Page created by Roberto Diaz
25 September - 2 October 2021 |

2   Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

                                 MIS SION ST ATEM ENT
               To promote and showcase the highest standards of quality and excellence by
                                     way of equine competition

                                          COMMITT EE
                                          Councillor in Charge
                                            Andrew Williams

                                             Andrew Williams

                                           Assistant Councillor
                                               Anne Stroud
                                               Don Chipper

                                          Committee Members
                                            Diane Bennit AM
                                             Lesley Farrier
                                             Fred Freeman
                                             Merrilyn Gollan
                                             Robert Hawes
                                              Marg Langan
                                             Neryl Simmons
                                           Gillian Woodstock

                                         Hack Working Party
                                             Lesley Farrier
                                             Merrilyn Gollan
                                              Jill Hancock
                                  Amanda Gilberd (Riders Representative)

                                    Competition and Event Coordinator
                                             Rebecca Adams
3        Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

                                                        S PON SOR S
                                         CONTRIBUTORS IN 2021

      On Tuesday June 22, 2021 the President of the Royal Agricultural Society of WA and the Premier of Western
    Australian made a joint announcement that the 2021 Perth Royal Show would be going ahead. This was naturally
    wonderful news and set about the big task of creating this year’s Show, including all our incredible Competitions.

    At the time of publishing the various Competition Schedules, previous sponsors and prize contributors were being
     contacted to once again support the Competitions. This is a big task, with detail still being collated and finalised.

     Please be assured that the many prizes and acknowledgements that are a big part of the Competitions will again
                              be present in 2021 and we look forward to your involvement.

     In due course the Competition sponsors and prize contributors will be acknowledged and we thank them for their
                                                   ongoing support.

Confirmation of sponsorships received after the printing of the schedule will be acknowledged in Horses in Action catalogue.
Prizes listed in the schedule are correct at the time of release however may be subject to change.
4        Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

                                   IMPORTANT ENTRY INFORMATION

                                                           CLOSING DATE

                                                        Sunday 8 August 2021

                                                           ENTER ONLINE


                                                            ENTRY FEES

                                                      Refer to individual classes

          To be entitled to the Royal Agricultural Society members’ entry fee you must have paid your 2021 membership
                       prior to lodging the entry, and your membership number must be stated on the entry.

               The RASWA member discount will only be allowed if the member and owner are one and the same.
          The discount can only be redeemed by the exhibiting owner. Partial owners and family members do not qualify
                                                                    for the discount

                                                  REFUND OF ENTRY FEES
          Entry fees are non-refundable, except where the Society has excess entries in a section or class and is unable
                                                    to accommodate them


                                            Horses Competition and Event Coordinator
                                            (08) 6263 3153 or

           A copy of the schedule can also be downloaded and printed from the website

To be entitled to the Royal Agricultural Society members’ entry fee you must have paid your 2021 membership subscription prior to lodging
the entry, and your membership number must be stated on the entry. Entry fees are non-refundable.
5      Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

                                                                 guardian must accept responsibility on behalf of the Exhibitor,
                                                                 rider/driver, passenger, attendant or any other participant for
                                                                 the purpose of the Show and must read and sign the enclosed
                                                                 disclaimer statement form. Refer to special note “Indemnity if
          SECTION CONDITIONS                                     Exhibitor is 17 years of age and under” on the application for
                                                                 entry and to the enclosed disclaimer statement.
                                                                 Dress: Competitors participating in all events must wear the
PLEASE NOTE THAT EQUESTRIAN ACTIVITIES ARE                       approved attire for the section in which they are competing.
INJURY, DISABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, CAN,                     Strappers and attendants, liminted to one (1) per animal,
AND DO OCCUR.                                                    who lead horses/ponies onto the Main Arena must be
                                                                 appropriately attired as outlined in each section or must
2. ALCOHOL                                                       wear a white dust coat, provided by the Exhibitor.
                                                                 Protective leather footwear (not joggers) must be
Alcohol consumption on the Showground other than in              worn. Attendants wearing a dust coat will not be allowed
licensed or designated areas approved by the Society is          to enter the judging ring.
prohibited. This includes the stable and locker area of the
Equestrian Complex.                                              White Dust Coats: A limited number of coats will be available
                                                                 to purchase from the Armband Office for $40.00 each. NO
3. SMOKING                                                       coats will be available to hire.

The Show is a smoke free event. Smoking is not permitted         Nominations:
within any section of the Equestrian Complex. Smoking areas
are available in Private and Hardy Roads.                        The Society reserves the right to accept any nomination,
                                                                 which in its opinion warrants inclusion in the Show. The
4. CONDITIONS FOR ENTRY                                          Society, without giving a reason for doing so, may also reject
                                                                 or disqualify an exhibit.
Liability and Indemnity: Lodgment of an application for
entry is deemed to be acknowledgement by the Exhibitor of        Any Exhibitor giving a wrong description or false information
their agreement that persons entering events do so at their      of their exhibit may be disqualified from exhibiting from this or
own risk (Refer to the Society’s General Show Regulation 17,     any future Perth Royal Show.
Liability and Indemnity).
                                                                 Appeals Against Refusal of Nominations: Exhibitors shall
Exhibit: For the purpose of these Section Conditions the         have the right of appeal against the Society’s decision
word “exhibit” shall include a horse or pony, or donkey where    providing the appeal is lodged in writing within 14 days of the
appropriate.                                                     dispatch of notification.

