camp Concludes: Saturday 10:30 am                       Camp Concludes: Saturday 11:00 am
13-16 yr olds		                                         14-19 yr olds
6 nights/17 meals/4 excursions                          2 nights/4 meals
Please join us for the FREE Family Picnic after the     Please join us for the FREE Family Picnic after the
Closing Program                                         Closing Program
FEE: $334.00*                                           FEE: $97.00*
Deposit: $175.00                                        Deposit: $55.00
Balance Due May 31st: $159.00                           Balance Due May 31st: $42.00
NEW! Do you love canoeing? Do you want to learn         You asked for it. Here it is. Blaze Camp - extended.
how to canoe better? Many adventures await              Enjoy two more days of Blaze Camp with your
you. Fascinating opportunities to explore God’s         friends on Horseshoe Acres & our NEW Pedal
creation on local scenic waters. Enjoy a week of        Kart Track. Friday will include an off-site canoe
wilderness camping on Camp Shipshewana’s                trip and picnic. Enjoy sleeping in a tent or
Horseshoe Acres with our NEW Pedal Kart Track!          hammock and cooking over a fire. Relax with a
Learn how to survive in a tent or hammock and eat       time of reflection and recreation in God’s creation.
food cooked over a campfire. Daily devotionals and      Morning devotionals and evening campfires
campfires inspire campers and staff alike. Canoe        inspire campers and staff alike. This is BlazeX !
campers experience biblical applications through
various activities. Sign up to experience a whole
new adventure! This new camp session promises
to create memories which will last a lifetime.

                                                                     “I really enjoyed
                                                                      the campfires”
                                                                     - Inge Blaze Camp
“I learned that I                              www.CampShipshewana.org
   need to always trust
  Jesus no matter what
  happens” – Breaunna,
          Pioneer Camp

Horseshoe Acres @ Brethren Retreat
Sunday, July 19th to
Saturday, July 25th
Registration @ 3:00 pm
Closing Program: Saturday 10:30 am
10-12 yr olds
6 nights/17 meals /4 excursions
Please join us for the FREE Family Picnic
after the Closing Program on Horseshoe Acres
FEE: $334.00*
Deposit: $175.00
Balance Due May 31st: $159.00
Enjoy a week of wilderness camping on Camp
Shipshewana’s Horseshoe Acres. Pioneer
Campers will set a base camp near the picnic
shelter on Horseshoe Acres. Each day, campers
will pioneer to different locations to experience
God’s creation. Pioneer campers will canoe on a
gentle river, hike through county parks, conquer
a challenge course, and visit a Nature Center.
Campers will learn how to set up and pack away
their tents, cook meals over a fire, and other
wilderness skills. Daily adventures will begin
with a devotional. A time for evening snacks,
reflection, and praise around a crackling
campfire will conclude each day.

                                              UNSHAKEN  Hebrews 12:28

    “My favorite activity was                          “My favorite food was when
learning how to set up the tents”                        we ate hobo dinners”
     – London Pioneer Camp                               – Ariana Pioneer Camp

