3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?

3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
APRIL 2018

                                      Visit us online at 3ABN.tv

                                 MA G A Z I N E
Danny Shelton,
Yvonne Lewis-Shelton,
and Tim Parton

   NEW MUSIC            PG 4

                                                     F E AT U R E

                                              3ABN LATINO
                                   Is It Ever Going to Happen?
                                                             PG 6


                                           FRUIT ROLLUPS
                                            Stephanie Howard
                                                & Sarah Frain
                                                            PG 15

3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
     Give Him Glory
4    3ABN’s New Music Project
                                                                                        Vol. 13 #152
                                                                                        APRIL 2018
                                                                                                               Dear 3ABN Family,
                                    Executive Editor: Jill Morikone
                                    Managing Editor: Bobby Davis                                                  Once again, America has been focused on another school shooting. Politi-
      N E T W O R K F E AT U R E
                                    Creative Director: Chrystique Neibauer
                                    Graphic Designers: Adam Dean, Janelle Owen
                                                                                                               cians blame each other’s parties. Students are demanding action nationwide
6     3ABN Latino                   Photographer: Svetlana Christian
                                    Proofreaders: Barbara Nolen, Mitch Owen, J.D. Quinn
                                                                                                               to forever prevent another tragedy, and everyone seems to be looking for
      Is It Ever Going to Happen?                                                                              answers to make our schools and nation safer. However, the shootings are
                                    3ABN World is a monthly publication. Subscriptions are free and
                                    available in the United States. Overseas subscriptions by request.         the result of a sin problem that has worsened dramatically here in America,
                                    ISSN 1552-4140
                                                                                                               and around the world. If the answer was as simple as banning all guns, that
                                    Subscriptions & Feedback
                                    To subscribe, change your subscription, or send us feedback,               would be great, but the problem goes much deeper.
                                    please contact us in the following ways:
                                    By phone: 618-627-4651 Sun–Sat 8:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. (CT)
                                                                                                                  For generations, America has rejected the Law of God at every turn. In
                                    By mail: 3ABN Call Center / Attn: Subscriber Services /                    the 1970s, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized abortion, giving
                                    Feedback, P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort, IL 62896-0220
                                                                                                               Americans “freedom of choice” when it comes to killing innocent babies.
      CHANGED LIVES                 By email: 3abnworld@3abn.org or online at 3ABN.tv

      By Blessing, We’re Blessed    Copyright © 2018, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.
                                    Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
                                                                                                               God says He knew us in the womb—and that alone tells us that the unborn
                                    company. 3ABN is not owned by any person or organization, but is           are real human beings who have a right to life.
                                    governed, instead, by a board of directors who work very hard behind
                                    the scenes to ensure we stay true to our mission and reach people of all      For decades, our government has allowed the gaming industry to distrib-
                                                                                                               ute video games that trample on the sanctity of human life and glorify the
14    3ABN Kids Network
                                    cultures and backgrounds. The biblical truths presented on 3ABN are
                                    consistent with the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
                                    All donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Scripture is        killing of other human beings. For even more
      Kids Club Bible Lessons       taken from the New King James Version® unless otherwise noted.
                                    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission.                     generations, Hollywood has produced movies For generations,
                                                                                                               that expose our young people to violence, rape,
                                                                                                                                                                   America has
                                    All rights reserved. Cover Image: Svetlana Christian

      Rainbow Fruit Roll-Ups        618-627-4651
                                                                                                               and murder. Rap lyrics that encourage listeners
                                                                                                               to act out their worst fantasies have entered every rejected the Law
                                    3ABN.TV | 3ABNSTORE.COM                                                    culture here in America, so it’s no wonder our of God at every
                                                                                                               young people are troubled and confused.             turn.
                                                                                                                  In order to stop sin, such as these school
                                                                                                               shootings where hundreds of young people are shot and many killed, we
                                                                                                               must deal with the root cause—the breaking of God’s Ten Commandments!
                                                                                                               We must change our culture’s values, and one of the most effective ways to
                PHOENIX, ARIZONA                                                                               do this is through media. Together, we can reach millions of hurting people
                                                                                                               through television, radio, and the Internet. We can use our worldwide plat-
                                                                                                               form to impact the prevailing cultural attitudes. We can put “boots on the
                                                                                                               ground” and offer evangelistic campaigns in various cities around the world,
                                                                                                               like we’ve done in Phoenix and in London.
                                                                                                                  However, we can’t do this without your help. Please partner with us,
                                                                                                               prayerfully and financially, as we share the good news of the love of Jesus
                                                                                                               with those who need Him most!
                                                                                                                  May God bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.

