VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...

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VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
VO L U M E 19 • I S S U E 1 • M A R C H 2 0 21

COVID-19 Information

Campbelltown Resource
Centre Re-open!

Child Protection
Legislation Update

Resources for your

& more
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
                                                              from the
                                                   Written by Mr Jude Hennessy
Confraternity of                                Office of Renewal & Evangelisation
                                                       Diocese of Wollongong
Christian Doctrine
Diocesan Leadership Team
and Support Personnel
                                         Returning to
                                         schools in 2021
Director of the Office of Renewal
& Evangelisation                         I remember this time last year, writing words
Mr Jude Hennessy                         of encouragement as we prepared for another
Catholic Church Offices, Xavier Centre   year of formation of young people via our
38 Harbour St, Wollongong NSW 2500       teaching of SRE in schools. In doing so, I was
PO Box 1239, Wollongong NSW 2500         completely oblivious to the many and varied
Ph: (02) 4222 2407 Fax: (02) 4222 2417   impacts that the COVID19 pandemic would
Email: jude.hennessy@dow.org.au          have right around the world. It has been a year
Website: ccdwollongong.com               like no other, impacting all facets of our lives
CCD & Evangelisation Coordinator         and certainly the way we have been able to
                                         come together in worship of our God, and in
Mr Peter Gilmore
                                         the impact on our role as Catechists. While,
Xavier Centre                            I doubt, we will ever return to ‘normal’, we
38 Harbour St, Wollongong NSW 2500       are hopefully now beginning to return to a
Ph: (02) 4222 2464                       ‘new normal’, able to go about living our lives,
Email: peter.gilmore@dow.org.au          indeed our mission as disciples, with greater
CCD Faith Education Officer
Macarthur–Highlands                      It is with a great sense of joy and enthusiasm
Mrs Frances Fairs                        therefore that I note that most of our Catechists
CCD Regional Centre, Micah House         have, or in coming weeks will be returning to
35A Cordeaux St, Campbelltown NSW 2560   classrooms to evangelise and catechise children.
Ph: (02) 4640 8550 Fax: (02) 4628 8866   It is a great joy to be able to again form our solid
Email: frances.fairs@dow.org.au          cohort of new Catechists, and do so ‘face to face’,
                                         as they join our ranks via the completion of Level
CCD Support Officer
                                         1 training. We need more just like them, as a
Ms Lisa Metcalfe
Xavier Centre                            significant number of Catechists validly withdrew
38 Harbour St, Wollongong NSW 2500       from teaching given the pandemic. A such, it
Ph: (02) 4222 2416                       is important for Parishes with the support of
Email: lisa.metcalfe@dow.org.au          the CCD Team, to even more strongly focus on
                                         recruitment and training to ensure all parishes
Resource Centre Manager &                can continue this pivotal work of outreach,
Assistant to the FEO/CCD&EC              evangelisation, and formation via SRE in the
Mrs Cindy Oliver                         Diocese of Wollongong. This work has already
CCD Regional Centre, Micah House         begun in earnest in 2021.
Open Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm
Ph: (02) 4640 8550                       Welcome to Frances Fairs
Email: cindy.oliver@dow.org.au
                                         It is wonderful to be able to welcome Frances
                                         Fairs to the CCD Team as the Faith Education
                                         Officer for the Macarthur- Highlands region.
                                         A woman of deep faith, Frances has been a
                                         long-term Coordinator of SRE in Nowra Parish,
                                         and comes to serve in this ministry with great
                                         experience of what it means to be a Catechist
                                         and coordinator. Formerly an Officer with the
                                         Australian Air Force, Frances has qualifications

