Immaculate Conception Church - Marlborough, MA
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Immaculate Conception Church Marlborough, MA Our parish mission is to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19). JUNE 13, 2021 THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WELCOME We are happy to have you join our parish family. Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass. We hope that you and your family will consider making Immaculate Conception Parish your home parish. Registration forms are available at the back of the church, on our website (, or by calling the parish office at 508-485-0016. Weekend Mass Schedule English ~ Saturday: 4:00 p.m., Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Portuguese ~ Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Spanish ~ Sunday: 1:00 p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. In Upper Church. Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m.— 7:30 a.m. before daily Mass. First Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. & First Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. in Upper Church Cenacle Holy Hour of Prayer Monday ‘s (except holiday’s) at 6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Chapel, Lower Church Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is ordinarily celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Instructions for parents and godparents are usually held the Sunday prior to Baptism at 3:00 p.m. in Upper Church. You are invited to call the parish office at 508-485-0016 to make arrangements for your child’s sacrament. Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday’s from 5:00pm - 6:00pm in the parking lot and Saturday’s 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the Lower Church. Other times by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements should be made by calling the parish office at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office for the sacrament and notify the parish office in case of hospitalization.
Thank You for your generosity. May God bless you and your loved ones. Rev. Steven Clemence, Pastor June 6, 2021: $15,382.00 Rev. Przemyslaw Kasprzak Covid Emergency India & Brazil: $2,697.00 Rev. Kevin Pleitez Special Collections June 6 Covid Emergency India & Brazil Deacon Charles Rossignol June 20 Promoting the Gospel Deacon Elcio F. Dos Santos, Jr. June 27 Maintenance & Development Ms. Jill Mazanec, Finance & Operations Manager 508-485-0016 Jason Gaudette, Director of Music 508-485-0016 Saturday, June 12, 2021 4:00pm Clifford H. Blair - 10th Anniversary Mrs. Lee Ann Rempelakis, Parish Secretary 508-485-0016 Sunday, June 13, 2021 7:30am Ryan Sebastian - 4th Anniversary Mrs. Margie Sáez, Religious Education 11:00am Marcelina Castro 508-481-7535 5:00pm Donald Ackroyd Mrs. M. Neurene O. de Menezes, Monday, June 14, 2021 Brazilian Secretary 7:30am John W. Sullivan 508-460-1255 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 7:30am Rita O’Meila Mrs. Elizabeth Alcantar, Spanish Secretary 508-787-0506 Wednesday, June 16, 2021 7:30am Mary Tanski - Mass for the Living Thursday, June 17, 2021 7:30am Lucille G. Monti Contact Us Friday, June 18, 2021 Church: 7:30am John Bochen - 9th Anniversary 11 Prospect Street Saturday, June 19, 2021 Marlborough, MA 01752 7:30am Sophia Tsao 4:00pm Francis & Margaret Langelier Parish office: 9 Washington Court Sunday, June 20, 2021 Business Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 7:30am People of the Parish Tel: 508-485-0016 /Fax: 508-480-9644 11:00am Ralph Ochoa Email: 5:00pm Salvatore Ficaro St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: Please remember Phone: 978-763-0578 in your prayers all the men and women Email: who are serving in the military, as well as their families.
