Page created by Daryl Williams
THOUGHTS FROM FR. SCOTT                                Of course, this is not the only group of
      As we celebrate the third Sunday of         people in our parish preparing for
Lent, our thoughts turn more intently             sacramental celebrations. We have two
toward sacrifice and obedience. So, how are        other groups of young people preparing for
things going with respect to your promises        First Communion and Confirmation. These
and intended sacrifices this Lent? Are we          young people are just beginning to
preparing for Easter in the most appropriate      understand their relationship with the Christ
way possible? It is important for us to check     and realize His presence in their daily lives.
in on our promises and keep them at the           They need our prayers as well. To this end,
front of our minds during the middle of           in the main gathering area of the Church
Lent. I am very pleased to see the numbers        there is a poster with pictures of our RCIA,
of people turning out to deepen their prayer      Confirmation and First Eucharist candidates.
lives. If you have not joined us for Adoration    Immediately in front of the poster is a
and/or the praying of the rosary on the           basket with the names of those receiving
Tuesdays of Lent you are depriving yourself       any sacrament of initiation this year. I
of something very beautiful and necessary.        encourage everyone to take a name from
The Thursday evening Taize prayer is              the basket and remember that person, by
beneficial to all who avail themselves of the      name, in your daily prayers until they receive
calm hour of prayer. Additionally, praying        the sacrament for which they are preparing.
the devotion of the stations on Fridays is        This is a great way for us to support those
another great way to reflect upon His              who are freely choosing to enter our
Passion and grow in love for God. Please use      community of faith in a most profound
these opportunities for prayer to help you        manner. The poster will be up and names
through Lent and life so as to be immersed        will be available for a while. Please make an
in faith.                                         effort to pray for all of those entering any
      My thoughts at this time of year turn to    sacramental stage of their life.
a very special group of people in our parish.          Finally, I pray and hope your Lenten
The RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian         journey is bringing faith alive in your heart.
Initiation of Adults. This program is how         Lent can be a time of great change and
adults seek full communion with the Church.       growth. I sincerely hope everyone takes this
Most people refer to those involved as            time to repent of sin and truly appreciate
“converts.” Well, some are actual converts to     growth in their spiritual lives. Yes, this
the Catholic faith and others are not. Some       Lenten season can be like all the rest and
folks are simply completing their initiation in   not inspire much difference in our lives. It
the Church and others are being received          can also be very different from all others
into full communion. In any case, they are        and move us to do extraordinary things in
important for our parish community. This          the Lord. The different between these two
Sunday we begin an intense time of prayer         main levels of growth, or lack thereof, is our
for them and begin certain presentations of       attitude and approach to Lent. The old
the Creed and Our Father for their                saying is completely true: “you get out of it,
reflection. After a great deal of study, they      what you put into it.” I hope and pray
have come to a fuller knowledge of Christ         everyone puts a great deal into it!
and are now ready to accept the mysteries                        God Bless and have a great week!
He left for us to follow. This week, we invite                                           Fr. Scott
them to pray with us more intently and to be
one with us in our proclamation of faith. So,     THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
continue to pray for these wonderful folks        Are we preaching Christ Crucified? He is the
and when you see them encourage them in           power and wisdom of God who saves us.
                           Hello and happy Lent!                        because of the relationship He has to
 SCHEDULE                      For the past two weeks in my article,    the Father. For there to be a son there
                           we have been looking at the Nicene           must first be a father. As we know,
 2021                      Creed and have covered the first              Jesus the Son is not the Father, but
                           quarter dealing with God the Father.         they are both God. The creed
                           This week we will begin the second           continues: “God from God, Light from
 EUCHARISTIC               quarter of the Creed which discusses         Light. True God from true God.” Jesus is
 ADORATION                 the second member of the Most Holy
                           Trinity, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
                                                                        not part of God. He is God as much as
                                                                        the Father is God and the Holy Spirit is
 Tuesdays of Lent              The creed states: “I believe in one      God. The Son is distinct from the
  Following 8:15 am        Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus is the lord over   Father yet not divided from Him. God
                           all created things. A lord is someone        from God.
  Mass with 7 pm           having power, authority and influence.           Finally,   “Begotten,    not     made,
  Rosary and               Jesus, however, does not use His             consubstantial with the Father. Through
  Benediction              authority for selfish gain, rather for the    Him all things were made.” Jesus is
                           salvation of Humanity. The creed             consubstantial to the Father, meaning
                           continues: “The only begotten son of         that they share the same substance.
 TAIZE PRAYER              God. Born from the Father before all         They are united to one another both
                           ages.” Jesus is the only Son of God who      by substance and by will. As the creed
 Thursdays of Lent         has a particularly unique relationship       explains further, through the Son,
 7 pm                      to the Father. What we have by               Jesus Christ, as the word of God, all
                           adoption, being sons and daughters of        things find their creation for through
                           God, Jesus has by His nature as Son of       Him all things were made.
 STATIONS OF               God. Jesus was not created by God at            Whenever we discuss the topic of
 THE CROSS                 the time of His conception in the            the Most Holy Trinity, we acknowledge
                           womb of Mary. Instead, He was Born           there is a particular mystery to it. What
 Fridays of Lent           of the Father before all ages. Before        we know of the Trinity has been
 7 pm                      time and creation was established on         revealed to us in revelation and by
                           Earth, the Son had existence. Jesus the      Jesus Himself and therefore they are
                           Son, was born out of the essence of          not beliefs we just came up with on
 PRIVATE                   God the Father and therefore the Son         our own. I encourage us as we
 CONFESSIONS               shares the very nature of God the            continue to look at the creed, to take
                           father. As the Father is eternal, so too     some time to pray with the creed. Sit
 Tuesdays of Lent          is the Son.                                  with each phrase and see what comes
 11:30 am                      When we speak of the relationship        to mind, see what God speaks to your
 6 pm                      between the Trinity, it can get a little     heart. Next week we will continue to
                           confusing. Jesus the Son is son              explore the creed in relation to Jesus.
 Every Saturday
 3:30 pm
                            OUR PARISH LIFE TOGETHER
 Find schedule online at    REST IN PEACE
    or scan the QR code    Remembering those who
        below with your    have gone before us.
                                May their souls and all
                                the souls of the faithful
                                 departed, through the
                                 mercy of God, rest in
                                     peace. Amen.
                                                                 Mary McLennan             Kenneth Turner
                           WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS
                           We welcome our newest members of our parish family:
                                                 Agustin, Carmela, and family
                                               Michael and Stephanie, and family
                                                  Giovanni, Jessica, and family
                           Introduce yourself to new faces in church to welcome our new Lakers!

