June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...

Page created by Harvey Garner
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
53rd Annual Orientation
                  Program & Career Forum

June 8-12, 2019
 Houston, Texas                    1
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
The Orientation Program.………………………………………………………………………………………………… 03

Program Theme……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 04

Online Registration…………………………………………...……………………………………………...….…………. 05

CGSM Online Overview & OP Preparation…………………………………………………………………..…... 06

Corporate Partner Sponsorship Opportunities.….…….………………………………....…………..……… 07

Career Tracks.…………………...………………………………………….………………………………..…….…......... 18

Miscellaneous Sponsorship Opportunities.…………………………………..……….....………………….…. 24

Additional Sponsorship Information………………………………………………………………………………… 28

Key Deadlines………………….…………………………………………………………..………………….….……........ 29

The Consortium Staff Contact Information………………………………...…………………..………..…….. 31

Hotel Information………………..…………………………………………………………………………….……………. 32

Marriott Marquis Houston Meeting Floor Diagrams.……………………….……………………………… 33

June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...

  As a Consortium member, students at our annual
 Orientation Program & Career Forum will have the
    opportunity to connect with fellow incoming
students from 20 universities, along with key leaders
from our corporate partners, which includes Fortune
                  500 companies.

June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
            The Theme: Future of Work
            “Family. Consortium is family.” – Tosan Olley, Consortium
            alumnus, 2015

            The role of the employer is transforming. Companies are
            developing new and better ways to serve their constituents
                                                                                            Reflect                                Reskill                               Re-envision
                                                                              ♦ Diversity Theater (Sun)               ♦ Welcome Event (Sat)                  ♦ Digital Café & Print Station
            in a world that is rapidly changing. The speed of
                                                                              ♦ Health Care Workshop (Sun)            ♦ Social Activity (Sun/Mon)            ♦ Health Initiative
            advancements such as AI, 3D printing and big data                                                         ♦ School Activities (Sat)
            analytics, amongst others is unprecedented and affecting          ♦ Ethics Workshop (Sun)                                                        ♦ Interviewing/Private Interviews
                                                                                                                      ♦ School Meetings (Sun)
            almost all industries.                                            ♦ Career Gallery (Sun)                  ♦ Student Liaison Meeting (Sun)        ♦ Sponsored Mini Breakfasts
            To be successful and remain relevant, companies must              ♦ Technology Luncheon (Tues)            ♦ New Student Kick-off Meeting (Sun)   ♦ Pop-Up Information Session
            develop strategies that reskill their workforce. Employees        ♦ Corporate Best Practices (Tues)       ♦ New/Prospective Partner Breakfast    ♦ Career Track General Sessions (Mon)
            will need to upskill or reskill to stay viable in the workplace   ♦ Schoen Recognition Reception (Tues)   (Tues)                                 ♦ Corporate Receptions / Mini
            of tomorrow. Lifelong learning will become essential for                                                                                              Sponsored Receptions
            growth and advancement.                                                                                                                          ♦ Career Forum (Tues)
            This year’s theme, Future of Work, will allow companies
            the opportunity to assume the role of educator and
            facilitator while providing a glimpse into the workplace of
            the future. How will automation change the way we work
            today? What skills will become most valuable to
            employers? How must education and training be reshaped
            to address the skills gaps?
            Join us in Houston. TX for a new line-up of impactful
            workshops, networking and teambuilding events as we
            welcome the Class of 2021.
Program Categories
This is how our programming lineup breaks down. It is our goal to give presenters and attendees a better sense of what outcomes to expect.
Reflect: Gain insights from the expertise of our influential speakers and panelists. Reflect, strategize and recalibrate. Begin building a foundation that positions you for the future.
Reskill: Start building the skills and relationships needed to succeed in the workplace of the future.
Re-envision: Re-think your personal brand with emphasis on the future. Look ahead to trends, topics and career insights that spell opportunity.

June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
You will have access to an Exhibitor Service Center where you can manage various functions such as making financial
     transactions, viewing the Exhibitor Service Manual, reviewing underwriting options, and selecting booths.

             Attendees representing a Corporate Partner              Early Bird Rate 2019   Regular Rate 2019     On-Site Rate 2019
                   (includes Alumni and Interns)                       (Before April 3)      (April 4 – June 7)     (June 8 - 12)

        Corporate Partner Full Registration (Founder/Premier)               $800                  $900                $1,000

             Corporate Partner Full Registration (Patron)                   $900                 $1,000               $1,100

         Corporate Partner Full Registration (Philanthropic B)             $1,000                $1,100               $1,200

       Corporate Partner Full Registration (Philanthropic/STEP)            $1,100                $1,200               $1,300

                 Corporate Partner Daily Registration                       $275                  $300                 $625
      (Single Day Only, Multiple Days Require a Full Registration)

                   Career Forum/Private Interviews                          $175                  $275                 $375

                        A username and password will be sent via email, to the primary OP contact.

                                    If you have not received your username and password,
                                     please email Abbey Martínez martineza@cgsm.org or
                                  Brett Politte politteb@cgsm.org and one will be sent to you.                                        5
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
                                                    AND OP PREPARATION
                 New student resumes are available in CGSM Online, The Consortium’s online career center, by mid-May.
            We suggest you explore the database to identify potential internship hires and contact these students before the OP.

                                                                                       Tips for your OP preparation:
                                                       • Use targeted e-blasts to engage students prior to the conference to let them
                                                         know you will be participating in OP events and welcome them to The
                                                         Consortium family. Targeted e-blasts must be submitted to CGSM by May 21.
                                                       • Text-based e-blasts are the preferred submission method with images and logos
                                                         attached separately. Contact Jeff Farris prior to submitting HTML e-blasts.
                                                       • Invite students to attend all networking opportunities where your organization
                                                         has a sponsored presence.
                                                       • Be sure to include The Consortium alumni to recruit and represent your
                                                         organization so they may share their first-hand experiences.
                                                       • We encourage the attendance of your diversity and college relations officers and
                                                         staffing executives, as well as your senior-level hiring managers.
                                                       • Keep the communication lines open. Invite targeted students to your campus for
                                                         summer camps or other recruiting events.

