January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online

Page created by Daryl Blake
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Saint Bernard News                                                            Sophia’s Kitchen News
LECTORS please notify the parish office of dates you will
                                                                                                                          Sophia's     Kitchen
be unavailable to serve by Monday, January 10th, as a
                                                                                                                          was blessed to be
new schedule will be made at that time for the remainder
                                                                                                                          able to give away
of January through mid March.
                                                                                                                          over        1,300
                                                                                                                          Christmas baskets
 St. Bernard Parish Support                                                                                               this year. At times,
 December 19, 2021 (Not included last week)
                                                                                                                          this project seemed
 Sunday Income .............................................. $1,095.00
                                                                                                                          like a Christmas
 Building and Grounds (3) .............................. $ 315.00
                                                                                                                          miracle would be
 Seton Education Fund (1)…………………...…….$                            5.00
                                                                                                                          needed            to
 December 26, 2021                                                                                                        accomplish       this
 Sunday Income ................................................. $760.00                                                  year. Supply chain
 Christmas …………………………………………… …. $ 855.00                                                                                  issues put food in
                                                                                                                          short supply and
    Please remember St. Bernard’s Church in your will.
                                                                                                                          delayed shipments.
                                                                                                                          More than half of
                Saint Mary’s News                                                    the volunteers who signed up to help canceled due to
                                                                                     illness at the last minute. The heat went out in the
 St. Mary Parish Support                                                             building, so we worked in our coats for weeks. Donations
                                                                                     of canned goods were significantly smaller this year.
 December 19, 2021 (Not included last week)
 Envelopes (31) ............................................... $1,194.00
                                                                                     PND is always so good to Sophia's Kitchen, and we were
 Loose ............................................................. $ 625.00
                                                                                     happy to take 116 boxes of food to give away. However,
 Total ................................................................. $1,819.00
                                                                                     they come with hams and turkeys, and as we looked at
 The counts for Christmas and December 26th will be in                               the fridge, and the meat, and then the fridge again, some
 next week’s bulletin.                                                               heavy prayers went up to heaven! A prayer for a miracle
                                                                                     of rapidly expanding the space of the refrigerator was
                                                                                     answered with a bit of rearranging and "Food Jenga".
     Sacred Heart & St. Joseph                                                       Somehow everything fit, and still passed heath codes!
             News                                                                    Our guests were
LECTORS please notify the parish office of dates you will                            tearful      as   they
be unavailable to serve by Monday, January 10th, as a                                accepted this gift of
new schedule will be made at that time for the remainder                             food. For many, this
of January through mid March.                                                        will    fill    empty
                                                                                     c u p b o a r d s .
 Sacred Heart & St. Joseph Parish Support                                            Christmas       carols
 December 19, 2021 (Not included last week)                                          and           happy
 Sunday Income $ 3,297.00                                                            volunteers       gave
 Sophia’s Kitchen $13,193.00                                                         them hope and joy
                                                                                     as they came to pick
 December 26, 2021                                                                   up food. They ask
 Sunday Income    $ 1,122.00                                                         that we tell you
 Sophia’s Kitchen $ 232.00                                                           THANK YOU!
 Christmas        $ 9,517.00

2                                     Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Wedding at St. Mary’s                                    Baptism at St. Mary’s
                                                               December 19, 2021
       December 18, 2021

                                                    Henry Cortes Alfaro, son of Nicolas Cortes Perez &
                                                                 Maria Guadalupe Alfaro

                                                              Baptisms at St. Mary’s
                                                               December 26, 2021
 Marysue Ciccarielli and Drake Koelling

Santa once again made an appearance at St.
Bernard’s Church, with his mask, on Christmas
Eve. He visited the manger and then was given a
blessing by Msgr. Showalter before his long, busy

                                                                  Aitana & Aurora Garcia,
                                                               children of Aurora Hernandez

