The Courier - The Inter-Faith Chapel

Page created by Ronnie Perez
The Courier - The Inter-Faith Chapel
March 2021

       The Courier
                       A Monthly Publication of The Inter-Faith Chapel
                                  A House of Prayer for All People

                          From the desk of Rev. Dr. Woodie Rea
Welcome to March, the third month of the year. In the early Roman calendar, March
(or Martius) was the first month of the calendar year as it ushered in the first day of spring, a
sense of change, and a new ordering of the days.
During this month of March, we will experience a season change, as well as a time change. On
March 14th, we begin Daylights Savings Time, providing us with one more hour of usable day-
light. On March 20th, we begin the season of spring, offering us the hope of warmth and activ-
Additionally, during the month of March, we are experiencing the season of Lent. These are
days set aside for the activities of prayer, reflection, and remembering. How we use these days
and hours of Lent can have a lasting impact on our own personal spiritual journey.
A phrase I recently saw on social media referred to this year’s Lent as “The Lentiest Lent
we’ve ever Lented.” Though “Lentiest” is probably a fabricated word, it does speak to a wide-
ly held sentiment. Many people feel that they have already “given up” and sacrificed enough.
Many long for a sense of change and a return of order and routine in their days.
As we experience this year’s “Lentiest Lent,” one place that we might look for spiritual struc-
ture is the area of monastic spiritual practices. With its emphasis on solitude, simplicity, and a
structured schedule for the day, this lifestyle seems particularly suited to teach us about living
during a pandemic period.
In the Christian monastic tradition, every day follows a rhythm of Hours which reflect the nu-
ances of morning, noon, and night. Each hour (actually eight sections of the day), has its own
prayer prompts and times for meditation. This is commonly referred to as “praying the hours”
or “living the hours.”
These eight divisions help give the day a sense of routine, definition, purpose, and stability. As
we go through this season of Lent, let us “pray the hours” throughout our day. Regardless of
one’s station in life, we know our bodies and beings function best when we live our hours in a
balanced fashion.
Through the years, many writers have been inspired by this schedule to create books in which
to collect prayers, poems, and paintings appropriate for each hour. One way for you today to
“live the hours” would be to create your own Book of Hours that would contain prayers, po-
ems, photos, quotes, newspaper clippings, and other readings that are meaningful to you and
feed your spirit.
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                        -Continued from page 1                 Zoom Lenten Bible Study
                                                              Savior: What the Bible Says
Living the hours in a spirit driven fashion is                       About The Cross
to recognize that each day is precious and sacred,                 Magrey R. deVega
holds promise and has opportunities, and              March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 10:30 AM
contains within it at least a moment of beauty
and goodness. Sister Grace, my colleague             The cross is the central symbol of the Chris-
many years ago at Maryview Hospital in               tian faith. But what exactly did Jesus do to
Portsmouth, Virginia said it well, “What a           save us from our sins? Why was the cross
                                                     necessary, and what does it mean for us
wonderful blessing of life the next breath
brings.” The psalmist said it this way in his
prayer, “O God, teach us to recognize our            As we continue Our Lenten Bible Study en-
days are numbered and help us to spend them          titled, Savior: W hat the Bible Says A bout
as we should.” (Psalm 90:12 TLB).                    the Cross, Rev. Dr. Magrey deVega faithfully
Journeying together hour by hour,                    describes the need for reconciliation between
                                                     humankind and a holy God through Jesus’
                                                     death on the cross. The Bible uses many images to

   Woodie                                            understand the meaning of Jesus' death and res-
                                                     urrection, and Dr. deVega guides us through
                                                     these images to achieve a richer understand-
                                                     ing of the Christian faith. By exploring the
                                                     mystery of salvation through the cross, we
                                                     can deepen our love for God and others and
                                                     strengthen our commitment to follow Jesus.
                                                        Week 2 March 1
                                                         Ransom: Jesus Sets You Free
                                                         Primary Scriptures: Luke 4:16-30;
                                                         Acts 16:16-29
                                                        Week 3 March 8
                                                         Moral Example: Jesus Shows You
                                                         How to Love
                                                         Primary Scriptures: I John 3:11-24;
                                                         Matthew 5-7
                                                        Week 4 March 15
                                                         Reconciliation: Jesus Restores
                                                         Your Relationship
                                                         Primary Scriptures: Acts 22:1-21;
                                                         Ephesians 3:13-14
                                                        Week 4 March 22
                                                         Cleansing: Jesus Makes You Clean
                                                         Primary Scriptures: Psalm 51;
                                                         Leviticus 16:11-16
                                                        Week 5 March 29
                                                         Christus Victor: Jesus Gives You the
                                                         Primary Scriptures: Colossians 2:6-15;
                                                         Matthew 28:1-20
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             A LENTEN FAST

Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ
dwelling within them.
Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the
unity of all life.
Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality
of light.
Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases
that purify.
Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger; feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.
Fast from worry; feast on trust.
Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.
Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.
Fast from hostility; feast on nonviolence.
Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.
Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.
Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth.
Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.
Fast from facts that depress; feast on truths that uplift.
Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.
Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.
Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.
Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.
Gentle God, during this season of fasting and feasting, gift us with Your Presence, so we
can be a gift to others in carrying out Your work. Amen.
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                          MARKING THE START OF LENTEN SEASON
                       “Remember from dust you come, unto dust you shall return.”

                   We were overjoyed at the turnout at our first “Drive-Thru” Ritual of Ash
                   Wednesday, February 17th. All were welcomed and our two ministers
                   administered the sign of the cross in ashes to over 100 attendees to start
                   the Lenten season.

During the pandemic, we continue to find new ways to stay connected.
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  Are you Cleaning out your Closets? Here are some tips on how to donate
Organizing closets and cabinets has been a Other charities accepting donations:
popular and useful activity during the pan-             Habitat for Humanity
demic. Often this is followed by a call to The          1029 East Gude Drive
Chapel office to ask if we are still accepting          Rockville, MD 20850
donations of clothing.                                  301-926-4104 to request pickup of
                                                        larger items
Unfortunately, we are unable to receive dona- 
tions at this time. We do not have a system             Donation hours: Tuesday – Sunday 12
for having the items delivered to the Close             noon – 3:00 pm
Closet. We also need to restrict access to our
building for safety reasons.                    Habitat does accept some furniture, along with
                                                clothing. They may be able to pick up larger
There are still local charities who can accept items. Donated items are sold to help support
donated items if you, a friend or family mem- their home building efforts.
ber are able to drop off the items. Both C4 and
Interfaith Works give clothing to families who          A Wider
are in need. Please double check their hours of         9159 Brookville Rd # C
operation and their policies in advance of a            Silver Spring, MD 20910
drop off.                                               (301) 608-3504
         C4 Clothes Closet                     
         14015 New Hampshire Avenue
         Silver Spring, MD 20904                A Wider Circle will only require appointments
         301-989-8742                           for drop-off donations on weekends. On                weekdays, no appointment will be required.
                                                A Wider Circle helps furnish homes for chil-
C4 is sponsored by the Colesville Council of dren and adults each year and deliver educa-
Community Congregations, an interfaith tional programs to thousands of men, women,
group of 20 houses of worship, including and children.
those who are Christian, Muslim and Jewish.                                    Bonnie Bonner
You may drop off clothes in outdoor bins.
       Interfaith Works Clothing Center                                Upper Room
       751 Twinbrook Parkway                                         Devotional Books
       Rockville, MD 20851
       301-762-8682                                                March/April 2021 Upper                                            Room issues are now
       Donation hours: Tuesday – Thursday                          available.
       9:00 – 4:30 and Saturday 9:00 – 2:00
                                                                 Copies are placed in a
Interfaith Works is a group of 165 affiliated                    basket by our front
congregations who work together to help the                      doors. You may pick up
poor and homeless in Montgomery County.          copies Monday -- Friday from 9:00a.m.—
They accept only gently used, clean clothing     3:00 p.m.
in black trash bags.                             Please also consider picking up a copy for
                                                 a friend or neighbor who is not able to get
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THE MARCH 2021 COURIER                              Page 6

                      Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent—a time for reflection, re-
                      pentance, and renewal when Christians are invited to prepare themselves
                      for the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection. Throughout the forty
                      weekdays and six Sundays in Lent, pray and reflect on God’s renewing
                      power. During this season slowly, thoughtfully read the passage several
                      times. Notice if any word, phrase or verse sticks out to you and write it
down. Take time to reflect on the passage and ask the following questions: Is there a com-
mand to obey? Is there a promise to claim? Is there a sin to avoid? Is there a lesson to learn?
Is there a new truth to carry? Why do you think this passage stood out to you? Write out a
few sentences on what you think you’re hearing from God. Finally ask yourself how will you
respond, then wr ite a shor t pr ayer to God in response to what you just hear d from the
day’s scripture.
Week 3 FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 6                     WEEK 5 MARCH 14-20
Lord God, by Your Word fill me with a          Lord God, by Your Word fill me with a
spirit of hope and trust.                      spirit of discipleship and commitment.
     Sunday         Genesis 12.1-9                 Sunday           Luke 5.1-11
     Monday         Genesis 22.1-19                Monday           Luke 9.22-27
     Tuesday        Isaiah 51.1-16                 Tuesday          Matthew 10.16-33
     Wednesday      Luke 12.22-34                  Wednesday        Matthew 10.34-42
     Thursday       Romans 4.13-25                 Thursday         John 15.18-27
     Friday         Hebrews 6.13-20                Friday           II Timothy 2.1-13
     Saturday       Psalm 62                       Saturday         II Timothy 3.10-17

