Page created by Julie Perkins
Emily Ridout

Emily Ridout

© Emily Ridout

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Emily Ridout
“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I
will endure the darkness for it shows me the
stars.” -Og Mandino
SEASON 2020-2021
Capricorn energy has been a doozy this past year. As the
sun enters Capricorn at the solstice, it illuminates where
we’ve been, and shows us the way for where we’re going.

The start of Capricorn energy is the winter solstice, and this
year it’s super charged with a great conjunction between
Jupiter and Saturn.

These great conjunctions happen only once every twenty
years, and this one is extra potent. For the last 200 years,
great conjunctions have taken place in earth signs
(Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), drawing our energies into the
practical, financial, and environmental domains of life.

While these topics will certainly persist, there will now be an
electrical, innovative, mental component to big energetic
shifts. This great conjunction begins a 200 year cycle when
all conjunctions will take place in air signs (Aquarius,
Gemini, Libra).
While there is debate among astrologers about the exact
date of the shift into the age of Aquarius, many believe this
conjunction is the event that places us squarely in this age.

What will the grand conjunction do? Look to your sign’s
section to find out more for you personally, but collectively
it’s a call toward building structures that allow for
expansion, and expanding structures that we already have
in place. In particular, there will be a pulsation among what
is restrictive, what is being built, what is seeking truth, and
what is seeking to expand.

Furthermore, this conjunction represents a true liminal
state, or the state between one place and another. It’s in
liminal states that change can truly occur, so this date is
particularly important to raise your consciousness, do your
practices, and open to your highest potential.

These energies will be taking on an Aquarian point of view,
which means that the structures, restrictions, truths, and
expansion that come out of this conjunction will use
Aquarian themes. Look to technology, innovation,
humanitarianism, and the search for societal truth to have
some big shifts in the coming 20 year cycle.

Now is a great moment to check out the Aquarius ruled
areas of your chart and to check in: what structures would
you like to see here? Where would you like to break free? In
what ways are you hoping to innovate? Can you see what’s
true for all of humanity?
Use this mixture of earthiness and airiness this season. You
can both innovate and create change in the practical world.
Your mind, body, and actions can align. How this unfolds is
up to you and your beautiful ingenuity.
12.21.20 Sun enters Capricorn

12.21.20 Jupiter conjunct Saturn

12.21.20 Quarter Moon in Aries

12.29.20 Full Moon in Cancer

1.6.21 Quarter Moon in Libra

1.6.21 Mars enters Taurus

1.8.21 Mercury enters Aquarius

1.8.21 Venus enters Capricorn

1.13.21 New Moon in Capricorn

1.14.21 Uranus Direct

1.17.21 Jupiter square Uranus
Use the overview section of this guide to mark specific
dates or major transits in your calendar or journal. This can
be particularly helpful when making note of transits of
particular interest to you.

In particular, if you have a full moon or new moon in a sign
that’s important to you (this will be noted in your sign’s
section), take specific note of the events, feelings, and
shifts that happen on and around that day.

The following pages have the 12 zodiac signs. Start with
your sun sign, and also look at your moon and rising signs if
you know them. In particular, the rising sign can offer you
deep insights into how this season might look for you, as
you experience it now (rather than in the long term). Take
note of what your horoscope says and notice the ways your
life adheres to or deviates from that energy. If you’re
working with me, we can go over how your personal chart
draws these general energies into deeper specificity.

Finally, look at the signs of others: your partner, children,
parents, friends, etc. Discover what they are navigating
during this time.

March 21-April 19

 ries is the cardinal sign of fire, and Capricorn season is
 traditionally a time when fire is at its lowest point in the

Aries energy embodies the drive to express your true self,
while Capricorn season points to an expression that uses
the self to build toward a particular end.

This energetic exchange and the great conjunction at the
beginning of this season create a sense of growth and
restriction simultaneously.

You can read more about the great conjunction in the
overview at the beginning of this guide. Specifically for
Aries energy, this conjunction marks a time when your
ability to move forward is stifled by the structures and
boundaries put in place by the larger society.

To move through this well, take the time to consider your
actions and to build your own structures that will support
the direction you’d like to go.

If you drive seems cooled this season, allow yourself time to
rest, and know that as you work through the swirling
energies of this season, the moment for your drive to be
supercharged will come, likely near the equinox this year.