WHAT TO BRING:                   PLEASE LEAVE                           TECHNOLOGY
Friends                          AT HOME:                               FAST CHALLENGE:
Modest Clothing*                 We desire to create a safe             To obtain the best Camp
Jacket/Sweatshirt                atmosphere free of distractions.       Shipshewana experience, we
Outdoor Clothing                 Our objective is to create a           challenge you to consider a
Wacky Wednesday Outfit           temporary community for God to         technology fast during your
Comfortable Shoes                grow lives. We understand that         camp session. Break free from
One-Piece Swimsuit               in our world of connectedness          the distractions of the world.
Aqua Shoes                       anxiety can develop while being        Provide an opportunity to hear
Rain-Wear                        unplugged from loved ones. We          the still quiet voice of the Holy
Towel/Washcloth                  ask that parents assist us in          Spirit speak to you. Please
Toiletries                       maximizing their child’s outdoor       leave all electronic devices at
Sunscreen                        camp experience by leaving             home or turned off. You may be
Insect Repellent                 the following items at home:           surprised what God has to say
Laundry Bag                                                             to your heart during camp.
Bedding/Pillow                   Excessive Snacks, Paintball
Flashlight                       Guns and Balls, Sharp Objects
                                 & Knives, Skateboards, Posters,         “The best activity
Disposable Camera                Fireworks, Lighters & Gum,             was when we made
Notebook & Pen/Pencil            Cell Phones, Digital Games,
                                 Electronic Devices, Radios.            rain sticks in crafts”
Smiles!                                                                   – Abby Fuel Camp
Adventure campers will           As need arises, parents may contact their child through email, US postal
receive specific gear list       mail, Facebook fan page, and camp office fax. In an emergency, please
upon registration.               contact the Brethren Retreat at 260.768.4519(office) or 260.336.2470
                                 (Executive Director’s Mobile). You are encouraged to check our website
INAPPROPRIATE                    for daily activity updates and pictures of your camper child.
*Inappropriate clothing           “I learned that I
includes items that:
• Expose the midriff or
                                  need to love not
   undergarments                   only God, but
• Promote alcohol,
   tobacco, or profanity
                                  myself as well” –
• Display obscenity,             Hope Blaze Camp
   vulgarity, or violence

UNSHAKEN                Hebrews 12:28
Camp Shipshewana
o First Time Camper                                o Early Bird

Name __________________________________________________________             Sex ___ Age ___ Birth ___ /___ /___ Grade Fall ’20 ______________________

Address ________________________________________________________            Shirt Size: Adult – S M L XL 2X Youth – S M L

City ___________________________ State _______ Zip________________          Church _________________________ Pastor ____________________________

Parent /Guardian _______________________________________________            Parent’s Place of Employment _______________________________________

Home Phone ( ________ )_________________________________________            Occupation________________________________________________________

Cell Phone ( ________) ___________________________________________          Parent’s Work Phone ( ________ ) _____________________________________

Parent E-Mail ___________________________________________________           Camper E-Mail _____________________________________________________

Bunkmate (1 ONLY – MUST BE RECIPROCAL REQUEST TO BE HONORED)___________________________________________________________________

CAMP ATTENDING: (Check ONE only) CAMP DATES:________________________ This is my ___ year at camp.

2-DAY CAMPS            o ParentChild         o Grandcamp               o Mini Bible              o Blaze Ext.
4-DAY CAMPS            o Blaze               o Nature Discovery                o Archery         o Cooking            o Sports
6-DAY CAMPS            o Ignite              o Fuel          o Pioneer         o Canoe Camp

                          PAYMENT INFORMATION: Please note the cancellation & refund policy listed in this registration brochure.
                                 For your financial convenience, families may choose to make four monthly payments by
                                                   February 28th, March 28th, April 28th, and May 28th.
                                      Credit card payments can be accepted at our website: www.brethrenretreat.org.
                                                                                                                             CAMP OFFICE USE ONLY
Camp Registration Fees               $ __________ o Deposit Only o Full Payment                                              Church________________
The total Camp Registration Fee equals the sum of the Deposit Payment and Balance Due Payment.
                                                                                                                             Rec’d _________________
Andrew Club (less $40.00)          – $ ___________ Andrew Club Friend:_______________________
                                                                                                                             Amt. Pd. ______________
Camp Photo ($6 each)              + $ __________                                                                             Bal. Rem.______________
Staff Photo ($6 each)             + $ _________                                                                              Bal Pd. ________________
Campership Fund                         10.00 o YES! o No (Your tax deductible gift helps
                                  + $ _________
                                                                       campers attend camp)                                  Dep Pd ________________
                                                                                                                             P _____________________
PAYMENT:                      $ _________ o Enclosed o Online payment
                                                                                                                             C _____________________
Scholarship Request: o Partial @25% o Full @75% (Assistance must be requested
			                                                                   by Financial Aid Application)                          Reimb. Amt. ___________
DEPOSIT: Due April 30th Balance Due PAYMENT: Due May 31st

Mail payment to: BRETHREN RETREAT AT SHIPSHEWANA LAKE • 9095 W 275 N • Shipshewana, IN 46565-9437

