January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church

Page created by Ruben Sparks
January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church

“Frugal Faith”                                                                     By Rev. Shawn Hulst; Lead Pastor

I’m frugal. My wife says I’m cheap.      should never approach Him in a            following Me, you or your children,
For that very reason, she loathes        miserly manner.                           and do not keep My commandments
grocery shopping with me. Every                                                    and My statures that I have set
item is compared to its rivals on the    Remember Solomon? He just finished        before you, but go and serve other
adjoining shelves—evaluating the         the construction of the Lord’s Temple     gods and worship them, then I will
price per ounce within each              (1 Kings 5-8). As the work drew to a      cut off Israel from the land that I have
container. Coupons are always an         close, the people of God were             given them. . . and Israel will become
issue—and I’m hooked on buying five      assembled for prayer. Leading in          a proverb and a byword among all
items in order to save five dollars. I   prayer, Solomon insisted: “Let your       peoples” (1 Kings 9:6-7). God isn’t
might not need five cans of sliced       heart therefore be wholly true to the     interested in a half-hearted or status
water chestnuts. But, they were on       Lord our God, walking in His statutes     quo relationship. He wants your
sale—and the expiration date said        and keeping His commandments, as          entire heart.
2025. That means we only have to         at this day” (1 Kings 8:61). The people
use one can per year!                    were called to love the Lord with their   How much of your heart is
                                         entire heart—wholly committed to          committed to the Lord? Does your
Cheap. Frugal. A tightwad. I suspect     following Him in every single situa-      relationship with Him establish your
I’ve represented most of these terms     tion. No shortcuts. No cheapskate         priorities, guide your relationships,
at some point during my shopping         antics. No half-hearted worship. God      and determine your decisions? Does
endeavors. But I would never want        deserves our whole heart. God was         your love for Him decide how you will
someone using such a description to      not interested in (and God would not      invest your resources—including your
identify my commitment to the Lord.      accept or tolerate) a heart divided.      time and treasure? Does your faith in
He deserves our absolute all. As our                                               the Lord strengthen you to say “no”
Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, He     The Lord received Solomon’s prayer—       to the gods of this world? God loves
should be the constant recipient of      and He responded with this loving         you—and He desires your whole
our unending love and praise. We         warning: “But if you turn aside from      heart in return.

          Fellowship Reformed Church ● 6610 36th Ave ● Hudsonville MI 49426 ● 616.669.1213
January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Church Directory
We were very much hoping to have pictures taken for a new
Pictorial Directory in May of 2021. However, Lifetouch
Photography has now permanently stopped their church
photography program and therefore cancelled our
photography dates.

While we explore other options to provide our congregation
with an updated directory, we need your help! Please take a
moment and view the picture of you/your family that is
currently shown on our website: frchudsonville.org/directory.

If the picture shown for you/your family isn’t recent, please
email an updated picture to lfolkert@frchudsonville.org.

Don’t forget: you can always access the directory on the
website. If you do not have internet access and would like an
updated paper copy of our directory, contact Linda Folkert at

Christmas Food Baskets
Thank you to all who participated in the Hand2Hand Christmas Food Drive. Because of your
generosity, 51 families from the Godwin Heights School District received boxes full of food
for their Christmas dinner—including turkey, chicken, ham, or pork with side dishes and

Thank you, also, to the volunteers who helped to organize and deliver the food baskets.

-The FRC Outreach Team

 Our volunteers delivering some of the boxes to the school.       Food boxes lined up ready to be picked up.

January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Children’s Ministries

                                    HAPPY NEW YEAR
                            from Children’s Ministries!

