Corpus Christi Sunday - June 3, 2018

Corpus Christi Sunday - June 3, 2018
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Corpus Christi Sunday - June 3, 2018
Page 2                                          Corpus Christi Sunday                                  June 3, 2018

Dear Parishioners,

I'm looking forward to the 50th anniversary of my eighth grade graduation from Most Holy Redeemer School in Evergreen Park. Fif-
ty years, wow, I can't believe it! I’ve been trying to reflect on 1968, my classmates and the typical school day, plus all the world
events of that year through the lens of a young 13-going-on-14-year-old boy.

I have many memories, but the following came to the forefront of my consciousness. Perhaps the recent celebration of the 50th anni-
versary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, brought the other memories tumbling forward.

Dr. King’s murder came to mind, as well the race riots that followed. I also recalled the assThe assassination of Senator Robert F.
Kennedy also came to mind. Like the JFK assassination and the days following, our family followed the funerals of Dr. King and
Bobby Kennedy and the reactions to these tragedies very closely. Normal activities were curtailed and our family home turned more
somber and reflective. My mom in particular took on a more reflective if not prayerful spirit.

My father, however, while saddened and disturbed by the assassination of Dr. King, thought Dr. King was somewhat of a “trouble
maker,” because people were getting angry and at times violent despite Dr. King's non-violent approach. All this is understood and
recalled as a child at the dinner table. Yet, at the same time my father was sympathetic when Dr. King was killed because he often
worked side by side with many good African American men and traveled regularly to his construction jobs that were located in Afri-
can American neighborhoods. This sympathy, however, did not diminish his outrage that he had towards the perpetrators of the riots
that followed Dr. King’s death.

I recall my father telling us at dinner how he happen to see then Mayor Richard J. Daley coming out of St. Peter's Catholic Church in
the Loop (Mayor Daley attended mass daily) as he was going to a job site (my father was a pipefitter). This was a day or two after
the riots, and my father yelled to the Mayor that the police response to the riot, which Mayor Daley ordered and which many people
thought was excessive use of force at the time, was proper and necessary. My father did not believe lawlessness was ever justified.
The Mayor acknowledge my father and said, “Thank You.”

We had a tall flagpole in our big backyard, similar to the one we have in our church courtyard. A few years earlier, I decided to make
it my job to put the flag up and down each day when the weather was good. My “flag responsibility” was known to our neighbors,
and it was well received and appreciated. Like my father, most of the men were World War II vets. I recall my parents instructing
me to put the flag at half mast when President Kennedy was assassinated, again when Dr. King was killed, and the same after Bobby
Kennedy’s assassination. Unlike the times after the deaths of JFK and Bobby Kennedy, when nothing disrespectful happened to the
lowered US flag, I discovered a few hours after I lowered it upon learning of Dr. King’s death that someone had cut the rope holding
the flag and put it up to the top again. I was stunned by this act. It felt like an intrusion into our yard, and I was caught off guard. I
could not understand how our “friendly” mostly Catholic and Dutch Reform Christian neighbors were not all as nice and open as I
naively believed. This was my first experience of racial conflict.

At the Last Supper the disciples were fragile and vulnerable. They knew in their hearts, undoubtedly, that time was rushing towards
death for their beloved Jesus. Jesus knew this, too, and gave them himself, a meal of hope. He loved them to the end and wanted
them to live bravely as his disciples.

Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy were both aware of the dangers of “loving thy neighbor as thyself.” Instead of scaling back to avoid
risks, although both were frail human beings with many personal flaws like each one of us, they were like Jesus in the sense they had
the courage to love more and to love again.

As I think about my life over these fifty years, I ask myself: am I scaling back or do I have courage to speak the truth with love?

We will celebrate today's solemnity after the 12:30 p.m. Mass with a solemn procession outside around the church, walking behind
the monstrance. Our journey in public, with people gaping from their cars driving down Harlem Avenue, is a reminder to hold onto
our dreams for a better world, to walk with our brothers and sisters who are broken. May the Christ we consumed at each Eucharist
give us strength to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. Like Christ, may we give ourselves away as He gave us His own body
and blood.