Exhibitor: Means the person in which name the application        Registration of Exhibits: No horse/pony may compete
for entry is lodged.                                             unless it is registered in a recognised Studbook, Breed
                                                                 Society, Equestrian Australia (EA), Show Horse Council
Judge, Exhibitor Business Dealings: No Exhibitor/handler         (SHC) or Australian Carriage Driving Society (ACDS).
may show an exhibit in a ring (other than a jumping ring)
officiated by a Judge where:                                     No exhibit may be presented with markings that vary from its
                                                                 registration papers.
1.   that exhibit was bred by, purchased or leased from the
     Judge or their immediate family within the 12 months        A photocopy of each exhibit’s registration certificate
     preceding the date of competition; or                       must accompany each application for entry. Failure to
2.   has been employed by the Judge at any time in the 12        present registration certificates by 12 August 2021 will
     month period prior to the date of competition; or           result in the return of entries.
3.   the Judge has conducted any business transactions
     within the 12 months preceding the date of competition      Exhibitors must supply on their application for entry all the
     involving the Exhibitor, or the owner or part owner of an   information called for in each and every instance, otherwise
     animal exhibited by the Exhibitor at the current            their entries will not be accepted and will be returned.
     competition, unless the Councillor in Charge
     has provided written authorisation to do so on the basis    Restrictions on Number of Entries: Any Exhibitor entering
     of the incidental or minor nature of the business.          more than one (1) animal in a class may be requested by the
                                                                 Society to withdraw their additional entries, thereby limiting
JUDGES NAMES WILL BE POSTED ON THE RASWA                         their entries to one (1) exhibit per class. This notification will
WEBSITE AS SOON AS THEY ARE CONFIRMED.                           be advised no later than Wednesday 20 August 2020. This
                                                                 will only occur if there are excess entries.
Parent/Legal Guardian Responsibility: Where an
Exhibitor, rider/driver, passenger, attendant or any other       Transfer of Events: After the close of entries, the Society
participant is 17 years of age and under, the parent or legal    reserves the right to transfer events from one day to another
                                                                 or cancel an event due to lack of entries.
6      Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

Presentation:                                                       date. E-tickets will be forwarded to the email address
                                                                    submitted on the form.
All horses/ponies are to be clean and presented according to
the section in which they are competing.                            Departure:

Registered Approved Identifiers: All horses/ponies                  Livestock Release Authority: No exhibit will be permitted to
competing at the Show must be visibly branded with a                leave the Showground without a livestock release authority
registered freeze or fire brand, microchipped or                    form signed by an Armband Office staff member.
identified by a method approved by the relevant Society.
Registered horses that are microchipped or identified               Exhibits may not be removed from the horse lines until after
under breed, EA, SHC or ACDS rules should always be                 the Grand Parade unless ordered by the Ringmaster, or on
accompanied by a copy of the official registration                  the advice of the Veterinarian. A livestock release authority
documents detailing the identifying marks on the                    will still be required, prior to your departure from the
individual exhibit and microchip number.                            Showground.

Insurance: The Owner/Exhibitor is responsible for the               Stables are to be left clean and will be inspected prior to the
Insurance of their exhibit whilst the exhibit is on the Society’s   issue of a livestock release authority form.
                                                                    6. ENTRY AND EXIT ROUTES
Refund of Entry Fees:
                                                                    Arrivals: Exhibitors in horse classes will only be admitted to
Refunds will be given for entries where the Society has             the Showground on production of a “single-entry” or “multi-
excess entries in a section or class and is unable to               entry” ticket. Tickets will be emailed to Exhibitors prior to the
accommodate them.                                                   commencement of the Show.

If COVID-19 recommendations and mandates advised by                 Entry Route: Vehicles delivering exhibits will be admitted to
the Federal and State Governments mean the                          the Showground between 5.30am and 9.00pm through Gate
competition class you entered cannot proceed in 2021,               6A (next to Gate 6) off Graylands Road. Proceed to the horse
the RASWA will issue a full refund of your entry fee.               unloading area, when directed by the parking attendant.

Horse Exhibitors may apply for a refund of entry fee for a          Departures: Departure from the horse unloading area will be
horse/pony that has, prior to the commencement of                   through Private Road to Gate 7, where the livestock release
competition at the Show, become seriously ill, injured or has       authority will be collected at the gate.
died, or prior to the close of entries has been sold. The
application requires a submission of a Veterinary Certificate,      7. PARKING AND SHUTTLE BUS
or Proof of Sale. Refunds may also be given to exhibitor's if
they become ill or injured; provided a medical certificate is       Parking for cars with floats and for horse trucks will be
submitted and is subject to approval of both the Councillor in      avalible (Location to be advised at a later date). Application
Charge and the Manager - Competitions, Events and                   can be made by completing the parking form and submitting
Education. Application for this refund will need to be made         it with your application for entry.
within seven (7) days of the issue of the Veterinary
Certificate or Proof of Sale.                                       Parking Fee: $10.00 per day per vehicle.

5. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES                                      Shuttle Bus: Will run continuously between the location
                                                                    and the Claremont Showground, dates and times to be
Arrival: Exhibitors are to arrive no earlier than 6.00pm on the     advised at a later date.
evening prior to judging.
                                                                    8. STABLING
Admission Tickets: Exhibitors will be issued tickets for
admission to the Showground on the following number of              Stable Fee: $15.00 per day. Stables can only be booked for
horses/ponies entered on each day. Tickets are issued               the night prior to and the day of competition/judging.
automatically on the allocation of a stable.
                                                                    Overnight stables will be available to incoming horses/ponies
•   1 or 2 horses/ponies stabled per day = 2 multi-entry            after 6.00pm on the evening prior to judging.
•   3 or 4 horses/ponies stabled per day = 3 multi-                 Stables allocated are for the horse/pony nominated and if not
    entry tickets                                                   so used may be reallocated. Any Exhibitor using stables for
•   5 or more horses/ponies stables per day = 1 multi-entry         any purpose other than stabling of horses/ponies will have
    ticket per horse/pony                                           their entries cancelled.

Additional single-entry tickets may be purchased for $30.00         If you have not been allocated a stable for all your
each prior to the Show by submitting the enclosed application       horses/ponies as stated on your stable, locker and bed
for additional admission tickets form no later than Friday          application form, please contact the Competition and Event
1 September 2021, tickets will NOT be purchased past this           Coordinator prior to the Show, as stables will be re-allocated
                                                                    as withdrawals are received.
7      Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

Stable Bedding: White sand is provided in the permanent            12. CATALOGUES
stable block. No additional bedding types are to be used.
                                                                   Catalogues listing all exhibits entered in each class may be
Feed Bins and Water Containers: Exhibitors will be                 purchased at a cost of $5.50 and should be ordered and paid
required to provide their own feed bins and water containers.      for at the time of entry.

Hay is permitted but stables and surrounding areas are to be       Only a limited number of catalogues will be available for sale
thoroughly cleaned.                                                during the Show.

Stable Cleaning: Exhibitors whose horses/ponies are                13. MEASUREMENT OF HORSES AND PONIES
stabled overnight are responsible for cleaning out their
stables daily. Day stables are to be cleaned before departure.     The Society will not have measurer's in attendance at this
Exhibitors failing to comply will be liable to a fine of $100.00   years Show. All horses and ponies must be measured with
for each and every offence.                                        official height certificates prior to the competition.

