Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...

Page created by Julia Parsons
Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
Stud Cattle
     Junior Judging
     Junior Parading
     Led Steers
     Led Commercial Heifers
     School Competition

              proudly supported by
                 Beef Australia

                      12-14 June 2019
Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                         12-14 June 2019

                                     Stud Cattle
                proudly supported by Beef Australia
       Event Date                        12-14 June 2019
       Applications To Enter Close       Friday, 31st May 2019
       Online Nominations      
       Rocky Show Website      
       Rocky Show Facebook Page
       Number of entries per class       No restriction

       Exhibit Arrival                   Arrival after 2pm Monday 10 June 2019 or
                                         7am -10am Tuesday 11 June 2019.

                                         Arrivals prior to this date are to contact Wendy
                                         Cole to arrange.

                                         Exhibits must be on the grounds prior to 10AM
                                         Tuesday, 11 June 2019
       Exhibit Lockdown Down             Exhibits will not be permitted to leave the
                                         grounds prior to 4.00pm Friday, 14 June 2019

       Cattle Representatives            Wendy Cole 0429131966 (Chair)
                                         Stephen Little 0412811059
                                         William Tucker 0407599317
                                         Brad Saunders 0458359105
                                         Tony Newman 0437137744
                                         Aimee Olive 0448958131
                                         Margaret Olive 0438 223 096
       Show Office                       (07) 4936 8800 or
                            ** Schedules subject to minor changes **

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                   12-14 June 2019

                                          Step 1 – Register your entry/s
Option 1 – ONLINE via Showday
Register or login using Showday Online -


Option 2: MANUAL ENTRY (post, email or in person)
Use the Entry Forms located on the Rocky Show website or attached to this schedule.

                                          Step 2 – Pay for your entry/s
Pay for your entry/s by credit card, debit card, cheque or cash.

CASH payments can be made at any of our friendly Rockhampton Regional Council customer Service Centres:
    232 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton (8am-5pm);
    32 Hall Street, Mount Morgan (9am-4.30pm);
    1 Ranger Street, Gracemere (9am-5pm)

CREDIT/DEBIT CARD can be made over the phone over the phone 1300 22 55 77

CHEQUE Make your cheque/money order payable to ‘Rockhampton Regional Council’ and send to PO Box 1860,
Rockhampton, Queensland, 4700 with a copy of your completed form.

                                           Step 3 – Deliver your exhibit
Delivery - Refer to the schedule for your section for delivery dates and times (each section is slightly different)

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                  12-14 June 2019

Rockhampton Agricultural Show wishes to thank the following sponsors who have contributed towards prize money, prizes and
                                         conduct of the Stud Cattle Competition.

                              Sir Graham McCamley
                          Rockhampton Cattle Club

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                  12-14 June 2019

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                  12-14 June 2019

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                 12-14 June 2019

                                                Stud Cattle
    Please read the Regulations carefully. To avoid any misunderstandings and inconvenience to themselves,
      exhibitors are particularly requested to make themselves conversant with the conditions governing these
                                  REGULATIONS APPLYING TO STUD CATTLE SECTION
1. The Rockhampton Agricultural Show and their volunteers will not be responsible for any accident that may be
    caused through or by an exhibitor, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold
    Rockhampton Agricultural Show harmless and indemnified against any legal proceedings arising from any such
2. The lodgement of a completed Animal Application for Entry form will be taken as a guarantee that the animals
    specified therein are free from all disease as far as is known by the owner. In the case of an infectious disease
    being spread through or by an exhibit, the exhibitor shall be held responsible.
3. Precautions will be taken to guard against fire and to protect the property at the show, but exhibits will not be
    insured at the cost of the Rockhampton Agricultural Show.
4. The Rockhampton Agricultural Show will not, under any circumstances, hold itself liable for any accident on the
    ground or premises, nor will the Rockhampton Agricultural Show , under any circumstances, hold itself
    responsible for any loss, damage to, or mis-delivery of any exhibits.
5. Any exhibitor who does not comply with the above rules or any directions of the Chief Steward may be
    penalised or disqualified. Any dispute that may arise shall be decided by not less than three (3) members of the
    beef cattle sub-committee and their decision shall be final.
a. All cattle entered must carry an NLIS device.
b. All cattle entered in stud cattle classes must be registered in the name of the exhibitor as owner in a properly
    constituted herd book of the relevant breed association and must comply with the rules and regulations of the
    relevant breed association.
c. All exhibitors to provide hard copy proof of $5million Public Liability cover with entry form.
d. In all cases where age is a condition of entry, the understanding is that the exhibitor will, if called upon, sign a
    statutory declaration to the age of the animal entered. e.g. For all classes in which the age of the exhibit is a
    condition of the competition, the Animal Application for Entry form will state the actual date of birth, which will
    be attained at 1st June 2019 and the exhibit shall be entered in the classes accordingly.
e. Calves shown with Dams are ineligible to compete in individual calf classes (except Junior Heifer Show).
f. Any breed exhibiting 30 or more head will be eligible to be judged as their own breed section.
g. In the event of insufficient numbers to warrant a breed section (ie Tropical or Euro/British), sections may be
h. The Rockhampton Agricultural Show reserves the right to combine classes in the event of there being
    insufficient numbers to judge as a single class. A maximum of two adjoining classes maybe combined.
i. Exhibitors are requested to pay particular attention to the Animal Application for Entry form which should be
    completed in all detail, as it is from this document that the catalogue will be compiled.
j. The only person authorised to inject animals while they are at the showgrounds, is the honorary veterinarian,
    who shall advise the stewards if in their opinion such drug or tranquiliser is likely to have any effect upon the
    animal which would be material to its chances of being awarded a prize.
k. Entries will only be accepted via the attached Animal Application for Entry form, posted, faxed, emailed or
    delivered in person to the Rockhampton Agricultural Show

