The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Page created by Hugh Stephens
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
The Epiphany
    of the Lord
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
WELCOM E                                           Mass AT TH E
                                                         CATH EDRAL
                                 Planning to attend a Sunday Mass? Please register for contact tracing
                                 purposes. The link to register is on our website or your bulletin email.

                                 Saturday, Jan 2         12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      † Marlene Samlin
                                                         4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
                                                                      † Joseph K. Wojkowski Jr.
                                 Sunday, Jan 3           10:00am      Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                      (televised|live-streamed) ALS Interpretation
                                                                      Int. Janice Woods
                                                         12:00pm      Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia
                                                                      Int. Angel Tovar
                                                         5:30pm       Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                      † Max Alan Gibbs
                                                         7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church
                                                                      Parish Family
                                 Monday, Jan 4           12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      Int. Popeil family
                                 Tuesday, Jan 5          12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      † Eileen Locke
                                 Wednesday, Jan 6        12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      Int. Tom & Julie Van Hall
                                 Thursday, Jan 7         12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      Int. Rob Honson family
                                 Friday, Jan 8           12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                      Int. Angers family
                                 Saturday, Jan 9         12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                         4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
                                                                      † Denise Williams
                                 Sunday, Jan 10          10:00am      Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                      (televised|live-streamed) ALS Interpretation
                                                                      † Ellis James
                                                         12:00pm      Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia
                                                                      Familia Parroquial
                                                         5:30pm       Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                      Intentions of CIC Collaborators &
                                                                      Partners in Mission
                                                         7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church
                                                                      Int. Rob & Chris Frans family

                                                 Confession Schedule
                                                      Weekdays following the 12:05pm Mass
                                                      Saturdays, 11-11:45am in the Chapel
                                                      (or by appointment)
 God bless,
 Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP
                                             Watch Sunday 10am Mass Online
page 2
                                            Go to or the Cathedral’s Facebook page
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Scri pture
                                                                                                            Read ing...
                                                                                                            The Epiphany
                                                                                                            of the Lord
                                                                                                            Is 60:1-6
                                                                                                            Ps 72:1-2,7-8,10-13

Casting a Net
                                                                                                            Eph 3:2-3a,5-6
                                                                                                            Mt 2:1-12
                                                                                                            St. Elizabeth Ann

         ear sisters and brothers in Christ,                                                                Seton
                                                                                                            1 Jn 3:22—4:6
         Happy New Year!                                                                                    Ps 2:7b-8,10-12a
          This weekend, we gather to celebrate the Epiphany, the feast that commemorates                    Mt 4:12-17,23-25
the visit of the Magi to the newborn Christ and a celebration that reminds us that the Good
News - salvation - was for all people.
                                                                                                            St. John Neumann
Picture for a moment the Magi arriving in Bethlehem after their long journeys. What can you                 1 Jn 4:7-10
see here in your mind? For me, I picture these people in silence, just looking with awe at                  Ps 72:1-4,7-8
Jesus. Sure, there would have been talking and conversing with Mary and Joseph in that                      Mk 6:34-44
stable, and of course, some prayer too. But over and over again, my mind’s eye turns to the
silence that was so present in that simple, yet holy, space.                                                Wednesday:
                                                                                                            1 Jn 4:11-18
With that in mind, here at the Cathedral, we would like to invite you to a new prayer                       Ps 72:1-2,10,12-13
opportunity this year that will begin this Wednesday. This year, to commemorate the Year of                 Mk 6:45-52
Saint Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis, we will have a Holy Hour on the first Wednesday of
the month at 7 in the evening. Like the Magi, sitting in awe and silence before God incarnate,              Thursday:
you will have the opportunity to do the same before the Blessed Sacrament.                                  1 Jn 4:19—5:4
                                                                                                            Ps 72:1-2,14-15c,17
As we were planning what this would look like, we decided that it would be important for                    Lk 4:14-22
various ministries to help plan and lead this prayer. So, every month, a different Cathedral
ministry will do exactly that, plan and lead and guide this prayer. And while different                     Friday:
Cathedral and Catholic Information Center ministries will lead the Holy Hour, the whole                     1 Jn 5:5-13
parish community is invited to attend, to join in this beautiful prayer.                                    Ps 147:12-15,19-20
                                                                                                            Lk 5:12-16
The Holy Hour will begin at 7 with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. After a few brief
moments of silence, there will be some readings from scripture and a short homily or                        Saturday:
reflection. Then, you are invited to just sit in the quiet presence of the Lord. In this silence,           1 Jn 5:14-21
perhaps you can bring many prayer intentions to the Lord, or there may be a lot on your                     Ps 149:1-6a,9b
mind to share with God, or you can pray the rosary, or just sit in wonderful silence. This time             Jn 3:22-30
is God’s gift to you. Finally, at the end of the Holy Hour there will be benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament.                                                                                          Sunday:
                                                                                                            The Baptism
Perhaps you’ve never been to a Holy Hour with adoration (or it’s been awhile) and you’re not                of the Lord
sure what to do or what will happen. That’s fine! We’ll have a worship                                      Is 42:1-4,6-7 or
aid to guide you that will include over 50 different things to do (to pray                                  55:1-11
about) during quiet adoration. Or maybe, an hour is just too long for                                       Ps 29:1-4,9-10 or
your schedule, again, that’s fine. Just come when you can and stay for as                                   Is 12:2-6
long as you’d like.                                                                                         Acts 10:34-38 or
May God bless you and your loved ones this new year and always,                                             1 Jn 5:1-9
                                                                                                            Mt 1:7-11

