A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church

Page created by Mathew Olson
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
our new deacons gifted an acolyte candlesticks to
                                                          the parish and they were blessed by Fr Smith

A Parish Family of the Roman
Catholic Diocese of Charleston


       Parochial Vicar:          Office hours:

                                 Stay connected:

         Our Mission

                                 Are you new? Welcome!
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Letter from our Pastor

     Dear Friends in Christ,

     One of the more interesting trends of the 16 th century that perdured until after Vatican II was the drive to divide the
     study of theology into categories and subcategories. As theology became more academic and tied with the university and
     seminary classroom, what it meant to “do theology” became far from what the Church Fathers knew as theology. The
     most powerful theological works of the first millennium of Christianity actually came from homilies and hymns by which
     bishops and priests taught the meaning of Sacred Scripture. Few of them saw the ministry of teaching entrusted by them
     to their office as something done in a classroom, but something done at the pulpit. There were famous places like the
     Catechetical School of Alexandria in Egypt which attracted students to a formal school like those run by Plato and Aris-
     totle. But most theology was done in the context of preaching, which not limited to a few minutes at Mass.

     As theology moved from pulpit to classroom, many Catholics began to be formed in their faith less from the liturgy and
     more from systematic classes taught to impart the basics of the faith. Those that went on to study academic theology
     then often learned from manuals which sought to provide texts from the Bible, the Fathers and the Liturgy to illuminate
     specific points of theology. In the 20 th century, a number of theologians felt that this way of teaching and studying theolo-
     gy starved Christians from a more living contact with the Scripture, Liturgy and the Fathers. They sought to unite what
     had been divvied up by previous centuries. That project was not necessarily bad, but it did mean that a lot of pedagogi-
     cally useful texts and methods were scrapped in the obsession with novelty.

     Spirituality was often rigidly divided into two categories: the ascetical and the mystical. It was frequently explained like
     this: the vast majority of Christians are bound to an ascetical path which was guided by exterior practices of penance,
     mortification and sacramental discipline; and some few elect might receive extraordinary mystical graces from God in
     contemplative prayer, but most of us should not expect to be mystics. The ascetical path was what we do for God and
     the mystical path was what God does in us. The famous French Dominican Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, who was St John
     Paul II’s teacher in Rome, sought to overcome this profoundly untraditional distinction by positing that the mystical way
     of union with God is actually the normative state of every Christian, not just some kind of “professional Christians” like
     clergy or religious. This was a powerful way of reconnecting the spiritual life with the extraordinary graces of mystical
     prayer as well as the spiritual reality of the sacred liturgy.

     I am currently sloughing my through two recent works by David Fagerberg from Notre Dame: Liturgical Asceticism and
     Liturgical Mysticism. In an age in which many Christians think that spirituality is merely an emotional attachment to some
     certain devotional practices, or emptying our conscience of all distraction in some sort of Zen coma, Fagerberg’s seminal
     texts present a timely corrective. The more we understand the spiritual reality which the liturgy both foreshadows and
     makes present to us in the here and now, the more we are conformed through, by and with the public worship of the
     Church and the celebration of the sacraments to Christ. So often we go to Mass out of habit or routine, and think that it
     reminds us about God. In reality, the Mass is the place where we become the Love we receive, if we just allow the inner
     reality of the Liturgy to penetrate our hearts.

                                                                1 Church
                                                                2 Christ the King Adoration Chapel
                                                                3 PAC (Parish Activity Center) & PAC Classroom
                                                                4 Guadalupe Hall
                                                                5 School & School Offices (Lourdes Hall)
                                                                6 & 7 Parish House, under the protection of Our Lady of Fatima
                                                                8 KofC Building
                                                                9 Pope Francis House
                                                                10 Walsingham Hall
                                                                Parking Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14