As you move forward, allow yourself time to restore your
energy. If you find yourself spinning your wheels, take your
foot off the pedal and prepare mentally, physically, and
emotionally for a time to come.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is
square to Aries in the zodiac, which indicates a relationship
that doesn’t always see things from the same perspective.
This full moon is an opportunity to examine the relationship
you have between your own self expression and how you
nurture yourself and others. Self expression and self nurture
are both important keys to life, but they have to work
together to find a dynamic relationship that allows each full
self expression.

This full moon is a moment to release the expectation that
you can do it all, all the time. There are moments when you
must choose one thing over another, so use this
opportunity as a moment to take note of what you’re
choosing now and why. Once you know what you’re
choosing, you can release the rest.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto and square to Aries, which
makes it a potent time to deeply acknowledge what you’d
like to achieve in this coming year from where you are now.
2020 marked an intense time for many people, and chances
are that you’ve shifted at least a little in where you stand
and where you’d like to go. This new moon is the moment to
identify what you’d like to build this year and commit to
making it happen.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What did 2020 mean to you? In what ways have you shifted
in the past year?

Has your self-perception shifted? How about your goals?
What are the projects, relationships, and creative outlets
that seem most exciting to you now? Have any old passions
fizzled out that you can lovingly release?

April 20-May 20

I t’s Capricorn Season, which is a harmonious time for
 Taurus energy! You might not feel the harmony as strongly
this year due to the alignment of the great conjunction, but
the Sun is moving through to give you the true stamina you

This great conjunction occurs at zero degrees Aquarius,
which is exactly square to Taurus. (The great conjunction is
explained in more detail at the beginning of this guide.)
When energy forms a square, it creates a dynamic between
forces that don’t quite agree with each other at first glance.

Taurus energy is the quality of truly embodying the riches of
the earth and of this life, of abiding in a personal sense of
power and self possession. When this sense of self
possession and abundance is fully embodied, it spills over
into the fields of those around you.

The great conjunction in Aquarius asserts that innovation,
planning, and creating a new world is where focus should
lie, rather than in building and sustaining a world that exists.

In truth, both energies are essential, and this is a moment of
reconciling them within yourself.

How can you abide in self possession, without needing
anything external while simultaneously envisioning a future
you’d like to create for the benefit of all beings?

Allow yourself to flow through the shifts happening within
and around you. Harness the power of the lunar movements
this month to bring comfort, peace, and power into your
inner realm.

Use this time to create unshakable inner self-possession, no
matter what goes on externally.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the
sign ruled by the moon, and the moon is exalted in Taurus.
There’s a particular resonance between these two energies,
and it’s a great moment to release what is not yours. Have
you been building or protecting someone else’s empire or
resources? Have you allowed your focus to rest on building
up someone else’s project rather than resting in your own
self possession? Now is the moment to recognize that you’ll
feel best if you release the hold you have on others and
focus on building yourself up.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to truly align with your self (and your desires,
your goals, your personal drive) by radically acknowledging
what has frightened you until this point and integrating
those shadowy aspects of your psyche. When you do this,
you’ll align your fullest self with where you wish to go, and
you’ll begin to step forward with greater steadiness, even as
things are shaky around you.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What has shifted for you this past year? Have you
experienced any major shifts or shocking changes? In what
ways can you bring steadiness, ease, and beauty to the
shifting seasons in your life? In what direction would you
most like to send your energy?

How can you steadily move toward your deepest desires,
even as things continue to shift?

May 21-June 20

G emini energy is in for an influx of new energy this

As the great conjunction occurs at zero degrees of
Aquarius, it offers harmonious yet challenging themes for
Gemini energy.

You can read more about the great conjunction and its
general influence in the overview at the beginning of this
guide. For Gemini in particular, the great conjunction
themes of structure, restriction, and boundaries mixed with
expansion can cause a dualistic response.
On the one hand, restriction, boundaries, and structure are
not where Gemini energy thrives. On the other hand,
expansion is a theme that Gemini tends to enjoy.

Because the great conjunction is in a fellow air sign, Gemini
energy will likely be more able to handle this energy than
usual. The quick mind that Gemini brings is distinctly able
to navigate restrictions to find ways to expand.