Rev. Michael Hennessy, CSP
Associate Pastor                                                                Fr. Michael Hennessy, CSP               page 3
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Th is Week
Saturday, January 2
11:00am    Confessions—Chapel
12:05pm    Daily Mass—Church
4:30pm     Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
Sunday, January 3
The Epiphany of the Lord
10:00am    Sunday Mass—Church (televised/live-streamed)
12:00pm    Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia
5:30pm     Sunday Mass—Church                                    Holy Hour, Wednesday, January 6
7:30pm     Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church                 Join us in person (masks and social distancing) for a time of
Monday, January 4                                           silence, scripture and Adoration. This month’s Holy Hour will
7:00pm     JustFaith begins—CIC online class                be organized by our Young Adult Ministry. A different
                                                            ministry will direct each month. Join us at 7pm.
Wednesday, January 6
7:00pm     Holy Hour—Church
                                                                A New Year
Saturday, January 9                                         Make a resolution to
11:00am    Confessions—Chapel                                 grow spiritually
12:05pm    Daily Mass—Church                                through generosity
4:30pm     Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
                                                            How many times have
Sunday, January 10                                          you made a New Year
The Baptism of the Lord                                     resolution, only to break it by February? If you're normal,
10:00am    Sunday Mass—Church (televised/live-streamed)     then many times. But a resolution to be consistent with your
12:00pm    Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia                offerings is easy to keep when you sign up for Online Giving.
5:30pm     Sunday Mass—Church
7:30pm     Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church                 Why resolve to be consistent with your offerings?
                                                            A commitment to giving isn’t about money. It’s actually about
                                                            our spiritual growth. Everything we have, and every gift or
                                                            talent we possess, comes from God. As good stewards, we
                        December Baptisms                   give back a portion of our blessings to God, as a spiritual sign
                    We Welcome into the                     that he is the owner and director of our lives. Some faith
                    Christian Community...                  traditions talk about a tithe (or 10 percent) as a goal, and that
                                                            can be daunting. So start small, and increase your generosity
                         Yeraidy Castillo Cortez            as your faith increases. The goal is to strengthen your
                             Ximena Chavez                  dependence on God through a faithful response to His
                            Ignatius Jonaitis               goodness!

                                                                     Experience the convenience of Online
Thank you for giving: Our Joy of the Gospel                         Giving. Visit
Fund has been of great benefit to those in need during
this pandemic, and that will continue. The purpose of
this fund is to put into action Pope Francis’ call to
“evangelize in word and deed”. We do that through the                         STEWARDSH I P
Catholic Information Center that welcomes seekers from          Week ended December 27                       $ 21,867.56
all backgrounds and helps Catholics continue to grow
                                                                 Same week last year                         $ 16,994.65
spiritually. We do that through our outreach ministries
that care for those in need in our community. Please            Weekly need                                  $ 14,423.08
continue to be a partner in fulfilling the call with your
giving each month to the Joy of the Gospel Fund.

