CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol

Page created by Clarence Curtis
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol

817A BATH ROAD            BRISLINGTON           BRISTOL        BS4 5NL


    Join us every sunday online at 10:00am WWW.CARMELCITYCHURCH.ORG/TV
 Join us every sunday online at 10:00am LIVESTREAM.COM/CARMEL-CITY-CHURCH
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
Thank you for joining us for Vision 2019. This year the Lord has given us the word
MOMENTUM for our theme. 2018 was the year of Jubilee, where we hit the reset button
and started getting back to our roots of Spirit and Word without losing the valuable
experience we gained over the past 22 years.
Webster dictionary defines MOMENTUM as the strength or force that something has
when it is moving; the strength or force that allows something to continue or grow
stronger or faster as time passes. The vision that God has given Carmel has grown over
the years, that has seen graduates of our Bible College and members of the church
touching the nations of the world with the Gospel. I believe we are in the process of
speeding up that process and creating a force before the return of Christ as spoken of
in the book of Revelations.
God has taken us from a local church to a global vision and is now working the succession
plan that has given us the knowledge to build internationally. The restructure of our
leadership model is working well and is allowing the team to operate on a greater level of
creativity and autonomy. There is still much to do and confidence has grown in both the
overseers and the church family to see our community impacted by the Gospel.
As the apostolic oversight and founders of Carmel Ministries International and Carmel
Global Ministries we are always excited to see how God leads us. Every year we build
on the platform of the previous year, it is not a change of focus but rather an unfolding
revelation of God’s building plan. It is never comfortable and requires us to grow in
ourselves that will release the potential that may be laying dormant in us, it also presents
us with the opportunity to learn and employ our gifting to the Glory of God.
The name Carmel means to be fruitful and to flourish and we have seen this in the lives
of those that have travelled this journey of FAITH with us. The strength of this ministry
is to equip people to do life and this is achieved through the teaching and training of the
Word of God.
As always, we are excited about sharing the vision for
Carmel as it means we get to go higher, wider and
deeper with the mission and mandate God has declared
over us all, so together we can Enjoy the Journey.

CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
Our journey of faith began in South Africa when we received Jesus Christ as our
Lord and Saviour in 1981. We later attended Rhema Bible Training Centre and
graduated in 1986 with a Diploma in Ministerial Training. In 1987 we were invit-
ed to join the staff in the Training Centre and work as Pastors in the Church. In
1993 we received a prophetic word about going as missionaries to the United
Kingdom and saw us as a family immigrate to the United Kingdom in 1995 which
saw the birth of Carmel Bristol in 1996. Just when we started getting comforta-
ble God took us across the water to America to birth Carmel Houston in 2016.
We have had more than 31 years of the most amazing journey of faith that is
almost unbelievable at times.

MISSION                                     VISION
Carmel’s mission statement is Luke          All vision comes from God and
9:2 ‘He sent them to preach the             with this He gives a strategy for
Kingdom of God and to heal the              its fulfillment. God had a vision of
sick’ which was given to us in 1994         man when he created the heavens
and has become focal point of all           and the earth! He had a vision of
we do and helps us navigate God’s           redemption when man fell, He had
unfolding plan for Carmel. To achieve       a vision for the church when Jesus
this God gave us a 4-phase strategy:        Christ returned to heaven and He
Which is to cover our city, bless our       has a vision for His bride for when
neighbours, send to the nation and          He returns. Vision is a practical and
touch the world, this allows us to          purposeful necessity for believers in
multiply globally establishing the vision   today’s world. It is our responsibility
of God. The concept of one Church,          to draw near to God to find out just
many locations is the Blueprint of          what it is. Carmel’s vision is rooted
the Mission, Strategy and Process           in four basic instructions which align
that the vision of Carmel follows.          us with the book of Acts 2:42 (MEV)
Following this blueprint has seen the       They continued steadfastly in the
work flourish.                              apostles’ teaching and fellowship,
                                            in the breaking of bread and in the
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
We all have an important role to play in seeing the vision established in preparation
for the return of Christ, we have been ploughing and planting for over 20 years
with many ministries being birthed and many finding their place in the global
family of God. It is time for the great harvest of souls and God has given us this
window of opportunity.
A prophesy given in 2016 said, “Seeds planted years ago have come to full
maturity and are ready to be harvested. Winds of change are blowing and a
changing of the guard is coming to the Church as well as the political arena.
Weeds are being uprooted that have been choking the life out of my children and
distracting them from me.” We continue to see these changes globally and it is
as if the true church is awakening from its slumber and is beginning to roar like
the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

Carmel Ministries International
is a UK charity who functions                                       CARMEL
with Carmel Global ministries inc                                  OVERSIGHT
enabling us to fulfil our mission
and vision.

