St. Mary & St. Ursula - The Parish Catholic Community of Allison Park & Glenshaw - St. Mary & St. Ursula
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PARISH CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ALLISON PARK/GLENSHAW St. Mary & St. Ursula ADMINISTRATION Rev. Timothy F. Whalen, MA, Administrator Rev. Ernest J. Strzelinski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph G. Luisi, MDiv, MA, Chaplain Rev. Mr. Francis J. Dadowski, Deacon, Business Mgr. Rev. Mr. Richard D. Ernst, Deacon Ms. Edith Bishop, Pastoral Associate/Dir. of Evangelization Mrs. Joyce Carney, Business Mgr. Mrs. Moira Edmiston, Prin. of Blessed Trinity Academy Mrs. Laurie Exler, Admin Assistant/Safe Environment Mr. Robert Kardasz, Dir. of Music Ministries Ms. Jan Kowalski, Safe Environment Sister Lois Spinnenweber, Social Minister/St. Vin DePaul 412-486-4021 Miss Rose Stegman, Dir. of Faith Formation Mrs. Roberta Tabacek, Parish Secretary Mr. Charles Wilson, Dir. of Music Ministries WEEKEND LITURGY SCHEDULE DAILY LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 9:00 am M/W/F St. Mary; T/H/S St. Ursula 4:00 pm St. Mary Livestream Continues 5:30 pm St. Ursula RECONCILIATION Sunday Morning: Saturday 11:00 am at both churches 7:15 am St. Ursula BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS 9:00 am St. Mary 9:00 am St. Ursula Please call 412-486-4100 to make an appointment 11:00 am St. Mary Bulletin Deadline: Tuesdays at Noon Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm St. Mary To have bulletins sent to you electronically, send an email to with Subscribe in the subject line. St. Mary of the Assumption ∙ 2510 Middle Road ∙ Glenshaw, PA 15116 ∙ 412-486-4100 ∙ St. Ursula ∙ 3937 Kirk Avenue ∙ Allison Park, PA 15101 ∙ 412-486-6700 ∙
A Christmas We Will Never Forget by Fr. Tim As the well-known Christmas song reminds us, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and just like that first Christmas, every year it seems like heaven and earth come very close together on Christmas Eve. Undoubtedly, that is due to the fact that more people practice their faith and conscientiously try to do good and practice charity than any other time of the year, and you can literally feel the love and the peace that engenders. But there will always be some Christmases that will forever stick out in our memories for one reason or another. For instance, I have always referred to that Christmas in the eighties (1985?) when I was assigned to St. Lawrence O’Toole in Garfield, and it was so bitter cold that the holy water froze in the fonts situated by the doors. But nothing will supplant the memories of Christmas 2020, of having Mass in parking lots and emphasizing the importance of NOT getting close to family members and always wearing your masks. One moment in particular that I won’t forget is when I was celebrating Mass on Christmas morning on a stage in the parking lot and it was so bitter cold that when I drank from the chalice it literally stuck to my lip and when I poured water into the chalice to purify it, it crystallized on contact. That being said, Christmas 2020 couldn’t have been celebrated without an army of people stepping up and helping us to keep the “spirit” of Christmas alive in the midst of a pandemic. Many thanks to the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s and the volunteers at St. Ursula’s who helped us to park hundreds of cars for the outdoor Masses. It would have been pure chaos without your help. I can’t say thank you enough to our Music Ministry, who served under extraordinary circumstances, both inside and outside the church buildings, to help us to “lift up our hearts to the Lord”, and to make this happen took weeks of extra practice and planning. Thanks also to those who stepped up and served as cantors and lectors and servers. You added to the solemnity of the praise we were trying to offer to the Father for our Savior. Thanks to the teams who spent hours decorating our churches in honor of the Prince of Peace and all those parishioners who donated to the Christmas Flower Funds. Your contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Society helped our faithful men and women to provide extraordinary assistance in an extraordinary year. We