The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice

Page created by Cecil Fleming
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
The Rye Team Ministry

for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
The Rye Team includes six churches arranged in four
   parishes in a beautiful coastal and rural area at the
   eastern end of the Diocese of Chichester and the
 County of East Sussex. Centred on the small historic
   market, port and tourist town of Rye, the team area
    includes industrial, holiday and rural communities.
It has a rail link to the high speed service from Ashford
   and a diverse commercial and cultural life but also
                 some areas of deprivation.

   The Rye Team Ministry was established in 1980,
  comprising the incumbent of the benefice (ie of the
Parishes of Rye, Rye Harbour, Playden, Iden, Camber
and East Guldeford) whose office shall be Rector and
 two other Ministers. This arrangement has continued
   until recently, with one House-for-Duty serving
  Playden and Iden, and another serving Camber and
   East Guldeford, with lay reader and Permission to
 Officiate assistance. However, the three clergy posts
 are all now vacant and all the parishes would benefit
              from renewal and outreach.

     The Team Rector post offers the challenge and
 opportunity to work with the diocese and the parishes
to recruit and lead a team to develop spiritual life in the
  parishes and increase the role of the church in the
 community as well as to personally look after ministry
  in Rye and Rye Harbour. There are opportunities to
    further ecumenical links and liaison with the two
 primary schools, secondary school and local hospital
                in the Team Ministry area.

                       Around Rye

                                           Some images on this page © Shirley Lancaster
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
The Rye Team Ministry

As our search for a new Team Rector begins, we cannot avoid the enormity of the context in
which that search is set. We have all had, at best, a sad and disheartening year; some of us
one of deepest tragedy.

Our experience is not without precedent. When, in 1662, the year of the Book of Common
Prayer, Joseph Elmer became Vicar of Rye he could not have known of the Great Plague which
would be but three years later. His predecessor, Revd John Allin wrote from Southwark “the
Lord fit me and all of us for our last day, for we do not know the hour our Lord will come.” So it
has been for many of us during these darkened days.

For the return of hope we have so many to praise with humble, thankful hearts and take
courage that no national crisis to the present day has put the Book of Common Prayer out of
print, destroyed or permanently closed the 12C church at Rye, the 12C churches at Playden
and Iden, 16c East Guldeford; Rye Harbour of 1849 or Camber of 1956 and are confident that
neither this emergency, nor any other that might ensue, will see any of our churches falling by
the wayside.

             All our team churches bear constant witness in their communities
                      to the strength and truth of the Christian message.

Though we may no longer subscribe to the 17C view that pandemics are the result of human
transgression provoking divine retribution, much in current secular comment points for the need
for us to change how we conduct our lives and live more considerately. We must all “build back
better.” We fiercely share that determination, with our central aim being to work together with all
the parishes in the team in true partnership, recognising and working for the individual needs of
our churches and enabling growth in the context of their communities, whilst supporting the
diverse characters and traditions of each.

     With this aim we need YOU, that special priest who has prayerfully come to the
      certainty of having been called to build the Kingdom in these four parishes.

You will find a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself into the church, community and civic
life of this historic market town and those of our partners in the team. Your prayerful and
visionary leadership will develop our resources with energy and drive so giving us the tools to
undertake our individual responsibilities in mission. Your confidence as a communicator will
enable you to reach out to people of all ages and social backgrounds in church, school and
community settings and your openness of approach and creativity will encompass both formal
and informal worship as well as civic ceremonial.

This is a wonderful area in which to live and work; you will enjoy a spacious rectory a few steps
from St Mary’s church; we will welcome you warmly and together we will do the work “through
the tender mercies in Him alone, who is our Life, and our Health, and our Salvation, Jesus
Christ, our ever blessed Saviour, and Redeemer. Amen”
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
RYE with RYE HARBOUR                       


                                                 The ancient town of Rye,with a population of
                                                 approximately 5,000, is a member of the Cinque
                                                 Ports Federation. Situated on the A259 at the
                                                 confluence of three rivers on the western fringe of
                                                 Romney Marsh and close to the sea, it has a strong
                                                 farming community, sea fishing tradition and
                                                 many recreational boats. There are three
                                                 nature reserves of national importance in the
                                                 locality; at Rye Harbour, Dungeness and the
                                                 wooded cliffs east of Hastings. Rye is a busy
                                                 tourist    resort with an information centre,
                                                 museums, art galleries, National Trust property,
          Rye from the River Rother              numerous hotels, guest houses, restaurants and

St Mary's Church is one of the most visited parish churches In England and is a member of The
Major Churches Network..