                               To Search Resumes:                                                                                                                  Posting Jobs:
Go to www.cgsm.org and click “Login to CGSM Online,” and select “Corporate Partners”                                                 To create a new job posting, select “Add New Job Posting” in the “Active
  to login. Corporate partners who do not have an existing account may create a new                                                 Job Postings” section of the dashboard. Job postings need to be completed
  account by selecting “1st Time Users: Create a New Account” on the login screen. To                                                                            online by May 27.
 search student resumes, select “Candidate Results” in the “Candidate Search” section.
            Contact Jeff Farris at farrisj@cgsm.org or 636-681-5452 for help.

                                                             Email blasts on-site (after June 7) may not be available, as staff and computer access are limited.                                                6
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
                                                                Lead Sponsorship
                                                                       1 Sponsorship: $125,000
                                 This sponsorship has a prime opportunity to highlight its brand throughout the
                              entire conference with maximum exposure to our constituents in the diversity space.

● 2 Full Conference Registrations                                                                                                            ● Lead Sponsor banner for mobile app
● 5 Career Fair only Registrations                                                                                                           ● 5 Private Interview Booths
● Lead Sponsor Signage                                                                                                                       ● 1 Corporate Reception
● 1 Conference Bag Insert                                                                                                                    ● Schoen Awards Reception Sponsorship
● 1 Opening Session Handout                                                                                                                  ● Schoen Awards Keynote Speaker
● Full page ad in conference Resource Guide

                        “This program was amazing…It was life changing…” – UCLA Student, Class of 2019

                     Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...

        Welcome Class of                                                                                                                    Opening Plenary
        2021 Reception                                                                                                                         Session
               1 Sponsorship: SOLD                                                                                                                 1 Sponsorship: $25,000
                   Saturday, June 8                                                                                                                          Sunday, June 9
                    4 – 5:30 p.m.                                                                                                                             8 – 8:45 a.m.
                                                                                                                                 Our opening keynote speaker will share
       Welcome the Class of 2021 with
                                                                                                                                 riveting insight regarding the Future of
         an informational networking
                                                                                                                                Work as we welcome attendees to the 53rd
        event. This will be a first touch
                                                                                                                                  Annual Orientation Program & Career
        event to welcome the Class of
        2021 to Houston and let them
                                                                                                                            ● Recognition in the mobile app
       know how they can connect with                                                                                       ● Sponsor signage at the event
          you throughout the week.                                                                                          ● 10 minutes of microphone time for sponsor remarks
                                                                                                                            and Keynote Speaker introduction
● Recognition in the mobile app                                                                                             ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event
● Sponsor signage at the event                                                                                              ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event
● 10 minutes of microphone time for sponsor remarks                                                                         room
● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event
● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event
                            Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
                                                                     Diversity Theater

              Diversity Theater Pre-Reception                                                                                                Diversity Theater
                       1 Sponsorship: $30,000                                                                                            2 Sponsorships: $20,000
                              Sunday, June 9                                                                                                      Sunday, June 9
                             6:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                                                                                    7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                            The Class of 2021 will experience one of the most popular and highly rated
Warm up the crowd before the most anticipated workshop at OP with a                                         conference sessions, Diversity/Ethics Interactive Theater. Using interactive
networking reception. Students and other attendees will enjoy food and                                      theater, the cast of actors will tackle the issues of workforce diversity and
refreshments ahead of the highly ranked Diversity Theater workshop. The                                     cross-cultural awareness. This methodology is ideally suited to identifying
sponsoring company can also invite up to 20 students for a private gathering                                existing beliefs of employees, observing real life models of appropriate and
in a separate space associated with this reception.                                                         inappropriate behavior, examining the consequences of these behaviors,
                                                                                                            and exploring ways to resolve them. This is a must see event.
                                                                                                            ● Recognition in the mobile app
● Recognition in the mobile app                                                                             ● Sponsor signage at the event
● Sponsor signage at the event                                                                              ● 10-minute microphone time for speaker remarks
● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event                                                     ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event
● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room                                               ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room

                         Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
June 8-12, 2019 Houston, Texas - 53rd Annual Orientation Program & Career Forum - Consortium for Graduate Study in ...
                                                        Power Up Post
                                                  Sunday, June 9 3 – 3:15 p.m.
                                                     1 Sponsorship: $5,000
                                                 Monday, June 10 4 – 4:15 p.m.
                                                     1 Sponsorship: $5,000

                                                                                                                             ● Recognition in the mobile app
The refreshment break is a great opportunity
                                                                                                                             ● Ability to distribute materials, coupons,
  for sponsors to create a themed branded
                                                                                                                               product, samples/giveaways
         presence among students.
                                                                                                                             ● Sponsor name and logo displayed

              Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                        Mini Private Breakfasts
                                                                   Monday, June 10 7 – 8 a.m.
                                                                     4 Sponsorships: $3,000
                                                                 Tuesday, June 11 7 – 8:15 a.m.
                                                                   10 Sponsorships: $3,000

   Early bird gets the MBA talent! At this
event, corporate partners will get a chance
  to build new relationships with students
                                                                                                                                            ● Recognition in the mobile app
   before the business of the day begins.
                                                                                                                                            ● Ability to custom decorate event room
    Sponsors will work with the hotel to
                                                                                                                                            ● Full 60-75 minutes of time with invited
develop a menu that fits your budget. Each
  mini private breakfast will accommodate
                                                                                                                                            ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs
  25 students who corporate partners can
                                                                                                                                              at the entrance
 invite. Corporate partners will be charged
                                                                                                                                            ● Ability to display product,
directly by the hotel for food and beverage
                                                                                                                                              samples/giveaways in event room
once their space has been assigned by The
  Consortium. Raffles and prize giveaways
               are encouraged.

