SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown

Page created by Lawrence Carr
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
                                          (From Renous to Boiestown)
                                              OCTOBER 2019
               ( D e a d l i n e f o r N ov emb e r 2 0 1 9 E d i ti on : W ed n es d a y , O c tob e r 30 , 2 0 19 )
Our thanks for this month's photo header goes to Stephen Pond of Doaktown. If you have a photo you’d
like to see “headline” the Salmon Country News, if you have articles for publication, or if you’d just like
some general information about advertising rates, coverage or publication dates, please call 506 -365-1105
or email

                                          2019 Terry Fox Run

From L-R: Tracey Christie, Lisa Lovelace, Donna Munn, Haviland Amos, Carrie Weaver, Vaughn Storey, Florence Colford,
David Colford, Wanda Amos, Chelsie O’Donnell, Florence Pitre, Richard O’Donnell, Karen Clowater. Joyce Charters
(absent from photo).
  On Sunday, September 15th, our small but mighty community came together to participate in the annual Terry Fox Walk. This
year we had about 65 participants and volunteers, and together we raised a little over $1800.
    The event could not have happened without the businesses and volunteers who gave their support. A huge “thanks” to the
following for your donations: Doaktown Auto Supplies; Village Family Restaurant; the Atlantic Salmon Museum; the Village of
Doaktown; Old Mill Pond Golf Course; Great Canadian Dollar Store; Trevor’s Independent Grocer; Irving Gas Bar; Stewart’s Ser-
vice Station; the Doak House; Prospect Place Arena; Storeybrook Photography; Country Fried Wontons; Rocky Brook Camps;
DES; CNAB; Becky O’Donnell; Philip Munn and Johanne Munn; Calvin and Sonya Munn; Dianne Lyons; Holly Doak; and Erica
    Also a heartfelt “thank you” to the following individuals: Bonnie Robinson, Lisa O’Donnell, Johanne Munn, Kyle Munn, Belva
Brown, Tracey Christie and Dianne Lyons for assisting with Run Day activities; to Trevor Price for the donation of prizes and ice-
cream sandwiches; to Chelsie O’Donnell for contacting Terry’s Team Members; to the Doaktown Health Clinic for the donation of
water; and to the Doaktown Elementary School for the use of the school and gym facilities.
    If I have omitted anyone, PLEASE forgive me and know that I truly appreciated all the support and couldn’t have done it with-
out you.
   A huge “thank-you” to Terry’s Team Members for sharing in this day with us. “As a cancer survivor, you are the living
embodiment of HOPE,” and of Terry’s dream!
                                                                                        ~ Loey Parker, Run Organizer
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
TENDER CALL                             STEWART'S SERVICE STATION
                   VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN
                                                                          (SINCE 1996)
                                                                         605 Main Street
              Sealed tenders will be accepted by                          Doaktown, NB
              mail or personal delivery at the
              Doaktown Village Office, c/o Village
              Clerk, 8 Miramichi Street, Doaktown,
NB E9C 1C8, until Monday, October 21, 2019, at 3:00
pm. for the purpose of Winter Maintenance
No Electronic Tenders please.
Tender Packages may be obtained at the Village
Office. Appendix “A” and “B” are included and
must be submitted with your Tender.
                                                                 Telephone: 365-4667
Tenders will be opened publicly at the Doaktown
Village Office immediately following the Closing
Time. Envelopes containing tenders must be clearly              During October we will be offering
marked “Tender VOD # 2019-04, Tender for Winter                          Oil Undercoating
Maintenance Services for the Village of Doaktown,”                 to help protect your vehicle
and include the name of the Tendering Firm.
                                                                       Cars - $ 65.00 + Tax
The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be
                                                                   Light Trucks - $ 75.00 + Tax
                     Marilyn E. Price                                    We also offer:
                       Village Clerk                        * Motor Vehicle Inspections * Oil Changes
Tel: 506-365-7970 (Ext. 102)                                 * New Tires * Install and Balance Tires *
Fax: 506-365-7111
                                                                      New Parts * Batteries
                                                                  * General Automotive Repairs

                                                        Before we
                                                        closed for
                                                        the season,
                                                        the Doak Site
                                                        some prizes.
                                        Shown in the photo left is
                                        Lauryn Dunphy, the winner of
                                        $182.00 in our 50-50 draw;
                                        and Jackie Connors Da-
                                        vidson who won our beau-
                                        tiful Heritage Quilt.

