Page created by Cathy Carroll
       2015 Summer Camp Brochure
NAVIGATING CAMP                                          WHAT CAMP IS ALL ABOUT
What Camp is All About                              3    We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can
                                                         achieve. That’s why, through our day camps, hundreds of kids are cultivating the values, skills
What Makes Our Camps Unique                         4    and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health and educational achievement.
Camp Staff, Hours & Contacts                        5    Our camps are exciting, safe communities for children and teens to explore, build confidence,
                                                         develop skills and make lasting friendships and memories, so they can grow as individuals and
Before & After Care and Special Needs               5    leaders.
Registration Process & Next Steps                   6
                                                         Summer Camp, like many Y programs, is about learning skills, developing character and mak-
Camp Fees & Financial Assistance                    7    ing friends. Few environments are as special as camp, where kids become a community as they
Camp Osprey Sessions (Casco Bay)                 8-9     learn both how to be more independent and how to contribute to a group as they engage in
                                                         physical, social and educational activities. Summer Day Camp teaches self-reliance, a love for
Camp Pineland Sessions (Pineland)              10 - 11   nature and the outdoors, and the development of attitudes and practices that build character
Camp Sokokis Sessions (Northern York County)   12 - 13   and leadership—all amidst the fun of beach trips, canoeing, archery, field trips, talent shows,
                                                         and making new friends.
In-Town & Specialty Camp (Portland)            14 - 15
Otter Pond Outdoor Adventure Camp (Pineland)   16 - 17
Other Exciting Camp Opportunities              18-19
    Teen Leadership Opportunities (CIT/LIT)
    Overnight Camps
    *NEW* 4-Year-Old Camps
OUR CAMPS ARE UNIQUE                                                                                                     YOUR CHILD IS IN GOOD HANDS
                     Camp Osprey is a 10-week day camp located at our Casco Bay Branch in Freeport. It offers a          Our staff aren’t just counselors - they’re mentors, guides, teachers, and role models. We take
  Casco Bay Branch

                     diverse, age appropriate experience in a safe and fun outdoor environment. Campers will enjoy       pride in the quality and commitment of our staff, who are mostly college students and teachers.

                     the Y’s swimming pools, open air gymnasium and playgrounds as well as its 25 acres of woods         They are caring, fun, energetic, and responsible people and participate in a comprehensive
                     and trails. In addition to the normally scheduled camper activities, each week of camp will also
                     have its own theme and field trip that will serve to enhance the camper experience.                 training program to prepare them to care for your child. Y counselors are dedicated to making
                                                                                                                         sure camp is an amazing experience for every camper.
                     Our camp is separated into two age groups; the Herons (5-8) and the Egrets (9-12). All campers
                     will share the same program, meeting and lunch space. Herons and Egrets participate in group
                     specific games/activities in addition to camp-wide events throughout the day. We organize our       We perform background checks on all of our staff over the age of 18. Counselors are certified in
                     camp with safety and developmental appropriateness as our highest concerns.                         First Aid and CPR.
  Pineland Branch

                     Camp Pineland is a 10-week day camp for children ages 5-12, located on the Pineland Farms
                     Campus in New Gloucester. Campers will enjoy the Y’s swimming pool, bowling alley, and

                                                                                                                          CAMP CONTACTS                               EXTENDED CARE
                     gymnasium, along with 20 miles of walking trails, open fields, and frog ponds. We also offer
                     teen volunteer opportunities.

                     Our experienced staff will guide your child through swimming, hiking, arts & crafts, games,          Casco Bay Branch                            Our camp hours are 9:00 am – 4:00 pm daily.
                     sports, and nature exploration, along with a weekly special event. Camp Pineland invites you to      Attn: JOHN LEE
                     join us for a wonderful summer!                                                                      14 Old S Freeport Rd
                                                                                                                          Freeport, ME 04032                          Before & After Care is provided at no additional charge
                                                                                                                          P 207 865 9600                              each day:
                     Situated on 26 acres of the Northern York County Branch’s campus, is a co-ed traditional day         F 207 865 0484

                     camp for youth ages 5 - 15. A rock wall, high and low ropes courses, archery range, two sports                                                   CASCO BAY / PINELAND / PORTLAND / OTTER POND
County Branch
Northern York

                     fields, outdoor amphitheater, sand volleyball court, and hiking trails highlight our outdoor                                                     7:30 – 9:00 am and 4:00 – 5:30 pm
                     offerings. Camp also provides three lodges for group activities and a swimming pool for all          Greater Portland Branch
                     aquatic activities.                                                                                  Attn: Jay Lyons
                                                                                                                          70 Forest Ave                               NORTHERN YORK COUNTY
                     Campers will be part of a non-competitive, nurturing environment designed to develop skills and      Portland, ME 04101                          7:00 - 9:00 am and 4:00 - 6:00 pm
                     build character. Renowned for its focus on caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility, the camp    P 207 874 1111
                     curriculum fosters healthy living with emphasis on exercise, accountability for one’s behavior,      F 207 874 1114
                     and an awareness of the specific developmental needs of each age group.

