St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...
St. Thomas More
  Catholic Parish & School
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 19, 2023

                              "I say to you, love your
                              enemies and pray for
                              those who persecute you"
                              (Mt 5:44).
St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

                                   pastor's note
                                         Lent 2023:                     material and immaterial. It can be things like respect and
                                         Purposeful Preparation         acclaim, or money and luxury. Even if we work hard, we
                                                                        need grace to protect us from the presumption that we
                                 Lent begins this                       are owed a reward.
                                 coming week with Ash
                                 Wednesday. This year,                  During ent, the Church calls us to practice detachment
                                 through four weeks of                  from the things of this world. n a particular way, everyone
                                 articles, am inviting                  ( 4 and older) is asked to abstain from eating meat on
                                 the entire parish to                   Fridays. Not because meat is bad, but because it is good
                                 a more purposeful                      and deligh ul. By purposefully abstaining from an earthly
                                  enten preparation                     delight, we can look toward the things of heaven. This
                                 through various                        practice helps us grow in detachment.
                                 practices to help root
                                 out spiritual diseases                 If you are someone who never eats meat, you should
and grow in a relationship with God. To prepare for ent,                abstain from some other kind of food that you enjoy,
our focus this week is on detachment.                                   something that will be a challenge. Further, it’s important
                                                                        to keep within the spirit of what the Church is guiding us
I apologize for using a bad word, again, in my pastor’s                 to do through a Friday penance. I know some people who
note, but feel like it fits the occasion. The word is                   abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent but opt for some
“deserve.” I know, vulgar. Deserve means to be worthy                   other form of food that is potentially more opulent, like
of either good or ill. It becomes a bad word when we                    lobster. That is not in keeping with the spirit of penance.
begin to think that we deserve something good. We are
miserable sinners. Of course, it does not end there. We                 St. Francis de Sales said, The more one mortifies his
are children of God who are loved unconditionally. God                  natural inclinations, the more he renders himself capable
loves us so much that he did not leave us in our fallen                 of receiving divine inspirations and of progressing in
state, even though he could have. He sent his only Son                  virtue.” Let’s pray for each other this week and all of Lent,
as our savior to rescue us from slavery to sin. This is not             that we may have the grace to detach from worldly things
something we deserved. We don’t deserve anything                        and cling to heavenly things. They are far better.
good, not life, not forgiveness, not love.

Most of our problem with thinking that we deserve
something is associated with things of this world,                      — Fr. Randy

             We come to St Thomas More!                                   Confessions: Monday–Friday: 8:00am, Thursday: 6:30pm,
             8035 S Quebec St | Centennial, Colorado 80112
                                                                          Saturday: 8:15am
             303.770.                               Holy our for Vocations Thursday: 6:30–7:30pm
                                                                          Perpetual Adoration: 24-hour Eucharistic Adoration in the
  Clergy                                                                  Adoration Chapel. Contact:
  Pastor: Rev. Randy Dollins
  Parochial Vicars: ev. Matt artley, ev. Chris Marbury,
  Rev. Rohan Miranda, O.C.D., Rev. Ivan Monteiro, O.C.D.,                 Sacrament of Baptism For baptisms, contact Sandra Schwab
   ev. srael Gonsalves, .C.D., (in residence)                             at no less than one month prior to the
  Deacons: Dcn. Tim athaway, Dcn. George Morin,                           baptism ceremony. Visit for more information.
  Dcn. Alan Rastrelli, M.D., Dcn. David Simonton, Dcn. Steve Stemper,     Sacrament of Matrimony For weddings, contact
  Dcn. George Brown (retired), Dcn. Bob Cropp (retired),
  Dcn. Tim Walsh (retired)                                                Melanie auer at no less than eight
                                                                          months prior to the wedding for marriage preparation information.
   arish     f ce Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:00am 5:00pm                     Sacrament of the Sic Contact the parish o ce at onset
  Sunday Masses: Saturday (Anticipatory): 4:00 & 5:30pm                   of illness. n case of death in the family, contact the parish o ce
  Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30am (incense; live-streamed),                  immediately at 303.770.1155.
  12:30pm, 5:30pm
                                                                          For sa ra ental e ergen ies       en t e aris o      e is closed,
  Daily Masses: Monday–Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am. Saturday: 7:30am            call 303.370.0242.

