February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament

Page created by Ann Williamson
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
February 2022

                             Weekend Mass Times         Stay Connected with us!
                             5:30 PM (masks required)   @CBS_WL
                              7:30 PM Spanish Mass
 2224 Sacramento Drive               Sunday:
 West Lafayette, IN 47906            8:00 AM            @CBS_WL
                                    11:00 AM
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
This Week: Lowering our Nets
             Lowering our nets means fully trusting God. In the Gospel, Peter was ready to give
             up. He didn’t want to go out anymore, but he trusted God, lowered his net, and God
             provided. In what way is God calling us to lower our nets? Where do we need to put
             our trust in Him? If Peter would have said no, he would not have experienced God’s
             immense generosity.

 This was a crucial moment for Simon Peter. He had seen the nets tearing because of the
miraculous catch of fish and he experienced the presence of Jesus. Jesus was someone unlike
anyone he had ever met and Simon Peter is so moved that he falls to his knees and tells Jesus:
“Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.”

However, Jesus doesn’t leave. This is one reason why Jesus came into the world, to free us from
our sins, and to lead every member back into relationship with God by following Him. Jesus then
invites Simon Peter to something beautiful and yet very challenging. Jesus invites him to leave
everything behind and follow Him.

Ultimately, He’s inviting Simon to share his own life. He’s asking him, “Are you willing to leave
everything behind for me? Will you take the risk?” Simon Peter says, “Yes.” He and the other
fisherman leave everything behind and follow Jesus.

The fishermen knew that they were leaving their boats and nets behind, but they had found Jesus!
Simon Peter teaches us a great lesson today: that Jesus Christ is our true and eternal security. Peter
left his security blanket for something better. He left it behind for someone better – Jesus Christ.
When we leave everything and follow Jesus, we find so much more. Our hearts are set free, and
Christ becomes our life.

In the Mass today, we’re going to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and there will be a time of silence
after communion. Let us use that time to ask Jesus to show us if there’s something that’s holding
us back from following Him more closely and ask for the strength to leave it behind and follow
Him. Again: Lord, please show us if there’s something that’s holding us back from following you
more closely and give us the strength and trust to leave it behind and to follow you.” When we
leave everything and follow Jesus, we find so much more. Our hearts are set free and Christ
becomes our life!

When we lower our nets, trust in our Lord, and leave everything for Him, we receive the joy,
freedom and true abundance that only He can give.

                                            Fr. Mark Walter

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February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                             There is a lot going on in our    3-year—Pastorate Vision Plan
                             parish—we are blessed!            Mission. Community. Witness.

                             Facilities Master Plan—How        Join us for our pastorate vision plan
                             did we get here?                  informational session on Wed. Feb 9th. Dinner,
                                                               childcare and door prizes provided!
                             Back in late 2020, we had a
     Katie Sanders           list of facilities items that     “We started a while back with a survey and that
                             needed addressed:                 survey was to reach out to our parish (to you) and
Director of Operations                                         find out what you want from your parish. After com-
                                                               piling this information, we assembled a team and
   Adoration chapel set up and repairs (windows,
                                                               looked at completing a 3 year plan, based on your
    drywall, for example)
                                                               responses and now we need your help.”
 Baseball field (will it stay a baseball field?)              - Sam Newton
 Limestone pillars out front decaying
 Updating outdoor Stations of the Cross                       The info session will give a more in depth
 Plan for the modulars                                        description of the plan. You can also sign up for
 Painting the ceiling (why paint if we aren’t                 different committees or find what you’re interested
    using some of those speakers?)                             in!
 Updating the Grotto and more...
We wanted to find a way to be good stewards of your            Catholic Ministries Appeal (runs 1/1/22-12/31/22)
gifts, and at the advise of our facilities committee and the                     Goal: $109,262
diocese, we decided to undergo a facilities assessment         Where does your $ go?
and master plan. Entheos architects work solely with           Clergy Support, Vocations and Seminarians, St.
churches in the Midwest and they came highly                    Joseph Retreat Center, marriage tribunal,
recommended from other churches in our diocese.                administration, human resources and more!