  GO TO CAMP FREE!                                                             EMAIL ADDRESSES NEEDED:
  Register three first time campers to attend
                                                                               Help us communicate with you more effectively.
  Camp Shipshewana with you and receive a FREE Camp                            Please record your family’s email addresses in the
  Shipshewana registration. This discount is not available                     proper space on the registration form.
  for 2-day camp sessions (Mini Camp, Parent-Child &
  Grand Camp).                                                                           Become a fan of the Brethren Retreat at
  Camper #1: ________________________________________                                    Shipshewana Lake on Facebook.
                                                                                         Follow us on Twitter and Instagram:
  Camper #2: _______________________________________
  Camper #3: _______________________________________
       CAMP SHIPSHEWANA 2020 MEDICAL FORM                                          REGISTER
                                                                                   • Use a separate registration for each
Camper’s Name__________________________________________________                       camp attending and each camper.
Emergency contact other than parent:                                               • Complete all of the REGISTRA-
                                                                                      TION/ & MEDICAL FORM!

Name___________________________________________________________                    • Invite your friends to attend with
                                                                                      you to obtain discounts, gifts and
                                                                                      free camp certificates
Relationship:______________ Phone:________________________________                 • For your financial convenience,
                                                                                      families may choose to make four
                      PARENT’S AUTHORIZATION                                          monthly payments by
This Health History is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described      February 28th, March 28th, April
has permission to engage in all prescribed camp activities, except as noted by        28th, and May 28th. Credit card
me below. I recognize that certain hazards and dangers are inherent in camp           payments can be accepted at our
events and programs. I further understand that my child shares responsibility         website
for his/her safety and I have instructed my child in the importance of knowing        www.campshipshewana.org
and abiding by camp rules, regulations, and procedures for the safety of camp      • Incomplete or late camp fee pay-
participants. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give         ments may automatically cancel
permission to the physician selected by the Brethren Retreat to hospitalize,          the registration which will result in
secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for       a $100.00 administration fee being
my child as named above. Should it be necessary for him/her to return home            retained
during the week because of illness, accident, homesickness, or conduct, I will        (see cancellation policy).
abide by the camp’s decision in this matter and provide transportation.            • All youth may attend Camp
  I also give permission for the person named to be photographed                      Shipshewana, regardless of church
and/or videotaped for promotional purposes.                                           affiliation.

Signature__________________________________________ Date________________
Insurance Provider____________________________________ #________________           POLICY
                                                                                   Cancellations must be submitted in
HEALTH HISTORY (Check if applies)                                                  writing no later than 30 days prior to
Immunization: o Complete       o Incomplete                                        attendance to obtain a refund less
                                                                                   a $100.00 administrative fee or the
o Allergies o Asthma            o Bladder Control                                  deposit paid (whichever is less).
o Convulsions        o Diabetes o Ear Infections                                   Cancellations submitted in writing
o Hay fever          o Headaches           o Insect stings                         with less than 30 days notice prior
o Ivy Poisoning      o Medications         o Special Diet                          to attendance will be refunded only
                                                                                   25% of the total registration fee.
Date of Tetanus Booster (IMPORTANT!)___________________________________            Camp fees are nonrefundable and
                                                                                   non-transferable if a camper is
Behavior Traits/Disorders_______________________________________________           withdrawn from a camp session early
Medications * _________________________________________________________            due to homesickness or dismissed
                                                                                   for disruptive behavior.
Operations in last 12 months____________________________________________           Camp fees will be prorated in cases
                                                                                   of campers withdrawn from a camp
Specific restrictions____________________________________________________
                                                                                   session due to an accident or illness.
Explain above/other____________________________________________________            No refunds are extended if a camper
                                                                                   is removed from a camp session
______________________________________________________________________             without written consent of a health
                                                                                   care specialist.
  arents will be asked to complete additional information for
 prescriptions being administered during camp.
FYI                                   www.CampShipshewana.org