                                                                                                                          Northern York County Branch
                                                                                                                                                                   SPECIAL NEEDS
                     Come for one week, a few weeks, or the whole summer! Activities and excitement will fill each                                                 We want to best serve your child and to make his or her
                                                                                                                          Attn: BOB Eagle
  Portland Branch

                     day as campers make new friends, get to know their great counselors, and enjoy their summer          3 Pomerleau St                           camp experience enjoyable. Communication is a key
                     with the Y! Our full day state licensed day camp will take advantage of the great resources our      Biddeford, ME 04005
                     community has to offer.                                                                                                                       component of this and critical to a successful
                                                                                                                          P 207 283 0100
                                                                                                                          F 207 283 0492                           relationship. Therefore, if your child has any behavioral or
                     Each week, campers will take field trips to local parks, beaches, and area attractions; do arts           medical challenges (including allergies), please speak with
                     and crafts projects; get active; engage in team-building; and participate in swim lessons. Camp                                               our Camp Director to determine if we can safely
                     is based at the Greater Portland YMCA where we use the gym, pool, art studio, and outdoor                                                     accommodate his/her needs.
                     playground. In addition to In-Town Camp, the Greater Portland Y will also offer Art Camp, Sports     PINELAND BRANCH
                     Camp, Swim Camp, Saddles & Swim, and teen leadership opportunities during select weeks.              Attn: Cathy Flanagan
                                                                                                                          25 Campus Dr Ste 100
                                                                                                                          New Gloucester, ME 04260                 Confirmation Packets
                                                                                                                          P 207 688 2255                           Parents will receive a copy of our camp handbook upon
                     Near Sebago Lake in Standish, Otter Pond Outdoor Adventure Camp sits on 500 acres of                 F 207 688 4700

                     wooded wilderness. Highlights of our traditional camp setting include 13+ miles of trails, a        completion of registration. They can also be found online
                     sandy beach swimming area, outdoor amphitheater, fishing pond, shaded pavilion, and an area                                                   at

                     for boating. Both low and high ropes courses and an archery range round out our adventure
                     offerings. Otter Pond’s wilderness setting encourages campers to appreciate nature and engage        Otter Pond Outdoor
                                                                                                                          Adventure Camp                           Cancellations and Refunds
Pineland Branch

                     in environmentally-driven activities. Campers have the opportunity to choose their own camp
                     experience through weekly Focus Activities and afternoon electives.                                  Attn: Kendray Rodriguez                  All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
                                                                                                                          25 Campus Dr Ste 100
                                                                                                                          New Gloucester, ME 04260                 Weekly program fees for campers who leave for behavioral
                     Our camp is separated into two age groups: Adventurers (5-8) and Trailblazers (9-12). Program-       P 207 688 2255                           reasons will not be refunded. For cancellations other than
                     ming for Tweens (10-14), Teen Leadership (13-16), Jr. Naturalists (8-12), and Pre-K (4-5) is also    F 207 688 4700                           verifiable medical reasons, tuition paid in advance (minus
                                                                                                                                                                   deposit) will be refunded if we receive written notice with
                     **Bus transportation is ONLY for Otter Pond. Bus transportation and Before/After Care are NOT                                                 reasons for withdrawal at least two weeks before the start
                     available for Pre-K Camp**                                                                                                                    of the session.
HOW DO I REGISTER?                                                                                  PRICING
Registration and all camper forms are available at:                         CAMP                  $200 per session per child
Make checks payable to: YMCA of Southern Maine
Mail forms with deposit to: Your camp’s contact is listed on page 5                                       ONE-TIME                 $15 per child (this fee is waived for children who are YMCA
                                                                                                        REGISTRATION               of Southern Maine members)
Please remember, until all required forms are completed and submitted, and required payments                 FEE
are made, your camp session is not secured. In addition, a non-refundable, non-transferable
deposit of $50 per week is required to hold the camper’s spot. This deposit will be applied to            EARLY-BIRD
the cost of the camp. There is also a one-time $15 registration fee per child. This fee is waived                                  Register by May 1st and pay $190 per session
for children who are YMCA of Southern Maine members. This fee is non-refundable and
non-transferable. One child per form. Please complete all sections neatly.
                                                                                                           MULTIPLE                Register by May 1st for 7 weeks or more and pay only
                                                                                                           SESSION                 $180 per session
Weekly balances are due in full the Wednesday before camp starts through an automatic
draft payment (credit card or checking account). If an automatic payment is not possible,
please contact the Camp Director. We want to work with all families and will not turn a child                                      Weekly fees will be reduced by $10 per session per child for
away due to financial need.                                                                                 SIBLING                the second and every subsequent child from the same family
                                                                                                          INCENTIVE                attending the same camp session.
All balances must be paid in full the week before camp starts in order to attend.