Week 4 MARCH 7 -13                              Week 6 MARCH 21 –APRIL 3
Lord God, by Your Word fill me with a           Lord God, by Your Word fill me with a
spirit of love and servanthood.                 spirit of obedience and humility.
    Sunday          Matthew 23.1-12                 Sunday         John 13.1-20
    Monday          Mark 10.35-45                   Monday         Philippians 2.1-11
    Tuesday         John 15.1-17                    Tuesday        Psalm 22
    Wednesday       Romans 12.9-21                  Wednesday      Isaiah 52.13—53.12
    Thursday        Romans 13.8-14                  Thursday       Luke 22.39-71
    Friday          I Corinthians 13.1-13           Friday         Luke 23.1-56
    Saturday        I John 4.7-21                   Saturday       Hebrews 4.14—5.10

                                           THE INTER-FAITH MEN
                                                Zoom Meeting
                                        Wednesday, March 24 @ 10:00 a.m.
                             Please mark your calendar for March 24 at 10 am!!
Plan to join the Men's meeting on Zoom. All are welcome to chat, play games, study Bible,
and/or plan support for the Chapel or community. Meetings typically last one hour.
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                                                Special Offerings
                   What do you do when you receive your box of envelopes every December or
                   January? Do you immediately put the box in its place where it will wait for
                   you to remove one envelope each Sunday? Do you look through the box and
                   read the inspirational messages on the back of each envelope? Do you check
to be sure that no envelopes have been omitted? You may do all of these things or none. Maybe
you have developed your own envelope ritual over the years. That box of envelopes does con-
tain, however, some surprises.
The first envelope in the box is a special envelope placed there to encourage you to place an of-
fering to help us defray the cost of printing the envelopes. About one-fourth of the way through
the box of envelopes, you will find an envelope for you to place a special Easter offering. Close
to the end of the box, there is an opportunity for you to make a special Thanksgiving offering as
we think about all the blessings we have received. At the end of the box, there is a final special
offering envelope with a Christmas theme. That envelope, of course, is there so that we might
make a special Christmas offering as we think of how bountifully we’ve been blessed and how
others may not have been as fortunate.
Through the years, some of you have been most generous with the offerings that you have
placed in these envelopes. Others of you may have been unaware that the envelopes were even
there, or you may have ignored them thinking that really don’t matter. Friends, your use of these
envelopes matters. Just as an unexpected bonus that you receive allows you to fund a project or
to give a helping hand to someone in need, the offerings realized from these envelopes allow the
Chapel to do the same. If you are one of our dear givers who does not use envelopes, please do
not feel left out. We will very kindly accept your special offerings in your usual manner of giving.
We have extra 2021 offering envelopes for anyone who would like a set. Please call Bonnie at
301-598-5312 to request a box.
                                                                           Faithfully yours,
                                                                      Maureen Harris, Chair
                                                     Inter-Faith Chapel Finance Committee

                          Coping with Depression
For almost one year, our lives have totally changed, as the COVID-19 pandem-
ic has altered our daily routines, led to social isolation and possibly added to
financial woes. You may worry about getting sick, not seeing your family and
friends, and how long the pandemic may last. Conflicting information and ru-
mors add to the stress. Now the vaccines are available but the signup processes are confusing
and the wait time frustrating.
Many of us are experiencing stress, fear, sadness, sleeping difficulties, and loneliness. Surveys
have shown a major increase in depression and anxiety and some turn to alcohol, drugs or other
unhealthy coping mechanisms, according to the Mayo Clinic.
The Chapel encourages you to review the resources available on our website at www.inter- You may scroll down to the Announcements section and click on Resources
for Coping with Depression. There you may read information from the National Institutes of
Mental Health and Guideposts magazine. Dr. Lee has added a list of recommended books to
help you be encouraged and find comfort and guidance.
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                                                 Jesus’ Journey to the Resurrection
                                                     Easter Zoom Presentation
                                                 Thursday, March 11th at 1:30 PM
                                         Let us get ready for Easter by joining the Inter-Faith Women to
                                         celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The attached picture shows
                                         the end of the story but the journey begins with the Last Sup-
                                         per. The journey involves life and death, sadness and wonder
                                         with the help of virtual technology. Come see Jesus’ home-
land, the people and places Jesus frequented. Many are the same as when Jesus walked there. We
will journey down the Via Dolorosa where Jesus carried the cross. This virtual walk will have lots
of pictures that tell the story of the Journey of Jesus during his final events on earth.
We will sing familiar songs accompanied by choirs and beautiful scenery.
Open your hearts to the wonder of the Resurrection. Bless your friends and family by inviting them
to this Zoom special program. An email link from the Chapel, for the program, will be available
several days before the event. Please call 301-598– 5312 if you want to be added to the email list.

