Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014

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Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
Easter Triduum 2015

               Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
The Gospel of the resurrection of Jesus Christ begins with the journey of the women to the
tomb at dawn on the day after the Sabbath. They go to the tomb to honour the body of the
Lord, but they find it open and empty. A mighty angel says to them: “Do not be afraid!”
(Mt 28:5) and orders them to go and tell the disciples: “He has been raised from the dead,
and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee” (v. 7). The women quickly depart and on
the way Jesus himself meets them and says: “Do not fear; go and tell my brothers to go to
Galilee; there they will see me” (v. 10). “Do not be afraid”, “do not fear”: these are words
that encourage us to open our hearts to receive the message.

After the death of the Master, the disciples had scattered; their faith had been utterly
shaken, everything seemed over, all their certainties had crumbled and their hopes had
died. But now that message of the women, incredible as it was, came to them like a ray of
light in the darkness. The news spread: Jesus is risen as he said. And then there was his
command to go toGalilee; the women had heard it twice, first from the angel and then from
Jesus himself: “Let them go to Galilee; there they will see me”. “Do not fear” and “go to

Galilee is the place where they were first called, where everything began! To return there,
to return to the place where they were originally called. Jesus had walked along the shores
of the lake as the fishermen were casting their nets. He had called them, and they left
everything and followed him (cf. Mt 4:18-22).

To return to Galilee means to re-read everything on the basis of the cross and its victory,
fearlessly: “do not be afraid”. To re-read everything – Jesus’ preaching, his miracles, the
new community, the excitement and the defections, even the betrayal – to re-read
everything starting from the end, which is a new beginning, from this supreme act of love.

For each of us, too, there is a “Galilee” at the origin of our journey with Jesus. “To go to
Galilee” means something beautiful, it means rediscovering our baptism as a living
fountainhead, drawing new energy from the sources of our faith and our Christian
experience. To return to Galilee means above all to return to that blazing light with which
God’s grace touched me at the start of the journey. From that flame I can light a fire for
today and every day, and bring heat and light to my brothers and sisters. That flame ignites
a humble joy, a joy which sorrow and distress cannot dismay, a good, gentle joy.
Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
In the life of
                                                                              every Christian,
                                                                              after baptism
                                                                              there is
                                                                              also another
                                                                              “Galilee”, a more
                                                                              “Galilee”: the
                                                                              experience of
                                                                              a personal
                                                                              encounter with
                                                                              Jesus Christ who
                                                                          called me to
                                                                          follow him and to
                                                                          share in his
                                                                          mission. In this
                                                                          sense, returning
                                                                          to Galilee means
treasuring in my heart the living memory of that call, when Jesus passed my way, gazed at
me with mercy and asked me to follow him. To return there means reviving the memory of
that moment when his eyes met mine, the moment when he made me realize that he loved

Today, tonight, each of us can ask: What is my Galilee? I need to remind myself, to go
back and remember. Where is my Galilee? Do I remember it? Have I forgotten it? Seek
and you will find it! There the Lord is waiting for you. Have I gone off on roads and paths
which made me forget it? Lord, help me: tell me what my Galilee is; for you know that I
want to return there to encounter you and to let myself be embraced by your mercy. Do not
be afraid, do not fear, return to Galilee!

The Gospel is very clear: we need to go back there, to see Jesus risen, and to become
witnesses of his resurrection. This is not to go back in time; it is not a kind of nostalgia. It
is returning to our first love, in order to receive the fire which Jesus has kindled in the world
and to bring that fire to all people, to the very ends of the earth. Go back to Galilee,
without fear!

“Galilee of the Gentiles” (Mt 4:15; Is 8:23)! Horizon of the Risen Lord, horizon of the
Church; intense desire of encounter… Let us be on our way!

Sourced from http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2014/documents/papa-

                              Image from http://www.nextwelve.com/
Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
Darkness covers                            The Perspective of Justice
   the earth to
                                             Friday of the Lord’s Passion
anchor the light of
    our Lord.                 Why do we call this “Good” Friday? Is it because we celebrate a
                              good event in which all of us, “crushed for our sins,” are
 His grace creates            redeemed as “Christ became obedient for us even to death?” Is
                              it because of the goodness of the man who “surrendered
    victory over              himself to death” so that we might “receive mercy and favour”
darkness and fear.            and “find help in time of need”? Is it perhaps also because on
                              this day “kings shall stand speechless” as those who are
                              “oppressed and condemned” are liberated, those who are
  Now there is no             “accustomed to infirmity ” are healed, and those who are
    darkness.                 “spurned and avoided by men” and “forgotten like the
                              unremembered dead” are lovingly in the thoughts of a
   It has been                Christian community which prays that God “may heal the sick,
                              comfort the dying, give safety to travellers, free those unjustly
conquered and we              deprived of liberty, and rid the world of falsehood, hunger, and
 have been freed.
                              Whatever the reason, we consider this day good as we
 O Lord, my soul              celebrate “the triumphant death and resurrection of Christ.” It
 wrestles over the            is good to remember the death, but always in the context of the
                              resurrection. We are a “people who have devoutly recalled the
    agony you                 death of your son in the sure hope of the resurrection.”
endured that gives
                              Our task as venerators of “the wood of the cross” is to
   us the gift of             overcome evil with good, to turn death into resurrection. We
                              should not cower in the face of the enormous challenges posed
 everlasting life.            by war, poverty, and oppression. The civil rights marchers sang
                              “We shall overcome” in part because they understood the
I am so grateful to           message of “the triumphant death and resurrection of Christ”
     call you                 and in part because they had placed themselves out of their
                              comfort zone, walking the streets in the shadow of the cross.
  Lord of my life.            We have to state, without mincing words, that there is an
      Amen.                   inseparable bond between our faith and the poor. May we never
                              abandon them. Let us go forth, then, let us go forth to offer
From ‘Enlightened By Faith:   everyone the life of Jesus Christ. Here I repeat for the entire
  Prayers for the RCIA’ by    Church what I have often said to the priests and laity of Buenos
Anita Ahuja. World Library    Aires: I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty
       Publications           because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church
                              which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its
                              own security.
                                      Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel (2013) 48-49