made an extra effort to do outreach this year because people were so isolated and alone, so “muchas gratias” to all those who made phone calls to every household in the parish or made cookies for the elderly or contributed to the Giving Tree. The smiles and the joy that you may not have seen will be your everlasting reward. Behind the scenes our maintenance staffs were extra busy this Christmas, not only clearing snow in parking lots and walkways but doing the extra sanitizing that has to be done on pews and bathrooms and door handles. Because of their extra efforts at a time when everybody else is enjoying their leisure, we could all attend Mass on Christmas in safety, which is a tremendous gift that we sometimes take for granted. And, finally, I ask our good and loving God to bless every one of you who remembered us with a special contribution at Christmas. Because Covid has affected our weekly attendance, it has also affected our collections. Subsequently, we don’t have money to spend on luxuries and your extra gift for us at Christmas helps us to pay for the gas and the light and the insurance, which is no small cost. Thank you from my heart for being part of this parish family which began in 1834, which survived the Civil War and all the wars that followed it, that survived the Spanish Flu of 1918 and now the Pandemic of 2020. With God’s help and your assistance we are beginning 2021 – TOGETHER!
Mass Intentions January 10 - January 17, 2021 Sunday, January 10 - The Baptism of the Lord St. Mary - Fr. Joe 4:00 pm Fred & Ruddy Fischer (Dolores & Andy) St. Ursula - Fr. Ernie 5:30 pm Babe Matvya (Drew & Tina Matvya) St. Ursula - Fr. Joe 7:15 am James Burns, Jr. (Mary Ellen & Frank Plowey) St. Ursula - Fr. Tim 9:00 am Mr. John Filipiak (Henry Astemborski & Stella Newland) St. Mary - Fr. Ernie 9:00 am Joanne Maguire (Mark & Sue Ferguson) St. Mary - Fr. Tim 11:00 am Living & Deceased of St. Mary & St. Ursula St. Mary - Fr. Ernie 6:00 pm Rick Butler (Bob & Gloria Duffy); James & Adele Benedek (Family) Monday, January 11 St. Mary - 9:00 am Paul Hengelsberg (Ed & Mary Ann Coholich); Mary Lou Moore (Ron & Angela DeLuca) St. Ursula - Private “Padre Pio” (Concetta Liberto) Tuesday, January 12 St. Ursula - 9:00 am Paul Badusha (John & Janet Fisher & Family) Wednesday, January 13 - St. Hilary St. Mary - 9:00 am John Zottola (Giulio & Joanna Zottola); Bobbi Aiello (Greg & Marcia Ward) St. Ursula - Private Bill & Katie Clark (Jean) Thursday, January 14 St. Ursula - 9:00 am Philip McNally (Wife) Friday, January 15 St. Mary - 9:00 am Frank Dombrowski (Rich & Pat Antoszewski); Bill McKaveney (Paul & Cheryl Hofbauer); Angela Mascari (Buddy & Karolyn Hunkele) St. Ursula - Private Robert Groves (The Groves Family) Saturday, January 16 St. Ursula - 9:00 am John J. Yanosick (C J George) St. Mary - Fr. Ernie Ann & Charles Podolachek (Family) St. Ursula - Fr. Tim William & Anne Cameron (Virginia & Tom Cameron) Sunday, January 17 - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time St. Ursula - Fr. Tim 7:15 am Mary Jo LeDonne (John & Sally Kane) St. Ursula - Fr. Ernie 9:00 am Living & Deceased of St. Ursula & St. Mary St. Mary - Fr. Joe 9:00 am Living & Deceased of St. Mary & St. Ursula St. Mary - Fr. Joe 11:00 am Edward & Ann Vance (Vance Family) St. Mary - Fr. Tim 6:00 pm Eugene Biedrzycki (Florence Biedrzycki); Giacinto & Lisabette DeRenzo (Grace Mantella & Family) Sanctuary Candle January 3 - 16, 2021 St. Ursula - Divens & Carney Families by Joyce & Family St. Mary - Antoini &Antonia Cebotar by the Cebotar Family Home with the Lord St. Mary & St. Ursula Remember Lord and welcome into your Kingdom Baptized in Christ those who have died and have gone before us marked in the sign of faith, especially Marlene Joseph, sister Emerson Ann Williams of Jackie Wojnar; Ronald Hoover, brother-in-law of Jackie Wojnar; Donald Finke, Sr.; Marilyn Anthony Matthew Pucciarelli Stebbins, sister of Rosalyn Lutz; James P. Congratulations to their parents, McQuade; Mary Ann Stegman, sister-in-law to Godparents, and Grandparents. Rose Stegman, William Stegman, Bernadette Please join us in welcoming them Newcamp, and Dorothy Ebel. Please remember to into our Parish Family. pray for the consolation of their loved ones.
