2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...

2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...
Bachelor of Dental Surgery                         1    International entry overview                         12
New 89 dental chair clinic                         1    Application process                                  12
Simulation clinic                                  1    Step 1. Online application                           12
Community Outreach Dental Program                  1    Step 2. Personal Qualities Assessment (PQA)          12
Professional accreditation                         1    Step 3. Interview                                    13
Bachelor of Dental Surgery                         2    Step 4. English language requirements                14
Degree overview                                    2    Step 5. Study prerequisites                          14
Degree structure                                   2    Step 6. Academic score                               14
Assessment                                         2    Step 7. Application outcome                          14
Career opportunities                               2    Places available                                     14
Graduate registration                              2
                                                        International key dates                              15
Clinical placement requirements                    3
                                                        International contacts                               15

Are you a domestic or international applicant?     4
                                                        Alternative study                                    16
                                                        Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences              16
Domestic entry overview                            5    Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)   16
Application process                                5
Step 1. UMAT registration                          5
Step 2. Sit the UMAT                               5
Step 3. SATAC application                          5
Step 4. Interview                                  5
Step 5. Study Prerequisites                        5
Step 6. Academic score                             5
Step 7. Application outcome                        7
Change of preferences                              7
Deferral of studies                                7
Places Available                                   7

Eligibility For entry pathways                     8

Entry pathways                                     9
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants   9
Rural background applicants                        10
Tertiary Transfer (Higher Education) applicants    10
Secondary school leavers                           10
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)            10

Domestic entry key dates                           11
Domestic contacts                                  11
Who to contact with any questions                  11

ii   Contents
2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...
The Adelaide Dental School is the
top ranked dental school in South Australia*

The Adelaide Dental School’s mission is to       Simulation clinic                                  Inherent requirements
have an internationally recognised impact on
oral health education, research and service.     The Dental Simulation Clinic, with its             Inherent requirements are the fundamental
Established in 1920, the school is one of the    supporting Clinical Dental Education               aspects of a degree that must be met by all
top two ranked dental schools in Australia       Unit, enable students to practice real-            students. They are the abilities, knowledge
and is ranked 33rd in the world*.                world patient/client care procedures in a          and skills students need to complete the
                                                 technologically advanced environment.              degree. Students with a disability or chronic
Adelaide Dental School’s reputation for                                                             health condition may have adjustments
teaching, research, contribution to the          Students are able to acquire and develop
                                                                                                    made to enable them to meet these
community and the quality of its graduates       clinical skills in a state-of-the-art
                                                                                                    requirements. All students must fulfil the
has been built over a 98 year history of         environment that includes 90 individual
                                                                                                    inherent requirements of the Bachelor of
understanding, experience and achievement        simulators equipped with a manikin, dental
                                                                                                    Dental Surgery (BDS) or Bachelor of Oral
by a multicultural community of dedicated        equipment, a PC and monitor. The facilities
                                                                                                    Health (BOH) they are undertaking. While
staff and talented students. Offering a range    also include two dental surgeries, a plaster
                                                                                                    reasonable adjustments can be made, these
of accredited and clinically focused programs    laboratory, radiology and sterilisation areas,
                                                                                                    adjustments cannot compromise academic
at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in      virtual reality dental simulators and CAD-
dentistry and oral health, our teaching staff    CAM scanning technology.
provide a supportive and collegial learning                                                         Clinical placements can require significant
environment focused on ensuring positive                                                            time commitments from students, which
student learning experiences and outcomes.                                                          may include time periods normally regarded
                                                 Community Outreach Dental Program                  as ‘after hours’. Students will need physical
Students experience a variety of innovative,     Improving the lives of disadvantaged               and mental stamina, as well as flexibility with
high quality and flexible learning approaches,   members of the South Australian                    respect to hours of attendance. Placements
including small groups for collaborative         community, the Community Outreach                  are undertaken at a range of locations around
learning, case studies, problem-based            Dental Program provides dental and other           South Australia, some of which will be rural
learning packages and clinical placements at     health services for people who have suffered       and/or remote areas.
metropolitan, rural and interstate venues.       homelessness or have difficulty accessing          Visit: health.adelaide.edu.au/study-with-
                                                 conventional care. Run by the Adelaide             us/dentistry-oral-health/dentistry-oral-
New 89 chair dental clinic                       Dental School and assisted by a group of           health-inherent-requirements
In 2017, the Faculty of Health and Medical       dedicated volunteer private dentists and
Sciences entered an exciting new era in          allied health professionals, the centre has
health education with the opening of the         provided care for over 1000 patients/clients
                                                 since its establishment in 2011. The program       Incidental fees
14-floor, $246 million Adelaide Health and
Medical Sciences (AHMS) building.                provides dentistry and oral health students        There will be additional costs, over and
                                                 with an opportunity to hone their basic oral       above tuition fees, for all dentistry and oral
The AHMS building is home to both the            health skills in a non-traditional setting while   health students. This includes, but is not
Adelaide Dental School and the Adelaide          broadening their community understanding.          limited to: clinical placement travel and
Dental Hospital. Featuring 89 top quality                                                           accommodation, textbooks, equipment,
dental chairs, Adelaide Dental Hospital is the   For further information about the program,
                                                 visit: health.adelaide.edu.au/dentistry/           immunisations, clearance renewals, first aid
primary training ground for dentistry and                                                           certificates and student amenities fees. For
oral health students. Run in partnership with    community
                                                                                                    more details, visit: adelaide.edu.au/student/
the South Australian Dental Service, the                                                            finance/other-fees
hospital offers students the chance to work      Professional accreditation
alongside professional dentists to deliver       The Bachelor of Dental Surgery and
year-round oral health services for members      Bachelor of Oral Heath Degrees are
of the community.                                accredited by the Australian Dental Council.