Checks, credit card payments, and bank account drafts returned to us by the bank will incur a
$20 fee. If your payment is returned to us, all future payments must be made with cash, money
order, or cashier’s check.
                                                                                                    DISCOVER WHY EVERYBODY’S INVITED!
                                                                                                    Financial Assistance
                                                                                                    At the Y, we believe all kids should have the opportunity to discover who they are and what

WHAT NEXT?                                                                                          they can achieve through programs like camp. That’s why we are committed to serving
                                                                                                    everyone, regardless of ability to pay. Financial assistance is always available and is a sliding
                                                                                                    scale rate based on household income. No one is turned away, so please ask! We also accept
After registering your child(ren) for Y camp, go online to view the Parent Handbook specific to     Aspire and other vouchers.
your child’s camp. Many questions you may have will be answered in the handbook, as well as
what you’ll need to prepare your child for camp. You may also receive a hard copy from your         We are able to provide need-based financial assistance through the generous support of
child’s Camp Director.                                                                              individuals, businesses, and organizations in our community. Because of their support of the
                                                                                                    Y, more kids are able to experience camp and other programs that nurture their potential.
Want to stay up to date and participate in our Countdown to Camp?! “Like” us on Facebook to
follow along in the weeks leading up to camp. If your child was with us last year you may even
recognize a few friendly faces!
Casco Bay Branch

      WEEK 1          Where in the world are you? You’re at your first week of Camp           Singing? Dancing? Comedy? Gymnastics? What’s your talent?                     WEEK 6
    June 15 - 19      Osprey!!! You’ve left the school days behind and must now adapt to      We’ll spend the week rehearsing our acts for our camp-wide, end of
                      a strange new world full of games, swimming and fun. We’ll explore                                                                                  July 20 - 24
  Land of the Lost                                                                            the week talent show. We’ll take a break from our preparations to        Osprey’s Got Talent
                      the beaches and trails of Reid State Park this week.                    spend a fun-filled day at York’s Wild Animal Kingdom.

                      Kick off the summer with a week long introduction in a variety of       Campers of all ages, prepare for the greatest show in town. Our
     WEEK 2           activities intended to get your playing muscles in shape. Zumba,        mild mannered Airnasium will be turned into a carnival midway of              WEEK 7
   June 22 - 26       kickboxing, dance, hiking, swimming and other fitness related           sights and sounds. Make sure to check out the Fortune telling, face         July 27 - 31
 Moovin’ & Groovin’
                      programs await our young campers. Get ready to scrape off the           painting, food and fun before time runs out and we return our camp        Under the Big Top
                      winter rust and get primed for an action-filled summer. We’ll kick      space to its former self. We’ll take a trip this week to see what fun
                      back and spend a day at Crescent Beach.                                 is in store at Aquaboggan.

                      Dig out your crazy costumes, hilarious hats and silly socks as we get   We hope to turn the heat down this week with a series of fun-filled           WEEK 8
     WEEK 3           ready to be Wacky this week. Each day will feature a new silly theme    water activities each and every camp day. Swimming, sprinklers,             August 3 - 7
  June 29 - July 3    with awards being presented to our most creative groups. Venture        water balloons and water slides are just what the doctor ordered for
                                                                                                                                                                          Super Soakin’
   Wacky Week         with us to Pine Point before the July 4th weekend begins.               the summer heat and we’ll provide it! Nothing cools a camper down
                                                                                                                                                                           Water Week
                                                                                              like a day at Water Country.

                      Fastest? Tallest? Most Creative? Join us this week as we test our       The Olympics come to Camp Osprey as we create our teams and
     WEEK 4           camper’s problem solving skills in fun challenges and competitions      represent our chosen countries in a fun filled week of competition.           WEEK 9
    July 6 - 10       each day that require teamwork and innovation. Watch as our crafty      Our competitors will participate in a parade of nations, lighting the      August 10 - 14
                                                                                              ceremonial torch and culminate the week with a medal ceremony.              YMCA Games
  Junk Yard Wars      campers turn random “junk” into new and exciting projects. See          We’ll spend a fun filled day exploring the beach and playgrounds at
                      science in action this week at Funtown.                                 Range Pond.