2 • T HE CatechistNE T
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
in Engineering and Teaching and         which has all the elements of a      to encounter the risen Jesus
has a passion and enthusiasm            Catechesis in an era of urgent,      through the inherent power of
for Evangelisation and renewal          new evangelisation where the         the basic Gospel – the life, death
of the Church for mission. She          profoundness of the simple Gospel    and resurrection of Jesus, his love,
joins the CCD Team that is              must be bought to the fore.          mercy and promise of eternal life.
being coordinated by Mr Peter                                                It is this message that must be
Gilmore, who will bring his solid     No Room for Presumption                repeated often and vibrantly, and
understanding and vast experience                                            in that will bring young people
                                      In days past, Catechesis, the
in this ministry to ensure it                                                to encounter the joy of the Holy
                                      teaching about the faith, was
continues to thrive and serve the                                            Spirit in the initial embracing of
                                      to come after conversion to
mission of the Church to make                                                the gift of faith. Without wanting
                                      faith. Initial
disciples. Together, they are eagerly                                                           to oversimplify
meeting with parish coordinators,     included          “This        new   ‘how       to’       this document
visiting parishes, recruiting,        a clear           document, however, here, it will be
and training as we negotiate in       introduction      recognises that we                      important for us
                                                                                                as Catechists to
partnership with schools the
recommencement of SRE for 2021.
                                      to the basic      must no longer                          not letting the
                                      Gospel            presume that                            ‘what’ and ‘how’
Directory for Catechesis              message
                                      through word
                                                        children         receiving              of our faith, take
This year, we will, via this          and deed, with
                                                        catechetical                            precedence or
publication and also in our retreat   a focus on        instruction have                        overshadow the
and formation courses, necessarily    receiving the     already received the more                     foundational
                                                                                                ‘who’ and ‘why’ of
make reference to what is our         gift of faith.    gift of faith.”                         our faith – namely
instruction manual as Catechists,     Catechesis
                                                                                                Jesus Christ and
namely, the new Directory for         was regarded
                                                                             his deep love for each one of us,
Catechesis. The new directory was     as the deepening of the grasp
                                                                             and for each one of those children
released on 25 June 2020 by the       of the mysteries of the faith.
                                                                             who you teach. The new Directory
Vatican amid all of the turmoil last  This new ‘how to’ document,
                                                                             for Catechesis compels us to bring
year. It is truly a new approach to   however, recognises that we must
                                                                             them to an encounter with this
Catechesis, with an emphasis on       no longer presume that children
                                                                             risen Jesus and accompanying
ensuring that our Catechesis in       receiving catechetical instruction
                                                                             them on their journey to being
this modern context is urgently,      have already received the gift of
                                                                             missionary disciples themselves.
and deliberately evangelising and     faith. To account for this, Pope
kerygmatic in                                              Francis speaks    Call to Prayer
                                                           of our faith
nature. The
building blocks
                      “..the proclamation                  formation as      As always, I remind you in the
of this new style
                      of  the   basic   Gospel        –    needing   to      midst of all of you do, be prayerful.
of Catechesis         the    Good    News      –  that     evangelise.       It is in our prayerfulness that we
looks to bring        must be repeated                     By  this, he      come to receive the power of the
young people          often because it                     stresses that     Holy Spirit that prepares us to be
                                                                             witnesses to the love of God for
to an encounter       seems too good to be the Gospel                        the children we teach. Pray for
with the Spirit       true.”                               should            each other, and as we ‘reboot’
of God in prayer
and ritual and                                             be easily         SRE for 2021, that the Lord will
in the proclamation of the basic      perceived and be ‘in your face’, to    bless parishes with many new
Gospel – the Good News – that         put it in the language of our young    Catechists eager to contribute to
must be repeated often because it     people. To help bring this about       this wonderful work of outreach
seems too good to be true. I am       our teaching must deliberately         and evangelisation.
excited by its tone and urgency       focus on bringing young people

       More support
       for Catechists

                                                                              VO L 1 9 I S S UE 1 | M A RC H 2 0 2 1   • 3
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
Making Jesus
Known and
A Message from Frances Fairs

This year marks 13 years since    transferring                                       I want every
I started as a Catechist in the   information                                        student moving
Diocese of Wollongong.            from us to                                         on to High
I know that for many of you,      them - it is                                       School to take
that 13 years of service is       much more                                          with them from
not very impressive. Some         meaningful                                         their Catholic
Catechists that I have come       than that!                                         SRE lessons
to know have been teachers        Sharing the                                        about God and
in our ministry for 30+, even     Good News,                                         our Church.
40+ years! These faithful         our Catholic
and dedicated Catechists are      Faith and our                                        My hope for
inspirational, and I look to      love of God                                          CCD is that
them as what I hope to be in      brings life and                                      other people,
the future!                       hope to our                                          outside of our
                                  students.                                            ministry, come
The work that we do in CCD,                                                            to a better
as Catechists, helpers, and       It is deeply                                         understanding
coordinators, is extraordinary.   fulfilling work that we do in       of the valuable work that we
I understand that not every       CCD, and I know that I’m not        do and support us practically,
lesson goes well, and I           alone when describing the joy       and of course, spiritually. We
understand what it is like to     that I receive when teaching,       are supported, in part, by the
have to persevere with that       leading and guiding our             government, by schools, and
“tough”                                            young people       by other parishioners but let’s
group or                                           into a deeper      not become complacent with
difficult                                          relationship       any support that we do receive.
school,                                            with God           Making our work in CCD
but our                                            and a better       visible by sharing stories with
work is too                                        understanding      fellow parishioners, celebrating
important to                                       of our Catholic    successes, asking for prayer and
throw in the                                       Faith.             support, and attending/hosting
towel when                                                            training and events, will all
things get                                          Knowing that      help to strengthen our ministry
hard.                                               they are never    for the great task before us:
                                                    alone, that       making Jesus known and loved.
Teaching                                            they are loved,
children in                                         and that they
Catholic SRE                                        are always
class is more                                       welcome, is a
than just                                           message that

VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
An Important update about
                             Child Protection
                                           Written by Peter Gilmore

CCD Wollongong (Catholic SRE         who work with children are now        boundaries in the pursuit of
in the Diocese of Wollongong)        considered Mandatory Reporters        a more intimate and abusive
takes Child Protection incredibly    for Child Protection purposes.        relationship with a child.
seriously. As stated in our          Where previously we embraced
training course, “as Catholics,      a moral responsibility to report,     What does the mean for you?
we have a moral responsibility       we now have a legal obligation as     We must be vigilant in keeping
to keep kids safe”. More than        someone who works with children.      our relationships with individual
a culture of safety though, we                                             children professional and
aim to promote a culture of life     What does this mean for you?          transparent. This does not mean
- one where children are free to     If you suspect, on reasonable         we need to be cold and callous to
flourish and learn the ways of       grounds, that a child is              individual children but, rather, to
God.                                 experiencing physical, emotional      focus our attention on building
                                     or sexual abuse or neglect, you       a relationship with the whole
Because of this, we have sought      must report this to the principal     class. It would be inappropriate
to empower you with the              of the school you are teaching at.    to contact or relate to a child
knowledge and tools you need to      Please then contact the Diocesan      outside of the class environment.
act appropriately with children      Professional Standards and            It is acceptable to invite families
and, when necessary, to take steps   Safeguarding Office (4222 2428        to be involved in Parish activities
to ensure they are kept safe. We     or safeguarding@dow.org.au) and       and Sacramental programs. If
have been incredibly encouraged      they will assist you in making a      you have concerns about the
to see Catechists embrace this       Mandatory Report if necessary.        behaviour of another volunteer in
responsibility.                                                            the ministry, please contact the
                                     Grooming reclassified as a            Diocesan Professional Standards
In 2020, significant changes were    criminal offence                      and Safeguarding Office (4222
made to the Children’s Guardian                                            2428 or safeguarding@dow.org.au)
Act of 2019 in NSW that will         The offence of grooming has been      to discuss your concerns.
impact our involvement in Special    reclassified as a criminal sexual
Religious Education going forward.   offence. Grooming is befriending      If you have questions or concerns
                                     and establishing an emotional         regarding the changes or you would
Volunteers are now                   connection with a child, and          like to discuss matters further,
Mandatory Reporters                  sometimes their family, to lower      please don’t hesitate to get in touch
                                     the child’s inhibitions, usually      with us by emailing support@
Under NSW legislation, there is      with the objective of sexual abuse.   ccdwollongong.com OR visiting
no longer a distinction between      Grooming is a clear progression       ccdwollongong.com
paid and volunteer people who        of actions that indicate a person’s
work with children. All people       desire to break professional

                                                                           VO L 1 9 I S S UE 1 | M A RC H 2 0 2 1   • 5
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
Department of Education
                                           Policy Directives