                                                            © Gerald Darring 2014. All rights reserved.
Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
                                    2nd April 2015

GATHERING                Use a well known gathering song.    Song of the Body of Christ (GA/AOVI)
                                                             We Should Glory in the Cross (GA/BTD)
                                                             Glory in the Cross (GIC)
                                                             Praise to You O Christ Our Saviour
                                                             (GA/AOVI) Lift High the Cross (TIS)
                                                             Table of Plenty (AOV2)
                                                             You Are the Ones (Boniwell)
Lord have mercy is       This is the first time in 6 weeks   Use one of the Australian settings
omitted                  that we sing the Gloria.            recommended by the Australian
                                                             Catholic Bishops.
Gloria                   The Gloria will be sung again at    www.romanmissalaustralia.org.au
LITURGY OF THE WORD      Exodus 12: 1-8,11-14                Psalm settings (Ps 116)
1st Reading              The Lord instructed Moses and       I Will Take the Cup (PFAT)
                         Aaron about the Passover meal       The Cup We Bless (GA 67)
                                                             The Name of God (GA 68 / G342)
                                                             Our Blessing Cup:
Responsorial Psalm       Psalm 116: 12-13, 15-18             Several Settings in GA 48, 69, 347; GP2-
                         Our blessing cup is a communion     29; AOV1-7; CWB 245; PET 7
                         in the blood of Christ (response    This Blessing Cup (Andersen, RM 73)
                         from 1 Cor10:16)                    As One Voice
Easter Triduum 2015 Homily of Pope Francis, Easter Vigil 2014
2nd Reading                    I Cor 11:23-26 I Give You a New            If it’s not possible to sing the whole
                               Commandment                                psalm, try at least to sing the responses.

Gospel Acclamation             Gospel Acclamation
                               Glory & praise to You Lord Jesus           Gospel Acclamations
                               Christ. I give you a new                   See the Roman Missal for easy chant
Gospel                         commandment: love one another              settings
                               as I have loved you. Glory &
                               praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.           CWB 246, 562-570
                                                                          GA 92 A-D, 145 –148
                               John 13: 1-15 The Last Supper              Lenten Acclamation (RR; TH)
                               and Jesus’ example of service              Lenten Gospel Acclamation (AOV1-75)
Homily                                                                    Praise and Honour to You (SPS)
                               Ensure that your parish liturgy            Praise to You O Christ (GA/ AOV)
                               includes this important ritual in the
                               liturgy tonight. Foot washing may
Washing of Feet                not be a ‘comfortable’ ritual but that
                                                                          Washing of the Feet
                               is exactly why it is so significant. Not   Ubi Caritas (GA 324, 319)
“The element of humble         only are we called to be servants to       This Is My Will (GA 465 / CWB 842)
service has accentuated        one another, but also, like Peter, to      This Is My Commandment (CWB 248)
the celebration of the foot    accept that service gratefully from        A New Commandment (GA/CWB 264,
washing rite…it has            others. The action of hand washing         615)
become customary in            to replace foot washing is just not        No Greater Love (GA/G)
many places to invite both     the same either ritually or                So You Must Do (UFW)
men and women to be            symbolically. There is no restriction      The Lord Jesus (GP3)
participants in this rite in   on how many people may have their
                                                                          Where Charity and Love Are Found
recognition of the service     feet washed, nor is there a
that should be given by all    restriction on gender. Jesus came to
                                                                          (RM 38)
the faithful to the church     call all to service, not just his 12       Where True Charity & Love Are Found
and to the world. The          apostles. Pope Francis sets a              (GA)
liturgy is always an act of    wonderful example by washing the
ecclesial unity and            feet of Christian and Muslim people
Christian charity, of which    in a detention centre.
the Holy Thursday foot-
washing rite is an eminent     Tip: before Mass, fill your jugs with
sign.”                         warm water. Add a few drops of
US Catholic Bishops’           essential oil or lemon essence. Have
Committee on the Liturgy,      one small towel (hand-towel) per
Secretariat (1987)             person. Wash and dry the feet.

                                                                                Pope Francis: Washing of the Feet

Prayers of Intercession                                                   Intercession Responses
                                                                          GA 149/150
Reception of the Holy      The reception of the Holy Oils has
Oils                       traditionally been a part of Holy     Bring Forth the Kingdom (GA 478 verses
The Oil of Chrism (for     Thursday ceremonies but has only      5,6,7 )
Baptism, Confirmation,     recently been re-included in the
                           liturgy. The Oils are brought up in   Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven (GA
Ordination), The Oil of
                           Procession of Gifts and presented     314: v 2, 4, 5 or CWB 241. Verse 6 -
the Sick, and The Oil of   individually.                         Sick; Verse 2 – Catechumens; Verse 3 -
the Catechumens are
blessed by the Bishop at   The reception of the Holy Oils
the Chrism Mass in the     may occur as part of the
Cathedral. At this Mass    Introductory Rites, after the
the priests and deacons    Greeting.                             I Will Go Up (GA 524, refrain only – sing
of the diocese renew       (See Ritual below)                    as a chant)
their ordination                                                 Adoramus Te Christe (GA/G)
promises to serve their    Oil of Catechumens : carried by       Come, Lord Jesus (SSSL)
people in the name of      Catechumen or Catechist /RCIA team
Christ.                    member;                               For texts of the presentation of the
                           Oil of the Sick: carried by           Holy Oils
                           sick/infirm/elderly or their family
                           member or a minister to the sick
                            Oil of Chrism: carried by
                           Confirmation or Ordination            resources/triduum/reception-of-
                           candidate or member of the Baptism    holy-oils.cfm

