St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás

                                          March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday
                                      28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos

Parish Ofice - Oficina Parroquial      Tel: 847.864.1185        Office Hours/Horas de Oficina
806 Ridge Avenue                       Fax: 847.864.7810        Monday-Friday: 9:30 am to 5:00pm
Evanston, IL 60202 –2219            Saturday:        1:00 to 4:00pm

Weekday Mass (in the Chapel)

Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am,
Bilingual on Tuesday and Friday
Holy Hour from 7:00-8:00 am

Sunday Masses in English

Saturday : 4:30 pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 10:15 am
In the Church

Reconciliation / Confessions
Saturday 3:30 pm in the church, or
by appointment

Misa de la semana (en la Capilla)
Lunes - sábado: 8:00 am,
Bilingüe, martes y viernes
Hora Santa de 7:00 - 8:00 am

Misas Dominicales en Español

8:30 am
1:00 pm
4:00 pm
En la iglesia.

Reconciliación / Confesiónes
Sábado 3:30 pm en la iglesia, o por
St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Pope John XXIII School                                      Week At Glance / Fechas Importantes
Principal Dr. Molly Cinnamon            847.475.5678                        Saturday, March 27, 2021
1120 Washington St., Evanston, IL 60202              11:00 am Quinceañera Formation                       Virtual
Website:                          3:30 pm Confessions                                  Church
                                                                4:30 pm    Sunday Vigil Mass (English)    Church
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral          847.864.1185                     Registration required: visit
Pastor / Párroco                                                 
Rev. Joseph Tito /             x25                    Or call 847.864.1185 ext 33
Pastor Emeritus / Párroco Jubilado
Rev. Robert Oldershaw /             Sunday, March 28, 2021 - Palm Sunday
Deacon / Diácono                                                Second Collection - United Power
Jaime Rojas /                             8:30 am Sunday Mass (Spanish)             Church
Music Ministry / Ministerio de Música
                                                                10:15 am Sunday Mass (English)            Church
Ace Gangoso, Director                                           1:00 pm Sunday Mass (Spanish)             Church                             x34                  Registration required: visit
Religious Education / Educación Religiosa
                                                                         Or call 847.864.1185 ext 33
José E. Chavez V., Director                              x23
                                                                4:00 pm Sunday Mass for Rel. Ed.          Church
Juanita Tamayo, Coordinadora en Español                         7:00 pm UCYM Mass                         Chapel                              x29
                                                                Monday, March 29, 2021
Youth & Young Adult Ministries / Pastoral Juvenil
James Holzhauer-Chuckas, ObSB, Director             x26
                                                                Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Mirka Gallo, Assistant Director                     x18         3:00 pm UCYM Quiet Space                  UCYM Ctr
Sam Carlson, Assistant Director                     x 18        Wednesday, March 31, 2021                                                    10:00 am The Stephen Ministry             Virtual
Pastoral Care / Cuidado Pastoral                                3:00 pm UCYM Quiet Space                  UCYM Ctr
Barb Soricelli, Coordinator/Coordinadora            x42                                       Thursday, April 1, 2021 - Holy Thursday
           Administration / Administración
                                                                7:30 pm Holy Thursday Mass                Church
Business Manager / Gerente de Negocios
Maureen Connelly /                x24   Friday, April 2, 2021 - Good Friday
                                                                Office Closed
Office Support /Apoyo de Oficina                                7:30 pm Good Friday Service               Church
Ana Alda Parish Office Manager / Gerente                                      x37
Andrea Infante-Martinez, Specialist / Especialista              Saturday, April 3, 2021 - Holy Saturday                                   x21   8:00 pm Easter Vigil (Bilingual)          Church
            Maintenance / Mantenimiento
Abelardo Mendoza                            224.286.0068     Sunday, April 4, 2021 - Easter Sunday
Diego Perez                                 224.286.0069     8:30 am Sunday Mass (Spanish)                Church
Weekends: Juan Carlos Salas                      224.286.006910:15 am Sunday Mass (English)               Church
                                                             1:00 pm Sunday Mass (Spanish)                Church
             Outreach / Servicios Sociales                             Registration required: visit
St. Vincent de Paul Society                              x45 
                                                                       Or call 847.864.1185 ext 33
                                                             4:00 pm Sunday Mass for Rel. Ed.             Church
            BULLETIN / BOLETÍN: | 847.864.1185 x37
           UPCOMING DEADLINES                                   Looking Ahead:
         For bulletin on    Due before noon on...               Second Collection - Youth Ministry, April 18th
        April      4            March 26
        April      11           April 2
        April      18           April 9
St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Praying for our sick
                                                     Joanna Baranovskis        Mary Kitamura                Fr. Tito
    Orando por nuestros enfermos                         Craig First            Len Kaehler              Bob Schreiter
    Communion for the Sick, Homebound                   Nancy Fuller            Mary Lerps               Marjorie Fujara
       Comunión para los enfermos y                   Eduardo Hinojosa        John Oldershaw               Techi Ibe
               discapacitados                           Nancy Girard          Gabrielle Traxler
     Barb Soricelli, 847.864.1185, ext. 42              Vicki Moreno
   Please notify us if you are in the hospital
                                                                     Pray for those in service of our country:
 We pray for our dead / Pedimos por nuestros fallecidos
May the angels lead you              Que los ángeles los             Oremos por aquellos que sirven al país:
     into paradise.                    lleven al paraíso.                Cyrus Bailey                  Agustin Juarez
May the martyrs come to            Que los mártires les den            David Beachman                  Marie McGary
 welcome you and take             la bienvenida y los lleven           Steve Blackshear                 Seiko Okano
you to the holy city, the        a la ciudad Santa, la nueva          Richard Caballero               Antonio Riveraan
new and eternal Jerusa-               y eterna Jerusalén.               Chasity Castro                 Claude Senecal
             lem.                                                       Alexander Ellis                 Sean Tuohy
                                                                     Jean-Jaques Emilien
                       † Joan Scheib                                   Molly Hampton
                                                                      Margarita Hernandez
                       † Mary Lerps                                      Quinn Heydt

      Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office.
  Unción de los enfermos: Llame a la Oficina Parroquial              Mass Intentions/Intenciones de Misa
           READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                   Saturday, March 27
                                                                   8:00 am     Luis Ángel Tinoco
Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11                    4:30 pm    †Gloria Woods
Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34;               Sunday,    March 28
          Mt 26:14-25                                              8:30 am      Luis Ángel Tinoco
Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9;                                    † Shirley Max
          Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21
          Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14;                         10:15 am     † George Ropemer
          Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26;                         † Tim Roemer
          Jn 13:1-15                                               1:00 pm      † Salvador Baurista
Friday:   Is 52:13 — 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25;                       † Reina Calderón
          Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42                      4:00 pm
Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10,
          12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22;
          b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11;   Monday,    March 29
          c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18;                    8:00 am    Luis Ángel Tinoco
          d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13;                      Tuesday,   March 30(Bilingual/Communion Service)
          e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6;                                8:00 am    Luis Ángel Tinoco
          f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; Ps 19:8-11;                                  † Emily and Adam Lipowicz
          g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or
          Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19;              Wednesday, March 31
          h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23;              8:00 am    Luis Ángel Tinoco
          Mk 16:1-7                                                Thursday, April 1
Sunday:   Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23;            8:00 am    Luis Ángel Tinoco
          Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9                     7:30 pm
          or Mk 16:1-7 or (at an afternoon
          or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35                             Friday,    April 2 (Bilingual)
                                                                   8:00 am    All souls in Purgatory
                                                                   7:30 pm    † Timothy P. Shannon
                                                                   Saturday, April 3
                                                                   7:30 pm

                                                                                                   † deceased/difunto
St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish life / Vida parroquial


All parishes in the Archdiocese have been provided with Guidelines for Lent and Holy Week. St. Nicholas
Church is certified for 100 people plus ministers and volunteers. In order to accommodate more parishioners to
the Holy Week liturgies, St. Nicholas Church will be livestreaming to the Chapel, which can accommodate an
overflow of 42 more people, where they can see the Mass live on the screen and receive Communion from our
Eucharistic Ministers. Register for Mass or service to receive seating in either place.