page 4
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Current Directives                                      Lent Reflection Writers Needed
                 for Mass                                                You’re invited to participate in an ecumenical
                                                                         effort of the church communities of the
                 Bishop Walkowiak has extended                           Cathedral of Saint Andrew, Bethlehem
                 the dispensation for Mass to                            Lutheran and St. Mark’s Episcopal. We need
                 February 17, 2021.                                      people to share a personal reflection and a
                                                                         brief prayer as it touches their heart.
Ways you can help...
•   Plan to arrive early, but please do not attend if you                Is it your time to say, “Here I am”?
    have any symptom of illness.                                         Assignments for Lent are being sent out soon.
•   If you have only 1 or 2 people attending from a                      Please contact sueannclark311@ or
    household, please fill the short pews on the sides                   616.485.6957 to sign up or learn more.
    first and leave longer pews for larger households.
•   When coming forward for Communion, please say

                                                                        Kudos Kolumn
    “Amen” when you stop at the blue sticker on the
    floor. Do not remove your mask until you are ready
    to consume the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ
    must be consumed before returning to your pew.
    Replace your mask promptly.
•   We are asking parishioners to register online if you    THANK YOU!! All of the Christmas celebrations at the
    plan to attend Mass at the Cathedral. This is for the   Cathedral are possible because of a cadre of dedicated
    purpose of contact tracing. The link is at cathe-       volunteers. We are so grateful for every one of you who                                   work so diligently behind the scenes and in the spotlight,
                                                            especially this year with all its extra challenges. God bless
Thank you for your continued patience and diligence         each of you!
in helping us make our Masses as safe as possible.

Mark Your Calendar!
Art and Environment invites you to help us pack up all
the Christmas decorations and trees and put them away
for next year. We need all hands on deck.
Monday, January 11, 2021,
9-11am and/or 5-7pm
Also, while you're packing your decorations at home, if
you have any gently loved artificial Christmas trees and
working strings of white lights you would like to donate,
please call the parish office to set up a time to deliver
them to the church. Thank you so much!

                                                                                                                   page 5
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Faith at Home:                                     king. Whereas the gift of frankincense speaks to this
                                                                newborn king’s divinity (as its smoke rises up like prayer to
             Dear Cathedral families,
                                                                God). And the gift of myrrh speaks to this king’s humanity
             Does God love fanboys and fangirls? Of             (as the perfumed oil is used to prepare the dead corpse for
             course, he does. Does God give fanboys and         burial).
fangirls preferential treatment because they are fans of
his? Not a bit.                                                 But probably the most universal aspect of God’s epiphany
                                                                this Sunday is found in the manner by which God comes
If you know me, you know that I’m a big fan of New              into the world. He comes not as royalty. He is not born into
England Patriots football. (I grew up in New England, so        the king’s household nor his royal court. Instead, God is
it’s kind of in my blood.) For over 20 years, New England       born into a simple family of a carpenter and his wife, living
held a dynastic run of championship teams. Not so much          in a peasant’s house in small-town Bethlehem. By
this year. Many have said that the long-lived Brady-            manifesting himself in this way, God provides universal
Belichick dynasty is finally dead. They’re probably right.      access to his Incarnate self. One does not have to belong to
Does this mean I love football any less? No. Does it            the upper echelons of society to access this God. One does
mean that I can now more compassionately empathize              not have to come from a high social, economic, or
with Detroit Lions fans? Probably. Although I still love        educational status to approach this newborn king.
the Patriots, I find that I love football more. I root for      Whoever you are, whether shepherd or king, rich man or
former Patriots’ team members on other NFL teams. I             poor, you need only come and adore. Let us continue
have even stopped demonizing the NFC while rooting for          offering our gifts of praise and thanksgiving to God in similar
AFC teams to win the Super Bowl (because Brady now              manner during this Christmastide, by finding the quiet
plays for Tampa). In a roundabout way, even Covid has           within our own prayer, where we too can “come and adore
helped me to appreciate the bigger picture of football, or      him.”
basketball, or hockey or baseball, or sports in general.
                                                                Christ’s Peace & Joy to your hearts always!
The past year has served to curb excessive tribal
                                                                             - Sean Donovan, Director of Religious Education
enthusiasm, while helping me to appreciate the
greatness of other teams and the game overall.
Believe it or not, this is the message that plays out in this        The flowers that grace our Cathedral this
Sunday’s gospel. Over the course of salvation history,
God chose a tribe through which to reveal himself to the             Christmas are also in loving memory of ...
world. God chose this tribe time and time again, making
covenants with it and remaining faithful to those
covenants. And so, God fielded “championship teams”                                 Colburn, Dorothy
through his covenants with Abraham, and Moses, and                               Hohendorf, Clara & Fran
David. Finally, at the end of this dynastic tribal run,                              Judson, Evelyn
God’s final covenant is made through his Son, Jesus the                                Neal, Paula
Christ. Instead of maintaining a narrow focus with the
perennial tribe of Israel, however, this last covenant
extends a broader invitation to the gentiles as well. It’s         Thank You for your gifts that allow us to enhance our
as if God had decided to extend his covenant beyond the         Christmas celebration with the beauty of flowers and lights.
Patriots, to include the entire league of 32 NFL teams, as
well as that other form of football known as “soccer.”
This Sunday’s readings highlight how different nations,         Try Text-to-Give
races, and even different faiths come together to               We have a brand new way you can give to Ca-
encounter the newborn king. God manifests himself (the          thedral Ministries. Many people who don’t
meaning of Epiphany) to all humanity, to both Jews and          carry cash find Text-to-Give easy and conven-
gentiles alike. For the Hebrew people, this manifestation
is foretold in the Sacred Scriptures. For the gentiles, this    ient. Text the word “Give” to 844-490
manifestation is signified through creation, in the             -1079 You will get a link for the quick initial
appearance of a new star. The magi from the East come           sign up. Once you are signed up, you just type
to bow down, to give homage and honor, and to adore             in a dollar amount and send. Be sure to save the phone
this newborn king. Although the scripture does not              number in your contacts.
delineate the number or race of these magi, tradition
holds their number at three (one for each of Matthew’s
gifts) and they are often represented by different races in     Mass Intentions
the figurines portrayed in the creche. The gifts they offer     If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, and/or
reflect their faith in whom this child will grow up to          include a card as a special gift, call the Cathedral Office,
become. The gift of gold is a traditional gift befitting a      616-456-1454 x1909.
page 6
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
CIC at Home