Written by Frances Fairs

The Department of Education              • Singing and/or chanting             Mountains), Central Coast and
reviewed the COVID-19                    activities should be avoided.         Wollongong. Please visit the NSW
restrictions in January this year                                              Health advice regarding masks.
                                         • Only one SRE/SEE teacher per
and has implemented further
                                         class of 30 students. No observers/   • Approved providers of SRE/
precautionary measures to                helpers are permitted at this time.   SEE are not required to have a
ensure all schools are safe for                                                COVID-19 safety plan to enter
students and SRE teachers.               • All teachers, support staff, and    schools. SRE/SEE teachers should
                                         parents must maintain physical        deliver SRE/SEE as efficiently and
• SRE/SEE classes are to be held         distance from each other (1.5m)       safely as possible.
for no longer than one hour and          and maintain hygiene practices
classes should take place in a           while on site.                        Please note, that it is up to the
suitably sized room or outdoors.                                               School Principal to implement
                                         • Staff and students are not          these policy directives. In
There is currently no limit on class
                                         required to wear a face mask while    some schools, Principals are
sizes.                                   at school. Anyone who wishes to       allowing Classroom Helpers
                                         wear their own masks in schools       (Catechist Helpers) to continue
• Where possible, students
                                         will not be prevented from doing      in the classroom with the
participating in these activities
                                         so.                                   Catechist Teacher as it is the best
should remain within their
                                                                               arrangement for their particular
relevant cohort (i.e. class, year        • Masks are mandatory when
                                                                               learning environment/situation.
group or stage) to limit the mixing      travelling on public transport in
of students between cohort groups.       Greater Sydney (including the Blue

                                                            Level II training is a chance for all Catechists
                                                            to take their knowledge of Teaching & the
                                                            Catholic Faith deeper. Over six weeks, Level II
                                                            focuses on a variety of topics to help you grow
                                                            as a Catechist and Catholic.
                                                            TOPICS INCLUDE
                                                            • Storytelling • The Creed • Living our Faith
                                                            • The Gospel Narratives • Catechesis & Religious
                                                            Education • Christian Initiation of Children
                                                            • Moral Development • Ecumenism
                                                            • Teaching children the Liturgical Year

                                                            See Calendar on last page for course
                                                            details. Bookings essential.

VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
K/Stage 1 Resource
Noah’s Ark
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
Visual Resource
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
Stage 2/3 Resource

                           Name: St Therese of Lisieux
                           (Also known as St Therese of the
                           Child Jesus, the Little Flower of Jesus)
                           Status: Saint & Doctor
                           Lived: 1873–1897, France
                           Canonised: May 17, 1925

                           Saint Therese of Lisieux is Doctor
                           of the Catholic church, which
                           means that her life and writings are
                           considered particularly important for
                           Catholics. She is also called the Little
                           Flower of Jesus. She lived in France
                           as a nun, and passed away at 24 from
                           tuberculosis. Mother Teresa chose her
                           name in honour of her.

   “Remember               Therese of Lisieux is one of the patron
                           saints of the missions, not because
  that nothing             she ever went anywhere, but because
                           of her special love of the missions,
 is small in the           and the prayers and letters she gave
                           in support of missionaries. This is a
eyes of God. Do            reminder to all of us who feel we can
                           do nothing, that it is the little things
all that you do            that keep God’s kingdom growing.
   with love.”
 – St Therese of Lisieux
                           St Therese of the Child Jesus,
                           Pray for us!
VOLUME 19 ISSUE 1 MARCH 2021 - COVID-19 Information Campbelltown Resource Centre Re-open! Child Protection Legislation Update Resources for ...
Stage 3 Resource

             How to Pray the Rosary
   The Rosary is a Catholic prayer based upon the Bible that focuses on the events in
   the life of Jesus and that of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Saint John Ogilvie threw his
   rosary beads into the crowd before he was martyred.

                                                                         Glory Be

Glory Be                                                                          Hail Mary
Glory be to the Father,                                                           (ten times)
and to the Son, and to                                               6
the Holy Spirit, as it was
in the beginning, is now,                                                  Our Father
and ever shall be, world                                                   The Our Father is said at
without end. Amen.                                       5                 the start of each decade
                                                                           and each decade is finished
                                                                           with the Glory Be.
The Sign of the Cross                    3
and the Apostles’ Creed
In the name of the Father, and of the       2              Hail Mary (three times)
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.                         Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is
I believe in God,                                          with thee. Blessed art thou among
the Father almighty,                                       women, and blessed is the fruit of
Creator of heaven and earth,                  1            thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,               of God, pray for us sinners, now and
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,                      at the hour of our death. Amen.
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;                           Our Father
he descended into hell;                                       Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
on the third day he rose again from the dead;                 hallowed be Thy name; Thy
he ascended into heaven,                                      kingdom come; Thy will be done
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; on earth as it is in Heaven. Give
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.     us this day our daily bread; and
I believe in the Holy Spirit,                                 forgive us our trespasses as we
the holy Catholic Church,                                     forgive those who trespass against
the communion of saints,                                      us; and lead us not into temptation,
the forgiveness of sins,                                      but deliver us from evil. Amen.
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.
                                             visit twinkl.scot

                             Illawarra-Shoalhaven Retreat
                                 Monday, September 13th

                             Macarthur-Highlands Retreat
                                 Friday, September 17th


                            Morning Tea provided, BYO Lunch
                                  Bookings essential.