Supervision: Horses/ponies outside their stables must be           14. MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL
supervised and have an attendant on hand at all times.
                                                                   Ringmaster’s Powers: The determination of the Ringmaster
9. LOCKERS                                                         upon any question or dispute arising in, or which is incidental
                                                                   to the conduct in the Show Ring, or the conduct of any
Locker Fee: $10.00 per day for a standard locker.                  competition, parade, exhibition or event therein, or as to the
                                                                   qualification of any Exhibitor, or as to the proper description
A limited number of lockers are available. Any applicant who       of anything, whether animate or inanimate, shall be final and
cannot be accommodated will be notified accordingly.               binding on the Society and upon all Exhibitors and any other
Exhibitors should supply their own locks for lockers.              persons affected thereby.

10. ACCOMMODATION                                                  The term “Ringmaster” shall be deemed to include the
                                                                   Ringmaster, Councillor in Charge (CIC) and Councillors of
Bunks: A deposit of $10.00 is payable for each key issued.         the Horse Section should either the Ringmaster or the CIC be
It is a privilege, not a right to be offered a bunk on the
Showground. Bunks are allocated on a share room basis              No person shall be eligible to compete, if in the opinion of the
and Exhibitors may be required to share a room with                Ringmaster, he/she is for any reason whatsoever, unfit to
another Exhibitor.                                                 lead, ride or drive.

Consideration will be given to applications by country             Head Gear: Horses/ponies must be equipped with suitable
Exhibitors requiring to be accommodated beyond the days on         bridles or halters to facilitate handling at all times.
which they are competing. Application must be made in
writing detailing the reason for the request. No guarantee can     Access to Arena: No horse/pony shall be allowed on the
be given that any request will be granted.                         Main Arena during the Show except for the purpose of
                                                                   competing in its nominated event, Grand Parade or during the
Due to the limited number of bunks available, country              authorised exercise period between 6.00am and 8.00am, or
Exhibitors travelling the greatest distance will be given          at the discretion of the Ringmaster. Exhibitors contravening
preference in the allocation of bunks.                             this condition will be liable to a fine of $100.00 for each
A maximum of two (2) bunks will be available per any one
(1) exhibit.                                                       Age and Competence of Exhibitors:

Rooms must be left clean and occupiers must act in a proper        a) Subject to (b), a person who has not attained the age of 6
manner at all times.                                               years must not ride a horse or pony at a Show (unless
                                                                   otherwise stipulated for a particular class).
Rooms must be vacated by 6.00pm on the last day of
competition.                                                       b) The Ringmaster may at any time require a person who
                                                                   does not appear to be able to ride or safetly control a horse
11. CANCELLATION OF STABLES, LOCKERS AND                           to dismount, allow other persons to handle the horse, or leave
ACCOMMODATION                                                      the judging ring.

Because of the limited number of stables, lockers and bunks        c) The age of the person is determined as at the day prior to
available, prompt notification of cancellations must be made.      the commencement of the Show, Saturday 25 September
Request for refunds on stables, lockers and parking facility
fees must be made in writing and received ten (10) days prior
to the first day of Show and considered for payment if the
facilities cannot be re-let.
8      Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

15. EXERCISING OF HORSES/PONIES                                  this purpose. Carriage Driving Exhibitors are invited to
The exercise period on the Main Arena is between 6.00am
and 8.00am at a walk or trot. Horses may be lunged during        Grand Parades will be held at the following times:
this period at the discretion of the Ringmaster or Mounted
Stewards.                                                        •   1.00pm on Saturday 25 September
                                                                 •   1.00pm on Sunday 26 September
During the day horses/ponies may be exercised in the warm-       •   1.00pm on Monday 27 September
up arenas provided.                                              •   1.00pm on Tuesday 28 September
                                                                 •   1.00pm on Wednesday 29 September
Horse/ponies may not be lunged in the bottom warm-up             •   1.00pm on Thursday 30 October
arena unless granted permission from the Ringmaster. The         •   1.00pm on Friday 1 October
top warm-up arena is available for lunging.                      •   1.00pm on Saturday 2 October
The grassed area west of the Horses in Action stable complex
is used for marshalling. Horses/ponies will only be allowed to   Regulation 3.25.5 of the General Show Regulations requires
walk when in this area.                                          that all livestock exhibits are tractable to the degree that they
                                                                 can participate in parades. If in the opinion of the Councillor
16. DUTY OF CARE TO ANIMALS                                      in Charge or Ringmaster any animal appears to be
                                                                 dangerous and not under proper control, it must be removed
A person who has the care or charge of an animal has a duty      immediately from the Showground.
to take all reasonable measures to ensure the welfare of that
animal.                                                          Standard of Dress for Riders/Handlers: When participating
                                                                 in the Grand Parade, riders/handlers must adhere to the
Cruelty: The Royal Agricultural Society of WA will not           standard of dress appropriate to their section including the
tolerate any abuse of horses/ponies at the Show.                 wearing of the competition number of the exhibit. A handler
                                                                 may wear a clean dustcoat, but still must wear the exhibits
17. VETERINARY SERVICES                                          competition number. If riders/handlers are not correctly
                                                                 attired, or the horse/ pony is not suitably presented, the
A Veterinary Officer will be on call throughout the Show to      exhibit will not be permitted to participate in the Grand Parade
provide services to injured or sick livestock. Exhibitors        and the Exhibitor will be subject to a fine and forfeiture of any
requiring services will be responsible for payment for all       awarded prize money.
services rendered.
                                                                 Exemptions: All Exhibitors are reminded that it is part of their
The Veterinary Office and Medication Control Centre is           obligation as Exhibitors at the Show to parade their animals
located at the corner of Edgar Avenue and the Cattle Lanes.      in the Grand Parade. The Grand Parade is a significant daily
                                                                 event and very popular with the public. It is therefore very
The duty Veterinary Office can be contacted from 6.00am to       important to the Royal Agricultural Society of WA.
9.00pm through the Armband Office on 0434 567 967 or 0434
567 911, from Thursday 23 September 2021 until Sunday 3          Any Exhibitor wishing to apply for an exemption must do so
October 2021 at 12.00pm. After 9.00pm on any day please          by 20 August 2021 on the appropriate form. NO exemptions
call Asset Services on (08) 6263 3127.                           will be given on the day without a Veterinary Certificate or
                                                                 First Aid Post Authority form subject to the approval of the
18. DANGEROUS, OBJECTIONABLE OR DISEASED                         Ringmaster.
                                                                 Grand Parade Pass: Grand Parade passes are included
The attention of Exhibitors is drawn to the Society’s General    in your Exhibitor pack, collected from the Armband Office
Show Regulation 4.7 and 4.8, with reference to dangerous,        with the exhibits competition number. Exhibitors will be
objectionable or diseased exhibits.                              required to hand in a Grand Parade Pass as they enter the
                                                                 Main Arena for each Grand Parade and must wear their
19. PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES AND MEDICATION                         competition number.
                                                                 Please note this years parade will feature a single lap of
It is illegal to utilise any Banned, Prohibited or Controlled    the arena ONLY.
medication. The use of such will result in elimination and
other disciplinary actions under the regulations of the          If any horse/pony is not exhibited in the Grand Parade
governing bodies.                                                without an approved exemption, the Exhibitor will be
                                                                 fined $50.00 and will forfeit any awarded prize money.
                                                                 The fine must be paid before the horse/pony or Exhibitor can
All horses/ponies must participate in the Grand Parade           participate in another event.
in accordance with the printed program unless an
exemption is authorised by the Ringmaster. Exhibitors
must have competent handlers/riders in attendance for
9      Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

