25th Sunday of Ordinary Time September 19, 2021
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25th Sunday of Ordinary Time September 19, 2021 Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00pm Sunday Mass 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) Sunday Mass—Livestream or YouTube 10:30am Daily Mass Monday - Saturday 8:00am Rosary Daily, after morning Mass Perpetual Adoration Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 7:00pm Saturday 8:30am to 4pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm and 5:00pm until finished Baptism For information go to www.saintjohnencinitas.org/baptism/ Marriage Please call Parish Office Pastor Father James Bahash Associate Pastor Father Kibaki Robert, AJ, Deacon Bob Beiner School Principal Dan Schuh 1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828 Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School : 760 944-8227 admin@saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com
Page 2 Saint John the Evangelist From Father Jim September 19, 2021 Sunday Readings The First Reading is taken from the Book of Wisdom 2:12, 17-20. Against the background of Egyptian worship of animals and mock- ery of Jewish trust in God, the author devotes much of chapters 1 - 5 to the ineffectiveness of such mockery when God has promised immortality to those who remain faithful. The Second Reading is from the Letter of St. James 3:16, 4:3. "Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members? You covet but do not possess. You kill and envy but you can- not obtain; you fight and wage war. You do not possess because you do not ask." In this reading St. James tells us to recognize the source of our disagreements. The Gospel is from St. Mark 9:30-37. The Apostles were still very worldly-minded. They were full of the hope that Christ would estab- lish an earthly messianic kingdom, that he would not only free their holy land from the hated pagan rulers but that he would set up a worldwide empire for the people of God. Many of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament spoke of a worldwide kingdom; all nations would submit to the descendant of David; Jerusalem would be the magnet which would attract all peoples. The prophets, however, were speaking of the true messianic kingdom, the spiritual kingdom that Christ would establish. The Apostles were as yet unable to see the true meaning of these prophecies. They took them as referring to a worldly kingdom. They had come to believe that Christ was the promised Messiah, therefore, he would overcome all enemies and all opposition and set up this kingdom. How, there- fore, could his enemies overpower him much less put him to death before he had accomplished his task? Thus, they refused to be- lieve his prophecies concerning his coming tortures and death. Now, either in trying to understand what he had so plainly told them, or maybe in putting this disturbing thought far from their minds, they began disputing with one another as to which of them would have the highest post of honor in the earthly messianic kingdom which they had envisaged. How worldly but how human they were! We must not forget though, that they were not yet really Christians — they needed the death and resurrection of Christ to make them what they became — His true followers and loyal disciples. There was in the unformed Apostles a desire to turn Christ's kingdom into an earthly welfare state, rather than into a preparation for heaven. All Christians know that Christ suffered and died for their salvation, and that he asked his followers to take up their cross and follow him if they wished to be his disciples. The first generations of Christians fully understood this and faithfully followed him even to martyrdom. However, as time went on and opposition to the Christian faith disappeared, so too did the zeal and fervor of many Chris- tians. For centuries we have had nominal Christians in Christ's Church -- men and women who tried to make their paradise in this world and forgot the everlasting heaven. Our own age has seen an unprecedented increase in this falling away of Christians. Leaving aside the parts of Europe which are pro- fessedly atheist -- but where in spite of the leaders there are many sincere and devout Christians -- the number of lapsed and nominal Christians in the other Western countries is frightening. These non-practicing Christians, unwilling to carry their crosses, have decided to make this earth their paradise. They want prosperity, comfort and happiness in this world. The vast majority of them, of course, refuse to look to the future; it could be an unpleasant thought, yet they must see that in every town and village there is a mortician, an undertaker who makes a good living disposing of human "remains." Die they must; "and what then?" should be a question which overshadows their lives. Many of these people who in practice have abandoned Christianity, try to salve their consciences by devoting any time they can spare to making this planet a better place in which to live. It is an excellent aim with a possibility of success — if the Fatherhood of God and the true brotherhood of man are upheld. But otherwise, it is a vain Utopia. If God, and Christ's teaching are left out of our reckoning, we shall ever have jealousies, enmities, hatred and wars. Christians have made war on Christians because neither side in the struggle was truly Christian. What chance then has the world when Christ and Christianity are banished from it? Today's thought for each one of us is this: Christ became man, suffered and died as man, for our sakes. By his resurrection He con- quered death and opened heaven for us. Heaven is our true destiny. Loving God and our neighbor and carrying our cross is the only way to reach heaven. Forget this "heaven on earth" doctrine; it does not and never will exist! Accept Christ and you are accepting the Father who sent Him. He in turn will accept you. --Excerpted from The Sunday Readings by Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.