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                          12-14 June 2019

m. Breed Classifications:
                BRITISH             EUROPEAN                       TROPICAL                                MINIATURE
     •   Angus                      •    Bazadaise Belgian Blue    •   Adaptaur                   •    Ausline
     •   Belted Galloway            •    Blonde d'Aquitaine        •   Africander                 •    Belted Galloways Mini
     •   British White                   Braunvieh Charolais       •   Belmont Red                     Brahman Mini
     •   Devon                      •    Chiangus Chianina         •   Bonsmara                   •    Dexter Galloway Mini
     •   Galloway                        Gelbvieh Limousin         •   Boran                           Hereford Mini Lowline
     •   Hereford                        Maine-anjou               •   Braford                         Miniature Grey
     •   Highland                   •    Mandalong Special         •   Brahman                         Nadudana
     •   Lincoln Red                     Piedmontese Pinzgauer     •   Brahmousin
     •   Murray Grey                     Romagnola                 •   Brangus
                                    •    Salers Simmental
     •   Poll Hereford                                             •   Grey Brangus
     •   Red Angus                                                 •   Charbray                            OTHER BREEDS
     •   Red Poll                                                  •   Droughtmaster
                                                                                                      • Wagyu
     •   Shorthorn                                                 •   Greyman                        • Texas Longhorn
     •   South Devon                                               •   Nadudana                         Queenslander
     •   Speckle Park                                              •   Red Sindhi
     •   Square Meater                                             •   Sahiwal
                                                                   •   Santa Gertrudis
                                                                   •   Senepol
                                                                   •   Simbrah
                                                                   •   Tuli
     JBAS requirements for cattle
     All cattle entering the Rockhampton Agricultural Show must be a JBAS score of 6, 7 or 8. This score must be disclosed in the
     entry form under the ‘Current Health Status’ column.
     Management of JBAS at Rockhampton Agricultural Show is the exhibitor’s responsibility, and exhibitors should understand
     the management options for Johnes disease and these should be identified in their own biosecurity plans.

     a. Single Entry Nomination Fee: $20.00 per head (includes Bedding Levy).
     b. Group Entry Nomination Fee: $10.00 per group.
     c. Led Steer Nomination Fee: $30.00 per head.
     d. Entry forms not accompanied by entry fees will not be accepted.
     e. EFTPOS facilities are available at the office for your convenience.
     a. Application for camping must be made on the Entry form.
     b. Camping is available in Victoria Park with unpowered sites for free
     c. Camping fee is $30.00 per site on allotted powered sites on Lion Creek Road for the duration of show.
    a. Exhibits must be on the grounds prior to 10am Tuesday 11 June 2019
    b. Caravans/Trailer/Trucks are to be in place by 10am Tuesday 11 June 2019
   Exhibitors and livestock attendants, will be provided with an Exhibitor’s Wristband on the following entries:
        1 to 3 head - 1 wristband
        4 to 6 head - 2 wristband
        7 to 9 head - 3 wristband
        Over 9 head - 4 wristband
a. Additional wristbands may be purchased for $5 at the stud cattle stewards office. Exhibitor Wristbands must be
   worn at all times

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                       12-14 June 2019

a. All Male and commercial heifer Exhibits must be weighed , commencing at 9am Tuesday 11 June 2019.
b. All bulls over the age of 12 months must be nose ringed, all females over 12 months , led steers and led
   commercial heifers must be ringed or dogged when handled on the grounds. Handlers must use nose leads at ALL
   times when handling these animals and it shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that animals in the
   stud and led steer and commercial heifer section which are brought onto the grounds are tractable and able to
   be restrained and handled without causing damage.
c. Any Animal which behaves in an unsatisfactory manner may be expelled from the stud cattle area by order of the
   Chief Steward or Judge.
d. All cattle are to be restrained properly at night with a halter and neck collar or chain.
a.   Sawdust bedding will be provided by the Rockhampton Agricultural Show. for use.
b.   The use of straw is not permitted due to fire regulations.
c.   The provision of fodder is the responsibility of the exhibitor.
d.    Exhibitors must provide their own buckets for stock water.
a. Washing of cattle on the grounds is permitted only in the designated wash bay areas and only using shampoo
   brands which are Phosphorus free.
b. Failure to comply with this regulation will render Exhibitors liable to substantial fines under Department of
   Environment legislation and the animal ineligible to compete.
a. All stock must have a Waybill or NVD which must be presented at time of scanning
b. Only tick free stock will be allowed entry on to the grounds. Exhibitors returning to tick free country need to
   make their own clearance arrangements
10. NLIS
a. All animals must have an NLIS device fitted prior to leaving the property of origin (this includes calves).
b. As a precaution it is advisable to have replacement tags available in the event of a missing or faulty tag.
     Cattle entered for competition must be on display for the duration of the Show and are NOT permitted to leave the grounds
     prior to 4.00pm Friday, 14 June 2019.

12. DOGS
a. No Dogs are permitted on the Showgrounds.
a. The following tables shows the birth date on or between which animals must have been born in order to be
    eligible for each age class
b. Age as calculated at 1 June 2019.
             Brahman Classes                                           All Other Breed Classes
             Under 9 months ..............born 01/09/2018 & later      Under 12 months............. born 01/06/2018 & later
             9 & under 12 months .... 01/06/2018 to 31/08/2018         12 & under 15 months... 01/03/2018 to 31/05/2018
             12 & under 15 months ... 01/03/2018 to 31/05/2018         15 & under 18 months... 01/12/2017 to 28/02/2018
             15 & under 17 months .. 01/01/2018 to 28/02/2018          18 & under 21 months... 01/09/2017 to30/11/2017
             17 & under 19 months .. 01/11/2017 to 31/12/2017          21 & under 24 months ... 01/06/2017 to 31/08/2017
             19 & under 21 months ... 01/09/2017 to 31/10/2017         24 & under 30 months... 01/12/2016 to 31/05/2017
             21 & under 24 months .. 01/06/2017 to 31/08/2017          30 & under 36 months... 01/06/2016 to 30/11/2016
             24 & under 30 months .. 01/12/2016 to 31/05/2017          30 months and over...... born 30/11/2016 and earlier
             30 & under 36months ... 01/06/2016 to 30/11/2016
             36 months and older..... born31/05/2016 and