Rye has a supermarket, Post Office, two dispensing chemists, two dental surgeries, two
doctors surgeries, community centre, sports centre & swimming pool, library and a wide variety of
independent retailers selling everything from postcards to clothing. There is some light industry in the
area; unemployment is usually just below the national average but has risen due to Covid-19.
As a market town it serves outlying villages lifting the dependent population to an estimated 20,000.

There are three modern housing estates to the East and West of the town and ribbon development
along the approach roads providing family sized accommodation. There are also five complexes
providing sheltered accommodation for the elderly, a Day Centre for the elderly, a day nursery and
a playgroup as well as a primary school and a secondary community college (Years 7-11). 55% of
the population is over the age of 45 and 28% over the age of 65.

The nearest hospital is the Conquest Hospital in St Leonards-on-Sea, Hastings, some 15 miles
away, although there is also Rye Memorial Care Centre which provides beds for respite care,
post-operative care and the terminally ill. Some out-patient clinics are held too.
There are pockets of social and economic deprivation within the town with high levels of child
                                   poverty, relatively low levels of income, high unemployment rates
   Mary Stanford Lifeboat Memorial and significant barriers to housing and services.

                                    Rye Harbour
                                    The village of Rye Harbour is 1.5 miles to the south of Rye town
                                    and is in the civil parish of Icklesham. It has population of
                                    approximately 450 and is situated at the mouth of the River
                                    The village has a strong community spirit, a legacy of the lifeboat
                                    disaster in 1928 when the entire crew of the Mary Stanford was
                                    lost at sea. As well as the church, there is one pub, a village hall,
                                    village shop, residential caravan park and Rye Harbour Nature
                                    Reserve. There are some areas of deprivation.
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
Rye Foreign
The parish also encompasses the hamlet of Rye Foreign which is strung out along the A268 to
Peasmarsh. Those residents who attend church mostly worship at the nearer churches of
Playden, Iden or Peasmarsh.

Church Buildings
From whatever direction one might approach Rye, the eye falls first on the massive shape of
St Mary’s Church which seems to grow out of the top of the mound upon which the ancient part
of the town sits. It is a beautiful building, of cathedral-like proportions, dating originally from the
early 12th century, and is open to visitors throughout the year.
The popularity of the church to our visitors is described under Tourism and the church is indeed
a place of many treasures from notable stained glass to one of the three oldest working turret
clocks in the country. This and magnificent views over Sussex and Kent can be seen and
enjoyed by anyone who climbs the tower.
The last Quinquennial inspection was carried out in 2018 and shows a building in a generally
good state of maintenance with only two major items noted. These were the rebuilding of the two
western pinnacles, of which the more urgent southerly structure has already been completed and
the northerly pinnacle will be tackled before the end of the period as circumstances and funds
We will continue to work through the remaining items, including some repairs to plain glass, when
more normal conditions allow scheduling and there is a recovery in income.
Among other works completed recently is the conversion of our lighting to LED which will yield
an environmental as well as financial benefit
and we will be installing a fire alarm system
and protection for roof metal again as                             St Mary’s Centre
conditions allow scheduling. We are grateful
to the Friends of St Mary’s, who are
acknowledged later in the profile, for offering
assistance with these last two projects.
In 2012 we were able to purchase a
building (St Mary’s Centre) a few yards
from the church to use as a church hall and
Parish Office using funds from an educa-
tional trust. It is used for church meetings,
social events and is also hired out for com-
munity use. The same trust owns a three bedroom property on the larger housing estate in Rye
which is rented out. This is in good order.

                                    Holy Spirit, Rye Harbour.
                                    This unique church, with its ceiling giving the feeling of being in
                                    an upturned boat, has been designated as a Chapel of Ease
                                    since 2002. Dating from 1849, it was designed by Samuel
                                    Sanders Teulon and reflects well the maritime character of the
                                    village. The Mary Stanford memorial stands in the churchyard.
                                    The last Quinquennial inspection was carried out in 2019 and
                                    shows only minor works needed, the most urgent of which
                                    have been completed and the rest will be worked through
                                    during the period

  Church of The Holy Spirit
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
On Sundays at St Mary's we usually have these services:

                   TIME                           RITE                    AVERAGE
                 8.30am               Holy Communion (BCP)               15 (pre-covid)
                                                                         10 (post-covid)

                10.30am                 Parish Communion                  45 (pre-covid)
                                          (Common Worship)                25 (post-covid)

                  6.00pm                  Evensong (BCP)                   6 (pre-covid)
            First Sunday only

A non-eucharistic Family Service replaces the 10.30am on the first Sunday of each month.
Baptisms are usually held in this service which increases the attendance considerably. On the
fourth Sunday of the month a Churches Together ‘Songs of Praise’ is held which rotates around
the churches in the town. St Mary’s, Rye Baptist and Rye Methodist each host one joint morning
service a year

On Thursdays at 10.00 am Holy Communion (CW Modern language) is said in the Clare
Chapel with an average of 12 attending. This service usually includes prayer for healing but
has not been held during the pandemic.