LITURGY OF THE             After the presentation of the Oils,   If you are singing a hymn…
EUCHARIST                  the bread and wine is brought up in   An Upper Room (GA 187)
                           the usual way.                        Christians Let Us Love One Another
Prep of Gifts                                                    (GA/ CWB)
                           Prep of Gifts: There does not
                                                                 Gifts (MIT)
                           need to be an extra hymn at this
                                                                 I Will Go Up (GA 524 - refrain repeated
Holy, Holy                 point. Instead, hear and pray the
                                                                 as a chant)
Eucharistic Prayer I       beautiful prayers Blessed are you,
                                                                 In Perfect Charity (AOV1)
(insertions for Holy       Lord God of all creation…………
                                                                 One Body (AOV2)
Thursday)                                                        What Wondrous Love Is This (WL)
                                                                 Where there is Charity and Love
Memorial Acclamation       Holy, Holy (sung)
                                                                 The Servant Song (AOV2/G)
                           Use a familiar setting of the
                                                                 Be Still & Know (GA/ AOVII)
Doxology / Amen            Memorial Acclamation: e.g. When
                                                                 Jesus Remember Me (GA/AOVI)
                           We Eat This Bread
                                                                 Communion Hymns
Lord’s Prayer              Amen (sung) from your usual           A New Commandment (GA/AOVI)
                           Mass setting                          Adoro Te Devote (CWB/GA)
                                                                 An Upper Room (GA/CWB)
                           Lord’s Prayer can be said or sung     Bread Broken, Wine Shared (AOV2)
                           – if sung, use the traditional        Bread for the World (SS1/AOV1)
                           plainchant melody, which can be       By Your Priestly Power (CWB/GA)
                           sung unaccompanied.                   Communion Song (AOV1)
                                                                 Do This in Memory (CS)
Lamb of God                Sung Lamb of God – use a familiar     Do This In Memory of Me (CS/AOVK)
                           Mass setting or use Jesus Lamb of     Eat This Bread (GA/AOVI)
                           God (GA 132 include v9)               I am The Bread of Life (AOV1/GA/CWB)
Communion                                                       In Memory of You (MB)
                                                                In Remembrance of You (GA)
                                                                Lead Us to the Table (SS)
                                                                Lord At Your First Eucharist (CWB)
                                                                Lord We Come to Your Table (SSSL )
                                                                Love Is His Word (GA/CWB)
                                                                No Greater Love (GA/G)
                                                                Now We Remain (GA/AOVI/SS)
                                                                Our Blessing Cup (AOV1)
                                                                Our Supper Invitation (GA/AOVI)
                                                                Song of the Body of Christ omit v 5 (GA
                                                                /AOV1) Take and Eat (AOV2)
                                                                Song of the Lord’s Supper (GA/G)
                                                                Taste & See (GA/AOV1 & 2)
                                                                The Bread of Life (SHOF)
                                                                The Servant King/ From Heaven
                                                                (AOV2/TIS) This Body (GA/CWB)
                                                                The Summons (GA)
                                                                We Come to your Table (MIT)
                                                                We Remember (G/GA)
                                                                When We Eat This Bread (AOV1)
                                                                Worthy Is the Lamb (BTD/SS)
                                                                Choral Works: Ave Verum
                                                                Panis Angelicus (Franck)
                                                                Ecce Panis Angelorum
Transfer of the Holy     As well as clergy and altar            Adoramus Te Christe (GA/G)
Eucharist                servers, the assembly could be         Our Darkness/La Tenebre (AOVII)
                         invited to join the procession.        Pange Lingua/ Hail Our Saviour’s
The procession of the    Church lights could be dimmed          Glorious Body (HWB/CWB /GA
Holy Eucharist to the    when the procession begins.            320/GIC/BTD)
Altar of Repose          Similarly, candlelight may be          Sing My Tongue/Down In Adoration
                         sufficient for lighting at the Altar   (CWB 252 or 806)
                         of Repose. At this point some          Stay Here and Keep Watch (GA)
                         parishes pray The Tenebrae (the        Stay With Me (AOVII/GA)
                         Night Office of Holy Thursday)         Wait for the Lord (refrain) (GA/AOVI)

Stripping of the Altar   This ritual symbolizes the             Silence
                         stripping of Jesus during his
                         Passion. Strip altar quietly and
                         reverently after the Eucharist is
                         placed in the Altar of Repose.

Leave in Silence         There is no dismissal – this liturgy is part of the overall liturgy which
                         continues over Easter Triduum (Three Days – Holy Thursday, Good Friday,
                         Easter Vigil). We enter into an intense time of prayer and fasting as we await
                         the Resurrection.
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
                                    3rd April 2015

                          As we departed last night in
GATHERING                 silence, so we gather today in
                          continuation of that unbroken
1. LITURGY OF THE WORD    Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The            Psalm Settings
First Reading             Suffering Servant                 Father, I Put My Life In Your Hands (CWB
Responsorial Psalm        Psalm 30 (31): Father, I put      I Put My Life In Your Hands(GA 30/PET 8)
                          my life in your hands             Father, I Put My Life In Your Hands (PFAT)
                                                            Be My Refuge (GIC)
Second Reading            Hebrews 4:14-16;5:7-9:            As One Voice
                          He learned obedience and          http://www.asonevoice.com.au/sing-the-
                          became the source of eternal      responsorial-psalms
                          salvation for all who obey him.   See chant settings in the Roman Missal

Gospel Acclamation        Glory and praise to you, Lord
                          Jesus Christ. Christ became       Gospel Acclamations
                          obedient for us, even to death,   CWB 246, 257, 562-570
                          dying on the cross. Therefore     GA 92 A-D, 145 –148
                          God raised him on high and        Praise and Honour to You Lord Jesus Christ
                          gave him a name above all         (SPS); Praise to You O Christ Our Saviour
                          other names. Glory and praise     (GA 407/ AOV 28); Lenten Acclamation
                          to you …                          (Mass of Glory & Praise- Paul Mason)
                                                            Lenten Acclamation (RR/TH/GIC)
                                                            Simple Chant settings in Holy Week Book
Gospel                    John 18:1-19:42:
                          The Passion of our Lord Jesus     It is permissible to intersperse the Passion
                          Christ according to John.         narrative with short congregational chants
                          A number of readers may be        (Jesus Remember Me or the refrain of O
                          used for the Gospel. The          Jesus Crucified). This allows for more
                          Crucifixion account may be        conscious participation by all.
                          dramatized.                       Jesus Remember Me (GA/AOV/G/TIS)
Homily                                                      O Jesus Crucified (GA/CWB/TIS)
                                                            We Sing the Saviour’s Glory (GIC)
General Intercessions     The Church offers prayers for
                          the sake of the whole world.      General Intercessions
                                                            A sung response after each prayer will
                                                            allow for more congregational
                                                            participation in these extended prayers.