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Stud Cattle Schedule - proudly supported by Beef Australia 12-14 June 2019 - Including - Home ...
146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                12-14 June 2019

a. All animals to have been exhibited in their respective classes.
b. Breeders Groups (All Breeds except Brahmans) - To consist of three (3) exhibits, both sexes to be represented,
    bred by the exhibitor.
c. Brahman Breeders Group – To consist of a pair of males and a pair of females, not necessarily owned but bred by
    the Exhibitor.
d. Sire's Progeny Groups – To consist of three (3) progeny with both sexes to be represented , all from the same sire
    and owned by the exhibitor. (The sire’s name to be listed).
e. Dam's Progeny Group - To consist of two (2) progeny males and/or females, all from the same dam and owned
    by the exhibitor. (The dam’s name to be listed).
a. The entries will be arranged and paraded in order from youngest to oldest in each class.
b. For championship prizes (Senior Champion, Junior Champion, Calf champion), all 1st prize winners of each sex and
    breed to compete. After selecting the champion, the judge will be required to select an animal which will take the
    place of the Champion in the event of the latter being disqualified for any cause. The Reserve Champion shall be
    selected from the remaining 1st prize animals, together with 2nd prize of the class which furnished the champion.
c. A Supreme Champion Bull and Female shall be awarded with the Grand Champion or Champion of each breed as
    the case may be to compete. A Supreme Champion Breeders Group shall be awarded with the winning breeders
    group from each breed to compete.
d. The order of presentation of ribbons will be 1st - Blue, 2nd - Red, 3rd – White
a. All persons parading stock in the Judging ring are required to be neatly presented.
                        CHAMPION RIBBONS FOR ALL BREEDS:
                        Champion/Reserve Calf Champion Female     Champion/Reserve Calf Champion Male
                        Champion/Reserve Junior Champion Female   Champion/Reserve Junior Champion Male
                        Champion/Reserve Senior Champion Female   Champion/Reserve Senior Champion Bull
                        Grand Champion Female                     Grand Champion Bull
a. Prize Money will be halved if two (2) or less competitors enter any Beef Cattle Class.

 Contact Information:
                                 Advance Rockhampton, Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                      Office     Level 1, 220 Quay Street, Rockhampton
        Postal Address:          PO Box 1860, ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700
                  Phone:         (07) 4936 8800

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                         12-14 June 2019

                                   Stud Cattle Program
       • Weighing will commence Tuesday 9am
       • NLIS Scanning time will be advised on arrival.
       • Times are estimated and are subject to change if necessary
                Tuesday, 11 June       Wednesday, 12 June          Thursday, 13 June       Friday, 14 June

   8.00am                                     Ring 1
                                      • Tropical
   8.30am                             • Brahman
                                                                                         Exhibitors morning tea
                                                                                              and meeting
   9.30am                                                              Young Judges
                                                               • Stud & Prime Cattle
   10.00am                                                     • Led Steer


                                                                    Supreme Male
                                                                    Supreme Female
                                                                    Supreme Breeders
                                               Ring 2
             Weighing to commence                                    Group
                                      • British & European &
                                                                                               All Breed
   1.00pm                               Other Breed
                                      • Miniatures                                        Junior Heifer Show

                                                                     Open Led Steer
                                                                     Junior Led Steer
   3.00pm                                                            Led Commercial
   3.30pm                                                            Junior Paraders

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                             12-14 June 2019

                       Wednesday, 12 June 2019 - Ring 1
                                   Entry Fee: $20.00 | Group Entry Fee: $10.00

                      Tropical                                     Brahman Feature Show
   Prize Money: 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00            Prize Money: 1st $50, 2        $30.00, 3rd $20.00.

 Class 1001 Female, under 12 months                     Class 1018 Female, under 9 months
 Class 1002 Female, 12 months & under 15 months         Class 1019 Female, 9 months and under 12 months
                 CALF CHAMPION FEMALE                   Class 1020 Female, 12 months & under 15 months
           CALF RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE                                  CALF CHAMPION FEMALE
 Class 1003 Bull, under 12 months                                  CALF RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE
 Class 1004 Bull, 12 months & under 15 months           Class 1021 Bull, under 9 months
                   CALF CHAMPION BULL                   Class 1022 Bull, 9 months and under 12 months
             CALF RESERVE CHAMPION BULL                 Class 1023 Bull, 12 months & under 15 months
 Class 1005 Female, 15 months & under 18 months                            CALF CHAMPION BULL
 Class 1006 Female, 18 months & under 21 months                     CALF RESERVE CHAMPION BULL
              JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE                    Class 1024 Female, 15 months & under 17 months
          JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE                Class 1025 Female, 17 months & under 19 months
 Class 1007 Bull, 15 months & under 18 months           Class 1026 Female, 19 months & under 21 months
 Class 1008 Bull, 18 months & under 21 months                          JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE
                 JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL                            JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE
           JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL                 Class 1027 Bull, 15 months & under 17 months
 Class 1009 Female, 21 months & under 24 months         Class 1028 Bull, 17 months & under 19 months
 Class 1010 Female, 24 months & under 30 months         Class 1029 Bull, 19 months & under 21 months
 Class 1011 Female, 30 months and over                                   JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL
              SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE                               JUNIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL
          SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION FEMALE                Class 1030 Female, 21 months & under 24 months
 Class 1012 Bull, 21 months & under 24 months           Class 1031 Female, 24 months & under 30 months
 Class 1013 Bull, 24 months &under 30 months            Class 1032 Female, 30 months & under 36 months
 Class 1014 Bull, 30 months and under 36 months         Class 1033 Female 36 months and over
                 SENIOR CHAMPION BULL                                 SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE
             GRAND CHAMPION BULL                        Class 1034 Bull, 21 months & under 24 months
            GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE                       Class 1035 Bull, 24 months & under 30 months
                                                        Class 1036 Bull 30 months & under 36 months
                   Groups                                                SENIOR CHAMPION BULL
 Class 1015 Breeder's Group of 4 head                              SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL
 Class 1016 Sire’s Progeny
 Class 1017 Dam’s Progeny
                                                            GRAND CHAMPION BULL BRAHMAN
                                                           GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE BRAHMAN
                Brahman Groups
 Class 1037 Breeder's Group of 4 head                                   Proudly Sponsored by:
 Class 1038 Sire’s Progeny
 Class 1039 Dam’s Progeny

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                             12-14 June 2019