                      Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                              3
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Parish & Area News                                          Everyday Stewardship
group, for the month of January, will have a Holy Hour on                   ORDINARY MOMENTS
Sunday, January 9th, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at Sacred
Heart Church. There is praise and worship music, and           The Light of the Moon
confession is typically available also. Everyone is invited
                                                                                        If you own a television that has
and welcome to join us. Please enter through the side
doors of the church.                                                                    been turned on at any point in
                                                                                        the last month or so, chances are
             THE ST. BERNARD’S MEN’S CLUB will not                                      you’ve caught at least a scene or
             be having a First Friday fish fry in January.                              two of the 1946 classic film “It’s
             Please join us on February 4th.                                            a Wonderful Life.”

                                                               If you’re not familiar with the movie, it follows the life of
           THE "HOLY HOUR FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE                George Bailey from childhood through adulthood. A
           UNBORN” will be held at Saint Mark's Church,
                                                               dreamer by nature, George has big plans for himself that
           1113 W. Bradley Avenue, in Peoria. It will be
                                                               involve world exploration and adventure — but family
           held at the usual time of 7:00 P.M., on the first
                                                               and community obligations keep him tethered to the
Monday of the month on January 3rd, 2022. It normally
                                                               same spot on the map, leading an altogether ordinary
consists of Benediction, the Rosary, and other prayers.
Please join us in praying to God for the protection of
these innocent lives and the restoration of their              One of the most memorable scenes from that movie is
Constitutional rights.                                         of George dancing with his sweetheart Mary while they
                                                               sing “Buffalo Gals — Won’t you come out tonight/And
             Catholic Charities Praying Partners
             Starting on January 3, 2022 join us via           dance by the light of the moon?”
             Zoom on Mondays from 12-12:30pm to                That lyric always catches my ear. Of course, the moon
             pray a rosary of intercession for all those       doesn’t have any light of its own. All the moon has is the
             that suffer.
                                                               ability to reflect the light that shines upon it.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89259333685?
pwd=UDg1Tjhvc04yLzUxWjNZYjlhblY5Zz09                           The same holds for us, doesn’t it? Our stewardship is
Meeting ID: 892 5933 3685                                      purely a reflection of the grace granted to us by another.
Passcode: 483895                                               “Upon you the LORD shines,” writes Isaiah, “and over
One tap mobile                                                 you appears his glory.” Every good action we will ever
+13126266799,,89259333685#,,,,*483895# US                      take begins in the mind of God. The fact that we have
(Chicago)                                                      the honor of carrying it out on His behalf is a beautiful
                                                               gift. It is God that makes our ordinary lives extraordinary.
                    A Higher Power
                                                               In the end of the movie, George Bailey realizes that he
 A Sunday School teacher said to her young
                                                               had a far greater life because, instead of being the hero
 students, "We have been learning about how
                                                               of his own story, he allowed himself to reflect goodness
 powerful the kings and queens                                 onto others.
 were in biblical times. But there
 is a higher power. Who can tell                               Remember — the magi didn’t chart
 me what it is?"                                               their own course. They merely followed
                                                               the star.
 Tommy blurted out, "I know,
 Aces!"                                                        — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