                                            U.S.A                   EUROPE               AFRICA

                                          CARMEL                CARMEL               CARMEL
                                          GLOBAL               MINISTRIES            MISSIONS
                                         MINISTRIES          INTERNATIONAL

                                CARMEL      CARMEL
                                 CITY                    CARMEL
                                CHURCH                  BOOKSHOP

                                          CARMEL        CARMEL       CARMEL
                                                                                CARMEL      CARMEL
                                           CITY          BIBLE      CHRISTIAN
                                                                                 MEDIA     BOOKSHOP
                                          CHURCH       INSTITUTE     SCHOOL
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol

 Michael & Vicky Fletcher   Gerri & Michelle Di Somma      Wayne & Rose Skinnerv
    Overseer of People            Global Oversight          Overseer of Assets


   Darrell & Claire Irwin       Lee & Kath Baker         Chris & Yvonne Chikwanah

 Kutie & Tsungai Ngundu      Asif & Delphine Francis         Bob & Mary Baker

Derek & Catherine Mulubwa    Steve & Helen Jackson      Andrew and Mwaka Smallridge
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
The Leadership team works together to facilitate effective
care for Carmel members and community activities.
Covering all the areas of the Discipleship process: Share,
Care, Prepare and Dare.


 Nigel and Rhian Parkingson    Ken & Julia Turner       Andy & Dawn Elmer
      Carmel Bible INST       Care Home Chaplaincy       Children’s Church

 Michael & Jenny Abrahams     Nathan & Dee Logan     Orville & Charmaine Lynch
      Guest Services           Music and Worship            Connect Team

        Alex Smith                Dave Smith                Andy Elmer
   Soup run and Cleaning          Production             Facilities Manager

                                 Claire Parsons
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol

DISCERNING THE VOICE OF THE LORD              the pews and onto the streets as never
FOR 2019                                      before seen.

This is still the mandate of every believer   Brother Jerry Savelle.
and follower of Jesus Christ. God
continues to expand the work in the           2019 will be a year of Marvels, Wonders,
Great Commission. This year being the         Extraordinary Manifestation of the
year of MOMENTUM we see once again            Greatness of God. He said the Lord
the urgency coming from the Lord about        gave him this scripture in Exodus 34:10
Christs return and the need to share          (NKJV) And He said: “Behold, I make a
the Gospel on every platform and every        covenant. Before all your people I will do
opportunity. God is giving us the strength    marvels such as have not been done in
and power that allows us to continue or       all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the
grow stronger and larger as time passes       people among whom you are shall see the
to see a Great Harvest of Souls. Psalms       work of the Lord. For it is an awesome
18:29-30 (Passion) With you as my             thing that I will do with you.”
strength I can crush an enemy horde,
                                              Brian Guerin of Bridal Glory.
advancing through every stronghold that
stands in front of me. What a God you         He had many things to say about 2019
are! Your path for me has been perfect!       but what resonated with me was that
All your promises have proven true. What      there was a Transition taking place which
a secure shelter for all those who turn to    is bringing proper alignment to go with the
hide themselves in you! You are the wrap-     Gospel. He saw in the Spirit a hand with
around God giving grace to me.                an old type key opening and Ancient Door.
                                              What was significant about the key was
This is what is being said prophetically
                                              that it was large and three fingers were
from other voices for 2019.
                                              wrapped inside the key. He explained that
Brother Kenneth Copeland.                     it was the index, middle and ring fingers
                                              which he discerned to be the Prophet,
2019 will a year of Abundant Harvest.         Evangelist and Pastors working together
There will be a higher order of prayer and    in the End Time Harvest, to establish and
intercession. Higher order of witnessing      build.
and soul winning, taking the church from
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
Patricia King.                                   the Lord have the provision set in place
                                                 for you for those times of changes.
She spoke of three things that will be
significant for 2019.                            3. I will teach you to use the promises,
                                                 prophesies and scriptures that are in
1. A new level of warfare attacking              your possession and I will fulfill them.
leaders and church leaders. It will require
a greater level of prayer and discerning         4. I will create an ongoing time of blessing
the threats but will also bring greater          so that you may learn to walk with Me at
levels of Victory.                               a higher level.

2. God is raising up benefactors. This is to     5. I will increase your strength and your
support the vision so that the vision can        courage that you may know the arm of
become benefactors to others.                    the Lord to save you and do great exploits.