                                                                                                                      Catholic Information Center
                                                               Weekly sessions begin Monday, January 4, 7-
                                                               8:30pm, Register early! Zoom meetings with
                                                               Deacon Dennis Rybicki. (Cost: $15 for book) The
                                                               JustFaith Catholic series guides small groups in
                                                               exploring the Gospel’s call to respond to major
                                                               issues that intersect with poverty, including racial
                                                               injustice, violence and environmental degradation.
                                                               Encore Institute (for 55+): Adventures
                                                               in Volunteering
                                                               Thursday, January 14, 10am Zoom presentation
                                                               with Mel Trotter Ministries. (RSVP by Jan. 11)

                                                                                  inSpirit: Living on the
                                                                                  Edge of Chaos
                                                                                 Tuesday, January 19, 7-8pm
                                                                                 Zoom presentation with Fr.
                                                                                 John Kartje, rector of
                                                                                 Mundelein Seminary. (RSVP by
                                                                                 Jan. 14) Explore biblical
                                                                                 examples of journeying from
                                                               order through chaos to new reality.
Pope Francis announces                                         Encore Institute (for 55+): Young Adults
‘Year of St. Joseph’, grants                                   in Today’s Church
special indulgences                                            Wednesday, Feb. 3, 10am Zoom presentation with
On Dec. 8, Pope Francis issued an apos-                        Fr. Michael Hennessy, CSP & Deacon Mike
tolic letter, Patris corde (“With a Father’s                   Cruickshank, CSP. (RSVP by Jan. 29) How do Young
Heart”) for the 150th anniversary of the                       Adults view the Church and understand their
declaration of St. Joseph as patron of the                     Catholic faith?
universal Church. To mark the occasion,
the pope proclaimed a “Year of St. Jo-
seph” from Dec. 8, 2020 through Dec. 8,
2021, explaining that the aim of this spe-                     Thank You! for helping the CIC
cial year is “to increase our love for this great saint, to    accomplish its mission in the New
encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate
his virtues and his zeal.” In addition, a plenary indulgence   Year with your donations for much
is available to Catholics throughout the year under spe-       needed equipment. We continue
cific conditions. Visit the Diocese of Grand Rapids web-
site,, to learn more.                            bringing seekers to the Catholic
                                                               faith and helping all adults learn,
  Let the Catholic Information Center help                     celebrate, pray and live their
  you Learn, Celebrate, Live and Pray your
 Catholic faith. View all your opportunities                   Catholic faith.
for a New Year filled with spiritual purpose
      at                                                                                page 7
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Infant Baptisms
Please contact the
Cathedral office 456-
1454 x1909.