During Holy Week there are meditative services.

There is an annual ‘Lights of Love’ service (for St Michael’s Hospice, St Leonards on Sea),
services for St George’s Day and Remembrance Sunday. The Mayor and the Town Council
attend these last two services which are usually well attended.

At Holy Spirit, Rye Harbour we have:Evening Prayer at 5pm on the third Sunday of the month
with an average attendance of 15 (pre Covid), we have tried to keep this service going during the
pandemic with reduced attendance.

There is also the Annual Lifeboat Disaster Remembrance Service in November (standing room
only) and a Christingle Service the Sunday afternoon before Christmas

Our clergy wear vestments and we reserve the sacrament. We consider ourselves to be a
traditional ‘middle of the road’ Anglican Church with some ritual but not too much fuss.

Members of the Team
As the parish is part of the Rye Team Ministry, we also have close connections with Camber with
East Guldeford (currently in vacancy) and Iden & Playden (currently in vacancy).These parishes
are all within a four mile radius, (see individual Parish Profiles). We have a ‘Team Service’ in
each of the other churches at least once a year. Currently this is Ash Wednesday at Camber,
Ascension Day at Iden, Feast of the Transfiguration at East Guldeford and All Souls at either
Playden or Iden.

A number of retired clergy help in the Team and the Conquest Hospital Chaplain who served
his curacy in Rye, also helps. We have one Reader, Linda Estrada, who has recently retired
from full time teaching and she helps at services and takes Evensong. We also employ one
full-time Verger, two part-time Vergers, a Parish Administrator and an Organist.
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
Financial State
In normal times, St Mary’s, Rye, is delighted to receive large numbers of visitors throughout the
year. Many enjoy the climb up through the Tower - where they may inspect the Bellchamber
wherein eight ringers assemble regularly. A further climb leads to the roof where a marvellous
panorama awaits over the rooftops of Rye to the sea. A significant part of our annual income
derives from trading activities which include visitor receipts from the Tower and sales of
merchandise from the Gift Shop.
The accounts are complex because we have to comply with the requirements of best practice in
charity accounting; and we are further guided by the Diocese of Chichester. The accounts for
2019 show:
                              Net Assets                   £994,915
                              Annual Income                £241.227
                              Annual Expenditure           £259,434
Wheras St Mary’s has considerable resources, the greater part is held in an endowment fund,
income from which has highly specific uses only. The pandemic which has caused much
suffering since its appearance, leading to prolonged lockdowns, has resulted in hugely
reduced visitor income. Likewise, income from festivals and regular church activities, together
with donations and collections, are again much reduced. In some cases, we have restricted use
of our assets.
St Mary’s pledges annually a Parish Share to the Diocese as our contribution towards its
mission and ministry. It has proved difficult to keep up with our commitments during 2020: but
we look forward to encouraging growth in our voluntary giving and to happier circumstances as
we seek to expand the Church’s vision again.

Parish Support
The PCC consists of eight elected members (should be twelve), four Deanery Synod members,
Churchwardens and Rector. The Secretary is the Parish Administrator and the Treasurer is a
co-opted member. In 2012 when we bought St Mary’s Centre we were able to create a Parish
Office and employ an Administrator. We have a photocopier in the Vestry.
As we have already said, St Mary’s is one of the most visited parish churches in the country. We
estimate that more than 170,000 people walk through our doors every year so there is obviously
great potential for outreach. People come here as tourists. We aim to make them pilgrims and
send them out as worshippers. Visitors are able to climb the tower for a specified donation and
this is our greatest source of income. We also have a Visitor Centre (Gift Shop) which sells a
wide range of items including postcards; Bibles; children’s books; Christian gifts; Christmas
items; greetings cards and souvenirs. A guide book is currently being re-written and there are
information leaflets about the windows, organ and bells. A free ‘walk round’ leaflet, one for adults
and one for children, is available on one of the donation boxes by the main door. We have a
votive candle stand which is used mainly by visitors but also by parishioners. There is also a
prayer net where anyone can leave a prayer request; these are then prayed over on a fortnightly