                       Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                     Mini Private Receptions
                                                           Monday, June 10 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                 5 Sponsorships: $3,000
                                                           Tuesday, June 11 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                 4 Sponsorships: $3,000

  10 sponsors will have a chance to host a
 private reception at the Marriott Marquis                                                                                                   ● Recognition in the mobile app
        Houston. The Consortium will                                                                                                         ● Ability to custom decorate event room
  work with the hotel to secure space and                                                                                                    ● Full 60 minutes of time with invited
the sponsor will coordinate with the hotel                                                                                                     students
to select food and beverage requirements.                                                                                                    ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor
  Sponsors will be charged directly by the                                                                                                     signs in event room
   venue for selected items. Sponsors can                                                                                                    ● Ability to display product,
  invite up to 25 people (a combination of                                                                                                     samples/giveaways in event room
  students and corporate representatives)                                                                                                    ● Ability to conduct prize raffle
               for networking.

                                                          “…The quality of the speakers, company
                                                      representatives and Consortium staff was really
                                                     impressive…” – Indiana University – Bloomington
                                                                  Student, Class of 2019                                                                                                12
                     Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
Ethics Workshop                                                                   Health Care Workshop                                                    Career Gallery
1 Sponsorship: SOLD                                                                 4 Sponsorships: $10,000                                               1 Sponsorship: $15,000
Sunday, June 9                                                                              Sunday, June 9                                                Sunday, June 9
3:15 – 4:15 p.m.                                                                           4:20 – 5:20 p.m.                                               5:30 – 6:15 p.m.
It is impossible to be your best                                                                                                                          Students learn about and interact with our corporate
without a strong ethical foundation.                                                                                                                      partners in "TED Talk"-style presentations exploring various
This workshop will help students build                          Believe it or not, health care companies cannot find enough MBAs to fill
                                                                                                                                                          aspects of the OP theme, “Future of Work.” Learn tips for
effective strategies to raise awareness                        open positions in this $3.4 trillion industry. Business school graduates can
                                                                                                                                                          building a strong career through these educational,
about academic integrity and business                            find roles in everything from biomedical startups, e-health ventures to
                                                                                                                                                          inspirational and practical presentations.
ethics. Bidhan ("Bobby") Parmar is an                           consulting and pharmaceutical R&D. During this session, we will explore
assistant professor of business                                    how students can build their best careers in health care. A panel of
administration at the Darden School                                        experts will engage the Class of 2021 in discussions.
of Business, where he teaches first-
year ethics and a second-year elective
on collaboration. Parmar's research                               ● Recognition in the mobile app                                                         ● Recognition in the mobile app
interests focus on how managers                                   ● Sponsor signage at event                                                              ● Sponsor signage at event
make decisions in uncertain and                                   ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event                                 ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at
changing environments to create                                   ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room                            event
value for stakeholders. His work helps                            ● Sponsor table with seating for 7-8 people                                             ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in
executives better handle ambiguity in                                                                                                                       event room
their decision making.                                                                                                                                    ● Sponsor table with seating for 7-8 people

● Recognition in the mobile app
● Ability to display literature in room
  or on the seats
● Microphone time for sponsor
● Ability to place free-standing
  sponsor signs at event
● Ability to display product,
  samples/giveaways in event room
                           Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
Strategic Networking                              Social Activity – TBD                                           Mini Private Networking                                     Social Activity - TBD
Experience                                        1 Sponsorship: SOLD                                             Dinner                                                      1 Sponsorship: TBD
1 Sponsorship: SOLD                               Sunday, June 9                                                  2 Sponsorships: SOLD                                        Monday, June 10
Sunday, June 9 - Tuesday,                         9:45 – 11:45 p.m.                                               Monday, June 10                                             9 – 11 p.m.
June 11                                           Students participate in an informal evening                     6:15 – 7:45 p.m.                                            Students participate in an informal evening
                                                  of networking at TBD. This sponsorship is a                                                                                 of networking at TBD. This sponsorship is a
7 a.m. – 7 p.m.                                                                                                   Two sponsors will have a chance to host
                                                  prime opportunity for a corporate partner                                                                                   prime opportunity for a corporate partner
The Strategic Networking                          to highlight its brand or products while                        a private dinner at the Marriott                            to highlight its brand or products while
Experience is a popular way for                   engaging the full class in a fun and                            Marquis Houston. The Consortium will                        engaging the full class in a fun and
students to network during the                    interactive social activity.                                    work with the hotel to secure space                         interactive social activity.
conference with a hospitality                                                                                     and the sponsor will coordinate with
sponsor. Located inside the                       ● Recognition in the mobile app                                 the hotel to select food and beverage                       ● Recognition in the mobile app
Marriott Marquis Houston , the                    ● Ability to distribute materials,                              requirements. Sponsors will be charged                      ● Sponsor signage at the event led by a
display will be a must-visit area for               coupons, product samples/giveaways                            directly by the venue for selected                            corporate partner
the student attendees. The                        ● Sponsor name and logo displayed                               items. Sponsors can invite up to 25                         ● Ability to distribute materials,
Strategic Networking Experience                                                                                   people (a combination of students and                         coupons, product samples/giveaways
sponsor may also display company                                                                                  corporate representatives) for dinner
literature and product samples for                                                                                and networking.
students visiting the area daily
through out the conference.
                                                                                                                  ● Recognition in the mobile app
                                                                                                                  ● Ability to custom decorate event
● Recognition in the mobile app
● Ability to distribute materials,
                                                                                                                  ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor
  coupons, product samples/giveaways
                                                                                                                    signs in event room
● Sponsor name and logo displayed
                                                                                                                  ● Ability to display product,
                                                                                                                    samples/giveaways in event room