 REGISTER EARLY!                       A FREE PICNIC                        SPECIAL RATES &
 Some camp sessions fill               LUNCH                                CAMP PACKAGES:
 up quickly. Register early            will be provided for all Bible       Register with payment in full
 to guarantee your spot!               Camps, Specialty Camps, Canoe        by April 30th to receive a gift
 Registrations beyond capacity will    Camp and Pioneer Camp families       certificate redeemable in the
 be put on a waiting list.             following the closing programs.      Brethren Retreat’s Novelty Nook.
 FOR THE SAFETY                        Enjoy time listening to your         Register a 1st time camper to
                                       child’s camp experience and          attend Camp Shipshewana with
 OF ALL CAMPERS:                       meeting his/her counselor before     you to earn membership into
 Visitation is permitted only on
                                       returning home. The Pioneer &        the ANDREW CLUB. Andrew
 opening and closing days. We
                                       Canoe Camp picnic will be held       Club members will receive a $40
 desire to keep the campus free
                                       on Horseshoe Acres following the     credit toward their camp fees, a
 from unexpected disruptions of
                                       Closing Program. All other camp      special gift at closing program,
 the camp program. Unannounced
                                       session picnics will gather west     and a FREE registration to Snow
 visitors will be asked to leave the
                                       of the Layman’s Lodge at the         Camp or Winter Blast 2021! (not
 premises immediately.
                                       Ardmore Picnic Shelter. A Sunday     available for Family Members
 HOMESICKNESS:                         Noon Dinner following a time of      and Mini-Campers). Look for
 The Brethren Retreat Staff are        Praise & Worship will conclude       special package rates to attend
 well-prepared to assist your          the Grand Camp, Parent and           more than one camp session at a
 child with issues related to          Child Camp.                          discounted rate.
 homesickness. We understand           FINANCIAL                            CANTEEN &
 that being separated from your
 loved one can cause emotional
                                       ASSISTANCE:                          SNACKS:
                                       Please inquire at your church        During Bible Camps and Specialty
 and physical anxiety for a child,
                                       about financial support to           Camps, the Canteen is open each
 as well as the parent. Please
                                       attend a Christian camp.             afternoon for snacks. Bible Camp
 assist us in helping your family
                                       Families may apply for financial     and Specialty Camp fees include
 grow through the homesickness
                                       assistance through the Brethren      2 items from the Canteen each
 process by not encouraging your
                                       Retreat’s Campership Fund by         afternoon. Adventure Camps
 child to call home. Instead, focus
                                       requesting an application at www.    pack a snack for each evening.
 on the positive aspects of a camp
                                       brethrenretreat.org or calling the   Please avoid bringing excessive
 experience, like fun counselors,
                                       Camp Office.                         snacks to camp. Adventure
 new friends, and exciting
                                                                            Campers may wish to bring
 activities. Thank You!
                                                                            $25.00 to purchase souvenirs at
 EARLY PICK UPS:                                                            the various activity centers.
 Please make written
 arrangements at registration
 for early pick ups and provide a
 reminder call the day of the early
 pick up. There are NO early pick
 ups for Adventure Camps.

“I liked playing steal the
  bacon bubble soccer!”
     – Kate Ignite Camp
“My favorite food
was the enchiladas!”
 – Sam Blaze Camp

The Brethren Retreat’s Novelty
Nook will be open for campers
& parents to purchase a favorite
Camp Shipshewana souvenir.
The Novelty Nook is located in
the lower level of the Retreat
Haus. Help promote the Brethren
Retreat with your favorite
souvenir sweatshirt, t-shirt, back                                              COME ONE!
pack, water bottle and more!             SEND THEM                              COME ALL!
                                         POSTAL MAIL                            Rules for acceptance and
FREE LIMITED-                            Campers (and Counselors) love          participation in the program are
EDITION CAMP                             Mail Call each day. It is very         the same for everyone without
T-SHIRT:                                 important that you send your           regard to race, color, sex, age,
Every Camp Shipshewana                   camper an encouraging note             handicap, or national origin.
registration paid in full will receive   from home. Please send postal
a limited-edition camp t-shirt           mail early in the week. For the        VANDALISM &
highlighting the camp theme.             two and four day camps, you may        DAMAGES:
                                         need to send postal mail before        There will be a minimum of
CAMP PICTURES:                           your camper leaves home. There         $50.00/incident assessed for
A laminated 8”x10” group photo           is a .75¢ fee for delivery of E-mail   damages deemed deliberate to
highlighting all participating           Facebook messages, and faxes to        the Brethren Retreat facility.
campers will be available each           Campers.
camp session for only $6.00. A                                                  KEEP CAMP
Camp Shipshewana Summer                  ACCIDENTS &                            BEAUTIFUL:
Staff Team picture featuring all         INSURANCE:                             Help keep the Brethren Retreat
of your favorite counselors will         It is the Brethren Retreat’s policy    beautiful. Avoid littering, graffiti,
also be available to purchase            that all insurance claims are          and vandalism.
for $6.00 each. Please indicate          sent to the parent/guardian’s
on your registration form your           insurance company first.
desire to order a Camp Picture
and a Staff Picture. You can also
purchase pictures at the time of