This gives you a big part to play in this conjunction. Your
supple mental attitude can help you navigate the season to

Use the energies of the full and new moons to align yourself
with what you truly want to create with your beautiful mind.
Now is a moment when you can allow your mind to expand
and begin to build your life the way you really want it.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the
sign just after Gemini, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing the things you’ve cared about too deeply that
don’t truly align with who you are. Have you been carrying
the intellectual burden of allowing too many external
opinions into your head? Have you let well-meaning (or
otherwise) others into the sacred space of your beautiful
mind? Now is the time to realign with the thoughts (even
paradoxical thoughts) that come from within. This full moon
is a moment to unplug from the thoughts of others and
listen into yourself.
Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to truly align your practical actions with your
deepest goals. Gemini energy has a swirling mind, and it
might not come naturally to align with a one pointed focus.
This new moon, notice what comes up for you as you ask
yourself what your top priority in life is. Are there ways you
can move toward your goal while still bringing fun and zest
into whatever your circumstance? Imagine a situation where
you can do both: one pointed focus and multifaceted

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What is your relationship with deep self care and staunch
commitment to an important goal? Do you feel energized
by these topics, bored, or even triggered by them? Are
there ways that you could engage in self care and deep
goals in a way that’s playful, fun, and mentally stimulating?

What would you do this year if all that was expected of you
was play? What would you do if you could brainstorm your
way past any and every road block?

June 21-July 22

C apricorn season marks a time when the Sun is opposite
 Cancer. In astrology, this is known as opposition, and it
tends to indicate an exchange of energy that can be in
some ways complimentary and in other ways antagonistic.

Your task this season is to allow the Sun in your life, even if
it is a winter Sun for most of the world. This is also a
moment when the great conjunction will begin to rock the
world. (For more information on the great conjunction and
what it means for everyone, see the overview at the
beginning of this guide.)

Interestingly, Cancer energy has an opportunity to be some
of the most steadfast energy in this time. Allowing yourself
to feel protected by turning whatever your situation into a
metaphoric home will be key.

As the world turns and the great conjunction occurs, the
deep truths hidden in Cancer energy will be more vital than
ever for the world. The deepest knowledge of Cancer is
giving yourself and the world what is truly needed.

Tap into yourself and you’ll see clearly what caring for
others and yourself truly entails. It doesn’t have to be
complicated, in fact, the best forms of nurture, care, and
sustenance are often the most simple.

As the full moon enters your sign this month, you’ll have
ample opportunity to highlight the benefits that you can
bring to yourself and the world in the coming cycle (until
the next Cancer full moon in 2021.

Patience will be key as things might not always seem as if
they’re falling into place. With some steadfast dedication to
nurture, things will be well as time moves forward.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. This is a
potent moment because Cancer energy is ruled by the
moon. This is the moment in the zodiac year when the
moon is most at home. This full moon is a moment when
you can truly release anything that doesn’t align with you.
Have you been caring for yourself in ways don’t truly
resonate, or have you been caring for others instead of
yourself? Now is a moment to release those patterns and
redirect your nurturing side into your own self.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto and opposite Cancer. It
marks a cosmic opportunity to expand your self image to
include those things which you suppose you are not, or that
you see in others but not yourself. Can you move into the
practice of seeing all experiences as a projection of your
worldview into true reality? This will help you integrate the
past year and see your deep challenges in a new way.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

In what ways do your goals in your general life interact with
your own self care? How can you cultivate moment by
moment awareness of your emotional state while aligning
yourself with forward motion? What direction would you
most like to move in? How can you reconcile your goals
with a state of inner ease? What do you need to feel
protected and safe even as you step more fully into your
own power?

July 23-August 22

T hings are shifting this Capricorn season, and Leo
 energy might not fully intuit how. This Capricorn season
begins with a great conjunction in Aquarius, the sign
opposite Leo.

For more information on what the great conjunction entails,
see the month overview at the start of this guide. For Leo,
this energy represents a major opportunity to integrate,
align with, and explore your opposite.

Every sign has an opposing viewpoint, something that at
once offers to antagonize and complete a particular sign.
Leo energy is the potential within us to self actualize and be
the true ruler of your domain. Aquarius represents the
mental capacity to innovate and focus attention on all of

With the energies of Saturn and Jupiter opposing the start
of your sign, this shift may feel like your rulership is being
shattered. The winter months can cause a chill to Leo’s
natural warmth, and the expansive yet authoritative
movement through Aquarius isn’t likely to match your
natural state of being.