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MONDAY, MARCH 8                                                       READINGS FOR THE
8:15 AM | ♱ Dorothy & Frank Phelps by Tom & Maureen Phelps            WEEK OF MARCH 7
            ♱ Mary Ann Roy by Theresa Praila                          Sunday
                                                                      Third Sunday of Lent
TUESDAY, MARCH 9                                                      Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17;
8:15 AM | Intentions of Andrea Gumbko by Lisa Suran                   Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; 1 Cor 1:22-25;
                                                                      Jn 2:13-25
            Intention of Karen Phelps by Carol Spencer                Scrutiny
                                                                      Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9;
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10                                                   Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4: 5:42
8:15 AM | ♱ Chuck Campbell by Carm
            ♱ LM Thomas by Dave & Marion Sioma                        Saint John of God, Religious
                                                                      2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4;
THURSDAY, MARCH 11                                                    Lk 4:24-30
8:15 AM | ♱ Robert Alt by David Alt
            Intention of Karen Phelps by Carol Spencer                Saint Frances of Rome, Religious
                                                                      Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8
FRIDAY, MARCH 12                                                      and 9; Mt 18:21-35
8:15 AM | ♱ Jerry Robak by Ross Family
            Increase in Vocations                                     Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt
5:00 PM | ♱ Marjorie Arsen by Don Arsen                               Thursday
                                                                      Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; Lk 11:14-23
            ♱ Herman Junglas by Larry Junglas & Adam Kravetz Family
SUNDAY, MARCH 14                                                      Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-8a, 8bc-9, 10-11ab,
                                                                      14 and 17; Mk 12:28-34
8:00 AM | ♱ Joe Tersigni by his grandson, Steve
            Parish Family of Our Lady of the Lakes                    Saturday
9:30 AM |   ♱ Bill Martell by Jean Hartman                            Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab;
                                                                      Lk 18:9-14
            Intention of Kathie Harroun & Patrick Allsteadt by Carm
11:00 AM | ♱ John & Dorothy Dowsett by Marlene Fisher                 Sunday
                                                                      Fourth Sunday of Lent
           ♱ Ellen Seeterlin by Don Seeterlin                         2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6;
12:30 PM | ♱ Michael Betts by Rich Powers & Karen Betts               Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21
            Intention of Ellie Nowland by Bernie Tomko                1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4,
                                                                      5, 6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn: 1-41
We ask you pray for those in RCIA during their final weeks before
joining fully in the Catholic Church:                                 LENTEN FASTING &
  Life-Giving Father, you desire that we may be one in Christ,        The church requires that all Catholic 14
  so that all creation may give you praise. Look kindly upon          years of age and older abstain from
 the catechumens you have called to the table of your Word.           eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good
    We pray especially for those of our parish. Through the           Friday and the Fridays of Lent. Catholics
  power of your Word, our life of prayer, and the example of          ages 18-59 must also fast on Ash
                                                                      Wednesday and Good Friday. This means
   Christ’s love we share with those most in need, may they           that they may only eat 1 full meal and 2
   come in time to the table of the Eucharist where we shall          lesser meals and not eat between meals.
    stand as one body united in the Holy Spirit to offer you          Using these practices, and others, we
    praise and thanksgiving through Jesus Christ, our Lord.           conform our hearts to the Lord in His
                             Amen.                                    fasting.