                                                                                                                 Danny Shelton
       MISSED THE LIVE PROGRAMS?                                                                                 President & CEO
     Watch them on our YouTube channel.
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
4 • NEWS & EVENTS | Bobby Davis

                                                                                                                  (Above): An early production meet-
                                                                                                                  ing. This project will feature songs
                                                                                                                  by Lanny Wolfe (left), arranged by
                                                                                                                  Tim Parton (right), and vocals by
                                                                                                                  Yvonne Lewis-Shelton (far right).
                                                                                                                                                          World: What personal insights have you
                                                                                                                                                          received from working on these songs?
                                                                                               of our message, he spent several months                    Danny: As I was thinking about the

S   pring Camp Meeting is coming,
    and the focus of each of our 16
presentations will be the three angels’
                                                angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6–12.
                                                At Three Angels Broadcasting Network
                                                we strive to stay focused on our message
                                                                                               reading Daniel and Revelation, as well as
                                                                                               material from our Seventh-day Adventist
                                                                                               Bible Commentary, and the inspired words
                                                                                                                                                          three angels’ messages, I realized they’re
                                                                                                                                                          centered on God’s perfect law. Then the
                                                                                                                                                          Lord opened my eyes to see that we can’t
messages of Revelation 14:6–12. We’ll also      and our name, so we decided to focus           of Ellen White. David Huntsinger, who is                   keep the Sabbath holy unless we keep the
debut songs from 3ABN’s new musical             our Spring Camp Meeting on the three           also not an Adventist, wrote most of the                   other nine commandments. The Sabbath
project, Give Him Glory, focusing on each       angels’ messages. Then, as I looked over       songs on the Pillars of Our Faith project.                 commandment is the only one that centers
of the three angels’ messages! Here’s what      the sermon titles, it occurred to me that      He told me that writing those songs                        on man’s character; so if I’m so involved
3ABN president and CEO, Danny Shelton,          each should have music on that theme;          changed his life—and, as we know, the                      in living life that I place other gods before
had to say recently about this project.         but after looking far and wide, I couldn’t     lives of multitudes. It’s incredible to see                my Lord, I can keep the Sabbath, but I can’t
                                                find a single song that really brought those   God use these men to give our message,                     keep it holy.
3ABN World: Danny, how did this music           messages to life!                              and “give the trumpet a certain sound!”                        I want the world to know about the
project come about?                                                                                We’re working with award-winning                       Sabbath, but I have a burden to insure that
Danny Shelton: As I’ve watched events           3ABN World: What did you decide to do?         orchestrator, Kris Wilkinson; arranger                     Seventh-day Adventists don’t keep it like
unfold in our country over the past few         Danny: Well, I was privileged to sit down      David Clydesdale, and singers like Win-                    the Jews did. We must keep all of God’s
years I’ve seen a tremendous division           and write some songs, myself; but as I         tley Phipps, Ryan Day, Julie Goss, Gene                    commandments throughout the week,
in our views on politics, race, and any         thought of the many talented songwriters       McDonald, and some of our 3ABN sing-                       so we can keep the Sabbath with clean
number of things. They have influenced          we’ve worked with in the past, I began         ers, as well. We hope to have the project                  hands. Some folks never see that, and they
the atmosphere both within and without          contacting them about collaborating on         ready by camp meeting time.                                worship God under false pretense. They’re
our Church, and it’s become very clear that     this project. Although the topics were                                                                    zealous about keeping the fourth com-
                                                                                               The three angels’ messages will come to life in the
we need a new call to return to our roots,      way outside their field and required a         beautiful songs written by Danny Shelton (below),
                                                                                                                                                          mandment, but they don’t keep the other
to the pillars of our faith, and to the three   tremendous amount of research, legendary       David Huntsinger, and Lanny Wolfe. Watch for their debut   nine. I believe that’s why the fourth angel’s
                                                gospel songwriters Lanny Wolfe, David          during our Spring Camp Meeting!                            message in Revelation 18:4 says, “Come
Orchestrator Kris Wilkinson and her husband
Larry Paxton will be working on this project.   Huntsinger, and Aaron Wilburn have                                                                        out of her, my people, lest you share in her
                                                agreed to work with us, and honestly,                                                                     sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
                                                there have never been songs like these!                                                                   As God’s people, we’re dabbling in Baby-
                                                Lanny Wolfe is one of the best-known                                                                      lon—and He’s calling us to come out. He’s
                                                gospel songwriters in this country, having                                                                coming back for His bride—His church.
                                                written songs like, “Surely the Presence,”                                                                So my drive is to bring forward the three
                                                “More Than Wonderful,” and “Whatever                                                                      angels’ messages—including the Sabbath.
                                                It Takes.” To get a greater understanding                                                                 We must keep close to the Bible, lest the
                                                                                                                                                          devil keep the church in Babylon.
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
                                                                                                Murillo that remained steadfast,
                                                                                                and we learned some important