                               Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                               Food & Beverage
Corporate Receptions Dine Around                                                    Technology Luncheon                                               Grab and Go Breakfast
2 Sponsorships: $6,000                                                              5 Sponsorships: SOLD                                              1 Sponsorship: $10,000
1 Sponsorships: SOLD                                                                Tuesday, June 11                                                  Wednesday, June 12
1 Sponsorship: $3,000                                                               12 – 1:45 p.m.                                                    6:00 – 8:30 a.m.
2 Sponsorships: $2,000                                                              Learn about industry trends, careers and cutting edge             At this event, attendees build new relationships, visit with old
Monday, June 10                                                                     innovation—from social media to cloud computing.                  friends, and enjoy networking while waiting for their next
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.                                                                    Whether you are thinking about a career in technology or          interview. Present your company’s name and message through
                                                                                    need to understand how technology will impact your                collateral distribution and signage. Provide students with essential
In addition to the official conference activities offered each day,                 career in another field, this luncheon can’t be missed.           fuel as they begin their interview.
corporate partners have the opportunity to host their own unique
receptions on Monday night. These receptions are a great way to                     ● Recognition in the mobile app                                   ● Recognition in the mobile app
connect with our MBA talent to share your company information.                      ● Ability to custom decorate your reception                       ● Ability to brand the event room
Corporate reception space is available on a first-come, first served                ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event           ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room
basis. All space is booked through The Consortium, not the hotel or                 ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event          ● Ability to conduct prize raffle
convention center. Corporate partners will be charged directly by the                 room
hotel for food and beverage once their space has been assigned by
The Consortium. Raffles and prize giveaways are encouraged.

● Recognition in the mobile app
● Sponsor signage at event
● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event
● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room
● Ability to custom decorate your reception                                                                                                                            “The career forum and
                                                                                                                                                                        opportunity to bond
NOTE: Approval from The Consortium and facility is required for any request to
bring in outside vendors, including but not limited to event decorators, rentals,
                                                                                                                                                                       with students was the
musicians and/or food products.                                                                                                                                          most valuable.” –
                                                                                                                                                                        University of Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                       Student, Class of 2019
                                 Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                                      Lunch & Learn

                                                                                3 Sponsorships: $20,000
                                                                             3 Sponsorship Panel: $10,000
                                                                                    Monday, June 10
                                                                                11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
                        Topics                                                                                                                                     Sponsors Receive
    Students select one of five functional-area topic                                                                                                  ● Recognition in the mobile app
  sessions where a sponsor leads a presentation and                                                                                                    ● Ability to distribute materials, coupons, product
discussion focused on roles, responsibilities and career                                                                                                 samples, and other giveaways
       paths; debunking myths, stereotypes and                                                                                                         ● Full 75 minutes of time with invited students
     misperceptions in the field; career trends and                                                                                                    ● Display of sponsor name and Logo
   innovation in the field; and more. Topics include:                                                                                                  ● Grab and Go Lunches included
      Careers With Impact (e.g., Corporate Social                                                                                                      ● AV Equipment, Screen, microphone, etc.,
                    Responsibility)                                                                                                                      included
               Corporate Finance Panel
                   Networking SOLD

                               Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                Investment Banking Primer
                                                       3 Sponsorships: $12,500
                                                           Monday, June 10
                                                           4:15 – 5:30 p.m.

               Gain a thorough knowledge of investment banking from the
               experts: what it is, the types of investment banking careers,
               types of firms, potential areas of specialization, current state of
               the industry, trends and professional qualifications.

               ● Recognition in the mobile app
               ● Sponsor signage at event
               ● Ability to place free-standing sponsor signs at event
               ● Ability to display product, samples/giveaways in event room

    Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                            Career Track One
                                                                                         Monday, June 10
                                                                                         8:15 – 11:15 a.m.

1 Lead Sponsorship: SOLD                                                              Industry Trends and Emerging Issues Panel
This career track allows students to gain a thorough knowledge of consulting
                                                                                      2 Sponsorships: $10,000
from the Experts: what it is, the types of consulting, types of firms, potential      Gain a thorough knowledge of consulting from the experts: what it is, the types of consulting, types of firms, potential
areas of specialization, current state of the industry, trends, internal vs.          areas of specialization, current state of the industry, trends, internal vs external consulting and professional qualifications.
external consulting, professional qualifications and the case interview.
Corporate participants can choose to serve as case coaches, giving them
additional time to expose students to the case interview process.
                                                                                      Myth Busting: Day in the Life
                                                                                      1 Sponsorships: $2,500
● Recognition in the mobile app
● Welcome and program introduction                                                    This fast-paced session debunks the myths, stereotypes and misperceptions of the industry. Give students the
● Case overview and simulation                                                        information needed to gain an accurate understanding of the day in the life of a consulting professional.
● Closing remarks
● 2 private interview booths                                                          Mock Case Breakouts:
        Lead Sponsor Welcome:                        3 Minutes
                                                                                      5 Sponsorships: $1,500
        Industry Trends & Emerging Issues:          50 Minutes                        Monday, June 10
        Myth Busting: Day in the Life:              10 Minutes                        4:15 – 5:30 p.m.
        Case Overview & Simulation:                 50 Minutes                        Students will be segmented into teams of 20. Groups will break out into their prospective meeting rooms. There
        Lead Sponsor Wrap-Up Remarks:                2 Minutes                        will be one case coach for each student team. Each team will be assigned two cases. Working as a team and in
        Networking:                                 45 Minutes                        conjunction with the case coach, students will analyze the case and present their findings at the end of the
                                                                                      exercise. Teams will depart the session with meaningful feedback. Additionally, case coaches will provide
                                                                                      students with valuable information regarding resources available to assist them in their preparation and increase
                                                                                      their competiveness in the case interview process.

                                Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                            Career Track One
                                                                                         Monday, June 10
                                                                                         8:15 – 11:15 a.m.