Where are we now?                                              For more info, visit: blessedsacramentwl.org/cma
On January 16th, we held our first facilities master plan
information session. This meeting consisted of Sam             Please contact me if you have any questions (about
Newton, our Pastoral Council Chair, explaining how this        anything, really :))
facilities master plan will help us execute our 3-year
pastoral plan, Kevin Stuckwisch (of entheos architects)        Other Upcoming events:
going over our program needs, and a Q & A.                      Blood Drive: we ar e in need of many donor s
                                                                  for our blood drive on Feb. 16th from 10a-3p.
Facilities Master Plan Team                                       Please sign up here—
Fr. Mark Walter, Joel Moser (Facilities Committee               https://blessedsacramentwl.org/blood-drive
Chair), Kevin Niebrugge, Dick Bossung, April M. Hola-           CBS Listening Session—Save the Date March
jter, Scott Chandler, Nanette Julian, Randy Harrington ,          12th and 13th. In response to the Global Synod,
Deacon Dan Finn (Pastorate Consultant), Andy Guljas               all pastorates have been asked to lead listening
(Diocesan Facilities Coordinator), and Katie Sanders.             sessions. All are invited. Food provided. Be on
                                                                  the lookout for more information via flocknote,
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to plan,            social media, and at Mass.
with your help, the future of our facilities. We have a         Lenten Mission– April 6th & 7th
beautiful space! Be on the lookout for the next info            Family Picture Directory Dates—April 28-30;
session—your input matters!                                       May 17-21 more info and sign ups coming soon..
Notes and more info can be found: https://
    blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                 February 2022 • PAGE 3
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
ECHO Update
                            Dear CBS Family / Estimada familia de CBS,
                            We are kicking our Spring 2022 Adult Alpha and Youth Alpha please join us in
                            prayer! May God’s love be with our Alpha participants here in our parish and in all
                            Alpha’s participants world-wide. May there be an increase in them and in us the
                            virtues of hope, faith, and love!

                            Estamos iniciando nuestro Alpha para adultos y Alpha para jóvenes esta primavera
                            del 2022, ¡Únase a nosotros en oración! Que el amor de Dios esté con nuestros
   Diana Salgado            participantes Alpha aquí en nuestra parroquia y en todos los participantes de Alpha
   ECHO Apprentice          en todo el mundo. ¡Que aumenten en ellos y en nosotros las virtudes de la
                            esperanza, la fe y el amor!

Alpha Prayer
Father, may each and every Alpha session begin with Your inspiration, continue with Your help and produce the
fruit of discipleship under Your guidance.
O Jesus, grant that we who labor to make disciples may trust not in our own work, but in Your help.
Holy Spirit, as You point the way, instruct and enlighten our hearts and give us strength for the mission.
Mary, in your motherly tenderness, help us to become the missionary disciples we are called to be.
Thank you, God, for allowing us to share in Your mission, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Oración de Alpha
Padre, cada sesión de Alpha comienza con Tu inspiración, y continue con Tu ayuda y que produzca el fruto del
discipulado bajo Tu guía.
Oh Jesús, concede que nosotros, los que trabajamos para hacer discípulos podamos confiar no en nuestro propio
trabajo, sino en Tu ayuda.
Espíritu Santo, mientras señalas el camino, instruye e ilumina nuestros corazones y danos fuerza para la misión.
María, en tu ternura maternal, ayuda a convertirnos en los discípulos misioneros que estamos llamados a ser.
Gracias Dios por permitirnos compartir en tu misión, por Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.