                                                            For the Sake of Your Son (GA 327/CWB
                                                            Kyrie (Taize) (GA 140/ AOV1/AOV2)
                                                            Lord Hear Our Prayer (CWB 571-576)
                                                            O God Hear Us (GA 150/AOV1)
O Lord Hear My Prayer (GA/ AOV1)
                                                          Through Our Lives (GA 151)
                                                          We Beseech You, O Lord (GIC)
2. VENERATION OF THE   The priest carries the cross in    At each point there is a sung chant with an
CROSS                  procession. It can be covered      invitation (Priest/ Deacon or Cantor) and
                       in red cloth. The cross is held    people’s sung response.
                       up high and the priest stops at
                       three points, unveiling parts of   See the Missal for chants- use a cantor if
                       the cross at each point before     your priest is uncomfortable about singing
                       finally uncovering the cross for   here.
                       veneration.                        http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html

                          There is only ONE Cross         Procession/Showing of the Cross
                           used for Veneration.           Missal chants (see above)
                                                          This Is The Wood Of The Cross (HWB
                       Regardless of the number of        /CWB 259)
                       worshippers, it is not             Veneration of the Cross (GA 328)
                       permitted to use more than         Processional Song Of The Cross (GA /AOV)
                       one cross.                         Tree Of Life (GA /AOV)
                                                          Behold the Wood Refrain only (GA
                         (One Cross, one salvation        333/GIC)
                         through one Saviour of all)
                                                          Veneration (some of these are also
                                                          appropriate for Communion)
                                                          Adoramus Te Christe (GA/G)
                                                          All You Who Pass This Way (GA)
                                                          At the Name of Jesus (SS)
                                                          Be Still & Know (GA /AOV)
                                                          Behold The Cross (AOV 1/BTC/SS1)
                                                          Behold the Wood (GA/GIC)
                                                          Contemporary Reproaches (GA)
                                                          Faithful Cross (HWB)
                                                          Garden of Gethsemane (MROJ)
                                                          Good Friday Hymn/ Wondrous Love (GA)
                                                          Here Hangs A Man Discarded (TIS)
                                                          In The Cross of Christ (UFW)
                                                          Into Your Hands (NLP)
                                                          Jesus My Lord (RR)
                                                          Jesus Remember Me (GA/ AOVI)
                                                          Kyrie Eleison (AOV2)
                                                          Look at the Cross (RR)
                                                          Man More Than Man (TIS)
                                                          My People (EW/CWB)
                                                          No Greater Love (SSSL)
                                                          O Jesus Crucified (CWB/GA/TIS)
                                                          O Sacred Head (CWB/GA/BTC)
                                                          Santo/Holy, Holy (AOV2 / TIS)
                                                          Song of the Cross (ANG)
                                                          Stabat Mater/At the Cross (CWB/GA)
                                                          Stay Here (GA/AOV)
                                                          Stay With Me (GA/AOV)
                                                          The Reproaches (GA 329/CWB/ HWB)
This Holy Cross (MROJ)
                                                      Tree of Life (GA/AOV)
                                                      We Sing the Saviour’s Glory (GIC)
                                                      When His Time Was Over (TIS)
                                                      When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
                                                      When the Son of God Was Dying
                                                      Choral Works: Were You There?
                                                      God So Loved the World (Stainer);
3. COMMUNION       The priest brings the Eucharist    At The Cross (ANG)
                   from the Altar of Repose.          Everything I Possess (EW)
                                                      Good Friday Hymn/ Wondrous Love (GA)
                   The Lord’s Prayer is said.         Heal Me, O God (AOV2)
                                                      I Know that My Redeemer Lives (AOVII/SS)
                   The Lamb of God is omitted.        Into Your Hands (NLP)
                                                      Keep In Mind (AOV1/ CWB/GA)
                   Communion is distributed           Lift High the Cross (TIS)
                   using Hosts consecrated            Lord Jesus, Lamb of God (AOV1)
                   during Holy Thursday’s liturgy     Lose Yourself In Me
                                                      Only A Shadow (GP2 Omit verse 4)
                                                      No Greater Love (GA/G)
                                                      Now We Remain (AOV1/GA/G)
                                                      Soul of My Saviour (CWB)
                                                      Strong & Constant (EW)
                                                      The Power of Your Love (TIS)
                                                      The Servant King/From Heaven
                                                      This Body (GA/AOV)
                                                      This Is My Will (GA / CWB)
                                                      Tree of Life (GA/AOV)
                                                      Unless a Grain of Wheat (AOV1/GA)
                                                      Were You There? (GA/AOV1)
                                                      Will You Love Me? (GA/AOV1)
                                                      Worthy is the Lamb (BTD/SS)
Leave in silence   Following the prayer after         Silence, both at the beginning and end of
                   Communion and the prayer           today’s commemoration is one of the key
                   over the people, everyone          elements of Good Friday’s liturgy and links
                   departs in silence. The altar is   it with Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.
                   reverently laid bare.
The Emptied One
                     Phil 2:6-11
 You often emptied yourself within ministry,
Giving of yourself fully for the sake of others.
 You also suffered degradation and mockery,
  Accepting the burden of the bloodied cross,
  And made your way resolutely to Calvary.
 Why did you not cling to your divine power?
    Why allow humanity to have full reign?
What kept you from running away from it all?
Were you teaching us, even through your dying,
That emptying out of self is part of the giving?