All safety measures will be in place and we will have enough volunteers to help to keep worshippers safe. To
maintain and respect each parishioner’s sense of safety, all gatherings on the St. Nicholas site will continue to
require masks, distancing and sanitizing.

As has been the case since we opened up our church in the late Spring of 2020, registration is required for all
in-person Masses. We always announce this every weekend but during Holy Week it is especially important
for you to register for each service as early as possible. As we did at Christmas, we will also develop a wai-
ting list, so if the service you wish to attend is full, please put your name on the waiting list. Walk-ins will on-
ly be allowed if space permits. Not everyone will be able to attend every service, so we hope you will keep this
in mind when you pre-register. Also, please plan to arrive on time because pre-registration does not guarantee
a spot if you arrive late.

Our services on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil will be livestreamed. In addi-
tion, the 10:15am and 1pm Masses on Easter Sunday will be Livestreamed and there will also be a parking lot
component to the 10:15am Mass on Easter Sunday.

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial

                                     HOLY WEEK TIMES AND SERVICES

Holy Week 2021:

   March 28th, Palm Sunday will follow our current weekend Mass schedule. There will be a simple
   entrance rite with no processions and no Passion reenactments.
   April 1st, Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper will begin at 7:30pm. There will be no foot
   washing. Only the priest and ministers will process to the tabernacle during the Transfer of the Eucharist
   to the Altar of Repose. The church will remain open until 10pm for Adoration.
   April 2nd, Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion will begin at 7:30pm. There will be a general
   adoration in place of a procession, and congregants will make no physical contact with the cross this
   year. There will be no Neighborhood Way of the Cross.
   April 3rd, Easter Vigil begins at 8:00pm inside the church. There will be no gathering around fire this
   April 4th, Easter Sunday will follow the current Sunday Mass schedule.

 Semana Santa 2021:

   Domingo de Ramos, 28 de marzo, se mantendrá el horario de todos los domingos. Los feligreses no se
   reunirán fuera; la entrada al templo será como de habitual. No habrá procesiones ni representaciones de
   la Pasión.
   Jueves Santo, 1 de abril, la Misa comenzará a las 7:30 de la tarde. No habrá lavado de los
   pies. Sólamente el sacerdote y ministros podrán ir en procesión desde el tabernáculo. La Adoración
   Eucarística tendra lugar en la iglesia hasta las 10 de la noche.
   Viernes santo, 2 de abril, Liturgia de la palabra será a las 7:30 de la tarde. No habrá desfile ni contacto
   ante la Cruz este año. Tampoco se celebrará el Via Crucis del barrio.
   Vigilia Pascual del Sábado, 3 de abril, comenzará a las 8 de la tarde en la Iglesia (no habrá reunón de
   personas entorno al fuego).
   Domingo de Resurreción, abril 4, se mantendrá el horario de todos los domingos> 8:30 de la mañana y 1
   de la tarde.


   St. Nicholas Church Saturdays at 3:30pm, before the Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:30 pm.
   St. Mary Church. Saturdays 3:30pm– 4:30pm.
   St. Athanasious Church. Saturdays 3:30pm– 4:30pm.
   St. Joan of Arc Church, Saturdays 3:30pm– 4:00pm.
   Sheil Center, by appoinment only 847-328-4648.

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial
                                                 Divine Mercy Novena
                                           Starts: April 2nd to April 10th
                                A novena is typically nine days of prayer in preparation of a celebration of a feast
                                  day. At the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
                                    Novena is recited perpetually at the Hour of Great Mercy — the 3pm hour.
                               The Chaplet can be said anytime, but the Lord specifically asked that it be recited
                               as a novena. He promised, "By this Novena (of Chaplets), I will grant every possible
                                                                 grace to souls."