                                                           IN DEE
Catechist Training Level III                                 FA
                                                                ITH PER

                       Level III training is a chance for all Catechists
                       to take their knowledge of the Catholic Faith
                       deeper. Over six weeks, Level III focuses entirely
                       on Theology and Church teaching, with the
                       aim of providing space to explore and reflect
                       on the profound truths of our Catholic Faith.

                       TOPICS INCLUDE
                       • Creation: Work of the Trinity
                       • Communion: Eucharist - Source & Summit
                       • Reconciliation: Forgiveness of Sins, Healing
                       • Christ: Heart of Catechesis
                       • Morality: Life in the Spirit
                       • Church: Mission of the Holy Spirit

                       See Calendar on last page for course
                       details. Bookings essential.

                                        VO L 19 I S S UE 1 | M A RC H 20 2 1   • 11
Written by Peter Gilmore

In the new edition of the                 places on the field and they hand         2. Liturgical Formation
General Directory for Catechesis,         you a long piece of wood. Now,
we are told, “at the centre of            if you know what cricket is, you          As Catholics, our liturgy is
every process of catechesis is the        probably could give it a go but if        enchanting, it’s mystical and
living encounter with Christ.”                                                      almost other-worldly. When the
                                          you don’t, you’re going to be really
(75, Directory for Catechesis,                                                      liturgy is celebrated with beauty
                                          confused! When the ball is hurled
2020). Quoting Saint John Paul                                                      and reverence, not only is it literally
                                          at you at 160km/h, you might even
II, it continues, “Accordingly,                                                     heaven touching earth, but it also
                                          get angry.
the definitive aim of catechesis is                                                 feels like heaven touching earth.
to put people not only in touch           The      General     Directory      for   That’s because Jesus is “always
but in communion, in intimacy,            Catechesis says, “knowledge of the        present in his Church, especially in
with Jesus Christ: only he can            faith is required by adherence to         ‘liturgical celebrations’”. But let’s
lead us to the love of the Father         the faith ”. You’ll probably struggle     face it – when to stand, when to
in the Spirit and make us share           to live the Christian life if you don’t   kneel, what the gold thing is with
in the life of the Holy Trinity”          understand it, just like an alien         the angels on top and why is he
(CT 5). This is what we hope to           trying to play cricket. Our first task    swinging that smokey metal cage
achieve in our lessons.                                                             around?.. This is all very confusing.
                                          is to teach the students what it is to
                                                                                    Now imagine being a child trying
                                          be a Catholic. That means we need
We do this systematically – after                                                   to understand.
                                          to be age-appropriate – that’s why
all, we use a curriculum – by
                                          having an approved curriculum is so       The Constitution on the Sacred
focusing on 6 tasks. These tasks
                                          important – For example, a primary        Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concillium,
are written into your lesson plans
                                          school aged student isn’t going to        tells us that all the faithful should
and will be achieved by following
                                          need to understand the problem of         be led to “fully conscious, and
your curriculum, so there is no
need to fret about whether or not         adultery, but they can understand         active participation in liturgical
they are being included. (Note: All       what it means to forgive.                 celebrations” . The fully conscious
quotes in this article, unless noted                                                part is particularly important.
                                          Whenever     possible    we   read        Active participation really matters:
otherwise, are from the General           stories from the Bible, we hear
Directory for Catechesis.)                                                          Being involved, knowing the
                                          the words of Jesus and we follow          mechanics, learning the prayers –
1. Promoting the Knowledge                along with the great heroes and           these are all important things but
of the Faith                              heroines of our faith. But we             understanding “why” is equally,
                                          should also incorporate our own           if not more, important. This
Imagine you’re an alien arriving on       experience in an age-appropriate          understanding always begins in
earth. Someone invites you to an          way. For example, when you’re             a basic way and should develop
oval shaped field and in the centre       talking about “being loving”, give        throughout life. So, following the
is long strip of hard finely cut grass.   personal examples of what you’ve          curriculum and explaining the
At each end of the strip are three        experienced or what you’ve done.          Sacraments and the liturgy of the
wooden poles with two smaller             That makes it more real.                  Church is vital.
poles balanced on them. There
are 11 people standing in various