                             Arrojando la Red
Adult Baptisms &
Becoming Catholic
Please contact Sean
Donovan 616-456-1454

                                    ueridos hermano/as en Cristo,
(Confession) For the                ¡Feliz año nuevo!
confession schedule,         Este fin de semana nos reunimos para celebrar la Epifanía, la fiesta que conmemora la visita
please refer to page 2.      de los Magos al Cristo recién nacido y una celebración que nos recuerda que la Buena Nueva,
For special situations,      la salvación, era para todas las personas.
please contact the
Cathedral office 616-456-    Imagínese por un momento a los magos llegando a Belén después de sus largos viajes. ¿Qué
1454 x1909 to make an        puedes ver aquí en tu mente? Para mí, me imagino a estas personas en silencio, mirando con
appointment with one of      asombro a Jesús. Seguro, habría estado hablando y conversando con María y José en ese
our priests.                 establo, y por supuesto, también alguna oración. Pero una y otra vez, el ojo de mi mente se
First Communion is           vuelve de nuevo al silencio que estaba tan presente en ese espacio simple pero sagrado.
prepared for through the
Religious Education          Con eso en mente, aquí en la Catedral, nos gustaría invitarlos a una nueva oportunidad de
program. Contact Sean        oración este año que comenzará este miércoles. Este año, para conmemorar el Año de San
Donovan at the               José proclamado por el Papa Francisco, tendremos una Hora Santa el primer miércoles de
Cathedral office             cada mes a las 7 de la tarde. Como los Reyes Magos, sentados con asombro y en silencio ante
456-1454 x1913.              Dios encarnado, tendrás la oportunidad de hacer lo mismo ante el Santísimo Sacramento.
Confirmation for 8th         Mientras estábamos planeando cómo se vería esto, decidimos que sería importante que
graders is prepared for      varios ministerios ayudaran a planificar y dirigir esta oración. Entonces, cada mes, un
through the Religious        ministerio de la Catedral diferente hará exactamente eso, planificará, dirigirá y guiará esta
Education program.           oración. Y mientras diferentes ministerios de la Catedral y del Centro de Información Católica
Contact Sean Donovan         liderarán la Hora Santa, toda la comunidad parroquial está invitada a asistir para unirse a
at the Cathedral office      esta hermosa oración.
456-1454 x1913.
Baptized adults can          La Hora Santa comenzará a las 7 con la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento. Después de
register for Adult           unos breves momentos de silencio, habrá algunas lecturas de las escrituras y una breve
Confirmation prep            homilía o reflexión. Luego, se le invita a sentarse en la presencia silenciosa del Señor. En este
classes. Contact Sean        silencio, quizás puedas llevar muchas intenciones de oración al Señor, o quizás tengas
616-456-1454 x1913.          muchas cosas en tu mente para compartir con Dios, o puedas rezar el rosario, o simplemente
Weddings                     sentarte en un maravilloso silencio. Esta vez es un regalo de Dios para ti. Finalmente, al final
Please contact Lynnae in     de la Hora Santa habrá bendición del Santísimo Sacramento.
the Cathedral office 616-
                             Quizás nunca has estado en una Hora Santa con adoración (o ha pasado un tiempo) y no
456-1454, x1901.
                             estás seguro de qué hacer o qué sucederá. ¡Está bien! Tendremos una ayuda de adoración
Anointing of the Sick        para guiarlo que incluirá más de 50 cosas diferentes para hacer (para orar) durante la
Please call the Cathedral    adoración silenciosa. O tal vez, una hora es demasiado para tu
office 456-1454 x1909 if     horario, de nuevo, está bien. Solo ven cuando puedas y quédate todo
you are in the hospital or   el tiempo que quieras.
home-bound and would
like Anointing or            Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus seres queridos este nuevo año
Communion. For after         y siempre,
hour emergencies dial
option 6 and one of our
priests will be paged.
                             Reverendo Michael Hennessy, CSP
page 8                       Pastor Asociado                                                           Fr. Michael Hennessy, CSP
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Taller en el Centro de                                           Nuevas Directivas para Misa
                                                                 El Obispo Walkowiak ha extendido la dispensación de la misa
Información Católica                                             a 17 de febrero de 2021.
Espiritualidad Ignaciana
Miércoles, 6 y 20 de enero, 7pm.                                  Maneras en que puedes ayudar ...
Facilitada por el Padre Luis García                               • Planee llegar temprano, pero no asista si tiene algún
Se le enviará por correo electrónico un                           síntoma de enfermedad.
enlace Zoom                                                       • Si solo asisten 1 o 2 personas de un hogar, primero llene
Como cristianos católicos nosotros                  las bancas cortas a los lados y deje las bancas más largas para los hogares
sabemos la importancia de nuestra vida              más grandes.
espiritual. A través de la historia de la       •   Cuando se acerque para recibir la Comunión, diga “Amén” cuando se
iglesia católica los hombres de todos los           detenga en la etiqueta azul en el piso. No se quite la máscara hasta que
tiempos han podido beber y enriquecerse             esté listo para consumir el Cuerpo de Cristo. El Cuerpo de Cristo debe
de diferentes corrientes espirituales.              consumirse antes de regresar a su banca. Reemplace su mascarilla de
Algunas corrientes o movimientos                    inmediato.
espirituales han inspirados grandes             •   Tenga en cuenta que a partir de Adviento pedimos a los feligreses que se
cambios en las personas y una renovación            registren en línea si planean asistir a misa en la Catedral. Esto es con el
en la Iglesia. Estas dos sesiones nos               propósito de rastrear contactos. Mire su correo electrónico para obtener
permitirán conocer acerca de la                     enlaces y más información
espiritualidad Ignaciana propuesta por San      Gracias por su paciencia y diligencia continuas para ayudarnos a que nuestras
Ignacio de Loyola y promovida por los           misas sean lo más seguras posible.
Jesuitas. La espiritualidad ignaciana nos
enseña a desarrollar una atención activa en     Somos la iglesia madre de la diócesis. Quizás haya una persona en
Dios y a darle una pronta respuesta.            tu vida que necesite el cuidado tierno de una madre espiritual. Te pedimos que
Registrarse en                                  invites a esta persona que pueda necesitar ayuda espiritual a venir a confesión                   en la catedral, o hablar con uno de los sacerdotes de la catedral