      WEEK 5          Join us mateys, for a swashbuckling good time as we spend the           In this final week we bring back all the camper’s favorites for a week
                                                                                                                                                                           WEEK 10
    July 13 - 17      week hunting for treasure and playing games from the high seas.         dedicated to finishing the summer in style before the school busses
   Pirates of the     Legend says that thar be an exciting trip to Splashtown in store for    start making their pick-ups. A summers worth of fun packed into 5          August 17 - 21
     Caribbean        campers this week.                                                      days, don’t miss this exciting conclusion to summer at the Y. We’ll        Camp Rewind
                                                                                              end the camp season with a visit to Willard Beach.
Pineland Branch

       WEEK 1             School is out! It is time to have some fun, and make new friends.       Come to Camp Pineland to learn all about life on the farm. Do you              WEEK 6
     June 15 - 19         Come join us at Camp Pineland. We will play some dodge ball, hike       like cows, chickens and pigs? Do you like planting and growing flow-         July 20 - 24
 Beautiful Beginnings     the trails, do some awesome arts, and don’t forget swimming!! Our       ers and vegetables? Come join us for a fantastic farm adventure.          Barnyard Bonanza
                          field trip will be to Range Pond State Park.                            Our field trip will to Pineland Farms to see how a real farm works.

                          Every day is an opportunity to try something you have never done        Arrrrrr! Come join Captain Cathy and her crazy crew for an amaz-
       WEEK 2             before. Maybe it’s a game you would like to try or a trail you would    ing pirate adventure! Pirate maps, scavenger hunts, and cool pirate
                                                                                                                                                                                  WEEK 7
    June 22 - 26          like to hike. There are so many new and wonderful activities to try     hats….come and join us for a week of fun! Our field trip will be to           July 27 - 31
  Daily Discoveries       each day at camp. You’ll even make new friends! Don’t miss this         Fun Town in Saco.                                                         Pirates of Pineland
                          week. Our field trip is to Sebego Lake State Park.

      WEEK 3          Come to Camp Pineland to celebrate the nation’s birthday. This is           Swimming, waterslides, water games…everything water!! Dive into                WEEK 8
  June 29 - July 3    going to be a patriotic week. Campers will do patriotic arts and            this week and enjoy all the fun!! Join us for a wet and wild time!!          August 3 - 7
America the Beautiful crafts, learn the Star Spangled Banner and play traditional games.          Come to Camp Pineland to cool off and have some fun!! Our field                Splash!
                          We will end the week with our annual camper BBQ!!                       trip is to Aquaboggan Water Park in Saco!

                         Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be on a team? Do you enjoy
      WEEK 4             some healthy competition? If so, this is the week for you. Learn all     Camp Pineland believes in helping others. We want to try to make               WEEK 9
     July 6 - 10         about good sportsmanship, while playing many different games.            the world a better place, and this week will focus on how to do that.      August 10 - 14
                         Come to Camp Pineland and cheer on your team. Earn rewards for           Learn how one kind act will turn into another kind act and go on and
      All-Stars          random acts of kindness! Our field trip will be to Willard Beach in      on!! Our field trip will be to the Maine Wildlife Park.                   Paying It Forward
                         South Portland!

       WEEK 5            Do you like bumper cars, merry go rounds, Ferris wheels or the           Summer is coming to an end and it’s time to celebrate all the fun we         WEEK 10
     July 13 - 17        giant slide? If so, this is the week for you!!! Camp Pineland will be    have had. What was your favorite camp activity? Play some dodge            August 17 - 21
                         celebrating everything carnival!! Carnival games, carnival arts and      ball, hike the trails, catch some frogs, do some arts & crafts. Join us
       Carnival          crafts!! We’ll end the week with a trip to the Yarmouth Clam Festival!   for this final camp week. We’ll end the week with our camper BBQ!          Happy Endings
Northern York County Branch

      WEEK 1              Join us this week for a journey into the wild. Campers will use their explori-        What’s your favorite decade? It’s time for groovy gals and totally tubular dudes       WEEK 6
                          tory skills and imagination as we discover the species that inhabit our world.        to visit the past. Each day, campers will be encouraged to let their creativity      July 20 - 24
    June 15 - 19          Additionally, campers will learn about conserving and preserving the natural          shine and dress up for the decade of the day! Happy Days will be back again as
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Time Traveling
   Animal Planet          environment for the benefit of all the world’s inhabitants. We will spend a day       we get our Skate on this week at Happy Wheels. Our week will culminate with
                          checking out York’s Wild Animal Kingdom Zoo.                                          Sokokis’ “Dancing through the Decades” family night! Don’t miss out on this
                                                                                                                blast fromt the past.