1 Lead Sponsorship: $35,000                                                     Industry Trends and Emerging Issues Panel
Corporate partners participating in this career track will help students
                                                                                4 Sponsorships: $10,000
understand how marketing helps an organization anticipate the                   Gain a thorough knowledge of marketing from the experts: what it is, the types of marketing, types of firms, potential areas of
public's needs and positions the organization to satisfy those needs            specialization, current state of the industry, trends and professional qualifications.
and how marketing differs across various disciplines. Students will
leave the session understanding the lingo, the available career paths
and what it takes to be a successful marketer. This career track will           Myth Busting: Day in the Life
provide students a broad knowledge of this functional area.                     1 Sponsorships: $2,500
● Recognition in the mobile app                                                 This fast-paced session debunks the myths, stereotypes and misperceptions of the industry. Give students the information
● Welcome and program introduction                                              needed to gain an accurate understanding of the day in the life of a marketing professional.
● Interactive case analysis
● Closing remarks
● 2 private interview booths

     Lead Sponsor Welcome:                        3 Minutes
     Industry Trends & Emerging Issues:          50 Minutes
     Myth Busting: Day in the Life:              10 Minutes
     Interactive Case Analysis:                  50 Minutes
     Lead Sponsor Wrap-Up Remarks:                2 Minutes
     Networking:                                 45 Minutes

                                Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                             Career Track One
                                                                                         Monday, June 10
                                                                                         8:15 – 11:15 a.m.

                                                               General Management No. 1
1 Lead Sponsorship: $35,000                                                      Industry Trends and Emerging Issues Panel
This track offers a glimpse at the multiple roles and career paths of            1 Sponsorships: $10,000
general management and how these may differ among various                        Gain a thorough knowledge of general management from the experts: what it is, the types of general management careers,
companies and industries. Industry experts will discuss some of the              types of firms, potential areas of specialization, current state of the industry, trends and professional qualifications.
skills necessary to reach the position of the ultimate general manager,
president and CEO. General management requires extraordinary
preparation, mastery of a wide range of tools, skills, and concepts, and         Myth Busting: Day in the Life
above all, qualities of leadership. The general manager has a
predicament unlike any other. This person is subject to immense
                                                                                 1 Sponsorships: $2,500
pressure from others, must have a bias for action, and yet analyze               This fast-paced session debunks the myths, stereotypes and misperceptions of the industry. Give students the information
carefully and comprehensively, often under conditions of incomplete              needed to gain an accurate understanding of the day in the life of a general management professional.
information. This track helps students learn about how to combine all
the various levels of talent, skills, and leadership needed to rise in the
general management ranks.
● Recognition in the mobile app
● Welcome and program introduction
● Interactive case analysis
● Closing remarks
● 2 private interview booths
      Lead Sponsor Welcome:                        3 Minutes
      Industry Trends & Emerging Issues:          50 Minutes
      Myth Busting: Day in the Life:              10 Minutes
      Interactive Case Analysis:                  50 Minutes
      Lead Sponsor Wrap-Up Remarks:                2 Minutes
      Networking:                                 45 Minutes                                                                                                                                                20
                                Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                             Career Track Two
                                                                                           Monday, June 10
                                                                                             1 – 4 p.m.

                                                                General Management No. 2
1 Lead Sponsorship: SOLD                                                        Industry Trends and Emerging Issues Panel
This track offers a glimpse at the multiple roles and career paths of           2 Sponsorships: $10,000
general management and how these may differ among various                       Gain a thorough knowledge of general management from the experts: what it is, the types of general management careers,
companies and industries. Industry experts will discuss some of the             types of firms, potential areas of specialization, current state of the industry, trends and professional qualifications.
skills necessary to reach the position of the ultimate general manager,
president and CEO. General management requires extraordinary
preparation, mastery of a wide range of tools, skills, and concepts, and
                                                                                Myth Busting: Day in the Life
above all, qualities of leadership. The general manager has a                   1 Sponsorships: $2,500
predicament unlike any other. This person is subject to immense
                                                                                This fast-paced session debunks the myths, stereotypes and misperceptions of the industry. Give students the information
pressure from others, must have a bias for action, and yet analyze
                                                                                needed to gain an accurate understanding of the day in the life of a general management professional.
carefully and comprehensively, often under conditions of incomplete
information. This track helps students learn about how to combine all
the various levels of talent, skills, and leadership needed to rise in the
general management ranks.
● Recognition in the mobile app
● Welcome and program introduction
● Interactive case analysis
● Closing remarks
● 2 private interview booths
     Lead Sponsor Welcome:                         3 Minutes
     Industry Trends & Emerging Issues:           50 Minutes
     Myth Busting: Day in the Life:               10 Minutes
     Interactive Case Analysis:                   50 Minutes
     Lead Sponsor Wrap-Up Remarks:                 2 Minutes
     Networking:                                  45 Minutes                                                                                                                                                21
                                 Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                Career Track Two
                                                              Monday, June 10
                                                                1 – 4 p.m.
                                                  2 Sponsorships: $15,000
                                             Each Sponsor Receives 45 Minutes
                   This daisy-chain workshop features three tech-sector sponsors in sequential, 45-minute
                 presentations and 30-minutes of networking. Each sponsor, in turn, leads discussions about
                emerging industry trends, innovations to watch and what tech companies look for in their new
                hires. As each takes a one-hour turn at the podium, they'll debunk the myths, stereotypes and
                 misperceptions of the industry while tying the conversation to their unique company culture.

    Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                 Career Track Two
                                                                               Monday, June 10
                                                                                 1 – 4 p.m.

                                                                         Data Analytics
                                                                           Industry Trends and Emerging Issues Panel
                                                                           4 Sponsorships: $10,000
            Career Track Format                                            Gain a thorough knowledge of data analytics from the experts: what it is, the types of data analytic careers, potential
                                                                           areas of specialization, current state of the industry, trends and professional qualifications.