                                                                    26. CONDITIONS FOR ENTRY
Exhibitors who do not present their horse/pony in the judging
ring at the time of judging will be instructed to remove their      Naming: All exhibits must be named.
horse/pony from the arena.
                                                                    27. QUALIFICATION CRITERIA
If a horse/pony becomes loose during judging it may be
disqualified from the class at the discretion of the Judge.         Exhibits may compete in either the Show Horse or Show
                                                                    Hunter ring. They may not compete in both.
Judging Times: Approximate judging times for each class
will be forwarded to Exhibitors with their entry tickets.           Rider Mounts: Horses/ponies used as rider mounts must
                                                                    come from exhibits that have qualified to compete at the
All ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the Judge.             Show and entered either Show Horse or Show Hunter
                                                                    Novice Classes: Entering a restrictive class in the 2021
In making these awards the Judges will only select from the         Perth Royal Show does not imply being able to enter a novice
exhibits which have gained first prizes in eligible classes.        class the following year.
Under no circumstances may a Judge make equal
championship awards.                                                28. SAFETY HELMETS

The awarding of Champion and Reserve Champion awards                All junior Exhibitors, riders, passengers, attendants, grooms
shall be at the discretion of the Judge.                            and any other participants 17 years of age and under must
                                                                    wear an approved safety helmet at all times whilst riding on
23. PROTESTS                                                        the Society’s Showground. This includes whether warming
                                                                    up, competing, or riding to or from the stables or participating
An Exhibitor may protest against an award won by an exhibit,        in the Grand Parade.
alleging breach of the Society’s General Show Regulations or
Section Conditions or ineligibility.                                The Society strongly recommends that all adult Exhibitors,
                                                                    riders, attendants, grooms and any other participants 18
A protest must be made in writing, giving reasons for the           years of age and over, wear an approved safety helmet at all
protest and signed and submitted to the Ringmasters Office,         times whilst riding on the Society’s Showground. This
not more than one (1) hour after the completion of the judging      includes, competing, riding to or from the stables or
of the class.                                                       participating in the Grand Parade.

Such protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00             A safety helmet must be worn while warming up. The current
which may be forfeited to the Society if in the opinion of the      EA and ACDS approved safety helmet standards are:
Ringmaster the protest is unfounded, frivolous or vexatious.
                                                                    •   Australian standard AS/NZS 3838 (2006 onwards)
f an exhibit is awarded a prize and is subsequently                     provided they are SAI Global marked.
disqualified the prize will not automatically be awarded to the     •   Australian standard ARB HS 2012 provided they are
next placegetter. The final decision will be at the discretion of       SAI Global marked.
the Judge.                                                          •   American standard ASTM F1163 (2004a or 04a
                                                                        onwards) provided they are SEI marked.
Any prize money awarded for an event, which is the subject          •   American standard SNELL E2001.
of protest, shall be retained by the Society until the protest      •   British standard PAS 015 (1998 or 2011) provided
has been resolved.                                                      they are BSI Kitemarked.
                                                                    •   European Standard VG1 (01.040: 2014-12) with or
24. HACKING                                                             without BSI Kitemark.

Equestrian Australia (EA) and Show Horse Council (SHC)              29. QUALIFICATION
rules will be used as a guideline. With respect to
inconsistancies, the Society’s General Show Regulations will        EA or SHC Registration Certificate, Height Certificate and
apply.                                                              Membership card must be forwarded with the application for
                                                                    30. CLASSIFICATION OF HORSES
Hack, Hunter and Rider: All riders must be current members
of, and all horses/ponies must be registered with, EA or SHC        Height Division for Hacks and Hunters:
and hold a current Membership Card (except class 449 -
Kindergarten Rider).                                                •   Small Ponies: 12.2 hands and under.
                                                                    •   Large Ponies: Over 12.2 hands up to and including 14
Leading Rein Classes: The rider need not be a member of,                hands.
nor the pony registered with EA or SHC.                             •   Galloway: Over 14 hands up to and including 15 hands.
10     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

•    Hack: Over 15 hands.
                                                                  2. Horses/ponies may compete in only one (1) weight class.
Weight Classifications: Horses/ponies can only compete in
one (1) weight class. It is the responsibility of Exhibitors to   3. Horses/ponies will not be allowed to transfer from one
ensure that horses/ponies are entered in the correct weight       weight class to another following the close of entries.
class. Transfer between weight classes will not be
allowed following the close of entries.                           4. The length of whips carried in Hack classes must not
                                                                  exceed 75cm.
                                                                  5. Competitors must provide breastplate holders for their
Horses/ Ponies are to be clean, with a plaited mane and a         number cards.
pulled or plaited tail.
                                                                  6. Ribbons may be provided from 1st to 6th place at the
Horses Competing in More Than One (1) Class: Although             Judges’ discretion.
it is provided that horses/ponies may compete in more than
one (1) class, any or all of such classes may be judged           7. Although it is accepted that horses/ponies may compete in
simultaneously at the convenience of the Judges and               more than one (1) class, any or all of such classes may be
Stewards. In all such cases, Exhibitors having a horse/pony       judged simultaneously at the convenience of the Ringmaster.
or rider entered in more than one (1) class must elect in which   In all such cases, Exhibitors who have a Hack or Rider
class they will compete.                                          entered in more than one (1) class must elect in which class
                                                                  they compete.
Spurs: Spurs with spiked rowels are not permitted. All spurs
are to be fitted correctly. Stewards may inspect spurs before     8. The Royal Agricultural Society of WA reserves the right to
competition.                                                      combine, divide or withdraw classes where applicable.