                      El Papa
                      Francisco                 Reflexión Dominical
                      anuncia el ‘Año           del Padre Bill
                                                ¡Dios es tan generoso! Que
                      de San José’              cuando pecamos y nos
                      concediendo               apartamos de Dios, a veces hay
                      indulgencias              advertencias y sufrimiento. Pero
                                                a menudo, Dios nos invita a
                      especiales                entregarnos a su generosidad.
                       El 8 de diciembre, el    En el capítulo 55, Isaías nos
                       Papa Francisco emitió    presenta la invitación de Dios:
                       una carta apostólica:    "¡Todos los que tenéis sed,
                       Patris corde (“Con       venid al agua! ... ¡Venid gratis,
                       Corazón de Padre”)       bebed vino y leche!" No tenemos que pagar con dinero por esta generosidad.
por el 150 aniversario de la declaración de     Pero, por supuesto, tenemos que pagar con nuestras vidas. Esta recompensa
San José como patrono de la Iglesia             llega cuando estamos "con todo". Cuando tenemos "piel en el juego". ¿Ha
universal. Para enmarcar la ocasión, el Papa    experimentado esta sensación de estar completamente comprometido con una
ha proclamado el “Año de San José” que va       comunidad de fe? Hay desafíos y sacrificios, pero más que nada, todo tiene
desde el 8 de diciembre de 2020 hasta el 8      sentido. Estamos orgullosos de nuestra comunidad, queremos participar en los
de diciembre de 2021, explicando que el         ministerios, queremos gastar nuestras vidas en hacer algo importante.
objetivo de este año especial es “aumentar      Prometamos que en 2021 nos entregarnos por completo: a nuestras familias, a
nuestro amor por este gran santo,               nuestra comunidad de fe, y a Dios. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
animarnos a implorar su intercesión e
imitar sus virtudes y su celo”. Además, los
católicos tienen a su disposición una
indulgencia plenaria durante todo el año
                                                              Donaciones en
bajo condiciones específicas. Visite el sitio                 línea
web de la Diócesis de Grand Rapids,                             La Catedral puede, para obtener más                                 continuar sirviendo a la
información.                                    gente por medio de sus donaciones               Sigue la catedral en
                                                generosas. Agradecemos mucho sus                Facebook para ver
                                                donaciones “en línea,” que puede hacer
                                                en ir al sitio web de la catedral:                 fotos y videos.
                                                                                                                        page 9
The Epiphany of the Lord - JANUARY 3 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
pertenecer a los escalones superiores de la
                  Fe en Casa                                                           sociedad para acceder a este Dios. No es
                  Queridas familias de la Catedral,                                    necesario tener un alto nivel social,
                  ¿Dios ama a los fanáticos y fanáticas? Por su puesto que lo          económico o educativo para acercarse a
                  hace. ¿Dios le da a los fanáticos y fanáticas un trato               este rey recién nacido. Quienquiera que
                  preferencial porque son fanáticos de él? Ni un poco.                 seas, ya sea pastor o rey, rico o pobre, solo
                                                                                       tienes que venir y adorar. Sigamos
Si me conocen, sabrán que soy un gran fanático del fútbol americano de los             ofreciendo nuestros dones de alabanza y
Patriotas de Nueva Inglaterra. (Crecí en Nueva Inglaterra, así que está algo en        acción de gracias a Dios de manera similar
mi sangre). Durante más de 20 años, Nueva Inglaterra tuvo una racha dinástica          durante esta Navidad, encontrando el
de equipos de campeonato. No mucho este año. Muchos han dicho que la                   silencio dentro de nuestra propia oración,