                                                  THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT | MARCH 7, 2021 | PAGE 3
    “Oh my brothers and sisters, Jesus told me when one loves, one
        humbles oneself to beg, so here I am, a beggar for Jesus.
       How blessed we are to serve our Lord while resting in His                                    Eyeglasses
   Presence. My brothers and sisters, a man is never more of a man
    than when he is kneeling before God, for this He was created. I                               Hearing Aids
    leave you with a quote from John 1:14 " And the Word became                                    Cell phones
      Flesh and made His dwelling among us" Come, let us adore
      Him. May God bless you and keep you, may the light of His
    Eucharistic Face shine upon you and may you know His peace.”                                   Sample size
                                                         - Anonymous                                toiletries

The Sign-up Genius web site is The next Eucharistic                  Any of the above
Adoration is Tuesday, March 9th. Following the 8:15 am Mass and ending with Rosary                items may be
and Benediction at 7:00 pm. Please sign in on the form at the entrance to Church. While         dropped off at the
it also asks for phone and e-mail address, they are confidential to me only. Any e-mails I      Parish Center at any
send out are Bcc (blind copied). We need a firm commitment of at least 2 individuals per                time.
hour to be present in the Church between the hours of 9 am thru 7 pm.
Please call if you have any questions or problems: Patrick Allsteadt at 248-623-7880

Christian service and outreach have
been a challenge for students at Our
Lady of the Lakes Catholic School
during this pandemic. Creative
opportunities have been offered and
students        have       responded
enthusiastically for outreach to our
senior population. Laker students
have written letters and made cards
for the residents of Lourdes Senior
Community. Lourdes residents have
been isolated in their living facility
and unable to receive visitors or
leave their residence. The letters and
cards have been a blessing to so
many of the homebound. Also, the
Lourdes folks have sent notes back to the students thanking them for thinking of them. It has been a welcomed
partnership during this time of restrictions.
Now students are making cards for Tad, a Lourdes resident who reached the milestone age of 100 on March 6th.
Since students are unable to “Visit the Sick”, a Corporal Work of Mercy. They can do the next best thing-send a joyful
greeting to the homebound at Lourdes and pray they know that Laker students care about them.
                                                                                        Kathy Lewis, Campus Minister

                                     NOW ENROLLING
   “[Our child] is LOVING            Scan the QR code with your smart phone camera or
  Lakes, I am so thankful            visit our website at for more
      for the amazing                information about Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic
                                     School serving Oakland county for over 60 years. Now
  program and teachers.“             accepting applications for grades PK-12 for the 2021-22
                  —Current Parent    school year.
                                            Anchored in Faith, Foundation and Future

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Here we are, already in the third week of Lent…how are        how strong we are in our struggles; no matter where our
you doing? Are you drawing closer to our Lord through         “breaking point is” God is ALWAYS with us with His
prayer, fasting and service? Our readings this day give us    strength to carry us through.
so much to reflect upon and for some cause unrest in
                                                              Then we come to the Gospel for the third Sunday in
our minds and spirit. For me, I look to these readings
                                                              Lent, cycle B where we are treated to the reminder that
through the lens of trust and love.
                                                              Jesus Christ is fully human and fully God and He, in His
The first reading, gives to us this day what appears to be     humanist, knows our hearts. His love is poured out to us
a lot of rules and conditions but I rather look at them as    through His crucifixion. His love for us is a perfect love.
a means to love and happiness. If we hold fast to the         Our mission is to try every day to live a perfect love by
truth that God does not do anything for our destruction       following and loving God in perfection. He is aware how
but rather all out of love for us and from His desire to      difficult this is. Are we aware how we can achieve all
see us experience immense joy, then we begin to see the       things in His name and with His grace? Today, let us turn
commandments as leading us toward joy and an easier           our focus more on our worship of our Lord and the
way of life. St. Francis De Sales says that we should “love   recognition of when and where we encounter Him.
obedience more than we fear disobedience.” We should
                                                              Happy Lent,
embrace the commandments and see them as they are;
a gift of love and a means to greater joy.                    Peace and prayers,
                                                              Jean, DRE
If living the commandments are hard; if living a life as a
follower of Christ is hard, then we have to look to the
second reading where we hear that at God’s weakest
point, He is stronger than our strongest point. No matter