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A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
= where you see this symbol, it means live broadcast
         simultaneously on Facebook & YouTube                                                         Parish Calendar

              sunday, 7 mar                                    monday, 8 mar                                    tuesday, 9 mar
             3rd sunday of lent                               st john of god (OF)                           st frances of rome (OF)
              (OF year B & EF)                                  feria of lent (EF)                               feria of lent (EF)
  8a Mass Michael McGrady+(FRT)                     7a Mass Gary & Brenda Weekley-L (FRT)             7a Mass Gary & Brenda Weekley-L (FRT)
 9.15a Masked Mass (gym) Ed Rauch+(FCS)            12p Ryan Barnett-L (FRT)                          12p EF Mass Rosie Seger+ (FCS)
 10a Mass Mary Jean Heap-L (FCS)
 12p EF Mass For the People of the Parish (FRT)
6.30p Compline

          wednesday, 10 mar                                   thursday, 11 mar                                  friday, 12 mar
          lenten weekday (OF)                                lenten weekday (OF)                              lenten weekday (OF)
             feria of lent (EF)                                feria of lent (EF)                               feria of lent (EF)
8.30a Mass John Russian+ (FCS)                      7a Mass Rev.do Sac. Profico+ (FCS)                7a Mass Rev.do Mons.DiNuzzo+ (FCS)
  12p EF Mass Shannon Harkins-L (FRT)              12p EF Mass Cathy Barnett-L (FRT)                 12p EF Mass Peter & Devon Barnett-L (FCS)

            saturday, 13 mar                                 sunday, 14 mar                                   prayer requests
           lenten weekday (OF)                        4th sunday of lent (OF year B)
              feria of lent (EF)                            laetare sunday (EF)                      All those serving our country, Gena Cunning-
                                                                                                     ham, Julie Mallory, Bridgitte Gunnells, Wrenn
8a EF Mass Joan Mertz+ (FRT)                         8a Mass James Burns+(FRT)                       Calcutt, Jim Bannister, Stephen Wiltberger,
5p Mass Ron Schichtel+ (FCS)                        9.15a Masked Mass (gym) Ed Rauch+(FCS)           Lillie Nesbitt, Kevin Stainton, Doris Pratt,
                                                    10a Mass Simmons/McCullen Families+ (FCS)        Sarah Williams, Kenneth Price, Jackie Andre-
                                                    12p EF Mass For the People of the Parish (FRT)   jack, Deacon Bob Smith, Lois Smith, Christy
                                                   6.30p Compline                                    Smith, Shannon Harkins, Gloria Dussich, Rose
                                                                                                     Schillaci, Kristina Murphy, Laurie Taylor, Tony
                                                                                                     Scachetti, Carl Jones, Luigina & John Warga,
                                                                                                     Mary Jean Heap, Rita Herd, Marlene C. Eugen-
                                                                                                     ia Kolinko, Emily Stapinski, Susan Subrizi, Ed
                                                                                                     Case, Lee Mobley, Mary Jean Heap, Stella Bo-
                                                                                                     ris, Terri Arkins, Rosemary Craig, Janine
                                                                                                     Moore, Jean Casey, Thomas Dorsey, Jennifer
         Please contact the Parish Office to request a name be added to the prayer list.             Gregory, Jennifer Pfaffl, Kevin Curtis, Ray
        We will leave names on the prayer list for two weeks, unless requested otherwise.            Lopez, James Supulski, and Regina Flynn
             Due to our church lighting project, the church schedule may change at the last minute this week.
                      Please check the website www.princeofpeacetaylors.net for the latest updates.
                                                                                                          View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

   If you are homebound and wish to receive Holy                     "And behold, I am with you always,
   Communion, please contact Deacon Mark at                       to the close of the age." Matthew 28:20
   mark.thompson@princeofpeacetaylors.org or
   864.630.0606.                                            Please consider adopting an hour or become a sub-
                                                            stitute. Contact Lisa Buss at 864.508.7123 or
                                                            adoration@princeofpeacetaylors.org with questions!
   If you would like to learn more about the life and       • Adorers are reminded to receive the code di-
   charism of Lay Dominicans and how they share in              rectly from Lisa Buss.
   the apostolic mission of the Dominican Order             • Hours in need of adorers:
   through the Four Pillars: Prayer, Study, Community                • 10p Wednesdays
   and Apostolic Preaching, email Linda Head, OP, for
   information: ixhead@gmail.com.                           Notes about inclement weather:
                                                            • You will always receive an email about situations
                                                              that result in the chapel being shutdown.
   Be comforted by those who have experienced the
   grief of the loss of a spouse on the first Saturday of
   the month in the Pope Francis House. Call Jean Ca-       Parents desiring Baptism for their children must at-
   sey 864.423.7010 to learn more.                          tend a Baptism Class. The next class will be held on
                                                            Thursday, 11 March at 6.30p through Zoom
                                                            (virtually). Please contact Deacon Gus for details at
   •     Sarah Smith, 21 March                              864. 420.0497 baptisms@princeofpeacetaylors.org
   •     Maria Barontini, 30 March                           Baptisms cannot be scheduled until the class is com-
                                                             Only Deacon Gus can schedule Baptisms.