 From Fragments of Your Ancient Name by Joyce Rupp
           (Sorin Books: Notre Dame) 2011
Image: Detail of The Crucifixion by Josse Liefeinxe (1475)
Easter Vigil
                                        4th April 2015

   LITURGY OUTLINE                   NOTES                         MUSIC SUGGESTIONS
THE SERVICE OF LIGHT        Make sure that it is dark    Entry into darkened church
                            outside for this             Chant: The Light of Christ!
                            ceremony.                    All: Thanks be to God!
The blessing of the fire
                            The Rite insists that the    Preferably this is proclaimed in song. Your
The blessing and lighting   Vigil be started in          priest, deacon or Cantor may be able to
of the Paschal Candle       darkness. It is important    sing this most ancient of prayers. It is
                            that people know why         proclaimed from the lectern.
                            this is happening. It
Solemn procession into      makes no symbolic sense      Exsultet
the darkened church.        to rejoice at the presence   Please note the revised translation
                            of Christ, the Light that    The sheet music and mp3 audio of the
                            shatters the darkness, if    chant in the new Roman Missal can be
The Exsultet                we are still surrounded by   accessed from this website:
                            daylight!                    http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html

                            This is one of the most      The full chant is also found in Become One
                            ancient and beautiful        Body One Spirit in Christ DVD
                            songs of the Church’s        Some parishes are opting to stay with the
                            liturgy, dating from as      chant tone as found in the previous Missal.
                            early as the 5th century
                            and appearing in some
                            sacramentaries in the 7th
                            century. Also known as
                            the Easter Proclamation,
                            it is sung just after the
                            procession of the Easter
                            Candle in the church lit
                            only by candlelight.
THE LITURGY OF THE          A minimum of 3 readings      Use separate psalm responses after each
WORD                        from the Old Testament       psalm or use a common refrain with
                            is required. The 3rd         separate verses following each reading.
                            reading from the Book of     Common refrains:
                            Exodus is                    Blest be the God (GA 342) Or On This Most
                            compulsory.) There are 7     Holy Day –D Schutte (GIC)
                            OT readings in all, each     Check the Missal for chant versions of
                            followed by a period of      psalm responses
                            silence, responsorial        As One Voice
Reading 1: Gen 1:1 –2:2     psalm and a prayer.          http://www.asonevoice.com.au/sing-the-
God created the world                                    responsorial-psalms
and it was good.
                            After 1st Rdg: Psalm 104:    After 1st Rdg: Ps. 103/104: Lord Send Out
                            Lord, send out your Spirit   Your Spirit (CWB 267/GA 63/RM 70/GP III,
                            and renew the face of the    PET 12/PFAT/PFS)
OR Ps. 32/33 The Earth Is Full Of The
                                                             Goodness of the Lord (GA31/CWB 268)
Reading 2: Gen 22:1-18       After 2nd Rdg: Psalm 16
Abraham offers his son       Keep me safe O God; you         After 2nd Rdg: Ps. 15/16: Keep Me Safe O
Isaac in sacrifice           are my hope                     God, You Are My Hope (CWB 269/ RM
                                                             52/SS 53/PET)
                                                             Centre of My Life (GA 444/ AOV)
Reading 3: Exodus 14: 15     After 3rd Rdg: Psalm (Ex        After 3rd Rdg: Ex. 15: Let Us Sing to the
– 15:1 Israel marched        15) Let us sing to the          Lord, He Has Covered Himself in Glory
through the Red Sea          Lord: he has covered            (HWB/ CWB 270/GA 340) The Lord Has
unharmed                     himself in glory                Done Great Things For Us (RM 48 /GA) Lift
                                                             Up Your Hearts to the Lord (GA 416/G
                             After 4th Rdg: Psalm 30: I
Reading 4: Isaiah 54:5-14
                             will praise you, Lord, for      After 4th Rdg: Ps. 30: I Will Praise You Lord,
God’s love and peace will
                             you have rescued me             for you have rescued me(GA 29/CWB 271 /
keep the people safe
                                                             RM 26/ PET)
                             After 5th Rdg: Psalm (Is
Reading 5: Isaiah 55:1-11
                             12) You will draw water         After 5th Rdg: Is 12: You Will Draw
Come to the water, all
                             joyfully                        Water(GA 341/CWB 272/PET /GP III)
who are thirsty.
                                                             Springs of Salvation) (EW 24) Springs of
                                                             Living Water (Michael Herry)
Reading 6: Baruch 3:9-15,    After 6th Rdg: Psalm 19
32 –4:4 All who cling to     Lord, you have the words        After 6th Rdg: Ps 18/19: Lord, you have the
God’s law will live          of everlasting life             words (CWB 273/ GA 21/PET/PFAT/PFS)
                                                             Your Words Are Spirit and Life (SS 56)
Reading 7: Ezekiel 36:16-                                    The Precepts of the Lord (CWB 425)
                             After 7th Rdg: Ps 41/42
28 God will give his         Like a deer that longs for
people a new heart                                           After 7th Rdg: Ps 41/42: Like a Deer (PET/
                             running streams
                                                             CWB 274/ GA 37, 38/AOVI 120/AOVII
                             OR                              97/GA 524 verse 1.) Come to the Water
                             Use Psalm 50 (51) if            (EW refrain only/GP 2)
                             there is a Baptism
                             Psalm 51 Create a clean         Ps 50/51: Create a Clean Heart (PFAT/GA
                             heart in me, O God              41/ 42/ G 31/ /PET/ CWB 275, 596b) v
                                                             6,7,9. or 664)
                                                             Grant To Us O Lord (CWB 698/ GA 303
Gloria                       Gloria: On this night of        /AOV)
                             nights, the Gloria should       Create A New Heart (FIWS)
Opening Prayer               be sung. Use your most
                             joyous setting for this         Gloria settings: use your most festive and
Epistle Rom 6:3-11           holy night.                     joyful setting .
Christ died once, for all.                                   CWB / GA / G/ AOV etc
                                                             Or use Roman Missal Chant
                             Psalm 118 is sung to            http://www.npm.org/Chants/order.html
Gospel Acclamation
(Psalm 118)                  welcome the Gospel: :           Psalm 118 (117): Easter Alleluia
                             Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!   Traditional Plainchant (CWB 277)
Gospel Luke 24:1-12                                          Celtic Alleluia GA 141 (Easter verses 7-9)
Why look among the                                           Easter Alleluia (CBL)
dead for someone who is                                      Easter Alleluia (AOVK/SYJ)
alive?                                                       Melchizedek Alleluia (GP II)
This Is the Day (BTC/PFAT/PFS/PET)
Homily                                                 Other settings: CWB 289a,b/GA 70, 356
                                                       Other choral settings of Ps 118 are available