                     Wednesday, 12 June 2019 - Ring 2
                                  Entry Fee: $20.00 | Group Entry Fee: $10.00
                                 Prize Money - 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00
BRITISH, EUROPEAN & OTHER BREEDS                                       MINIATURE BREEDS
                Calf                                                          Calf
Class 1040 Female, under 12 months                         Class 1057 Female, under 12 months
Class 1041 Female, 12 months & under 15 months             Class 1058 Female, 12 months & under 15 months
             CALF CHAMPION FEMALE                                      CALF CHAMPION FEMALE
Class 1042 Bull, under 12 months                           Class 1059 Bull, under 12 months
Class 1043 Bull, 12 months & under 15 months               Class 1060 Bull, 12 months & under 15 months
              CALF CHAMPION BULL                                         CALF CHAMPION BULL
         CALF RESERVE CHAMPION BULL                                 CALF RESERVE CHAMPION BULL
                      Junior                                                        Junior
Class 1044 Female, 15 months & under 18 months             Class 1061 Female, 15 months & under 18 months
Class 1045 Female, 18 months & under 21 months             Class 1062 Female, 18 months & under 21 months
            JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE                                    JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE
Class 1046 Bull, 15 months & under 18 months               Class 1063 Bull, 15 months & under 18 months
Class 1047 Bull, 18 months & under 21 months               Class 1064 Bull, 18 months & under 21 months
             JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL                                      JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL
                      Senior                                                        Senior
Class 1048 Female, 21 months & under 24 months             Class 1065 Female, 21 months & under 24 months
Class 1049 Female, 24 months & under 30 months             Class 1066 Female, 24 months & under 30 months
Class 1050 Female 30 months and older                      Class 1067 Female 30 months and older
           SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE                                      SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE
     EUROPEAN & OTHER BREEDS                               Class 1068 Bull, 21 months & under 24 months
Class 1051 Bull, 21 months & under 24 months               Class 1069 Bull, 24 months & under 30 months
Class 1052 Bull, 24 months & under 30 months               Class 1070 Bull 30 months and under 36 months
Class 1053 Bull 30 months and under 36 months                           SENIOR CHAMPION BULL
             SENIOR CHAMPION BULL                                   SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL
        SENIOR RESERVE CHAMPION BULL                                 GRAND CHAMPION BULL
   GRAND CHAMPION BULL BRITISH,                                             Groups
     EUROPEAN & OTHER BREEDS                               Class 1071 Breeder's Group of 4 head
                                                           Class 1072 Sire’s Progeny
                                                           Class 1073 Dam’s Progeny
Class 1054 Breeder’s Group of 4 head
Class 1055 Sire’s Progeny                                                 Proudly Sponsored by
Class 1056 Dam’s Progeny

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                 12-14 June 2019

                  Thursday, 13 June 2019
                2019 SUPREME CHAMPION BULL
                       Prize Money $500.00
                       Proudly Sponsored by:

               2019 SUPREME CHAMPION FEMALE
                       Prize Money $500.00
                       Proudly Sponsored by:

                       Prize Money $300.00
                       Proudly Sponsored by:

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                               12-14 June 2019

                               Thursday, 13 June 2019
                                SCHOOLS CHALLENGE
                                                                      CHAMPION ALL-ROUNDER
             Winner - $350.00 product voucher
                                                                        Winner: $100 Product Voucher
            Runner-Up - $150.00 product voucher
                                                            This competition is open to all competitors (School or
   The Feedpro Australia School Challenge is based on       Independent) involved in any of the four (4) Junior Cattle
   the accumulation of points for participation of school competitions at the Rockhampton Agricultural Show:
   students in any of the Four Junior Cattle Competitions      • Young Paraders
   at the Rockhampton Agricultural Show.                       • Young Judges
       • Young Paraders                                        • Junior Led Steers
       • Young Judges                                          • Led Commercial Heifers
       • Junior Led Steers                                  For the Led Steers & Junior Heifer Sections, the
       • Commercial Led Heifers                             competitor must identify one animal per section (Steers
                                                            & Heifers) as their animal for competing
                                                   Proudly Sponsored by:

    A steer will be donated to the school of the student with the highest aggregate points from Junior Judging and
                    Junior Paraders Competitions only. The student must nominate under a school

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                                    12-14 June 2019

                                          Thursday, 13 June 2019
          JUNIOR PARADERS & JUDGES                                                                Junior Led Steer
                      Proudly Sponsored by:                                                        Proudly Sponsored by

                  Start – 8.00am
                                                                            •    Open to any person who is a full time student at a
Prize Money - 1 $40.00, 2nd $25.00, 3rd $10.00
Entry Fee: $2.00                                                                 School or College.
Nominations to be received at the Stud Cattle Stewards Office by            •    The Agriculture Department of Schools and Colleges
5.00pm Wednesday, 12 June 2019                                                   may nominate in their own right.
                                                                            •    Any person entering as an individual must be 18 years and
              Young /Junior Paraders                                             under at the date of competition.
The State winner is eligible to compete at the National Finals.
                                                                                 Class 1077 Liveweight up to 400kg
Only competitors who are at least 15 and under 25 are eligible
to qualify in the Regional/State Finals Competition.                             Class 1078 Liveweight 401kg to 500kg
Class 1074 Age groups to be determined on entry                                  Class 1079 Liveweight 501kg and over
                 Young/Junior Judges                                                               Open Led Steer
                                                                                                  Proudly Sponsored by:
Only competitors who are at least 15 and under 25 are eligible
       to qualify in the Regional/State Finals Competition.
Class 1075 Stud & Prime Cattle - Age groups to be
           determined on entry numbers
Class 1076 Led Steers - Age groups to be determined on
           entry numbers
                                                                                                 Entry Fee: $30.00
                                                                                   Prize Money: 1st $100.00, 2nd $70.00, 3rd $30.00
                 LED STEER COMPETITION
           Entries Close: Friday 31 May 2019                                                    Open to any exhibitor.
                   Entry Fee: $30.00                                             Class 1080 Liveweight up to 400kg
    Prize Money - 1 $100.00, 2nd $70.00, 3rd $30.00
                   st                                                            Class 1081 Liveweight 401kg to 500kg
Judging will commence at the completion of the Interbreed                        Class 1082 Liveweight 501kg and over
For the 2019 Show the following rules shall apply:
                                                                                        Led Commercial Competition
1.      All cattle to be polled or effectively de-horned or they will not                         Entry Fee: $20.00
        be allowed on the grounds. This will be strictly enforced.                  Prize Money: 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00
2.      All steers will be mouthed at weighing.
3.      All steers in these classes must be on the grounds by 10am,
        Tuesday,11 June 2019                                                    Class 1083 Commercial Led Heifer Milk Teeth only
4.      All steers to be weighed by 2pm Tuesday,11 June 2019
5.      All steers entered in this competition must be milk-tooth only.            2019 GRAND CHAMPION LED STEER
6.      Steers with HGP are eligible
7.      All steers must be led and tractable.                                                Prize Money $500.00
8.      No drug or tranquiliser shall be administered to any
                                                                                                  Proudly Sponsored by
        animal exhibit except under the direction of a veterinary
        surgeon who shall advise the stewards if in their opinion
        such drug or tranquiliser is likely to have any effect upon
        the animal which would be material to its chances of
        being awarded a prize.
9.      Junior Led Steers are not eligible for open competition but
        are eligible for Grand Champion Led Steer                                  (To be selected from the winners of Classes 1077 to 1082)