                                        Congratulations to you
                                        both – hope to see you
                                        next season at the Doak
          Lauryn Dunphy                 Site!                                Jackie Connors Davidson
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
                                                       OCTOBER 21
                                                       VILLAGE OF
                                                      WHITE GOODS /
                                                      CLEAN-UP DAY

                                                    Give Us: Fridges, Stoves, Furniture,
                                                    Bed Rails, Washers, Dryers, Hot Water
                                                    Tanks, and Paint Cans (only if the paint
     VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN                            is dried up). All items should be bagged,
 GARBAGE PICK-UP SCHEDULE                           boxed or tied, and placed at curbside.
           OCTOBER 2019                             We Do NOT Accept: Sand, Gravel,
                                                    Rocks, Bricks, Manure, Dead Animals,
  Monday, October 7 – Regular Garbage
                                                    Car or Snowmobile Parts, Propane
     Monday, October 14 – Blue Bin
                                                    Tanks, Trees, Lumber, Oil, Construction
Monday, October 21 – FALL CLEAN-UP DAY              Materials, Hazardous Waste, or Items
     Monday, October 28 – Blue Bin                  heavier than 50 pounds.
                                                          JOE’S GARBAGE: 506-622-8021
                                WOMEN’S CANCER SURVIVOR WELLNESS DAY
                                      F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 1 8 ( 9 a m – 3 p m )
                                      Central NB Woodmen’s Museum
               Our event is open to all Women Cancer Survivors. This year, the Central NB
               Woodmen’s Museum in Boiestown will be hosting our ladies, and lunch will again be
               provided. It promises to be a day of activity, education and great company.
               Please pre-register for this free event because seats are limited. For more information
               or to register, contact Lisa Lovelace or Chelsie O’Donnell at 365-6100.
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
A big “Thank You” goes out to Tre-
     vor Price of Trevor’s Independent
     Grocer for sponsoring two BBQs
     for the River Run 4 Vets. Here he
     presents a cheque for $552.00 to
     Doreen Parker, President of the
     Doaktown Legion Branch #23 and
     Chair of the River Run 4 Vets
     Trevor supplied all the product
     used during the BBQs that
     were held in August. Thanks
     again, Trevor, for being one of our
     biggest supporters.
     50/50 winners of $100 from Parkers
     Diner were Eric Beek & Lana Beek
     Burke. Winner from the B&L was
     Abby Betts and
     from the BBQ
     was Daphne
     tions to all.

   M O N DAY, O C TO B E R 1 4

P A M P E R         Y O U R S E L F !
Sarah’s Day Spa
at 235 Main Street,
Doaktown, offers mani-
cures and pedicures,

extensions and more.
Closed on Mondays but taking ap-
p o in t me n ts         f or   e v er y
other Saturday. Call for an appointment –
Gift Certificates also available.
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
                                     M I N O R H O C K E Y A S S O C I AT I O N
                                                   2019 – 2020
                     It’s that time of the year again when we’re wondering where the summer
                     went! Our 2019 -2020 Boiestown Doaktown Minor Hockey season is just
                     about to explode into another exciting season, and we hope everyone is as
                     excited about this as we are!
Anyone interested in getting more information on registering a player for a team, please
contact Chelsie O’Donnell at 365-5194 or or Phillip Munn at
Minor Hockey Board Members: President: Philip Munn; Vice President: Vanessa Betts; Treasurer:
Chelsie O’Donnell; Voting Members: Clay Davis, Jody Jardine, Jennifer and Warren Porter, Adam
O’Donnell, Natasha Robichaud, Lyn Munn, Peter Arbeau, Misty Porter, Gary Jason Betts,
Sarah Carson Pond and Steven Pond.
         Registration Fees for the 2019 -2020 seasons will be as follows:
                              I n i t i a t i o n * F I R S T Y E AR $ 1 5 0 . 0 0
                                              Initiation $300.00
                                     N o v i c e * F I R S T Y E AR $ 1 5 5 . 0 0
                                                Novice $305.00
                                                 At o m $ 3 3 0 . 0 0
                                               Peewee $330.00
                                               Bantam $350.00
                                                Midget $375.00
          Note: At least ½ of your registration MUST be paid prior to your first ice time.
    * FIRST YEAR means that your child has never been previously registered with the BDMHA
                                  Brendon Oreto Foundation
                                        *Free equipment*
                             Friday, October 11 (6:00 pm – 8:00 pm)
                                  Location: Willie O’Ree Arena
                           Contact Vanessa Betts for more information