End of Year Contribution Statements St. Ursula & St. Mary Men’s Retreat To save costs, St. Mary would like to email as many Due to the pandemic and renovations at St. Paul of statements as possible. If you have not given an the Cross retreat center, the retreat will be one email address yet, please call 412-486-4100. day only with St. Ursula on Saturday, January 30, 2021 and St. Mary of Saturday, February 13, Sanctuary Candles 2021. It will begin with registration at 8:30 am and Sanctuary Candle Intentions are still available for the run until 7:15 pm. All health guidelines will be fol- 2021 year at both St. Mary and St. Ursula for $25.00. lowed. It will be limited in attendance to 30 - 32 These can be obtained by stopping into the office, by people. A light breakfast will be served, along with mail, or dropping in the collection basket with a lunch and dinner. The recommended stipend is notation of Sanctuary Candle on the envelope. $125. They are requesting that the stipend be paid at the time of registration. Registration is on a first- Thank You! come, first-served basis. If you are interested please The Mission Office for the Diocese of Pittsburgh send your information and a check directly to the thanks St. Mary and St. Ursula Parishioners for the retreat center. Please include a note indicating you generous contribution of $2,989.00 for World want to attend with either St. Ursula on January 30 or Mission Sunday held this past October. This money St. Mary Glenshaw on February 13 as you so choose, will help care for the poorest of the poor. Amid the along with your name, address, phone number, worldwide pandemic, your generosity is appreciated. email, and any dietary restrictions. Their address is 148 Monastery Drive, Pittsburgh PA 15203. Phone Baby-Bottle Project 412-381-7676. Direct questions to Gary Regan The Baby-Bottle Project for Women's Choice (412-953-7669) or Dave Sharick (412-944-5857) for Network begins this weekend and everyone is St. Ursula or Charlie Fischer (412-487-4667) or Jim encouraged to participate. The WCN organization Karcher (412-477-4720) for St. Mary. supports women who choose life for their babies in BTA Open House compassionate, Christ-centered settings in Oakland, Looking for other educational opportunities for your Monroeville, North Side, and Wexford. Empty child for next school year? Blessed Trinity bottles are available at both St. Mary & St. Ursula. Academy is hosting an admissions Open House on Please pick up a bottle and fill with loose change or Sunday, February 7, 2021 from 12:00-2:00 pm. dollar bills until Valentine's weekend February 13 Signup to take a tour of the school and learn how our and 14 when they will be collected. Donations for children have been succeeding 5 days a week Women's Choice Network or Genesis House are in-person in our building. Space is limited and always welcome. Families in quarantine may send a pre-registration is required. donation for the project c/o St. Mary Faith Register at Formation Office, 2510 Middle Road, Glenshaw, PA Email Meredith at with 15116. Thank you in advance for any help you may any questions. provide. BTA's Scrip Office CALIX Holy Hour for Addiction Recovery BTA will be selling gift cards in All are welcome to attend a Holy Hour on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Madonna of church at St. Mary again on the Jerusalem Church, 201 9th Street, Sharpsburg, weekends. Gift cards are available PA 15215. for purchase after 4:00 Saturday Mass. They are also available for purchase March For Life Together Strong: Life Unites between 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses. Gift cards make The march will be observed on Friday, January 29, great Christmas presents for family and friends! We 2021. Pray for all attending the march. have a wide variety available to provide for those less fortunate since the Giving Tree cannot take place this Thought for the Week year. BTA Scrip office is open weekdays from 8:15- God is the center of attention. 10:15 am on days school is in operation. Contact Where He goes, peace follows. Bridgette Long at 814-242-6078 or Peace is His trademark. with questions.