4                          Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Epiphany                                                                 Epiphany of the Lord
                                                                             The song "We Three Kings"
Besides the Wise Men, what is significant about the
Epiphany?                                                                    details the gifts of the Magi,
                                                                             but do you know what you're
Answer:                                                                      singing? "Born a king on
Epiphany means “manifestation,” or public display.                           Bethlehem's plan, gold I bring
The feast is usually celebrated January 6. In the US, it                     to crown Him again." This one
is celebrated on the Sunday nearest to January 6. It       is the most straightforward - gold symbolizes the
originates from a story unique to Matthew (2:1-12).        Kingship of Christ. "Myrrh is mine: its bitter
Magi from the East come to offer homage to the
                                                           perfume breathes a life of gathering gloom."
newborn King, presenting him with gifts of gold,
                                                           Myrrh is an embalming spice. Already at Christ's
frankincense, and myrrh.
                                                           birth, we have the symbolic reminder of his
This part of Matthew’s infancy narrative differs from      death. "Frankincense to offer have I. Incense
Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus. In Luke there are    owns a deity nigh." In many religious traditions,
no Magi, star, nor gifts. Luke has Jesus being born in     incense symbolizes prayers rising to heaven. In
a stable after Mary and Joseph’s long travel from          some pagan traditions, it is thought to help "call
Nazareth to Bethlehem. Matthew seems to have the           down" the deity. The gift of frankincense
family living in a house in Bethlehem, where the Magi      symbolizes Jesus' role as the Great High Priest,
find them.                                                 sanctifying the world through his sacrifice.
Why these differences? They stem from the needs
and concerns of the audience the authors were
addressing, as well as the theological stance of each
author. Knowing the original intention helps get at the
correct interpretation of the text.

Since Matthew was writing primarily to a Jewish
community, his concern was to show that Jesus did
not come just for Jews, but for Gentiles as well. From
his very birth, Jesus not only manifests himself to
Jews, but also to Gentiles, who are prominently
included in the manifestation, symbolized by the Magi
and their journey. This is the most significant aspect
of the feast of Epiphany. How do you manifest Jesus
to all with whom you come into contact?

                         Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                  5
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Después, abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron regalos: oro, incienso y mirra. Advertidos durante el sueño
                                           de que no volvieran a Herodes, regresaron a su tierra por otro camino.
                             Querida familia luego de transitar este tiempo de navidad seguimos en nuestro desafío por la santidad
                             en medio de este mundo. Hoy, una imagen muy especial nos invita a la reflexión profunda. Hoy es el
                             día en donde los Reyes Magos provenientes de oriente quieren adorar al Niño recién nacido. Podemos
                             ver como, cada uno de ellos, con algo característico de sus tierras, ofrendan al niño lo mejor. Tres
                             cosas. Oro, incienso y mirra serán los regalos. Ahora, ¿Qué significan estos regalos? Parecerían muy
                             simples pero en realidad tienen un sentido muy profundo: Después, abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron
                             regalos: oro, incienso y mirra. Advertidos durante el sueño de que no volvieran a Herodes, regresaron a
                             su tierra por otro camino. El oro entregado por los magos a Jesús era un reconocimiento de su realeza;
                             el incienso, un homenaje supremo a su divinidad y la mirra, un anuncio a sus padecimientos como
                             Redentor. Cada uno de los regalos tiene un sentido que prefigura su identidad. Ahora, este no será el
                             punto de reflexión pero no quería dejar de reflexionar sobre esto. Mi pregunta se detendrá en realidad
porque los reyes magos volvieron por otro camino. El sentido literal lo sabemos todos: “advertidos por el sueño no volvieron a
Herodes”, pero detrás de esto hay un sentido mucho más profundo en el cual me gusta detenerme… los Reyes magos no volvieron
por el mismo lugar porque en realidad, todo el que se encuentra con Jesús no vuelve por el mismo camino. Esto es increíble
pensarlo así, pero es la verdad. Cuando nos encontramos con Jesús nuestra vida cambia, todo cambia. Aquello que antes vivíamos
sin Jesús ahora cambia de sentido, cambia de prisma, inclusive el sufrimiento tiene una nueva dimensión. Esta afirmación sobre
los Reyes y el camino diferente que elijen es el que debemos tratar de vivir.
        En encuentro con Jesús nos da un nuevo sentido, por eso es importante poder vivir de diferentes maneras esta
experiencia. ¿cómo?, buscando intimidad, a lo mejor, en retiros –hay muchas opciones que son buenas– hacer un retiro nos da
herramientas que nos ayudan en nuestro camino de santidad. La gracia de los sacramentos es un bálsamo para nuestras almas.
Además de tantas oportunidades que tenemos cotidianas para caminar junto con Jesús. Mi pregunta es: ¿cómo es posible que a
veces no podamos llegar a la santidad con tantos regalos que el mismo Jesús nos dejo en esta lucha cotidiana?. Si, es verdad,
pero es por nuestra libertad, el Señor nos respeta, hoy los Reyes Magos se encontraron con Jesús porque ellos lo buscaron, ellos
enfrentaron el camino, con muchos peligros, al encuentro con Jesús. Pero no se detuvieron, no pararon, no frenaron, ellos sabían
que el camino tendría obstáculos pero así mismo arriesgaron. Nuestra vida se trata de arriesgar. Debemos arriesgar siempre,
cuando se trata de santidad, vivimos en un mundo en donde no podemos aceptar tibios, sino hombres que hagan una opción clara
por Jesús, como lo hicieron los Reyes magos, sin importar el precio.
        Dios nos conceda siempre este encuentro que nos transforma, Dios siempre nos de la gracia de amar hasta el extremo
luego del encuentro con El. Pido esto por cada uno de nosotros. Dios te Bendiga. Padre Julio.