* QS Rankings 2017

                                                                                                                         Bachelor of Dental Surgery   1
2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...
First year                                        Fifth year
BACHELOR OF                                         First year has a patient care focus, and
                                                    introduces students to the practice of
                                                                                                      This is planned as a ‘clinical placements’
                                                                                                      year. Students will undertake a range of
DENTAL SURGERY                                      dentistry and provides a foundation for
                                                    understanding the normal structure and
                                                                                                      placements in the dental hospital and in a
                                                                                                      range of community settings, both in public
                                                    function of a healthy body. This includes the     and private practice.
                                                    oral cavity, evidence-based maintenance of
SATAC CODE: 314122                                  patients’ health and dentistry as a career.       Assessment
                                                    By working through a series of integrated         Students undertake a range of integrated
DURATION: 5 years full-time                         learning activities, students develop a           learning activities (ILAs) that link clinical
                                                    knowledge base related to evidence-based          practice with dental science. Students
LOCATION: North Terrace campus                      patient care and related bio-dental, clinical     sit written exams in Dental Science and
                                                    and behavioural sciences, clinical skills and     Practice at the end of each semester, and
MID-YEAR ENTRY: No                                  professional behaviours. These integrated         complete progressive integrated assessments
                                                    learning activities present various practise      at the end of each year. Students are
                                                    situations that focus on the initial phases       regularly assessed on clinical, laboratory and
DEFERRAL: Yes—up to two years                       of patient care and are supported by class        ILA performance through self- and tutor-set
                                                    meetings, laboratory, tutorial and clinical       assessment. Specified tests of understanding
Please note that strict quotas apply to             exercises.                                        and other assignments are also assessed
the Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree.
                                                    Learning is also supported by independent         throughout the degree.
                                                    study and discussion of findings in class.
                                                    Small-group Discovery Experiences (SGDE)          Career opportunities
Degree overview                                     are also a feature of the dentistry curriculum.   University of Adelaide dental graduates
The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)                Students work in a collaborative environment      become advocates for their patients and for
degree at the University of Adelaide is the         to learn to critically evaluate themselves,       the community’s future oral health needs.
only professional dental degree in South            and plan and implement strategies for             Graduates have the knowledge and skills
Australia. Students are involved in clinical        improvement.                                      required to register as a dental practitioner
procedures from the outset of the degree,                                                             in Australia and are well regarded in the
with an emphasis on the recognition and             Second year                                       profession. Adelaide dental graduates are
prevention of oral diseases. The degree                                                               in demand for positions in both private and
provides an engaging and enjoyable study            Second year builds on first year, maintaining
                                                    the focus on patient care. The aim is to          public practice, as well as defence, academia,
environment, which engenders a passion                                                                and other areas.
for life-long learning, with a strong focus         develop an understanding of the changes that
on developing professional behaviour and            occur in the oral cavity when an imbalance of
communication skills.                               the oral ecosystem develops.                      Graduate registration
The aim of this degree is to enable graduates       The emphasis is on restoring and                  On completion of the Bachelor of Dental
to register as dentists to practise in Australia.   maintaining the balance towards health.           Surgery degree, all students who wish
Graduates are encouraged to strive through          Students will participate in integrated           to work in Australia will need to apply
their advocacy and clinical practice to             learning activities, supported by class           for professional registration with the
empower patients and communities to                 meetings, laboratory sessions, tutorials,         Dental Board of Australia. All applicants
maintain optimal oral health throughout             clinical sessions and independent study.          must comply with the Dental Boards
their lives                                         Second year continues the emphasis on a           English Language (IELTS academic level
                                                    scientific basis of dentistry by integrating      7), Criminal History, and Professional
                                                    knowledge of the structure and function of        Indemnity Insurance Dental Registration
Degree structure                                    the body with a focus on developing skills        Standards and declare their blood-borne
The degree consists of one integrated stream        to examine, assess risk, and systematically       virus status, as stated in the Dental Board of
in each year level. There is coordination of        manage healthy patients with minor                Australia Guidelines on Infection Control.
topics within and between each level of the         conditions.                                       Visit dentalboard.gov.au or AHPRA
degree.                                                                                               ahpra.gov.au for further details.
The dynamic curriculum is delivered using a         Third and fourth years                            International applicants should note that
case-based learning approach. The emphasis          In the third and fourth years of the degree,      successful completion of this degree may
on contextual learning of relevant scientific       students will extend their dental sciences        not qualify them to practise/register in their
information throughout the degree occurs            studies to include the understanding of           home country. These applicants will have
concurrently with the development of                dental disorders and the human diseases           to contact the relevant health registration
clinical skills, which is taught from the start     which have direct relevance to oral health        bodies of their home country for further
of the degree.                                      and dental practice. The scientific basis         information.
Please note: This degree does not contain           of dental practice, and the health and the
elective courses—all courses are compulsory.        community components will continue
                                                    throughout the year. Student’s clinical skills
                                                    in comprehensive treatment planning will be
                                                    developed further through the provision of
                                                    supervised care for patients in both general
                                                    dental practice and dental specialisations.

2   Bachelor of Dental Surgery
2019 DENTAL SURGERY ADMISSIONS GUIDE - Bachelor of Dental Surgery - Faculty of Health and Medical ...
Clinical placement requirements
Students undertaking clinical placements
in dental surgery must satisfy the following
• Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
  Agency student registration
• Department for Communities and Social
  Inclusion screening for Child Related,
  Aged Care and Vulnerable Persons
• national police check
• first aid certificate (including CPR)
• immunisations and prescribed
  communicable infections (PCI) screening
• tuberculosis screening
• clinical placement deed poll.
For more details, visit:

                                                Bachelor of Dental Surgery   3
      Are you:
                                                          Change in immigration status during the application process
                                                          • If you are an international applicant to the Dentistry and/or Oral
                 An                                         Health degree and your residency status changes during the
              Australian             YES                    application process (i.e. you obtain permanent residency or some
               Citizen?                                     other immigration status that entitles you to the educational benefits
                                                            of permanent residency), you will no longer be eligible for an
                                                            international student place.
                                                          • If you are an international applicant and your immigration status
                  NO                                        changes prior to 28 September and you have NOT lodged a
                                                            domestic application and/or you do not meet the additional entry
                                                            requirements for domestic applicants, you cannot be considered
                                                            for a domestic offer and can no longer be considered for an
                                                            international offer. You will need to re-apply for domestic entry the
                                                            following year in accordance with the entry policy of that year.
                 An                                       • If you are an international applicant and your immigration status
              Australian                                    changes after 31 October and prior to the release of international
              Permanent              YES
                                                            offers, you can no longer be considered for the international cohort.
              Resident?                                     You will need to re-apply for domestic entry the following year in
                                                            accordance with the entry policy of that year.

                                                          Change in immigration status prior to release of offers
                  NO                                      Offers for international places in the Dentistry and/or Oral
                                                          Health degree cannot be made to applicants who are Australian/
                                                          New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent residents.
                                                          If you obtain permanent residency (or some other immigration
                                                          status that entitles you to the educational benefits of permanent
                                                          residency) after 28 September and prior to the release of
                 A                                        international offers, you will not be eligible for an international
            New Zealand              YES                  offer, and you will need to re-apply for domestic entry the
              Citizen?                                    following year in accordance with the entry policy of that year.