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                           12-14 June 2019

                                    Friday, 14 June 2019

                                  To commence on Friday 14th June 2019 at 10.30 am
                                          Entries Close: Friday, 31 May 2019
                                                 ENTRY FEE - $10.00
                                   Prize Money - 1st $25.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00
 1.   Open to all exhibitors up to and including 21 years of age.
 2.   Animals nominated in these classes must also be nominated in the open stud cattle classes.

 Class 1084 Female, under 9 months
 Class 1085 Female, 9 months & under 12 months
 Class 1086 Female, 12 months & under 15 months
 Class 1087 Female, 15 months & under 18 months
 Class 1088 Female, 18 months & under 21 months

                                2019 CHAMPION ALL BREED JUNIOR HEIFER

                          2019 RESERVE CHAMPION ALL BREED JUNIOR HEIFER

                                          Proudly Sponsored by:

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
                                                                                                             12-14 June 2019

                                                      GENERAL REGULATIONS
                      (For the conduct of competitions at QCAS affiliated Queensland Agricultural Shows)
    Subject to the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Society’s Inc. (QCAS)
    and the Society relevant to this schedule, the following General Regulations shall apply.
    Where there is a conflict between these regulations and the regulations and rules of the local Agricultural Society,
    the rules of the Affiliated Agricultural Society prevail.

   GENERAL REGULATIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRIES                              a judging roll. A Judge shall not adjudicate at more than
   1.1. All affiliated Queensland agricultural shows are conducted            one show within 30 days within a Sub-Chamber unless
        subject to the rules of the Queensland Chamber of                     judging different sections. This rule applies to all affiliated
        Agricultural Societies Inc. (QCAS), the constitution and rules        agricultural show sections.
        of this Society, and any other special regulations which         2.4. In all affiliated Agricultural Show sections, Judges should
        appear within the schedule.                                           not judge the same section within a two
   1.2. Affiliated agricultural societies may, as required,              (2) year period at the same show.
        supplement these regulations with their own special              2.5. Judging cards and performance records shall be completed
        regulations ensuring they are consistent with QCAS                    by the committee person in charge, Chief Steward and/or
        regulations.                                                          the Judge of a section (if required) during or immediately
   1.3. The attention of Exhibitors is drawn to the fact that entries         after the judging of the section or at the Judge’s
        are accepted subject to the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations            convenience.
        of QCAS and the society relevant to this schedule, in            2.6. If a Judge is unable to fulfil a judging commitment, the
        addition to any special regulations which appear in this              Judge shall notify the Society as soon as possible so a
        schedule. Copies of the Rules and By-Laws may be obtained             replacement can be arranged.
        upon application to QCAS or the society relevant to this         2.7. A Judge shall not send a substitute Judge but may nominate
        schedule.                                                             a replacement judge to the society. All invitations to judge
   1.4. No refunds will be made after close of entry.                         shall be sent by the affiliated Society.
   1.5. In the case of insufficient numbers being nominated or           2.8. A Society shall report to QCAS any Judge who fails to attend
        shown in any class, the society retains the right to suspend          a Show to which he or she has accepted an invitation to
        classes at any time.                                                  judge or, who has failed to judge at the time advertised for
   1.6. The section Chief Steward retains the right to reduce prize           the commencement of the class provided that the failure to
        money where classes are not sufficiently patronized.                  attend or appear is without reasonable cause.
   1.7. Any competitor, who receives any physical or electronic          2.9. A Judge may not officiate, and compete or exhibit in the
        communication aid during the judging of an event on an                same section at the same show unless exceptional
        affiliated Society’s Showground, will have all nominations            circumstances exist such as sickness or unavailability of the
        cancelled. The persons concerned may be asked to leave                appointed Judge.
        the Showground.                                                  2.10. A Steward assisting the Judge in a particular section
   2. JUDGING                                                                 shall remove him/herself from the section if within a period
   2.1. Judging will be performed by a Judge or panel of Judges               of six (6) months prior to or during the show he/she or any
        appointed by the Society.                                             member of their immediate family, business partners, or
   2.2. In the event of the Judge deciding that the exhibits in any           employee has owned, leased, bred, trained or schooled an
        Class are not worthy of a prize, no prize will be awarded.            animal or competitor exhibiting in any class in that section.
   2.3. It is considered good ethics that if a Junior Judge or           2.11. An Exhibitor shall not compete in a section if the
        Associate Judge has been judging in his/her own right at              Exhibitor is a member of the Judge’s immediate family.
        any affiliated Agricultural Show, they are not eligible to       2.12. No Exhibitors shall deface or alter registration papers or
        enter the Young Judges competition at that Show, BUT they             performance cards for any exhibit. A Judge or Steward must
        can still enter at another Show where they are not acting in          not knowingly permit an ineligible Exhibit or Exhibitor to