                                                                                                lessons through this experience.
                                                                                                    The apostle Paul helped us

                                                                                                understand that we should be
                                                                                                                                      Pastor David Murillo (second from right) met with 3ABN’s leaders (left to
                                                                                                strong in the Lord, “For we do not right) Brian Hamilton, Mollie Steenson, and John Dinzey about channel 45.

                                                                                                wrestle against flesh and blood,
                                                                                                but against principalities, against powers,        Good Reports
                                                                                                against the rulers of the darkness of this               A breakthrough came in September
   by John Dinzey                                                                               age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness         of last year, when Pastor Murillo came

                                                                                                in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12.           to 3ABN and told us that he’d been given
       was beginning to wonder if it would                                                          God also used Ellen White to shed              permission by TELCOR to install the
       ever happen, but it did! Let me                                                          some light on this. In her pamphlet, Words         antenna and transmitter, and start broad-
       rephrase that—God did it!                                                                of Encouragement to the Home Missionary            casting; and I’m happy to report that on
       You see, several years ago we were                                                       Field, page 36, she wrote, “Our people are         December 24, at 4:25 p.m., channel 45
  approached by Pastor David Murillo, from       God wanted channel 45 on the air—but,          not half awake to the fact that the enemy          started broadcasting 3ABN Latino’s signal
  Nicaragua, about a construction permit         unfortunately, we were not prepared for        against whom we are contending is a keen,          in Managua, Nicaragua! Good reports
  he’d received from the Telecommunica-          the delay.                                     intelligent, eloquent being, who works             have come in from people watching our
  tions Institute of Nicaragua (TELCOR).                                                        in every conceivable way to hinder the             programming, stating that they’re being
                       The permit was to         God’s Timing                                   advancement of God’s work. We must rid             blessed. We ask for your prayers, because
                       put channel 45 on the         Developments in the country, change        ourselves of the idea that we can move             funds are needed to build a studio and
                       air in the capital city   of administration, and other issues            along smoothly, meeting no hindrances.             record local programming, in compliance
                       of Managua. How-          became big obstacles to putting the sta-       The enemy will oppose every effort put             with Nicaraguan law. With God’s bless-
                       ever, it would not        tion on the air. Month after month, Pastor     forth to advance the cause of God.”                ings, we will soon hear from those who are
                       just cover the nearly     Murillo visited the telecommunications             In understanding this, we can take             giving their hearts to the Lord in baptism!
                       1.5 million people        leadership, asking if we could proceed         courage because God is “not willing that                 We also solicit your prayers for 3ABN
                       living in Managua,        with the construction, and each time he        any should perish, but that all should come        Latino as we continue working on plans
                       but would allow the       was told that the president of the country’s   to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. Furthermore,          for evangelistic campaigns in New York,
Pastor David Murillo
                       holder to continue        telecommunications department had              “What then shall we say to these things?           Colombia, and wherever else the Lord
  to expand coverage to Nicaragua’s entire       stated we had to wait. We asked our 3ABN       If God is for us, who can be against us?”          leads.
  population of over 6 million people!           Latino viewers to bring this matter before     Romans 8:31.
                                                                                                                                                                 After installing a satellite dish, Channel 45
       Pastor Murillo requested our help to      the Lord because it seemed like Satan was                                                                       in Managua, Nicaragua now broadcasts to
  put this channel on the air, and we told       erecting one obstacle after another.                                                                            nearly 1.5 million viewers!
  him that if he were able to put the channel        Three years passed, then four, five, and
  in 3ABN’s name, we would work together         six. I have to admit that I began to wonder,
  to preach the undiluted three angels’ mes-     Is this ever going to happen? During that
  sages in Nicaragua. He took this message       long wait, sometimes it seemed that Pastor
  to his board, and they agreed. But when        Murillo was encouraging me, and at other
  we told our viewers, their response was        times, it seemed I was encouraging him.
  overwhelming! This let us know that            However, I must say that it was Pastor
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
8 • APRIL 2018                   3ABN TV SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                                                                           With Chef Jeremy Dixon
PDT -2 hours • MDT -1 hour • EDT +1 hour Red titles are changes effective this month.                                                                                                       Mondays at 5:30 a.m.,
   = CLOSED CAPTIONED        = LIVE PROGRAM           = NEW SERIES    = REPEAT OF LIVE PROGRAM                                                            Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m., Fridays at 1:30 p.m. CDT (UTC–5)
 CDT    S U N D AY                                         CDT    M O N D AY                                    CDT    T U E S D AY                                   CDT    W E D N E S D AY
  2:00a Pillars of Faith         1hr                        2:00a Revelation of Hope         1hr                 2:00a Optimize 4 Life                                 2:00a Celebrating Life in Recovery         1hr
   3:00 Featured Ministries                                  3:00 Homecoming Camp Meeting                1hr      2:30 Perfecting Me                                    3:00 Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries           1hr
                                                             4:00 Table Talk        1hr                           3:00 Melody From My Heart                             4:00 Spring Camp Meeting            1hr
   3:30 From Sickness to Health
                                                             5:00 Divine Design/Grandma’s House                   3:30 Free Indeed                                      5:00 Praise
   4:00 In the Beginning
                                                             5:30 Cook:30                                         4:00   House Calls     1hr                            5:30 Adventures in Missions
   5:00 Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries        1hr                                                               5:00   Salvation in Symbols & Signs
                                                             6:00 Body & Spirit                                                                                         6:00 Body & Spirit
   6:00 Body & Spirit Aerobics                                                                                    5:30   Wonderfully Made                               6:30 LifeStart Seminars
                                                             6:30 Pressing in to His Presence