  Welcome:                                   2 Minutes
                                                                           Career Gallery
  Industry Trends & Emerging Issues:        60 Minutes                     2 Sponsorships: $10,000
  Career Gallery:                           40 Minutes                     Students learn about and interact with our corporate partners in "TED Talk"-style presentations exploring
  Myth Busting: Day in the Life             10 Minutes                     various aspects of data analytics. Learn tips for building a strong career through these educational,
  Networking                                55 Minutes                     inspirational and practical presentations.
  Wrap-Up Remarks:                            1 Minute
                                                                           Myth Busting: Day in the Life
                                                                           2 Sponsorships: $2,500
                                                                           This fast-paced session debunks the myths, stereotypes and misperceptions of the industry. Give
                                                                           students the information needed to gain an accurate understanding of the day in the life of a
                                                                           marketing professional.

Gain a better understanding of big data analytics. What it is and why it matters. Gain invaluable insight regarding
   the functional roles within organizations and the ability to provide lasting impact in an automated world.

                     Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                     Other Opportunities
                               Pop-Up Information Session
                                        1 Sponsorship: $3,000
                                               Sunday, June 9
                                              7:30 – 7:45 a.m.
                                              Monday, June 10
                                              7:45 – 8:00 a.m.

 The sponsor will receive 15 minutes to talk to the Class of 2021 on
  industry trends, new products, the next phase, job openings, etc.
 The mini pop-up information session will take place in the general
foyer space where you can continue to network and target students.
● Recognition in the mobile app
● A TV monitor/screen will be provided for the presentation in the foyer space
● 15 minutes of speaking time
● Ability to distribute product, samples/giveaways

                                       “Getting to speak with recruiters face to face. I received 3
                                         interviews from direct meetings.” Indiana University –
                                                  Bloomington Student, Class of 2019
               Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                    Other Opportunities
Aisle Signs for Career Forum                                             Chill Lounge                                                       Conference Electric Signage
5 Sponsorships: $1000                                                    3 Sponsorships: $2,000                                             1 Sponsorships: $1,000
Everyone depends on the directional aisle signs at the Career Forum to   Sunday, June 9                                                     Sunday, June 9 - SOLD
navigate the floor effectively. Increase your company’s brand among      Monday, June 10                                                    Monday, June 10
attendees and remind attendees of your booth location by displaying
your company name, logo and booth number on several aisle signs          Tuesday, June 11                                                   This opportunity allows sponsors to have the ability to display company
throughout the show. Two-sided aisle signs make the information                                                                             messaging, in conjunction with The Consortium messaging, on monitors
                                                                          The Chill Lounge is a popular way for students to network
displayed extremely visible.                                                                                                                throughout the hotel. This plasma TV will be on the meeting space level and
                                                                          during the conference with a hospitality sponsor. Located
                                                                                                                                            allows you to display your company message to the Class of 2021.
                                                                          inside the Marriott Marquis Houston, the Chill Lounge will be
                                                                          a must-visit area for the student attendees. The Chill Lounge     ● Recognition in the mobile app
                                                                          sponsor may also display company literature and product           ● Recognition by conference signage on the meeting level throughout the day
                                                                          samples for students visiting the area.                           ● Ability to design/play custom video on television

                                                                          Conference Badge Holder                                           Conference Meeting Rooms
                                                                          1 Sponsorship: $7,500                                             3 Private Sponsorships: $500
                                                                          The Consortium attendees will carry your company’s name           3 Team Sponsorships: $1,000
                                                                          and brand throughout the show. Badge holders (lanyards) are       Need to get away or deliberate with your recruitment team? Conference
                                                                          a one-of-a-kind opportunity to gain exposure for your             meeting space is available on a first-come, first served basis. All space is
                                                                          company. Custom imprinted with your company name                  booked through The Consortium, not the hotel.
                                                                          and/or logo will be distributed to attendees and exhibitors.      Corporate partners will be charged directly by the hotel for food and
                                                                          The Consortium staff will handle all arrangements for the         beverage or any amenities once their space has been assigned by The
                                                                          printing, shipping and distribution as part of your               Consortium.

Cell Phone Charging Station                                               Conference Bag Insert
1 Sponsorship: $15,000                                                    9 Sponsorships: $750
Keep students connected to you while their phone or electronic            Each registrant will receive a conference bag filled with all
devices are charging at your branded charging station. Your               the information they need to plan for the conference ahead.
sponsorship will also include a table at the charging area.               Add a branded message flier with company information and
                                                                          where students can connect with you. Include product
                                                                          samples to get students excited about connecting with you!

                              Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                       Other Opportunities
Conference Shuttles                                    Digital Café                                                                                   Health Care Initiative Water Bottle Station
1 Sponsorship: $20,000                                 1 Sponsorship: $25,000                                                                         at the Hotel
Engage students as they arrive with a branded          The Digital Café is a popular way for students to stay connected during the
welcome. Take the opportunity to have associates       conference. Located inside the Marriott Marquis Houston , the Digital Café is a high-
                                                                                                                                                      1 Sponsorship: SOLD
on the motor coaches as the students’ first point of   traffic area used by 75 percent of all student attendees. The Digital Café is equipped         With this sponsorship, a corporation can brand water bottles with their
contact at the conference. The buses will operate      with more than 10 electronic workstations. Your corporate logo will be displayed on            company logo. Water fill stations will be available throughout the hotel for
from early morning until evening, transporting         every computer monitor in auto screensaver mode and the homepage will be set to                the students to keep hydrated all week and refill the branded water bottles
attendees between the Marriott Marquis Houston         the sponsor’s URL. Additional visibility is achieved through branded signage on the            and the corporate sponsor will be provided with a station to invite students
and the airport. Your brand will be seen by the        Digital Café kiosk and at the Digital Café entrance. The Digital Café sponsor may also         to talk during breaks.
attendees and thousands of pedestrian consumers        display company literature and product samples for students visiting the area.
who live and work in Houston. You provide the
graphics and The Consortium staff provides the          **Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling
production, artwork installation and buses.             will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.
                                                                                                                                                      Health Care Initiative Water Bottle Station
● Recognition in the mobile app
● Recognition by conference signage
                                                       Directional Signs                                                                              at the Convention Center
                                                       8 Sponsorship: $2,000                                                                          1 Sponsorship: $5,000
Conference Tote Bag                                    Attendees use the directional signage constantly as they navigate their way through
                                                       the hotel, Career Forum and private interviews at the conference. Directional signage          With this sponsorship, a corporation can brand water bottles with their
1 Sponsorship: $10,000                                 units will be strategically placed throughout the event space showcasing your                  company logo. Water fill stations will be available throughout the
                                                                                                                                                      convention center space for the students to keep hydrated during the
Each student will receive a tote bag imprinted with    company.
                                                                                                                                                      career forum and private interviews.
both The Consortium and sponsor’s logos. The                                                                                                          ● Recognition in the mobile app
Consortium will take care of ordering the tote bags                                                                                                   ● Branded water coolers displayed at the career forum and private
and delivering them to the students. Brand                                                                                                              interviews
recognition will be all week as the students use the                                                                                                  ● Ability to provide signage by fill station
tote bag.