3. Harvest, Harvest, Harvest. Translated         6. I will give you permission to upgrade
it means souls, salvations and the Great         your identity. To step into a greater
Commission. We are to expect a harvest,          dimension of who I Am.
continue to pray for the labourers and
seek divine encounters to bring in the lost.

Graham Cooke.                                    WHAT WILL BE REQUIRED OF US.

2019 will be a year of Promise,                  EVERYTHING MUST BEGIN IN PRAYER.
Permission and Purpose. Graham
                                                 A greater level of private and corporate
received this scripture for the year,
                                                 prayer and intercession. We would need
Deuteronomy 31:8 (MEV) The Lord, He
                                                 to double up in time and effort, what was
goes before you. He will be with you. He
                                                 acceptable is no longer good enough,
will not fail you nor forsake you. Do not
                                                 there is an onslaught on the body of
fear, nor be dismayed.”
                                                 Christ, from the leaders down.
He said this is what God is saying for
                                                 We are to pray to purify ourselves so that
                                                 the enemy has no hold or accusation that
1. I have gone ahead of you to prepare a         can be centered to us. We are to pray for
place for you. God is saying that although       Revival to begin in us, to stir ourselves up
He is with you He is also ahead of you,          and to eliminate that complacency that
making the crooked places straight.              tries to distract us from the urgency of
                                                 the hour.
2. I know there will be places of difficulties
ahead of you that will confront you, but I       It is in prayer that God will give us the
                                                 prophetic revelation for the next season.
CITY CHURCH - Carmel City Church / Bristol
It is in prayer that times of refreshing      others. The Great Commission is about
will come. It is in prayer that God aligns    going outside of your familiar places and
us to His purpose so that we can walk         venturing into the unknown. Realise you
in His provision. It is in prayer that we     are never alone when you step out for
will become endued with power to be           God, He assigns Angels to go with you.
witnesses for Him. Prayer is what hides
us under the wings of the Almighty that       Until Joshua was prepared to cross over
the enemy will not be able to find you.       the Jordan River into the Promised Land,
                                              all it would be was a fantasy. Three times
A DESIRE TO SEE THE MANIFESTATION             the Lord spoke the words about being
OF THE POWER OF GOD.                          strong and of good courage to Joshua,
                                              why, because until you first break the
This begins where the will of God is          intimidation in yourself you will never
known and we do this with the Word,           tell others of His Saving Grace. When
the Prophecies and the Gifts we have          Joshua stepped into the Promised Land
received from God. We are to make war         there was still challenges but with the
with them individually and corporately        challenges God brought great victories
by implementing the instructions of           and prosperity.
God and building an expectation for the
Supernatural and extraordinary.               INTENSIFY OUR EXPECTATION FOR GOD
                                              TO MOVE THROUGH US.
God desires to be Glorified and what
better way than to demonstrate His            In Acts 2:14-21; it is recorded that once
power to heal, set free and deliver. In the   Peter had been endued with power he
gospel of Matthew 4:24-25 (NKJV) it says      went out and 3000 we born of God on
this about Jesus, “Then His fame went         the streets of Jerusalem. Notice he went
throughout all Syria; and they brought to     onto the street. The challenge that faces
Him all sick people who were afflicted with   us is that we have faith for God to move
various diseases and torments, and those      in Church, but do we have faith for God
who were demon-possessed, epileptics,         to move outside the walls of the Church?
and paralytics; and He healed them. Great
multitudes followed Him—from Galilee,         In the Book of Acts they went from Temple
and from Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea,         and house to house. There were times
and beyond the Jordan.”                       Jesus did miracles in the Temple, at other
                                              times in peoples homes, but most of the
WE ARE TO BREAK FREE FROM OUR                 miracles He did were done when He was
COMFORT ZONE.                                 on the road traveling from place to place.
                                              Think about it, God wants to move in your
Our momentum is dependent on our              work place, your University, your school,
willingness to go beyond our comfort and      you dance club, your sports club, all He
conquer our unbelief. It means that we        requires is your availability and coverage
are to take the Church onto the street.       to trust Him to move with you.
We must break the mentality of just
being consumers and sitting in Church
to be entertained and become people
that produce the Kingdom of God in

 It would be great for you to get involved in the vision for 2019! Please
 indicate the department(s) you would like to get involved with by ticking the
 relevant box(es). If you don’t see something on the list, please write it in the
 ‘other’ space. Thank You

 If there is anything else we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask!