“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, rough places will be made
straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.”
-- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Father Mike Meany
Corpus Christi Sunday - June 3, 2018
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Drodzy parafianie,

Z niecierpliwością czekam na 50. rocznicę mojej graduacji z Liceum Świętego Odkupiciela w Evergreen Park. Pięćdziesiąt lat, wow,
nie mogę w to uwierzyć! Myślałem i zastanowiałem się nad rokiem 1968, moimi kolegami z klasy i typowym szkolnym dniem, oraz
dodatkowo innymi wydarzeniami z tego roku oczami młodego 13-14 letniego chłopaka.

Mam wiele wspomnień, ale jedno szczególnie utkwilo w mojej pamieci. Rowniez ostatnie obchody 50 rocznicy zamordowania dr
Martina Luthera Kinga, Jr., w Memphis w stanie Tennessee, przyniosły kolejne wspomnienia.

Morderstwo doktora Kinga przyszło mi do głowy, podobnie jak zamieszki, które nastąpiły później. Pamietam rowniez o zabójstwie
senatora Roberta F. Kennedy'ego. Podobnie jak zabójstwo JFK i kolejne dni, moja rodzina bardzo uważnie śledziła relacje z
pogrzebów dr Kinga i Bobby'ego Kennedy'ego oraz reakcje na te tragedie. Zwykłe zajęcia zostały ograniczone, a nasz dom rodzinny
stał się bardziej ponury i refleksyjny. Moja mama szczególnie popadła w refleksyjny jak nie w modlitewny nastrój.

Mój ojciec, zasmucony i zaniepokojony zamordowaniem doktora Kinga, uważał jednak, że dr King jest nieco "twórcą kłopotów",
ponieważ ludzie wpadali w złość, pomimo faktu, że Dr. King nie stosował przemocy. Wszystko to jest rozumiane i przywoływane
do mojej pamieci z perspektywy mnie jako dziecka przy rodzinnym stole. Jednak w tym samym czasie mój ojciec był współczujący
kiedy Luther King Jr. został zamordowany, ponieważ często pracował z Afro-Amerykanami i regularnie odwiedzał budowle w
dzielnicach Afro-Amerykańskich. Ta sympatia nie zmniejszyła jednak jego oburzenia, jakie miał wobec sprawców zamieszek, które
nastąpiły po śmierci Dr. Kinga.

Przypominam sobie jak ojciec opowiadał przy obiedzie, jak widział burmistrza Richarda D. Daley, który wychodził z kościoła św.
Piotra w Downtown (burmistrz Daley uczestniczył w porannej mszy), kiedy szedł do pracy akurat w tym kościele (mój ojciec był
monterem rurociągów) To był dzień lub dwa po zamieszkach, a mój ojciec krzyknął do burmistrza, że odpowiedź policji na
zamieszki była jak najbardziej zasadna i potrzebna, gdzie wielu ludzi uważało, że policja nadużyła swojej władzy i siły i nie mieli
takiego prawa to zrobić. Mój ojciec nie wierzył, że to było bezprawne. Burmistrz zauważył mojego ojca i podziękował za wsparcie.

Na naszym dużym podwórku mieliśmy wysoki maszt, podobny do naszego który jest na dziedzińcu kościoła. Kilka lat temu
postanowiłem jak najlepiej go wykorzystać. Moją "flagową odpowiedzialnością" znali nasi sąsiedzi, i to zostało dobrze przyjęte i
docenione. Podobnie jak mój ojciec, mnóstwo mężczyzn byli weteranami II wojny światowej. Pamiętam, jak rodzice pouczali mnie,
żebym umieścił flagę na pół maszcie, kiedy prezydent Kennedy został zamordowany, ponownie, gdy doktor King został zabity, i to
samo po zabójstwie Bobby'ego Kennedy'ego. W przeciwieństwie do śmierci JFK i Bobby'ego Kennedy'ego, gdzie amerykańską
flagę zawieszoną do połowy masztu, nikt nie ruszył I uszanował jej opuszczenie, odkryłem kilka godzin po śmierci Dr. Kinga, że
ktoś musiał przeciąć sznurki, wziął flagę i ponownie umieścić ją na samym szczycie masztu. Byłem oszołomiony tym aktem.
Czułem się jakby intruz wtargnął na nasze podwórko i byłem zaskoczony. Nie mogłem zrozumieć, jak nasza "przyjazna" w
większości katolicka i reformowanych holenderskich chrześcijan dzielnica nie była jednak na tyle przyjazna gdzie ja tak naiwnie w
to wierzyłem. To było moje pierwsze doświadczenie konfliktu rasowego.

Podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy uczniowie byli słabi i wrażliwi. Bez wątpienia wiedzieli w swoich sercach, że zbliża się czas śmierci
ich umiłowanego Jezusa. Jezus też to wiedział i dał siebie jako pokarm nadziei. Kochał ich do końca i chciał, aby żyli dzielnie jako
jego uczniowie.

Dr King i Bobby Kennedy byli świadomi z niebezpieczeństwa "miłości bliźniego". Zamiast wycofać się, aby uniknąć ryzyka,
postępowali jak Jezus w tym sensie, że mieli odwagę bardziej kochać i kochać od nowa a przeciez podobnie jak my mieli swoje
wady i zalety.
Kiedy myślę o tych pięćdziesięciu latach, zadaję sobie pytanie: czy cofam się, czy też mam odwagę mówić prawdę z miłością?

Świętujac dzisiejszą uroczystość zaraz po Mszy Świętej o godzinie 12:30 wyruszymy z uroczystą procesją wokół kościoła, idąc za
monstrancją. Idac w procesji z naszymi zranionymi bracmi i siostrami przypomnimy ogladajacym nas, ze warto walczyc o swoje
marzenia i lepszy swiat . Niech Chrystus przyjmowany na kazdej Eucharystii daje nam sile do poswiecenia sie dla lepszego jutra.
Oddajmy siebie tak jak Chrystus oddał swoje własne ciało i krew.

"Miałem sen, że pewnego dnia każda dolina będzie wywyższona, każde wzgórze i góra zostaną zniszczone, szorstkie miejsca zostaną
wyprostowane, a chwała Pana objawi się, a wszelkie ciało zobaczy to razem".

- Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
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                       Serdecznie zapraszamy na
                  Pożegnalno-Dziękczynną Mszę Świętą
                        Diakona Mariusza Kośli

                        Niedziela, 24 czerwca 2018

         Dwu-języczna Msza Święta o godz. 12:30p.m.
   Pożegnalny obiad zaraz po mszy w Centrum Parafialnym

         Zapisy na obiad prosimy zgłaszać do biura parafialnego na tel:
                       847-966-8145 do 15 czerwca, 2018.

          We cordially invite you to Deacon Mariusz Kosla's
                     Farewell Mass of Thanksgiving
                           Sunday, June 24, 2018

                       Bi-lingual Mass at 12:30 p.m.

            Dinner to follow immediately after mass in the
                        Parish Ministry Center

   Please R.S.V.P. to the Parish Office at 847-966-8145 by June 15, 2018
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                                           SJB YOUTH MINISTRY
                                        ANNOUNCEMENTS - JUNE 2018

1. All teens are invited to our YOUTH MASS this Sunday, June 3rd in Flanagan Hall at 7:00pm. Experience the
   beauty and intimate setting of a mass, celebrated by Father Przemek, with other youth. We’ll gather for Mass, then
   enjoy a bonfire and s’mores afterwards. ALL TEENS ARE INVITED!

2. SJB Youth Ministry will be raising money for their summer service trip at HOLY NAME MEN’S CLUB MEGA-
   BINGO this Sunday, June 3rd, in the Par ish Ministr y Center fr om 2:30-5:00pm. Enjoy sloppy joes, hot dogs,
   and desserts! And we’ll be selling World’s Finest Chocolates! All sales go towards our service trip. THANKS

3     If you missed our first Car Wash, come out on Saturday, June 23rd, for our second CAR WASH in the school
      parking lot from 10am to 2pm. FREE WILL OFFERINGS are accepted! Get your car washed for a worthy cause!

4. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! SJB Youth Ministry will be working with UNCLE PETE’S MINISTRY to make
sack dinners for the hungry. Join us Monday, June 25th in the Parish Ministry Center, Room C, from 6:00-7:30pm. All
teens, adults, and families are invited to help! Contact Mrs. Perez to sign up!