                                                 Other Opportunities

  Hotel Key Cards                                                                        Printer Station
  1 Sponsorship: SOLD                                                                    1 Sponsorship: $7,500
  All attendees staying at the conference hotels will receive a custom hotel room        Students are checking email and printing their resumes in preparation for corporate partner
  key branded with the imagery/messaging of your organization’s choice. The              interviews on Wednesday. Let this sponsorship show your company brand by supplying
  Consortium will take care of all the details and have them ready for check-in.         printers at the Digital Café. The sponsor will be able to brand the printers with signage for
                                                                                         all the students to see during the week.

                                                                                         Sleeping Room Drops
  1 Sponsorship: SOLD
  When they check in, the attendees will learn that complimentary internet was
                                                                                         10 Sponsorship: $3,000
  provided by the internet sponsor with instructions for logging in. Your                Leave attendees dreaming of your products and services. Your materials or products
  sponsorship will also include recognition in the Conference Resource Guide.            can be delivered directly to the students’ rooms. Consider delivering a branded gift
                                                                                         basket, a snack box of your products or a canvas bag containing company literature to
                                                                                         welcome students to the conference or to invite them to one of your sponsored
                                                                                         events. You supply the finished product and we will arrange the delivery.
  Mobile Phone App
  6 Sponsorships: $750                                                                   Student Shirts
  Our event has gone mobile; so should you. Sponsors will be included in the mobile      1 Sponsorship: $25,000
  application. The application sponsorship package includes up to 1,000 words
  detailing your company and its services or event promotions, a one - to three-         Your sponsorship will ensure that students are looking their best for the class
  page PDF document available for attendees to download, the ability to link             photo. Work with The Consortium staff to develop a co-branded shirt that
  attendees to the URL of your choice (i.e., your website or mobile website), and        expresses your organization’s brand and logo in conjunction with The Consortium’s.
  the ability to list your booth location, if you are exhibiting.

                                                                         Welcome Table
                                                                     1 Sponsorship: $2,500
                                              Be one of the first contacts with students as they enter the hotel. This is a great
                                               opportunity to display/hand out product and to network with students upon

          Please inform The Consortium at least 45 days prior to event if product giveaway/sampling will occur. Product sampling may be subject to a corkage fee.

                          For more information about sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Events & Customization                              Logistics                           Corporate Underwriting
    Abbey E. Martínez                              Brett Politte                                 Angel McKay
 Senior Director, Conferences               Conferences & Events                            Senior Manager, Corporate
          and Events                               Specialist                                      Development
        636-681-5443                             636-681-5488                                     636-681-5455
 Email: martineza@cgsm.org                 Email: politteb@cgsm.org                          Email: mckaya@cgsm.org

March 8                                                                                           April 29
DEADLINE: Corporate Partner Profile and Logo Submission                                           DEADLINE: Panelist/Speaker Registration and Photo Submission
All participating partner companies MUST submit a company profile and logo to be uploaded         All participating partner companies underwriting a workshop, career panel, meal function or event where a
into EShow.                                                                                       representative of their organization is participating.
Requirements:                                                                                     .Requirements:
● High resolution vector file (.eps or .ai)                                                        ● Provide contact information for each panelist/speaker by completing the Speaker/Panelist Registration
● Submit color version                                                                               which will be emailed to the primary contact once a session is confirmed.
Contact Cathy Weisbrod at weisbrodc@cgsm.org if you have any questions.                            ● Provide a digital photo for each panelist/speaker.
                                                                                                   ● Resolutions should be 72 dpi and be 2x3 inches in physical size.
April 3                                                                                            ● Do NOT send photos embedded in a Word document.
DEADLINE: Early Bird Registration Rates                                                            Contact Cathy Weisbrod at weisbrodc@cgsm.org if you have any questions.
All attendees would like to save on registration.
Requirements:                                                                                     April 29
● Register to receive a discount on conference rates                                              DEADLINE: Workshop Title Submission
● Deadline for early registration is 11:59 p.m. on April 3, 2019                                  All participating partner companies underwriting a workshop or pop-up information session..
Contact Cathy Weisbrod at weisbrodc@cgsm.org if you have any questions.                           ● Confirm the title of the sponsored workshop or Pop-Up Information Session by submitting the
                                                                                                  PDF file that will be emailed to the primary contact by the deadline.
April 10
DEADLINE: Workshop/Career Track Request                                                           Contact Cathy Weisbrod at weisbrodc@cgsm.org if you have any questions.
All participating partners who are underwriting a workshop and/or career track.
                                                                                                   May 1
The basic room set up is theater style, head table and podium. Basic A/V with screen and
                                                                                                   DEADLINE: Exhibitor Booth
projector will also be included.
                                                                                                   All partners who are participating in the Career Forum and/or private interviews.
                                                                                                   Career Forum booths are 10’x10’ - quantities vary by sponsorship level.
● Any additional A/V or room change other than what is provided above are the
                                                                                                             Additional booths may be purchased for $2,000 per booth
responsibility of your company.
                                                                                                   Private interview booths are 10’x10’
● To order additional A/V, please see form in the Exhibitor Service Center
                                                                                                             Additional booths may be purchased for $250 per booth
Contact Abbey Martinez at martineza@cgsm.org if you have any questions.
April 19                                                                                          ● Confirm your company’s booth needs by deadline.
DEADLINE: Hiring Survey
For all participating partners a survey will be sent the first week of April to main recruiting   Contact Abbey Martinez at martineza@cgsm.org if you have any questions.
contacts at each company.
 ● Complete the survey so students are apprised of the positions (summer internships or full-
time opportunities) that you will be interviewing for at OP.
Contact Cathy Weisbrod at weisbrodc@cgsm.org if you have any questions.