K   N   N   S   K   I   Y   G   F   K   P   N       V   O   R   I   L   G   X   V         BALL
M   R   O   M   S   L   R   I   P   A   T   S       H   I   E   L   Q   J   U   E      CALENDAR
X   C   F   I   I   A   R   A   R   G   N   D       T   M   K   L   Z   T   J   A
A   Q   A   M   T   E   L   T   E   O   A   T       M   M   A   Z   S   C   D   I        CLOCK
K   C   A   L   W   U   Y   G   I   Y   E   D       G   M   M   T   T   W   T   Z   COUNTDOWN
K   F   L   O   E   F   L   T   R   F   W   C       E   L   E   B   R   A   T   E        FAMILY
O   Z   R   O   A   N   I   O   N   U   M   E       Q   R   S   P   E   S   H   V
T   K   O   V   C   D   D   O   S   U   O   M       N   J   I   A   A   R   G   N        HAPPY
S   W   O   K   A   K   C   A   S   E   P   H       A   T   O   R   M   E   I   W     HOURGLASS
U   R   E   R   M   E   G   I   R   H   R   L       G   H   N   L   E   E   N   C
S   C   T   N   G   T   C   S   R   E   L   K       R   A   P   S   R   H   D   S     MEMORIES
T   O   E   V   T   B   A   L   L   O   O   N       S   P   M   X   G   C   I   S        MUSIC
                                                                                       NEW YEAR
G   U   L   Q   P   Y   R   A   U   N   A   J       A   E   Z   M   C   O   M   I    NOISEMAKER
O   N   I   L   R   C   O   Y   T   R   A   P       M   H   A   P   P   Y   G   K
                                                                                    PARTY FAVORS
A   T   O   N   A   J   E   N   O   F   D   O       J   S   Z   T   K   M   F   P    RESOLUTION
L   D   K   V   F   B   Q   H   E   E   R   A       U   Q   S   S   E   M   I   T      STREAMER
                                                                                    TIMES SQUARE
S   O   L   Z   S   B   K   I   H   I   T   D       B   S   E   L   S   C   E   E
B   W   H   G   D   C   L   D   E   S   C   R       Z   P   B   Z   R   Z   V   Y    TWENTY ONE

                        Mark your calendars for VBS 2021
                            June 21-24 / 9:00am-12:15pm
                      We will be on a treasure hunt—searching for clues about
                    the ONE TRUE GOD! More information will be coming soon.
January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
New Life Youth Ministries (7th-8th Grades)
New Life in December
During the month of December, New Life focused on Romans 6 and 8. First, we talked about identity in light of
Romans 6:1-14. Next, three of our leaders led a panel discussion that dove deeper into Romans 6:12-14—looking
at what it means to be an instrument of good or evil. Leaders shared stories of their time in middle school and
examples of when they were instruments of good or evil and how it affected others around them. Lastly, we
ended December looking at Romans 8. This chapter is all about the love of Christ and the realities of New Life in
Christ. These realities all started with the manger—with God’s beautiful plan to send Jesus in the flesh to our
world. That’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Because we couldn’t meet in person in December, some of our leaders made home-visits to students in their
group. They were all so excited to see each other. Below are some of the pictures.

Lead Camp
We are extending our registration deadline and lowering our cost by $50! Our total cost is now $250. Join us as
we head to Expeditions Unlimited in Baraboo, Wisconsin, for a week of adventure, worship, fun, and marveling at
God’s Creation.
   Tuesday, July 6 - Sunday, July 11.
   The total cost is $250, with $50 due upon registration.
   Full details and registration are online at frchudsonville.org/new-life.

Winter Olympics
Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 16, from 1:00-4:00pm. We will be gathering at
Kristin VanderWal’s for some winter fun. Stay tuned to the bulletin and parent emails for
more details!

January Schedule
     January 3 - No New Life
     January 10 - Live Gathering
     January 16 - Winter Olympics
     January 17 - Home Groups
     January 24 - Live Gathering
     January 31 - Home Groups

January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Turning Point Youth Ministries (9th-12th Grades)
Turning Point in December
December was a challenging month. We challenged students to be instruments of good (Romans 6:12-14)
through leader testimonies and discussion. We then challenged students to spread the joy of Jesus through the
mail, on social media, and by inviting others to our Christmas celebration. Between New Life and Turning Point
students and leaders, over 390 cards were mailed to spread the joy of the Christmas season. Additionally,
students were challenged to find a “JOY” yard sign, take a photo of it, and post it online to share with the world.
The sign moved to a different yard for seven days. Here are a couple of pictures they shared. Check out our
Instagram and Facebook accounts (@frcturningpoint) for more pictures.

Coming Up in January
Throughout January, we will be discussing how to have an authentic faith and what it looks like to live with
authentic faith today. We are planning to meet for Live Gatherings on January 10 and 24 with Home Groups on
January 17 and 31.

Colorado Spiritual Adventure Trip Participants
It’s time to get prepared for our trip. For those interested, please meet at Grand Valley Parking Lot D-8 on
Saturday, January 9 and 23, at 9:00am with your hiking boots on and a bottle of water. We will hike the trails for
roughly two hours.