    Find us on Facebook! Search for St. John Y M or our group St. John Brebeuf Y M , Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director,

                              Check out Youth Ministry’s upcoming events at
                                      Check out our calendar of events and our photo gallery!
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                      June 3-Corpus Christi:                         Czerwca 3-Corpus Christi

Today as we celebrate the gift of the Body and                      Dziś obchodzimy Swieto Bozego
Blood of Christ let us pray for those who are hun-    Ciała i Krwi Panskiej . Módlmy się za tych, którzy
gry, malnourished and starving.                       cierpia glod.
                                                      Czy zastanawiales sie nad przynaleznoscia do
Have you considered joining the Society of St.        Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul ?
Vincent de Paul?
                                                       Jesli znasz rodzine, ktora potrzebuje pomocy prosze
                                                      zadzwon do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de
 Is there a family you know who needs assistance?     Paul. Razem mozemy pomoc cierpiacym i potrzebu-
Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so
that together we can help the suffering and poor.
                                                       Wszystkie informacje beda scisle poufne.
All information will be strictly confidential.
                                                       Biuro Parafijalne Sw. Jana Brebeufa
 St. John Brebeuf Parish Office                        tel. (847) 966 8145.
   Telephone: (847) 966-8145
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                                        The Knights of Columbus Council #4338 has awarded
                                        Cecylia Tatkowski of St John Brebeuf’s Parish the Knights of
                                        Columbus Woman of the Month.

                                        Cecylia was the last of the Knights Wives to receive the Woman
                                        of the Month Certificate of Appreciation for their help in the
                                        Christmas Party.

                                        Sharing Cecylia acknowledgement of appreciation is her hus-
                                        band, Joe and Chet Moylan, Knights of Columbus.

                                        Thank you to all the Knights wives for their help with the
                                        Knights of Columbus.

                                     KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL MEETING

                          The next Council business meeting will be on Wednesday, June 6,
                          2018, at the St. John Brebeuf Parish May Ministry Center beginning at
                          7:30 P.M.

                          For more information or if you're interested in joining contact Grand
                          Knight Chet Moylan 630-544-9398."

                          Please visit our website at for our calendar of

                                     UNCLE PETE’S MINISTRY

           Each month Uncle Pete’s Sack Dinner Ministry provides over 400 meals to those
           less fortunate in the Chicagoland area. Some of the locations served include
Deborah's Place, Franciscan Shelter, Mother Theresa Sisters of Charity Soup Kitchen, St. Le-
on, and Grace House. These places in need could use as many as 800 meals each
month. Your involvement would be greatly appreciated. And it’s easy.

We need your help. Please consider being a part of this very worthwhile ministry.
If you are interested in volunteering to distribute bags after the Masses, please contact:
Dan Vonder Heide at: 773.910.5536.

               Bags will be distributed after all masses the weekend of June 16-17.
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                     June Priests' Convocation, no weekday Masses June 18-21
By Father Ron Hicks | Vicar General
May 23, 2018
June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and it is in this month that we celebrate the Most Holy Body and Blood of
Christ in a special way with Eucharistic processions on Corpus Christi Sunday. These are wonderful reminders of the
great gift we have in the Mass and the tangible, physical presence of our Lord in the sacraments and the life of the
church brought about each and every day through our priests.
Just as it is for any parent and caregiver, the work of our priests is a 24/7 responsibility. And as any parent would know,
a moment away to tend to one’s own health and well-being is essential to that of the entire family.
 From June 18 to 21 all priests of our archdiocese will convene for what is known as a priests’ convocation — a retreat
away from the day-to-day responsibilities of their parishes and a time to gather together to grow in our own discipleship
of Jesus Christ, to build community together as we labor in his vineyard and to inspire each other to greater witness for
the salvation of souls.
The meeting theme “One in Christ” highlights that everything we are striving toward through our Renew My Church
efforts to renew the Archdiocese of Chicago begins with our priests and the brotherhood we share.
Therefore, there will be no weekday Masses June 18-21. Please see your own parish website or bulletin in the coming
weeks regarding possible prayer services.
I call our entire Catholic community to support our priests’ absence and to pray for the success of our convocation. A
healthy, spiritually vivified priest leads a healthy, spiritually vivified parish.
Please offer the following prayer, and invite others in your family and parish to do the same as we approach the days of
our convocation:
 Lord Jesus Christ, eternal High Priest, you offered yourself to the Father on the altar of the Cross and through the out-
pouring of the Holy Spirit gave your priestly people a share in your redeeming sacrifice.
Hear our prayer for all the priests of this Archdiocese of Chicago, especially as they gather in convocation. Grant that all
who are ordained to the ministerial priesthood may be ever more conformed to you, the divine Master, the Good Shep-
May they preach the Gospel with pure heart and clear conscience. Let them be shepherds according to your own heart,
single-minded in service to you and to the church and shining examples of a holy, simple and joyful life.
Through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, draw all priests and the flocks entrusted to their care to the fullness of
eternal life where you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

At St. John Brebeuf Parish we will have only one morning communion service at 8:30 a.m on
June 19, 20, 21, led by Deacon Andy . (No mass or communion service at 6:30 a.m.)