May 17                                                                                                June 7
DEADLINE: Presentation and Material Submission                                                        DEADLINE: Conference Registration
All participating partners underwriting the listed meal function, workshop or event which requires    All attendees participating at OP 2019 must register. Participants will not gain access to conference
PowerPoint presentations, handouts, worksheets, etc.                                                  events and MBA candidates with out the proper credentials.
                   - Health Care Workshop               - New Student Kick-Off                       R. equirements:
                   - Ethics Workshop                    - Welcome Reception                          ● Registration will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 7, 2019
                   - Career Gallery                     - Career Tracks &                            ● The next opportunity to register will be on-site at the conference
                   - Opening Plenary Session            - Investment Banking Primer                  ● Pick-up badges at the OP Registration Desk
                   - Technology Luncheon                - Pop-Up Info Session                        ● All events including Career Forum will be scanned for attendance
                   - Diversity Theater                  - Industry Topic Lunches
● Submit presentation materials to Brett Politte and The Consortium will keep a copy via USB
  on site.
Contact Brett Politte at politteb@cgsm.org if you have any questions.                                June 8
                                                                                                     DEADLINE: On-Site Registration
May 17                                                                                               All attendees participating at OP 2019 who did not register by June 7 can do so at this time.
DEADLINE: Group Block Rate                                                                           Participants will not gain access to conference events and MBA candidates with out the proper
The group block rate discount expires at the Marriott Marquis Houston for all attendees.             credentials.
Requirements:                                                                                         ● Register on-site at the OP Registration Desk and pick up badges at that time
● Reserve your hotel room(s) before May 17, subject to availability.
Contact Abbey Martinez at martineza@cgsm.org if you have any questions.

Executive                                                  Finance
Peter Aranda                                               Glenn Wilen
Executive Director and CEO                                 Vice President, Finance and Administration
636-681-5553 Email: arandap@cgsm.org                       636-681-5450 Email: wileng@cgsm.org

Diane Harris                                               Darren Pearson
Chief of Staff                                             Manager, Accounting
636-681-5446 Email: harrisd@cgsm.org                       636-681-5454 pearsond@cgsm.org

Fund Development
Anthony J. Davis                                           Angel McKay
Vice President, Fund Development                           Senior Manager, Corporate Development
636-681-5441 Email: davisa@cgsm.org                        636-681-5455 Email: mckaya@cgsm.org

Brian Wesley                                               Karen Green
Assistant Vice President for Talent Engagement             Manager, Individual Giving
636-681-5445 Email: wesleyb@cgsm.org                       636-681-5456 Email: greenk@cgsm.org
Cathy Weisbrod                                             Glenda Hibbert
Manager, Corporate Relations                               Development Services Coordinator
636-681-5459 Email: weisbrodc@cgsm.org                     636-681-5442 Email: hibbertg@cgsm.org

Adrienne Thomas
Manager, Individual Giving, Student and Alumni Relations
636-681-5448 Email: thomasa@cgsm.org

Program Administration
Janice Wells-White, Ed. D.                                 Angie Budde
Vice President of Program Administration                   Project Specialist
636-681-5451 Email: wells-whitej@cgsm.org                  636-681-5553 Email: hollanda@cgsm.org

Abbey E. Martínez                                          Juanita McNary
Senior Director, Conferences and Events                    Application Processor
636-681-5443 Email: martineza@cgsm.org                     636-681-5447 Email: mcnaryj@cgsm.org

Jeffrey Farris                                             Brett Politte
Director, Database Operations                              Conferences and Events Specialist
636-681-5452 Email: farrisj@cgsm.org                       636-681-5488 Email: politteb@cgsm.org

Danni Young                                                TBD
Director, Recruiting                                       Director, Application Processing
636-681-5444 Email: youngd@cgsm.org                        Phone: TBD Email: TBD                        31

                                                     To book your rooms at the discounted rate, please use the following link:
                                                                             Reservation Website

                                                                                  Reservation Policy:
                           · You will only be able to reserve a maximum of 7 rooms online per the Marriott Marquis Houston reservation website.
                           · If you will be reserving more that 7 rooms, please contact Anyssia Williams, Group Housing Coordinator, at
                             Anyssia.Williams@Marriott.com or 346-888-2916 for assistance with your sub-block request at the Marriott Marquis Houston
                           · Sub-blocks groups will need to submit final names 30 Days prior to arrival date or reservations will be turned over to

                                           The Consortium has established a group block with discounted room rates for our attendees.
  Conference Hotel                           The discounted rate expires on Friday, May 17, 2019 . Rooms are subject to availability.
Marriott Marquis Houston
  1777 Walker Street                                   Note: The Consortium will make arrangements for first-year students.
 Houston, Texas 77010
 Phone: 713-654-1777                                                         Payment/cancellation Note:
       Rate: $255          Your credit card will be charged a deposit equal to one night’s room and tax to confirm the reservation. You are able to cancel
                           your room up to 72 hours in advance of your arrival date without penalty. Please reference the conference program to ensure
                                                   your room reservations correlates with the conference dates that you intended.


The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management
   229 Chesterfield Business Parkway | Chesterfield | MO 63005
          Telephone: 636-681-5553 | Fax: 636-681-5499

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