The Boiestown Doaktown Minor Hockey Association also has FREE equipment. Come and see what
we have before you buy!

                                 Monthly Council
                                 Meetings 2019
                                                                                          In Loving Memory of
                                                                                            SHAUN HOVEY
                                                                                           Who Passed Away
                                                                                           On October 1, 2013

     October 16          November 20                 December 18                     We cannot stop the hands of time,
                                                                                          Or live again the past;
                                                                                     But in our hearts are memories
                                                                                          That will forever last.
                                                                                            ~ Sadly missed by
                                                                                            Marina and Darrell
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 – Beginning
                                             at 5:00 pm with free hotdogs, beef
                                             soup, and lots of Halloween-appropriate
                                             finger food (stuffed bats, candied
                                             worms, chocolate covered spiders –
                                             you get the drift), a very special Chase
                                             the Ace night featuring live music,
                                             games, and prizes for “Best Costume”
                                             and all-round “Good Sport.” Right
                                             now, our jackpot stands at an estimat-
                                             ed $6,500 with 48 cards remaining; by
                                             October 25, we’re hoping to be
                                                                    well over $10,000
                                                                    so why not join
                                                                    us and make this
                                                                    year’s Halloween
                                               FOR CASH                EVENT!

                   HALLOWEEN PARTY
                  325 Main Street Doaktown
                    Games, food, and fun.
                  ~ Parents are Welcome ~
        To register, call 365-4383 by Monday October 21
(Registration is FREE) Please bring a non-perishable food item.

                                             PUBLIC NOTICE
                                    VILLAGE OF DOAKTOWN RESIDENTS
                                         Halloween will be observed on
                                          THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31
                            Door-to-door trick or treating is permitted but Village
                            Council has imposed a curfew beginning at 8:00 pm.
                            Please take extra caution on this special evening for
                            children, and have a happy and safe Halloween.
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
                                        Phone 365-2096 FAX 365-2052

 To recognize this special month, join us for an Open House
          TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 (6:00 – 8 :00 PM)
Browse our collection of multiple items for your use, become familiar with what services we offer, view our
amazing Makerspace, enjoy refreshments, and enter our monthly draw for a $20 Gift Card. Looking forward to
seeing you !
                      OCTOBER HOME DECOR WORKSHOP -                   LUNCH HOUR WORKSHOPS –
                      WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 (6:00 – 8:00              Wednesday, October 16 during the
                      pm). Workshop fee of $20 to be paid upon        CNBA lunch hour. Wooden Hallow-
                      registration – please drop by the Library to    een crafts for all students. Please
                      register or send us an e-transfer.              contact the Library to register for this
                                                                      workshop (space is limited).

The Library is delivering WELCOME WAGON packages for new residents of the Rural
Community of Upper Miramichi. In order to continue this endeavor, we will require assistance from communi-
ty members, businesses and organizations to: (1) notify us of newcomers and their contact information if
a v a i l a b l e ; a n d ( 2 ) p r o v i d e i t e m s f o r o u r w e l c o m e p a c k a g e s u c h a s promotional material for
your organization or business, hours of operation, small “welcome” gifts, information about the area – any-
thing that would make a newcomer feel welcome and informed. Please contact the Library at 365-2096 for
more information or to offer assistance with this program.

                  Did you know that you can donate a Smartphone           Our “new” local address books are now available –
                  and change the life of someone who is blind?            the 23rd edition of KEEP IN TOUCH is here. This is a
                  CNIBs Phone It Forward will issue a tax receipt         great resource for finding mailing addresses for com-
                  for your eligible Smartphone – call the Library at      munity residents. However, if you know of any chang-
                  365-2096 for more information.                          es that should be included, please let us know.