3. Moral Formation                       That’s why teaching students how         We were told of God’s great love,
                                         to pray is of great importance.          so too we should tell the world.
One of the most important calls          People often say about their SRE         The General Directory tells us
in our life is to discipleship and       lessons, if the lesson goes awry,        that the missionary dimension
discipleship is a constant process       students are misbehaving or you are      of Catechesis “seeks to equip the
of conversion. As we walk in the         running out of time, always make         disciples of Jesus to be present as
footsteps of Jesus, we become like       time to pray and teach the students      Christians in society through their
him. For adults being initiated          that prayer is a top priority in the     professional, cultural and social
into the faith, through grace and        Christian life. There are many ways      lives” Put simply? Be a missionary
formation, we often see breaking of      to pray – wrote prayers (like the        in the world by being the best you.
bad habits, we see change in outlook     Rosary), hymns and songs, prayers        We are all called to mission.
and morals and sometimes even, as        of intercession, contemplation,
Jesus warned, a change or “cutting       praying with the Scriptures and so       If you take the analogy of the cross
off” of unhealthy relationships.         on. It is good to change it up and       – the vertical beam represents our
In children however, thanks be to        include many ways of praying.            relationship with God and the
God, the threat of many of the bad       Some students will resonate with         horizontal is our relationship with
habits or sinful vices, by their very    one type of prayer more than             others. The vertical beam grounds
nature, are years away.                  others. A good curriculum will           us and keeps us firm – God’s love
                                         include many forms and styles            is our strength – and from there,
We have an opportunity and a duty                                                 the horizontal beam, we can love
                                         of prayer. It is good to offer this
to teach them the ways of God –                                                   others. This is through works of
                                         variety to students.
the way of a Jesus follower. This                                                 mercy and actions of social justice.
is not simply a list of no-no’s. It’s    5. Preparation for
a list of yes-yes’s too! Virtue is not   Community Life                           Conclusion
simply the absence of some vice.
                                         We hear stories of great saints like     So they are our six tasks! Promoting
By that definition, a pile of rocks
                                         St Francis who preached in the           Knowledge of the Faith, Liturgical
is virtuous. Virtue is habitually
                                         streets or modern-day missionaries       Formation,      Moral     Formation,
choosing the Good, the True and
                                         like St Teresa of Calcutta and we        Teaching to Pray, Preparation for
the Beautiful and it draws out of us
                                         think, wow, they’re incredible – I       Community Life and Missionary
who God created us to be. We do all
                                         could never do that! But we neglect      Initiation. Ok, wait, before you
this with grace in the power of the
                                         to mention that Francis had a            freak out and become overwhelmed
Holy Spirit. But we cannot choose
                                         community of brother monks               by all that – Remember, we go into
the good, the true and the beautiful
                                         with him and Mother Teresa was           classes with pre-written lesson
if we do not know what it is. The
                                         the abbess of an order of sisters. In    plans. You don’t need figure out
example of Jesus as well as the
                                         Christianity, we aren’t meant to be      how to include these things. They
lives of Saints, combined with the
                                         lone wolves. We have Jesus living in     are included already! We share
teaching of the Church will help
                                         and through us but we were made          these tasks with you so that you
equip our students to make good
                                         to live in community – a common          get an idea of the thinking behind
decisions in their lives.
                                         unity – with a group of believers        the formation of the lessons in the
4. Teaching to Pray                      who pray, learn, eat and live their      curriculum you will receive. And
                                         lives together with a common             now that you have heard about
“To learn to pray with Jesus is to       vision and purpose. Our faith is         them, you won’t be able to not
pray with the same sentiments            both personal and communal.              notice the fact they are included!
with which he turned to the Father:
adoration, praise, thanksgiving,         It’s important in our lessons to
filial confidence (praying to God        emphasise the powerful place that
as a son or daughter), supplication      the Church has as not only the
(asking for what we need) and awe        body of Christ but as a community
for his glory” .                         of believers, traveling this road
                                         together. These are the people
As Christians, we have a direct line     who are meant to encourage us,
connection to God the Father in          challenge us and help us on the
the name of Jesus – it’s like a high-    journey. We are called out of our
speed internet connection, always        ordinary life into a radical life of
on, always available. But we can         belonging and responsibility for
sometimes make the mistake of            one another. We each have a place
thinking we should only use it to        and a purpose in the body. We all
“check-in” or in times of crisis, but    belong.
it’s meant to be used all the time,
every day and in all situations. We      6. Missionary Initiation
have a direct connection to the
One who desires to know us and           Everything we receive from God
who waits for the opportunity to         is meant to be given away. We
speak with us, not just to us.           are forgiven, so we must forgive.