                                                          Change in immigration status after accepting an offer
                                                          Due to strict domestic and international quotas for commencing
                  NO                                      students, if you obtain permanent residency (or some other
                                                          immigration status that entitles you to the educational benefits
                                                          of permanent residency) after you accept your offer and before
                                                          you complete the first year of study in the Bachelor of Dental
                                                          Surgery/Bachelor of Oral Health degree, you will not be able to
                                                          remain in that degree.

            A Permanent                                   Change in immigration status during studies
            Humanitarian             YES                  If you are an international student and you obtain Australian
            Visa holder?                                  permanent residency (or some other immigration status that
                                                          entitles you to the educational benefits of permanent residency)
                                                          during the degree, you will only be able to remain in the Bachelor
                                                          of Dental Surgery/Bachelor of Oral Health if there is a domestic
                                                          place available at that time. With strict quotas across the breadth
                  NO                                      of the Dental Surgery and Oral Health degrees, the availability
                                                          of domestic places at any given time cannot be guaranteed.
                                                          These are allocated at the discretion of the Executive Dean and
                                                          are subject to availability. If a domestic place is not available,
                                                          you will not be able to remain in the degree. If a domestic place
                                                          is available, you must pay tuition fees for the remainder of
              You are an                    You are a     your studies in the degree; that is, you can not automatically be
            International                   Domestic      transferred into a Commonwealth supported place. If you wish
               Applicant                    Applicant     to be considered for a Commonwealth supported place, you will
                                                          need to compete for entry as a commencing first year student,
            Go to page 14                  Go to page 9   under the same conditions as all new domestic applicants to the
                                                          Dental Surgery/Oral Health degrees, in the next available cycle.

4 Domestic and international entry
Application process

       Step 1                    Step 2                Step 3                                            Step 5                  Step 6
                                                                                Step 4
        UMAT                     Sit the               SATAC                                            Study                   Academic
     registration                 UMAT               application                                     Prerequisites                score

                                                                    Steps 2, 4, 5 and 6 combined

                                                                                                          Application outcome

Ranking for offer                                 access the practice materials from ACER            Visit: satac.edu.au
                                                  upon registering for UMAT.
If you are a domestic applicant, you will be                                                         SATAC code: 314122
ranked for consideration of an offer based on                                                        Late applications to the BDS degree will not
your performance in the three components of                                                          be considered.
the admissions process:                           Step 2. Sit the UMAT
• Interview results: first ranking level          Results from the UMAT will determine               Step 4. Interview
                                                  whether or not you receive an invitation to an
• UMAT Results: second ranking level                                                                 There will be one round of interviews for
                                                  interview. The University will not comment on
• Academic results: meets threshold and                                                              the Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree,
                                                  the competitiveness of your UMAT score.
  final ranking level                                                                                held in late November through December
                                                  If your UMAT result does not rank you              2018. Interview invitations are based on
Please note: Feedback on your performance         highly enough to receive an invitation to          your performance in the UMAT, with each
and overall ranking will not be released by the   attend an interview, any requests for special      of the three UMAT sections having equal
University. Information regarding applicants      consideration for an interview will be declined.   weight. Approximately 250 BDS applicants
and their applications is confidential and                                                           will be invited to attend an interview. Only
will not be released to an advocate of the        The University of Adelaide will not alter
                                                                                                     those who attend an interview will remain
applicant, whether family or friends. No          your UMAT score for any reason, including
                                                                                                     in consideration for an offer into the BDS
appeals on behalf of an applicant will be         illness or compassionate grounds, and will not
considered.                                       intervene or interfere in the UMAT scoring
                                                  process or any application for an alternative      On the 29th of October, all applicants will
What is the UMAT?                                 test date. ACER is responsible for the release     receive an email from the University of
                                                  of UMAT scores to applicants.                      Adelaide to the email address provided in
The Undergraduate Medicine and Health
                                                                                                     their SATAC application. This email will
Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) is an
                                                  Can previous UMAT scores be used?                  contain important information on how to
aptitude exam run by the Australian Council
for Educational Research (ACER). It is one        UMAT scores can only be used for admission         log into the Admissions@Adelaide system
of the core components for entry selection        to any of the UMAT Consortium universities         to see if you have been invited to attend an
into the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)         in the year following the test. For example,       interview or not. The University cannot be
degree.                                           results from UMAT 2018 can be used for             held responsible if an applicant’s email set-up
                                                  undergraduate medicine or dentistry degrees        filters the University’s email into a SPAM,
                                                  beginning in 2019 but not 2020.                    Junk or other such folder – all applicants are
Step 1. UMAT registration                                                                            advised to check their email settings.

All applications to register and sit for the
                                                  Step 3. SATAC application                          More information:
UMAT must be made directly to ACER.               The South Australian Tertiary Admissions           adelaide.edu.au/student/dates/critical
Please refer to the UMAT website at:              Centre (SATAC) receives and processes
umat.acer.edu.au                                  applications for all undergraduate degrees in
The UMAT website explains the test in detail      South Australia and releases the formal offers
and sets out the procedure for registration       for all University of Adelaide degrees. The
including the fees payable, test centre           SATAC application procedure allows you to
procedures, and regulations.                      list up to six degrees in order of preference.
                                                  You must apply through SATAC regardless of
The University of Adelaide does not
                                                  which degree you wish to study.
endorse any commercially available UMAT
preparation courses. You are encouraged to