Whips: The maximum length of whips carried in Hack, Hunter
and Rider classes must not exceed 75cm.

Substitutions: No substitutions of any kind will be permitted                      HACK CLASSES
in Horses in Action classes.
                                                                  Exhibits competing in Hack classes are not permitted to
Breast Plate Numbers: Exhibitors are provided with Breast
                                                                  compete in Show Hunter classes.
Plate numbers which must be worn on the horse or on the
Carriage vehicle in a breast plate holder, supplied by the
                                                                  The length of whips carried in Hack classes must not
Exhibitor. Numbers will be white for Show Horse or Show
                                                                  exceed 75cm.
Hunter classes and blue for Rider classes.
                                                                  Conditions of Entry: To be ridden by a rider of any age, All
Championship Awards: Those exhibits that are eligible for
                                                                  riders are to be suitably mounted. SEE RULE 14.7.
Champion and Reserve Champion Awards are required to
present for the class. Failure to do so may result in a $150.00
                                                                  These classes will follow the guidlines of EWA, SHC and
fine and the exhibit be prevented from entering any other

                                                                  NOTE: Depending on the number of entries following the
Marshalling: All Exhibitors must report to the Top Marshal
                                                                  close of entries, the below height splits may be altered.
prior to the start of each class in which they are competing,
or they may be prevented from competing in a class.

                                                                               SMALL PONY HACK
                                                                  Class 362 Novice Pony Hack 12.2 Hands And Under
           HACK COMPETITION                                                 First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                                                                            Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
These classes are subject to EA, Show Horse Council and
                                                                  Class 363 Small Pony Hack 12 Hands And Under
the RASWA guidelines.
                                                                            First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                                                                            Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Horses/ponies measured out of their previous height group
automatically precludes them from competing in Novice or          Class 362 Small Pony Hack 12- 12.2 Hands
Maiden classes if the specified number of wins were obtained                First : Sash, $20; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
in their former height range.                                               Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

General Conditions:                                               Class 364 Lightweight Small Pony Hack 12.2 Hands And
1. Horses/ponies may only compete in either Show Hack or                    First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5;
Show Hunter classes.                                                        Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
11     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

Class 365 Medium/Heavyweight Small Pony Hack 12.2              Class 378 Galloway Hack Over 14.2 Hands Up To And
          Hands And Under                                                Including 15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,             First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash                Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2 Hands And Under                  Class 379 Lightweight Galloway Hack Over 14 Hands Up
Sash, Garland, $50                                                       To And Including 15 Hands
                                                                         First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
Reserve Champion Small Pony Hack 12.2 Hands And                          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Sash, $25                                                      Class 380 Medium/Heavyweight Galloway Hack Over 14
                                                                         Hands Up To And Including 15 Hands
                                                                         First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
             LARGE PONY HACK                                             Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 367 Novice Pony Hack Over 12.2 Hands Up To And           Champion Galloway Hack Over 14 Hands Up To And
          Including 14 Hands                                   Including 15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,   Sash, Garland, $50
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                               Reserve Champion Galloway Hack Over 14 Hands Up To
Class 369 Large Pony Hack Over 12.2 Hands Up To And            And Including 15 Hands
          Including 13 Hands                                   Sash, $25
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Class 370 Large Pony Hack Over 13 Hands Up To And
          Including 13.2 Hands                                 Class 384 Novice Hack Over 15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,             First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth; Sixth : Sash                       Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 371 Large Pony Hack Over 13.2 Hands Up To And            Class 385 Hack Over 15 Hands Up To And Including 15.2
          Including 14 Hands                                             Hands
          First : $20.00, Sash; Second : $10.00; Third :                 First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          $5.00; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash               Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 372 Lightweight Large Pony Hack Over 12.2 Hands          Class 386 Hack Over 15.2 Hands Up To And Including 16
          Up To And Including 14 Hands                                   Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,             First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash                Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 373 Medium/Heavyweight Large Pony Hack Over              Class 387 Hack Over 16 Hands
          12.2 Hands Up To And Including 14 Hands                        First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,             Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                               Class 388 Lightweight Hack Over 15 Hands
Champion Large Pony Hack Over 12.2 Hands Up To And                       First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
Including 14 Hands                                                       Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Sash, Garland, $50
                                                               Class 389 Medium/Heavyweight Hack Over 15 Hands
Reserve Champion Large Pony Hack Over 12.2 Hands Up                      First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
To And Including 14 Hands                                                Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Sash, $25
                                                               Champion Hack Over 15 Hands
                                                               Sash, Garland, $50
              GALLOWAY HACK
                                                               Reserve Champion Hack Over 15 Hands
Class 376 Novice Galloway Hack Over 14 up to and               Sash, $25
          including 15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 377 Galloway Hack Over 14 Hands Up To And
          Including 14.2 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10; Third : $5, Sash;
          Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
12     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

  SHOW HUNTER COMPETITION                                        General Conditions:

                                                                 1. Horses/ponies may only compete in either Show Hack or
These classes are subject to EA, SHC and the RASWA               Show Hunter classes.
                                                                 2. Horses/ponies may compete in only one (1) weight class.
Description: Show hunters should be of good conformation
and soundness and have strong bone without losing quality.       3. Horses/ponies will not be allowed to transfer from one
A hunter should be able to carry its rider for a full days       weight class to another following the close of entries.
hunting. They should give a stronger impression than some
hacks having a more noble head rather than a fine small          4. The length of whips carried in Hack classes must not
head. The head should however be intelligent and ‘fit’ the       exceed 75cm.
horse/pony. They should exhibit boldness and be tractable,
supple, free moving and balanced. Show hunters should            5. Competitors must provide breastplate holders for their
create the impression that it is capable of hunting over a       number cards.
variety of terrain – this militates against any weakness in
conformation which would prevent this and must do it             6. Ribbons may be provided from 1st to 6th place at the
comfortably for the rider.                                       Judges’ discretion.