 [ ] Can Do (cleaning)     [ ] Guest Services         [ ] Hospitality
 [ ] Car Park              [ ] Worship                [ ] Sound
 [ ] Soup Run              [ ] Bookshop               [ ] Camera
 [ ] Prison Ministry       [ ] Office/Admin           Maintenance:
 [ ] Children’s Church     [ ] Health & Safety        [ ] Electrical
 [ ] Home Group            [ ] First Aid              [ ] Plumbing
 [ ] Mentoring Group       [ ] Mini-bus Driving       [ ] Building
 [ ] Christian School      [ ] Reception              [ ] Other
 [ ] Events                [ ] Decor                  ___________________

You can view the vision presentation online from the 12th of February at:


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The discipleship process of Carmel is broken into 4 stages of development that go under
the names of Share, Care, Prepare, and Dare. This process equips believers of every walk
of life, who in discovering their purpose within their individual journey of faith are able to
find their place in Gods global church to flourish and engage in their community.

The first stage of the journey is SHARE, which is the Great Commission given to us by Jesus,
sharing the Good News of salvation with those searching for a meaningful relationship
with Him. The unchurched that don’t know Him, those that were disillusioned in their faith
and need help to reengage and those that are looking for a deeper encounter with Him.

The second stage forms the Pastoral Care of the ministry and is simply called CARE. This
is caring for the believers, giving them the tools to live their life successfully as children
of God, also helping them integrate into the family and life of the Church. Believers are
encouraged to partner with the vision with their time, talent and treasure and engaging
with their family, friends and community.

The third stage is PREPARING the believer to know what the will of God is for their lives.
Equipping them through CBI to mature in faith and find their place in the vision of God.
Through further study of the Word of God and leadership development every believer
becomes an able minister.

The fourth stage is DARE, sending disciples into all the world with the love of Christ to
pioneer and establish churches and to make disciples of all nations. Using the Blue Print
of God and equipping others with the call of God to navigate successfully their journey of
Faith. From local to global, being fruitful, multiplying and having dominion.
This office is to steward the financial and physical assets
of the ministry. Their focus is to ensure that as a church
we generate finances as well as remain compliant with
all regulatory boards that we are answerable to, like
the Charity Commission, HMRS, Ofsted etc. In the Old
Testament this role was the role of the King, who had
the responsibility to look after the nation protecting the
people and increasing its influence and wealth.

       ACCOUNTING          BOOKSHOP            CCS              CARETAKER

                                              FUND               FLEET
         PAYROLL            FINANCE
                                             RAISING           MANAGMENT

                            GROUP           HEALTH &
         GIFT AID                                                     IT
                          ACCOUNTING        SAFTETY

            HR           MAINTANENCE

Following the ‘Accelerated Christian        Dealing with all areas of Carmel’s
Education’ system of education, which       building and it’s vehicles. Cleanliness of
centres on the Word of God, a child         venues and maintenance of utilities is
is equipped for life in every area of       upheld. This team promotes the hire
their development. By providing in-         of the building to external clients and
dividual instruction and group ac-          manages the process.
tivities through the Christ-centred
programs of the Christian School,
children are prepared for the
responsibilities ahead of them, educat-
ing them for now and into eternity.
CARMEL BOOKSHOP                            REGULATORS
It is true and we hear it often that       We provide all the functions required
people in Bristol still want a Christian   to comply with the requirements of
Bookshop many people are looking           Companies House, the Charity Com-
for a place where they can handle a        mision, OFSTED, the Health and Safety
new Bible to be sure their making the      Executivet and the UK Border Agency.
right choice. We also know people
want to see close up the gift their
buying to know it won’t disappoint and
let them down.
That is why for the last 10 years we
have been dedicated to providing an
oasis of peace and an escape from
the busyness of life we all endure,
a place where you can enjoy a nice
drink, take your time and browse and
come out not only with what you were
looking for but more refreshed than
when you came in.
This office is to steward the discipleship and equipping process
for the ministry. Overseeing our public church meetings and the
teams that help make them happen. They also help to identify
and help prepare people to function in their five-fold gifting in the
ministry, training trainers to equip and mature the saints through
our discipleship/ equipping pipeline. In the Old Testament this
role was the role of the prophet, who had the responsibility to
bring the word of the Lord to the people.