                                     Una novena es típicamente nueve días de oración en preparación de una
                               celebración de un día de fiesta. En el Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia,
                                el rosario de la Divina Misericordia Novena se recita perpetuamente a la Hora de
                                                    la Gran Misericordia, a las tres de la tarde.
                                      El Chaplet se puede decir en cualquier momento, pero el Señor pidió
                               específicamente que fuera recitado como una novena. Prometió: "Por esta Novena
                                           (de Chaplets), concederé toda la gracia posible a las almas".

Las oraciones novena de la Divina                           The Divine Mercy novena prayers
Misericordia fueron dadas a Santa                         were given to St. Faustina through an
Faustina mediante una aparición                           apparition of our Lord Jesus. Each day
de nuestro Señor Jesús. Cada día                          has a new petition that seeks God’s
tiene una nueva petición que busca                        mercy for different purposes.
la misericordia de Dios para dife-
rentes propósitos.                                          The message of Divine Mercy is a
                                                          powerful and moving way to come
  El mensaje de la Divina Misericor-                      closer to Christ. His Mercy is central to
dia es una manera poderosa y con-                         our lives and we must continually
movedora de acercarse a Cristo. Su                        depend on it and ask for it daily. The
Misericordia es fundamental para                          Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good
nuestra vida y debemos depender                           Friday and goes until Divine Mercy
continuamente de ella y pedirla a                         Saturday.
diario. La Divina Misericordia Nove-
na comienza el Viernes Santo y va
hasta el Sábado de la Divina Miseri-

                                                       The Divine Mercy Novena of Chaplets | The Divine Mercy
Novena a la Divina Misericordia - ACI Prensa

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial

Our Illinois bishops today issued a letter to Catholics across the state, urging them to contact
their state lawmakers and tell them to reject a current effort to repeal Illinois’ parental notice
of abortion law. Read more about House Bill 1797 and Senate Bill 2190.
Catholic Conference of Illinois | Providing Catholics of Illinois a Voice in Public Policy in Illinois State Government - Represen-
ting Catholic Bishops in Springfield IL (

Nuestros obispos de Illinois emitieron hoy una carta a los católicos de todo el estado, instán-
dolos a ponerse en contacto con sus legisladores estatales y decirles que rechacen un esfuerzo
actual para derogar el aviso parental de Illinois sobre la ley del aborto. Lea más sobre el Pro-
yecto de Ley 1797 de la Cámara de Representantes y el Proyecto de Ley 2190 del Senado.
Catholic Conference of Illinois | Providing Catholics of Illinois a Voice in Public Policy in Illinois State Government - Represen-
ting Catholic Bishops in Springfield IL (


 La parroquia de San Nicolás te invita a participar en las bodas comunitarias este otoño 2021.
 Si tienes alguna pregunta puedes hablar con el diácono Jaime y Leonor Rojas en el teléfono:

                                                     Tel: 847.2931532

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial

                         A message from Saint Vincent de Paul Society/
                         Mensaje de La sociedad de Saint Vicent de Paul

The St. Vincent dePaul Society thanks      La Sociedad De San Vicente de Paúl
all the parishioners and friends of St.    agradece a todos los feligreses y ami-
Nicholas who have been tremendously        gos de San Nicolás que han sido tre-
generous during the pandemic,              mendamente generosos durante la
including members of the Boy Scout         pandemia, incluyendo miembros de la
Troop and Pack 916, who recently           Tropa Boy Scout y pack 916, que re-
helped restock our food pantry. Now        cientemente ayudaron a reponer
our volunteers need your help to be        nuestra despensa de alimentos. Ahora
sure people in our neighborhood and        nuestros voluntarios necesitan su ayu-
parish know we can usually assist with     da para asegurarse de que las personas
emergency food, utility or rental          de nuestro vecindario y parroquia se-
assistance. If you know anyone who         pan que generalmente podemos ayu-
needs help, please have them call our      dar con alimentos de emergencia, ser-
phone line at the parish office: 847-864   vicios públicos o asistencia de alquiler.
-1185 ext. 45 and leave a confidential     Si conoce a alguien que necesite ayu-
message in English or Spanish. A St.       da, por favor haga que llame a nuestra
Vincent DePaul member will follow up       línea telefónica en la oficina parro-
within 24 hours.                           quial: 847-864-1185 ext. 45 y deje un
                                           mensaje confidencial en inglés o espa-
                                           ñol. Un miembro de St. Vincent De-
                                           Paul hará un seguimiento en un plazo
                                           de 24 horas.
St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial

St. Nicholas Parish / Parroquia de San Nicolás March 28th 2021, Palm Sunday 28 de marzo, 2021, Domingo de Ramos
Parish Life / Vida Parroquial

                          COVID-19 VACCINATION UPDATE

Urgent update for everyone regarding vaccinations in Cook County:

All suburban Cook Country residents in Phase 1B+ – including Evanston and Skokie residents
 – may now enroll for vaccination at Cook County sites. Appointments begin on March 22.
Individuals age 16+ with underlying health conditions and essential workers like retail and
restaurant employees. A full list of eligible groups can be found here. Only Chicago residents
can sign up for vaccinations at Chicago city-run vaccination sites.

             On March 29, Chicago will expand vaccine eligibility to Phase 1C+
While quantities are still limited, President Biden has negotiated the purchase of even more
doses, and has set a goal to have every adult who wants one eligible by May 1st.

   COVID-19 VACCINE INFORMATION | Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (


Actualización urgente para todos con respecto a las vacunas en el Condado de Cook:

Todos los residentes suburbanos de Cook Country en la Fase 1B+, incluidos los residentes de
Evanston y Skokie, ahora pueden inscribirse para la vacunación en los sitios del Condado de
                        Cook. Las citas comienzan el 22 de marzo.

Las personas mayores de 16 años con condiciones de salud subyacentes y trabajadores esencia-
les como empleados minoristas y de restaurantes. Una lista completa de grupos elegibles se
puede encontrar aquí. Solo los residentes de Chicago pueden inscribirse para vacunarse en los
sitios de vacunación administrados por la ciudad de Chicago.

        El 29 de marzo, Chicago ampliará la elegibilidad para la vacuna a la Fase 1C+

Aunque las cantidades siguen siendo limitadas, el presidente Biden ha negociado la compra de
aún más dosis, y se ha fijado la meta de tener a cada adulto que quiera uno elegible para el 1 de

   COVID-19 VACCINE INFORMATION | Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (
Parish & Sacramental Information / Información sacramental y parroquial
Baptisms: 3rd Sunday of month at 3:00 pm Parents par-     Bautizos: Son el primer sábado del mes a las 11:00 am o el se-
ticipate in Preparation Program. Call Mary Burke-         gundo domingo a las 3:00 pm. Padres y padrinos participan en
Peterson 773.209.5114 to ar-         formación. Llame a Juanita Tamayo al 847.864.1185, ext. 29,
range, leave a message. NO baptisms during Lent.          dejar mensaje. NO hay bautizos durante Cuaresma.
Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:15 pm in Reconcilia-     Reconciliación : Sábado: 3:30– 4:15 pm en la capilla de Recon-
tion Chapel in the Church or call the Parish Office.      ciliación en la iglesia o por cita llamando a la oficina parro-
Religious Education: English - for children K-            quial.
Confirmation, Meets Sunday morning beginning with         Educación Religiosa—Español: Catecismo para niños de K-
9:00 am Mass from September to May. Contact the of-       Confirmación - los domingos de 11:30 am a 2:00 pm de sep-
fice.                                                     tiembre a mayo. Llame a Juanita Tamayo al 847.864.1185, ext.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Contact   29
the office.                                               Rito de Iniciación Católica para Adultos (RICA): Llame a
Weddings: Arrangements should be made at the Parish       Juanita Tamayo al 847.864.1185, ext. 29
Office four months prior to wedding date.                 Matrimonios: Llame a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 me-
                                                          ses antes de la fecha deseada.