Page 3 Saint John the Evangelist September 19, 2021 Please Keep in Your Prayers READINGS FOR THE WEEK Milani Allen, Arquilla Family, Betty Baldwin, Kira Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Bausch, Bob Behler, Danette Bianchi, Jan Tuesday: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Bokoch, Kelly Boland, Mark Colonna, Mary James Lk 9:1-6 Davare, Patrick Dean, Danette Drake, Silvia & Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Arcadio Estanislao, Greg Fix, Earl Flores, Janine Gilles, Pierre Friday: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Gilles, Penny Grimm, Randy Grimm, Carol Green, Eileen Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Hoke, Rosemary Hollis, Pat Hoska, Mia Irvan, Maria Johnson, Lk 9:43b-45 Linda Kaelin, Dan & Shelby Karlovich, Meghan Lenehan, Sunday: Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; Chirstalyn Llamas, Maureen Lytle, Kerry McGaughey, Olivia Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Naimi, Jill Panetta, Brigette Phillips, Edward Piccola, Cindy Price, Bob O’Donnell, Gina O’Leary, Abe Rossi, Kathleen Sla- SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES gal, Adelynn Smith, Gina Wasciuk-Ball, Steve Wert, Natalie Sunday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Woodrow, Suzanne Wozniak, Shirley Zaid, Gerald Zaid Catechetical Sunday Monday: Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, We pray for our sick at daily Mass. Tuesday: St. Matthew We list names for prayer requests for one month. Wednesday: Autumn begins Thursday: St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Divine Mercy Chaplet Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Join us every Wednesday at 3:30pm (Spanish) and Friday at 3:30 pm (English) in Church, Singing and SAINT JOHN FIESTA RAFFLE TICKETS Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Our Music minis- Get yours now! ter, Lino Gambino, will lead in singing this beautiful Prizes: $500, $1,000, $2,500 or $5,000 and powerful prayer. Next Early Bird Drawing for $100 will be held on Tuesday 9/21 PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE: By your attendance at any Saint John event, you are granting permission to be photographed, filmed, vide- Saint John Music Ministry otaped, or audiotaped, by any means and are granting full use of your Come, join the Music Ministry. Come and join likeness, voice, and words without compensation. us leading people to worship through music, Stewardship of Treasure Come and praise God united with the Angels and Archangels in one voice. Weekly Parish Finance Report Sep 6 — Sep 12 For more info call: Lino 619-512-6442 or email: Music@saintjohnencinitas.org Total Registered Families: 1804 Total weekly cost (based on Fiscal Yr 2020-2021) of salaries and benefits, liturgies, utilities, sacraments, repairs and on-going maintenance: $21,510 Total Identified Amount Received Contributing www.saintjohnencinitas.org Households Mail In/Office Drop $3,640 13 SAINT JOHN FALL FIESTA Plate/Loose $3,984 -0- ’Six Pack Sundays’ Collections September 1st -29th Envelope/Identified Donations of soda or water for the $7,759 177 Collections Fall Fiesta are needed and can be dropped off at the Parish office Online Giving $16,743 198 Monday-Friday 8am-4pm ~Thank you ~ Collections SAINT JOHN FALL FIESTA WILL BE HELD ON Total Collections & SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2021 % of Registered $32,126 22% 10AM—5PM Families ON THE SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD Variance - / + $10,616 - COME JOIN THE FUN!