“Página de Facebook, Instagran y Canal de Youtube: Padre Julio Faes. Teléfono: 309-294-1365.

                                                 Domingo 02 de enero. Mt 2, 1-12

Jesús nació en Belén de Judá, en tiempos del rey Herodes. Unos magos de oriente llegaron entonces a Jerusalén y preguntaron:
“¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que acaba de nacer? Porque vimos surgir su estrella y hemos venido a adorarlo”.
Al enterarse de esto, el rey Herodes se sobresaltó y toda Jerusalén con él. Convocó entonces a los sumos sacerdotes y a los
escribas del pueblo y les preguntó dónde tenía que nacer el Mesías. Ellos le contestaron: “En Belén de Judá, porque así lo ha
escrito el profeta: Y tú, Belén, tierra de Judá, no eres en manera alguna la menor entre las ciudades ilustres de Judá, pues de ti
saldrá un jefe, que será el pastor de mi pueblo, Israel”.
Entonces Herodes llamó en secreto a los magos, para que le precisaran el tiempo en que se les había aparecido la estrella y los
mandó a Belén, diciéndoles: “Vayan a averiguar cuidadosamente qué hay de ese niño y, cuando lo encuentren, avísenme para que
yo también vaya a adorarlo”.
Después de oír al rey, los magos se pusieron en camino, y de pronto la estrella que habían visto surgir, comenzó a guiarlos, hasta
que se detuvo encima de donde estaba el niño. Al ver de nuevo la estrella, se llenaron de inmensa alegría. Entraron en la casa y
vieron al niño con María, su madre, y postrándose, lo adoraron. Después, abriendo sus cofres, le ofrecieron regalos: oro, incienso
y mirra. Advertidos durante el sueño de que no volvieran a Herodes, regresaron a su tierra por otro camino.

 6                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Retiro para la familias,
                                 Este pasado sábado 18 de diciembre en el Spalding Pastoral
                                Center se llevo a cabo el retiro para la familia de la comunidad
                                  del Corazón de Peoria, Niños, jóvenes y adultos tuvieron su
                              instancia de retiro y crecimiento en Jesús. Damos gracias a cada
                                uno de los participó de este trabajo por la Fe de la comunidad
                                      especialmente a los sacerdotes que nos estuvieron
                               acompañando, Fr Willian Miller, Fr Eric Bolek, Fr Antonio Dittmer
                                                         y Fr Julio Faes.