THE LITURGY OF                                         Settings for Litany of the Saints:
BAPTISM                                                Roman Missal Chant
                          Use simple chant settings    http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html
                          of the Litany of Saints.     HWB/CWB 280/ GA 343 /GA 552/SS 47;
Litany of the Saints                                   Litany of the Saints (Chris Willcock in God
                                                       Here Among Us)
                                                       God of Abraham (GA/AOVI)
                          Various short
-Blessing of the Water    acclamations                 Blessing of Water:
-Renunciation of Sin &                                 Roman Missal Chant
Baptismal Promises                                     http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html
                                                       GA 344/ CWB 281, 282
-Baptism of                                            Springs of Salvation (EW) Water of Life (GA)
Catechumens /                                          Song Over the Waters (GA)
Reception of Candidates                                There Is One Lord (AOV2-use refrain)

                                                       Baptized in Water (GA 179)
                                                       Blessed Are You (GIC)
                                                       Blessed be God (CWB 283 a -f/HWB/GA)
                                                       You Have Put on Christ (CWB 283 c-f /GA
                                                       345) New Life (GP 2)
                                                       Rite of Reception (GA 346)
                                                       People of God / Celtic Alleluia (GA 178)
                                                       There Is One Lord (AOV2/GA)
                                                       Up From the Waters (UFW)
                                                       Within This Community (CS)
                                                       We Are God’s Work of Art (WL)

Confirmation                                           Anointing with Chrism (GA 347)
                                                       Bring Forth the Kingdom (GA/AOV2 v1,7
                          For the whole assembly
Renewal of Baptismal      (The Creed is omitted)       Sprinkling
Promises (Assembly)                                    CWB 286 a-c/ HWB / GA 348 ;
                          The assembly is sprinkled    Springs of Salvation (EW)
Sprinkling with           with the blessed water       Water of Life (GA 176)
Baptismal Water                                        River of Glory (GIC)
                                                       Baptized in Water (GA 179)
                                                       Blessing and Sprinkling (GA 87)
                                                       There Is A Well (SS)
General Intercessions
THE LITURGY OF THE        The Neophytes may            Prep of Gifts: Play an instrumental piece, or
EUCHARIST                 prepare the altar or bring   have silence or sing a hymn. If you have had
                          up the gifts of bread and    a lot of singing already during the liturgy,
Preparation of Gifts      wine.                        silence may be appropriate. An Easter song
could be used here – sung either by
                                                 assembly or just by your choir.

Holy, Holy             Sung                      Mass Settings
Memorial Acclamation   Memorial Acclamation #1   Roman Missal Chants
Amen                   Amen – see settings       http://www.npm.org/Chants/order.html
Lord’s Prayer                                    If singing the Lord’s Prayer use the
Lamb of God                                      plainchant version which is known by most
                                                 people (GA/CWB/Roman Missal)