   6:30 Melody From My Heart                                                                                      6:00   Body & Spirit Aerobics                          7:00 Amazing Facts Presents
                                                             7:00 Thunder in the Holy Land
   7:00 Kids Time                                                                                                 6:30   The Heavens Declare                             7:30 It Is Written Canada
                                                             7:30 Ultimate Prescription
                                                                                                                  7:00 Health for a Lifetime
   7:30 Praise!                                              8:00 3ABN Today         1hr                                                                                8:00 3ABN Today         1hr
                                                                                                                  7:30 Maranatha Mission Stories
   8:00 3ABN Today         1hr                               9:00 House Calls        1hr                                                                                9:00 Remodeling Your Life
                                                                                                                  8:00 3ABN Today LIVE 2hrs
                                                                                                                                                                        9:30 Divine Design/Grandma’s House
   9:00 Your Favorites by Request                           10:00 Free Indeed                                    10:00 Pressing in to His Presence
                                                                                                                                                                       10:00 Melody From My Heart
   9:30 Adventures in Missions                              10:30 Books of the Book                              10:30 Thunder in the Holy Land
                                                                                                                                                                       10:30 Salvation in Symbols & Signs
  10:00 Focus on God’s Word             1hr                 11:00 Sabbath School Panel            1hr            11:00 Featured Ministries
                                                                                                                                                                        11:00 Table Talk     1hr
                                                           12:00p Behold the Lamb Presents              1hr      11:30 Books of the Book
  11:00 Inspirational Hour        1hr                                                                                                                                 12:00p 3ABN On the Road           1hr
                                                             1:00 Off the Grid                                  12:00p Spring Camp Meeting          1hr
 12:00p HeartLift                                                                                                                                                        1:00 Issues and Answers
                                                             1:30 Abundant Living                                 1:00 Battles of Faith
  12:30 Pressing in to His Presence                                                                                                                                      1:30 Abundant Living
                                                             2:00 Action 4 Life (Casio Jones)                     1:30 Cook:30
   1:00 A Sharper Focus          1hr                                                                                                                                    2:00 Action 4 Life
                                                             2:30 Heaven’s Point of View (Frank Fournier)         2:00 Body & Spirit
   2:00 Body & Spirit                                                                                                                                                   2:30 Perfecting Me
                                                             3:00 3ABN Today         1hr                          2:30 HeartLift
                                                                                                                                                                        3:00 3ABN Today         1hr
   2:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus                                  4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus                             3:00 3ABN Today        1hr
                                                                                                                                                                        4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus
   3:00 3ABN Today LIVE          2hrs                        4:30 Kids Time                                       4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus
                                                                                                                                                                        4:30 Kids Time
   5:00 The Carter Report          1hr                       5:00 Liberty Insider                                 4:30 Kids Time
                                                                                                                                                                        5:00 Everlasting Gospel         1hr
                                                             5:30 Your Favorites by Request                       5:00 Kids Time Praise
   6:00 Sabbath School Panel             1hr                                                                                                                            6:00 GYC      1hr
                                                             6:00 Grace Pipeline                                  5:30 Multitude of Counselors
   7:00 Salvation in Symbols & Signs                                                                                                                                     7:00 A Sharper Focus         1hr
                                                                                                                  6:00 House Calls    1hr
                                                             6:30 Mission 360                                                                                           8:00 3ABN Today         1hr
   7:30 Perfecting Me                                                                                             7:00 Secrets Unsealed Presents          1hr
                                                             7:00 Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries        1hr
                                                                                                                                                                        9:00 Amazing Facts Presents
   8:00 3ABN Today         1hr                                                                                    8:00 3ABN Today        1hr
                                                             8:00 3ABN Today         1hr                                                                                9:30 I Want This City
   9:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery           1hr                                                                9:00 Behold the Lamb Presents    1hr
                                                             9:00 Spring Camp Meeting             1hr                                                                  10:00 It Is Written
  10:00 Featured Ministries                                                                                      10:00 Sabbath School Panel    1hr
                                                            10:00 The Carter Report         1hr                                                                        10:30 Liberty Insider
                                                                                                                 11:00 3ABN Today        1hr
  10:30 Your Favorites by Request                           11:00 3ABN Today         1hr
                                                                                                                12:00a   Heaven’s Point of View                         11:00 3ABN Today        1hr
  11:00 3ABN Today         1hr                             12:00a Multitude of Counselors                        12:30   Exalting His Word                            12:00a A Sharper Focus          1hr
 12:00a Secrets Unsealed Presents              1hr          12:30 Hope in Motion                                  1:00   Contending for the Faith                        1:00 In the Footsteps of Paul
   1:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery           1hr           1:00 ASI Conventions          1hr                    1:30   Ultimate Prescription                           1:30 Divine Design/His Words Are Life