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      compete.                                                           Showgrounds.
 2.13.        No Exhibitor or members of the Exhibitor’s            3.11. The use of straw, sawdust and/or shavings for bedding of
      immediate family or employed by the Exhibitor shall                   livestock is at the discretion of the Agricultural Society
      approach a Judge with regard to a decision made by the                Management Committee.
      Judge unless they first obtain permission from the            4. ELECTRIC FENCES
      Committee person in charge or Steward of the Section.         4.1. Energised electric fences are prohibited on the showground
 3. NOTICE TO INTENDING EXHIBITORS                                       at any time, without the express permission of the society
 3.1. No person under disqualification recognised by the Society         or unless specified in the societies schedule. Any fences are
      may exhibit or compete.                                            to be suitable signed.
 3.2. Entries for the upcoming Agricultural Show relevant to this   5. BIOSECURITY
      schedule can be made as described for each section in the     5.1. All QCAS affiliated agricultural societies have developed a
      schedule. Entries submitted other than on the correct form         comprehensive Agricultural Show Biosecurity Plan and all
      or online will be returned to the Exhibitor and, unless all        event organisers, competitors and spectators have a joint
      requirements are complied with, and the forms returned to          responsibility to ensure the successful implementation of a
      the Agricultural Society office by completion of business on       biosecurity plan.
      the closing date, as shown in this Schedule, they will not be 6. PRIVACY STATEMENT
      considered.                                                   6.1. The information provided by exhibitors is used by QCAS
 3.3. Notwithstanding the provisions of General Regulation.              and the society relevant to this schedule to organise,
 3.4. Above, late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the       process and conduct competitions at the relevant
      Section Chief Steward.                                             agricultural show, sub chamber and state finals. By entering
 3.5. Entries are accepted subject to the Rules, Bylaws and              such competitions you consent to their personal
      Regulations of the Society, in addition to any Special             information being used for this purpose including this
      Regulations, which appear in the Schedule.                         information being made available to sponsors, breed
 3.6. Exhibitors whose entries have not been accepted shall be           associations, the media, the public, promotional purposes,
      advised accordingly and entry fees refunded.                       archival purposes, published in publications and could be
 3.7. The exhibitor irrevocably consents to the Society publishing       made available to other third parties for the purpose of
      or reproducing in any manner whatsoever any particulars            promoting the Queensland agricultural show movement, or
      or information in relation to their exhibits; the publication      as otherwise required by law.
      or reproduction may be in a printed form or visual image      6.2. Exhibitors have a right of access to and alteration of
      through electronic means and/or on the internet.                   personal information concerning them-selves in terms of
 3.8. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, the affiliated                the Privacy Act. This may be done by contacting the QCAS
      Agricultural Society cannot accept any responsibility for any      Executive Officer or by writing to QCAS.
      losses and/or damage or injury to or by any livestock         7. WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY
      exhibits, equipment, vehicles or any other property or        7.1. All QCAS affiliated society’s showground’s are designated
      person whilst on the Showground’s.                                 workplaces within the meaning of the Workplace Health
 3.9. Any persons causing a nuisance by loud comments, or the            and Safety Act 2011 and exhibitors / competitors are
      decision of the Judges or of otherwise unseemly behaviour          required to ensure that they and all persons under their
      will after being cautioned, be expelled from the                   direction or control, including their contractors or
      showgrounds, and in the case of exhibitors, be liable for          subcontractors, comply with all requirements of the Act
      disqualification.                                                  and QCAS holds each exhibitor responsible to discharge its
 3.10.      Dogs, other than those owned by members of the               obligations to provide and maintain a safe place and system
      Canine Control Council, must be kept in a closed float, a          of work during occupation by the exhibitor/competitor of
      vehicle, or on a short leash and must be suitably muzzled as       any area of the affiliated Agricultural Society’s
      to prevent it from being able to injure or bite any person or      Showground’s.
      other animal, whilst on the Affiliated Society’s Showground. 7.2. Each exhibitor/competitor will assess the risk to
      The Society reserves the right to impound or have                  themselves, staff, volunteers, family, other exhibitors,
      impounded any stray or nuisance animal whilst on the               agricultural society staff, show visitors, children and any

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
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        person foreseeably affected by the presentation of their               payable on prizes if an Exhibitor is registered for GST and
        exhibit.                                                               enters an Exhibit as part of a business enterprise.
 7.3.   Risks identified by exhibitors/competitors will be                9.2. The information an Exhibitor provides on the Application
        eliminated or controlled by the exhibitor/competitor and               for Entry determines whether GST is applicable.
        particular attention will be paid to ensuring public safety       9.3. Any prize stated in this Schedule does not include GST.
        and safety of other exhibitors/competitors.                       9.4. GST will not apply:
 7.4.   Exhibits will only be held and handled by competent               a. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as a hobby or private
        persons whose experience is known to the                               recreational pursuit;
        Exhibitor/Competitor.                                             b. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business
 7.5.   Exhibitors/competitors are advised that the use of primus              enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, but the Exhibitor is
        stoves, any heating or lighting appliances of a like                   NOT REGISTERED for GST.
        character, or any naked light, is strictly prohibited in          9.5. If an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a business
        pavilions or any other building or area defined by the                 enterprise, the Exhibitor is not entitled to an ABN as the
        Queensland Fire and Rescue Service.                                    business or enterprise is not operating in Australia.
 7.6.   Any exhibitors/competitors intending to bring electrical          9.6. GST will apply if an Exhibitor enters an Exhibit as part of a
        equipment to the Showground’s will be required to ensure               business enterprise, the Exhibitor has an ABN, and the
        that such equipment is fitted with earth leakage circuit               Exhibitor is REGISTERED for GST.
        breakers / residual current protection and that all electrical    9.7. Where GST applies, the Society will pay the prize money
        leads, tools and appliances have been inspected by a                   quoted in this Schedule plus 10% GST. The Society will issue
        licensed electrical contractor and currently tagged. This is           a recipient created tax invoice
        essential for the safety of all exhibitors and the general        10. PRIZE AWARDS
        public AND is a requirement of the current Electrical Safety      10.1.        The Prize Ribbons / Rosettes / Sashes, affixed to
        Regulations.                                                           Exhibits, shall be distinguished by the following colours,
 7.7.   The use of double adaptors is prohibited and all power                 Supreme Champion      Wide Sash any colour at Show’s
        boards must also be tested and tagged.                                                       discretion
 7.8.   All exhibitors/competitors will comply with the                          Grand Champion      Red, White and Blue Sash or
        requirements of the Act and its Regulations and Standards
                                                                                    Champion         Purple Sash or equivalent
        in every other respect. This is essential for the safety of all
                                                                                Reserve Champion     Dark Green Sash or equivalent
        exhibitors / competitors and the general public. The Act                       First         Blue Ribbon or equivalent
        imposes very severe penalties in the event of                                Second          Red Ribbon or equivalent
        noncompliance with its provisions. Any                                         Third         White Ribbon or equivalent
        exhibitors/competitors who do not comply will not be                          Fourth         Yellow Ribbon or equivalent
        allowed to exhibit at QCAS affiliated Shows.                                   Fifth         Light Green Ribbon or equivalent
 8.     DISCLAIMER                                                                     Sixth         Brown Ribbon or equivalent
 8.1.   The information contained in the Competitions                                Seventh         Buff Ribbon or equivalent
                                                                                      Eighth         Pink Ribbon or equivalent
        Schedule/Catalogue is gathered for the purpose of
                                                                                       Ninth         Orange Ribbon or equivalent
        providing information to Exhibitors and show patrons. The
                                                                                      Tenth          Grey Ribbon or equivalent
        information is a compilation of information provided by                   Special Prizes     Pale Blue Ribbon or equivalent
        third parties and QCAS and affiliated Agricultural Society’s
                                                                          10.2. For Group Classes (e.g. Dairy Cattle):
        does not warrant its accuracy and advises that any such
                                                                                            First        Pink and Blue
        information may be subject to change or amendment                                   Second       Pink and Red
        occurring at any time and thereby making the information                            Third        Pink and White
        incorrect. Subject to QCAS legal obligations and                                    Forth        Pink and Yellow
        responsibilities, if you require confirmation of any              10.3. All cash prizes and trophies must be claimed within six
        information please contact the QCAS Office.                            months from the closing date of the show (or as otherwise
 9. GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST)                                               advised in this schedule). Prizes not claimed and prize
 9.1. The Australian Taxation Office has deemed that GST is                    cheques not presented by that date will be considered to