UNSHAKEN                 Hebrews 12:28
                       Please visit our website for program details for each retreat.
  Register early for discount or gift. Bring a Friend with you to earn a discount or gift. Registering two
                 weeks prior to event helps our staff establish a meal count. Thank you!

r Ladies Retreat April 24-26 (Fr-Su)                          r Fall Volunteer Retreat Nov. 5-7 (Th-Sa)
r Volunteer Retreat May 15-17 (Th-Sa)                         r Singles w/Children
r Family Camp Sept. 4-7                                         Christmas Retreat Dec 18-20
r Golf Scramble (fundraiser) Sept 26                          r Snow Camp (grades 3rd-6th) Jan. 15-17, 2021
r Young At Heart Retreat Sept. 7-10                           r Winter Craft Retreat Feb. 5-7, 2021
r Homecoming Bike Ride (fundraiser) October                   r Winter Blast Retreat Feb. 19-21, 2021
r Fall Craft Retreat Oct. 2-4

Ladies Retreat:
r $120.00 Private Rm r $107.00 Double Occup.Rm r $98.00 Triple Occup.Rm r $140.00 Cottage
Spring & Fall Volunteer Retreat (Thank you for serving with us!)
r FREE Private Rm r FREE Double Occup.Rm r FREE Triple Occup.Rm r FREE Cottage
Family Camp:
r $120.00/adult (14+ yo) r $102.00/youth (9-13 yo) r $43.00/child (3-8 yo) r FREE/infant (0-2 yo)
r Golf Scramble $75.00/player (this event is our largest fundraising event)
Young @ Heart:
r $125.00 Private Rm r $110.00 Double Occup.Rm r $102.00 Triple Occup.Rm r $140.00 Cottage
r Homecoming Bike Ride $25.00 registration fee & pledges (fee includes a gift and a meal)
Singles with Children Christmas Retreat (this event is sponsored with gifts to our Scholarship Fund)
r FREE Private Rm r FREE Double Occup.Rm r FREE Triple Occup.Rm r FREE Cottage
Snow Camp / Winter Blast
r $97.00/person Number of Family Additional Attending: ___@ $10.00/Person
Parents/Guardians & siblings will have the opportunity to attend Sunday Dinner @ 12:00 pm.
Winter or Fall Craft Retreat:
r $97.00 Private Rm r $90.00 Double Occup.Rm________ r $87.00 Triple Occup.Rm r $140.00 Cottage

Total Fees: $________ Please Check One: r Payment Enclosed r Credit Card/Payment Online

To register, please send the completed form with payment to:
                           The Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake
                                   9095 W 275 N · Shipshewana, IN, 46565

2020-2021 RETREATS
                                                     REGISTRATION & MEDICAL FORM
                                         (please use a separate registration form for each participant)