Winter Olympics
On Saturday, January 30, from 1:00-4:00pm, we will be competing in multiple
events, including, but not limited to, curling, dog sledding, and snowman
building. Join us outside at church as you join with others to compete for gold,
silver, and bronze!

January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Sunday                              Monday                                  Tuesday                               Wedn

3                                   4                                       5                                         6
AM: Pastor Shawn                    5:30am: Voss Gym Usage                  5:30am: Early Riser's Men's Bible Study   12:00pm: Iron Sharp
4:00pm: Elder's Meeting             6:30pm: Team Three Vocal Rehearsal      5:30am: Young Men’s Discipleship Bible    6:45pm: Armor of G
                                    7:00pm: Devotional Consistory Meeting   Study                                     6:45pm: BOOM!/GE
                                    7:45pm: Team Three Band Rehearsal       9:00am: Staff Meeting                     6:45pm: Success Tha
                                                                            1:00pm: Yak and Yarn                      6:45pm: Young Adul
                                                                            6:00pm: Brusveen Gym Usage                7:00pm: What We B
                                                                                                                      8:00pm: Men’s Disci

10                                  11                                      12                                        13
AM: Pastor Brent                    5:30pm: Voss Gym Usage                  5:30am: Early Riser's Men's Bible Study   12:00pm: Iron Sharp
9:50am: Sunday School               6:30pm: Team One Vocal Rehearsal        5:30am: Young Men’s Discipleship Bible    6:45pm: Armor of G
9:50am: Men's Bible Study           7:00pm: The Grace Group                 Study                                     6:45pm: BOOM!/GE
9:50am: Open Gate Sunday School     7:45pm: Team One Band Rehearsal         9:00am: Pickleball                        6:45pm: Success Tha
9:50am: Women’s Bible Study                                                 9:00am: Staff Meeting                     6:45pm: Young Adul
5:30pm: New Life Live                                                       7:00pm: Cardio and Core Fitness           7:00pm: What We B
7:30pm: Turning Point Live                                                  7:00pm: The Grace Group                   8:00pm: Men's Disci

17 Sanctity of Life Sunday 18                                               19                                        20
AM: Pastor Shawn                    9:00am: Pickleball                      5:30am: Early Riser's Men's Bible Study   12:00pm: Iron Sharp
9:50am: Sunday School               5:30pm: Voss Gym Usage                  5:30am: Young Men's Discipleship Bible    6:45pm: Armor of G
9:50am: Men's Bible Study           6:30pm: Team Two Band Rehearsal         Study                                     6:45pm: BOOM!/GE
9:50am: Open Gate Sunday School     7:00pm: Cardio and Core Fitness         9:00am: Staff Meeting                     6:45pm: Success Tha
9:50am: Women's Bible Study         7:00pm: Executive Team Meeting          4:30pm:Business Administration Team       6:45pm: Young Adul
4:00pm: VanAndel Room Usage         7:45pm: Team Two Vocal Rehearsal        Meeting                                   7:00pm: What We B
5:30pm: New Life Home Groups                                                6:00pm: Brusveen Gym Usage                8:00pm: Men's Disci
7:30pm: Turning Point Home Groups                                           6:30pm: Zeeland Classis Meeting

24                                  25                                      26                                        27
AM: Pastor Brent                    9:00am: Pickleball                      5:30am: Early Riser's Men's Bible Study   12:00pm: Iron Sharp
9:50am: Sunday School               5:30pm: Voss Gym Usage                  5:30am: Young Men's Discipleship Bible    6:45pm: Armor of G
9:50am: Men's Bible Study           6:30pm: Team Three Vocal Rehearsal      Study                                     6:45pm: BOOM!/GE
9:50am: Open Gate Sunday School     7:00pm: Cardio and Core Fitness         9:00am: Staff Meeting                     6:45pm: Success Tha
9:50am: Women's Bible Study         7:45pm: Team Three Band Rehearsal       2:15pm: Blood Drive                       6:45pm: Young Adul
5:30pm: New Life Live                                                       6:00pm: Brusveen Gym Usage                7:00pm: What We B
7:30pm: Turning Point Live                                                                                            8:00pm: Men's Disci

31 Communion
AM: Pastor Shawn
9:50am: Sunday School
9:50am: Men's Bible Study
9:50am: Open Gate Sunday School
9:50am: Women's Bible Study
4:00pm: Elder's Meeting
5:30pm: New Life Home Groups
7:30pm: Turning Point Home Groups