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...


 This Week’s Mass Intentions                                    This Week’s Prayer Intentions
Sunday, February 19:          Thursday, February 23:            Pray for our ill parish members & relatives:
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary      6:30am Josephine Elder †        Dennis Gilmore, Chrisi Hobbs & Family, Jerry Lane,
Time                            9:00am Patsy Lopez †            Gen Siebert, Frances Elaine Kaveny, and Ana Garzon.
 7:00am Nancy Major †         Friday, February 24:
 8:30am Frank Leikam †          6:30am James & Lynda
10:30am Mass for the People                                     Pray for our deceased parish members & relatives:
         of St. Thomas More                                     Jack Lutz.
                                9:00am Allan Steinke †
12:30pm Arlo & Doug
         Hannasch †           Saturday, February 25:            Due to the Privacy Act, only immediate family members may
 5:30pm Charles & Denise        7:30am Col. Joseph A. Kuhn †    request a name to be placed on the prayer list. Please call
         Jeske †                4:00pm Rose Romero †            303.770.1155.
Monday, February 20:            5:30pm Jim O'Hara †
 6:30am Joan Grant †          Sunday, February 26:
 9:00am Phil Hartley †        First Sunday of Lent
Tuesday, February 21:          7:00am Marilyn Dietrich †
                               8:30am Porfirio A. Rodriguez †
                                                                            Ash Wednesday
 6:30am Jan Zapapas †
                              10:30am Mass for the People       Ash Wednesday, February 22:
 9:00am Arthur Sterling                 of St. Thomas More       6:30am Mass (Church)
Wednesday, February 22:       12:30pm Paul Kummer †              9:00am Mass (Church & McCallin Hall)
Ash Wednesday                  5:30pm Carol Thomas †
 6:30am John Michael                                            11:00am Mass (Church)
         Palladino †                                             1:00pm Mass (Church)
 9:00am The Jeske Family                                         6:00pm Mass (Church & McCallin Hall)
11:00am Phil Hartley †
 1:00pm Arnold Holinger †                                       STM Catholic School students will attend the 9:00am
 6:00pm Charles Crouse †
                                                                Mass. There will be no 8:00am confessions on this day.

                Welcome to                                             Stations of The Cross
              the Hallow App                                    Fridays, February 24 –March 31:
                                                                3:05pm, 6:00pm & 7:00pm in the Church
            Download the number one Catholic App,
            worldwide, for free, today! STM members             Stations with Praise & Worship
            and volunteers will be in the narthex after all     Friday, March 3:
            masses to answer questions.                         7:00–8:30pm in the Church
                                                                Includes opening praise music and Stations of the Cross, a
            The Hallow App includes prayers for kids            reflection, Holy Hour, and Benediction.
            and families, resources for mental health,
            meditations for sleep, seasonal music, multiple
            languages, daily trivia, podcast-style courses to
            learn more about faith, and more!                          Parish Lenten Fish Fry
                                                                Fridays, February 24–March 31:
            Register today by scanning the QR code and          4:30–7:30pm in McCallin Hall I & II
            select St. Thomas More Parish, or visit www.
   for more information.                    Sit down dinner or drive through for takeout. Fried cod,
                                                                baked salmon, an assortment of sides, beverage & dessert.
 For inspiration, information, insights, and ideas to enrich    Adults $17, kids 5-12 $6, kids under 5 are FREE! Family
 your Lenten journey this year, read future bulletins, parish   price $45. Cash bar with beer and wine.
 Flocknote emails, download the Hallow App, check out our
 parish Facebook page, visit our website, and more!             Contact: Bobby Rogers at

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...