Readings for the Week of January 11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Special Days this Week January 10 - Baptism of the Lord, the final day of the Christmas season on the Church calendar. A day to be thankful for the gift of your baptism and know that you are a “beloved” child of God”. St. Mary’s Church January 11 - Blessed Francis Seelos, born this day in 5 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut │Photo by Jeff Bruno © Knights of Columbus Fussen, Germany, came as a missionary with the Redemptorists to serve German immigrants in our own parish (1850’s), in Sharpsburg, Wexford, Erie, Our warmest wishes for a Cumberland, MD, and finally in New Orleans. January 13 - Saint Hilary of Poitiers never ceased to joyful Christmas and a speak out for his beliefs, even though it caused him to be exiled. Like him, we are called by God to be grace-filled New Year witnesses to the truth. January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Thank God for the life and courage of this leader. Columbus in St. Mary’s Church, New Haven’s oldest Faith Sharing for the Baptism of the Lord Catholic parish, in 1882. By decree of His Holiness Pope We hear in this week’s gospel of the heavens torn Francis, this exemplary parish priest was raised to the honors of the altar and declared Blessed Michael open…and a voice came from the heavens, “You are McGivney on October 31, 2020, in Hartford, Connecti- my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.” This cut. Father McGivney was ordained in Baltimore on happened as Jesus was baptized by John in the December 22, 1877, and celebrated his first solemn Mass Jordan River. The same words, “You are my on Christmas Day. Early in 1878, he began his first beloved” are the words God told each of us as we priestly assignment as a curate at St. Mary’s, where he were baptized into the life of His Son. How thankful established the Knights of Columbus to protect Catholic to be the beloved of a loving Father. families and provide a practical path for men to live the truth of Christian charity. In this photo, the official image from Father McGivney’s beatification is seen with the sanctuary and apse of St. Hospitality Corner Mary’s in the background. During preparations for the When Samuel went to sleep in his place, the extensive repair work and recent restoration of St. Lord came and stood there, calling out as Mary’s, sponsored by the Order, several decorative elements were discovered from the time of Father before: Samuel, Samuel! Samuel answered, McGivney’s ministry in New Haven. These were reintro- “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1Samuel 3:10 duced as part of the restoration, which was completed in August 2020, in time for the 138th Supreme Convention Do I listen when the Lord calls to me? and beatification.