Specialised Ministries
By tradition, the Rector is the chaplain to the Mayor and takes prayers before a council
meeting. Civic services are held at St Mary's and are well attended.St Mary’s Visitor Centre

Electoral Roll
There are 112 on the electoral roll of which 19 come from outside the parish.
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
Secular Events
The church is also used as a cultural centre for recitals and concerts and is an important venue for
the annual Rye International Jazz Festival and Rye Arts Festival as well as for local charity
concerts. Two AA groups use the Upper Room each week.

School Links.
The staff and children of Rye Community Primary School ( are housed in
a building of high quality with excellent facilities and the local clergy take assemblies on a weekly
basis. Rye College is the local secondary school (, both schools are part
of The Aquinas Trust ( St Michael’s CE School in Playden
( is within the Benefice and is generally looked after by the
Team Vicar of Playden & Iden.
There are also eight other Church Schools ( Aided and Controlled) in the Deanery of Rye. These
are at Guestling, Beckley, Peasmarsh, lcklesham, Winchelsea, Northiam and Bodiam. The local
parishes, mainly in the persons of the clergy, play an important part in the life of these schools,
in leading worship, serving as Governors and maintaining links with parish churches.

Ecumenical Links
The Roman Catholic and Methodist Churches are close to St Mary's and meet at
approximately the same time on Sunday mornings. We have a very active Rye and District
Churches Together which also includes the Baptists and the Society of Friends. The Lent house
groups are inter-denominational. On Good Friday, Churches Together arrange the ‘Walk of Witness’
around the churches in the town.
We also have a link with Christ Church, Rye, New York which is celebrated in both churches on the
second Sunday in Advent and with Rye, Victoria, Australia which is celebrated on the first Sunday in

                       Christchurch, Rye, New York visit in August 2018
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
St Mary’s Organisations
There is an active group of bellringers who ring every Sunday in normal times for the 10.30am
service, for weddings and other special occasions.

There is an active Caring and Sharing group in the parish. (Caring & Sharing is a diocesan project).
During Lent a weekly ‘Lent Lunch’ is held to raise money for charity.

Children & Young People

                                    Sadly, although we have approximately 10 baptisms each
                                    year, we have few families & young people in the congregation
                                    on a regular basis. We do have a Children’s Corner where
                                    children can sit during services and either read or use one of
                                    the worksheets provided. There are also ‘Happy Bags’ (bags
                                    with small toys and books in them and provided by the
                                    Mothers’ Union) for small children to use in the pew.

Church Music
We have a small but enthusiastic adult robed choir who sing at the 10.30am service and other
special services. Music is generally traditional. The main hymn book is ‘Complete Anglican Hymns
Old & New’

As well as the work we do with local schools, the group attempts to provide opportunities for
Christian education for all members of our congregation from ‘the cradle to the grave’. In recent
years we have created both a library and a children’s corner where we hope young children will
feel comfortable in church either during services or if they are just visiting. We help to support
families who are preparing for baptism and try to follow this up by holding events to which the
children and their families are invited. Our ‘Messy Church’ was successful for many years but
recently came to a natural conclusion. We are now concentrating on Open the Book (OtB), a
project which offers primary school children an opportunity to hear key Bible stories, from a team
of Christians from local churches, who present the stories during assemblies/acts of Collective
Worship. Each presentation takes around 10–15 minutes and can either be incorporated into a
wider school assembly or stand alone. It is a three-year rolling programme with an additional, but
optional year of material based on Christian Values for schools. These are much appreciated by
the pupils and staff of Rye Community Primary School.
Flower Guild
This is a dedicated group who decorate the church every week, not just for services but for our visitors
too. A Flower Festival is held occasionally.