On Wednesday evening a 7 p.m. a Communion Service in the Polish Language will be led by
Deacon Mariusz.
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                                                          2018 WOMAN OF THE YEAR
                                                        Annette Pilousek was honor ed at the
                                                        Vicariate II Archdiocesan Women of the
                                                        Year Luncheon on May 12th. She has
                                                        been an SJB parishioner since 1965 and
                                                        active in many school and parish minis-
                                                        tries. Annette is a true woman of faith
                                                        which is exhibited by her dedication and
                                                        services to our parish. We are proud to
                                                        honor Annette as the St. John Brebeuf
                                                        2018 Woman of the Year.
                  MARK YOUR CALENDAR !!!

               The Annual Golf Outing Sponsored by
               the Holy Name Men’s Club will be held
               on SUNDAY, AUGUST 19TH at
               Arlington Lakes Golf Club. Watch the
                Sunday bulletin for more information.
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               SJB Music Ministry Schedule                                ALUMNI CHOIR
     Now Calling ALL SJB ALUMNI for June 1 GraduaƟon Mass   All SJB Graduates are invited to join the
 Children’s Choir      Tuesdays 2:00 – 3:15 pm (School)     Alumni Choir to sing for the 7 PM Friday,
 Community Choir Tuesdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm (Church)           June 1 Graduation Mass. Call for details
 Children’s Choir      Wednesdays 3:00 – 4:15 pm (School)   from Director of Music Marek Rachelski
 Children’s Choir      Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm (School)    702 -806-8421 or Youth Ministry
 Women’s Choir         Thursdays 6:45 – 7:30 pm (Church)    Director Pam Perez at: 847-966-9815
 Adult Chorale         Thursdays 7:30 – 9:00 pm (Church)
 LifeTeen Choir        Sundays 4:30 – 5:30 pm (Church)
 Cantors               Call (702) 806-8421                              Instrumentalists!

                                                            For our liturgies, we aim to create
        PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL                             beauty through music.

                                                                       Join us!
The Parish Pastoral Council held their last meeting on
May 16, 2018. The Following topics were discussed.          Which instrument do
                                                            you play?
♦   Bob Janus gave us a report on parish websites that
    had Social Justice projects.                            Call Marek 702 806-8421

♦   Discussed SJB Parish Project along with a timeline.

♦   Plans for final meeting of fiscal year on 5/30/18.
                                                             Not willing to let go of your marriage?
♦   Will have parishioners interested in joining the
    Parish Pastoral Council attend this meeting.                 Many couples continue to struggle in a mar-
                                                             riage, but are not willing to give up on each oth-
                                                             er. There is hope.

                A Few Words About Wills                      Retrouvaille is a program designed to help
                                                             struggling marriages regain their health. It
                                                             helps a husband and a wife rediscover or re-
More than a mere legal document that will be accepted        awaken the love, trust and commitment that
in a court of human law, a well-prepared will is a state-    originally brought them together. The program
ment of faith, hope and love.                                is highly successful in saving hurting marriag-
                                                             es, even bringing reconciliation to couples who
                                                             have already separated or di-
Family, charities, and others in need will benefit from      vorced. Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of vol-
this, your final; act of material kindness.                  unteer couples that can help you learn the tools
                                                             of healthy communication, build intimacy and
                                                             heal, just as they have done in their own mar-
St. John Brebeuf Parish would consider it a privilege        riages. For more information about an upcom-
to be mentioned in your will. Thank you, for not only        ing Retrouvaille Weekend program for cou-
your consideration but for all your other gift               ples, contact: Chris and Cathy Van Treese
sacrifices.                                                  @ 224-534-9235 or visit our web-
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       Altar Bread and Wine will be                                 READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                            Monday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:1-2, 14-16; Mk 12:1-12
                offered in:                                 Tuesday: 2 Pt 3:12-15a, 17-18; Ps 90:2-4, 10, 14,
                                                                      16; Mk 12:13-17
                   Thanksgiving                             Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2;
                                                                      Mk 12:18-27
                                                            Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14;
  Donated by: Sajdak & Cichon Family                                  Mk 12:28b-34
                                                            Friday:   Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Is 12:2-6;
         For the week of June 3. 2018                                 Eph 3:8-12, 14-19; Jn 19:31-37
                                                            Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:41-
                                                            Sunday:   Gn 3:9-15; Ps 130:1-8;
                                                                      2 Cor 4:13 -- 5:1; Mk 3:20-35