                     Tesoros de Dios                                       Respect Life Meeting
      Treasures of        We pray, we laugh, and we praise God      Learn more          Tuesday, February 28:
      God, a bilingual    together in both Spanish and English.     about this          7:00–8:30pm in St. Peregrine I
      prayer group.                                                 powerful
                          Friday, February 24:                                          Join us as we pray the Rosary and plan
                          6:30–8:00pm in St. Peregrine Hall I                           upcoming events.
                          For questions, contact Rosamaria                              For more information or questions,
                          Samaniego at 303.717.4728 or                                  email
                          Please notify Rosemary at least
                          two weeks in advance if childcare is

                                                                         Save the Date for VBS!
      STM Bereavement Support
                                                                    We are looking      Come join the fun at St. Thomas More's
                                                                    forward to seeing   Vacation Bible School (VBS) for incom-
                                                                    you at VBS!
                                                                                        ing Pre-K (Pre-K children must be four
      This series will   Beginning Tuesday, March 14:                                   years old by June 1) through incoming
      help with the      6:00–7:30pm in St. Joseph Hall or                              fifth grade.
      pain of losing a
      loved one.         Beginning Thursday, March 16:
                         10:00–11:30am in St. Joseph Hall                               Monday–Friday, June 19–23:
                         Grieving and mourning the death of
                         a loved one is a different process for                         Registration is online only and is open
                         each individual. The STM Bereavement                           from Saturday, April 1 through Friday,
                         Support Group invites you for an eleven-                       June 2.
                         week series to help provide support
                         for your loss and encouragement for                            For questions, contact Donna Engel at
                         emotional healing.                                   

                         For questions or to sign up, contact
                         Becky Garry at 720.498.9930 or email
                                                                              Grow in Your Faith
                                                                                with FORMED
          Mary’s Rosary Warriors                                                        Discover Catholic videos, movies, audio
                                                                                        talks, and more! These programs bring
      All are            Mondays–Fridays:                                               you the truth, beauty, and meaning
      welcome to         Daily after 6:30am and 9:00am Mass in                          of the Catholic faith anytime and
      join us in                                                                        anywhere. Enjoy free unlimited access
      prayer.            the Sanctuary.
                         Saturdays:                                                     to all of it:
                         After 7:30am Mass in the Cry Room.                               1. Go to
                                                                                          2. Select “St. Thomas More,
                         Our Mother Mary tells us to “Pray the                                Centennial”
                         Rosary every day in order to obtain                              3. Register with your name and email
                         peace for the World.” Become one of                                  address
                         Mary’s Rosary Warriors and join us in                            4. Check that email account for a link
                         prayer following daily Mass.                                         to begin using FORMED

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

                            time & talent

          Prayer in the Square                                 Share Your Musical Talents
 Join us in prayer   Come and pray the Rosary and the          Have you or someone you know served as a pianist
 every first         Divine Mercy Chaplet for our country
 Saturday of the                                               or organist at mass? We are looking for a pianist to
 month.              and the whole world.                      accompany the women’s choir at the 8:30 Mass and a
                                                               pianist or organist to serve at other masses.
                     Saturday, March 4:
                     10:00 at Civic Green Park in              If God has blessed you with skills to play the piano or
                     Highlands Ranch Town Center               organ, maybe you’re that person!
                     For questions, contact Eddy Ng at         Contact Jeff McGarrity at for
                     303.506.2944.                             more information.

                                                                      Visit the arish ibrary
  al ing             ith       omen in ee                      Come see our       Discover more about your faith this
                                                               wide selection
                                                                                  Lent! Our library is full of resources,
            Denver Metro Resources for                         of books in the
                                                               library!           from books, to        's, and C 's, perfect
            Catholic Counseling Services                                          for all ages!

 Marisol Counseling:                                                              To learn more, please email
 720.799.9264 or                               

 Catho i Chari es o Centra Co ora o
     .   .    or health-well-                Re ections at your ingertips
                                                               Download our      Our FREE parish app can give you easy
                                                               parish app!       access to daily readings, worship guide,
 St aphae Counse in i eton                                                       re ections, and more.
 720.377.1359 or
                                                                                 For the app download link, text APP
 For uestions related to any services outlined in our                            to 55321 or search for “myParish –
 Walking With Women in Need series, please email                                 Catholic Life” in your app store.
                                                                                 Once you download the app, follow the
                                                                                 welcome screens to look up and select
                                                                                 St. Thomas More Parish in Centennial.