I like green eggs and Dearborn ham!                     Thank      Grand      Knight    Chris
I do! I like them, Scott-I-am!                          Scheuer presents a check to
And I would buy them to support a Priest.               Principal John Gregory of Kingsley
I would buy the ham, to say the least!                  Montgomery School in Waterford.
We have sausage, snack sticks and turkey too.           The check was due to the efforts
In case you haven’t noticed, this is something new.     of    Knights      who      collected
You will have your order in time for Easter,            donations through the Tootsie
Hurry, don’t wait...get off your keister                 Roll Drive that benefits individuals
                                                        with     intellectual     challenges.
Now through March 14th, we                              Kingsley Montgomery School has
will be accepting pre-paid                              been      providing      educational
orders for your favorite                                programs for students since
Dearborn Meats with pick up                             1979. They provide a center
Palm    Sunday     weekend.                             based program on behalf of
Please stop by our                                      Oakland Intermediate School District for students in northern
table at the back                                       Oakland County with severe cognitive impairments (SCI),
of church after                                         severe multiple impairments (SXI) and significant behavioral
each Mass, see                                          challenges. At Kingsley Montgomery School, students are
what’s available to order, and help support our         provided services by experienced professionals who support
future Priests. We accept cash, check and charge,       them in achieving their educational goals.
and 1st born males over the age of 18.

                    READY TO JOIN THE KNIGHTS?
                    We are having a special membership promotion for all men over the age of 18 interested in
                    becoming a Knight with the option to join online.
                    For additional information please contact:
                    Grand Knight Chris Scheuer:
                    Deputy Grand Knight Michael Mandziuk:

                                                       THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT | MARCH 7, 2021 | PAGE 5
The Permanent Diaconate Office of the
Archdiocese of Detroit will be hosting a zoom
meeting for all who are discerning the call to the
Diaconate. Please pass along the following
information if you know of any interested men or
would like to encourage someone you know.
Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
6:30 – 8:30 pm
RSVP online at
Wives are HIGHLY encouraged to attend

Fr. Scott Thibodeau has been appointed Moderator
of the In Solidum team of priests who, with the
other priests of the team, will lead the newly
formed Lakes Vicariate Family 1.
Lakes Vicariate Family 1
Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Waterford
St. Anne Parish, Ortonville
St. Daniel Parish, Clarkston
St. Rita Parish, Holly
Learn more at

In the vestibule of the church you will find several different lists of items that we will be collecting during Lent this
year. Lists are also available on our website. Please take a list from the back of the church and return your items by
Sunday, March 28, 2021. Please help us reach out to those in need through the following agencies:

CATHOLIC COMMUNITY                                           HOLY REDEEMER
RESPONSE TEAM (CCRT)                                         CATHOLIC PARISH
CCRT        provides        Christian,                       The pantry of Holy Redeemer helps
compassionate      relief   to    the                        the       underprivileged      and
impoverished and disadvantaged in                            disadvantaged      in     southwest
Oakland County. CCRT offers direct                            Detroit. The church pantry offers
referrals and support to those in crisis                     assistance with immediate physical
situations. In addition, they try to offer                    needs. We will be collecting personal
assistance with immediate physical and household             hygiene items to help as well as socks and gloves to
needs. We are collecting personal hygiene products as        support Holy Redeemer.
well as household cleaning products to assist CCRT.
HOPE HOSPITALITY                                             RICE BOWL
AND WARMING                                                  Operation Rice Bowl is
CENTER                                                       the    official     Lenten
The mission of the center is                                 program for Catholic
to provide a place for                                       Relief          Services.
people     struggling   with                                 Operation Rice Bowl
homelessness where they                                      has called Catholics in the United States to promote
will be welcomed, find warmth and have access to              human dignity and fosters solidarity with the poor in the
support services. We are collecting breakfast food items     United States and around the world through prayer,
as well as monetary donations to provide breakfast to        fasting, learning and giving during the Lenten Season. We
those in the shelter for at least a week. The monetary       are collecting cash donations for this charity. Containers
donations will be used to provide perishable items for the   for Operation Rice Bowl can be found in the back of the
breakfast bags.                                              church.