Page 4 Saint John the Evangelist September 19, 2021 MASS INTENTIONS Adoration Adoration now takes place in the Chapel after Saturday the morning mass until 7 PM. Several operation- September 18 8:00am John & Joanne Degen (SI) al changes have been made. To address com- plaints about being too cold, the temperature 4:00pm Cesar Villegas † setting in the Chapel has been raised several Sunday degrees. Keeping the doors closed will not only be more ener- September 19 7:30am Sarah Ruhe † gy efficient but will reduce the frequent cycling of the air con- ditioner which creates the cold drafts. 9:00am Nemesia Portilla † 10:30am Tyler Selinka (SI) An ionization purification unit and an ultrafiltration system 10:30am Parishioners have been installed in the Chapel to remove and inactivate any virus particles. While fully vaccinated individuals are gen- 12:00pm Bill Van Cleve † erally protected from the virus, there is growing evidence that Monday the new COVID Delta variant can reinfect people (so-called breakthrough infections) who may show no symptoms but can September 20 8:00am Sister Mary Brennan IM (SI) become unwitting carriers infecting others. Of course, one Tuesday should not come with any overt symptoms of an infection. The use of masks is not so much to protect oneself but is ef- September 21 8:00am Liz Onofre † fective in trapping the particles one exhales. For this reason, Wednesday the use of masks indoors is strongly recommended as a cour- September 22 8:00am Erica L. Guillen † tesy towards others. We will be monitoring the seriousness of this risk as the medical evidence accumulates. Thursday September 23 8:00am Gayle Decker † PLEASE CONTINUE TO CHECK THE BULLETIN FOR CURRENT UPDATES. WE CONTINUE TO EXPLORE HOW Friday WE CAN RESUME PERPETUAL ADORATION AT NIGHT. September 24 8:00am Blanche Yorkoski † We will be surveying the parish to get commitments for a new Saturday schedule. If you have comments or questions, please send them to Ken at jkp135@att.net . September 25 8:00am Agnes & Martin Chatfield (SI) 4:00pm Parishioners Please patronize the sponsors who appear in Sunday this bulletin. It is through their support that make this bulletin possible. September 26 7:30am Kirsten Hansen-Love † 9:00am Ean Brown † Looking for information on: Parish Registra- 10:30am Alva Ray Decker † tion or to update your family information, 10:30am Marques Menard † Baptism, Religious Education, Youth pro- grams, RCIA, Mass times, our Livestream Jose & Carmen Ruelas & or YouTube link, monthly event calendar, 12:00pm Maria Nieves † bulletins, Dynamic Parish, online/text giving links and info, In your prayers, please remember those or any of the many different Ministries that Saint John has who have recently died, mindful of: to offer? Please visit our NEW website at Trudy Richards https://www.saintjohnencinitas.org/ Joe LaMattino Delores Medina Christian Ramos Josephine Parra Silvia Estanislao May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Página 5 Saint John the Evangelist From Father Jim Septiembre 19, 2021 Lecturas Dominicales La primera lectura está tomada del Libro de la Sabiduría 2:12, 17-20. Con el trasfondo del culto egipcio a los animales y la burla de la confianza judía en Dios, el autor dedica gran parte de los capítulos 1 al 5 a la ineficacia de tal burla cuando Dios ha prometido la inmortalidad a los que permanecen fieles. La segunda lectura es de la carta de Santiago 3:16, 4: 3. "¿De dónde vienen las guerras y de dónde vienen los conflictos entre ustedes? ¿No son sus pasiones las que hacen la guerra dentro de sus miembros? Codician pero no poseen. Matan y envidian pero no pueden obtener; pelean y hacen la guerra. No posees porque no pides ". En esta lectura, Santiago nos dice que reconozcamos la fuente de nuestros desacuerdos. El Evangelio es de San Marcos 9: 30-37. Los apóstoles todavía tenían una mentalidad muy mundana. Estaban llenos de la esperan- za de que Cristo establecería un reino mesiánico terrenal, que no solo liberaría su tierra santa de los odiados gobernantes paganos, sino que establecería un imperio mundial para el pueblo de Dios. Muchas de las profecías mesiánicas del Antiguo