dinastía Brady-Belichick de larga duración finalmente ha muerto.                       donde también nosotros podemos “venir y
Probablemente tengan razón. ¿Significa esto que amo menos el fútbol? No.               adorarlo”.
¿Significa que ahora puedo sentir una empatía más compasiva con los fanáticos
                                                                                       ¡Paz y alegría de Cristo a sus corazones
de los Detroit Lions? Probablemente. Aunque todavía amo a los Patriotas,
encuentro que amo más el fútbol. Apoyo a los ex miembros del equipo de los
                                                                                                                    - Sean Donovan,
Patriotas en otros equipos de la NFL. Incluso dejé de demonizar a la NFC
                                                                                                    director de educación religiosa
mientras apoyaba a los equipos de la AFC para ganar el Super Bowl (porque
Brady ahora juega para Tampa). De manera indirecta, incluso Covid me ha
ayudado a apreciar el panorama más amplio del fútbol, el baloncesto, el hockey
o el béisbol, o los deportes en general. El año pasado sirvió para frenar el           ¡Felicidades a todos los
entusiasmo tribal excesivo, al tiempo que me ayudó a apreciar la grandeza de           ganadores de la rifa de la
otros equipos y del juego en general.
                                                                                       Virgen de Guadalupe!
Lo crea o no, este es el mensaje que se desarrolla en el evangelio de este
domingo. A lo largo de la historia de la salvación, Dios eligió una tribu a través
de la cual revelarse al mundo. Dios eligió a esta tribu una y otra vez, haciendo
convenios con ella y permaneciendo fiel a esos convenios. Y así, Dios envió
“equipos de campeonato” a través de sus convenios con Abraham, Moisés y
David. Finalmente, al final de esta carrera tribal dinástica, el pacto final de Dios
se hace a través de su Hijo, Jesús el Cristo. Sin embargo, en lugar de mantener
un enfoque estrecho con la tribu perenne de Israel, este último pacto extiende
una invitación más amplia a los gentiles también. Es como si Dios hubiera
decidido extender su pacto más allá de los Patriotas, para incluir toda la liga de
32 equipos de la NFL, así como esa otra forma de fútbol conocida como
Las lecturas de este domingo resaltan cómo diferentes naciones, razas e incluso
diferentes religiones se unen para encontrar al rey recién nacido. Dios se
manifiesta (el significado de la Epifanía) a toda la humanidad, tanto a judíos
como a gentiles. Para el pueblo hebreo, esta manifestación está predicha en las
Sagradas Escrituras. Para los gentiles, esta manifestación se significa a través de
la creación, en la aparición de una nueva estrella. Los magos de Oriente vienen
a inclinarse, a rendir homenaje y honor, y a adorar a este rey recién nacido.
Aunque las escrituras no delinean el número o la raza de estos magos, la
tradición mantiene su número en tres (uno por cada uno de los dones de
Mateo) y a menudo están representados por diferentes razas en las figurillas           La Gran ganadora de la televisión de
retratadas en la guardería. Los dones que ofrecen reflejan su fe en quién se           55" fue Helena Cervantes Garcia
convertirá este niño cuando crezca. El regalo de oro es un regalo tradicional
digno de un rey. Mientras que el don del incienso habla de la divinidad de este        Y los otros ganadores de la rifa
rey recién nacido (mientras su humo se eleva como una oración a Dios). Y el            fueron:
regalo de mirra habla de la humanidad de este rey (ya que el aceite perfumado          Maria Albiter
se usa para preparar el cadáver para el entierro).                                     Marta Araceli Lopez
Pero probablemente el aspecto más universal de la epifanía de Dios este                Andrew Pedro
domingo se encuentra en la manera en que Dios viene al mundo. No viene                 Marcos Pedro
como realeza. No nació en la casa del rey ni en su corte real. En cambio, Dios
nace en una familia sencilla de un carpintero y su esposa, que vive en la casa de
un campesino en la pequeña ciudad de Belén. Al manifestarse de esta manera,                   ¡FELICIDADES!
page 10
Dios proporciona acceso universal a su yo Encarnado. Uno no tiene que
     Th e                                                                                215 Sheldon SE
                                                                                     Grand Rapids, MI 49503