Than You or participating in
                                                                          uestion o the                     ee
 the oC ree Throw Contest
                                                                                  Adult: What is the point of “turning the
                     The Knights of Columbus Council 10205                        other cheek” in an argument, and why
                     would like to thank everyone for their                       is it so hard to do?
                     participation in the     Free Throw
                     Contest. This year brought one of the
                     highest turnouts with participants                           Child: When have you or someone you
                     competing in the contest. e hope you                         know insisted on “having the last word”
                     en oyed the competition and we look                          in an argument? What happened
                     forward to seeing you next year!                             afterwards?

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...


      Support STM with eGiving                                                  Amazon Smile
                                                                 Sign up online,    Support STM every time you shop
   Thank you for      This is a time of year when many of        and Amazon will    online on Amazon!
   your generosity.   us focus on getting organized and          donate to our
                      “decluttering” our surroundings, why       parish each time
                                                                 you shop!          Through Amazon Smile, Amazon will
                      not streamline your offertory and                             donate a portion of what you purchase
                      simplify your support for St. Thomas                          to our parish at no additional cost to
                      More and the ministries that mean so                          you.
                      much to you? Now is a great time to
                      stop using checks and envelopes by                            To select St. Thomas More Catholic
                      switching to eGiving. You can sign up                         Parish for Amazon Smile, scan the QR
                      from your computer, smartphone, or                            code. Thank you for supporting our
                      tablet, and set up a recurring donation                       parish!
                      or make a one-time gift.

                      Sign up today by texting 'Enroll' to
                      720.619.8959 or visit the website
             Thank you for your
                      continued support of our parish.           Give Your IRA a Vacation
                                                                Learn about         Rather than take an RMD (required
                                                                different options   minimum distribution) and pay income
                                                                for your IRA.
                                                                                    tax, use the IRA charitable rollover to
   Stewardship – A Way of Life                                                      support our parish.

                                                                                    Ask how by reaching out to our
   In today's first reading, the Israelites are urged to love                       friends at the Catholic Foundation.
   their neighbors as themselves. In the Gospel, Jesus spells                       Please call Deacon Steve, Lisa or
   out how we are to do that—to give generously to those                            Joshua at 303.468.9885 or visit
   who ask of us and not to turn our backs on those who                   
   seek to borrow.

              Traveling Chalice                                 Celebrating an Anniversary
                      Praying for vocations this week:
                                                                                    Happy Anniversary!
                      The Aldridge Family
                                                                                    Christopher & Susan Cirves – 30 years
                      If you would like to bring the chalice
                      into your home to pray for an increase                        If you would like your anniversary to
                      in vocations, contact Peggy Finan at                          be published in the bulletin, please
                                                  email to
                                                                                    with your names, anniversary date,
                                                                                    and how many years you are
                      Thank you!                                                    celebrating. Thank you!

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

youth: middle & high school

 nstead of rea away and                                                         Open Gym Night
cho re A Mardi Gras Party                                                                Sunday, February 26:
                                                                                         7:00–9:00pm in the School Gym
Both middle and    Tuesday, February 21:
high school your   6:00–8:30pm in the H.S. Youth Center                                  All middle school and high school youth
are invited!                                                                             are invited to a night of basketball in the
                   There is no Breakaway or Echofire this                                gym.
                   week. Instead, we are having a middle
                   and high school Mardi Gras party!                                     Questions? Contact Greg Johnson at
                   Bring a snack or dish to share! Wear
                   green, purple, or gold!

                   For questions, contact Youth Ministry                      Connect with Youth Ministry!
                   at                                 303.220.3388 |

                   our parish school

  STM Catholic's kindergarten class celebrated              Congratulations to our STM Catholic girls' sixth and seventh grade
        their first 100 days of school!                             basketball teams who placed first this weekend!

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

          outside of our parish
 Catholic Grief Support Group                                      Give Me the Living Water
                                                                  A Women's Journey Retreat
                       avigating the death of a loved one can
                     feel overwhelming and isolating. This                 Friday, March 10–Sunday, March 12:
                     grief group, led by a licensed therapist,             (Begins at       on Friday and
                     will help guide you on this journey                   concludes by 12:00 on Sunday)
                     through faith, education, and support
                     from one another.                                      ou are invited to oin Catholic and
                                                                           Christian women to share re ections
                      ou will be placed in a group according to            and spiritual journeys of your lives.
                     your specific loss whether from a spouse,             Come re ect, pray, support, and be
                     parent, child, friend, or family member.              supported by other woman of faith as
                     This group meets twice a month in                     you journey through Lent. This retreat
                     Littleton.                                            will be presented by r. oug Grandon,
                                                                           Fr. John Lager, and the Sisters of Life.
                      or uestions or more information,
                     contact Lauren Accolla, at 970.573.6112                or more information or to register, visit
                     or Laccolla      