Dear Brothers & Sisters, I would like to share with you an important message from Cardinal Sean to all of us regarding Sunday Mass obliga- tion. God bless, Fr. Steven ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Brothers and Sisters, “Without the Lord’s day, we cannot live!” His Holiness, Pope Benedict, in his homily at the Cathedral of Saint Stephen in Vienna on September 9, 2007, quoted the Abitinian Martyrs, who during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian were arrested for celebrating Sunday Mass. The martyrs responded to the magistrate: “Sine dominico non pos- sumus!” – without the Lord’s day, we cannot live! The Pope went on to say: “For these Christians, the Sunday Eucha- rist was not a commandment, but an inner necessity. Without him who sustains our lives, life itself is empty. To do without or to betray this focus would deprive life of its very foundation, would take away its inner dignity and beauty.” Aware that the opportunity to participate in Sunday Mass is increasingly available and increasingly safe for our Catholic people, we are joining dioceses in the Boston Province (Boston, Fall River, Springfield, Man- chester, and Portland) in lifting the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation, effective the weekend of June 19 and 20, 2021. We are mindful of the Lord’s statement: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Mt 18:20). While we certainly can pray alone, there is both strength and blessedness in communal prayer. We do also note that attendance at Mass is our way of following the Third Commandment of the Decalogue: “Remember the sabbath day – keep it holy. For six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the LORD has blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.” (Ex. 20:8,11) We call to mind the many times we see Jesus observing the sabbath by going to the synagogue and teaching there (Mt 13:54, Mk 1:21-28, Lk 4:16-30, Jn 6:22-59). It is a desire of every Christian to conform his or her life to the life of Jesus, and Jesus went to the synagogue on the sabbath. Most significantly, receiving the Eucharist is the center of every Catholic life. The Lord commands us to take and eat, and to do it in memory of Him. (Mt 26:26-30, Mk 14:22-26, Lk 22:14-20, 1 Cor 11:23-26, CCC 1324). The Eucharist is food for our difficult journey through life, filling us with joy and strengthening us to embrace our suffering. It transforms us from the inside out and creates a unity among us that is a strong witness to the whole world. Therefore, it is with great confidence and trust in the Lord that we reinstate this Sunday Mass obligation. It has been a long, difficult year. People have experienced great pain and suffering throughout this pandemic. Loss of life has been immense. People continue to recover from the long-term effects of the coronavirus. The heroes among us — our nurses, doctors, first responders and all medical professionals — were a source of enor- mous comfort. Priests brought the Sacrament of the Sick to COVID patients. Now we are able to join together, re- membering the lives changed and the sacrifices made. Let us gather together again in joy, as one people united around the Eucharist. In this year of Saint Joseph, who was always a faithful observer of the sabbath, we chose Father’s Day as an appro- priate day to encourage all of our people, and especially our families, to return to the Sunday celebration of the Eu- charist. This obligation does not apply to those who are ill; those who have been recently exposed to COVID or any other communicable illness; those who are confined to their homes or to hospitals or other facilities due to illness, infirmity, frailty, or age; and those who are not yet able to be vaccinated, due to age or any health consideration. Parishioners should consult their local pastor if they have questions about the obligation. To all of those who have not been able to be with us during this last year, we look forward to welcoming you back to the celebration of the Mass. Thank you, and God bless you. Cardinal Seán