Communion              Any appropriate           Communion: Adoramus Te Christe (GA) All
                       Communion hymn or         That Is Hidden (AOV2)
                       song with the Easter      Alleluia Give Thanks (GA 360)
                       message                   Behold the Glory of the Lord (AOV1) Bread
                                                 of Life (GA)
                                                 By Your Kingly Power (GA/ CWB)
                                                 Christ Be Our Light use Easter verses
                                                 (GA/CBL) Come to the Feast use Easter
                                                 verses (AOV/GA)
                                                 Christ the Lord is Risen Again (GA/CWB)
                                                 Easter Alleluia (GA)
                                                 Easter People (AOV2/AOVK)
                                                 Easter Song (LC)
                                                 Goodness Is Stronger than Evil (Iona)
                                                 I am the Bread of Life (AOVI/GA /CWB)
                                                 In Memory of You (MB)
                                                 In Remembrance of You (GA)
                                                 In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful (GA/AOV)
                                                 Laudate Dominum (GA)
                                                 Lift Up Your Hearts to the Lord (GP 3/
                                                 GA/AOV1) Now the Green Blade Rises/
                                                 Love is Come Again (CWB /GA/ AOV2) Now
                                                 We Remain (GA/AOV)
                                                 O Sons & Daughters (CWB /GA)
                                                 Regina Caeli (CWB /GA) Risen Today (LC)
                                                 Sing to the Mountains (GPI/GA/ AOV) Song
                                                 of the Body of Christ (AOV1/ GA / SS)
                                                 Surrexit Christus (GA /G)
                                                 The Light of Christ (AOV 1)
                                                 There Is a Light (SS)
                                                 This Body (GA) This Day Was Made (AOV1/
                                                 GA) Through the Red Sea(NLP)
                                                 We Are God’s Work Of Art (SS/WL)
                                                 We Have No Other Boast (GA)
                                                 Worthy is the Lamb (BTD)
                                                 Choral Works:
                                                 Jerusalem (The Holy City);
                                                 Praise the Lord, You Heavens Adore Him
Blessing and Dismissal   Your priest may try
                         singing the traditional       Blessing & Dismissal
                         solemn Easter Dismissal.
                         Ensure that you have a        See the Roman Missal Chant
                         Cantor/Choir who can          http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html
                         lead the singing of the
                         Assembly’s response
                         Thanks be to God Alleluia,
Sending Forth            The music of Easter calls     Sending Forth
                         for festive settings of the   Behold the Glory of God (AOV1)
                         Mass, joyous Alleluia         Bring All You Dear Bought Nations (CWB)
                         settings and exultant         By Your Kingly Power, O Risen Lord
                         Easter songs. See if you      (CWB/GA/ AOV1)
                         can recruit some              Christ is Alive! With Joy We Sing (GA /CWB)
                         additional musicians to       Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
                         play flute, clarinet and      Christ the Lord is Ris’n Today, Alleluia
                         particularly brass.           (CWB) City of God (GP 3/GA/AOV1)
                                                       Easter Glory Fills the Sky (GA)
                                                       Glory Be to God in Heaven (CWB/GA)
                                                       Glory in the Cross – Easter Hymn (GIC)
                                                       Jesus Christ is Risen Today (GA)
                                                       Join in the Dance (GIC)
                                                       Let Heaven Rejoice (v. 1-4) (GP 1)
                                                       Lord of Glory (GP1)
                                                       My Lord He Died for A Kingdom (MMS)
                                                       Out Of Darkness (AOVI /GA)
                                                       People of God Alleluia (GA)
                                                       Praise the Lord You Heavens Adore Him
                                                       (CWB /GA)
                                                       Shine Jesus Shine /Lord the Light of Your
                                                       Love (AOV2)
                                                       Sing Alleluia (AOVK) Sing A New Song
                                                       Sing to the Lord(AOVK)
                                                       Sing to the Mountains (GPI/GA /AOV1)
                                                       Sing Your Joy (AOVII/SJ/CL)
                                                       Singing Hallelujah! (AOVK)
                                                       Siyahamba /We Are Marching (AOV2)
                                                       Yours Be the Glory (SNC)
Easter Sunday
                                         5th April 2015

  LITURGY OUTLINE                     NOTES                        MUSIC SUGGESTIONS
GATHERING                    Acts 10:34a,37-4 We have      Gathering:
                             eaten and drunk with him      All the Earth Proclaim (AOV1/ CWB/GA)
As a reminder of our         after his resurrection        Behold the Glory of Go (AOV1)
Baptism and new life in      from the dead                 Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
Christ, the Rite of          Col 3:1-4 When Christ          Jesus Christ is Risen Today (GA)
Sprinkling is                appears, then you shall       Morning Has Broken (AOV1/GA)
recommended for the          appear with in glory          This Day Was Made (GA/AOV) This Is
Sundays of the Easter        OR                            the Day (AOVK /FIWS)
Season.                      1Cor 5: 6-8: Make             Yours be the Glory (SNC)
                             yourselves into a new
The 50 days from Easter      bread of sincerity and        Prep Gifts:
Sunday to Pentecost are      truth                          Easter Alleluia (GA)
celebrated in joyful         Sequence: read or sing        Children of the Light (COL)
exultation as one great      after 2nd reading,            Lord of the Dance (AOV1/TIS)
feast day. Above all         followed by Gospel Acc        O Sons and Daughters (GA)
others, these days are       (see GA 357)                  Peace I Leave With You (GA)
the days for singing the                                   With You in The Morning (Chinn)
Alleluia. The first 8 days   Jn 20:1-9 Mary                Water of Life (GA)
of the Easter season         Magdalene and the
make up the octave of        disciples went to the         Communion:
Easter and are celebrated    tomb and found it empty       Dona Nobis Pacem (AOV1/TIS) Christ Is
as Solemnities of the        Or Lk 24:1-12                 Our Lord (CWB)
Lord (General Norms for      Why look among the            Easter People (AOV2)
the Liturgical Year and      dead for someone who is       Eat This Bread (GA/CWB/AOV1) Song of
the Calendar #22-24)         alive?                        the Body of Christ (GA/AOV1)
                                                           God of Peace (GA)
                             Ps 118 This is the day that   Lord the Light of Your Love /Shine Jesus
                             the Lord has made; let us     Shine (AOV2)
                             rejoice and be glad.           Love is Never Ending (GA78/AOV2)
                             Or Alleluia!                  Seek O Seek the Lord (GA /CWB)
                             Psalm settings                The Song of the Supper (GA)
                             Celtic Alleluia GA 141
                             (use the Easter verses)       Sending
                             Easter Alleluia (Holy         Alleluia, Alleluia Give Thanks (GA/AOVI)
                             Week Book/ CWB 277)           )
                             CWB 289 a-b                   By Your Kingly Power (GA/ CWB)
                             GA 70, 71, 356.               Christ Is Alive (CWB /GA)
                             G 50; SPS                     Christ the Lord is Risen Again (CWB)
                             PET 29                        Jesus Lives! (AOV2 )
                             This Is the Day (PFAT/PFS)    Sing to the Mountains (GPI/AOV /GA)
                             This Is the Day (FIWS)
                             As One Voice                   See Easter Vigil Music list for further
                             http://www.asonevoice.c                       options
Gospel Acc: (I Cor 5:7-8)
                               Christ has become our
                               paschal sacrifice; let us
                               feast with joy in the Lord.