   Join us in welcoming the newest members of our
   parish family: Matthew Morel                             Have you ever wondered how & why we sing the
                                                            sacred liturgy? Fr Smith recommends this excellent
                                                            resource for better understanding.
   All Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence. On
   days of abstinence, meat should not be eaten at any
   meal. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics who
   have completed their 14th year.

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A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

Rosary Makers are needed to make knotted cord              "It is, then, natural and worthy that as the Blessed Joseph
rosaries for the troops overseas. Rosaries must be         ministered to all the needs of the family at Nazareth and
all cord. No metal, plastic, or wood for security rea-     girt it about with his protection, he should now cover with
sons. Rosaries will be shipped to Fr. Gray who has         the cloak of his heavenly patronage and defend the
recently been deployed. For more information on            Church of Jesus Christ.” - Pope Leo XIII. Here are
how to get started, please contact Sally Zaleski at        some ideas on how to honor St Joseph:
salgal71@gmail.com or at 413.325.1995.                     • the Holy Father has proclaimed a “Year of Saint
                                                                Joseph” from, 8 December 2020, to 8 December
                                                                2021 in celebration of the 150th anniversary of
Fraternus & Fidelis are mentoring programs for 6th-             the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Uni-
12th graders—fraternus is for boys & fidelis is for             versal Church
girls. Mentors form a brotherhood/sisterhood of vir-       • pray the Litany of St Joseph, the Seven Sorrows
tue and invite the teens into it.                               and Joys of Saint Joseph, the Chaplet of St Joseph,
• 6th-12th grade boys are invited to participate on             or simply add “St. Joseph, Head of the Holy Fami-
     Tuesdays from 7-8:45pm in the PAC. Contact                 ly, pray for us” to your day.
     Thomas at upstatefraternus@gmail.com                  • honor your father (or father figure) by describing
• 6th-12th grade ladies are invited to participate              your gratitude, calling him, making him dinner,
     on Tuesdays from 7-8.45p in Parish House.                  offering a Mass in his honor, or visiting his
     Contact Kelly at upstatefidelis@gmail.com                  gravesite on St Joseph’s Day (19 March)
                                                           • Offer up your labor out of love and gratitude for
                                                                St. Joseph. Remember that keeping holy the Sab-
Which school in the Diocese has the highest                     bath and abstaining from labor on Sunday honors
MAP scores? Prince of Peace Catholic School!                    St. Joseph, too!
                                                           • Make a St Joseph altar or find a way to include St
POPCS students scored higher than all Greenville                Joseph in your home
County public schools on MAP testing, too.
                                                           • Find ways to give to families in need, such as our
                                                                food pantry, following St Joseph’s loving example
Enrollment in our parish school (grades K4-8th) is
open to all (after a priority period of re-enrollment
for existing families) on a first come, first served ba-
sis. With several classes expected to be waitlist only,    Our wildly successful Vacation
interested families are encouraged to apply ASAP.          Bible School, Totus Tuus, will
Please schedule a tour of the parish school with Liz       return again, 10-16 July
Burgdorf at 864-331-2145.                                  2021! Mark you calendars
                                                           now for all entering 1st-12th
                                                           graders (evening program for 7-12th graders). We
The following will be in the PAC with 100% mask            need of 2 host families for our male and female team
compliance (no medical exemptions):                        members, dinner host families, and adult volunteers
                                                           for each grade level. Please email Maria Barontini!
•   Stations of the Cross: 12 March 6.30p & 26             What makes Totus Tuus special? The Totus Tu-
    March 6.30p                                            us program was developed by Catholics and teaches
•   Holy Thursday: Communion Service (not a                the Catholic faith. Totus Tuus is run by a team of
    Mass) 1 April at 6.30p                                 enthusiastic, college-age adults who are on fire for
•   Good Friday: Stations of the Cross & Divine            our faith. The Totus Tuus program follows a 6-year
    Mercy Chaplet 2 April 12p                              curriculum cycle. So even if you came last year, or
•   Good Friday Service: 2 April 3p                        three years ago, the material is going to be different.
•   Holy Saturday: 3 April 10.30a                          Not to mention, the team changes each year so the
                                                           leaders will have a totally fresh perspective.
                                                                                    View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