The hunter must have a well balanced gallop moving from the      7. Although it is accepted that horses/ponies may compete in
shoulder with hind legs well under and can display quality       more than one (1) class, any or all of such classes may be
without being unduly fine. All paces should be straight and      judged simultaneously at the convenience of the Ringmaster.
free in action and the hunter should posses a steady             In all such cases, Exhibitors who have a Hack or Rider
temperament, a natural balance and display a degree of           entered in more than one (1) class must elect in which class
boldness. They may be of any colour.                             they compete.

Horse: Should be to type and immaculate, they should be          8. The Royal Agricultural Society of WA reserves the right to
presented in a natural state. Manes to be plaited and tails to   combine, divide or withdraw classes where applicable.
be pulled or plaited. Horses should not have quarter markers
or checkers as used in show horse classes, but large patterns
are acceptable.

Rider: Preferably tweed jacket although plain navy or black
fabric are acceptable. Tweed can be blue, green or brown
                                                                        SHOW HUNTER CLASSES
mixture, the colour chosen should go well with the mount.
Bowlers or hunter caps covered by plain velvet in dark colour    Novice Show Hunter Classes for horses/ponies that have
to match the jacket. Riders 17 years of age and under to wear    not won any Show Hunter class at a Royal Show as of
approved safety helmet. Shirt with collar to tone with jacket    close of entries
and plain or discreetly patterned tie. Jodhpurs or breeches
should be fawn or beige. Short boots for children and long       Exhibits competing in Show Hunter classes are not
boots for older children and adults. Buttonholes are not         permitted to compete in Hack classes.
usually worn. Gloves should be plain and match the rider’s
boots.                                                           The length of whips carried in Show Hunter classes must
                                                                 not exceed 75cm.
Gear: Saddlery should be clean, neat and well fitting but may
be more ‘workmanlike’ than for a ridden Show Horse bridle        Conditions of Entry: To be ridden by a rider of any age. All
should be simple double or snaffle and have plain brow band      riders are to be suitably mounted. SEE RULE 14.7.
(no coloured or fancy brow bands). Saddle should be straight
cut show saddle. Dummy spurs are permitted.                      These classes will follow the guidlines of EWA, SHC and
Qualifying Conditions for Show Hunter Classes:
                                                                 NOTE: Depending on the number of entries following the
1. The horse/pony must hold a current Show Horse                 close of entries, the below height splits may be altered.
Performance Card.

2. Registration with the Hunter Horse Association of Australia
is accepted.

3.Novice Classes: Entering a restrictive class in the 2021
Perth Royal Show does not imply being able to enter a novice
class the following year.
13     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

     SMALL PONY SHOW HUNTER                                     Champion Show Hunter Large Pony Over 12.2 Hands Up
                                                                To And Including 14 Hands
                                                                Sash, $50
Class 396 Novice Show Hunter Pony 12.2 Hands And
          Under                                                 Reserve Champion Show Hunter Large Pony Over 12.2
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,    Hands Up To And Including 14 Hands
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash       Sash, $25
Class 397 Show Hunter Small Pony 12 Hands And Under
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,         GALLOWAY SHOW HUNTER
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 410 Novice Show Hunter Galloway Over 14 Hands
Class 398 Show Hunter Small Pony Over 12 Hands Up To                      up to and including 15 Hands
          And Including 12.2 Hands                                        First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 411 Show Hunter Galloway Over 14 Hands Up To
Class 399 Lightweight Show Hunter Small Pony 12.2                         And Including 14.2 Hands
          Hands And Under                                                 First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 412 Show Hunter Galloway Over 14.2 Hands Up To
Class 400 Medium/Heavyweight Show Hunter Small                            And Including 15 Hands
          Pony 12.2 Hands And Under                                       First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 413 Lightweight Show Hunter Galloway Over 14
Champion Show Hunter Small Pony 12.2 Hands And Under                      Hands Up To And Including 15 Hands
Sash, $50                                                                 First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                                                                          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
Reserve Champion Show Hunter Small Pony 12.2 Hands
And Under                                                       Class 414 Medium/Heavyweight Show Hunter Galloway
Sash, $25                                                                 Over 14 Hands Up To And Including 15 Hands
                                                                          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
     LARGE PONY SHOW HUNTER                                               Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

                                                                Champion Show Hunter Galloway Over 14 Hands Up To
Class 402 Novice Show Hunter Pony Over 12.2 Hands up
                                                                And Including 15 Hands
          to and including 14 Hands
                                                                Sash, $50
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5;
          Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash             Reserve Champion Show Hunter Galloway Over 14 Hands
                                                                Up To And Including 15 Hands
Class 403 Show Hunter Large Pony Over 12.2 Hands Up
                                                                Sash, $25
          To And Including 13 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash                       SHOW HUNTER
Class 404 Show Hunter Large Pony Over 13 Hands Up To            Class 418 Novice Show Hunter Hack Over 15 Hands
          And Including 13.2 Hands                                        First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 419 Show Hunter Hack Over 15 Hands Up To And
Class 405 Show Hunter Large Pony Over 13.2 Hands Up                       Including 15.2 Hands
          To And Including 14 Hands                                       First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 420 Show Hunter Hack Over 15.2 Hands Up To And
Class 406 Lightweight Show Hunter Large Pony Over 12.2                    Including 16 Hands
          Hands Up To And Including 14 Hands                              First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                Class 421 Show Hunter Hack Over 16 Hands
Class 407 Medium/Heavyweight Show Hunter Large                            First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
          Pony Over 12.2 Hands Up To And Including 14                     Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10; Third : $5; Fourth
          : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
14     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

Class 422 Lightweight Show Hunter Hack Over 15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,                 First : Sash, Garland; Second : Sash; Third :
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash                    Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth; Sixth : Sash

Class 423 Medium/Heavyweight Show Hunter Hack Over
          15 Hands
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,              LEADING REIN CLASSES
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Champion Show Hunter Hack Over 15 Hands                          General Conditions:
Sash, $50, Garland
                                                                 1.   The rider must be a minimum of 4 years of age and
Reserve Champion Show Hunter Hack Over 15 Hands                       no more than 7 years of age as at the first day of the
Sash, $25                                                             Show.
                                                                 2.   The rider's name must be stated on the application for
                                                                      entry and a copy of the rider's birth certificate must
                                                                      accompany the entry.
 JUNIOR SMARTEST ON PARADE                                       3.   The rider need not be a member of, nor the pony
                                                                      registered with the EA or Show Horse Council.
Class 426 Junior Smartest On Parade For Riders 17 Years          4.   Riders competing in Leading Rein classes must not
          Of Age And Under                                            have competed off the lead in any official or unofficial
                                                                      event prior to the first day of the Show.
           Rider to be 17 years of age and under as at the       5.   Any child competing in Leading Rein classes will be
           first day of the Show.                                     ineligible to compete in any other class at the Perth
                                                                      Royal Show with the exception of Horses Breed class
           First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,         Combined Leading Rein Pony.
           Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash       6.   Whip length for all Leading Rein classes is 40cm.
                                                                 7.   Exhibitors will receive one (1) extra single-entry ticket
                                                                      per combination.