      For the most up-to-date schedule for all the 3ABN networks, please visit www.3abn.org/schedule                NEED PRAYER? CALL THE 3ABN PASTORAL PRAYER LINE AT 618-627-4651.
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
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CDT     T H U R S D AY                                     CDT     F R I D AY                                          CDT      S AT U R D AY
 2:00a Books of the Book                                    2:00a 3ABN Today LIVE (continued) 1hr                       2:00a Praise!
  2:30 Grace Pipeline                                        3:00 Salvation in Symbols & Signs                           2:30 In the Footsteps of Paul
  3:00 Spring Camp Meeting                 1hr               3:30 Heavens Point of View
                                                                                                                         3:00 Kenneth Cox Ministries                1hr
                                                             4:00 Liberty Insider
  4:00 Remodeling Your Life                                                                                              4:00 Everlasting Gospel             1hr
                                                             4:30 Battles of Faith
  4:30 Issues & Answers                                                                                                  5:00 Revelation Insights            1hr
                                                             5:00 Sabbath School Study Hour              1hr
  5:00 Discover      1hr                                     6:00 Body & Spirit                                          6:00 Perfecting Me
  6:00 Body & Spirit Aerobics                                6:30 Contending for the Faith                               6:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus
  6:30 Jesus for Asia Now                                    7:00 Secrets Unsealed          1hr                          7:00 Kids Time Praise
  7:00 Homecoming Camp Meeting                    1hr        8:00 3ABN Today         1hr                                 7:30 Kids Time
  8:00 3ABN Today          1hr                               9:00 Behold the Lamb Presents              1hr              8:00 3ABN Today            1hr                          NEW!
                                                            10:00 Health for a Lifetime                                  9:00 Sabbath School Panel                 1hr
  9:00 ASI Conventions           1hr
                                                            10:30 Divine Design/His Words Are Life                      10:00 Kenneth Cox Ministries                1hr
 10:00 From Sickness to Health                                                                                                                                                       Nuggets of wisdom
                                                            11:00 Celebrating Life in Recovery           1hr
 10:30 HeartLift                                                                                                        11:00 Worship Hour            1hr                             for those who are
                                                           12:00p Sabbath School Panel            1hr
                                                                                                                       12:00p Revelation’s Ancient Discoveries             1hr          growing older
 11:00 Revelation of Hope            1hr                     1:00 Optimize 4 Life
                                                                                                                         1:00 New Perceptions               1hr                                                                 Kay Kuzma
12:00p Ultimate Prescription                                 1:30 Cook:30                                                                                                        Gold for my Girlfriends
 12:30 Multitude of Counselors                               2:00 Action 4 Life
                                                                                                                         2:00 Sabbath School Study Hour                   1hr    Kay Kuzma
                                                             2:30 Your Favorites by Request                              3:00 3ABN Today            1hr                          Life should never be measured by the number of
  1:00 The Heavens Declare
                                                             3:00 3ABN Today         1hr                                 4:00 Maranatha Mission Stories                          breaths we take, but by the number of moments
  1:30 Taste of Paradise
                                                                                                                         4:30 Kids Time                                          that take our breath away. Follow this standard,
                                                             4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus
  2:00 Body & Spirit                                                                                                                                                             and you’ll find yourself really living, regardless
                                                             4:30 Kids Time                                              5:00 Kids Time Praise
  2:30 Contending for the Faith                                                                                                                                                  of your age. Stop masking your age with glitter