Testamento ha- blaban de un reino mundial; todas las naciones se someterían a la descendencia de David; Jerusalén sería el imán que atraería a todos los pueblos. Los profetas, sin embargo, estaban hablando del verdadero reino mesiánico, el reino espiritual que Cristo estable- cería. Los apóstoles aún no podían ver el verdadero significado de estas profecías. Los tomaron como una referencia a un reino mundano. Habían llegado a creer que Cristo era el Mesías prometido, por lo tanto, vencería a todos los enemigos y toda oposición y establecería este reino. Entonces, ¿cómo podrían sus enemigos dominarlo y mucho menos matarlo antes de que hubiera cumplido su tarea? Por lo tanto, se negaron a creer en sus profecías que se avecinaban sobre sus torturas y la muerte. Ahora, ya sea al tratar de entender lo que les había dicho tan claramente, o tal vez al alejar este pensamiento perturbador de sus mentes, comenzaron a discutir entre ellos sobre cuál de ellos tendría el puesto más alto de honor en el reino mesiánico terrenal que habían previsto. ¡Qué mundanos pero qué humanos eran! Sin embargo, no debemos olvidar que aún no eran realmente cristianos; necesitaban la muerte y resurrección de Cristo para convertirlos en lo que se convirtieron: sus verdaderos seguidores y leales discípulos. En los apóstoles no formados había un deseo de convertir el reino de Cristo en un estado de bienestar terrenal, en lugar de una preparación para el cielo. Todos los cristianos saben que Cristo sufrió y murió por su salvación, y que pidió a sus seguidores que tomaran su cruz y lo siguieran si querían ser sus discípulos. Las primeras generaciones de cristianos lo comprendieron plenamente y lo siguieron fielmente hasta el martirio. Sin embargo, a medida que pasó el tiempo y desapareció la oposición a la fe cristiana, también desapareció el celo y el fervor de muchos cristianos. Durante siglos hemos tenido cristianos nominales en la Iglesia de Cris- to: hombres y mujeres que intentaron hacer su paraíso en este mundo y se olvidaron del cielo eterno. Nuestra propia época ha visto un aumento sin precedentes en este alejamiento de los cristianos. Dejando a un lado las partes de Europa que profesan ser ateas, pero donde a pesar de los líderes hay muchos cristianos sinceros y devotos, el número de cristianos nominales y perdidos en los otros países occidentales es aterrador. Estos cristianos no practicantes, que no están dispuestos a car- gar con sus cruces, han decidido hacer de esta tierra su paraíso. Quieren prosperidad, comodidad y felicidad en este mundo. La gran mayoría de ellos, por supuesto, se niega a mirar hacia el futuro; podría ser un pensamiento desagradable, pero deben ver que en cada pueblo y aldea hay una funeraria, una persona o empresario que se gana la vida sepultando "restos" humanos. Deben morir; "¿y luego que?" debería ser una pregunta que ensombrece sus vidas. Muchas de estas personas que en la práctica han abandonado el Cristianismo, tratan de salvar su conciencia dedicando el tiempo que pueden a hacer de este planeta un lugar mejor para vivir. Es un objetivo excelente con posibilidades de éxito, si se mantienen la Paternidad de Dios y la verdadera hermandad del hombre. Pero por lo demás, es una utopía vana. Si Dios y las enseñanzas de Cris- to quedan fuera de nuestro cálculo, siempre tendremos celos, enemistades, odio y guerras. Los cristianos le han hecho la guerra a los cristianos porque ninguno de los bandos en la lucha era verdaderamente cristiano. Entonces, ¿qué posibilidades tiene el mundo cuando Cristo y el Cristianismo son desterrados de él? El pensamiento de hoy para cada uno de nosotros es este: Cristo se hizo hombre, sufrió y murió como hombre, por nosotros. Con su resurrección conquistó la muerte y nos abrió el cielo. El cielo es nuestro verdadero destino. Amar a Dios y al prójimo y cargar nuestra cruz es la única forma de llegar al cielo. Olvídese de esta doctrina del "cielo en la tierra"; ¡no existe y nunca existirá! Acepta a Cristo y estás aceptando al Padre que lo envió. Él a su vez te aceptará. --Extraído de las lecturas dominicales del p. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.