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                        Protect Life Michigan is a 501(c)3 non-
                        profit organization who’s vision is to      GRADES 3-8
                        form a generation of pro-life leaders      Spring sports for High School
                        dedicated to ending abortion in their      and CYO will soon be upon us.
                        lifetime. PLM recruits high school,        While there is still uncertainty
                        college and young professional             surrounding the start date and
                        individuals-- training them for pro-life   format in which spring sports
leadership, educating on life issues and pregnancy resources,      will begin, we want to ensure we are ready to
and networking them within their communities to strengthen         start when the day comes. Registration helps us
their impact. Our Lady of the Lakes parishioner, Erika Denver,     to plan for coaches and teams, as well as ensures
soon to be Creative Director of PLM is looking to build a          you will be notified of all important dates and
support team who believes in the mission and wants to              other pertinent information. CYO Sports for
support her to make pro-life activism her full-time career.        Grades 3-8 is open to all parishioners of Our Lady
Contact Erika today at 248-881-4887 or email her at                of the Lakes Church. Register online at                                 

SR. THEA BOWMAN, FSPA | 1937-1990
Sr. Thea was born a Protestant in Mississippi in 1937, the granddaughter of
slaves. She boldly told her parents at age 12 that she wanted to convert to
Catholicism. At 15, she moved north to La Crosse to attend St. Rose Convent. As
a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, she dedicated her life to Civil Rights.
She worked to empower the black community, while educating others about
African-Americans’ history and experience.
During her short lifetime (52 years), many people considered her a religious
Sister undeniably close to God and who lovingly invited others to encounter the
presence of God in their lives. She is acclaimed a “holy woman” in the hearts of
those who knew and loved her and continue to seek her intercession for
guidance and healing. November 14, 2018 the cause for sainthood was approved
and supported by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

                                                     THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT | MARCH 7, 2021 | PAGE 7
TWO PIANOS FOR SALE                                     PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY
                                                            CW3 Jacob Beno                           Army
                                                            Capt Kelsey Beno                         Army
                                                        †   Jenna Beno died 10/15/12
                                                            AMN Stewart Blaquiere                    Air Force
                                                        †   PFC Damian Bushart died 11/22/03         Army
                                                            SSGT Francisco Cantu Caceres             Marines
                                                            Eddy DeRocher
                                                            Jacob Dumont                             Army
                                                            SFC Scott Emanuel
                                                            2LT William Gischia                      Army
                                                            SSGT Dennis Haskins, Jr.                 Army
                                                            Dillan Johnson                           Air Force
                                                            Jackson Jones                            Army
                                                            Msgt Justin Jones                        Air Force
                                                            Matt Koetting                            Marines
$5,900—6 foot Kawai black baby grand piano Model            Robert Maher & Crew                      Navy
KG-3C. Excellent regulation and voicing. Beautiful      †   Sgt. Joseph Martin died 8/16/18          Army
condition.                                                  Francesca Meno                           Army
                                                            Karolyn Meno                             Air Force
                                                        †   PFC Joseph Miracle died 7/5/07           Army
                                                            LCP Derek Monday                         Marines
                                                            Gunnar Ottman                            Army
                                                            Amanda Paczynski                         Army
                                                            Capt. Adam Renkiewicz                    Army
                                                            Capt. Matthew Richards                   Army
                                                            Katie Rounds
                                                            CPTN Daniel Schasser
                                                            Anthony Schmidt                          Marines
                                                            Lt. Col. Nick Strelchuk                  Air Force
                                                            Cory Vaught                              Army
                                                            James Whitlow                            Navy
                                                        If your son, daughter or grandchild is serving us in
                                                        troubled places, please let us know at the parish office.

$3,900—Beautiful blond Young & Chang 6 foot grand
piano. Model G-185
Free local delivery. Contact Music Director Tim Smith
(248) 821-8443 if you are interested in purchasing
these pianos from the parish.