    Our Knights of Columbus coun-                                 Prince of Peace Catholic School is accepting applica-
    cil invite you and your family to                             tions for the 2021-22 school year:
    an open meeting to get to know                                • .5 FTE elementary (1st through 5th grade) Latin
    the Council on Thursday, 11                                       and Humanities teacher. This position is a half
    March at 6.30p in the Parish Ac-                                  time position with the potential to grow into a
    tivity Center. We will open in                                    full time position in the next couple of years.
    Prayer, watch a video about                                       Learn more.
    Blessed McGivney, our founding                                • Full Time Elementary Classroom Teacher. Learn
    Priest, and then share a video from Into the Breach               more.
    series. Following the videos, we will discuss the pre-        Please email a cover letter, resume, and references
    sent and future as well as answer questions from              to Principal Steven Cunningham
    those attending. Bring your ideas!                            at principal@popcatholicschool.org.
    • RSVPs appreciated. Call or text our Grand
         Knight at (864) 354-5680.                                Prince of Peace Catholic Church & School is accept-
                                                                  ing applications for:
                                                                  • Full time Music Teacher and Pastoral Associate
   Between 31 January—4 April, Fr Smith has invited                   for Children's Music beginning 1 July. Learn
   everyone to disengage completely from all social me-               more.
   dia except what is strictly necessary for work. This
   Lenten Social Media Detox extends to the parish's              Please send a cover letter, resume, and three letters
   social media presence as well: we will only post               of recommendation to Fr Christopher Smith
   livestreams, bulletins, newsletters, death notices,            at frsmith@princeofpeacetaylors.org,with cc's
   news about our upcoming deacons' ordinations and               to alan.reed@princeofpeacetaylors.org and
   first homilies, and necessary school news. Please              principal@princeofpeacetaylors.org.
   stay in touch by signing up for newsletters, reading
   your bulletin, and viewing our website.
                                                                  Did you know that when you donate blood at The
                                                                  Blood Connection, Prince of Peace Catholic Church
   This holiday season we thank everyone who has sup-             & School has a code to “credit” it to our parish? The
   ported Prince of Peace Catholic Church this past               code is 3APE.
   year with their time, talent and financial contribu-
   tions, and look forward to support from all of our
   parishioners in the year ahead. As the pace of life            Men’s Bible Study meets on Tuesdays from 7-8p in
   speeds up, especially around the holidays, you may             Guadalupe Hall (The Middle School). They are study-
   find electronic giving a most welcome way to make              ing Bishop Robert Barron's 4 Gospels. It’s a great
   contributions. Contact Mark Pulley at 864.331.3907.            time to get involved! Questions? Contact Deacon
   •     donate online in our tithe.ly system - setup             Michael Thompson at 864.365.6178.
         EFT, one-time donation or recurring donation.
         Manage your giving with ease by downloading the          We have two families in need of support via meals.
         tithe.ly app to your phone.                              Please consider helping:
                                                                  • Ray Lopez is undergoing a stem cell transplant
    If you normally give via WeShare, you can stick with it or        and his family would appreciate meals. Click to
     switch! The parish incurs lower fees with Tithe.ly. Here's       help through 31 March.
          the WeShare link for managing your account.             • James Supulski is in the ICU with MRSA and can-
                                                                      cer metastases. His family would appreciate
                                                                      meals as they support his fight. Click to help.

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A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