                                                                                                                                Domestic entry overview
Booking an interview                               requests to                                      Step 5. Prerequisite subjects
Applicants that are invited to attend an
                                                   Please note, an interview will not be                              Two Science subjects: one
interview will be able to book an interview via                                                                       chosen from Chemistry,
a link in Admissions@Adelaide system. For          rescheduled for reasons such as (but not                           Mathematical Methods,
applicants that are invited to interview for       limited to): transportation problems or                            Specialist Mathematics,
more than one degree, specific log in details      delayed/cancelled flights for those travelling                     Physics; and one chosen from
and booking calendar links will be sent for        from interstate and overseas.                     SACE             Biology, Geology, Chemistry,
each degree e.g. Medicine and Oral Health.                                                           Stage 2
Applicants will be able to select an interview     Interview criteria                                                 If Stage 2 studies were
time from a limited number of sessions on a                                                                           undertaken prior to 2017,
                                                   The interview will focus on your:                                  the equivalent Mathematics
first come, first served basis. During this time                                                                      subject was known as
you can cancel and reschedule. A link back         • Knowledge and understanding of the
                                                                                                                      Mathematical Studies.
to the applicable calendar may be found by
                                                                                                                      Two Science subjects: one
logging back in to Admissions@Adelaide, or         • Motivation to become a dentist                                   chosen from Chemistry,
by referring to the email containing the log in    • Compatibility and understanding of the                           Mathematics or Physics; and
details.                                             degree at the University of Adelaide
                                                                                                     IB               one from Biology, Chemistry
                                                                                                                      or Physics.
Once an interview session time has been filled     • Interpersonal and communication skills.                          (SL grade 4/HL grade 3)
or the booking calendars have been closed
to changes, requests to schedule into it due       Interview structure                                                All applicants must have
to (but not limited to) school commitments,                                                                           successfully completed the
travel plans or conflicting interviews times       The duration of the BDS interview is 15           Equivalent       prerequisite subjects or
                                                   minutes and assessed by a panel of two                             equivalent, such as a first year
with other universities will be declined.
                                                                                                     university       Human Biology subject (full-
Please note: The University reserves the                                                             courses          year) as part of the Bachelor
right to run additional interview sessions if      All interviewers are volunteers who have                           of Health and Medical
                                                   completed a University of Adelaide training                        Sciences degree.
necessary. Personal statements, testimonials,
character/work/school references, awards,          program. They are recruited from the
certificates and predicted results do not make     following groups:
up any of the selection components and will        • Academic and clinical academic staff from
not be considered. Please do not to submit           the Adelaide dental School                     Assumed knowledge
these documents to the University.                 • Professional Staff from University of          A necessary precursor for success in the BDS
Please note: Applicants who apply for both           Adelaide                                       degree is a high proficiency in the written
the Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor        • Graduates of the Dental Program and            and oral use of the English language.
of Oral Health and are invited to attend an          Dental professionals from around SA.
interview must attend separate interviews for                                                       Applying for credit
                                                   • People drawn from the wider community.
each degree.                                                                                        Due to the highly integrated curriculum in
                                                   You will be given the first names of the         the BDS degree at the University of Adelaide,
                                                   interviewers. The only information               you are not eligible to apply for entry into
                                                   interviewers will have about you is your first   the later years of the degree or to apply for
Where are interviews held?                         name and SATAC application number, for           advanced standing. You will not receive any
All interviews for eligible domestic applicants    reference purposes only.                         recognition for prior learning.
are conducted face-to-face in Adelaide, in
the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences           Preparing for the interview
Building. There are no options for conducting      You are encouraged to prepare for the
interviews by telephone or via video                                                                Step 6. Academic score
                                                   interview. This can include having discussions
conferencing (e.g. Skype), and any requests        with dentists, dental specialists and dental     To meet the minimum academic threshold
will be declined. It is your responsibility        academics; observing a dental practitioner in    for entry into the Bachelor of Dental Surgery
to ensure that you are available during the                                                         (BDS) degree at the University of Adelaide,
                                                   a variety of practice settings; and hands-on
nominated times, as interviews will not be                                                          you must achieve:
                                                   experience e.g. dental assistant work.
conducted outside of these dates. Requests                                                          • Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank
for an interview outside of the nominated           You are discouraged from reciting rehearsed
                                                                                                      (ATAR): 90 or above
times will be declined.                             responses. Attempts at rehearsing for the
                                                    interview are unlikely to be helpful as         • International Baccalaureate score:
                                                   ‘rehearsed’ and ‘natural’ responses usually        31 or above or the interstate/overseas
Can interviews be rescheduled once                                                                    equivalent.
                                                    conflict and lessen your overall performance.
the booking system has closed?
                                                   The University of Adelaide does not endorse      • Grade Point Average (GPA): 5.0 or
Once bookings have closed, an interview                                                               above – only applicable for Tertiary
                                                   any commercially available preparation
cannot be rescheduled except in cases                                                                 Transfer (Higher Education) applicants.
of extreme medical/compassionate                                                                    • STAT Entry: See page 12.
circumstances. A request to reschedule under       The interviews are reviewed after each cycle
these circumstances must be submitted in           and the content and conduct of interviews        Please note: The minimum ATAR to be
writing to the Faculty Admissions Committee        may change from one year to the next.            eligible for entry to the BDS is 90 but
(with supporting documentation) for                                                                 usually a significantly higher ATAR is
consideration within five days of the original                                                      required due to the competitiveness of
                                                                                                    applicants. The SACE Board of SA or
interview. Please submit all rescheduling

6   Domestic entry overview
interstate equivalent will advise you of your       Deferral of studies
ATAR. The University does not release
academic cut off scores from previous years.        Deferment of studies for up to two years
                                                    is permitted for the Bachelor of Dental
                                                    Surgery. If you are offered a place in the
Bonus points                                        degree and you wish to defer your studies,
Bonus points for the Bachelor of Dental             you must choose the ‘defer’ response (by
Surgery degree are available under the              the nominated response deadline in your
Universities Equity Scheme. This scheme             SATAC offer) and follow all instructions
aims to improve access to tertiary education        provided by the University during this
for students who are under-represented at           time, in order to guarantee your place in
university. Eligible applicants will receive five   future. The University will be in contact
bonus points.                                       in November 2019 to confirm your place
Applicants to the BDS degree can also               for the following year. All communications
receive up to four subject bonus points via         regarding your deferred place will be via
the Universities Language, Literacy and             email to the email address provided in your
Mathematics Bonus Scheme. For more                  SATAC application.
information about bonus points, visit:
adelaide.edu.au/study/undergraduate/                Places available
how-to-apply/bonus-points,                          The BDS degree has 38 domestic places
or contact                                          for our annual intake. Please note that strict
askadelaide@adelaide.edu.au                         quotas apply to the BDS degree.

Step 7. Application outcome
Offers to successful domestic applicants will
be made by SATAC. Once you recieve and
accept your offer, to secure the place in the
BDS degree you must must enrol in all first
year courses by the deadline stated in the
SATAC offer letter. Supporting information
regarding enrolment will be provided by
the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
once SATAC offers are made.
Please note: The University reserves the
right to make offers outside of the formal
SATAC offer rounds and will do so until all
places are filled. This can continue up until
the census date.
For key university dates go to

International students studying in
Please refer to page 14.