BOOKS ON WHEELS DELIVERY PROGRAM. This free monthly service provides delivery of library
material to seniors and shut-ins. If you wish to take advantage of this special program, or know
of someone who might, please contact the Library at one of the above listings. NOTE: We now
have Daisy players available to loan to our visually impaired patrons and a great selection of
talking books.

                       Check out our new Honour Roll Tribute in recognition of MYRNA AND MERVIN GREEN of

                   Our Lending Library Collection now includes automotive diagnostic code
                   readers, energy meters from NB Power and blood pressure monitors. You can
                   borrow them for a three-week period with your valid Library Card. If you don’t
                   already have a card, the first one is free. If you had one but misplaced it, the
                   replacement fee is only $2.00.

                                                  UPPER MIRAMICHI COMMUNITY LIBRARY
                                                         Drop in and check us out:
                               M o n d a y, T h u r s d a y & F r i d a y – 9 a m - 1 2 : 3 0 p m a n d 1 : 3 0 – 5 p m
                                          Tuesday & Wednesday – 12 - 5 pm and 6 – 8 pm
                       The Library will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Thanksgiving Day. However,
                       our outside book drop is always available for any items you wish to return.
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
                                                                          COMMUNITY HEALTH
                                                         11 Prospect Street, Doaktown
                                                                TEL: 365-6100

                                                    Wisdom of the Ages
                                                Educational Group for Older Adults
                                                         and Caregivers
                                               Wednesday, October 9: Nutrition - Whitney Allison RD
                                               will present information on healthy eating on a
                                               budget and tips for cooking for 1 or 2 people
                                               (tasty samples to be provided).

                                               Wednesday, October 16: Mental Wellness & Self-Care
                                               - Tina Morneault, RSW will present information
                                               on adjusting to life changes and staying mentally well.
                                               Lynsey Wilson Norrad RSW will talk about local
                                               resources and self-care.

                                               Wednesday, October 23: Living Well with Arthritis -
                                               Betty McNamara will present practical infor-
                                               mation about how to cope with Arthritis.

                                               Wednesday, October 30: Safety & Elder Abuse/
Proudly serving the rural communities of the   Neglect - RCMP CPO Shelley Donahue will pre-
     Nashwaak & Miramichi Valleys              sent information on internet and telephone
                                               safety. Lynsey Wilson Norrad RSW will present
                                               on Elder Abuse, how to spot it and what to do if
                                               someone you care about is being abused.

                                               Wednesday, November 6: Advanced Care Planning
                                               and Services - Shannon Good RSW will present
                                               on Power of Attorney and Wills. A Social Devel-
                                               opment representative will present information
                                               about nursing homes, in-home care, long-term
                                               care, and financial subsidies.

                                                         Time: 10 am - 11:30 am
                                                   Doaktown Community School Library

    Monday - Wednesday 8am-5pm
                                                       Registration NOT required
        Thursday 8am-4pm
SALMON COUNTRY NEWS - The village of Doaktown
314 Main St., Doaktown

                                                 Mark your Calendars
                                                   for the Upcoming
                                                Living Out Loud Events!

                                                       Business Hours:
                                                        Mon-Fri 9am-8pm,
                                                          Sat 9am-3pm
                                                          Sun CLOSED
                                                           Visit us on Facebook
                                                          J u l i e D oi r o n, RM T
                                                             3 4 98 R o ut e 62 5
               Immediately following the Thanksgiv-                                    (506) 238-3385
                                                             B oi e st ow n, NB
               ing Weekend, the Salmon Museum will
               begin its new “off-season” hours with          ⚫ Kinesitherapy, Naturotherapy
               staff and volunteers being available at
               the Museum every Wednesday from 10             ⚫ Swedish and Relaxation Massage
               am – 2:00 pm and on Fridays from 10            ⚫ Stone Massage
am – 8 pm. Drop in for your Chase the Ace and Salm-           ⚫ Chair Massage
on Museum and Friends Lottery tickets, browse our
Gift Shop, or make River Room reservations. And in       Most insurance claims can be done immediately.
case of poor weather conditions, call us at 365-7787
before you make the trip, just to make sure we’re
there to welcome you.