Religious Education News Registration for Grades One through Eight for Fall 2021 is underway. The Registration form is available online. If you are looking for ways to assist with the Religious Education program, we are looking for kind- hearted, passionate, faithful souls to help with Catechetical Ministries. If you feel the calling, please reach out to Mrs. Saez to learn more. Those who volunteer their time and talent as Catechists for Religious Edu- cation receive free tuition for their children enrolled in the program. Please prayerfully consider joining us. Brazilian Festival We will be having our traditional Festa Junina (Traditional Brazilian Festival), on Saturday, June 19th, 2021, from 4PM to 10PM, at the Immaculate Conception parking lot. The Brazilian Community will be preparing everything for the Festival. During the event, there will be different activities for children and adults, besides traditional Brazilian food, and more. We hope we can count on your generosity and support by donating gifts or money to cover our expenses. Any donation you are willing to offer is welcomed and greatly appreciated. All the proceeds from the event will go to help our Parish. We truly appreciate your contribution and thank you in advance for your generosi- ty. All are welcome!! Please contact Tiago Bruno Silva, the coordinator, at (508) 202-3864 or email For more information you can call also the Parish at (508) 485-0016. St. Vincent de Paul Update The Immaculate Conception St Vincent de Paul Conference is celebrating 5 years since being rejuvenated at our Parish! The St. Vincent de Paul Society was originally started in our parish in 1901 and has been active during different periods over the past 120 years at our parish. On June 1, 2016, our Conference re- started activities at our parish after a several-decade hiatus. We are proud to be part of such a tremendous Immaculate Conception tradition! In the last 5 years that we’ve been performing our mission and ministry in Marlborough, we have assisted over 1225 people and provided almost $250,000 of assistance with food, rent, clothes, and many other needs, in addition to providing referrals to State & local agencies, and being a listening ear for those we as- sist. We are so thankful to the Immaculate Conception Parish community for your generosity with your pray- ers and your financial support. Your donations go directly to assist those in need in our community. We are excited to announce that we will be having our Friends of the Poor Walk in person again this year! Mark your calendars for Saturday September 25th to join us for fellowship and fundraising for our Confer- ence. Finally, we are looking for more people to join our ministry. The main focus of the St Vincent de Paul Socie- ty is growth in holiness for the members. We do this through prayer, fellowship, and seeing the face of Je- sus in those we assist. If you think you might be called to this ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out, Many thanks to the Immaculate Conception community for all of your support over the years. We are excited that we've been active for 5 years and look forward to many many more years! IC Chapter by Chapter Book Study Chapter by Chapter, IC’s book study group, is now meeting in person, Fridays at 1:00. Join us for good fel- lowship and inspiring conversations rooted in the best Catholic writing. We progress through the books at our own pace so that we get the most out of what we’re reading. Our next book is St. John Paul II’s encycli- cal, On the Eucharist. Please contact Christina Burbeck,, for more details.
TELÉFONO: 508-787-0506 ADORACION EUCARISTICA: Lunes a Sábado: 6:30am-7:30am MISA DIARIA EN LA IGLESIA: Lunes a Sábado: 7:30am MISA EN LA IGLESIA: SABADO- Ingles- 4pm DOMINGO- Inglés-7:30am,11am,5pm Portugués– 9am Español - 1pm MATRIMONIOS: Parejas deben contactar la parroquia al menos 6 meses antes de la boda. El curso prematrimonial es obligatorio. Las parejas que quieran regularizar su unión en la Iglesia también deben contactar la parroquia y hablar con el Padre Steven. BAUTISMOS: Padrinos deben haber recibido el sacramento de Bautismo y Confirmación. Si los padrinos elegidos son una pareja, tiene que haber recibido el Sacramento de Matrimonio. Favor de anotarse con un mes de anticipación y hablar con Elizabeth. CONFESIONES La confesión se seguira ofreciendo los: Sábado 1:00-3:00 pm en la capilla (parte de debajo de la iglesia) Martes 5:00-6:00pm en el estacionamiento O puede llamar a la oficina para hacer una cita con un sacerdote. FIESTA JUNINA Estamos todos invitados a participar en la “Fiesta Junina” el Sábado, 19 de Junio, de 4pm-9pm, aquí en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia. Acompáñenos en esta fiesta don- de habra comida, música, rifas, y juegos para los niños. Todo los ingresos irán al fon- do de nuestra Parroquia Inmaculada Concepción. “Festas Juninas en portugués es una celebración que se lleva a cabo cada año en el mes de junio coincidiendo con el “solsticio de invierno” que es una especie de “veranillo” que sucede en época de invierno en Brasil. Su historia se remonta a la llegada de los colonizadores desde Europa que celebraban los primeros días de calor ya que les anunciaba la temporada de verano europeo; al igual que sucede con la Navidad en el hemisferio Sur se celebran en periodos del año cambiados. Las Fiestas comienzan el 13 de junio con la fiesta de San Antonio y continúan hasta el 24 con la fiesta de San Juan. El último festejo se realiza el 29 de junio día de San Pedro”. (Fuente: Brasilenespañol). VACACIONES ¿CON O SIN DIOS? Existe el peligro de vivir el tiempo de verano como si Dios no existiese, como si la fe cristiana fuese sólo para los días ordinarios, para el trabajo, cuando los familiares, conocidos y amigos clavan sus ojos en nosotros y siguen cada uno de nuestros movimientos. Las vacaciones, piensan algunos, se viven para olvidar deberes pesados, re- sponsabilidades difíciles, normas oprimentes. Incluso hay quienes olvidan o quieren olvidar esa lista de man- damientos que Dios nos dio por medio de Moisés y que marcan nuestro camino de fidelidad a Cristo. Buscan hacer "vacaciones de Dios", o, incluso, mandan a Dios "de vacaciones" para poder disfrutar unos días según lo que se les antoje en cada momento. El cristiano, sin embargo, no puede tomarse vacaciones de sus compromisos espirituales. Pensar en el verano como una especie de tiempo sin ley, donde uno se echa unas cuantas canas al aire y se permite películas, bailes o bebidas que pueden ser peligrosas, es simplemente no entender el tesoro tan estupendo que llevamos entre manos. No es justo arriesgarse a perder, en unos días, la amistad con Dios que llamamos "estado de gracia". La vida cristiana, no lo olvidemos, es el tesoro más grande que Dios nos ha dado. Implica vivir según las bienaven- turanzas, pensar en los demás, ayudar a los pobres, ser fieles a los compromisos familiares y sociales. El verano no puede ser un paréntesis, un momento en el que dejemos volar los instintos a donde nos lleven, incluso tal vez a algún que otro pecado grave. ( CENACULO MARIANO Los invitamos a participar con Ma- ria Santisima, con un Rosario, adoración y meditación con ex- posición del Santisimo. Lugar: Convento - 9 Washington Court, Marlborough, MA 01752 Jueves de 7pm-8pm Horario: Martes, Miércoles y Jueves - 3:30 - 6:30 pm En la iglesia de abajo Asistente Pastoral: Elizabeth Alcantar - Teléfono: 508 787 0506 Email:
Brazilian Community Information Com fé superamos os perigos. Em nossa vida pessoal, familiar e social, passamos por muitas turbulências, dificuldades e dúvidas que perturbam nossa alma, nosso coração. São situações que nos fazem perder a segurança e a esperança, sem sabermos que passos dar, que rumo tomar. Diante disso, sociedade competitiva, da oferta e do consumo, da multiplicidade de doutrinas e crenças, nos oferece uma infinidade de soluções. Somente Jesus tem o poder de acalmar as tempestades da vida, no âmbito pessoal e social, as tentações, mesmo as mais sérias, como o desejo de poder, a opressão dos pobres e as obras mais injustas. Por sua misericór- dia, compreensão e amor, ele pode transformar nossas ações negativas em obras cristãs. Muitas vezes somos como os discípulos, que falham na fé e na confiança em Jesus. Contaminados pelo sentimento de “onipotência” do homem, que acha que pode tudo, recorremos às mediações humanas, esquecendo- nos daquele que venceu o maior inimigo: a morte. Jesus ressalta que a fé é sempre fonte de coragem para enfren- tar problemas e para superar compromissos arriscados e difíceis. Não basta dizermos que temos fé. É necessário vivenciá-la através de gestos concretos à luz do Evangelho. A fé nos motiva a amar, a perdoar e a pedir perdão. Fé é vida. Fé é ter a certeza de que Deus estará sempre conosco para juntos enfrentarmos as dificuldades e vivermos a alegria no convívio fraterno. “Senhor, eu creio, mas aumentai a minha fé”. (Mc 9,24) (Ordem dos Frades Menores Capuchinhos) Dia: 19 de junho de 2021 Horário: 4:00 ás 9:00pm Local: Estacionamento da Escola. 