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February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Hispanic Ministry
                                                                    El hogar cristiano es el lugar en que los hijos reciben el
                               EL SACRAMENTO                        primer anuncio de la fe. Por eso la casa familiar es
                               DEL MATRIMONIO                       llamada justamente "Iglesia doméstica", comunidad de
                               Se acercaron a él algunos            gracia y de oración, escuela de virtudes humanas y de
                               fariseos y, para ponerlo a           caridad cristiana (CIC 1666).
                               prueba, le dijeron: «¿Es lícito al
                               hombre divorciarse de su mujer       THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY
                               por cualquier motivo?».               The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman
                               El respondió: «¿No han leído         form with each other an intimate communion of life and
     Epi Cabrera               ustedes que el Creador, desde        love, has been founded and endowed with its own special
                               el principio, los hizo varón y       laws by the Creator. By its very nature it is ordered to the
 Hispanic Coordinator          mujer; y que dijo: "Por eso,         good of the couple, as well as to the generation and
                               el hombre dejará a su padre          education of children. Christ the Lord raised marriage
                               y a su madre para unirse a su        between the baptized to the dignity of a sacrament (cf CIC,
                               mujer, y los dos no serán sino       can. 1055 # 1; cf. GS 48 # 1).
una sola carne"?                                                    The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ
De manera que ya no son dos, sino una sola carne. Que el            and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each
hombre no separe lo que Dios ha unido».                             other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church;
Le replicaron: «Entonces, ¿por qué Moisés prescribió entregar       the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of
una declaración de divorcio cuando uno se separa?».                 the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and
El les dijo: «Moisés les permitió divorciarse de su mujer, debi-    sanctifies them on the way to eternal life (cf Council of
do a la dureza del corazón de ustedes, pero al                      Trent: DS 1799).
principio no era sí.                                                Unity, indissolubility, and openness to fertility are essential
Por lo tanto, yo les digo: El que se divorcia de su mujer, a no     to marriage. Polygamy is incompatible with the unity of
ser en caso de unión ilegal, y se casa con otra, comete adul-       marriage; divorce separates what God has joined together;
terio».                                                             the refusal of fertility turns married life away from its
Los discípulos le dijeron: «Si esta es la situación del hombre      "supreme gift," the child (GS 50 # 1).
con respecto a su mujer, no conviene casarse».                      The remarriage of persons divorced from a living, lawful
Y él les respondió: «No todos entienden este lenguaje, sino         spouse contravenes the plan and law of God as taught by
sólo aquellos a quienes se les ha concedido.                        Christ. They are not separated from the Church, but they
En efecto, algunos no se casan, porque nacieron impotentes          cannot receive Eucharistic communion. They will lead
del seno de su madre; otros, porque fueron castrados por los        Christian lives especially by educating their children in the
hombres; y hay otros que decidieron no casarse a causa del          faith (CIC 1665)
Reino de los Cielos. ¡El que pueda entender, que entienda!».        The Christian home is the place where children receive the
(San Mateo 19,3-12)                                                 first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family
La alianza matrimonial, por la que un hombre y una mujer            home is rightly called "the domestic church," a community
constituyen una íntima comunidad de vida y de amor, fue             of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of
fundada y dotada de sus leyes propias por el Creador. Por su        Christian charity (CIC 1666)
naturaleza está ordenada al bien de los cónyuges así como a
la generación y educación de los hijos. Entre bautizados, el
matrimonio ha sido elevado por Cristo Señor a la dignidad de
sacramento (cf. GS 48,1; CIC can. 1055, §1).
La unidad, la indisolubilidad, y la apertura a la fecundidad
son esenciales al matrimonio. La poligamia es incompatible
con la unidad del
matrimonio; el divorcio separa lo que Dios ha unido; el re-
chazo de la fecundidad priva la vida conyugal de su "don más
excelente", el hijo (GS 50,1).
Contraer un nuevo
matrimonio por parte de los divorciados mientras viven sus
legítimos contradice el plan y la ley de Dios enseñados por
Cristo. Los que viven en esta situación no están separados de
la Iglesia pero no pueden acceder a la comunión eucarística.
Pueden vivir su vida cristiana sobre todo educando a sus hijos
en la fe (CIC 1665).

  blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                             February 2022 • PAGE
                                                                                                                      PAGE5 5
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Adult Formation
                     Have you spent a few minutes reading through our new Pastorate Vision
                     Plan? The staff and parish leadership are delighted to start moving for-
                     ward on these initiatives and most importantly, team up with YOU, our
                     parish family to make remarkable things happen. In the plan, on page
                     five, there is an aggressive and important goal for our pastorate. “GOAL:
                     Have 70% of our adult parishioners involved in one of our Faith
                      Formation opportunities.” It’s a substantial objective that is significantly
Elizabeth Gorney linked to the success of our parish internally and to the mission that we
Coordinator of Adult  all have been given, to lead the greater world to Christ.
Formation, Mission &
    Discipleship       In order to move forward, the staff and leadership have recognized that
                       first, we may need to take a step back. We must identify our current
families, ensure we know who they are, and update their information. We must evaluate our
current groups and faith formation opportunities and ask some questions. Who is leading these
groups? Are these groups continuing to meet and flourish? Is there a desire in these current
groups to grow? Are we reaching our parish families with these ministries and educational
experiences? Only after determining where the parish is, can we effectively plan for where it is

What does this mean to you? Over the next few months, the parish will be reaching out and
offering parishioners the opportunity to update their information, everything from their address
to their volunteer preferences to their ministry involvement. A few years ago, the diocese
introduced all its parishes to a system called Realm. Though it is currently used, there will be an
ongoing effort to better utilize the solution to allow staff and parish leadership to “see” our
parishioners, how they are currently involved and by that involvement, determine how the
parish can continue to grow.