January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
nesday                            Thursday                                       Friday                               Saturday
                                                                   1                                        2

                        7                                          8                                        9
pens Iron Bible Study   6:30am: Scripture and Prayer Men's Bible   7:00am: Band of Brothers Men's Bible
God Ladies’ Study       Study                                      Study
EMS/JAM/JR. JAM         4:30pm: Timmer Gym Usage                   10:00am: Girlfriend Friday Bible Study
 at Matters
 lt’s Bible Study
 ipleship Group

                        14                                         15                                       16
pens Iron Bible Study   6:30am: Scripture and Prayer Men's Bible   7:00am: Band of Brothers Men's Bible     7:30am: Dawn Patrol
God Ladies’ Study       Study                                      Study                                    1:00pm: New Life Winter Olympics
EMS/JAM/JR. JAM         8:00am: Women's War Room Prayer            10:00am: Girlfriend Friday Bible Study   5:00pm: Petroelje/VanderSchuur
 at Matters             Group                                                                               Wedding
 lts Bible Study        4:30pm: Timmer Gym Usage
Believe                 6:00pm: Petroelje/VanderSchuur
 ipleship Group         Wedding Rehearsal

                        21                                         22                                       23
pens Iron Bible Study   6:30am: Scripture and Prayer Men's Bible   7:00am: Band of Brothers Men's Bible
God Ladies’ Study       Study                                      Study
EMS/JAM/JR. JAM         8:00am: Women's War Room Prayer            9:00am: Pickleball
 at Matters             Group                                      10:00am: Girlfriend Friday Bible Study
 lt’s Bible Study       4:30pm: Timmer Gym Usage                   12:00pm: Blood Drive
Believe                 6:30pm: Deacon's Meeting
 ipleship Group         7:00pm: Cardio and Core Fitness
                        7:30pm: VanAndel Room Usage

                        28                                         29                                       30
pens Iron Bible Study   6:30am: Scripture and Prayer Men's Bible   7:00am: Band of Brothers Men's Bible     1:00pm: Turning Point Winter Olympics
God Ladies’ Study       Study                                      Study
EMS/JAM/JR. JAM         8:00am: Women's War Room Prayer            9:00am: Pickleball
 at Matters             Group                                      10:00am: Girlfriend Friday Bible Study
 lts Bible Study        4:30pm: Timmer Gym Usage
Believe                 7:00pm: Cardio and Core Fitness
 ipleship Group

                                                                       Please note: If events or classes listed on
                                                                       this calendar are cancelled, participants
                                                                       will be notified either through Facebook,
                                                                       Email, or U.S. Mail.
January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Adult Ministries
"Where Two or Three Gather Together”
During December, when the building was closed for classes and Bible studies, "the beat went on." God has created an
unquenchable desire to gather together for prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship in the hearts of our people. So
when the doors were closed, spirits remained open and faithful leaders found ways to carry on. Through Zoom
meetings, discussion groups held around kitchen tables, Bible studies gathered in office conference rooms, prayer
sessions hunkered down under the portico, and even studies
conducted by the light of a campfire, the faithful of Fellowship
persevered…and were blessed through their efforts. "For where two
or three gather together as My followers, I am there among
them" (Matthew 18:20 NLT).

I think we all know that persecution, suffering, difficulties, and even
just inconveniences are used by our Lord to draw us closer to Him.
We realize that we're not in control of our circumstances, and we
seek the security of His wings, finding Him, as always, there to take
us in. "How often I have wanted to gather [My] children together as
a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings” (Luke 13:34a NLT ).

When all the restrictions and sanctions put in place to combat Covid
                                                                          Bible Study by campfire: Jodi VanWienen, Linda Buch-
are over, our faithful will find that God has strengthened them           holz, Sue Vredevoogd, Deb Koster, Gwen Snoeyink, and
through the experience.                                                   Karen Emelander

Women's Thursday Bible Studies
We need to know by December 30 if you’d like to register for the winter session of Thursday Bible Studies. This seven-
week, DVD-based study, “Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Me,” begins January 14. Identical classes will meet from 9:30-
11:30am and 7:00-9:00pm. Both time slots are led by Joyce Jansen. Despite the uncertainty of our upcoming schedules,
we proceed in faith with plans for our Thursday morning and evening Bible Studies. Join us in praying that gathering to
open God's Word will be a reality. In our fall study, we stood firmly on the truth that God is faithful! We take that truth
and plan for our winter session. This study will bring insight and new depth to this familiar and favorite Psalm.
Pre-registration is necessary to allow us to order materials and make arrangements for a safe and healthy environment.
Contact Jim DeHorn at 669-1213 or jdehorn@frchudsonville.org by December 30 if you’d like to join.