Take this time as a moment to truly consider your opposite.
What can you learn from energies that are different than
your own? How can you shine even in the dimness of the
winter months?

Even as these energies draw to mind your opposite, you
have the potential to powerfully align with what is truly you.
How can your truest self fit in with all of humanity?

Now is the time to share what is most vibrant in your heart.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer, which is the
sign just before Leo. You might find that this lunation cycle
brings up emotions that don’t fully resonate with your inner
fire. An esoteric teaching of many mystery schools is that
there is fire contained in water. Use this full moon to
contemplate how your fire can burn even in the most fluid
circumstances. Can you release any preconceived notions
about how you want things to be in favor of how things are?
This full moon is a moment to let go of what you want in
favor of what you need and who you are.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to consider your own ambition. Leo energy is
traditionally one that rules as a sovereign being, but can you
align your own sovereignty with a cause that you diligently
serve? Use this new moon to align your inner fire with the
drive toward creating your vision for the world. You’ll find
yourself more capable to shine light into the shadowy parts
of yourself and the world.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What is your relationship with setting goals and directing
your energy toward a particular end? What in your life
needs to be examined and deeply integrated before moving
forward? To whom can you offer the release of forgiveness?
Can you offer that same compassion to yourself?

In what ways have you shifted recently? How do you see
yourself now? What new directions are calling to you?

August 23-September 22

V irgo energy generally does well in Capricorn season
 due to the harmonious angle among these two fellow
earth signs.

This Capricorn season has an extra hit of energy that may
have you questioning just how to organize yourself in your
present reality. The great conjunction (which is discussed
more fully in the overview at the beginning of this guide) is
a moment of opening and shifting for everyone.

For Virgo energy, it may be a moment of misunderstanding.
You see, these conjunction are moments of liminality when
the rules are lifted and things are reset. Virgo energy, more
than any other sign, loves to know the rules of the game.

Since the very nature of the shifts this season indicate a
changing of not only the rules, but also the game, you
might find yourself feeling a bit rattled as you reassess.

This is the moment when you can use that practical
ingenuity that is characteristic of Virgo energy. Prepare to
stay grounded yet supple as you shift through the changing

You don’t have to garner control over big shifts to be okay. It
is safe to let go of everything, so long as you hold on to
your innermost self.

This Capricorn season, become aware of what the trade offs
are for imagined or real safety. What is it you most want to
feel? What truly makes you feel unshakable safe and in
control of you? This season, connect to that on your
innermost plane.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer has a
harmonious resonance with Virgo energy, and this full moon
is a moment of possibility. Have you been focusing your
care on projects, people, and others instead of yourself?
How would it feel to prioritize a little self care that had no
goal other than pleasure? This full moon is the moment
when you can begin to let go of goal-oriented self nurture in
favor of some genuine care.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it offers you a cosmic
opportunity to awaken your dreams and turn them into
action plans. Take time to envision what you’d like to build
in the world and think about what steps you can take to
actually make it happen, from where you now stand. Things
have shifted in the past year, so make sure any plans you
make are rooted in your present reality.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What path do you envision yourself taking in the coming
year? Is there a goal you’re hoping to move toward? In what
way would you like to walk your path? How do you want to
feel as you move forward?

What new directions are calling to you? Are you ready to
commit to a specific path? If yes, what is settling in you to
direct your energy this way? If no, what are the several
directions that call to you?

September 23-October 22

L ibra is the cardinal air sign, and this winter solstice
 marks a moment when air signs are in for a major

With the winter solstice this year, comes a great
conjunction in Aquarius. (For the details of what’s going on
for everyone, see the overview at the beginning of this

For Libra energy, this moment is here to expand your
capacity to swing one way or another. This conjunction
offers you a choice between choosing to define beauty,
balance, and equity on your terms or accepting a narrative
someone else has told you about who or what you must be
in order to be ‘right’.
These moments can force an important but challenging
look into what narratives, behaviors, and choices have been
accepted unexamined. Yet, it also offers you a cosmic
opportunity to realize and release paradigms that others
have put into your head without your conscious awareness.

This season marks a time when winter is at its height, and it
offers the question of what truly matters when things aren’t
as beautiful as you’d like.

How can you best navigate the expansion and challenge of
this conjunction? Choose what you think is truly just. Find
the balance of your own truth within yourself.