                               Celtic Alleluia GA 141
                               (use Easter v. 7-9)
                               Alleluia no.1/Alleluia,
                               Alleluia (AOV1/GA)
                               Easter Alleluia
                               (AOVK/RR)Halle Halle,
                               Halle (AOV/GA 107)
                               Melchizedek Alleluia
                               This is the Day FIWS

                               Renewal of Baptismal
                               Promises Sung settings:
                               We Believe (COTL)
                               Yes, Lord I Believe! (CS)
                               We Believe (GP2 / AOV1)


ANG –As One Voice Next generation (Willow)           AOV – As One Voice (Vol. 1 & 2) (Willow)
AOVK – As One Voice for Kids (Willow)                BTC – Behold the Cross – Bob Hurd (OCP)
BTD – Beyond the Days – Ricky Manolo (OCP)           CAYP – Come All You People (Wild Goose /Iona)
CBL - Christ Be Our Light -B Farrell (OCP)           COL – Children of the Light –M. Mangan (Litmus)
CTS – Celebrating the Sacraments -John Burland       CWB - Catholic Worship Book
EW – Eagle’s Wings – Frank Andersen                  FIWS – Forever I Will Sing – Michael Mangan
FUR – Find Us Ready – Tom Booth (OCP)                G – Gather (USA edition) – (GIA Publications)
GA – Gather Australia (GIA/NLMC)                     GIC – Glory in the Cross (OCP)- Dan Schutte
GP – Glory & Praise (Vol. 1, 2 & 3) (OCP)            GS – God of Surprises – Br Michael Herry fms
LC – Let’s Celebrate! By John Burland (Ovation)      LCT – Let’s Celebrate Too! By John Burland
LEW – Lifted – Emmanuel Worship, Brisbane            MB – Monica Brown’s music collections
MMS- Medical Mission Sisters                         MROJ – Many Roads One Journey. Andrew Chinn
NLP – New Living Parish Hymnal
OF – One Family – John Burland (Ovation Music)       OP – Ordinary People -Jane Mitchell
PET – Psalms for Easter Triduum & Other Feasts. Jenny O’Brien (Garratt)
PFAT – Psalms for All Time – Paul Masson (Willow) PFS – Psalms for Feasts and Seasons (Willcock/OCP)
PSYB – Psalms for Lit Year B (O’Brien/Garratt)       RIH – Restless is the Heart – B. Farrell (OCP)
RM – Rising Moon, Scripture in Song – F. Andersen RYB – Psalms Year B – Colin Smith cfc (Willow)
RR – Renew and Rejoice - Michael Mangan (Litmus) SC – Saints and Celebrations – Michael Mangan
SHOF – Setting Hearts on Fire - Michael Mangan       SJ - Sing Jubilee – Michael Mangan (Litmus)
SM – by D Simmons/K Morehu (Eclipse Music)           SNC – Sing A New Church- Dolore Dufner (OCP)
SSSL – Sing Spirit, Sing Life – Br Michael Herry fms SS – Spirit and Song – Vol 1 &2 (OCP)
SYJ – Sing Your Joy – Michael Mangan (Litmus)        TCS – True Colours Shine – M Mangan (Litmus)
TH – These Hands by A Chinn (Butterfly Music)        TIS – Together in Song (Harper Collins)
TTT – This Is The Time -Michael Mangan (Litmus)      UFW – Up From the Waters. Marty Haugen (GIA)
WCN – Who Calls You By Name. David Haas (GIA)        WIG – Wherever I Go by A Chinn (Butterfly Music)
WL – Wondrous Love. Marty Haugen (GIA)
Chant Music from the Roman Missal
Since the Easter Triduum has a special solemnity unlike any other time of year, it is always
desirable to sing the chants of the Roman Missal on these days.

Sheet music (pdf files) can be downloaded from ICEL (International Commission for English
in the Liturgy) http://www.icelweb.org/musicfolder/openmusic.php

Mp3 audio files are available form National Pastoral Musicians (USA) website
http://www.npm.org/Chants/proper.html for mp3 audio file

Colours of the Season
       Lenten Colours: deep purples are hung from Ash Wednesday to the fifth Sunday
        of Lent. Generally there are no flowers in the sanctuary during Lent. The décor of
        the church is minimal and sparse in keeping with the season.

       Passion / Palm Sunday: red. Large palm fronds can be used in procession and
        laid against the sanctuary wall. Speak to your local Council if there are palm trees
        in your locality. They may be happy to cut some branches off for you.

       Holy Thursday: white. Keep floral arrangements simple. The time for more
        outstanding floral arrangements and décor is the Easter Vigil and the rest of the
        Easter Season.

       Good Friday: red. The altar is bare and is dressed with a simple, plain white cloth
        for Communion. The altar is laid bare again after the ceremonies. The sanctuary
        should be bare and free of flowers and unnecessary adornment. Some parishes
        use plain red pennants to good effect. The other areas of devotion in the church
        should also be sparse in adornment at this time.

       Easter Vigil and the Easter Season: White or white with gold. You may choose to
        have a grouping of 5 or 6 large candles at one side of the altar. They can be
        encircled by a wreath or fresh circlet of flowers and greenery in season.

       Easter Season: continues until Pentecost Sunday. Keep your resurrection
        banners up until then.

Further Resources
St Pauls Holy Week Missal with the Order of Mass from the 2010 edition of the Roman Missal. St
Pauls Publications. The people’s edition is ideal for participation in the celebration of Holy Week and
the Easer Triduum. $17.95 online price.
Web: http://www.stpauls.com.au/product/7204
Phone: 02 9394 3400 Email Sales: sales@stpauls.com.au
Music for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
It is worth exploring these collections for appropriate music for Easter, regardless of whether or not
you have catechumens and candidates being initiated into the Church.

Christ We Proclaim
Collection of music from various composers. 3 volume set of music books and CDs covering all the
rites including Mystagogia. OCP Publications

Who Calls You By Name
Music by David Haas – 2 volumes of music for the rites. (Music book and CD)
GIA Publications

Up from the Waters
Music by Marty Haugen. (Octavo collection of sheet music plus CD) GIA Publications

                                         Living Liturgy
                is a publication of the Catholic Diocese of Sale, Victoria, Australia.
                  It can be downloaded in pdf format from the diocesan website.

                      Editor: Sophy Morley, Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator,
                              PO Box 1410 Warragul Victoria 3820.
                                     P: (03) 5622 6677
                               Email: smorley@sale.catholic.org.au
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