City: ________________________________________________________________ State:______ Zip:____________
Cell Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Text Messages: r Yes r No                          Facebook : r Yes r No                    Sex: r Female r Male
Age:_________ DOB: __________________________
Church: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Pastor: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Bring-A-Friend Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Roommate Requests: ____________________________________________________________________________
Primary Emergency Contact: ______________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________
Secondary Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________
Medications: r Yes r No (If yes, a medical permission form/log must to be signed upon arrival)
Behavior Concerns: r Yes r No (If yes, please describe below)
Dietary Restrictions: r Yes r No (If yes, please describe below)
Special Instructions: r Yes r No (If yes, please describe below)
PARENT OR GUARDIAN’S AUTHORIZATION: This Health History is correct so far as I know, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all
prescribed retreat activities, except as noted by me below. I recognize that certain hazards and dangers are inherent in retreat events and programs. I further
understand that my child shares responsibility for his/her safety and I have instructed my child in the importance of knowing and abiding by retreat rules,
regulations, and procedures for the safety of retreat participants. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician
selected by the Brethren Retreat to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as named above. Should it
be necessary for him/her to return home during the week because of illness, accident, homesickness, or conduct, I will abide by the camp’s decision in this matter
and provide transportation. I also give permission for the person named to be photographed and/or videotaped for promotional purposes.

Parent/ Guardian: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________
                                                                      (if under age 18)
GET                                     “Track & Field day
                                                 was my favorite”
                                                                                     “My favorite
                                                                                 activity was cooking
     INVOLVED                                         – Lacy                        which is cool”
       2020                                          Sports Camp                       – Mallory
                                                                                       Cooking Camp

CALLING                                WE LOVE OUR
ALL CAMP                               FRIENDS
VOLUNTEERS!                            We would like to invite you
Help the Brethren Retreat              to join our Friends of Camp
at Shipshewana Lake grow!              Shipshewana Club. Your gift of
Volunteer your skills and              $25 per month helps
talents at the Brethren Retreat        to complete special projects
throughout the year. You can           such as: recreation equipment,
volunteer as an individual or          landscaping, renovations, and      LET US SERVE
recruit a group to come up for         scholarships. Become a Friend of   YOUR CHURCH
the day. Areas to help include:        the Camp and learn more about      & FAMILY
food service, housekeeping,            the dynamic ministry of the        EVENTS!
lawn care, simple building             Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana
maintenance, carpentry,                Lake. Send your gift designated    The Brethren Retreat at
electrical work, plumbing, clerical,   for Friends of Camp Shipshewana    Shipshewana Lake is available
program leadership, and many           Club to:                           for guest groups year-round.
others. Looking for a retirement          Brethren Retreat at             Churches, Families, Home School
opportunity? We are searching for         Shipshewana Lake                Associations, Group Homes,
a retired couple to serve as our          9095W 275N,                     Senior Groups, and others may
Volunteer Coordinators. We have           Shipshewana, IN 46565           rent the Brethren Retreat facility
housing if you can supply the gift                                        for retreats and camps. Our food
of service.                            WE HAVE                            service provides an excellent
                                                                          buffet menu. Give us a call – we’d
                                       GREAT                              be glad to serve you! (260)768-
GET INVOLVED                           RESOURCES                          4519 or email us
IN 2020                                The Brethren Retreat at            at brcship@juno.com.
Keep your church informed about        Shipshewana Lake has been a
Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana        member of the Christian Camp
Lake events and needs. Be a            & Conference Association since
Camp Ambassador. As a Camp             1973. CCCA is an association of
Ambassador, you become the             nearly 900 Christian camps in
communication link between             the United States. CCCA provides
camp and church. For more              education, training, resources,
details, call the Executive Director   and references. Searching for a
at (260)768-4519 or email us at        Christian camp in another state?
brcship@juno.com                       Need a program idea? Call us –
                                       we’ve got connections!

“I realized that I need to
  read the Bible more.”                               “I learned to have a kind heart”
    - Nate Archery Camp                                     - Leighton Pioneer Camp
            Sh i pshew                                                                         US POSTAGE

                                                                  Return Service Requested         PAID
                                                                                             SHIPSHEWANA, IN


                                        9095 W 275 N                                           PERMIT NO. 6
                                        Shipshewana, IN 46565
Unshaken                                www.brethrenretreat.org

              Hebrews 12:28

      TO CAMP:
        Shipshewana is North
         of U.S. 20 on S.R. 5.
 From Shipshewana, take Middlebury
         Street (C.R. 250N)
    west 1¼ miles to C.R. 900W,
go North ¼ mile to the camp entrance.
You can also read