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146th Rockhampton Agricultural Show
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 have lapsed, and the amount will become a donation to the                nature and should properly be dealt with by the Sectional
      society.                                                            Sub Committee, and;
 11. PROTESTS                                                        c. Any other alleged breach of the Rules, By- Laws and
 11.1. A protest against a Judge's Award must:                            Regulations of the Society that may be referred to
 a. be in writing addressed to the Secretary, and signed by the           Disciplinary Committee.
      person lodging the protest;                                    12.2. The Disciplinary Committee shall comprise of such
 b. be lodged by delivery to the Secretary's Office within                members of the Societies Management Committee as are
      twenty-four hours of the making of the Award;                       appointed by the Management Committee from time to
 c. give the name and address of the person lodging the                   time.
      protest, and where two or more persons join in the protest,    12.3. The Management Committee shall appoint a member of
      state which one of those persons is authorised to receive           the Disciplinary Committee as Chairman of the Disciplinary
      correspondence or notices on behalf of all;                         Committee.
 d. set out in reasonable detail particulars of the matter           12.4. For the purposes of any proceedings of the Disciplinary
      complained of including but not necessarily limited to the          Committee, the Disciplinary Committee shall comprise, no
      number of the Class and the Award protested against;                less than three of its members and those persons shall
 e. Be accompanied by a deposit of $50.                                   constitute the Disciplinary Committee for the purpose of
 11.2. The Secretary shall advise the President when a protest is         those proceedings.
      received and the President shall appoint a Protest Board       12.5. If a member of the Disciplinary Committee dies or
      consisting of such members of the Board as she/he may               becomes otherwise unable or unwilling to participate in
      determine to consider and determine the matter.                     proceedings, then:
 11.3. The Protest Board shall proceed in all respects according     a. If this occurs prior to the commencement of any hearing in
      to the justice of the case and may decide the issue                 relation to the matter, the Chairman of the Disciplinary
      according to equity and good conscience without being               Committee shall appoint a replacement; and,
      bound by legal technicalities or the laws of evidence.         b. If this occurs after the commencement of any hearing in
 11.4. A protest shall not be upheld on the ground that the               relation to the matter, the remaining members of the
      Judge made an honest but incorrect decision unless it is            Disciplinary Committee shall constitute the Committee for
      proved to the satisfaction of the Protest Board that the            the purposes of concluding the proceedings.
      Judge had been wilfully or accidentally misled by the act of   c. Proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee may be
      some other person.                                                  initiated:
 11.5. If the Protest Board should be of the opinion that the        d. Upon the request, orally or in writing, of the President.
      protest was frivolous the deposit may be forfeited.            e. Upon receipt by the Chairman of the Disciplinary
 11.6. The decision of the Protest Board shall be final and               Committee of a written complaint relating to a matter
      conclusive.                                                         referred to in these regulations.
 11.7. For the purpose of this regulation an Award shall be          f. By the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee on his or
      deemed to be made when the results of the class in                  her own motion.
      question are announced or otherwise made available to the      g. The Disciplinary Committee may conduct proceedings at
      public.                                                             any time.
 12. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE                                          12.6. All persons who constitute the Disciplinary Committee
 12.1. The functions of the Disciplinary Committee shall be to            for the purposes of any proceedings must be present at any
      hear and determine all complaints, allegations and other            hearing conducted by the Disciplinary Committee.
      matters relating to                                            12.7. A person whose conduct is called into question in any
 a. Prohibited substances, as defined in these General Rules or           proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee must be
      Sectional Regulations.                                              given notice of a hearing. It shall be sufficient for such
 b.   any alleged breach of the Rules, By-Laws and Regulations of         notice to be given orally and by any such person acting with
      the Society by an exhibitor and relating to an exhibit or to a      the apparent authority of the Society.
      competition, except if the alleged breach is of a kind that    12.8. The Disciplinary Committee may conduct proceedings
      the Chief Steward of a Section considers is of a less serious       notwithstanding that any person who has been given notice