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Thank you,
                                   Catholic Club
                                         Written by Frances Fairs

The Campbelltown Catholic          and Department of Education due        sets of teacher manuals and
Club supports CCD Wollongong       to the Covid-19 Pandemic.              workbooks.
each year by donating funds to
supply parishes in the Macarthur   To help with the recommencement        We are very grateful to the
region of our diocese with         of Catholic SRE in 2021, the           Campbelltown Catholic Club for
resources, such as books and       Campbelltown Catholic Club has         their continued and generous
teaching manuals. Considering      generously donated $5,500, in          support of CCD Wollongong.
that the region is made up of      addition to their substantial grant
250 Catechists and 4000 young      to Parishes in the Macarthur, to       We were very fortunate to be able
people in nearly 50 schools,       sponsor sets of the new COLAL          to hold the Macarthur Catechist
this donation is very much         (4th Edition) teacher manuals and      Coordinator meeting and the first
appreciated and gives us a great   workbooks for each parish in the       session of the CCD Level 1 Course
boost in sustaining Catholic SRE   diocese.                               in one of their many beautiful
in the region.                                                            event rooms, at a discounted
                                   This will mean that parishes will
Last year was the first time in    receive at least one set of teacher    rate. If you have not visited the
more than 100 years that SRE was   manuals and workbooks, with            Campbelltown Catholic Club in a
paused by the NSW Government       larger parishes receiving several      while, it is time to do so!

                                     Resources to inspire!
                                     Written by Lisa Metcalfe

                                     With Easter fast approaching it is time to get in touch with the
                                     amazing Resource Centre Managers Cindy and Anne to work out what
                                     helpful additional resources will assist you to break open the scriptures
                                     for the Easter season in your classrooms.

                                     There are Big Books, puppets, props, music and pictures available to
                                     help to focus student’s attention and highlight the powerful Gospel
                                     message that Jesus came to provide an example for us to follow, died
                                     for our sins and because of the wonder and awe of the resurrection we
                                     are able to be fully reunited with God. Such good news to share!

                                     Illawarra–Shoalhaven Catechists can access the Resource Centre by
                                     contacting Anne Russell on 0427 072 363 Resources will be selected by
                                     Anne and then can be picked up and dropped off to the Marian Centre,
                                     Catholic Education Office at 86-88 Market Street Wollongong.

                                     Macarthur–Southern Highlands • Micah House has reopened
                                     Monday to Thursday 9am until 3pm (35a Cordeaux St, Campbelltown).
                                     Contact Cindy Oliver on (02) 4640 8550 or
                                     email cindy.oliver@dow.org.au

Catechist Profile
Patricia & Russell Williams
Milton–Ulladulla Parish

                                                    What inspired you to       Do you have a particular talent or
                                                    become a Catechist?        skill that you make use of in the
                                                    My inspiration was a
                                                    beautiful Nun, Sister      What I find is a useful tool in
                                                    Mary Clement (OAM),        reaching out to Kindies is for me to
                                                    who peddled her push       become animated in my approach.
                                                    bike to classes each       I use actions, facial expressions,
                                                    week carrying her          music and mime even in teaching
                                                    books and teaching         prayer. It does encourage them to
                                                    aids all in her carry      join in and serves to enliven each
                                                    basket. She tackled        lesson with joy and fun.
                                                    two schools on the
                                                    one day. Truly a Saint     What warms your heart when you are
                                                    in my eyes.                a in the classroom?