                                                                                                                This week is a celebration of the world we live in. Different cultures and
     WEEK 2               A Sokokis tradition renewed with a twist! The week will culminate with our
                                                                                                                customs are what make the world go round. Play games, dance dances,                     WEEK 7
   June 22 - 26           Sokokis State Fair, a family event like non other. Campers will spend their week                                                                                            July 27 - 31
                          making booths, preparing decorations and learning what it takes to be a true          celebrate all things international; as well as learn about and participate in
 Sokokis State Fair       carnie in an effort to benefit the Y’s International efforts through the Phil         efforts to provdie assistance to those in need around the world. This week         Around the World
                          Denison World Service Fund. This week’s trip will be to Funtown.                      we will be trippin’ to the Desert of Maine a whole different world right in            in 5 Days!
                                                                                                                our backyard.

                                                                                                                Sokokis is just one big game show this week. Campers will take on various
      WEEK 3              Sokokis’ patriotic spirit will be alive and well this week! Join us in celebrating    daily challenges from popular games shows such as Minute to Win it, Let’s                WEEK 8
   June 29 - July 3       what makes America Great. Campers will enjoy patriotic crafts, songs and ex-          Make a Deal, Jeopardy, Family Feud and more! The most exciting part will              August 3 - 7
                          plore games rich in our American Hertitage. Additionally, we will trip to Maine       be our first ever, Family Game Show Night! We will go bowling this week to           In It to Win It!
   Stars & Stripes        Maritime Musuem.                                                                      see if you have what it takes to bring home the “Golden Ball.”

                           We all have our favorite Holidays, so why not celebrate them all? This week          Think you have what it takes to be Sokokis’ next Idol or Vegas’ newest
       WEEK 4              brings together holidays from all over the calendar. If that isn’t enough, our       attraction? Well dust of those guitars, get your costume together the Camp              WEEK 9
                                                                                                                is your stage and we are your audience. Campers will have the opportunity
      July 6 - 10          CIT’s will plan and host Sokokis’ Holiday Extraveganza Family Night. Come and        to celebrate and display their special talents at our end of the week closing        August 10 - 14
      ALL-idays            join us in celebration, appreciation, and cheer. With all this celebrating we will   ceremony with friends and family. This week we will visit the Sea Dogs to see      Sokokis Got Talent
                           take time to cool down at the Beach in Biddeford Pool.                               if they have the talent to win their Eastern League Title!

                                                                                                                It’s Sokokis’ finest tradition and we saved the best for last! Compete in track
       WEEK 5
                           A Sokokis favorite revamped! We’ve taken our traditional “Water Week” and            & field, wacky relays, swim meet, and the Sokok’athon. This week will end with        WEEK 10
                           made it splashier with more ballons, a slip n’slide, crazier water relays and        our annual Summer Awards Ceremony honoring olypmic feats and summer                 August 17 - 21
     July 13 - 17          field more games, more hoses and more…. PIRATES! Each tribe of pirates               successes through our reading, core values, long distance programs and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sokokis Olympics
     Wet N’ Wild           will compete to take ultimate plunge at the end of the week. We will visit           Will your name reside on our “Wall of Accomplishments” for summers to come?
                           Aquaboggin this week!                                                                Don’t worry we’ll take a break from all the competition and enjoy a day at Ferry

 Abanaki Village provides campers with a program that more richly meets their developmental
 needs. These campers are given glimpses of the CIT experience and participate in a community
 outreach experience. Senior campers also canoe or kayak once a week on Bunganut Lake and
 may go on an additional weekly field trip.
 Ages: 11-13 years old
Portland Branch
       WEEK 1                 Get your flannel on! Learn why Chickadees, White Pine Cones, and Whoopie        Join us at camp this week for all things sports. Whether it’s shooting a                 WEEK 6
     June 15 - 19             Pies are an important part of Maine. Learn about famous Mainers, historic       ball in a basket, making an insane Frisbee throw or learning to put like a             July 20 - 24
      Welcome to              places in Maine and why we have so many lighthouses. For all those              pro golfer, this week’s got just the sport for you. We may even throw in a             They Shoot,
     Vacationland             campers who haven’t tried Moxie, this is the week!                              Portland Sea Dog’s game! Don’t get called “out”, register today!                       They Score!

      WEEK 2                  It’s a jungle out there and all the campers will learn about the animals in     This is the week to beat the heat! Our annual trip to Aquaboggan Water                   WEEK 7
    June 22 - 26              Maine and beyond. Whether it is a moose on the loose, drinking juice or a       Park highlights this action packed week. Water balloon toss, drip-drop and             July 27 - 31
Aardvark to Zebra, the        blue kangaroo playing a didgeridoo, campers will have plenty of activities to   a whole lot of activities designed to keep you cool this summer. Popular              Splish Splash,
Amazing Animal Week           bring out their wild side! A visit by Sparks Ark is also planned.               week so don’t miss out.                                                                Soak & Sun

       WEEK 3                 We are celebrating our great country by learning about different states this    If you had to pick one week that all campers love, it would be this one!                 WEEK 8
   June 29 - July 3           week! Have a Texas rodeo, learn to Hula in Hawaii, and get your Broadway        Popcorn, snow cones, face painting, carnival games, and the always                    August 3 - 7
   Party in the USA           on in New York! Also this week, join us for a family hotdog cookout!            popular, dunk tank. This year’s penny carnival will help raise funds that           Carnival Jamboree
                                                                                                              will benefit the Philip Denison Fund.