Change of preferences
A change of preference includes changing
the order of the existing preferences in a
SATAC application. You can check or change
your preferences online at satac.edu.au after
you have lodged your SATAC application.
SATAC staff will not accept a change of
preference over the telephone.
Please note: New applications/preferences
for Dental Surgery will not be considered
after the closing date of 28 September
2018. If you wish to change the order of
your existing preferences, including Dental
Surgery, you must do so by early January
2019 in order to be guaranteed equal

                                                                                                     Domestic entry overview   7

              I am an Indigenous Australian      YES           See page 9


                 I have a rural background       YES           See page 10


           I am currently studying in my final
                                                 YES        Secondary school
             year of High School and have not
                                                            leaver applicant
                  studied at university.


                      I don’t have a
                                                              Special entry
            year 12 result and have taken the    YES         (STAT) applicant


           I am currently studying in my final              Secondary school
             year of High School and have not    YES        leaver applicant
                  studied at university.


           I am currently studying in my final
          year of High School and am studying               Secondary school
          an ad-hoc university subject as part   YES        leaver applicant
             of my advanced study program..


          I have finished High School and have              Secondary school
               not studied at university.                   leaver applicant


                                                            Tertiary Transfer
               I have studied at university.     YES
                                                       (Higher Education) applicant

8   Eligibility for entry pathways
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander             ATSI application process                     Wirltu Yarlu Education Access Pathway
applicants                                        1.You should make contact with the Faculty   Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education,
The Faculty of Health and Medical                   of Health and Medical Sciences             administers the Aboriginal Access Scheme
Sciences is committed to contributing to the        Indigenous Student Support Officer to      which offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait
University’s desire to increase the number of       discuss your interest in applying.         Islander Australians an alternative entry
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people                                                   pathway to study at the University of
                                                  2.If you wish to study the Bachelor of
who participate in its programs, and makes                                                     Adelaide:
                                                    Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, or the
particular effort to encourage Indigenous           Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor    • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
students to participate in medical education.       of Oral Health, you must apply to sit
                                                                                               • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The BDS/BOH degree has two places                   the Undergraduate Medicine and Health
allocated just for Aboriginal and Torres Strait     Sciences Admissions Test (UMAT).           • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
Islander Applicants.                                                                             (Advanced)
                                                  3.Submit a South Australian Tertiary
                                                    Admission Centre (SATAC) application       • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
                                                    online.                                      Surgery
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
applicants interested in pursuing a career        4.Optional complete and submit the 		        • Bachelor of Nursing
in Dentistry should contact the Faculty             Aboriginal Access Scheme application and   • Bachelor of Oral Health
Indigenous Student Support Officer for              return to Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal
tailored application support. The Faculty of        Education.                                 • Bachelor of Psychological Science
Health and Medical Sciences will provide
                                                  5.Attend an interview
financial support to travel and attend an
interview here in Adelaide.                       6.If successful, you will receive an offer   For more information visit:
                                                    through SATAC and a prompt to submit       adelaide.edu.au/wirltu-yarlu
                                                    your application for the Yaitya Purruna    E: wirltu.yarlu@adelaide.edu.au
P: +61 831 36275                                    Health and Medical Scholarship
E: askhealthsc@ask.adelaide.edu.au

Yaitya Purruna Scholarship Health and
Medical Scholarship
The Yaitya Purruna Health and Medical
Scholarship has been established by the
Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences to
support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students undertaking any undergraduate
program in the Faculty of Health & Medical
Sciences at the University of Adelaide.
Recipients will receive up to $10,000
annually for the duration of their degree to
support their study here in Adelaide.

For more information visit:

                                                                                                                             Entry pathways   9
Rural Background applicants                      Higher Education applicants                      Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
The BDS degree will hold two places
                                                 Tertiary Transfer (Higher Education)             If you have no formal qualifications on
specifically for eligible Rural applicants.
                                                 applicants are still required to sit the UMAT    which to base your application to a tertiary
Applicants who, as of 31 December in the         and gain a competitive score to be invited       institution, you may be eligible to be
year prior to degree commencement, have          to an interview. The University uses the         considered for entry to a course by sitting
spent at least five consecutive years, or 10     applicant’s Grade Point Average in lieu of an    the STAT. To be eligible to sit the test, you
years cumulatively, in an Australian Standard    ATAR.                                            need to be over 18 as of 1 February in the
Geographic Classification - Remoteness                                                            year of entry to the course, and have never
                                                 To meet the minimum academic threshold
Areas (ASGC-RA) RA 2-5 area, from                                                                 been enrolled in a course leading to a higher
                                                 for the Higher Education entry pathway,
birth are eligible to apply under the Rural                                                       education level award.
                                                 you must have completed at least half a
Background entry pathway. The time frame
                                                 year full-time equivalent higher education       For further information on the STAT, visit:
is based on the location of your primary
                                                 study, achieving at least a credit average (a    stat.acer.edu.au
residence. For guidance on Remoteness
                                                 Grade Point Average (GPA) of 5.0 or more).
Area locations (RA) please visit the website                                                      To apply to take the STAT, you must
                                                 You must also meet the prerequisite subject
below and use the search tool at Remoteness                                                       select the option as part of your SATAC
Area Location (RA):doctorconnect.gov.au/                                                          application to university. You will be able to
internet/otd/Publishing.nsf/Content/locator      Due to the highly integrated curriculum          pay for the test and choose your sitting time
                                                 in the BDS degree at the University of           during your application.
If you want to nominate your Rural
                                                 Adelaide, domestic applicants are not eligible
Background, you will need to complete a                                                           STAT applicants are still required to sit the
                                                 to transfer into the later years of the degree
Statutory Declaration form. You must submit                                                       UMAT and gain a competitive score to be
                                                 or apply for advanced standing from another
this form to SATAC within five working days                                                       invited to an interview. The University uses
                                                 university’s Dentistry or Oral Health degree.
of submitting your SATAC application.                                                             your STAT result (converted to a rank) in
                                                 You will not receive any recognition for prior
Once the Statutory Declaration form is                                                            lieu of an ATAR.
completed, you must submit your original                                                          To meet the minimum academic threshold
form directly to SATAC either in hard copy       Secondary school leavers                         for the STAT entry pathway, you must
to PO Box 2, Rundle Mall, SA 5000, or                                                             achieve a STAT score in the top decile and
upload it as part of your SATAC application.     To be considered a secondary school leaver,      must also meet the prerequisite subject
                                                 applicants do not have a tertiary academic       requirements.
Proof of rural origin                            record of study from a university. However,
                                                 if you have enrolled in a bachelor degree
If you apply as a Rural Background               in Australia and completed two years of
applicant, you will be required to sign a        full-time study you will be considered a
statutory declaration as the only acceptable     Higher Education applicant. You must not
proof of your rural background. The              have completed more than two years full-
University of Adelaide and the Faculty of        time (or part-time equivalent) university
Health and Medical Sciences may audit            study (48 units) at an Australian or overseas
students admitted under the rural pathway.       institution.
If you are audited, you will need to provide,    For full details of Tertiary Entrance Rules
within three weeks of our request, one or        under the SACE/NTCE refer to the ‘SATAC
more of the following documents to confirm       Tertiary Entrance Booklet 2019, 2020,
that you are of rural origin:                    2021’, published by SATAC and available on
  letter from a medical practitioner,           their website: satac.edu.au
 dentist, lawyer, school principal, employer
 or other member of the rural community
 confirming that you lived in the rural area
 for at least five consecutive years or ten
 years cumulatively from birth. The letter
 should include your rural address or the
 town in which you resided, and the position
 and contact details of the author. Letters
 from family members will not be accepted.
  chool reports or certificates that include
 your name and clearly identify the school.
• I nvoices, lease agreements and other legal
   documents that confirm your rural address
   during the relevant period.
All documents should be original or
certified copies of originals.