9 March: Feast of Saint Frances of Rome. Frances (Francesca) was born in 1384
in Rome. Her parents were wealthy nobility. As a child, Frances was very devout. She
decided at age eleven to become a nun. Frances’ father said no; he had already prom-
ised her in marriage to someone. Frances was very upset; she begged God to stop
the marriage from happening. She complained to her confessor, who responded,
“Are you crying because you want to do God’s will, or because you want God to do
your will?” Frances reluctantly agreed to the marriage. She married Lorenzo Ponzi-
ani, a good man who treated her well. He was nobility and his family was prominent
in society. Frances was very shy, so the parties that now filled her life were tor-
turous. Frances became so overwrought with social anxiety that she collapsed bed-
ridden for months, unable to eat or move. Near the point of death, Frances had a
vision in which Saint Alexis said God was giving a choice: she could choose to recov-
er, or not. Though she would have preferred to die, Frances said, “God’s will in mine.” St. Alexis then told
her that she would live, and that by doing so she would glorify God. Frances recovered. As she became ac-
quainted with her new relatives, Frances discovered that her sister-in-law also wished to live a life of service
and prayer. They became close friends. With their husbands’ blessings, Frances and Vannozza constantly
helped the poor. Frances then had three children and devoted herself as a good wife and mother. When dis-
ease and famine came to Rome, Frances took care of the sick and poor. Her father-in-law was furious at
Frances for giving away the family’s stores of food, but when the food was miraculously replenished, he re-
lented. Frances used all her money to help the poor. When all their resources were gone, Frances and Van-
nozza went door to door begging. As war raged, Frances suffered the loss of her son who was taken as a
hostage. But he was returned to her after she entrusted his life to the Blessed Virgin. Frances later lost her
younger two children to the plague. Her house was demolished. Despite these sufferings, she turned her
home into a hospital. When war was over, her husband returned injured and Frances took care of him.
Frances then received permission to start a society of women bound by no vows. This order, the Oblates of
Mary, lived in the world but offered themselves wholly to God and the service of the poor. Frances chose
not to live with the Oblates but rather at home with her husband. She did this for seven years, taking care of
her husband until he passed away. Frances then joined the Oblates in 1436 as their superior. During her lat-
er years she received frequent visions and ecstasies. It is said that for twenty-three years her guardian angel
was visible to her, aiding her work. She died in 1440 and was canonized by Pope Paul V in 1608. In 1925,
Pope Pius XI made Saint Frances the patron saint of car drivers, because of a legend that an angel used to
light the road in front of her when she travelled. She is also the patron saint of widows.

“It is most laudable in a married woman to be devout, but she must never forget that she is a
housewife. And sometimes she must leave God at the altar to find Him in her housekeeping.”
– St. Frances of Rome

Ideas for celebrating in your home:
• You could enjoy an Italian meal for today’s Feast. However, Saint Frances lived mainly on dry bread and
   preferred fasting over feasting. She sets the perfect Lenten example for us: what can we fast from today
   in our effort to grow in holiness?
• Saint Frances served the poor: how can you do this? Perhaps fill a box of surplus coats, blankets, food to
   donate to those in need?
• Saint Frances cared for the sick: could you bless someone in their time of suffering or illness? Perhaps
   send a note, prepare a meal, or drop off groceries?
• Invoke St. Frances' protection as you are getting in your car to drive somewhere today.

                                                                                 View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

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A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Contact Us

Fr. Christopher Smith      Pastor                      864.268.4352     frsmith@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Fr. Richard Tomlinson Parochial Vicar                  864.268.4352     richard.tomlinson@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Deacon Robert Smith        Deacon                      864.908.7047     dbcsmith@aol.com
*contact Deacon Bob about declarations of nullity
Deacon Gus Suarez          Deacon                      864.420.0497     gus.suarez@princeofpeacetaylors.org
*contact Deacon Suarez about baptisms (baptisms@princeofpeacetaylors.org), altar servers

Phil Head             Director of Administration                         864.331.3908 directorofadministration@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Mark Pulley           Director of Finance/Bookkeeper                     864.331.3907 bookkeeper@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Maria Rauch           Parish Secretary                                   864.331.3901 maria.rauch@princeofpeacetaylors.org
*contact Maria R. about facility reservations and requesting Anointing of the Sick prior to surgery or when gravely ill
Maria Barontini       Pastoral Associate for Children’s Catechesis 864.331.3919 maria.barontini@princeofpeacetaylors.org
*contact Maria B. about children’s catechesis, first confession, first communion, RCIA and confirmation
Alan Reed             Director of Music                                  864.331.3904 alan.reed@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Bobby Moreau          Director of Maintenance                                            bobby.moreau@popcatholicschool.org
Emily Dani            Pastoral Associate for Youth & Children's Music    864.331.3952 emily.dani@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Elizabeth Wilson Organist                                                864.331.3906 elizabeth.wilson@princeofpeacetaylors.org

Steven Cunningham          Principal                                       864.331.2145        principal@popcatholicschool.org
Tammy Lopez                Office Manager                                  864.331.3911        tammy.lopez@popcatholicschool.org