Página 6 Saint John the Evangelist Septiembre 19, 2021 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Lunes: Esd 1:1-6; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 8:16-18 Únase a nosotros todos los miércoles a las 3:30 pm Martes: Ef 4:1-7, 11-13; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Mt 9:9-13 (español) y los viernes a las 3:30 pm (inglés) en la Miércoles: Esd 9:5-9; Tob:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; iglesia, cantando y rezando la Coronilla de la Divina Lc 9:1-6 Misericordia. Nuestro ministro de Música, Lino Gam- Jueves: Ag 1:1-8; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 9:7-9 bino, liderará el canto de esta hermosa y poderosa Viernes: Ag 2:1-9; Sal 43 (42):1-4; Lc 9:18-22 oración. Sábado: Zac 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lc 9:43b-45 Domingo: Nm 11:25-29; Sal 19 (18):8, 10, 12-14; Por favor mantén en tus oraciones Sant 5:1-6; Mc 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Milani Allen, Arquilla Family, Betty Baldwin, Kira LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Bausch, Bob Behler, Danette Bianchi, Jan Bokoch, Domingo: Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Kelly Boland, Mark Colonna, Mary James Davare, Patrick Dean, Ordinario; Domingo Catequético Danette Drake, Silvia & Arcadio Estanislao, Greg Fix, Earl Flo- Lunes: Santos Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, res, Janine Gilles, Pierre Gilles, Penny Grimm, Randy Grimm, Martes: San Mateo Carol Green, Eileen Hoke, Rosemary Hollis, Pat Hoska, Mia Miércoles: Comienza el otoño Irvan, Maria Johnson, Linda Kaelin, Dan & Shelby Karlovich, Jueves: San Pío de Pietrelcina (Padre Pío) Meghan Lenehan, Chirstalyn Llamas, Maureen Lytle, Kerry Sábado: Santa María Virgen McGaughey, Olivia Naimi, Jill Panetta, Brigette Phillips, Edward Piccola, Cindy Price, Bob O’Donnell, Gina O’Leary, Abe Rossi, En tus oraciones, recuerda a aquellos que falle- Kathleen Slagal, Adelynn Smith, Gina Wasciuk-Ball, Steve cieron recientemente. Wert, Natalie Woodrow, Suzanne Wozniak, Shirley Zaid, Gerald Trudy Richards Zaid Joe LaMattino INTENCION DE MISAS Delores Medina Domingo, Septiembre 19, 2021 Christian Ramos 7:30am Sarah Ruhe † Josephine Parra Silvia Estanislao 9:00am Nemesia Portilla † Que sus almas, y todas las almas de los fieles 10:30am Tyler Selinka (SI) difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descansen en paz. 10:30am Parishioners 12:00pm Bill Van Cleve † FIESTA DE OTOÑO DE SAN JUAN 3 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 Estamos invitando a los adultos que desean recibir sus Sacra- 10am -5pm mentos de Iniciacion. Para mas informacion llamar a la oficina. EN EL CAMPO DE ATLETISMO DE LA ESCUELA Religious Education Saint John School Dan Schuh 760 944-8227 Religious Education Jenna Kuebler 760 753-6254 Youth Ministry Marie Telles 760 753-6254 Hispanic Ministry Raquel Ayala 760 753-6254 Music Ministry Lino Gambino 760 753-6254 Adult Faith R.C.I.A Allen Stone/Al Schmid 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration Ken Poggenburg 760 753-6254 Perpetual Adoration (Sp) Lupe Cardona 760 753-6254 Young Adult Ministry Parish Office 760-753-6254 Organizations Altar Society Karen Sawchenko 760 753-6254 Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Debbie Sylvester 760 753-6254 Catholic Men’s Fellowship David Pavnic / Freddy Picciano 760 753-6254 Culture of Life Keith & Natalie Garcia 760 753-6254 Guadalupanos Susana Varela 760 753-6254 Knights of Columbus Pat Connors III 760 753-6254 Marriage Encounter Mike and Nancy Reisinger 760 753-6254 Saint Vincent de Paul Tracy Ferchaw 760 753-3056
CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John the Evangelist Church #390000 1001 Encinitas Blvd Encinitas, CA 92024 PHONE 760 753-6254 CONTACT PERSON Karen Tuzinkiewicz EMAIL ADDRESS: bookkeeper@saintjohnencinitas.org SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows 10 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 9/15/2021 10:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION September 19, 2021 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ***PRINT 800 PLEASE***
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