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      fails to attend the proceedings.                                a.   all Agricultural Societies in Queensland;
 12.9. The Disciplinary Committee shall not be bound by any           b.   the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies;
      rules of evidence and shall conduct the proceedings with        c.   the relevant Breed Societies;
      the minimum of formality and in such a manner as it sees        d.   the body with which the exhibit is registered, or is eligible
      fit.                                                                 for registration;
 12.10. The Disciplinary Committee may require any member or          e. the result of any proceedings before the Disciplinary
      exhibitor to attend at any proceedings of the Disciplinary           Committee in which a person has been found guilty of a
      Committee and to furnish such information and evidence               breach of any Rule, By-Law or Regulation.
      and to produce such documents relevant to the                   13.4.     The Society shall have no liability to any person in
      proceedings as to the Disciplinary Committee seems fit.              respect of any publication referred to above.
 12.11. The Disciplinary Committee may, at its discretion, call for   13.5.     No person shall have any claim against the Society or
      and hear expert evidence.                                            against any Committee member, member, employee,
 12.12. No person will be legally represented without the leave            volunteer or agent of the Society in respect of any act,
      of the Disciplinary Committee                                        matter or thing done in good faith during or in connection
 12.13. The Disciplinary Committee may announce its decision               with the proceedings before the Disciplinary Committee.
      orally or in writing. A decision that announced orally shall
      have effect in accordance with its terms.
 12.14. If the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee is not
      unanimous, the decision of the majority shall prevail. If the
      Disciplinary Committee are equally divided on any question
      concerning the guilt or innocence of a person, the question
      shall be resolved in that person’s favour.
 13.1. If the Disciplinary Committee considers that there has
      been a breach of the rules, By-laws or regulations of the
      Society, it may impose such a penalty as it considers to be
      appropriate, including without limitation:
 a. a reprimand;
 b. a monetary fine (payable at such time/s as the Disciplinary
      Committee may determine);
 c. withdrawal or withholding of any award or ribbon;
 d. disqualification in respect of any class;
 e. expulsion from the Showground;
 f. where the person concerned is a member, a suspension or
      termination of that membership;
 g. a ban;
 h. exclusion;
 i. prohibiting a Person from exhibiting or competing at the
      current Show or at any future Show;
 j. a direction that an Exhibit be removed from the
 k. any other mandatory requirement;
 l. Any other penalty provided for in other regulations of the
 13.2. There shall be no appeal from any decision of the
      Disciplinary Committee.
 13.3. The Association may publish to:

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2019 Rockhampton Agricultural Show Nomination Form – Stud
Privacy Notice: Council deals with your personal information in accordance with law including the Information Privacy Act 2009.

This form is to be completed when the owner, exhibitor or person in charge of animal/s wishes to enter the Rockhampton
Showgrounds with stud cattle. This form must accompany animals on entry. This form is for the Exhibitors entry, Health
Declaration and Movement Record. If you choose to use this as movement records, please retain a copy for yourself.

  PIC:                                                                 Movement record number:

  Owner/Exhibitor/Person in Charge of Animal/s Details

  Organisation name:                                                                                                    ABN:

  Contact name:

                                                First                                              Middle                                 Last

  Title:         ☐ Mr           ☐ Miss          ☐ Mrs          ☐ Ms            ☐ Other (please specify):

  Residential address:

                                                 Street number and name                                         City              State           Postcode

  Postal address (if different):

  Preferred contact number:                                                       Email:

  Origin of Animal/s

  PIC no.:                                                     Address:

  Destination of Animal/s after Show

  Returning to origin above?                   ☐ Yes             ☐ No (if no, please complete details below.)

  PIC no.:                                                     Address:

  Parking Permit (please note only one vehicle is permitted per applicant and parking permits must be displayed at all times)

  Registration no.:                                                                         Type of vehicle:

  Camping Permit (please note there is a limit of two vehicles per site, camping permits must be displayed at all times and there is a
  $30.00 fee for the duration of the Show)

  Registration no.:                                                                         Type of vehicle:

  Registration no.:                                                                         Type of vehicle:

  Number of permits required:                                                               Total cost: $

  RRC201 – Tourism, Marketing & Events | V2 | Approved 4 April 2019                                                               QDAN 480 v.4 – 2.3.2 – 5 years

                                                                                    Page 1 of 3
List of All Animal/s (including animals that are NOT being exhibited)
 Individual identification – Brand, ear tattoo
 Breed                                                                                                            Individual
 (Please group      Class no.         Name of animal                    Sex        Stud book no.      D.O.B                        Name of sire       Name of dam          Entry fee
 Breeds together)                                                                                                 identification

 If more lines are required, please print a second copy of this page and fill in this table only.                                                     Entry total:         $

 Total Payable

 This form will act as a tax invoice. All fees are GST inclusive.                                                                                 $

RRC201 – Tourism, Marketing & Events | V2 | Approved 4 April 2019                                                                                                    QDAN 480 v.4 – 2.3.2 – 5 years

                                                                                                    Page 2 of 3
Declaration by Owner/Exhibitor/Person in Charge of Animal/s
I declare that:
1. I am the owner or person in charge of the stock listed over; and
2. These animal/s are, to the best of my knowledge, in good health and have been in good health seven days prior to entry
     onto the Rockhampton Showgrounds Complex.
I agree:
1. To pay any costs associated with veterinary consultation for the listed animals if deemed necessary by the
     Rockhampton Agricultural Show Committee;
2. If required before movement, all animals will be shampooed, rinsed and allowed to dry, and their hooves/feet will be
     picked clean of all solid material and washed;
3. All vehicles and equipment will be in a clean condition at the start of travel to the Rockhampton Showgrounds Complex;
4. The information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge;
5. I will abide by all conditions and directions of the Rockhampton Agricultural Show Committee and QCAS rules and
6. I acknowledge that failure to comply with the above may result in refusal of entry to the venue, disqualification or other
     disciplinary action as decided by the Rockhampton Agricultural Show Committee; and
7. In the case of any imposed restrictions due to a Biosecurity Event, I will be responsible for the care, maintenance and
     cost of the animal/s listed, including feeding and watering.

Name:                                                    Signature:                               Date:

Fees and Charges
Please refer to the appropriate section in the Fees and Charges Schedule for the Rockhampton Agricultural Show located at

Payment Details
Please select a payment option below:
☐ Credit/debit card | Submit your completed form and a customer service representative will contact you to arrange
   payment over the phone.
☐ Cheque | Make your cheque/money order payable to ‘Rockhampton Regional Council’ and send to PO Box 1860,
   Rockhampton, Queensland, 4700 with a copy of your completed form.
☐ Cash | You can pay at Council’s Customer Service Centres: 232 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton; 32 Hall Street, Mount
   Morgan; 1 Ranger Street, Gracemere.

RRC201 – Tourism, Marketing & Events | V2 | Approved 4 April 2019                                   QDAN 480 v.4 – 2.3.2 – 5 years

                                                                    Page 3 of 3                                     Submit
You can also read