                                                             5:00 Featured Ministries                                    5:30 Tiny Tots for Jesus                                and glamour and focus on creating breathtaking
  3:00 3ABN Today          1hr
                                                             5:30 Music                                                  6:00 Laymen Ministries                                  moments, instead. Then every age can be golden!
  4:00 Tiny Tots for Jesus                                   6:00 Jesus for Asia Now                                     6:30 Salvation in Symbols & Signs                       Code: BGFMG
  4:30 Kids Time                                             6:30 Camp Meeting Music Projects                 1.5hrs                                                             Suggested Donation $16.00
                                                                                                                         7:00 Breath of Life
  5:00 Pillars of Faith        1hr                           8:00 3ABN Today Family Worship              1hr
                                                                                                                         7:30 Multitude of Counselors                            Many other books available by Kay Kuzma
  6:00 The Carter Report             1hr                     9:00 It Is Written
                                                                                                                         8:00 3ABN Today            1hr                          online at 3ABNstore.com.
  7:00 Sabbath School Study Hour                  1hr        9:30 Maranatha Mission Stories
                                                            10:00 Mission 360
                                                                                                                         9:00 Table Talk        1hr                              Serious About Love
  8:00 3ABN Today LIVE           2hrs                                                                                   10:00 Grace Pipeline                                     Serious About Love is a complete guide to dating,
                                                            10:30 Hope in Motion
 10:00 Kenneth Cox Ministries               1hr                                                                         10:30 Making Waves
                                                                                                                                                                                 love, and mate selection especially written for
                                                            11:00 3ABN Today Family Worship              1hr
 11:00 3ABN Today          1hr
                                                                                                                                                                                 young adults.
                                                           12:00a A Sharper Focus          1hr                          11:00 3ABN Today            1hr
12:00a Table Talk        1hr                                                                                                                                                     Code: BSAL | Suggested Donation $16.00
                                                             1:00 Breath of Life                                       12:00a Discover        1hr
  1:00 3ABN Today LIVE           1hr                         1:30 Thunder in the Holy Land                               1:00 GYC       1hr                                         TO ORDER, USE THE ENVELOPE ATTACHED,
                                                                                                                                                                                    VISIT 3ABNSTORE.COM, OR CALL 618-627-4651
                                                                                                                                                                                          Free Shipping in the Continental US only11
                                                                                                                                                                                          All prices are in US dollar amounts
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
12 • CHANGED LIVES                                                                           dedicated my life to Jesus Christ. However,     are over 40,000 kids enrolled in Kids Club
                                                                                             I ask for your prayers so that I can find       in 120 countries. That’s truly amazing!
                                                                                             a good job with Sabbaths off. I turned             Antoinette in Trinidad, West Indies,
                                                                                             down good job offers this week because          recently wrote to tell us that the elderly
                                                                                             they would require working on Saturdays,        are also blessed by our children’s pro-
                                                                                             but God comes first in my life. I love your     gramming. She writes, “I would like to
                                                                                             programs. Thank you, and may God bless          take this opportunity to let you know that