PRAY FOR OUR SICK                    Please keep in your thoughts and prayers this week the following:
  Kevin Adair           Janet Cobert         Linda Hemphill          Tim Nepjuk                Roger Smith
  Mary Amadon           Dean Coleman         Kathy Horn              Ellie Nowland             Tress Ann Smith
  Beverly Armstrong     James Conway         Maureen Hubbel          Cam Pardington            Joe Sommerville
  Don & Rhonda          Kevin Dalley         Patrick Hull            Frank Pardington          Joe Sutherland
    Barron              Ben Darmofal         Tara Isaac              Carol Pawlowski           Kenneth Turner
  Joe Batwinas          Irene Delasko        Lucas Isaac             Irene Pawlowski           Richard Untener
  Barbara Blachura      Joyce Delasko        Bill Keul               Karen Phelps              Ernesto Valderas
  Christian             Maria Deliro         Grant Kheno             Marie Phillips            Theresa Villereal
    Bodenmiller         Patty Fincannon      Michael Lane            Mark Pidgeon              Ralph Vogan
  Mikela Bodenmiller    Geoffrey Frethem      Ethan Lewis             Tania Price               Marilyn Weiss
  William Bodenmiller   Jennifer Gaffey       Lilly                   Scott Przybylowicz        Lucy Wilhelm
  John Boncella         Bill Grace           Larry Lovejoy           Dennis Ritter             Norm Wood
  Margo Brown           Suzanne Grimminger   Bill Martin             Roxxy Ryan
  Gene Bucek            Karen Haines         Cindy McConnell         Chelsea Salvador
  Mary Jo Coates        Melissa Hayes        Jean Messing            Holly Sanders

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Time                                  Presiders                           Servers                          Lectors                             Captains

Saturday, 5:00pm*                     Fr. Christopher                                                      Colleen Flynn                       Tom Brown

Sunday, 8:00am                        Fr. Scott                                                            Joseph/Amy Green                    Rob Ratz

Sunday, 9:30am*                       Fr. Scott                                                            Brooklyn Robak                      Brad Hasenfratz

Sunday, 11:00am                       Fr. Christopher                                                      Paul Kowalczyk                      Kristen Suran

Sunday, 12:30pm                       Fr. Christopher                                                      Steve Yanek

Altar Help
March 11, 2021                        Group 5: Theresa Elliott

March 20, 2021                        Group 6: David Diffenderffer, Pat Hannum

                     *5pm & 9:30am Masses are streamed live at and

                       5481 Dixie Highway
                   Waterford, Michigan 48329                                                   Eucharistic Exposition
               (248) 623-0274 | Fax: (248) 623-2723                                            3rd Tuesday of the month after 8:15am Mass until Rosary
  | Social Media @ollwaterford                                          and Benediction at 7:00pm

               Pastor Rev. Scott Thibodeau                                                     Faith Formation
          Associate Pastor Rev. Christopher Muer                                               Ages 4/5 ........................................................ Sundays | 9:30am
          Permanent Deacon Deacon Paul Nickels                                                 Mondays ................................................... Grades 1-8 | 6:15pm
                                                                                               Family Catechesis ..........1st Sunday of Each Month | 1:30pm
Director of Christian Service ........................ Artha Horowitz                          RCIC & RCIA .................................................. Tuesday | 7:00pm
Director of Music Ministry ..................................... Tim Smith
..............................................................................(248) 821-8443   Weddings
Director of Faith Formation ........................... Jean Hartman                           Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.
Bulletin Editor ................................................... Claire Boomer              Couples must attend the Pre-Marriage Workshop.
Bulletin Deadline ........................................... Mondays, Noon                    Registration
                                                                                               Register online at or stop by the office
                                                                                               Please notify the parish of all address, phone, email
Parish Email..................................                        changes by phone or online at
Prayer Requests
                                                                                               Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry ...... 1-888-722-4355
                                                                                               National Domestic Violence Hotline ......... 1-800-799-7233

Saturday Vigil .................................................................. 5:00pm
                                                                                                                      PARISH SCHOOL
                                                                                                                    5495 Dixie Highway
Sunday ............................ 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm
                                                                                                                    Waterford, MI 48329
Monday through Friday ................................................. 8:15am
                                                                                                            (248) 623-0340 | Fax: (248) 623-2274
                                                                                             | Social Media @ollonline
Parents must pre-register and attend a Baptism Class.
Contact the parish office for more information.
                                                                                               Principal & Head of School ................... Jeanine Kenny
Sacrament of Reconciliation                                                                    Admissions Director ......................... Nichole Campbell
Saturdays from 3:30pm until all are heard.                                                     Athletic Director ..................................... Jared Kullman
You can also read