                            WE PRAY TOGETHER

                          Did you know that the lyrics
                          of our hymns and songs are
actually beautiful prayers selected specifically for that
Mass? That makes our hymnal your prayer book! If
you are self-conscious about singing, participate by
opening the hymnal and praying the text of the hymn
as others sing. The Church encourages our full and
active participation in the Holy Mass. When you sing,
you encourage others to do the same.
            Please use the hymnal!

 The D-Day invasion of France in WWII was one of
                                                             Don’t forget to pick up a bulletin for
the bloodiest in history. There were 53,714 allied           your children before mass, they can be
soldiers killed in the “Battle of Normandy”. Yet our         found in the back of the church.
world kills almost three times that amount every
day through surgical abortions and the world is silent.

Let us continue to pray daily:
                                                             Children, feel free to use the bulletin
“Jesus, May and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg          to color during mass and take home
you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have         with you. We hope your family
spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion”
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.                                  experiences Jesus!
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         Devotions in the Church Rosary
              Monday through Friday
               After 8:30 AM Mass
           After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday               Saturday: June 9, 2018
        Every First Wednesday of the Month
                                                      5:00 pm         Wesley Healy, Paul Sassine
        Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions
         Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group               6:30 pm.         Eva Wanat, Simon Majka, Mathew
         Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass                                Majka
             (Including Benediction )
                 First Friday Devotions              Sunday: June 10, 2018
               To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
                After 8:30 AM Mass and                7:30 am         Ania Sawicka, Maggie Prucnal
               After 7:00 PM Polish Mass
                                                      9:00 am         Suraj Mesquita, Josef Warnicki,
            First Saturday Devotions
                                                                      Bryce Gozar
           To Immaculate Heart of Mary
             After 7:30 AM Mass and
                                                     10:45 am         Isabelle Nawara, Max Gold,
            After 6:30 PM Polish Mass
                                                                      Jogoda Samborska
        Devotions in the Adoration Chapel
              Marian Prayer Group                    12:30 pm         Christian Mozdierz, Adrian Anszczak,
                Monday 7:00 PM                                        Emilia Stopka
        Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group
               Thursday 8:00 AM                      6:00 pm          Jessie Healy, Steven Kuechel
               Hour of Divine Mercy
   Friday 3:00 PM (Includes Stations of the Cross)
          Pray for priests every Thursday

                                                                  The Marvelous Rosary
                                                         Join in Rosary Prayer daily, Monday through Fri-
                                                      day, following the 8:30AM Mass; Saturday following
                                                      the 7:30AM Mass; Sunday before the 7:30AM Mass.
                                                      Praying the rosary together in front of the Blessed
                                                      Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful.
Page 16                                   Corpus Christi Sunday                     June 3, 2018

   REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS                                      Pray for all our ill Members
               OUR DECEASED
Laura Virgilio, Julia Salemi, Carole Parisi,              Randolf Abana             Donna Miller
Eleanor Drews, Anna Arrigon.                              Lorna Alba                John Muniak
                                                          Madeline Albano           Chris Drysen Navilio
                 MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY                     Cajetan Almeida           John Nawodylo
                 If you would like to remember a de-      Janette Mendoza Atienza   Cathy Neff
                 ceased relative or friend in a special   Jennifer B. Bassik        Joan Ofenlock
                 way, here is your opportunity. We are    Dave Beierwaltes          Mary O’Toole
                                                          Linda Bennett             Rosaura Pegan
                 accepting donations for the altar
                                                          Bob Biewald               Souk Tha Phone
                 breads and wine that are used at Mass    Beth Boudin               Franciszek Policht
each week. Every week in the bulletin we will post        Jerry Brazkowski          Wladyslaw Policht
who the bread and wine was donated in memory of:          Virginia Brekke           Zdzislaw Puacz
Suggested donation is $50. You can drop off or mail       Stephanie Castleman       Wanda Romanas
your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar         Anna Chacko               Maria Ramos
Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name           Robert Colangelo          John Peter Rolwes
and the name/s of whom you would like to be remem-        Bob Conal                 Ruben Reyes
bered.                                                    Christina Curtis          Lita Rosales
Requests are published in the bulletin in the order       Michael Curtis            Frank Rosienski
that they are received.                                   Marcelino de la Cruz      Adam Rowel
                                                          Diana D’Costa             Cindy Ryan
*******************                                       Anthony D’Costa           Nanette Sadorra
Celebrating our SJB                                       Barbara Donovan           Adelia Salas
                                                          Caryn Drexler             Gil Segundo
Military Remembrance                                      Colin Drexler             Bernadyne Semmerling
St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the                         Walter D’Souza            Patricia Severin
process of establishing a military                        Bill Elikman              Pamela Sobie
remembrance presentation for all active and fallen        Noli Failma               Aidan Stotz
service members since September 11, 2001. We are          Lorraine Frederick        Alvin Swenson
accepting family members names, branch of service         Elaine Friedman           Janina Szczepanski
and photo. Please bring them to the parish office, At-    Charlene Green            Anida Tadeo
tention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Marines, Air         Nora F. Gobert            Steve Tatos
Force, Coast Guard, National Guard.                       Dolores Gruzynski         Kim Travaglio
*******************************                           Madeline Hendricksen      Dan Triplitt
                                                          Alex Hernandez            Josephine Turner
                                                          Clem Juris                Patti Maher Tyska
                   Please remember in prayer the          Beverly Klein             Kamillus Urban
                   following who are currently            Keith Klein               John Wiseman
                   serving in the Armed Forces:           Michelle Klein            Shannon Wittum
                                                          Czeslaw Komosa            Stanislaw Wojtasik
Mark Honsa               Timothy Casey                    Donna Kornovich           Virginia, Rolito Zabala
Joseph Merkel            Peter Merkel                     Alma Kort                 Relita Zabala
Robert Monaco            Chief Ryan Morrow                Catherine Kosina          Henry Zajac
Thomas Neuhengen         Scott Rodberg                    K. Kozeny                 Holly Zoernk
Christopher Vick         Sgt. Daniel Cunningham           Margaret Lach             Barbara Zonsius
Pvt. James Cunningham Susanne Connolly Tutwiler           Shahla Lahijani
                                                          Mario Loraya
CDR John Tutwiler        Dominic Carrabotta
                                                          Stella “Stasia” Magdon
SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins                Cyril & Peg Maher
A1C Andrew T. Perkins Marian Niemotko                     Robert Majerowski
Louis Haberkorn     Col. Barbara Jones (Wiltgen)          Oscar Malabanan
      May they return safely to their families.           Eugene Mangan
                                                          Lauren Mesikapp
June 3, 2018                                          Corpus Christi Sunday                                      Page 17

Monday - June 4
6:30 - Special Intention
                                                      Liturgy Schedule
8:30 - Robert Lascola, Leonica B. Gallibua (4 death aniv.) & Sunday - June 10
   all deceased .fam. members of Gallibus & Bitanga &           Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
   Leynes Families, Patrick McDonagh                            Second Collection - Retired Priests
                                                             7:30 - Mass - Fr. Meany
Tuesday - June 5                                                Millie Carmelita Balmadrid