Parishioners will also observe an increased effort to better
inform the parish of the wonderful opportunities that are
currently offered through increased communication,
stewardship fairs, and other events. They will have chances
to determine what areas might intersect with their interest,
talents and gifts, meet group leaders, ask questions, and join
those ministries and formation opportunities to which they
are being called.

This will be an ongoing effort that will be undertaken and
completed by staff, parish leadership, and volunteers. It is a
critical, but maybe a not so “exhilarating” piece of the
Pastorate Vision Plan that is an imperative step in its
success. If you are interested in helping to plan and
accomplish this initiative, please contact Elizabeth Gorney
at (317) 652-8746 or egorney@parish.dol-in.org.

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February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Faith Formation
                         Holy Spirit

                         In our profession of faith we say; “I believe in the Holy Spirit”. Who is this Spirit in
                         which we claim to believe? The third person of the Holy
                         Trinity, the outpouring of love between the Father and the Son. Yes, but what is His
                         role. Who is He in my life?

                         The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in paragraph 683 that in order to be in touch
                         with Christ, we must first have been touched by the Holy Spirit. He comes to meet us
 Tanya Martinez          and kindles faith in us. Then it seems, that we come to know Jesus and believe in Him,
   Faith Formation       because the Holy Spirit has inspired us and filled us. It seems quite fitting then that we
     Coordinator         receive this Spirit in baptism. Our entry into life in Christ. We are given all we need to
                         know and follow our Lord.

My encouragement to all is to embrace this Spirit we have been given. Let Him lead and guide you in all your
thoughts and actions. Invite Him daily to walk with you and reveal Jesus in our mist.

Espíritu Santo

En nuestra profesión de fe decimos; “Creo en el Espíritu Santo”. ¿Quién es este Espíritu en el que decimos
creer? La tercera persona de la Santísima Trinidad, la efusión de amor entre el
Padre y el Hijo. Sí, pero cuál es su papel. ¿Quién es Él en mi vida?

El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica dice en el párrafo 683 que para estar en contacto con Cristo, primero debe-
mos haber sido tocados por el Espíritu Santo. Viene a nuestro encuentro y enciende en nosotros la fe. Entonces
parece que conocemos a Jesús y creemos en Él, porque el Espíritu Santo nos ha inspirado y nos ha llenado.
Parece muy apropiado entonces que recibamos este
Espíritu en el bautismo. Nuestra entrada en la vida en Cristo. Se nos da todo lo que necesitamos para conocer y
seguir a nuestro Señor.

Mi aliento a todos es que acceptemos este Espíritu que se nos ha dado. Dejemos que Él nos guíe en todos nues-
tros pensamientos y acciones. Invitémoslo diariamente a caminar con nosotros y
revelarnos a Jesús en nuestro caminar.

                                                            Last weekend, our faith formation families
                                                            made over 40 blankets for Lafayette
                                                            Transitional Housing! Thank you for your

 blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                    February 2022 • PAGE 7
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                 Greater Lafayette Youth Ministry
                              The Greater Lafayette Pastorates, which includes St. Boniface and St. Lawrence,
                              Church of the Blessed Sacrament, St. Mary and St. Ann and St. Tom’s, are combining
                              forces to gather teens and connect them to each other and to Christ. The Diocese of
                              Lafayette in Indiana has provided each pastorate with resource ideas and best practices
                              to serve our teens. Because teens are the primary mission field right now, we need to
                              allocate our time and energy in accompanying teens in today’s society. The Pastorate
                              leaders and Missionary Pastors of the Greater Lafayette Area have agreed to hold one
                              person accountable to organize the Greater Lafayette Area Youth Ministry programs to
                              work together. The goal is to bring the pastorate teens together by using the
     Jocelyn Alcala           “Win-Build-Send” model. Patrick Duggins from CC will be helping the pastorates
        Director of           coordinate events for Middle School and High School teens. He will also take on the
      Evangelization          task of forming Adult leaders that are journeying with teens at each pastorate. We need
                              to identify a few adults that are interested in working with teens, and if you are reading
this and feel called to this ministry, please reach out to Jocelyn Alcala- jalcala@dol-in.org.