The more alert you are to befriending your inner self, the
less you’ll be bothered by the shifting world around you.
Your super power is that you can bring beauty into anything
and everything, and now is a great moment to shine the
light of your beauty in on yourself.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer energy
and Libra energy square each other, which means that they
don’t see things in the same way. This full moon is a
moment when you can release the urge for balance in order
to attend to what you truly want to nurture. Set your inner
drive toward beauty aside for a moment to notice exactly
what you would do to feel good in a given moment. Have
you been seeking peace, partnership, beauty, or balance in
a way that sustains and cares for you? This full moon is the
moment when you can check in and offer yourself some

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to integrate the shifts of the past year fully into
your psyche. What path would you like to take from where
you stand now? Take stock of the strengths you discovered
in the last several months and align with a plan on how to
use them for the greatest possible good.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

If you could create a new beginning somewhere in your life,
where would it be? What direction would you go in? What
idea, emotion, or experience are you wishing for most

What would it feel like to release expectation? What would it
feel like to consider no opinions other than your own? In
what ways can you implement your inner opinions in your
outer world?

October 23-November 21

S corpio energy is comfortable looking at the shadowy
 things for what they are, and because of this, many
Scorpio energy people don’t easily shake.

The gift of this energy is that you’re able to experience your
emotions and reality together, all while remaining a strong,
capable person. This is a gift of great gravity!

Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, and for the past year, the entire
world has been facing major Plutonian shifts, which were
heightened by the joining of Jupiter and Saturn in
This Capricorn season begins at the Winter Solstice when
the great conjunction occurs between Saturn and Jupiter in

This is a major moment for all signs, and you can read more
about this event at the beginning of this guide. For Scorpio
energy, traversing this conjunction could feel difficult.

You might notice that the Aquarian energy of innovation,
technology, and putting people into a humanitarian box
seems to over rule the intuitive, deep work, emotional
aspects that are Scorpio’s true power.

Even as the world shifts around you, remember that your
deep powers are also what the world truly needs. Can you
get in touch with the depths of how you feel at the
beginning of this season?

Are there ways that you can innovate by using your intuitive
powers? Are there ways you can draw what others have
overlooked to the surface? Are there ways you can draw
what you have overlooked to the surface?

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Like Scorpio,
Cancer is a water sign, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing unexpressed emotions. As the cycle of this past
year turned, did you find yourself holding things inside
without an outlet? Now is the moment when you can begin
to release pent-up emotions via healthy outlets. What would
feel best to you? How can you offer your inner self a
listening ear as you vent out your own steam? This full
moon is your moment when emotional release is a potent
form of care.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, which rules Scorpio. It
marks a cosmic opportunity to align your deeply felt
intuitive hits with the practical things you do out in the
world. Have you sensed a direction you’d like to move
toward but haven’t yet manifested an action plan? Now is
the time to come up with a plan or to set an existing plan
into motion.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

In the last year, what have you been able to peer more
deeply into? In what ways has your intuition served you or
not served you? In what ways have you attended to your
deeply felt sparks of insight?

Is there a particular direction you’d like to move in? What is
your most potent skill that will help you overcome
challenges as they arise?

November 22-December 21

H appy belated birthday to the Sagittarius sun signs out
 there! Sagittarius energy has been experiencing some
big shifts recently, most notably during the total Solar
Eclipse that happened during the Dec 14 new moon.

This new moon opened a new cycle for shifting Sagittarius
energy that will be felt for the next six months or so.

Total solar eclipses represent moments of intense shifts,
and as a Sagittarius energy person, you may have felt
something begin to take hold (or let go) inside of you.

The entire zodiac admires Sagittarius energy for its
commitment to the big TRUTH of the universe, yet any
single human’s idea of truth is always subject to expansion.
This eclipse, along with the great conjunction on the Winter
Solstice (the end of Sagittarius season and the beginning of
Capricorn season), brings Sagittarius energy into the
conversation in a major way.

You can read about the technical details of the great
conjunction at the overview at the beginning of this guide.
Jupiter is one of the main planets, and Jupiter is the ruler of
Sagittarius. This means that Sagittarius energy (your quest
for truth, expansion, adventure, fun, and opening) will be
key to nourish the world as we traverse shifting times in the
Aquarian age.