Adult Discipleship Opportunities Brochure
As of now, plans are to have the winter semester Adult Discipleship Opportunities Brochures in the church mailboxes on
Sunday, January 3. The brochure will give a complete line-up of all the Sunday School Classes, Family Night Classes, and
Bible Studies scheduled to be offered during our winter semester.

Dawn Patrol
Dawn Patrol will meet on Saturday, January 16 (always the third Saturday of the month). Dawn Patrol is a one-hour long
video/discussion Bible Study for men. We meet in Room 027, beginning at 7:30am. This study is for guys of all ages and
stages of their spiritual journey. You'll be comfortable with our environment and enjoy the fellowship. We will focus on
conquering the pandemonium created by the evil in our fallen world.

Open Gate Adult Sunday School Class
Join us in the Open Gate for the "Drive-Thru History of the Gospels." Joel Baar will host this fascinating, fast-paced video
series featuring Dave Stotts. You'll experience the "Extraordinary Life of Jesus of Nazareth" on location in the Holy
Land. Adult Sunday School resumes on January 10.

January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Adult Ministries (Continued)
Family Night Anchor Class: "What We Believe"
This video/discussion course will cover most of the key aspects of “what we believe” in a vibrant, enjoyable format.
Each session features a classic twenty-minute video lesson led by Pastor and Teacher Lew Vander Meer. After watching
the video segments on the Sanctuary's big screen, Pastor Earl and Jim DeHorn will use the session guides (provided to
each participant) to review, discuss, and apply the teachings.
The course will cover:
  The scope and sequence of our distinctive Reformed doctrine.
  The basic "faith vocabulary" common to our Reformed tradition.
  A clear connection between our doctrine and life.
  Ways that we can respond positively to the teachings of the church.
Each class period will begin and end with a Bible Trivia Quiz!

A Message From Our Sword Grip Coach (Jim DeHorn)
Are you keeping up? I want to acknowledge that if you fall behind, it can seem overwhelming and discouraging. So, if
you're behind, don't try to catch up right now. Just begin with our current verse: 1 Corinthians 13:1. See If you can
recite the verse by using the first letter of each word.
  1 Corinthians 13:1 I I s i t t o m a o a, b h n l, I a a n g o a c c.

Basics of the Faith Booklets
Take advantage of the new "Basics of the Faith" booklet series available on the display rack in the Church Lobby. These
skillfully written booklets introduce readers to fundamental Reformed doctrine and practice. Scan the titles for topics
of interest—then help yourself to these free resources.

Women's Wednesday Night Bible Study
Attendees of this study will be strapping on "The Armor of God" when Family Night resumes. Join us as Priscilla Shirer
leads us through this powerful video study to "strengthen ourselves in the Lord and His mighty power” (Ephesians 6).
The ladies meet from 6:45-7:55pm and will alternate weeks between video and discussion. Please contact Jim DeHorn
at 669-1213 or jdehorn@frchudsonville.org if you plan to attend so we can have a book ready for you when we begin.

Young Adult’s Ministry (Post High-25 Years)
Free Passion Conference Online
Ring in the New Year while worshiping Jesus and being challenged in God’s Word by Louie and Shelley Giglio, Matt
Chandler, Christian and Saddie Huff, and more. Registration is free as it’s an online event. It begins at 4:00pm on
December 31, 2020, and goes until 1:00am on January 1, 2021. We will be watching from our own homes but will
connect via Zoom at different parts of the night. Additionally, all those who register and let Brian Boom know via
email (boom@frchudsonville.org) will get dinner and a late-night snack delivered to their home the night of the
event. Go to frchudsonville.org/young-adults for full details and to register.