              Cristo Reina.
               Volvemos a
              comenzar el
              día jueves 6
                de enero.
             Hagamos una
              de Fe desde
              la Adoración
              animada con
                 canto y                                                      La familia es la
               oraciones.                                                  primera célula de la
             Dios siempre                                                  sociedad, sin ella la
             tiene grandes                                                 misma sociedad se
                sorpresas                                                  autodestruye. Es el
                  para                                                      regalo de amor de
                nosotros.                                                      Dios para la

Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                             7
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Nos preparamos para enero 2022. Atención para la agenda en
                 español del Corazón de Peoria.
En el mes de enero el Padre Julio estará ausente de la comunidad
ya que irá a su país a visitar a sus papas durante todo el mes. Por
tal motivo las actividades para el mes de enero serán las siguientes:
ÞLa Misa de los fines de semana se conservarán como siempre,
   nos ayudarán diferentes sacerdotes cada fin de semana. La
   Misa del Domingo 23 de enero a las 7:30pm en la Iglesia San
   José quedará cancelada porque el Obispo Tylka presidirá la de
   la Catedral a las 12:15pm a la cual invitamos a participar a
   toda la comunidad.
ÞLa Adoración de los jueves: Cristo Reina, seguirá con normalidad
   cada jueves a las 6:30pm. Los esperamos para hacer una
   experiencia de amor con Jesús.
ÞLa Adoración de los viernes seguirá con normalidad de las
   7:30pm hasta las 5pm en la capilla de Adoración de la catedral
   Santa María.
ÞLa Misa diaria en español quedará cancelada en conjunto con la
   Hora Santa de los martes.                                             ¿Quieres tener el Cáliz? debes comunicarte con
- Ante cualquier duda durante este tiempo de ausencia del Padre            Mirna Quintero al 309- 338-0502 o Mariela
Julio, dirigirse directamente a secretaria con Elizabeth Ruiz al 309–   Quintero al 309-253-2869. Ellas te asignarán una
307-0176.                                                                                   Semana.

8                          Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community   9
January 2, 2022 Epiphany of the Lord - Parishes Online
Readings and Staff Information
                                                               Heart of Peoria Community Staff
                 January 2, 2022                        Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria
First Reading:                                          Most Reverend Louis Tylka, Coadjutor Bishop of Peoria
Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come,
                                                        Monsignor Paul Showalter, PA, In residence-St. Bernard
   the glory of the Lord shines upon you. (Is 60:1)
Psalm:                                                  Fr. Bill Miller, Rector/Pastor
Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. (Ps 72)
Second Reading:                                         Fr. Eric Bolek, Parochial Vicar
It was not made known to people in other generations    Fr. Julio Faes, Parochial Vicar, Diocesan Office of
as it has now been revealed                                                     Hispanic Ministry
to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit:
that the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same      Toby Tyler, Deacon
body,                                                   Jenny Caughey, St. Mary’s Cathedral/St. Bernard /
and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through                Sacred Heart/St. Joseph Secretary
the gospel. (Eph 3:5-6)
Gospel:                                                 Elizabeth Ruiz Becerra, Hispanic Ministry Secretary
“Where is the newborn king of the Jews?
                                                        Claire Crone, Director Sophia’s Kitchen, a mission of
We saw his star at its rising
and have come to do him homage.” (Mt 2:2)                                    St. Joseph Church
                                                        Jo Ellen Lohnes, Sacred Heart/St. Joseph
                                                                             Finance Office
      Readings for the Week of January 2, 2022
                                                        Matt Meads, Youth Director
 Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
 [cf.11]/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12                      Julie Enzenberger, Consecrated Virgin
 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22—4:6/Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a/Mt 4:12-      Beatrice Nava, Director of Religious Education
 17, 23-25
 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8/Mk 6:34-44                   navabeatrice@yahoo.com
 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13/Mk        Weddings
 6:45-52                                                Contact our wedding coordinator, Georgette Williams, at
 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19—5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14 and 15bc, 17/    least six months before desired date at:
 Lk 4:14-22a
 Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20/Lk
 5:12-16                                                Baptisms
 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and   Contact parish office for formation programs and
 9b/Jn 3:22-30                                          scheduling
 Next Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10
 [11b]/Acts 10:34-38/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 or, Is 40:1-5,   Knights of Columbus
 9-11/Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28, 29-30 [1]/Ti      Clinton Coulter-Grand Knight
 2:11-14; 3:4-7/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22                       217-979-1488
                                                                    Office phone number:
                                                                309-673-6317, fax 309-673-6330
                                                               Email: b.stbernards@comcast.net
                                                             Emergency after hours contact number:
                                                                        673-6317, Ext. 0
                                                          For email addresses and complete staff listing,
                                                               please visit www.CatholicPeoria.com
                                                                           Prayer Chain
                                                                       mcm86@mtco.com or
                                                               309-685-9103 (home), 648-0229 (cell)