Take the time to have some fun this month. Create the
structures you need to explore and expand, and offer
yourself understanding as you navigate challenges and
obstacles. You’ll find your way with persistence and an
adherence to your highest values.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the
cardinal sign of water, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing emotions you’ve carried that no longer serve you.
You’ve had your own set of difficult transits over the last
several years, and the time is coming when you can open
up to more and more fun and joy. Make space for those
coming positive experiences by honoring and releasing any
lingering doubt, fear, restriction, or disappointment within
you. How can you nurture those experiences you want to
have as they make their way toward you? This full moon is
the moment when you can take stock and begin to let go of
anything distracting you from your shiny future.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to align your expansive goals with where you
find yourself today. If things have shifted in your life over
the past year, take the time to take stock. Now is the
moment you can envision your journey unfolding from your
present state. Think of yourself where you are now, where
would you like your journey to take you? Set your intention
this new moon and make it so.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

Where would you like to explore this year? In what ways
have you been shifting? How can you begin a new journey
(or continue your path) from where you are right now? What
sensations, emotions, or thoughts arise as you reflect on
last year’s cycle? What arises when you dream of where
you’d like to go?

December 22-January 19

I t’s your season, Capricorn! Over the last 12 months,
 Capricorn energy has been experiencing a truly intense
transit, with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all meeting in this
sign. Now, Saturn and Jupiter have both moved on to their
great conjunction in Aquarius, clearing the way for
Capricorn energy to refocus on its true direction.

Capricorn energy is healthiest when it makes positive
strides toward a truly worthy endeavor. Now that you’ve
faced the trials of last year’s transits, now is the time to offer
your focus to something truly worthy of your attention.

This month, and especially around your birthday, if
Capricorn energy is your Sun sign, offer yourself some time
to reflect on what it is that truly matters to you. There are
some endeavors people undertake for entire lifetimes, and
some that are only worthy of a particular season in life. See
if you can suss out what your soul’s true direction is. When
you do this, you’ll offer your Capricorn energy an infusion of
light, which is precisely what you’ll want to do as the Sun
moves through this sign.

As long as your highest ideals are aligned with your goals,
you can harness your innate energies for your own
wellbeing and for the good of all. Utilize this powerful time
for Capricorns to be bold in your adherence to your soul’s
truest path.

Use this time to sharpen your focus. Mercury, Venus, the
new Moon, and the Sun are all visiting this area to offer you
greater clarity in this area of your life. This sign is the area
most affected by 2020, and 2020 was a big year. Offer
yourself the gift of your own attention on yourself.

You’ve been through a lot, and this month’s movements are
here to integrate the challenges of the last few years so that
you can move boldly into a future of your own design.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the
sign opposite Capricorn, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing all that is not you. Have you been caring deeply
about something or someone out of obligation rather than
genuine interest? Have you been nurturing a project that
isn’t truly yours? This full moon is the moment when you
can take stock and begin to let things go.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to truly step into your fullest potential as it
exists in this present moment. Take time to integrate the
experiences and emotions of the past year and double
down in your commitment to your true path from where you
now stand. This new moon is potent for the entire zodiac,
but for Capricorn energy it counts double.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

In what ways have you shifted this past year? How do you
see yourself now? Have your values, goals, outlook, or self-
perception shifted? In what ways?

What new directions are calling to you? Which way would
you most like to focus your energy this season?

January 20-February 18

C apricorn season this year starts off with some major
 Aquarius energy. On December 21, Saturn and Jupiter
meet at the beginning of Aquarius.

For the technical details of what’s going on, see the month
overview at the beginning of this document, but for
Aquarius energy, this great conjunction is personal.

Jupiter rules your expansive nature, that special something
inside that screams ‘YES’ when something is in alignment.
Saturn rules our rule-laden, structured nature, that piece of
us that creates boundaries, builds structures, and
encourages precaution.
These two planets will traverse Aquarius all year, and so for
the time being you need to unpack what it means for you to
make truly constructive choices.

Aquarius energy does well to innovate with an eye for
making the world a better place. This free thinking skill
might need to find new forms as the year progresses.

This month, keep in mind that some major shifts are
occurring in Aquarius. You don’t have to do or be more than
what you are in any given moment.

In fact, by feeling into and abiding in the potent energies of
change, you’ll be able to see a way through. This will be the
secret power you have this year, and indeed in the coming
Aquarian Age.

The whole world will benefit from positive Aquarian energy,
and you, more than most people, have the ability to bring it.