By Blessing, We’re Blessed
                                                                                             your work.” Surely, God honors those who        your program is also viewed by the elderly.
                                                                                             honor His commandments.                         My mother was in an old age home, and
                                                                                                                                             many of the elderly asked to view your
                                                                                             Reaching the Young — and

      ach day, God’s Holy Spirit guides those who are seeking truth to Three Angels                                                          program every evening that I went to visit
      Broadcasting Network, where they find answers to their questions, and a deeper
                                                                                             the Old                                         her. I promised her that I will let you know
                                                                                                Our 3ABN Kids Network continues              this. She passed away last July. Thank you
      understanding of the Bible. The Holy Spirit will never leave the soul who is looking
                                                                                             to touch the lives of both the young and        for this program, and I want you to know
for Jesus unassisted, but reveals the things of Christ to them, giving them the capacity
                                                                                             the old, bringing joy and a strong desire       that I still enjoy watching it and sharing it
for increased knowledge of heavenly things, and a hunger to become more like Him.
                                                                                             to know more about Jesus.                       with my grandchildren.”
Jesus Himself promised in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for
                                                                                                Chanecia contacted us recently, asking
righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
                                                                                             to enroll in our Kids Club Bible Lessons.       3ABN Radio on Roku
Grateful for 3ABN                                Our Pastoral department sends thou-         She wrote, “Dear Miss Brenda, I was                 We continue to expand the number of
                                              sands of Bibles and Christian literature to    watching one of your programs on 3ABN           ways to watch 3ABN TV or listen to 3ABN
    Mary, from North Liberty, Iowa, wrote                                                    and saw an invitation to request the les-       Radio. Martin, in Grandville, Michigan,
                                              prisoners like Roger, who sent us a letter
us recently to say, “Your TV station has                                                     son plans. I’m 9 years old (turning 10 in       sent us an email, and we think he was
                                              recently, saying, “I found my first 3ABN
been such a wonderful blessing. When                                                         December), and I am learning about Jesus        pretty excited!
                                              World magazine at the intake center here,
moving to a new area, and feeling a                                                          every day. I believe getting the lessons will       He writes, “For some time, I’ve watched
                                              and it has helped me find a better path. I
needed change, I found 3ABN. After                                                                                                           3ABN via my Internet connection and
                                              wrote to you about a year ago, and you
watching for almost a year, I know you are
a true Bible-believing church. Thank you
                                              sent a Bible that I read every time I am           “I’m 9 years old... and I am                my Roku player. But while watching a
                                              in my cell. I never thought I would find                                                       program this morning, I heard someone
for being here for me, and all the others
                                              something that would change my life in
                                                                                                 learning about Jesus every                  mention the 3ABN Radio Music Channel.
you have blessed.”
                                              such a good way, here, in such a bad place.        day. I believe getting the                  All of a sudden, it dawned on me that your
    A few hundred miles away, Bob in Fort                                                                                                    radio channel was listed on Roku, along
                                              I wanted to write and tell you how 3ABN
Dodge, Iowa, shares the same sentiment.                                                          lessons will help me in my                  with many other available choices; but
                                              has changed my life. You can go from a
“I thank the Lord for bringing your chan-                                                        study of God’s Word.”                       for whatever reason, I hadn’t listened to
                                              world of bad to being with God, no matter
nel, ministry, and family into my life,” he                                                                                                  it. Well, today I did, and I want to tell you
                                              where you are in life. God can help you in
writes. “You truly have been a blessing.                                                     help me in my study of God’s Word. My           it’s fantastic! Love it! Thank you!”
                                              any time of need!”
Continue your good work.”                                                                    family and I love to read your Moments              We pray that 3ABN is a blessing to
                                              Honoring God First                             with God devotional during our worships.        you, whether you watch, listen, or read
Setting Prisoners Free                           Those who watch 3ABN soon become            I also read the Prayer Promises for Kids.       one of our 3ABN books or publications.
   Besides reaching the world with the
                                              aware of God’s Ten Commandments, and           Thank you for sharing your knowledge            Thank you for all you do for those who
undiluted three angels’ messages of Rev-
                                              many of them feel the conviction to honor      about Jesus. I look forward to hearing          still haven’t heard about Jesus!
elation 14:6-12, the Lord calls us “To
                                              God’s holy Sabbath. Such was the case          from you and starting my lessons.”
proclaim liberty to the captives, and the
opening of the prison to those who are
                                              with Guillermo, who found 3ABN Latino             How precious Chanecia is to our Lord,                  CONTACT US!
                                              in the Dominican Republic. He writes, “I       and what a tender heart! Currently, there
bound.” Isaiah 61:1.                                                                                                                            Email: 3abnworld@3abn.org
                                              was baptized four months ago, and I have                                                          Write: 3ABN WORLD NEWS
                                                                                                                                                       PO Box 220, West Frankfort IL 62896
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
14 • HOW CAN YOU HELP? | Brenda Walsh                                                                                                                                                        3ABN RECIPES • 15