119 Washington Street, Marlborough 01752 Rifa, Comidas típicas, Brincadeiras para as crianças e muito Forró. Venham se divertir conosco! Grupo de Oração Terço dos Homens Terças -Feira às 20:00h na Igreja de baixo. Sextas-Feira 19:30h na igreja superior SACRAMENTOS Batismos: No quarto domingo do mês.após a missa das 9:00h. As instruções para pais e pa- drinhos são realizadas no domingo anterior ao Batismo. Para obter mais Informações ligar na secretaria. Reconciliação: Nas terça-feira das 17h às 18h no estacionamento. E aos sábados das 13h às 15h, na igreja inferior, Ou ligando para a secretaria para fazer um agendamento. Sacramento Matrimônio: Os casais devem entrar em contato com a paróquia pelo menos 6 meses antes do casamento. O Curso de noivos é obrigatório. Também aqueles que desejam re- gularizar a união na igreja deve contactar a paróquia. Sacramento Unção dos Enfermos: Por favor , ligue para o escritório paroquial para o sacramento e notifique em caso de hospitalização. >Horário da Secretaria Local: 9 Washington Cour t (Convent School – Ao lado da casa Paroquial) Marlborough, MA 01752 Horários: Segunda à Sexta de 3:00 às 7:00pm Tel. p/ Contato: (508) 460-1255 Secretária: Neur ene E-mail: Facebook e youtube: Par óquia Imaculada Conceição de Mar lbor o
Linda Alamshah, Catherine Arsenault, Elaine Aversa, Darline Bernier, Dede Bernier, Kathy Bernier, Raymond Bourgeois, Meryl Brickman, Jeff Chapman, Geraldine Chimera, Juan Cius, Ryan Comeau, Larry Cooper, David Conrad, Father Francis Cornely, Joseph Cox, John Daglis, Wanda Daglis, Christina Danghon, Alex DiBuono, Declan Donnelley and Family, Geraldine Donohue, Michael Donovan, Mary Dorr, Madison Doss, Ashton Dougherty, Pina Dunklee, Connie Dwyer, Diane Fagan, Adele Fontana, Ann Marie Forrest, Michael Geraci, Kathleen Halfpenny, Maryanne Honohan, Debbie Iacobucci, Patty Johnston, Joshua, Baby Wendy Kersting, Agnes & Francis Kevit, Deborah Lazazzero, Neil Licht, William Lucey, Helen Lusher, Father Michael MacEwen, Burke Mahoney, Madeline Mahoney, Lester Marshall, Mario Martins, Anita Mauro, Patrick Mauro, Paul McBrien, McCombs Family, William McGrath, Kathy McGuire Buono, John McIntyre, Robbie McQuaid, The Megan Family, Richard Milner, John Mockus, Tony Mooradian, Larry Mullaney, Jen Murphy, Gordon O’Neal, Michael T. O'Neill, Carlos Perez, Perez Garcia Family, William Plourde, Jackie Powers, John Pucillo, Dan Radwell, Rebecca, Reno Family, Richard Rice, Sandra Richards, William Robinson, Denise Sartori, Dan Savage, Bob St. George, Phil Short, Jacqueline Smith, Scott Snyder, Cathy Suiter, William Sweeney, Holly Temple, Nicole Temple, Pedro Torres, Ann Thompson, Father David White, Al Winzenried, Mary Wood, Charlotte Wright, Wyman Family, Billy Zilembo EMERGENCY CRISIS CONTACT NUMBERS Rape Crisis Hotline:800-593-1125 ~ Elder Abuse: 800-922-2275 ~ Child Protection: 866-244-9603 Rob Tunnera CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Tunnera Real Estate SERVICE, INC. Broker SCREENED LOAM • BARK MULCH 508-414-0838 Hemlock • Premium Mix • Pine • Colored Red Cedar Crushed Stone • Crushed Gravel • Sand • Stone Dust Colored Landscape Stone Parishioner (508) 481-0011 • P.O. Box 1, 379 South St., Marlboro, MA 01752 Call today! 888.735.5651 *If you join Petro as a new automatic home heating oil delivery customer and enter into a Contact Tom Blanco to place an ad today! one-year agreement, $100 is credited to your account. **Offer good for new accounts only. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Cannot be combined with other offers. Subject to change without notice. MA Lic. No. 10808. ©2019 Petro. P_19355 or (800) 477-4574 x6285 THIS SPACE IS Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Church Support 1-800-888-4574 • Immac. Conception, Marlbrough, MA 03-0638
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