CHRISTMAS AT THE MUSEUM. We take great pleas-
ure in inviting you to spend the evening with us on
Saturday, December 14 for our annual Christmas Din-
ner. Relax in our beautiful River Room around a cozy
fire, with Christmas music in the background, a
soothing beverage of your choice to sip on, and some
mouth-watering hors d’oeuvres to whet
your appetite. Then dine on a full-
course turkey dinner prepared with
care by our Chef Vera Robichaud and
give yourself up to a few peaceful
hours away from the hustle and bustle                           CNBA FUNDRAISER
of the Christmas rush. There’ll be a
door prize and a few special presents to
                                                          LUMBERJACK 5 KM WALK / RUN
make the evening even more exciting.                             Sunday, October 20
      MINGLING – 5:00 PM / DINING – 6:00 PM                        (Rain or Shine)
          $30 pp or A Table of 6 for $150
Deadline for reservations – no later than Friday,          Upper Miramichi Community Park
November 29 so book now while seating is still availa-            Start Time: 2 PM
ble. Leave a message on the Museum’s voice mail
(365-7787) or call staff at home: Daphne (365-7994) or        PRIZES TO BE AWARDED
Karen (365-1105). We look forward to spending this
evening with you!                                          Registration includes a CNBA Beanie
                                                             Cap for the first 50 participants
                  Having a Christmas get-together
                  of your own? Maybe a pot-luck             $20 Adult: Pledge Funds to Programs
                  with family and friends? Or per-
                  haps you’d like to have your event      $15 Student: Pledge Funds to Sports Fees
                  catered? The Museum’s River
                  Room is available for rental                       Contact: Grant Ross
                  throughout the winter months at                     or Shelley Carson
                  very reasonable prices. We
                  can also offer bar services, a well-                    365-2090
                  plowed parking lot, and easy
access to the building for those with mobility chal-         ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO
For more information or to make a reservation, leave
a message on our voice mail (365-7787), email us at          CNBA SPORTS PROGRAMS or call Daphne (365-7994).
 Sunday October 27
     St. Joachim's Catholic
      Church (Boiestown)
          11 AM – 2 P M
Menu: Scrambled Eggs, Hash Brown
Casserole, Quiche, Bacon, Sausages,
Beans, Biscuits, Muffins, Toast, Tea,
Coffee, Juice

  Cost: $10.00


   under 6 free)

   C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s o n Yo u r

    5 0 t h We d d i n g An n i v e r s a r y
 To Some Special Couples Celebrating
            This Month                           In Loving Memory of Shaun Hovey
                                                  March 18, 1979 - October 1, 2013
       (F R I DA Y , OC T OB E R 11 )           The world changes from year to year,
                                                     Our lives from day to day,
      LOU I S A N D JOY F UR LO N G               But the love and memory of you,
       (F R I DA Y , OC T OB E R 25 )                  Shall never pass away.
      M a y G o d b l e ss e a ch of y ou .           ~ Lovingly remembered
                                                       by Bonnie and Everard
~ With love and happiness from your friends ~
                                                   BRANCH #23 (DOAKTOWN)
                                                   UPCOMING EVENTS

                             Saturday, October 19 – Octoberfest. Presentation of service awards begin-
                             ning at 2:00 pm. Music with Gary Long and Friends. Bratwurst sausage
                             with home fries. Admission - $10 pp.

Saturday, November 9 (6:00 pm) – Remembrance Day Dinner. Watch this Newsletter for
more details.

                     Saturday, December 9 (6:00 pm) – Christmas Memories: Dinner, music and skits
                     directed by Monty Carr. Admission - $20 pp. For reservations and/or further
                     information, please contact Doreen Parker (365-0392) or Sheri Robichaud

                                                                                KENNY ROBINSON
  W M L Accounting Inc.
  NEW OFFICE. SAME LOCATION.                                                         506-365-8952