10                       Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community
Mass Intentions, Special Days of the Week, Church Locations
                       Saint Mary                                                 Sacred Heart
Sunday, January 2, 2022                                     Sunday, January 2, 2022
    10:30 am †       Glenn Duhs, William & Margaret Craig         10:00 am          Living & Deceased Members of
    12:15 pm         Spanish Mass                                                   the Serrano Family
Monday, January 3, 2022                                     Monday, January 3, 2022
     7:00 am         Jayme Watkins                                12:05 pm †        M. James Salmon
Tuesday, January 4, 2022                                    Tuesday, January 4, 2022
     7:00 am †       Holy Souls of Purgatory                      12:05 pm †        John Powell
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
                                                            Wednesday, January 5, 2022
     7:00 am †       Walt & Delores Johnson
                                                                  12:05 pm †        Simon Samara
Thursday, January 6, 2022
                                                            Thursday, January 6, 2022
     7:00 am †       Bill Bogner
                                                                  12:05 pm †        Thomas Pastuszak
Friday, January 7, 2022
     7:00 am         Gene Haas & Family                     Friday, January 7, 2022
Sunday, January 9, 2022                                           12:05 pm †        Jerry Klise
    10:30 am         All Parishioners                       Saturday, January 8, 2022
    12:15 pm         Spanish Mass                                   7:30 am †       Souls of Purgatory
                                                            Sunday, January 9, 2022
                                                                  10:00 am †        Bernard & Josephine Vest

                     Saint Bernard
Sunday, January 2, 2022                                                           Saint Joseph
       8:30 am †      Ronald Meindl
                                                            Saturday (vigil), January 1, 2022
Sunday, January 9, 2022                                             4:00 pm            All Parishioners
        8:30 am †       Elizabeth Gorsage                   Sunday, January 2, 2022
                                                                    7:30 am            Spanish Mass
                                                            Tuesday, January 4, 2022
  Special Days for the Week of January 2, 2022                      6:00 pm            No Mass (Fr. Julio gone through
Sunday: The Epiphany of the Lord; Sts. Basil the Great                                 January-no weekday Masses)
and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the           Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Church                                                              6:00 pm            No Mass
Monday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus                         Thursday, January 6, 2022
Tuesday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious
                                                                    6:00 pm            No Mass
Wednesday: St. John Neumann, Bishop
                                                            Friday, January 7, 2022
Thursday: St. André Bessette,
Religious                                                           6:00 pm            No Mass
Friday: St. Raymond of Penyafort,                           Saturday (vigil), January 8, 2022
Priest                                                              4:00 pm †          Lois Blaschek
Next Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord                        Sunday, January 9, 2022
                                                                    7:30 am            Spanish Mass

Cathedral of Saint Mary of St. Joseph/Sophia’s
The Immaculate Conception  Kitchen
607 NE Madison Ave., 61603 103 Richard Pryor Place
St. Bernard Church         Sacred Heart Church
511 E. Kansas, 61603       and combined Parish
                           Office 504 Fulton
                                  Street, 61602
                                                                                † Denotes deceased.

                           Welcome to the Heart of Peoria Catholic Community                                             11
                                                     Affordable Health Insurance              Individual, Marriage
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