            March is Mental Health Awareness Month
Having good mental health is an important factor as one ages. A healthy diet
can help protect your heart, but did you know that choosing the right foods may
help to reduce your risk of a Mental Health disorder as well? The same system of blood vessels that
help circulate blood to your heart also supplies your brain. When they become clogged or unhealthy
or your blood pressure rises too high it’s just as damaging to your mental health status as it is to your
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 20% of all people 55 or older will possibly ex-
perience some type of Mental Health concern. The most common condition is Depression. Depres-
sion is a type of mood disorder, it is the most prevalent Mental Health problem among older adults.
Depression is not a normal part of growing older. Depression is a condition in which one may experi-
ence persistent sadness, withdrawal from previously enjoyed activities, difficulty sleeping, physical
discomfort, and feeling slowed down. The CDC states that depression is one of the most successfully
treated illnesses. Older adults improve dramatically. So, what foods can you add to your diet to help
your brain healthy? Fish is one good source for your brain health. Fish contains Omega 3 fatty acids
that can help ward off damaging inflammations inside the body, including the brain. These omega 3
fatty acids contain antioxidants which helps protects your body cells and brain cells by reducing dam-
aging inflammation and keeping blood flowing efficiently.
Making changes in your health habits isn’t easy, and it’s often difficult to know where to start. The
best strategy is to set realistic, achievable goals. Below are seven healthy tips to help you along:
    1. Eat better
    2. Lose Weight
    3. Get Active
    4. Control Your Cholesterol
    5. Manage Your Blood Pressure
    6. Associate with Positive People Daily
    7. Smile More and Enjoy Life
During this time, remember the 3 W’s: Wear your mask, Wash your hands and Watch your distance.
                                                                      Andra Matthews, RN, BSN
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                      Who Said What?
            Quiz: Holy Week - March 28—April 4
                                                                                   a.   witnesses at the crucifixion
_____ 1. “I find no guilt in this Man.” (Luke 23:4)                                b.   the resurrected Jesus
_____ 2. “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna                 c.   Mary Magdalene
         in the highest!” (Matt. 21:9)
                                                                                   d.   the thief on the cross
_____ 3. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”                   e.   the soldiers at the crucifixion
         (Luke 23:34)
                                                                                   f.   the Centurion
_____ 4. “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42)
                                                                                   g.   Pilate
_____ 5. “It is better for you that one man die for the people than that the       h.   the angel at the tomb
         whole nation perish.” (John 11:49)
                                                                                   i.   the Jews at Jesus trial
_____ 6. “Why seek you the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)
                                                                                   j.   Judas Iscariot
_____ 7. “Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny You” (Matt. 26.33)       k.   the High Priest

_____ 8. “Crucify Him? Crucify Him!” (Luke 23:21)                                  l.   Peter

_____ 9. “Surely this was the son of God.” (Matt. 27:54)                           m. Cleopas, speaking to Jesus

                                                                                   n.   the Pharisees
_____ 10. “He has uttered blasphemy. What further witnesses do we
           need?” (Matt. 26:65)                                                    o.   Jesus on the cross

_____ 11. “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” (Matt. 27:4)                p.   Pilate’s wife

                                                                                   q.   Thomas
_____ 12. “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered
          much because of him today in a dream.” (Matt. 27:19)                     r.   the sign over Jesus’s cross

_____ 13. “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” (Matt. 27:37)                     s.   the crowd outside Jerusalem

                                                                                   t.   Caiaphas
_____ 14. “Order the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his
          disciples go and steal him away.” (Matt. 27:64)