6:30 - Special Intention                                       9:00 - Mass - Fr. Meany
8:30 - Mark & Derick Dinglasan (Bday & Healing),                  Carol Chilla, Kazimierz Krystofiak (12 a/d),
   Oscar Malabanan ( Health & Blessings)                          Anastacia & Sofia Gimenez, Roy Stanley,
                                                                  Mary Sanborn
Wednesday - June 6                                                Alexander & Salutapis Bentain,
                                                                  Mroczek Jerzy (Health & God’s Blessings)
6 :30 - Robert Boller, Claire Lea                              10:45 - Mass - Fr. Samborski
8:30 - Rose Doran, Rajam Chinnamani (Bday Blessings),
    Catherine Moore (64th Bday Blessings)                         Walter & Mary Bialka, Anthony Mimp, Lorraine Micek,
7:00 - Polish Mass - Fr. Przemek                                  Rose Doran, Brigida Norberte,
    Frank Strzelec, Ryszard Wilczewski (26 d/a),                  Brigida Delara (6th death aniv.) & Family,
    Jozefa & Stanislaw & Marian Kierzek & dec’d. Family           Zygmunt Torchalski (6 death aniv.),
    Members, Genowefa & Julian Kuklik,                           Victoria Roman (Good Health)
    Robert Zdzitowiecki (1st month of death),
    Wladyslaw & Bronislawa Rumas (eternal light),              12:30 - Polish Mass - Fr. Samborski
    Franciszek & Anna Celarek (death aniv.)                       Andrzej Mucha, Boleslaw & Zdzislaw & Jan Samborski,
                                                                  Maria, Feliks, Tadeusz Rutkowski, Henryk Niemyjski,
Thursday - June 7                                                 Lestow Pawlica (4th death aniv.),
                                                                  Zofia Sen (8th death aniv.)
6:3 - James Pirski ( 1st d/a)                                     Jaroslaw & Ewa & Children ( Health & God’s Blessings),
8:30 - SJB School Mass                                            Aneta & Daniel & Children (God’s Blessings),
   Ralph Jamnik                                                   Stanislaw ( a gift of conversion)
                                                                  Dariusz Przybyl ( Blessings).
Friday - June 8
6:30 - All Parishioners                                        6:00 Mass - Visiting Priest
8:30 - Queen Jadwiga Society Members                             Andrzej Stachon-Groblowy
       (God’s Abundant Blessings)

Saturday - June 9                                                    Requests for Mass Intentions:
7:30 - Richard Zochowski                             Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office two weeks
11:00 - Reconciliation                               in advance of your request date so they can be printed in the
5:00 pm - Mass - Fr. Samborski                       bulletin.
    Second Collection - Retired Priests               Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. We
                                                     appreciate your cooperation.
   Sal Fallucco, Christine Romz (4th death aniv.),
   Mary Sheenan
                                                                           Intenjce Mszalne:
6:30pm - Polish Mass - Fr. Samborski                 Prosimy o zamawianie Intencji Mszalnych w biurze
   Jozef & Fryderyk Zkamirowski,                     parafijalnym dwa tygodnie przed planowana data; tylko wtedy
   Allan Hoffman (30 day death aniv.),
                                                     mamy mozliwosc zamieszczenia danej intencji w naszym
   Magdalena & Stanislaw Lenczowski,
                                                     biuletynie. Dziekujemy za wspolprace.
   Jerry Nevmark
Page 18                                                                         June 3, 2018
                       St. John Brebeuf Church
                                       Corpus Christi Sunday

                                                                       Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany
                                                                    Associates: Rev. Piotr Samborski
                                                                        Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk
                                                                    Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin
                                                                  Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall
                                                                      Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired,
                                                                    Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla
                                                                   Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban
                                                                 Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:
                                                                             Marek Rachelski
                                                                 Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla
                                                                  Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair
                                                                  Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz
                                                                   School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney
                                                                   Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez
                                                                   Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist
                                                                     Bulletin Editor: Maria R. Garcia
                                                                   Fr. Thomas May Ministry Center
                                                                             Parish Office
                                                                 8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal           (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014
call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying            E-mail:
 together with Christ through prayer, sacraments, life-                  School: (847) 966-3266
                                                                 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
         long formation and service in light of the                  Website:
             Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”
                                                                 Religious Education: (847) 966-3269
                      Mass Schedule                                     Youth Office: (847) 966-9815
                                                                    Last Sunday of each month during
           Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)
                                                                   10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service
                 Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,
                                                                  (Polish): First Weekend of each month:
                     12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
                                                                       at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &
         Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM                     Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM
                Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)                    Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.
                Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM                      Matrimony:
            First Friday: 7:00 PM Mass (Polish)                       Four months notice is minimal.
                  See Bulletin for Holy Days                   Eucharistic Adoration:
                   Reconciliation - Saturday                        In Parish Ministry Center Chapel
             11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)                  Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm Friday 7am-7pm
          First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)             Saturday 7am-6:30pm -Sunday 7am-1:30pm
                    June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018                          Corpus Christi Sunday   Page 19

    St. John Brebeuf Church #512142
    8305 N. Harlem Avenue
    Niles, IL 60714

    847 966-8145

    Maria R. Garcia


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