Recovering Redemption Bible Study
Start 2021 off by reorienting your life around the Gospel of Jesus with us as we dive into a 12-week study by Matt
Chandler entitled, “Recovering Redemption.” Jesus tells us that He came to give us abundant life, but why are
things such a mess, even for Christians? This study will help us get to the root of our brokenness while practically
applying the truths of God’s Word. We will meet on Wednesdays at 6:45pm, but if you’re unable to meet in per-
son, there is an opportunity to still go through the study with us. Contact Brian Boom at boom@frchudsonville.org
if you’d like to participate in the study so that you can get a book in advance. The study begins on Wednesday,
January 6.
January 2021 - Fellowship Reformed Church
Social Activities
Cardio and Core Ladies Fitness Group
Are you interested in getting in better shape? Cardio and Core will start back up (if possible due
to Covid restrictions) on Monday, January 18, at 7:00pm. This hour-long class will meet in the
Gym with Terri Avink back as the instructor. Masks will be required the entire time you are in
the church building, including while exercising. Because we will be limited to the number of
ladies allowed to participate, you will need to sign up in advance if you want to join the group
this year. If interested, please contact Linda Folkert at lfolkert@frchudsonville.org or
669-1213. Payment will be $3.00 per session. You will need to bring along hand weights, a
mat, and your own water.

Redoration Coffee
Due to the recent restrictions, we will not be able to meet for coffee on Tuesday, January 5 However, mark your
calendars now for Tuesday, February 2. Hopefully, on that date, we will be able to meet and share conversation at
10:00am at Rainbow Grill in Hudsonville. All ladies over the age of 50 are always welcome to join this Red Hat
group. This is a great way to meet other ladies from Fellowship and form new friendships. Contact Bev Mulder at
669-2238 if you ever have any questions about Redoration.

Yak and Yarn
Our Yak and Yarn Group has been busy this summer making beautiful knitted and crocheted items for others in
need. If you’d like to know more about how you can become involved with this group, contact Diane Phillips at
Do you need more yarn? Do you have items you’ve made that you’d like to donate? Stop by the Music Room on
Tuesday, January 5, at 1:00pm.

As long as gym usage is allowed, Pickleball plans to resume on Monday, January 18. We will have two time slots for
play: 9:00am-10:15am and 10:30am-11:45am. There will be limits as to the number of players allowed in the Gym
at one time, so please be patient and prepared to come back for the 10:30am games if we have reached our
capacity. An email will be sent out prior to this date to those who have signed up to confirm information. If you
want to be added to this list, contact Linda Folkert at 669-1213 or lfolkert@frchudsonville.org.

Neighborhood Fun Night
Mark your calendar!! We are making plans for Neighborhood Fun Night 2021! Please reserve the date of Thursday,
August 5, from 6:00-8:00pm. We’ll have fun inflatables, games, prizes, food, and more!

Church Auction

The date of the auction is moving to Saturday, October 9, 2021. Mark your calendar and begin thinking
of what you might be able to donate and/or what business you may be able to solicit a donation from.

If you already know what items you'll donate, let us know by filling out the form at frchudsonville.org/
auction. All funds raised will lower the cost of Middle School and High School Mission trips for the
summers of 2022 and 2023.

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

                  Please remember these special people
               this month with your cards and well wishes.
   Bill Huitema (81)       January 3                      Lewis and Ann VanFarowe (50)     January 12
   Jane Preslar (88)       January 5                      Dave and Jackie VanHouten (35)   January 17
   Betty Avink (86)        January 22
   Ed Baker (82)           January 22
   Gretchen Felix (83)     January 22
   Mary Matthysse (84)     January 22
   Jim VanEden (81)        January 23
   Donna Toppen (87)       January 27
   Donald Matthysse (85)   January 29
   Bob Kalee (84)          January 30