We give the Word of God a                                                             M-Th 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
voice in pulpits and print,                                                            F 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
on radio and television, on                              MOST REVEREND DAVID J. WALKOWIAK
the web and the wide                                       Bishop of Grand Rapids / Obispo
screen. We search out
those who have no church
home, and welcome home                             VERY REV. RENÉ CONSTANZA, CSP       REV. BOB CARY, CSP

                               Paulist fath ers
those who have been away.                          Rector (Párroco) ext. 1905          Senior Ministry
We share the passion of                                                                REV. JOACHIM LALLY, CSP
Paul for unity in faith and                        REV. BILL EDENS, CSP                Senior Ministry
solidarity in mission among                        Associate Pastor ext. 1906
all the baptized in the body                       fatherbill@cathedralofsaint
of Christ. We build bridges                                        REV. CHARLIE BRUNICK, CSP
of respect and collabora-                                                              Senior Ministry
                                                   REV. MICHAEL HENNESSY, CSP
tion with people of other
world religions.                                   Associate Pastor ext. 1916
In our parishes and campus
worshipping communities
we welcome people of di-                          Cathedral staff                   LYNNAE JARRELL ext. 1901
verse racial and cultural                                                           Wedding Coordinator
backgrounds. The gospel        BARB FOSS ext. 1902                        
                               Business Administrator
we preach calls for all the                                                         ANTHONY LEARY ext. 1917
children of God to be treat-                                                        Facilities Maintenance
ed with dignity and justice.   SEAN DONOVAN ext. 1913                     
                               Director of Religious Education and
We claim Isaac Hecker as       Faith Formation
                                            Other numbers
our founder, the Holy Spirit
                                                                                    BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGN
as our primary guide, St.      ELIANA GONZALEZ ext. 1909                            Eulene Freeland, 456-1454 ext. 1904
Paul as our patron, and lai-   Administrative Assistant/Receptionist                Send announcements via email only by
ty as our valued partners in                    previous Monday to
                               MATTHEW JAKUBISIN, ext. 1911
                               Director of Music                  CATHEDRAL OUTREACH CENTER
   We are Paulists.   Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
     Missionaries                                                 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Closed July-August
                               EULENE FREELAND, ext. 1904
  to North America.            Director of Communications         PRAYER CHAIN
                                                                  CATHEDRAL FAX: 616-456-5110
                               DEACON DENNIS RYBICKI, ext. 1903
                               Baptism & Homebound Ministry
                                                                  Cathedral proper open to the public:
                               deacondennis@cathedralofsaint      Weekdays: 6:30am to 6pm
                                              Saturdays: 9am to 6:30pm
                               JULIE BARTHOLOMEW ext. 1912        Sundays: 9am to 9pm
                               Liturgy Coordinator                Please coordinate with the office for

                                                                                                                   page 11
                        group tours or visits.
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