_____ 15. “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take him
           down.” (Mark 15:36)

_____ 16. “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the
           tomb?” (Mark 16:3)

_____ 17. “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” (Luke 23:37)

_____ 18. “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the
          things that have happened there in these days?” (Luke 24:18)

_____ 19. “Peace to you!” (Luke 24:36)

_____ 20. “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger
          into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will
          never believe.” (John 20:25)
                                                              Answers of page 11
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Monday      March 110:30 a.m. *Lenten Bible Study—Savior: What the Bible Says
                               About the Cross
Wednesday March 3   7:00 p.m. *The Consciousness Examen: Prayerfully Reflecting
                                on Your Day with God
Monday    March 8 10:30 a.m. *Lenten Bible Study—Savior: What the Bible Says
                                About the Cross
Wednesday March 10 7:00 p.m. *The Consciousness Examen: Prayerfully Reflecting
                                on Your Day with God
Thursday March 11 1:30 p.m.    Jesus’ Journey to the Resurrection
Monday    March 15 10:30 a.m. *Lenten Bible Study—Savior: What the Bible Says
                                    About the Cross
Wednesday March 17 7:00 p.m. *The Consciousness Examen: Prayerfully Reflecting
                                 on Your Day with God
Monday    March 22 10:30 a.m. *Lenten Bible Study—Savior: What the Bible Says
                                 About the Cross
Wednesday, March 24 10:00 a.m. Inter-Faith Men
Wednesday March 24 7:00 p.m. *The Consciousness Examen: Prayerfully Reflecting
                                 on Your Day with God
Monday, March 29 10:30 a.m. *Lenten Bible Study—Savior: What the Bible Says
                                 About the Cross
     *NOTE: A Zoom link will be emailed to those who register for these meetings.

                        MOVING WITHOUT PAIN
As we age, many of us feel our aches and pains more and move less because
of it. What we don’t realize is that failing to use our bodies can lead to more
muscle degeneration, stiffness, and more pain. Yoga is not going to rebuild
your hip or cure your arthritis, but the persistent gentle movements can help to
relax and strengthen the muscles, fascia and tendons and restore a fuller range
of motion to you. The process is gradual but the progress is real.
IFC member, Christine Tetrault, is offering her third series of free chair yoga classes on
ZOOM to church members and their friends. The classes will be on Thursday evenings from
6:45pm until 8pm. The classes will run from March 4th through April 22nd.
HOW TO JOIN: Send an email expressing interest to Please include your
phone number – preferably your cell phone so I can reach you more quickly via text with last-
minute or important updates. Christine will send you an email with a link you can click on
every Thursday to join. There will also be some ZOOM instructions and general info about
the class.
Christine has been an instructor for Body and Brain Yoga for the past 10 years. This style of
Yoga is based on the Sun Tao form of Martial Arts. Its goal is to allow individuals of all ages
and levels of health to grow in health, peace, and happiness. During that time, she healed her
frozen shoulders and significantly reduced her own pain from a damaged meniscus while she
increased not just her physical flexibility but also her mental and emotional resilience as well.
Answers to
                       Lenten Mid-Week Worship Services                  Quiz on page 9
                Special worship services have been planned for each of      1.     g
                the weeks leading up to Holy Week.                          2.     s
                                                                            3.     o
                Our time of worship will include hymns, prayers, spe-       4.     d
                cial music, and will provide a message that is sure to      5.     t
                enrich your personal faith as you live the journey of       6.     h
                Lent.                                                       7.     l
                                                                            8.     I
              Please join us for these times of Lenten worship on:          9.     f
                                                                            10.    k
                               Tuesdays at 1:00 P.M.                        11.    j
       LW Channel 974 (Also available on our web page)                      12.    p
                                                                            13.    r
March 2          Hope and the Cross           Rev. Barbara McKenzie         14.    n
                                                                            15.    a
March 9          Prayer and the Cross         Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea        16.    c
March 16         Humility and the Cross       Dr. Robert Perry              17.    e
March 23         Suffering and the Cross      Rev. Diane Hugger             18.    m
                                                                            19.    b
                                                                            20.    q
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       phone 301-598-5312

        Rev. Dr. Woodie Rea,
            Senior Minister
       Rev. Dr. Ramonia L. Lee,
    Minister of Congregational Life
 Kevin M. Clemens, Director of Music
   Bonnie B. Bonner, Administrator
Joy M. Dufour, Administrative Assistant
     Steve Buck, Gary Carpenter
 Video Technicians and Chapel Sextons

                                           SAVING TIME
                                          MARCH 14, 2021
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