Los pastorados todo Lafayette y West Lafayette, que incluyen St. Boniface y St. Lawrence, Church of the Blessed
Sacrament, St. Mary y St. Ann y St. Tom's, están combinando fuerzas para reunir a los adolescentes y conectarlos
entre sí y con Cristo. La Diócesis de Lafayette en Indiana ha brindado a cada pastorado ideas de recursos y mejo-
res prácticas para servir a nuestros adolescentes. Debido a que los adolescentes son el campo misionero principal
en este momento, debemos asignar nuestro tiempo y energía para acompañar a los adolescentes en la sociedad
actual. Los líderes del pastorado y los pastores misioneros del área metropolitana de Lafayette han acordado
responsabilizar a una persona para que organice los programas de ministerio juvenil del área metropolitana de
Lafayette para trabajar juntos. El objetivo es unir a los jóvenes del pastorado utilizando el modelo "Ganar-
Construir-Enviar". Patrick Duggins de Central Catholic ayudará a los pastores a coordinar eventos para jóvenes de
secundaria y preparatoria. También asumirá la tarea de formar líderes Adultos que estén en camino con los
jóvenes en cada pastorado. Necesitamos identificar algunos adultos que estén interesados en trabajar con
adolescentes, y si está leyendo esto y se siente llamado a este ministerio, comuníquese con Jocelyn Alcala al
Upcoming Youth Retreats:
Middle School Retreat on Saturday, Feb. 12th @ 8 AM at St. Lawrence. Contact Jocelyn to register.
Destination Jesus– a one-day in-person event on
Saturday, February 19 from 9am-9pm at Guerin Catho-
lic High School. Destination Jesus is an annual retreat
for all high school youth of our diocese, hosted by Our
Lady of Mount Carmel.
 blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                       February 2022 • PAGE 8
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                           Dear Blessed Sacrament Family,
                             I hope you all are well as we continue our brief interlude into Ordinary
                           Time before we hit our Lenten journey on March 2nd. Please know of my
                           continued prayers for you; please also keep me in your prayers as often as
                           you remember. Please also remember to keep our Candidates and Cate-
                           chumen in RCIA right now in your prayers as well!
    Caleb Schultz
Pastoral Asst. for Music                         Ministry/Prayer Opportunities
      & Worship               Altar Servers: boys and gir ls who have made their 1st Communion,
                           are eligible to serve for Mass as Altar Servers. If you’re interested, please
                           reach out to me – we’d love to have you!

                              Holy Helpers: our Holy Helper s are a dedicated group of women
                           (men are welcome to join if they like as well) who launder the Sacred
                           Linens used at Mass, and take care of some of the cleaning and dusting of
                           the Church and Adoration Chapel; they also replace the Holy Water in
                           both locations. They’re a huge part of en-
                           suring Liturgies at CBS are successful,
                           and probably aren’t thanked enough since
                           they operate behind the scenes. If this
                           sounds like a Ministry you’d be interested
                           in helping with, please let me know!

Adoration Chapel: As Lent approaches, I’d like to invite all of
you to visit Jesus in our Adoration Chapel. He’s there waiting
24/7, and there are few moments as peaceful as the
opportunity to spend time in silence in front of Him. Even if
you’re not able to sign-up for a weekly Holy Hour, I still encour-
age you to take a few minutes when you can to go see Jesus –
you might be surprised what it can do! If you are interested in
learning more about the Adoration Chapel, please contact me at
your earliest convenience - I’d be delighted to share more with