       Birthdays 80 years of age and above are listed here each month.
          Anniversaries are listed in increments of five after 25 years.
Thank You
Once again, we are so thankful for you, our Fellowship                Thank you to everyone who sent cards, greetings, and
family, for the cards, phone calls, beautiful flowers, and            expressions of joy and support this holiday season and
prayers for Hank when he suffered his fall and also for us            throughout this year. Your faithfulness to Christ, FRC, the
during our being sick with Covid. We are so blessed being a           staff, and us personally is a huge blessing.
part of this family of God.                                           -Pastor Earl and Barb Slotman
-Hank and Elaine Buchholz
                                                                      Thank you for all your prayers, cards, and the plant sent
Thank you for the sympathy cards upon the passing of my               following Sharon’s kidney stone in October. Thank you,
dad, Al Dykstra. Thanks also for the continued prayers.               also, for the prayers and cards sent following the loss of our
-Mary Dykstra                                                         dear brother-in-law, Roger Headley. And finally, thank you
                                                                      for all of your prayers and cards following our recent Covid
I am so thankful for all the cards I received. Thank you and
                                                                      illness. We are both doing better. God is really good and
God bless you. I love you all.
                                                                      we feel His love and grace every day. We have an awesome
-Janet Hoekstra
                                                                      church family.
We would like to thank our Fellowship family for all of the           -Larry and Sharon Tymes
prayers, cards, and well wishes while we were sick with
                                                                      Thank you for all of your prayers and loving cards sent
Covid. Thank you, also, for the expressions of sympathy at
                                                                      during Rog's illness and passing into the loving arms of our
the loss of Pete's brother.
                                                                      Heavenly Father. It meant so very, very much. Also, thank
-Pete and Jean Karsten
                                                                      you to our Pastors for their prayers and support during this
Thank you to for the bucket full of Christmas Cards (54 of            difficult time. The flowers received from church were so
them) and the bag of goodies. They were so appreciated.               beautiful and brightened up the hospital room. We are so
-Ron Koets                                                            thankful for each one of you.
                                                                      -Phyllis Vander Meulen and family
Thank you for all the prayers for Jack’s healing from Covid.
God did answer our prayers. He is home, off oxygen, and               It was so nice to receive your Christmas gift bag. Hopefully,
improving each new day. We are waiting until he feels able            we can be together next year. It is so nice to be part of the
to make the trip back to Michigan.                                    Fellowship family.
-Jack and Shirley Kole.                                               -Jean Walcott
Thank you, church family, for the flowers and cards and               We want to thank you for the beautiful plant that was given
expressions of sympathy upon the passing of Judy.                     at our mom’s visitation/funeral. We really appreciated it.
-Ted Koning                                                           Also, thanks for accommodating us for the visitation and
                                                                      funeral and to all those that made it happen. Mom also
I would like to say thank you for the beautiful flowers,
                                                                      received lots of cards from her church family through her
prayers, cards, and phone calls that I received after my
                                                                      year of sickness; that was very nice.
recent hip surgery. Your caring is very much appreciated.
                                                                      -The family of Sue Werkema
-Bob Mesman
                                                                      Thanks so much to our Fellowship Church family for the
Thank you so much for the prayers, food, and cards. They
                                                                      thoughts, prayers, cards, and the poinsettia plant that was
are so appreciated. Thanks to the Pastor for praying with us
                                                                      received after the passing of our dad and grandpa, Norm
before surgery. The food was delicious, the cards a real lift-
                                                                      Mast. It was all so appreciated.
up, and we felt the prayers. The doctors are very happy with
                                                                      -Deb and Scott Westhuis; Amber, Ben, and Matt
the way my shoulder is healing.
-Diane and Jim Phillips                                               Thank you to the Yak and Yarn group for your continued
                                                                      support in creating beautiful knitted items for the
We would like to thank our church family for all your prayers
                                                                      Pregnancy Resource Center. These past nine months have
throughout this past year. Thank you, also, for the prayers
                                                                      been difficult for our clients, and receiving an item made
and cards at the time of our nephew, Mark’s, passing. What
                                                                      with loving hands is a comfort to them. PRC continues to
enjoyment Bob had opening all the Christmas cards and
                                                                      minister to each one over the phone and provides 40+
trying everything in our goodie bag.
                                                                      curbside packages each week—and you are part of that
-Bob and Bard Ricord
                                                                      ministry! Blessings and Merry Christmas!
Thank you for all the wonderful Christmas cards gathered in           -Pregnancy Resource Center
the beautifully decorated pail. Your thoughtfulness and
                                                                      Thank you to the Yak and Yarn group for donating yarn and
prayers mean so much. Thank you to all involved in the
                                                                      making lap blankets and slippers for Crowns of Blessings.
gathering, making, and delivering of the cards and the bag of
                                                                      We really appreciate your generosity and willingness to
goodies. It is wonderful to be part of such a loving, giving,
                                                                      help people suffering from cancer. They receive much hope
and praying church family. God bless you all as we look
                                                                      and encouragement when we bless them with these items.
forward to a New Year filled with focusing on our Savior and
                                                                      -Crowns of Blessings
Lord, Jesus Christ.
-Lois Schut
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