                         CARMEL BIBLE       CARMEL GLOBAL
          BASICS                              MINISTRIES       PRAYER
                           INSTITUTE         ASSOCIATION

      CARMEL MEDIA                        CONNECT TEAM         EVENTS

         GUEST                             LEADERSHIP
                          EVANGELISM                        LIFE IN CHRIST
        SERVICES                          DEVELOPMENT

      HOMEGROUPS          PREACHING                             YOUTH

GUEST SERVICES                             WORSHIP TEAM
From the car park to the Coffee Bean       Worship is fundamental to what God
coffee shop, facilities must be clearly    has spoken over our congregation –
mapped out for visitors and friends        that the church would grow through
of Carmel, so as to make their time        its music. Once a week, the worship
with us a wonderful experience as          team comes together for rehearsal
                                           and for fellowship to grow musically
they encounter the presence of God.
                                           and spiritually as a family. We share
Connecting with friends, family and        prayer and praise, and commit our-
visitors must be our highest priority      selves to the music ministry where
to make their journey of faith an          God has called us.
enjoyable and meaningful one.
CARMEL BIBLE COLLEGE                        to discuss the Word of God and
                                            fellowship together. Family Life
Meeting the ongoing demand for
books, CDs and DVDs, which in               Groups will have an outward focus
turn promote the growth of the              of evangelism and outreach. relation-
believer, especially in the practi-         ships found in interest groups.
cal application of their beliefs both
in church and in the community that
they live.                                  EVENTS
Providing courses of instruction based      Every time the Church gathers to-
on God’s Word that prepare students         gether it is an event: to present
for service and ministry, developing        people with an opportunity to en-
godly character in an environment           counter God as Father. From in-
that enables the life changing power        spired worship to the preaching
of God to do its work in each student.      of the Word, everything must be
The first year course is to establish the   meticulously planned with the in-
foundations of life, and second year to     tentional goal of allowing the Holy
better function in service to the Body      Spirit to touch the hearts of the
of Christ. The third year program is for    people. Without a meaningful en-
those who believe they are called into
                                            counter with God there cannot be
full-time ministry.
                                            purposeful change brought in lifestyle.

Family HOME Groups centre
around the nucleus of the fami-
ly unit. Families gather at conven-
ient times in homes around the city
This office is to steward the people, building effective teams
to take care of the needs of our community. They are there to
oversee and build our home group structure, ensuring people are
being pastorally taken care of in a home group as well as being
encouraged in their journey of faith. In the Old Testament this was
the role of the priests, who represented the people before God
and before the king, ensuring the people were taken care of.

      CARMEL FREE                          DATA               FAMILY
                         CHAPLINCY                        TRANSFORMATION
     CONSULTATIONS                       MANAGMENT

                                            MEN’S          MEMBERSHIP
                                           MINISTRY         SERVICES

        MISSIONS           PETRA           SUPPORT


OUTREACH                                       STOREHOUSE
Reaching out to the world around us            Providing a place where there
through evangelism, street preach-             is material provision for those
ing, crusades, The Way of the Master           who really need such support,
and other evangelistic opportunities.          through The Storehouse and
Seeking and finding the lost so that           the Good Samaritan Fund.
they may come home to the Father.
COMMUNITY IMPACT                        MISSIONS
Using the media to challenge            Growing a network of churches in
secular thinking through films,         the UK and overseas that relate
books and a broad selec-                together under the spiritual covering
tion of targeted publications.          and oversight of CMI, fulfilling the ap-
Becoming media aware so be-             ostolic call of ‘Touching the World,’
lievers know the issues we face         resulting in a common bond and a
today, and responding accord-           courageous voice in today’s world.
ingly. Speaking out for those
who cannot do it for themselves and
challenging the secular thinking that
has permeated our society.
Responding to social needs in the lo-
cal community in specific and appro-
priate ways through projects such as
the Hamper Project at Christmas,
the weekly Soup Run for the home-
less, and the Storehouse for families
going through difficult times in our
Where Jesus is celebrated, poverty, sickness and oppression
will not be tolerated. When God is the goal then MOMENTUM
will explode by what every joint supplies, according to the proper
working of each individual part, building up of itself in love. This
was the book of Acts’ church gathering in house-holds across
the city. There was no lack and favour was upon all. We are lo-
cal, national and international, therefore we aim to be relevant
to whatever nation we are trying to reach. We are all things to
all people without losing our fundamental beliefs and values. We
reach beyond our city and with the use of technology and mis-
sions projects, we access the world. Time plays an important
part in every vision.

CARMEL is and will always be about people. God is in the people
business. How we can reach them, equip them, enable them to
experience Jesus like never before. We love to accommodate,
embrace and encourage people from every nation. We are not
biased or prejudiced, nor do we reject anyone based on their so-
cial standing, background or past. Our mission is to reach peo-
ple from the four corners of the world, starting with our home
city. Luke 9:2 (MEV) “And He sent them to preach the kingdom
of God and to heal the sick.”



                            29TH - 30TH MARCH 2019

                              WITH SPECIAL GUEST:
                              ARIANNA WALKER

                               MEN’S CONFERENCE

                                3RD - 4TH MAY 2019
                               WITH SPECIAL GUEST:
                               DAVID MCDONALD


              AUTUMN OF 2019


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