                               Ministry Information / Información de Ministerio

Bulletin Articles - deadline on page 2. There is a 200 word     Artículos en el Boletín fecha limite se encuentra en la pági-
limit. Send to                         na 2. Limite de 200 palabras. Enviar a
Addiction Recovery Resource is free and confidential, for to
those struggling with addiction, or for family members and      Recurso para Recuperarse de la Adicción es gratis y con-
friends. Call: Margaret Mantle - 847.869.3599 or Kevin Axe -    fidencial para los que están luchando con una adicción, o
847.641.6890.                                                   sus familiares o amigos. Llame al 773.489.6438
Annulment Resources: contact Barb Soricelli at                  Recursos de Anulación: Llame a Barbara Soricelli al
847.864.1185, ext. 42.                                          847.864.1185 ext. 42.
Pregnancy Support: Catholic Charities Maternity Services        Apoyo de embarazos: Servicios de maternidad de Cari-
offers counseling services for teens, women, men, and their     dades Católicas ofrecen conserjería para jovencitas, mu-
families who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Call      jeres, papás, y familias que tienen un embarazo no pla-
800.227.3002.                                                   neado. Llame a 800.227.3002.
Women’s Support Group for Healing from Sexual Abuse and         Grupo de Apoyo de Mujeres para sanarse del abuso se-
Incest: using an adapted Alanon format we walk with those       xual y de incesto Usando el formato adaptado de Alanon
affected by abuse. Contact Sarah Hinojosa, 847.507.2790,        caminamos con personas afectadas por abuso. Contacto or Barb Soricelli, 847.864.1185,        Sarah Hinojosa, 847.507.2790, o sarahhinojo-
x42.                         o a Barb Soricelli, 847.864.1185 x42 o
Pope John XXIII School, 1120 Washington St., 847.475.5678,                                              Pope John XXIII School 1120 Washington St.,
Gay, Lesbian, Family & Friends Outreach. Contacts: Georgie      847.475.5678,
Ellis, 773.338.4342.                                            Presentación de 3 años: Se celebra los domingos. Regis-
Nursery Co-op - during 9:00 am Mass. For children 18 mon to     trarse 2 semanas antes en la oficina parroquial.
5 yrs. Contact Christine Haley-Topfer - 773.484.0750 or         Quinceañeras: Visite a para más                                                      información. 847-864-1185, x. 18
                                           We are part of United Catholic Youth
Youth and Young Adult Ministry:                Ministries!         Ministerio de Jóvenes y Adulto Jóven:

           1.800.25.ABUSE (1.800.252.2873)                         1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1.855.435.7693)
 DCFS Abuse Hotline / DCFS Línea Anónima de Abuso                          English/Spanish/Korean/Polish
                      1.866.517.4528                            Connects immigrant families in crisis with reliable and
  Archdiocese Victim Assistance/Para Victimas Arquidiócesis                   immediate information.
                     1-844.817.4448                                     Conectando a familias inmigrantes con
Cook County Public Defender / Defensor Público de Cook County            información confiable e inmediata.
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                                                                                                                                                                   GREAT COVERAGE - 97% of all households attending church take at least one church bulletin
                                               WHY ADVERTISE                                                                                                       home every Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                                   GREAT VALUE - 70% of all households are aware of and look at the advertising in the church
                                                                                                                                                                   bulletin and 68% of households surveyed when making a choice between businesses are inclined to
                                                          IN YOUR LOCAL                                                                                            choose the one who advertised in the church bulletin.
                                                                                                                                                                   GREAT LOYALTY - 41% of households do business with a company specifically because they
                                                         CHURCH BULLETIN?                                                                                          are advertising in the church bulletin.
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