St. Ursula Offertory St. Ursula Offertory December 12/13, 2020 Envelopes Contributions December 19/20, 2020 Envelopes Contributions Offertory Contributions 82 $13,269.00 Offertory Contributions 56 $5,352.00 Immaculate Conception $955.00 TOTALS 56 $5,352.00 Parish Share 12 $912.00 St. Ursula Offertory TOTALS 94 $15,136.00 December 24/25, 2020 Envelopes Contributions Collection Reports Offertory Contributions 133 $25,425.00 The final missing weeks for St. Ursula will be in Christmas Charities $3,492.00 next Sunday’s bulletin. Parish Share 91 $635.00 St. Mary of the Assumption Offertory TOTALS 142 $29,552.00 St. Mary December 24/25, 2020 Envelopes Sunday Contributions Online Contributions Total Collected Christmas Collection Offertory Contributions 24 $1,750.00 $1,750.00 Cash/Loose Checks $3,514.00 $3,514.00 Parish Needy/St. Vincent dePaul 6 $376.00 $376.00 Parish Share 2020 2 $170.00 $170.00 Christmas 239 $16,800.25 $16,800.25 Christmas Flowers 2 $70.00 $70.00 Children & Youth 65 $2,553.00 $2,553.00 Immaculate Conception 2 $60.00 $60.00 Solemnity of Mary 3 $53.00 $53.00 St. Anthony School 1 $2.00 $2.00 TOTALS 344 $25,348.25 $25,348.25 St. Mary of the Assumption Offertory St. Mary December 26 to 31 2020 Envelopes Sunday Contributions Online Contributions Total Collected Year End Collection Offertory Contributions 310 $25,681.25 $3,660.00 $29,341.25 Cash/Loose Checks $3,935.00 $3,935.00 Children’s Collection 1 $1.00 $1.00 Parish Needy/St. Vincent dePaul 17 $1,883.13 $2,705.00 $4,588.13 Parish Share 2020 21 $7,397.00 $7,397.00 Christmas 42 $3,362.00 $1,135.00 $4,497.00 Religious Retirement 4 $71.00 $71.00 Children & Youth 6 $80.00 $120.00 $200.00 Immaculate Conception 7 $48.00 $10.00 $58.00 Solemnity of Mary 23 $407.00 $407.00 Christmas Flowers 4 $112.00 $10.00 $122.00 All Saints 2 $21.00 $21.00 Catholic Schools 2 $10.00 $10.00 TOTALS 439 $43,008.38 $7,640.00 $50,648.38
Prayer List for St. Mary and St. Ursula Irene Ambrose, Darrell Bilenski, Louis DiTanna, III, Regina Fierst, Kathy Jacobs, Paul Joyce, Logan Kowalski, Bernice Kukawa, Joanne Kukawa, Vera L’Abbe, Ruth McQuaide, Virginia Mangialardi, Maryanna Petnuch, Martha Pivarnik, Marhea B. Ruzanic, Jason Sokiera, Tom Steiger, Pat Sullivan, Tiffany Monique Thompson, Gerrie Vierheller, Raymond Wiehagen, Bill Maier, Sandi Maier, Dorothy Cvetic, Courtney Ryce, Barbara Lagiovane, Ruthie Lentz, Bob & Renee Walker, Christopher, Tim, Montana Fabry, Eleanor Rygelski, Diane, Deanna, Amanda, Shirley, Bob Gindele, Jamie Fleck, Steve Chmura, Bill DeZort, Kathie Duffy, Patrick Duffy, Nicolle English, Juan & Elann Garcia, Don & Karen Rich, Jeff Warner, Elaine Settelmaier, Richard Jedlicka, Ed & Mary Lou, Michelle Seng, Toni Cray, Maria Antoszewski, Tom Hursen, Jean Grbaac, Spence Ryce, Terry Gillis, Joshua Stanek, Andrew Bulazo, Clint Bardonner, Amy Rocheleau, Danielle, Karen & Tom Jones, Vic Daman, Petrina Henderson, Bill Raible, Claire Bridge, Mimma Tiealdeo, Al Mance, David Herr, Karen Young, Bonnie Sapsara, David Rowlands, Karen Young, Mary Prouty, all first responders, all essential workers. Please Pray for Those Who Serve Our Country Sam Dwyer, Alex Hiben, Jennifer Hick, Kevin Krakosky, Brendan Negle, Philip Norman, Mark Paine, Bryon Peternel, Brooke Thompson, Doug Thompson, Christopher Dziubek, Tim Miller, Caleb Lutz, Zachary Hunkele. St. Mary of the Assumption Offertory St. Mary January 1, 2021 Envelopes Sunday Contributions Online Contributions Total Collected Offertory Contributions 32 $1,316.00 $1,316.00 Cash/Loose Checks $228.00 $228.00 Parish Needy/St. Vincent dePaul 4 $37.00 $37.00 Parish Share 2020 1 $10.00 $10.00 Christmas 1 $200.00 $200.00 Catholic Schools 3 $25.00 $25.00 Children & Youth 1 $100.00 $100.00 Solemnity of Mary 33 $878.35 $878.35 TOTALS 75 $2,794.35 $2,794.35 St. Mary of the Assumption Offertory St. Mary January 2/3, 2021 Envelopes Sunday Contributions Online Contributions Total Collected Offertory Contributions 163 $6,373.25 $1,990.00 $8,363.25 Cash/Loose Checks $712.00 $712.00 Parish Needy/St. Vincent dePaul 36 $1,430.00 $80.00 $1,510.00 Parish Share 2020 6 $235.00 $235.00 Christmas 8 $270.00 $75.00 $345.00 St. Anthony School 2 $60.00 $60.00 Children & Youth 3 $14.00 $20.00 $34.00 Immaculate Conception 1 $10.00 $10.00 Solemnity of Mary 49 $1,217.00 $65.00 $1,282.00 Catholic Schools 9 $315.00 $10.00 $325.00 Memorial 1 $100.00 $100.00 TOTALS 278 $10,636.25 $2,340.00 $12,976.25
St. Anthony School 2nd Collection Next Weekend St. Anthony School Programs and DePaul School for Hearing and Speech fill a necessary role for special education within the Diocese of Pittsburgh. St. Anthony Programs offer an inclusive education to children ages 5-21 years with special needs. DePaul School teaches children, birth - 14 years, who are deaf or hard of hearing to listen, speak, and learn. Both programs empower students to become active and contributing members of their respective communities. Any help you can give is deeply appreciated and makes a tremendous impact on the students served, as well as their families. Fundraising efforts have been greatly impacted by the pandemic, please be as generous as possible. Every dollar donated through this collection is credited toward our Parish Share. & Re|Engage Re|Engage is an 18-week marriage enrichment program that examines God's design for marriage and applies principles from the Bible to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other. Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or you simply want to grow closer together as a couple. There is 1 preview night still available on January 13. Re|Engage Preview Nights are a chance to learn about Re|Engage, the curriculum, the program, and the expectations, as well a time to ask questions. Attending at least one of these is mandatory for class enrollment. You do not have to be a member of Memorial Park to join! To Register for the free preview nights, visit ON THE GROUNDS OF MT. ROYAL MEMORIAL PARK Garry A. Richter, Funeral Director & Supervisor 2702 MT. ROYAL BLVD., GLENSHAW, PA 15116 412-486-9086 • ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Get this and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers weekly bulletin delivered by Thank you for advertising in email - for FREE! our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business 10% DISCOUNT because of it! Sign up here: Plumbing or Service Repair Call for your FREE estimate: Courtesy of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. 412-487-5232 3880 Rt. 8, Allison Park 15101 910038 Parish Family St Mary of the Assumption (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
the traveling handyman Andy Rodgers - 412-487-6055 General Home Repairs Free Estimates No job is too small Parishioner The Most Complete JOHN P. DONOVAN YOUR HOMETOWN HOME CARE & ASSOCIATES Online National Attorneys at Law 724.339.1117 NOW RECRUITING CAREGIVERS Directory of Wills & Estates 5006 Wm. Flynn Hwy., Gibsonia Check It Out Today! Catholic Parishes 412-486-8700 MICHAEL V. JACONSKI, D.M.D. MICHELE M. RICH, D.M.D. NEELY FUNERAL HOME Family Dentistry Corner of Mt. Royal and Duncan Avenue Allison Park 2208 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA (412) 486-4546 (412) 486-6777 New Patients Always Welcome Robert E. Neely Funeral Director ROOFING SIDING FRANCIS DADOWSKI JR. 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