      WEEK 4                  This supercharged theme week has something for everyone! Each day is an         Snow in the summer? Not quite, but there will be lots of winter-themed                   WEEK 9
     July 6 - 10              opportunity to show off your dress up skills, you’ll even get to see staff in   activities and crafts to enjoy this week! Whether it is sledding in the park,         August 10 - 14
Zombies vs. Pirates vs.       costume! Come prepared to talk like a pirate, walk like a zombie, dance like    snowshoeing, or making snowflakes, the possibilities are endless. We may            Winter Wonderland
Superheroes vs. Aliens        an alien and dress like a counselor!                                            even take a trip to the ice rink!

       WEEK 5                                                                                                 This extremely popular week showcases the very best our campers have                    WEEK 10
     July 13 - 17             This week at camp will be all about the decades! Come join us for 60’s          to offer. Whether it is mystifying us with magic tricks, inspiring us by their       August 17 - 21
                                                                                                              song, or dazzling us with their dance routines, this week offers plenty of
   Talkin’ ‘Bout My           tie-dye, 70’s disco, an 80’s themed prom, 90’s grunge, and fads of today!       opportunities to practice and show off. Parents and families are invited to         So You Think You
     Generation                                                                                               the Friday afternoon Talent Show!                                                     Have Talent?

                                                                                                              No other camp around is crazy enough to offer this last week in August…except
                                                                                                              the exceptional staff here at In-Town. We will participate in all camp activities      WEEK 11
                                                                                                              with some surprises for everyone! School starts next week for most, so don’t         August 24 - 28
                                                                                                              give up this last chance to have one more week of summer! Space is extremely
                                                                                                              limited for this week. Early registration is strongly recommended.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bonus Week!!

              SADDLES & SWIM                                              ART CAMP                                           SPORTS CAMP                                               DANCE CAMP
              WEEKS 5, 6, 8 & 9                                          WEEKS 4 & 9                                          WEEKS 3 & 7                                              WEEKS 5 & 8
 Love horses? Want to learn how to ride? Each          Campers will enjoy a week filled with exciting and     Each day campers will learn & play different            Dance camp offers a chance for campers to
 morning campers will learn about horses while         creative projects in our own art studio. Painting,     sports. From the traditional basketball and             explore different dance genres and styles. From
 improving their riding skills with experienced        drawing, sculpting, murals and a whole lot more!       soccer, to sports from around the world. Highly         ballet to hip-hop and everything in between this
 instructors at the Heart & Horses Farm in Buxton,     All campers will have the opportunity to visit the     specialized staff and a smaller group size will         exciting week may even throw in how to hula!
 ME. ( Afternoons are            Portland Art Museum as well as time spent in the       make for plenty of action and friendly                  Through well-crafted practice and choreography,
 spent back at the Portland Branch for some swim       pool at the Y. Traditional camp activities as well.    competition. Traditional camp activities are            campers will build confidence, express themselves
 time or at area beaches. This exciting camp is for                                                           included. Space is limited.                             and most of all have fun! Space is limited.
 all levels. Space is limited.                         Ages: Week 4: 5-8 years old
                                                              Week 9: 9-12 years old                          Cost: $200/week                                         Cost: $200/week
 Ages: 7-12 years old | Cost: $355/week                Cost: $200/week
OTTER POND OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMP                                                                              Otter Pond’s focus is on allowing campers to create their own camp experience. We don’t have themes
                                                                                                               because the campers pick their own! At the beginning of each week campers will choose from one of ten
Pineland Branch                                                                                                (or more, depending on enrollment) Focuses. An hour each day will be spent in Focus groups learning new
                                                                                                               skills, going on new adventures, and setting and achieving new goals. Focus offerings will include:

    WEEK 1                WEEK 2                 WEEK 3                  WEEK 4              WEEK 5              WEEK 6                WEEK 7                 WEEK 8                 WEEK 9        WEEK 10
  June 15 - 19          June 22 - 26          June 29 - July 3          July 6 - 10        July 13 - 17        July 20 - 24          July 27 - 31           August 3 - 7          August 10 - 14 August 17 - 21

 ARCHERY                                                                                                       SPORTS
 Archery is an Otter Pond favorite! You’ll spend your time on our archery range honing your bow skills.        In this high-energy focus, you’ll get to play all of your favorite sports and games with your new camp
 We’ll start with the basics, work on accuracy, and even make our own targets to shoot! At the end of          friends. From Capture the Flag to Flag Football, Sproutball to Basketball, and everything in between,
 the week we’ll test our skills with a “balloon hunt”.                                                         you’ll play old favorites and learn some exciting new games too!