10   Entry pathways
 DATE                                                                   ACTIVITY
 Early December 2017                                                    UMAT registration opens

 Friday June 2 2018 (5.00 pm AEST)                                      UMAT registration closes

 Wednesday 25 July 2018                                                 Sit the UMAT

 Monday 6 August 2018                                                   SATAC applications open

 Friday 28 September 2018                                               SATAC applications close for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree

 Monday 30 October 2018                                                 Interviews invitations sent

 Late November to December 2018                                         Interviews held

 SATAC will release offers from December 2018. For the set dates please visit satac.edu.au/undergraduate

For key university dates, please visit: adelaide.edu.au/student/dates/critical

Who to contact with any questions
Ask Adelaide’s friendly and skilled staff can address all degree enquiries over the phone or online. If they do not have the answer,
enquirers will be referred to faculty/school/discipline staff for expert advice.

Ask Adelaide                                   SATAC                                        Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
T: (08) 8313 5208                              W: satac.edu.au                              E: askhealthsc@adelaide.edu.au
Free-call (outer Adelaide,                     T: (08) 8224 4000                            Postal Address:
SA and interstate only): 1800 061 459
                                               T: 1300 138 440 (local call cost)            Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Admissions
Enquire online:                                                                             Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences building
www.adelaide.edu.au/student/enquiries                                                       The University of Adelaide
                                               UMAT office at ACER                          SA 5005, Australia
                                               T: (03) 8508 7643
                                                                                            Invitations to interviews are sent out from
                                               International: +61 3 8508 7643
                                               E: umat@acer.edu.au
                                                                                            All other official communication will be sent from
                                               W: acer.edu.au
                                                                                            We suggest that you add these addresses to your
                                                                                            email account contact list to ensure you receive all
                                                                                            communications from us.

                                                                                                                       Domestic key dates and contacts   11
Application process

       Step 1                                                                      Step 4                  Step 5
                                     Step 2              Step 3                                                                     Step 6
Online application/                                                           English language             Study
                                    Sit the PQA         Interview                                                                Academic score
 PQA registration                                                              requirements             prerequisites

                                                                    Steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 combined

                                                                                                          Application outcome

Ranking for offer                                 Step 1. Online application                          PQA results form part of the selection into
                                                                                                      the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
If you are an international applicant, you        All international applicants must submit
                                                                                                      degree and remain the property of the
will be ranked in consideration for an offer      a formal application online. To submit an
                                                                                                      University of Adelaide’s Faculty of Health
based on your performance in the three            application, visit: international.adelaide.edu.
                                                                                                      and Medical Sciences.
components of the admissions process:             au/apply and select Apply.
• Interview results: first ranking level          The online application also serves as the           PQA results can only be used for one
                                                  registration to sit the Personal Qualities          admissions cycle. Results from the PQA test
• PQA results: second ranking level                                                                   will determine whether or not you receive an
                                                  Assessment (PQA), and you will be
• Academic results: meets required threshold      prompted to select a relevant PQA test venue        invitation to an interview.
  and final ranking level (to separate            on the application system.                          If your PQA result does not rank you highly
  applicants with equal summed Interview                                                              enough for an invitation to an interview,
                                                  Applications must be submitted prior to
  and PQA scores).
                                                  11:59pm (ACST time) Saturday 30 June,               any requests for special consideration for an
Please note: feedback on your performance         2018. Even if you have not yet completed            interview will be declined.
and overall ranking will not be released          your current qualification, you will still be
by the University. Information regarding          required to apply by this date.                     PQA fees
applicants and their applications is                                                                  The fee to sit the PQA is AUD $500.00.
                                                  Late applications will not be accepted.
confidential and will not be released to                                                              Payment must be submitted to complete a
an advocate of the applicant, whether                                                                 valid registration prior to 11:59pm (ACST
family or friends. No appeals on behalf of                                                            time) on Saturday 30 June 2018. You will be
an applicant will be considered. Personal         Step 2. Personal Qualities Assessment               refused entry to sit the PQA test if payment
statements,testimonials, character/school/        (PQA)                                               has not been received correctly. Payment is
work references, awards, certificates and                                                             made via credit card. Late payments are not
predicted results do not make up any of           The Personal Qualities Assessment (PQA) is
the selection components and will not be          an instrument designed to assess a range of
considered. Please do not to submit these         personal qualities considered to be important       You may cancel your registration but please
documents to the University.                      for the study and practise of medicine,             note that the PQA registration fee is non-
                                                  dentistry and other health professions.             refundable.