The Friends of St Mary’s “To help maintain the fabric of St Mary’s Church” (Charity Number 1065052)
The purpose remains to support the PCC in the maintenance of the fabric of our ancient church.
In recent years the Friends have brought both money and expertise to ensure that all projects are
planned and managed to the best of our ability. Much of the work is unseen but goes on week by
week. In recent years the Friends have planned, sought permission for and funded several major
projects : the organ refurbishment; the refurbishment of the West Window; the complete overhaul
of the clock; the Church electrics and CCTV. Outside, the churchyard bench areas have been
The Rye Team Ministry - PROFILE for the appointment of a Team Rector to the Benefice
surfaced and litter bins replaced. With the Rye RBL, the Rye Town Memorial has been grade 2
listed. The Friends organise a programme of events including an AGM and talk and a summer
outing to other churches nearby. The Friends produce an annual news letter and contribute to
the Pendulum magazine.
                       Facebook page: @FriendsofStMarysChurchRye

Mothers’ Union
The Branch of Mothers’ Union was started
in the 1980’s and takes an active part in the
life of St Mary’s. Although our membership
is under 20, we are upholding the Aims and
Objects of The Mothers’ Union by sending
Welcome Cards at Baptisms.
We instigated a Marriage Preparation
Course held once a year called “Loving for
Life” which is followed by the Blessing of
Engagement Rings on the next Sunday.
This takes place around 14 February but
obviously this has not been able to take
place in 2020 or 2021.
The Branch runs the Annual Crib Service
held at 5pm on Christmas Eve. This is the               Mothers’ Union Garden Party
most well attended Service of our church year
with a congregation of approximately 500. We also oversee the Travelling Crib which visits our
schools, playgroups and retirement homes, starting on Advent Sunday and finishing on
Christmas Eve at the Crib Service when the figures return to the crib.
Three members are part of the Chaplaincy Team at the Conquest Hospital administering the
“Ministry of Cake”, visiting the special baby unit, listening and caring for the parents of the poorly
babies and offering home-made cake. Visits have now been extended to Mirlees Ward, the other
baby unit.
The Branch looks after a Mothers’ Union caravan sited at Winchelsea Beach which is part of the
“Away From It All” project that gives holidays to referred families who need a break. We clean the
caravan and greet new visitors.
Members also, at the invitation of the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, attend the New
Citizenship ceremonies at Hastings Town Hall as part of the Welcome Team.
Members raise funds throughout the year for MU Projects by holding a Lent Lunch, a stall at the
Christmas Fair and an Annual Garden Party.
The Branch has close links with Family Support Work and the local Women’s Refuge Centre.
Finally, we hold an Annual Meal in the New Year open to the Parish.
Readers & Intercessors
We have a large group of people on the Readers’ Rota (for all services), providing a variety of ages
and voices. A smaller group leads the intercessions at the 10.30am
                                                               Crib Service 2009
Both are small but dedicated groups who work faithfully each week.

Social Team
This is a small group who arrange coffee after the 10.30am Sunday service,organize parish outings,
social events and refreshments when the occasion arises.
We have a parish magazine which has an editorial team headed by the Editor.
The magazine is published six times a year. (available on our website) We also have a website - and a Facebook page The main
10.30am service is recorded each week and uploaded to both website and Facebook page. The
Rector writes a small column in the local free monthly publication known as ‘Fixtures’.

Welcome Teams
We have a monthly rota of ‘Welcomers’ for all services who very efficiently undertake those tasks
traditionally done by Sidesmen as well as welcoming visitors and regulars at the door.

       Annual Toy Service                                    Blessing of Engagement Rings

      Cake Stall at the Christmas Fair                          Sea Sunday Service

                                      Flower Festival 2018
The Rectory

                                         The Rectory is an imposing building, situated in
                                         a commanding position close to the Church in
                                         the Gun Garden which is within the historic part
                                         of Rye. It was built after WWII on the site of the
                                         former Methodist Chapel which was destroyed
                                         by enemy bombing. Built for the Burra family it
                                         was designed by Austin Blomfield (son of Sir
                                         Reginald Blomfield) who also designed several
                                         other houses in Rye, including the two adjacent
                                         to the Rectory. The house was bought by the
                                         diocese in the 1960’s to replace a house which
                                         had become too small for the then incumbent’s
                                         growing family.

 View of St Mary’s from The Gun Garden

                                         It is a large family home with study, sitting room,
                                         dining room, kitchen and cloakroom on the
                                         ground floor. There are four bedrooms and two
                                         bathrooms on the first floor with two attic
                                         storage rooms above. The master bedroom has
                                         a balcony and a large built in wardrobe and most
                                         of the other bedrooms have built in cupboards.
                                         The house is heated by a gas central heating
                                         system (the boiler was replaced in 2017/18).and
                                         has secondary glazing throughout.
                                         There is off street parking and a small paved
                                         garden in front. The rear garden has a lawn and
                                         flower beds and a wonderful view across
                                         Romney Marsh.
          Front View of Rectory

     View North-East from the balcony        The Ypres Tower from the front garden
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