                                                                     Junior Roadrunners
       My Father's House Gala
                                                                        Day Camps
                     Wednesday, March 15:                                 Monday, July 24–Friday, July 28, or
                     6:30–9:00pm at St. Thomas More                       Monday, July 31–Friday, August 4:
                     Catholic Church in Centennial                        9:00 –4:00 at the School
                     Join us as we mark the 5th Anniversary               Junior Roadrunners camps are week-long
                     of My Father's House! Learn more                     day camps for kids grades K–5 designed
                     about the methodology that provides                  to provide fun, developmental experience
                     a solid foundation for true repentance               based on teamwork, friendship, positivity,
                     in the hearts of men that have been                  and learning the basics of different sports.
                     incarcerated, and learn about the loving
                     process that makes re-entry into society             To reserve your spot or for more
                     safe and successful.                                 information, call    .    .    or visit
                     We hope you can join us in this
                     celebration. Admission is free but scan
                     the QR code to reserve your spot.

         Join Us On Our Saints
         of France Pilgrimage
                     Sunday, September 17–Friday,                    New Life – Senior Singles
                     September 29:
                                                                           Ash Wednesday, February 22:
                     Join Fr. Randy on the upcoming Saints of                o meeting. See page of the bulletin
                     France Pilgrimage and learn more about                for mass times.
                     the saints and explore their magnificent
                     cathedrals.                                           Saturday, February 25:
                                                                           9:30 Breakfast at Littleton Caf
                      lease S to Sandy arem, ilgrimage                     (     W Littleton Blvd
                     Leader, at iturria ourneys or
                     call 970.685.0546.                                     or uestions or more information
                                                                           contact Sue Ogden at 303.779.7766.

St. Thomas More Catholic Parish & School - "I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Mt 5:44) - Seventh Sunday in ...

 a reflection on
today’s readings
Grow as a Disciple
Today is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time before Lent
begins. I realize in saying it that way, however, it sounds
like a warning (“the bookstore will be closing in five
minutes, please bring your purchases to the register!”)
rather than an acknowledgement of the celebration that
it is. We are in some of the earliest days of the Church’s
“ordered”, ordinary and numbered, approach to helping
us mature and grow in faith. We do this by living with and
in the life of Christ over the course of a year. At each step
we celebrate the life, passion, death, and resurrection of
Christ, but we also set aside different seasons to focus
on those specific elements. And so it makes sense that
as we approach Lent, we hear more about what exactly
God asks of us. Today’s readings remind us of what sets
us back: hatred for others, desire for revenge, grudges,
worldly wisdom, all things which are destructive of God’s
temple, our souls. As Saint Paul says, "Having a heart full
of these things means there is no room for love, which
means there is no room for Christ." Let us pray for God’s
help in ridding ourselves of all that is destructive, and for
the strength to grow a heart only for him.

Go Evangelize
I’d argue that in some ways, Lent actually starts
before Ash Wednesday since it requires forethought
and planning. We have to prepare for a season of
preparation! We have to figure out what to fast from or
add to our spiritual lives, and how we might specifically
direct our almsgiving. Today’s Gospel offers practical
actions, things which all Christians should strive for daily,
but especially observe during Lent if a spiritual reset
is needed. Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek. Hand
over your cloak. Go the extra mile, "Give to the one
who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who
wants to borrow.” Love your enemies and pray for your
persecutors. Lent is a call to act out of love, especially
in tough situations. Take these next couple of days to
prepare for Ash Wednesday and the weeks that follow.

Spend some time taking stock of your spiritual life. Are
you holding contempt for someone or seeking revenge
for something? Where might you be falling short in
striving to imitate Christ? Bring these thoughts to God in

– Written by The Faithful Disciple

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                                                              For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                                                           St. Thomas More, Centennial, CO                                     A 4C 05-0031
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