 CAMP CRAFT                                                                                                    SUSTAINABILITY
 Gimp! Friendship bracelets! Leaf prints! Natural clay sculptures! Every day will feature a new crafty         In this project-based “green” focus, you’ll brainstorm ways to leave the earth a little nicer than you
 adventure.                                                                                                    found it. Building solar ovens to make yummy treats, making a worm bin, and container gardening are
                                                                                                               all possibilities in this Focus!
 Nature Studies
 What kind of tree is that? Can I eat that plant? Who lives under that log? Find out the answers to            TEAM CHALLENGE
 these questions and more in the Nature Studies Focus! You’ll hike on our trails, visit our frog pond,         You’ll learn how to work as a part of a team in this focus, which will spend a lot of time on our low
 explore the nooks and crannies of camp with a hand lens, and meet some of the plants and animals              ropes course. Challenge yourself on the Mohawk Walk, help your teammates master the Whale Watch,
 who call camp home. We will learn about forest ecology through play, songs, and skits!                        and make sure everyone gets across the Peanut Butter Pit! You’ll have a chance to push yourself
                                                                                                               farther than you thought you could in an individual challenge on our high ropes course, and you’ll give
                                                                                                               back to camp through a service project. This program is designed for campers ages 10+.
 Never get lost again with this Focus! We have 13+ miles of trail at camp, and you’ll spend your week
 getting to know all of them. Half of your week will be spent mastering the art of Orienteering – using a      THEATER ARTS
 map and a compass to find your way around the woods; the other half of your week will be spent Geo-           Do you ever feel DRAMATIC? Explore your theatrical side through games, puppetry, and skits. At the
 caching (which is kind of like a game of hide and seek, but a whole lot bigger!). The week will culminate     end of the week, you’ll put on a performance for the whole camp!
 with your group making and hiding your very own cache for Geocachers from around the world to find!
 Outdoor Living Skills                                                                                         Get to know Otter Pond’s aquatic residents! In this focus you will explore, paddle, and fish in our
 Do you have what it takes to survive in the wild? Unleash your inner Bear Grylls in this focus, where         ponds, go pond scooping and frog catching, learn about and build your own watershed, and discover
 you’ll learn how to safely build and cook over a fire, gather clean drinking water (even when there isn’t     the water cycle. This focus will place an emphasis on understanding freshwater ecology and building
 a lake or stream nearby!), tie knots, and build a weather-proof shelter. At the end of the week, you’ll       respect for our aquatic resources, all while having tons of fun!
 test your skills in a mock survival scenario!

Pineland Branch
               EXTREME FISHING                                        EXTREME CAMPING                                   JUNIOR NATURALIST                                      FAMILY CAMP WEEKEND
                WEEKS 3, 5 & 7                                          WEEKS 2, 4 & 6                                       WEEK 8                                                AUGUST 1 & 2
 We’ll be in search of the “Big One” both in and out      Do you have what it takes to survive in the wild?    This ecology-based camp nurtures                 Get ready for a weekend of family fun on the shores of
 of camp. Campers will master the fundamentals of         Older campers will challenge themselves by           children’s inherent interest in the natural      the beautiful Otter Ponds! Join your campers in the same
 fishing, make their own lures, learn about Maine         learning primitive skills such as fire and shelter   world. With a focus on learning through          activities they’ve come to know and love over the course
 fish species, and spend time working on their            building, orienteering, and how to gather            play and camper-lead exploration, campers        of the summer – swimming on our sandy beach, canoeing
 paddling skills in our canoes. Each day anglers will     drinking water without the help of a lake or         will learn to identify and conserve native       & fishing, our high & low ropes courses, playing a game of
 get to test their skills in a new spot, and we’ll take   stream. They’ll also learn the fundamentals of       species of flora and fauna. Trips will include   capture the flag, and singing songs in the amphitheater.
 a field trip to Sebago Lake State Park to test the       preparing for trip camping – effective packing       a hike to the Sebago Lake Ecology Center,
 waters there as well! Space is limited!                  techniques, how to set up a tent (blindfolded!),     and field trips to the Steep Falls Wildlife      The cost includes lunch and dinner on Saturday, breakfast
                                                          and proper meal planning. The week will end with     Management Area and the Maine Wildlife           and lunch on Sunday, and snacks on both days. Families
 Ages: 10-14 years old | Cost: $250                       an overnight trip at Otter Pond. Space is limited!   Park. Space is limited!                          will need to provide their own tents and sleeping bags.
                                                          Ages: 10-14 years old | Cost: $275                   Ages: 8-12 years old | Cost: $250                Ages: 4+ years old | Cost: $225/family of 4
                                                                                                                                                                *Additional family members will be $20 each.
    IN-TOWN CAMP (CIT & LIT)                                     CAMP SOKOKIS (CIT)                                                               OTTER POND (CIT & LIT)
WEEKS 1-3, WEEKS 4-6, & WEEKS 7-9                         WEEKS 2-4, WEEKS 5-7 & WEEKS 8-10                                                  WEEKS 2-4, WEEKS 5-7 & WEEKS 8-10
Teens will develop and practice skills that make        The Counselor in Training (CIT) program is an         The LIT program pushes teens to discover how to be their best self. LITs will spend time learning to
a great leader. Build confidence by helping             experience for teens intersted in learning to work    work as part of a team on our low & high ropes courses, hone communication skills through team
others and gain knowledge through our effective         in a camp setting. CITs are paired with a mentor/     building initiatives, and develop a sense of volunteerism with a camp service project.
skill-based, leadership training process. Do you        camp counselor who help guide the CIT experience,
have what it takes to be a future camp                  and help ensure CIT goals are met. The program        The CIT program is designed for older teens with an interest in working in a summer camp setting.
counselor? Come find out. All CIT/LIT campers           focuses upon job-readiness, communication,            CITs will work directly with camp staff to set and meet goals related to job-readiness and skills
will have the opportunity to work with groups of        service learning and camp specific skills that will   beneficial to the CIT in future endeavors (communication, leadership, responsibility, & effective
kids during the summer to improve their                 benefit CIT’s in their future endeavors. All          planning). All CIT participants must schedule and interview with the Camp Director by June 1.
counseling skills. All participants must schedule       participants must schedule an interview with the
an interview with the Camp Director by June 1.          Camp Director by June 1.                              Ages: 13-14 years old (LIT) & 15-16 years old (CIT)
                                                                                                              Cost: $300/session
Ages: 13-16 years old | Cost: $300/session              Ages: 14-15 years old | Cost: $300/session