                                                    When there was a           One experience that stays with me,
                                                    call at our Milton         is when, after hearing the story of
                                                    Ulladulla Parish           Noah and the Great Flood a little
                                                    to fill a depleted         boy brought me in a “Big Gift “it
                                                    Catechist Ministry,        was a wooden replica of Noahs Ark
                                                    I thought that must        complete with animals. He said
                                                    be the Holy Spirit         it was for me to keep, so I could
                                                    once again tapping         show all the other children instead
How long have you been a Catechist?    me on the shoulder. The                 of just pictures. I was so touched.
                                       support that I received here            He donated a loved toy. Indeed,
My first urge to become a                                                      Jesus himself would have shed a
Catechist was when my children         when I recommenced was truly
                                       remarkable. I was gently eased          tear.
enthusiastically embraced their
Religious Instruction. So, when my     back into the Catechist Fold            What is your future direction as a
youngest started School, I decided     surrounded by so much love. A           Catechist?
I would give it a go.                  bonus for me and the students
                                       was that my husband Russell, has        I envisage that I will continue to
Many Courses followed - so             now become my helper in the             respond to this ministry as my
different from the way they are        Classroom. We both prepare the          circumstances permit. My words of
now presented. As there were           lessons and have many strategies        encouragement would be to trust
several moves and disruptions due      down pat as we can take our tasks       in the abundance of help on offer.
to my husband’s Naval Career,          home and plan lessons together.         All one needs is that “Yes” and the
my Catechist teaching had many                                                 Holy Spirit will do the rest. Your
starts and stops. When those times     What do you enjoy about teaching        presence each week, demonstrates
were over, I once again heard the      SRE?                                    to these little ones, that God
Catechist call at Mudgee. A very       The thing that I enjoy most about       indeed is with us and knows us by
different approach all together, as    being a Catechist, especially           Name.
it involved teaching Ecumenically      teaching Kindy is witnessing the
– Christian Religion across the                                                Thank you so much, Patricia
                                       absolute awe and wonder as they         and Russell, for sharing about
board and no references to             experience their first encounter
anything specifically Catholic (eg.                                            your journey in the ministry and
                                       with their Heavenly Father. For         congratulations on receiving your
Mary or the Eucharist). It was quite   most students it is their first
challenging as it involved large                                               20–year Papal Blessing Award in
                                       knowledge of how they were loved        2020!
classes, no Catechist helper and no    into existence and that God knows
Class Teacher in the room and was,     each of them individually. I feel so
at times, very daunting.               privileged that God has asked us to
                                       play a part in that.

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Calendar 2021
  Coordinator Meetings (10:00-11:30am)
  Illawarra-Shoalhaven		                      Jun 25
  Xavier Centre			                            Nov 19
  Macarthur-Highlands		                       Jun 28
  Micah House			                              Nov 22

  Level II (9:30am-1:30pm)
  Illawarra-Shoalhaven		                      May 7, 14, 21
  Xavier Centre			                            28, Jun 4, 11
  Macarthur-Highlands		                       May 3, 10, 17
  Micah House			                              24, 31, Jun 7

  Level III (9:30am-1:30pm)
  Illawarra-Shoalhaven		                      Jul 23, 30
  Xavier Centre			                            Aug 6, 13, 20, 27
  Macarthur-Highlands		                       Jul 19, 26
  Micah House			                              Aug 2, 9, 16, 23

  Craft Day/Morning Tea (10:30-12:00pm)
  Macarthur-Highlands		                       Mar 15
  Micah House			                              Oct 25

  Catechist Retreat (10:00am-2:00pm)
  Illawarra-Shoalhaven		                      Sep 13

  Macarthur-Highlands		                       Sep 17

  Annual Catechist Mass (10:30am)
  St Francis Xavier Cathedral                 Nov 13

    *Dates are correct at time of printing

   Please note: This calendar was correct at the
   time of printing. Please ensure that you contact
   Cindy Oliver when booking to confirm any                                          In our diocese, more than 500 Catechists
   changes to dates and availability of courses and
   events due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some                                         reach 9,000 Catholic students each week
   events have been rescheduled or changed to                                        in government schools. All training and
   online only in response to the current situation
   we are in. Thank you for your understanding.
                                                                                     lesson materials are provided.
                                                                                     Online training options available.

                                                                                      Find out more at:
        CONTACT CINDY OLIVER ON 4640 8550
         OR support@ccdwollongong.com                                                 www.ccdwollongong.com

CatechistNET © 2021 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Diocese of Wollongong This magazine is a publication of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
All images and content are the intellectual property of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Diocese of Wollongong unless otherwise stated.
Photos used with permission.
Design by Peter Gilmore. Proofing by Helen Bennett and Lisa Metcalfe.

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