                                                  Please refer to the Personal Qualities              Test dates and locations
                                                  Assessment website pqa.net.au for further
                                                                                                      The faculty will be offering the PQA test in
                                                  information regarding the contents of the
                                                                                                      the following locations:
                                                                                                      • Hong Kong - Wednesday 1 August 2018
                                                                                                      • Malaysia - Wednesday 1 August 2018
                                                                                                      • Adelaide - Thursday 2 August 2018
                                                                                                      • Toronto - Thursday 2 August 2018
                                                                                                      • Singapore - Friday 3 August 2018
                                                                                                      Please note: only results from tests taken
                                                                                                      on these dates at these locations will be

12   International entry overview
considered by the University.                       Can interviews be rescheduled once the           Preparing for the interview
For further information about the PQA, visit        booking system has closed?                       You are encouraged to prepare for
the Future Student Knowledge Base, My               Once bookings have closed, an interview          the interview. This can include having
Adelaide: future.ask.adelaide.edu.au/app/           cannot be rescheduled except in cases            discussions with dentists, dental specialists,
answers/detail/a_id/2376/kw/pqa                     of extreme medical/compassionate                 and dental academics; observing a dental
                                                    circumstances. A request to reschedule           practitioner in a variety of practice settings;
Step 3. Interviews                                  under these circumstances must be                and hands-on experience e.g. dental assistant
                                                    submitted in writing to the Faculty              work.
There will be one round of interviews for the
                                                    Admissions Committee (with supporting            You are discouraged from reciting rehearsed
Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree, held in
                                                    documentation) for consideration within five     responses. Attempts at rehearsing for the
late September to early October 2018. Only
                                                    days of the original interview. Please submit    interview are unlikely to be helpful as
those who attend an interview will remain in
                                                    all rescheduling requests to:                    ‘rehearsed’ and ‘natural’ responses usually
the final ranked list to be eligible for an offer
                                                    admissions@adelaide.edu.au                       conflict and lessen your overall performance.
into the BDS degree.
                                                    Please note, an interview will not be            The University of Adelaide does not endorse
Selection for interviews                            rescheduled for reasons such as (but not         any commercially available preparation
Invitations for an interview will be based on       limited to): transportation problems or          courses.
your performance in the PQA.                        delayed/cancelled flights for those travelling
                                                    from interstate and overseas.                    The interviews are reviewed after each cycle
                                                                                                     and the content and conduct of interviews
Interview Outcomes
                                                    Where will interviews be held?                   may change from one year to the next.
On Thursday the 30th of August, all
applicants will receive an email from the           Interviews will only be conducted in the         Interview structure
University of Adelaide to the email address         following locations:
                                                                                                     The interview will be 20 minutes in length
provided in their SATAC application. This           • Adelaide—interviews conducted face-to-         and will be conducted by an experienced
email will contain important information on           face only                                      interviewer.
how to log into the Admissions@Adelaide
                                                    • Toronto, Canada—interviews conducted           All interviewers are volunteers who have
system to see if you have been invited to
                                                      via video conferencing                         completed a University of Adelaide training
attend an interview or not. The University
cannot be held responsible if an applicant’s        • Singapore—interviews conducted via video       program. They are recruited from the
email set-up filters the University’s email           conferencing                                   following groups:
into a SPAM, Junk or other such folder – all        Please note: Skype, MSN and Yahoo Chat           • Academic and Clinical Staff from the
applicants are advised to check their email         requests will not be accepted.                     Adelaide Dental School
                                                                                                     • Professional Staff from University of
                                                    Interview criteria
Booking an interview                                                                                   Adelaide
                                                    The interview comprises of a series of
Applicants that are invited to attend an                                                             • Graduates of the Dental Program and
                                                    scenarios and questions and provides an
interview will be able to book an interview                                                            Dental professionals from around SA.
                                                    opportunity for you to demonstrate your
via a link in Admissions@Adelaide system.           personal qualities. The interview will assess    You will be given the first name of the
For applicants that are invited to interview        skills and qualities considered important for    interviewer. The only information the
for more than one degree, specific log in           undertaking the degree and for use in future     interviewer will have about you is your first
details and booking calendar links will be          professional practice, and which are widely      name and application number, for reference
sent for each degree e.g. Medicine and Oral         accepted by the community.                       purposes.
                                                    Invitations for an interview will be based on
Applicants will be able to select an interview      your performance in the PQA.
time from a limited number of sessions on a
first come, first served basis. During this time    The interview will focus on your:
you can cancel and reschedule. A link back          • Knowledge and understanding of the
to the applicable calendar may be found by            Profession
logging back in to Admissions@Adelaide, or
by referring to the email containing the log        • Motivation to become a dentist
in details.                                         • Compatibility and understanding of the
Once an interview session time has been               degree at the University of Adelaide
filled or the booking calendars have been           • Interpersonal and communication skills.
closed to changes, requests to schedule
into it due to (but not limited to) school
commitments, travel plans or conflicting
interviews times with other universities will
be declined.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you
are available during the nominated times,
as interviews will not be conducted outside
these dates. Requests for interviews outside
of the nominated times will be declined.
Please note: Applicants who apply for both
the Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Bachelor
of Oral Health and are invited to attend an
interview must attend separate interviews for
each degree.

                                                                                                                        International entry overview   13
Step 4. English language requirements
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Academic Test is the preferred English language proficiency qualification, but
the University may accept other evidence of proficiency in English in individual cases.

 IELTS (ACADEMIC)                    TOEFL MINIMUM SCORES                                 PEARSON TEST OF                    CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH:
 MINIMUM SCORES                                                                           ENGLISH (ACADEMIC)                 ADVANCED (CAE)
                                                                                          MINIMUM SCORES                     MINIMUM SCORES
 Overall band score of 7.0          Paper-based: total score of 600 with a minimum of     Overall score of 65                Overall score 185
 AND                                5.0 in the Test of Written English (TWE)              AND                                AND
 Band score of 7.0 in all bands     OR                                                    Skills profile of 65 in writing,   Individual score of 185 in writing,
                                    Internet-based: total score of 94 with a minimum of   speaking, reading and listening    speaking, reading and listening
                                    27 in writing, 23 in speaking and 24 in reading and

International students undertaking an Australian Year 12 program will meet the English language proficiency requirements with a passing
grade or above in a recognised English as a Second Language or an English Language subject, as a part of the successful completion of their
Year 12 qualification.
International students who are not required to undertake an English subject to successfully complete their Australian Year 12 qualification (or
those who successfully complete their Year 12 qualification but do not pass their English subject), can meet the English language proficiency
requirements by achieving or exceeding the minimum score in an IELTS or another accepted English language test.
Successful completion of the International Baccalaureate Diploma meets the English language requirements of the University of Adelaide.