If you have your chart handy, now is a great time to see
what is in Aquarius. Is it your Sun, Moon, or Ascendent? Are
there any planets nearby? What house is it in?

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is the
cardinal sign of water, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing your pent-up emotions. Have you been thinking so
deeply that you’ve neglected your own self-nurturing? What
can you do that’s caring and comforting for yourself as
these big energies shift? This full moon is a moment to
release any stories that block you from deep care, even as
you doubly commit to your unfolding path.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to align with the pathways that will lead you to
your deepest innovation. Take time to integrate the ways
you’ve shifted this past year. Who are you from where you
stand now? What would you like to build? Now is the time to
set your course and begin to build it.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

What thoughts and emotions are swirling in your body and
mind this season? How have things shifted for you over the
last year? What is life like right now? What about life would
you like to build upon, shift, or change entirely? How can
you make an innovative action plan to make these key

Have you changed in the last year? In what ways?

February 19-March 20

P isces is the third sign of the winter season, following
 Capricorn and Aquarius. This year and last year, the
winter signs have been in for some big energy shifts.

Neptune is traversing Pisces, and last year, Capricorn had
the big Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn conjunction. And of course,
this Capricorn season begins with a great conjunction in
Aquarius (the general aspects of which are explained in the
overview at the beginning of this guide).

What this means for Pisces energy is big. Neptune is the
natural ruler of Pisces, and Jupiter is also associated with
Pisces, so these shifts have a Piscean nature hidden in
The Piscean ability to sense information, emotions, and
thoughts that aren’t articulated will be heightened at this

This could manifest in several ways for Pisces. One way is
through a sense of intuition and empathy for the challenges
of others, yourself, and the world. Another way could be a
tendency to escape the world’s challenges by losing
yourself in a dream world.

The key here is healthy balance. The whole world is taking
note that things aren’t always in their control, and you
already knew this. Find healthy outlets for your dreamy
side: meditation, music, nature, art, even a small amount of
rebellious fun. And also find moments when you can
harness the Sun’s traverse through Capricorn and ground
down your intuitive energy into practical action steps.

This time in your life is a moment when you can truly step
into and build your dreams. Now is the moment to make
your plan and begin seeing how your dreams could
manifest in the physical plane.

Upcoming Full Moon December 29

December 29 marks the full moon in Cancer. Cancer is a
fellow water sign, and this full moon is a moment of
releasing for all the emotions swirling inside you. In the last
12 month cycle, a lot has happened. Consider the pain,
growth, joy, and beauty that you’ve experienced. Honor
yourself and the emotional spaces you’ve inhabited.
Breathe deeply, and allow those emotions to fall away in
favor of what you’re experiencing in each present moment.

Upcoming New Moon January 13

January 13 marks the new moon in Capricorn, and this new
moon is of particular interest to all the signs because it
aligns with the big Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter cluster that
occurred last year on January 12.

This new moon is conjunct Pluto, and it marks a cosmic
opportunity to open yourself up to building your dreams.
You probably know what you fantasize about, but have you
considered building this into reality? This new moon is a
super-charged moment when you can truly envision a plan
to manifest your dreams from the place you are, right now.

Questions to Consider/Journal Prompt ✍

In what ways has your lived reality shifted this past year? In
what ways have your emotions shifted? Have you changed,
evolved, or stepped into a fuller identity?

Consider the ways you’ve grown. How do you feel about
yourself? What do you love about your inner light? How can
you share yourself and your light more fully with others?
Your membership includes access to themed Ask Me
Anythings where we’ll cover some of the most potent
astrological events of the season.

Your membership also includes a discount to receiving
sessions (Quintessence members receive a free session
each month as well).

If you’re wondering which direction to take things, please
schedule a free 15 minute chat with me, and I can help point
you toward resources and services to get you started.

Questions? Email:

Emily Ridout is a professional AstroYoga specialist, folklorist,
yogi, and astrologer. Ridout teaches her clients and
students how to understand the astrology of their physical
and energetic bodies in a way that radically empowers them
to heal trauma, move through challenge, and create
optimum mental/physical wellbeing.

She holds an MA and BA in Folklore, and has taught yoga
and yoga philosophy for over a decade. She is the author of
the Free Weekly AstroYoga Forecast, and writes broadly
about yoga, astrology, and conscious living. Connect with
her through her astrology and yoga website, online
readings, or on Instagram.
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