      SPECIALTY HACK CLASSES                                     Ribbons will be awarded to all Exhibitors in these classes.

                                                                 These classes will follow the guidelines of EWA, SHC and
These classes are not eligible for Champion.                     RASWA.

Class 428 The "Leslie Jones" Memorial Class                      Class 441 Leading Rein - Smartest On Parade

           Conditions of Entry: For Thoroughbred mare or                     For led in riders riding a pony 14h and under.
           gelding over 14.2h. The Thoroughbred Studbook                     Open to all leading rein riders.
           name and Registration number must be stated on
           the application for entry.                                        This class may be divided following close of
                                                                             entries, the division being based on the age of
           To be judged by two (2) Judges. In the opinion                    the rider.
           of the Judges, the horse is beautiful, comfortable,
           well mannered and educated, being sound of                        The pony is to be led by an adult, on foot, from a
           wind and limb. The horse should be excellently                    loose rein attached to the back of a cavesson
           presented and give the appearance of quality, be                  noseband. It may be required to walk and trot (but
           a pleasure to handle, watch and ride. The ratio for               not canter). A number of ponies may be selected
           judging will be 50% conformation and soundness,                   off the ring and a closer inspection made of overall
           40% for manners, paces and education and 10%                      impression, suitability and presentation of pony
           for presentation. It should therefore be noted that               and gear and rider's appearance.
           first and foremost the horse is a QUALITY
                                                                             First : $20, Sash; Second : $10; Third : $5, Sash;
                                                                             Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
           Mrs Leslie Jones was a life long equestrienne
           who was committed to the highest standards,           Class 442 Open Leading Rein Pony 12 Hands And Under
           particularly in the Show Horse discipline and                   (For Show Ponies Only)
           turnouts. She was a successful Competitor,
           Instructor and Judge and she worked tirelessly as                 The pony is to be led by an adult on foot, from a
           an administrator and committee member with                        loose rein attached to the back of a cavesson
           principled ideals to many organisations. Leslie                   noseband. Long whips, spurs or bits, other than a
           was unstinting in her advice and help to others                   snaffle, are not allowed. The pony is judged on
           and had an unerring eye for a good horse. Leslie                  manners, quality, movement, obedience and
           derived great pleasure in providing the majestic                  general suitability as a Leading Rein Pony. It may
           Thoroughbred horse a life after racing.
15     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

           be required to walk and trot (but not canter). The     Class 447 Riding Competition 25 Years And Over
           pony only is to be judged, not the rider. The
           qualifying conditions for hacks do not apply to this             For ladies and gentlemen aged 25 years of age
           class. The winner is not eligible for Champion                   and over as at the first day of the Show.
           Pony Hack.
                                                                            First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
           First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,               Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
           Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                  Champion Rider 18 Years Of Age And Over
Class 443 Open Leading Rein Hunter Pony 12 Hands And              Sash, $50
          Under (For Hunter Ponies Only)
                                                                  Reserve Champion Rider 18 Years Of Age And Over
           The pony is to be led by an adult on foot, from a
           loose rein attached to the back of a cavesson
           noseband. Long whips, spurs or bits, other than a
           snaffle, are not allowed. The pony is judged on
                                                                                  JUNIOR RIDER
           manners, quality, movement, obedience and
                                                                  Class 448 Kindergarten Rider
           general suitability as a Leading Rein Pony. It may
           be required to walk and trot (but not canter). The
                                                                            For competitors 9 years of age and under as at
           pony only is to be judged, not the rider. The
                                                                            the first day of the Show riding a pony 14h and
           qualifying conditions for hunters do not apply to
                                                                            under and ridden in a snaffle bit.
           this class. The winner is not eligible for Champion
           Pony Hunter.
                                                                            Conditions of Entry: Competitors in this class
                                                                            must provide information on their application for
           First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                                                                            entry of having competed on the same pony at a
           Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                                                                            fixture. It is not necessary for the pony to have
Class 444 Leading Rein Rider                                                been accepted for any other classes at the Perth
                                                                            Royal Show.
           For a led in rider, riding a pony 14h and under led
           by an adult. The rider only is to be judged. Open                Rider need not be a member of, or the pony
           to all Leading Rein riders.                                      registered with EA or Show Horse Council.

           First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,               A sash will be awarded to all Exhibitors in this
           Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash                  class.

                                                                            First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                                                                            Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
                RIDER CLASSES                                     Class 449 Riding Competition 10 And 11 Years

The length of whips carried in Rider classes must not                       For girls and boys aged 10 years of age and 11
exceed 75cm.                                                                years of age as at the first day of the Show. Rider
                                                                            mounts for this event are not to exceed 14.2h.
Horses/ponies used as Rider mounts must come from
exhibits that have qualified to compete at the Show either as               First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
a Show Horse or Show Hunter.                                                Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

All horses/ponies must present with a valid height certificate.   Class 450 Riding Competition 12 And 13 Years

These classes will follow the guidelines of EWA, SHC and                    For girls and boys aged 12 years of age and 13
RASWA.                                                                      years of age as at the first day of the Show. Rider
                                                                            mounts for this event are not to exceed 15h.

                                                                            First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
                 SENIOR RIDER                                               Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash

Class 445 Riding Competition 18 Years Up To And                   Champion Rider 13 Years And Under
          Including 24 Years                                      $40, Sash

           For ladies and gentlemen aged 18 years of age          Reserve Champion Rider 13 Years And Under
           up to and including 24 years of age as at the first    Sash, $25
           day of the Show.