*NEW* 4-YEAR-OLD CAMP                                                                                            OVERNIGHT CAMPS - ALL BRANCHES
                                                                                                                 OVERNIGHT WILD WEEKEND | July 17-19 & July 31 - August 2
IN-TOWN CAMP & OTTER POND (YOUNG EXPLORERS) | ALL WEEKS                                                          These are the trips that create memories! Spend the weekend with your camp counselors at Camp
This half day summer program is specifically designed for the little ones as an introduction                     Susan Curtis, a fully operational resident camp in Stoneham, Maine. We will stay in cabins while we
to summer day camp! If your child is 4 and not starting Kindergarten in the fall, or if they’re                  enjoy some fishing, swimming, high ropes, hiking and an evening campfire. Perfect for seasoned
5 but not quite ready for a full day outdoor program, this is the camp for them! Activities                      campers looking for an overnight adventure and ideal for new campers as well. These trips fill up
will include daily swimming, art projects, cooperative games, creative play, reading                             fast so register early. Ages: 9-16 years old | Cost: $150
enrichment activities, and outdoor exploration. Our incredible 1:5 ratio ensures campers
always feel safe and nurtured.
                                                                                                                 THE SUMMER SLEEPOVER AT THE Y | July 24 & 25
Offered all 10 weeks of our camp sessions at In-Town (Portland Branch) & Otter Pond                              Spend the night at the Y with all your camp friends and your favorite staff! We will be having a
(Pineland Branch) camps. The camp will be a half-day from 8:45am – 1:00pm. Due to the                            sleepover for all ages! Ghost stories, fun & games, sports, movies and of course the very popular
shorter camp day, bussing and before & after care will not be available.                                         “Manhunt” in the Y. If you are going to choose one event this summer, this is it! For more details,
Ages: 4 year olds | Cost: $160/session                                                                           please see the Overnight Parent Handbook. Ages: All ages | Cost: $55

                                                                                                                 HALL OF FAME ROAD ADVENTURE | August 10-14
                                                                                                                 This week-long camping adventure will travel to the Baseball and Basketball Hall of Fame! Perfect
                                                                                                                 for those interested in the rich history of both these tremendous sports. We will stay at local
                                                                                                                 campgrounds where there will be opportunities for teambuilding, social recreation and further
                                                                                                                 developing relationships with our group. We may even throw in a trip to Six Flags as well! Space is
                                                                                                                 limited to 8. Early registration is strongly encouraged. Ages: 10-17 years old | Cost: $600

14 Old S Freeport Rd   3 Pomerleau Street			   25 Campus Dr Ste 100          70 Forest Ave
Freeport, ME 04032     Biddeford, ME 04005		   New Gloucester, ME 04260      Portland, ME 04101
207.865.9600           207.283.0100 			        207.688.2255		                207.874.1111

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