Step 5. Prerequisite subjects                         Other qualifications                                      prompted to select a PQA test venue. Your
                                                                                                                application and payment must be submitted
Two subjects: One from Chemistry,                     Students who don’t meet the academic                      prior to the 30 June 2018 deadline. Even
Mathematics or Physics and one from                   requirements or who have other                            if you have have not yet completed your
Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Physics.               qualifications from the South Pacific Islands,            current qualification, you will still be
                                                      Japan, Korea, Phillipines or Taiwan may                   required to apply by this date.
You must have successfully completed the
                                                      be eligible to apply for a Pre-University
prerequisite subjects.                                                                                          Late applications will not be accepted.
                                                      Pathway to prepare for or gain entry into
Prerequisite subjects are applicable to               the University’s undergraduate academic                   Please note: In addition to this application,
all BDS entry pathways.                               programs. For additional information visit:               if you are studying for an Australian Year 12
                                                      international.adelaide.edu.au/admissions/                 qualification or for the IB in Australia, you
Step 6. Academic score                                how-to-apply/admission-requirements                       must also apply directly to SATAC before
                                                                                                                the September closing date.
 International ATAR                        90
                                                      International offers
 University of Adelaide Grade Point
                                                                                                                Immigration status
 Average                                              The University of Adelaide’s Student
                                                                                                                Please see page 8.
                                                      Recruitment and Admissions Services Office
 International Baccalaureate (IB)          33         will make offers from late October-February
                                                      on a rolling basis until all places in the
 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary                       Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree are               Places available
 Education (HKDSE)                                    filled.                                                   The Bachelor of Dental Surgery has 37
 United Entrance Certificate (UEC)                    Please note: for applicants applying through              International places available.
 [Malaysia]                                           an agent your offer will be sent to your agent’s
                                                      email address as advised in your application.
 General Certificate of Education
 (GCE) Advanced Level
                                                      How to accept?
 Ontario Secondary School                             To accept, you must return the required
 Diploma (OSSD)      85
                                                      acceptance payment and documents before
 ISC & CBSE [India]                       90%         the closing date as specified in your official
                                                      offer letter.
 ISBE [India]                             95%
                                                      Does the university accept forecast results?
 SAT [US]                                 1410        The University of Adelaide will issue
                                                      conditional offers based on forecast results.
 Abitur                                    2.3
                                                      International students studying in Australia
 Thailand Certificate of Secondary
                                           3.5        All international applicants must submit a
                                                      formal application online. Visit:
 Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho
                                                      international.adelaide.edu.au/apply and
 Thong                                                select Apply.
 STPM or Matrikulasi                       3.33       The online application also serves as the
                                                      registration to sit the PQA and you will be
 The University of Adelaide College
 Foundation Program

 Eynesbury Foundation Program              412
 DATE                                                          ACTIVITY
 Early February 2018                                          Application portal opens

 Saturday 30 June 2018                                        Application portal closes

 Wednesday 1 August 2018                                      Hong Kong PQA Test

 Wednesday 1 August 2018                                      Kuala Lumpur [Malaysia] PQA Test

 Thursday 2 August 2018                                       Adelaide [Australia] PQA Test

 Thursday 2 August 2018                                       Toronto [Canada] PQA Test

 Friday 3 August 2018                                         Singapore PQA Test

 Thursday 30 August 2018                                      Interview invitations sent

 Late September to early October 2018                         Interviews held

 October 2018 - February 2019                                 International offers will be made throughout this period

For key university dates, please visit: adelaide.edu.au/student/dates/critical

Who to contact with any questions
Ask Adelaide’s friendly and skilled staff can address all degree enquiries over the phone or online. If they do not have the answer
enquirers will be referred to faculty/school/discipline staff for expert advice.

Ask Adelaide (Toll free for general enquiries): 1800 061 459

Student Recruitment and                 Faculty of Health and Medical
Admissions Services                     Sciences                                           Invitations to interviews are sent out from
Call us +61 8 8313 4072                 T: +61 8 8313 0273                                 admissions@adelaide.edu.au.
                                                                                           All other official communication will be sent
                                        F: +61 8 8313 3788                                 from fhsadmissions@adelaide.edu.au.
                                        E: askhealthsc@ask.adelaide.edu.au                 We suggest that you add these addresses to your
                                                                                           email account contact list to ensure you receive
                                                                                           all communications from us.

                                                                                                                International key dates and contacts   15
As entry into the Bachelor of Dental Surgery is highly competitive,
applicants who are strongly motivated towards a career in the health
field may also wish to consider applying for other health related
undergraduate degrees offered by the University of Adelaide.

Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences                   Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
The Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences is a          (Advanced)
diverse and flexible degree that prepares students        For students who want to lead the way on health
to tackle the major health issues facing the world        issues, the Bachelor of Health and Medical
today. With a unique selection of courses that draw       Sciences (Advanced) is an innovative degree with a
from all the health sciences disciplines, the degree is   global health focus that prepares them to improve
ideal for students who are fascinated by the human        the health of individuals and populations.
body and who wish to develop a broad range of
relevant, transferable and highly sought-after skills     With an emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship,
suited to a variety of careers in health.                 and hands-on clinical and research skills, the degree
                                                          offers a strong foundation in a wide range of health
Developed in consultation with industry partners,         related areas and provides graduates with the
this innovative degree offers flexible online and         knowledge and leadership skills suited to a variety
part-time study options.                                  of health related careers.
A year-long research placement provides                   Students are taught by award-winning academics
practical hands-on experience, and overseas               to develop clinical skills with a medical focus.
study opportunities are available to increase             A unique course in Hacking Health offers the
understanding of global health issues.                    chance to explore solutions to frontline health care
Students of the Bachelor of Health and Medical            problems.
Sciences and the Bachelor of Health and Medical           With a choice of seven majors, as well as flexible
Sciences (Advanced) have the flexibility to select        online and part-time learning options, students can
one of seven different majors spread across two           shape their studies to match their interests, career
different streams: Medical Health and Lifespan            aspirations and lifestyle.
                                                          A year-long research placement provides the
Medical Health majors:                                    opportunity to gain practical experience and
• Clinical Trials                                         build professional networks, and overseas study is
                                                          available to help students gain a global perspective
• Medical Sciences                                        of health issues.
• Neurosciences
Lifespan Health majors:
• Addiction and Mental Health
                                                                                                   “ I WAS FASCINATED BY
• Nutritional Health
• Public Health
                                                                                                   HEALTH AND THE HUMAN BODY,
• Reproductive and Childhood Health.                                                               BUT UNSURE OF WHICH FIELD
                                                                                                   OR OCCUPATION TO PURSUE.
                                                                                                   STUDYING THIS DEGREE
                                                                                                   HAS BEEN AN ENRICHING
                                                                                                   AND EXCITING EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                   AND HAS PROVIDED ME
                                                                                                   OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE
                                                                                                   DIFFERENT AREAS WITHIN
                                                                                                   Maddison Sims
                                                                                                   Bachelor of Health and Medical
                                                                                                   Sciences (Advanced)

16   Alternative study
You can also read