Thank you & God Bless you!
(765) 463-5733 Ext. 108

 blessedsacramentwl.org                                                           February 2022 • PAGE 9
February 2022 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Board                                              This Week at our Parish
                                                                   Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold   ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased
  Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick
 members of our community and for all who are in need, may
  they find consolation in your healing presence. May these        Sunday, February 6 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
  special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so         8:00am Mass       ♥ For the Parish
 join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through     9:15am Faith Formation
    the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.             11:00am Mass           † Charlie Rausch
     Pat & Lisa Romano             CBS parishioners                  4:00pm KOC Spaghetti Dinner; HH
     The Dunne-Gonzalez            Uniting in Heart + Our          Monday, February 7
     Family                        Pastoral Vision Plan              7:00pm Third Option
     ALPHA participants and        The Adoration Chapel
     team                          Healthcare Workers              Tuesday, February 8 St. Jerome Emiliani; St.
     Those who are sick and        Teachers                        Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
     suffering                     Robert and his children           6:30am   Into the Breach; HH
     Poor Souls in Purgatory       and those without food            1:00pm   Bridge Ladies; HC
     Vocations                     Faith Formation                   5:30pm Mass           † Mary Erb
                                                                     6:00pm   Reconciliation; Chapel
                                                                     6:30pm   ALPHA; HH
               This week, the Sanctuary                              7:30pm   Praise Band Rehearsal; MC
                 Candle in the church
                     will burn for
                 The Fleeger Family.                               Wednesday, February 9
                                                                    8:30am Mass        † Lou O’Reilly
                                                                    4:00pm    Prayer Group; MC
     Please Pray for our Parish Families                            6:30pm    RCIA; HC
  Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the         6:30pm    Cantor Rehearsal; MC
                                                                    7:30pm    Adult Choir Rehearsal; MC
Feb. 6               Cesar & Christal Ramirez-Ortiz                 9:00pm    Schola Rehearsal; MC
                     George & Nerlene Ramsey
                                                                   Thursday, February 10 St. Scholastica, Virgin
Feb. 7               Rafael Rangel & Noemi Aburto                   8:30am    Mass    † Robert Lannerd
                     Andy & Kari Raplee                            12:00pm    Schoenstatt Women’s/Men’s Meetings
                                                                    6:30pm    Connect Group Meeting; HH/Kitchen
Feb. 8               Judy Rausch                                    6:30pm    Humanae Vitae Women’s Study; Kateri
                     David Rayburn                                  7:00pm    Spanish Choir Rehearsal; MC
Feb. 9               Barbara Reifel
                                                                   Friday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes
                     Robert & Gretchen Reiling                       8:30am  Mass     † Frank Flannelly II
Feb. 10              Rex & Janine Reklaitis                          9:15am  Divine Mercy Chaplet
                     Steven & Michelle Reynolds                    Saturday, February 12
Feb. 11              Juan Reynoso & Linsay Sanchez                  3:30pm     Children’s Choir Rehearsal; MC
                                                                    4:00pm     Reconciliation; Chapel
                     Judy Rezek                                     5:30pm     Mass     (Masks Required)
Feb, 12              Rosemary Ricci & Garrett Jeong                                    † Bob Reifel
                     Mike & Staci Richards                          7:30pm    Spanish Mass/Santa Misa
                                                                                      † Souls in Purgatory

                                                                   Sunday, February 13 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                    8:00am    Mass ♥ For the Parish
            Please Pray for our Priests                             9:15am    Sacramental prep classes only
                                                                   11:00am    Mass     † Robert Hopf
  “Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in     6:30pm   Lifeteen; offsite
  him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his
   mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide
     him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this
                intimate union always. Amen.”

  Feb. 6              Fr. Robert Williams
  Feb. 7              Fr. Dominic Young
  Feb. 8              Fr. Fr. Elliot Zak
  Feb. 9              Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
  Feb 10              Pope Francis
  Feb. 11             Fr. Derek Aaron
  Feb. 12             Fr. Sean Aaron

blessedsacramentwl.org                                                                          February 2022 • PAGE 10

 Pastor                                                                              Full-Time Staff
 Fr. Mark Walter
 Deacon                                                         Administrative Assistant
 Todd Marye, dcn.tmarye@dol-in.org                              Betsy Satchell, bsatchell@parish.dol-in.org
 In Residence                                                   Director of Evangelization
 Fr. Samuel Kalu
                                                                Jocelyn Alcala, jalcala@dol-in.org
 Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple
                                                                Director of Operations
 Wilma Brannan, wbrannan@parish.dol-in.org
                                                                Katie Sanders, ksanders@parish.dol-in.org
                     Part-Time Staff
 AV Tech, Denise Jacome                                         ECHO Apprentice
                                                                Diana Salgado, dsalgado@parish.dol-in.org
 Coordinator of Adult Formation, Mission &
 Discipleship                                                   Maintenance Technician
 Elizabeth Gorney, egorney@parish.dol-in.org                    Randy Harrington, rharrington@parish.dol-in.org
 Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration             Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship
 Missy Krockover, mkrockover@dol-in.org                         Caleb Schultz, cschultz@dol-in.org
 Faith Formation Coordinator
 Tanya Martinez, tmartinez@parish.dol-in.org
 Hispanic Coordinator
 Epi Cabrera, ecabrera@parish.dol-in.org

                    PARISH MINISTRIES                                             SACRAMENTS
                                                                    For more information on Sacraments visit:
Advisory to the Pastor
 Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton                                Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866
 Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover
 Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay
connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries
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