    Kids Club began almost 15 years ago, offering Bible lessons to
    children of all ages–either online or through the mail. Once all 52
    lessons have been completed, the student receives a new Bible –absolutely free. Not a day
    goes by that I don’t hear from kids telling me how they have given their hearts to Jesus
    because of Kids Club.
        I never get tired of hearing these “praise reports” and neither does my mother, Bernice
    Micheff. She is our Kids Club director and has been since the very beginning. She works
    tirelessly, opening the mail, reading the letters, entering all the child’s information on the
    computer, grading the quiz sheets, stuffing envelopes, mailing the lessons, etc. It’s fair to                          RAINBOW FRUIT ROLL-UPS
    say that Kids Club consumes 90% of her time. Through the years, she has had volunteers                                 Stephanie Howard, Sarah Frain
    who helped out, but for the last couple of years, my mom has managed the entire operation
    herself. She does appreciate it, though, when my dad and other family members occasionally
    help out by collating the lessons.                                                                                         INGREDIENTS
        Most people want to retire when they turn 85, but my mom works from morning till
    night–never complaining. She is a full-time volunteer and hasn’t                                                           • 4 cups fruit (berries, peaches, mangoes, kiwi, etc.)
    received a penny for her work. She only praises God that He has given                                                      • ¼ cup dried fruit
    her a ministry in which to serve Him. Currently, there are over 40,000
    children taking Kids Club lessons from 120 different countries. It is
    so rewarding to see God’s hand of blessing as student after student
    surrenders to Jesus!                                                                                                       1. Place fresh and dried fruit into a small saucepan and heat until the juices are
    Donations Needed                                                                                                              released and the dried fruit is softened.

                                                                                                     Photo: Cinda Sanner
       As you can imagine, it costs a lot of money to operate Kids Club.                                                       2. Place fruit in blender and blend until smooth.
    Some of the costs include printing lessons, envelopes, small gifts in
    each set of lessons, the free Bibles, as well as the enormous cost of                                                      3. Spread evenly over a parchment-lined baking sheet.
    stamps just to mail each package. Please prayerfully consider giving Pastor James and                                      4. Bake at the lowest oven temperature (170˚) for about 4 hours,
                                                                                Bernice Micheff.
    to this soul-winning ministry so that even more children can learn                                                            or until dry but still flexible.
    about their Best Friend, Jesus.
                                           If you would like to support Kids Club or our 3ABN Kids                             5. Cut into desired shapes.
                 Bernice Micheff
                 working on Kids      Network, please send your tax-deductible love gifts to                                   6. Roll up!
                 Club lessons.        3ABN Kids Network, Post Office Box 220, West Frankfort,
                                      Illinois, 62896, or call us at 618-627-4651, Monday through
                                      Thursday during regular business hours. Please keep us
                                      in prayer as we go forward sharing the gospel to God’s
                                      children around the world!

                                                                    Sign up online at                                      1                   2                3-4                      5               6
  Be sure to earmark your donation                              and click on Kids Club.
                                                                                                                                     Find this and other recipes on 3ABNrecipes.org.
       #402 - Kids Network                                      Lessons also offered in Spanish.
                                                                                                                                     Find this cooking video our YouTube playlist, 3ABN Today Cooking.
Or visit www.3abnkids.tv and donate online.                                                                                          Just look for TDY14033
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
unique programs—like A Day With the King,
and 3ABN Now, from our 3ABN Australia
studios. Watch it online, on our smartphone
app, or through a Roku or mySDATV box.

                                               U.S. POSTAGE
                                              THREE ANGELS
               PO Box 220     618-627-4651    BROADCASTING
   West Frankfort, IL 62896   3ABN.tv
3ABN LATINO Is It Ever Going to Happen?
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