Ministry Liaison, Funerals, Weddings Deacon Michael Thompson                                   michael.thompson@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Adult Religious Education                  Deacon Michael Cavin                                michael.cavin@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Basketball                                 Maria Rauch                       864.331.3901      maria.rauch@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts                      Harry Grilliot/Marty Yigdall      864.423.6541      Pack259.SC@gmail.com
Communications Director                    Kylee Jean Heap                   864.266.8843      communications@princeofpeacetaylors.org
CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) John & Stephanie Lasitter                                    cyo@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Food & Financial Assistance                St. Vincent de Paul Society       864.331.3937
Fraternus                                  Thomas Connelly                   864.414.9192      fraternus@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Knights of Columbus 9184                   John Olson                        864.354.5680      gk.kofc9184@gmail.com
Natural Family Planning                    Kristie Killough                  864.243.7800
Respect Life                               Tanya Wersinger                   864.979.1856      tanya.wersinger@gmail.com
Sick & Homebound                           Deacon Mark Thompson              864.630.0606
Spiritual Direction                        Lisa Buss                                           spiritualdirection@princeofpeacetaylors.org
Widows/Widowers (BOUNCE)                   Jean Casey                        864.268.7554

                                                                                                         View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
A Parish Family of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston Pastor Parochial Vicar: Office hours: Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Happenings & Needs

   Join our parish family with a corporal work of            Deacons Michael Cavin,
   mercy by feeding the hungry of Triune Mercy               Mark Thompson and Mi-
   Kitchen on the first Sunday of April. Please sign up      chael Thompson gifted
   here to have the food and drinks ready for delivery.      the parish with 2 acolyte
   Contact John Olson with questions at 864.354.5680.        candlesticks (seen on the
                                                             cover). “It was done out
                                                             of love for the parish and
   •     Confession: two additional opportunities of 6-      in response to the love
         7p Tuesdays & 6-7p Thursdays will be added to       and support we have al-
         our normal schedule (5-6 Wednesdays & 3.30-         ways felt throughout our journey.” said Deacon
         4.40p Saturdays)                                    Cavin on behalf of all. The gift was a total surprise to
   •     Pray Compline: on Sundays from 21 Febru-            Fr Smith who blessed them at the 10a Mass on 28
         ary—21 March, join praying night prayer at          February. The candlesticks are from Adrian Ham-
         6.30p. It is very easy to learn!                    mers, a company that has been around for over
   •     Stations of the Cross: Friday evenings at 7p.       130yrs doing precious metal works for churches.
         We will not have Benediction or Confession dur-
         ing Stations this year.
   •     Lenten Recommended Reading by Fr Smith: Glit-       With joy, we announce that Lee Ervin, former pa-
         tering Vices: A new Look at the Seven Deadly Sins   rishioner, guest speaker, and choir member at POP,
         and Their Remedies by Rebecca DeYoung. (link to     will be joining the community of Mary Help of Chris-
         Amazon)                                             tians Abbey (a.k.a Belmont Abbey) as a postulant for
                                                             discernment, which takes place in three formal phas-
   Our Mass schedule for Palm Sunday (28 March) is:
                                                             • Four Month Postulancy (March 2021 – June
   • 8a Quiet Mass
   • 9.15a Low 100% Masked Mass in the PAC
                                                             • One Year Novitiate (July 11, 2021 – June 2022)
   • 10a Blessing of Palms and Procession and Solemn
                                                             • Three Year Temporary Vows (July 2022 – June
     (English) Mass
   • 12p EF Latin Mass: Blessing of Palms and Simple
                                                             Mary Help of Christians Abbey, of the American-
     Procession from 1955 with 1967 accommoda-
                                                             Cassinese Benedictine Congregration, follows the
     tion, holding palms in place, Low Mass with Eng-
                                                             Rule of St Benedict of Nursia. The monks of Bel-
     lish hymns.
                                                             mont Abbey live the Rule of work and prayer (ora et
                                                             labora) through the Divine Office, the Mass, and the
   Congratulations to                                        administration of Belmont Abbey College. The Col-
   Gavin Doe who has ad-                                     lege, founded in 1876, is a Catholic liberal arts col-
   vanced to regional com-                                   lege with more than 1,400 students enrolled in un-
   petition in archery.                                      dergraduate programs. In keeping with the Benedic-
   Gavin had never held a                                    tine tradition of stability and hospitality, Belmont Ab-
   bow before learning in                                    bey also provides accommodations for spiritual re-
   the parish school Ar-                                     treats. The Abbey and the College are situated on
   chery Team with Coach                                     a beautiful 700 acre site located 15 miles west of
   Moreau.                                                   Charlotte, North Carolina.

                                                             Lee's address at the monastery will be:
                                                             100 Belmont-Mt Holly Rd
                                                             Belmont, NC 28012
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