       Bookkeeping, HST
                                               E m a i l : k e n n y@ n i c h o l s o n s w a s t e . c o m
     & Payroll Remittances
  Corporate and Personal Taxes                                            Septic Tank Cleaning
        Seniors Discount                                             High Pressure Flushing/Thawing
         Cash Refunds                          P.O. Box 971           Electronic Septic Tank Finder
                                               Doaktown, NB             RV Holding Tank Pumping
   (Confidentiality is My #1 Priority)           E9C 2P5                  Portable Toilet Rental
                                                                            Video Inspections
        For an appointment,
         call Wendy Lyons
              365-7105                                               In Loving Memory of Our Son                                                 SHAUN M. HOVEY
                                                                     Who Left Us Six Years Ago On
                                                                            October 1, 2013
   “Know Where You Stand”                                       Memories are like the stars that shine,
                                                                   Made to last till the end of time.
                          Sparks - Ages 5-6                         As time unfolds another year,
                                                                 Treasured memories of you, Shaun,
                         Brownies - Ages 7-8
                                                                      We keep forever near.
                          Guides - Ages 9-11
                                                                Aurora is with you now. Take care of
      WEDNESDAY@6 PM                                                 her and give her our love.
DOAKTOWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                                         Loved and remembered always
                                                                          ~ Mom and Dad
  Register online at
   Contact us on our Facebook Page @
                                                                        (Brenda and Melvin)
   1st Upper Miramichi Sparks, Brownies
                        2 0 1 9 H A L L O F FA M E C E L E B R AT I O N S

                                                                               The annual – and eagerly
                                                                               anticipated -- Hall of Fame
                                                                               event came back home to
                                                                               the Salmon Museum this
                                                                               year with a warm Fall
                                                                               evening, a beautifully dec-
                                                                               orated River Room, de-
                                                                               licious food, and many
                                                                               heartfelt sentiments to
                                                                               make it all a memorable
                                                                               Shown in the photo (L-R)
                                                                               are: Inductee James E.
                                                                               Laws (City of Miramichi);
                                                                               Darrell Warren and Betty
                                                                               (Warren) Mutch of Gray
                                                                               Rapids, representing their
                                                                               father and Inductee Ralph
                                                                               S. Warren (deceased);
                                                                               Bonnie Robinson, repre-
                                                                               senting her grandfather
                                                                               and Inductee Joseph L.
                                                                               Price (deceased) of
                                                                               Priceville; Inductee Peter
                                                                               D. Clark (Durham Bridge);
                                                                               and Inductee Manley W.
                                                                               Price of Boiestown. Photo
                                                                               credit and our sincere
                                                                               thanks go to Brian

                So many people poured their energies and talents into making this night a huge success
                and to them all we send our deepest appreciation: Peter Atkinson, Benjy Beek, Betts Home
                Hardware, Bonnie Betts, Vanessa Betts, Belva Brown, Alice Calhoun, Joyce Charters, Dr.
                Heman Chow (best biscotti ever!), Gail Clowater, Hostess Lynn Clowater, Sherry Clowater,
                Board Member and Chief Bottlewasher Terry Clowater, John Cook (Rapid Waters Lodge),
                Cooke Aquaculture, Chair of the Hall of Fame Committee Jason Curtis, Wanda Doak, Doak-
town Auto Supplies, Doaktown Pharmasave, Board Member Bill Donald and his wife Sally, Linda Donovan,
The Fredericton Inn, “Go-fer” Austin Gillespie, Peggy Green, Board Member and Presenter Morris Green,
Board Member and Asst. Scrounger of Auction Items Tony Harris, Shirley Hovey-Amos, Bonny Howe, Board
Member and Hostess Barb Long, Juanita Long, Mavis Long, Dianne Lyons, Jack Lyons (Cold Spring Camp),
Paulette MacKay, Hostess Gail MacKinnon, Board Member and Asst. Chef Graeme MacKinnon, Asst. Chef
Brenda Munn, Brent MacLean (Advanced Tech), Board President and Master of Ceremonies Donald Murray,
Debbie Norton (Upper Oxbow Adventures), Mary Starr Norrad, Doreen Parker (Parker’s Country Diner);
Angela Porter, Jackie Porter, April Price, Nilah Price, Rod Price, Princess Auto, Trevor Price (Trevor’s
Independent Grocer), Chef Vera Robichaud, Rocky Brook, Lillian Russell, Scotiabank (Doaktown Branch),
Sharon Sisco (Covey Basics), Ryan Stewart (Coastal Graphics), Gail Stewart, Steele GMC, Stewart’s Garage,
Alfred Storey, Christine and Jeremie (Storeytown Cottages), Board Member and Auctioneer Gary Tanner,
Mayor Jeff Porter and Shawn Brown (Village of Doaktown), Board Member and Hostess Stephanie Watson,
Bob Wilson, and Keith Wilson (Wilson’s Sporting Camps). Thanks from all of us for your support!
                               COMMUNITY HEALTH
           11 Prospect Street, Doaktown
                                                               There are two ways of arguing
                  TEL: 365-6100                                 with a woman -- neither one
                       WOMEN’S WELLNESS
                        CLINIC AVAILABLE
                     IN CENTRAL MIRAMICHI