           First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,
           Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash
16    Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

Class 451 Riding Competition 14 And 15 Years
                                                                   GENERAL SHOW REGULATIONS
          For girls and boys aged 14 years of age and 15
          years of age as at the first day of the Show.        The Society’s General Show Regulations and Section
                                                               Conditions regulate the conduct of the Show. Upon
          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,   acceptance of an entry, the Exhibitor is irrevocably contracted
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash      to be bound by those General Show Regulations and Section
Class 452 Riding Competition 16 And 17 Years
                                                               A copy of the Society’s General Show Regulations may be
          For girls and boys aged 16 years of age and 17       obtained      on   application or    from     the website
          years of age as at the first day of the Show.

          First : $20, Sash; Second : $10, Sash; Third : $5,   An Exhibitor who breaches any General Show Regulation or
          Sash; Fourth : Sash; Fifth : Sash; Sixth : Sash      Section Condition may be disqualified, or suspended for any
                                                               period, fined or otherwise penalised.

                                                               The Society may publish to:
Champion Rider 14 Years Up To And Including 17 Years
Sash, $50
                                                               a) all Royal Show Societies in Australia;
Reserve Champion Rider 14 Years Up To And Including 17
                                                               b) the relevant Breed Society; and
Sash, $25
                                                               c) the body with which the exhibit is registered, or is eligible
                                                               for registration,

                                                               the result of any proceedings before the Disciplinary
                                                               Committee in which a Person has been found to have
                                                               breached any General Show Regulation or Section

                                                               The Society may recognise and act upon any penalty
                                                               imposed by any other similar society, organisation or body in
                                                               Australia on any Person or exhibit.

                                                               WITHDRAWAL OF EXHIBIT BY THE SOCIETY

                                                               The Society may at its sole discretion, withdraw, reject or
                                                               disqualify an exhibit. Upon notification by the Society
                                                               the Owner/Exhibitor of the exhibit must immediately remove
                                                               such exhibit from the Showground. Refer to the Society’s
                                                               General Show Regulation 3.18. If an exhibit is not collected
                                                               or removed by the Owner/Exhibitor, the Society may, at its
                                                               sole discretion, dispose of the exhibit in a manner it

                                                               PRIZE MONEY

                                                               RASWA has a policy whereby all prize money is paid by EFT
                                                               (Electronic Funds Transfer). Your banking details will be kept
                                                               secure and can only be used by RASWA to credit your bank
                                                               account. Please complete your account details on the entry
                                                               form even if you have provided them previously. In
                                                               accordance with the rules of the competition, failure to
                                                               provide your bank details will mean that any prize money you
                                                               earn will be forfeited and retained by RASWA.

                                                               Further more, you acknowledge your agreement to the

                                                               •    The Society will issue you a tax invoice in respect of the
                                                                    successful Exhibit;
                                                               •    You are requested not to issue a tax invoice to the
                                                                    Society in respect to prize money received;
17     Perth Royal Show – Horses in Action

•    It will be necessary for you to notify the Society if you    (
     cease to be registered for GST; and                          and are required to use social media in a positive manner and
•    The Society will notify you if it ceases to satisfy any of   with the best intentions.
     the requirements of the determinations.
                                                                  •   Whether posting on a public or private page or group,
If you provide your ABN but are not registered for GST, the           please present in a suitable and respectful manner of
Society will pay the prize money as detailed in the prize             RASWA, Perth Royal Show and the Claremont
schedule.                                                             Showground.
                                                                  •   Be mindful of posting/discussing subjects that may
If you are a business Exhibitor and do not provide your ABN           inflame someone’s emotions. Please show respect for
to the Society, you will have 47% tax deducted from your              others’ opinions and be courteous always.
prize money under the ATO PAYG provisions.                        •   Do not post personal information about yourself or
                                                                      others, confidential or non-public information, offensive
If you confirm that you are entering as part of a private             or negative comments.
recreational pursuit or hobby, the Society will pay the prize
money as detailed in the prize schedule.                          If anyone is found to have made comments that are deemed
                                                                  unreasonable or derogatory, action will be taken by RASWA
Payment of Prize Money: In all classes, prize money will be       to ensure all parties are protected, and inappropriate use
paid based on the details in the financial name section of the    reprimanded.
entry form. If a horse/pony competes in an event for which it
has not been nominated and is awarded a prize, such prize         PROMOTION
money and ribbons will be forfeited.
                                                                  No advertising or promotion on behalf of commercial
Prize money as stated in the schedule does not include GST.       business will be permitted on the Showground without the
The prize money which the Society pays to successful              prior written consent of the Society’s Chief Executive Officer.
Exhibitors (“you”) depends on the information that you
provide to the Society.                                           PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT

If you confirm that you are GST registered and provide your       The information provided by the Exhibitor in the application
Australian Business Number (ABN) the Society will pay the         for entry is collected and used by the Royal Agricultural
appropriate prize money plus 10% GST. The Society will            Society of Western Australia (RASWA) to organise and
provide to you a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) within      conduct competitions at the Show. We may publish details
28 days of the day you were successful at your event (subject     such as your name, address and exhibit details in any
to receiving full clearance from all swabs taken during the       RASWA publication or communication. Such information
Show), detailing the GST which you will need to submit to the     may also be made available to, and published by, the
Australian Tax Office (ATO).                                      media. We will not disclose your information without your
                                                                  consent for any other purpose unless required or authorised
If any adjustments need to be made, the Society will issue an     by law. You may request access to your personal information
adjustment note to you within 28 days of the                      and, if necessary, request that our records of that information
adjustment. Upon entry into the competition and completion        be corrected by writing to the Chief Executive Officer at the
and signing of the application form, this form will become a      Royal Agricultural Soceity of Western Australia, PO Box 135,
RCTI agreement as required under Goods and Services Tax           Claremont WA 6910.
Act 1999.


The Society will not be responsible for awards or prize money
not received by Exhibitors after 31 December 2021. If you
have not received your award(s) or prize money by 30
November 2021, please contact RASWA on (08) 6263 3100.


The Society shall not be liable for any damages, costs,
claims, expenses or liabilities arising from the withdrawal,
rejection or disqualification of an exhibit. The attention of
Exhibitors is drawn to the General Show Regulation 17,
Liability and Indemnity, with reference of the Society's


All personnel engaged by the Royal Agricultural Society of
WA (RASWA) are bound by RASWA’s Social Media Policy
As a not-for-profit, independent organisation our activities
are community and industry based and the revenue we
earn is invested back into the WA community.   royalagwa   royalagwa   raswasince1831
Royal Agricultural Society of WA
        Claremont Showground
1 Graylands Road, Claremont WA 6010
    (08) 6263 3100 |
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