Horizon’s Central Miramichi Community
Health Centre (CMCHC) has a registered nurse
(RN) who provides women’s wellness clinics. Lisa
Lovelace, RN and manager at Horizon’s CMCHC,
is trained in treating pelvic pain, as well as female
urinary incontinence and prolapse through Pelvic
Health Solutions. Services she offers are:                        I thought it was the dryer that
  •   Assessment which includes interview,                            made my clothes shrink
      questionnaire and internal exam
  •   Treatment plan recommendations
                                                               -- turns out it was the refrigerator!
  •   Pelvic floor training
  •   Bladder retraining
  •   Constipation education
  •   Support and education around menopausal
      and other women’s issues                              The Battle for the Mind and the Freedom in
  •   Initial assessment for painful intercourse
  •   Teaching for self catherization
  •   Well woman exam – including Pap and                                Christ that is yours.
      breast exams
                                                            For an appointment, call Wendy at (506)365-7105
One in four women are affected by urinary incon-
tinence. Many women suffer from menopausal                       or email
issues which greatly impact their quality of life.
Menopause, along with other similar topics, is                     Confidentiality is my #1 priority.
difficult for many women to discuss or be open
about – this clinic provides a safe and supportive
environment in which to discuss and treat these
personal issues in an unrushed manner.
“Working in a community health centre provides
me with access to the interdisciplinary team that
can also assist with healthy lifestyle choices, such
as smoking cessation, dietitian, and social work,”
says Lisa.
Wait times can be lengthy in larger settings, and
often transportation is an issue. There are also
financial barriers to accessing these services in
private settings; however, the services are
covered through Medicare.
“The women’s wellness clinic provides flexibility; I
can see patients here at Horizon’s CMCHC or
arrange to see them in their community health
centre in either Blackville or Stanley.”
If a patient requires a more in-depth treatment,
Lisa will recommend that they are referred to a
pelvic health physiotherapist or a gynecologist.
She works with their provider to keep them updat-
ed on progress.
Any providers who have patients they would like
to send to a women’s wellness clinic, please send
referrals to Horizon’s CMCHC via fax 506-365-6104.
If you have questions, please call 506-365-6100 and
ask to speak to Lisa or e-mail
                                                                     Saturday, November 2
                                                                         (9 am – 4 pm)
                                                                    DOAK HERITAGE SITE
                                                                        386 Main Street, Doaktown
                                                                      Local artisans offering a beautiful
                                                                        selection of crafts, gift items,
                                                                            baking and preserves.
                                                                           Coffee and hot chocolate
                                                                              will be available.
                                                                     Vendor tables can be rented for $10
                                                                    each. Call 365-0049 to reserve yours!

               Saturday, November 30
            Location: Gymnasium
                     9 AM – 12 NOON
                     ADMISSION: $1
              PLEASE CALL 365-2090

                                        T h e At l a n t i c S a l m o n M u s e u m ’s
                                                  CHRISTMAS MARKET
                                                 S a t u r d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 6
                                                         (9 am – 4 pm)
                      Vendor tables available for $12 each or two tables for $20. Please call Daphne at
                      365-7994 or email the Museum at to reserve.
                      Raffle tickets on a boat chair by Jason Curtis and/or a framed Kim Stubbs print.
                      Hot dogs and hamburgers will be available from our kitchen; our Gift Shop will be
open (shoppers get to choose their own discount), and you can also pick up your weekly supply of Chase
the Ace and/or Museum and Friends Lottery tickets. Looking forward to seeing you!
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