Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory

Page created by Kent Phillips
Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory
Western Australia
Aboriginal Community

      Monday, 15 June 2020
Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory
The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
It is with pleasure that we are relaunching Aboriginal Resource Directory as part of
the My Community Directory website

This resource directory is produced to support Aboriginal people’s access to the
services that exist in the Perth community.

Every night the directory is compiled incorporating changes. Service Providers can
log in to My Community Directory and access the updated version every day.

The information will be available at www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au/WA to the
public and available on the RUAH website (www.ruah.com.au) electronically
(updated periodically) for interested individuals to access.

Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this Directory is
as accurate as possible. If you find any mistakes or omissions however, please refer
to the help pages on how to update and notify us if there are any errors or omissions
so we can make sure the next version is even better.

We acknowledge the great contribution that many of the organisations make to the
Perth community.

Readers should make their own assessment of the relevance of each service to their
own needs.

We have received positive feedback on the usefulness of the directory so we hope it
continues to be a helpful resource.
Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory
The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Table of Contents
Important Numbers ...............................................................................................................................1

Aboriginal Health Services ....................................................................................................................1

Aboriginal Support Services & Counselling ..........................................................................................1

Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling ......................................................................................2

Child Youth & Family Health..................................................................................................................8

Churches and Places of Worship ...........................................................................................................9

Community & Neighbourhood Centres.................................................................................................9

Community Health & Medical .............................................................................................................11

Community Service Clubs ....................................................................................................................11

Crisis & Emergency Accommodation...................................................................................................14

Dental & Oral Health ...........................................................................................................................15

General Aboriginal Services.................................................................................................................15

General Accommodation Services.......................................................................................................18

General Ageing Services ......................................................................................................................23

General Communication & Information..............................................................................................23

General Community Facilities..............................................................................................................24

General Cultural Groups ......................................................................................................................24

General Disability Services ..................................................................................................................26

General Education Programs ...............................................................................................................26

General Employment & Training Services...........................................................................................32

General Health Services.......................................................................................................................33

General Legal Assistance & Information .............................................................................................39

General Practice/Doctor ......................................................................................................................40

General Support Services & Counselling .............................................................................................40

General Youth Services........................................................................................................................41

Home Care & Safety Services ..............................................................................................................42

Local Advocacy Services.......................................................................................................................43

Mental Health Services........................................................................................................................43

Peak Bodies ..........................................................................................................................................45

Personal Development Activities ........................................................................................................45
Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory
The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Play Groups & Childcare ......................................................................................................................45

Seniors Clubs & Social Groups .............................................................................................................46

Sexual Support Services & Counselling ...............................................................................................47

Using My Community Directory ..........................................................................................................47

   Your Listing ......................................................................................................................................47

   Quick Links .......................................................................................................................................47

   Reporting an Error ...........................................................................................................................47

   Printing a Page.................................................................................................................................47

   Sharing a Link...................................................................................................................................47

   Managing Your Listing .....................................................................................................................49

   Adding Logins for Your Co-Workers and Volunteers ......................................................................49

   Creating Your Own Printed Booklet................................................................................................50
Western Australia Aboriginal Community Directory - Monday, 15 June 2020 - My Community Directory
The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Important Numbers
EMERGENCY                                        000 (emergency only)
WA Police                                        131 444
Sexual Assault Resources Centre                  1800 199 888 (free call)
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline               1800 007 339 (free call)
National 1800RESPECT Line                        1800 737 732 (free call)
Kids Helpline                                    1800 55 1800 (free call)
Translating & Interpreting Service               13 14 50
TTY & Relay                                      106 (emergency only)
                                                 133 677

Aboriginal Health Services
Department of Health - Aboriginal Health                    (08) 9222 4061
Aboriginal Health is a statewide office within WA           Ground Floor, C Block, 189 Royal St,
Health responsible for facilitating a collaborative and EAST PERTH WA 6004
coordinated approach within WA Health’s public health
system to improve health outcomes for all Aboriginal        PO Box 8172, PERTH BUSINESS
people in Western Australia.                            CENTRE WA 6849

Aboriginal Support Services & Counselling
Counselling mental health                                   (08) 9374 1400
Counselling is invaluable for treating any crisis           Railway Workshop, Centennial
situation, management of stress, grief and trauma,      Place, MIDLAND WA 6056
relationship problems and any emotional or
psychological problems. Therapy sessions may be for
individual, a couple, a family or a group.

Counselling mental health                                   (08) 9421 3888
Counselling is invaluable for treating any crisis          22 Chesterfield Rd Unit 44,
situation, management of stress, grief and trauma,      MIRRABOOKA WA 6061
relationship problems and any emotional or
psychological problems. Therapy sessions may be for
individual, a couple, a family or a group.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Jacaranda Community Centre                                       (08) 9477 4346
JCC is a not for profit, grass roots incorporated                (08) 9478 1219
community organisation that commenced operations
on March 20th 2000 and received its notification of              146 Epsom Ave, BELMONT WA 6104
incorporation on May 9th 2000. The services provided             PO Box 142, CLOVERDALE WA 6895
by the centre were initiated to meet the needs of the
people living in the City of Belmont with 80% being
Aboriginal and also Aboriginal people from the wider
metropolitan area.

Moorditj Yarning                                                 1300 364 277
Moorditj Yarning is an Aboriginal specific program of            WEST LEEDERVILLE WA 6007
Relationships Australia WA.

Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Aboriginal Mediation Service                                     (08) 9264 6176
Aboriginal Mediation Service (AMS) The Aboriginal                1800 045 577
Mediation Service’s (AMS) aim is to assist Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people to resolve conflicts          Level 23, 28 Barrack Street, PERTH
before they escalate into violence or result in court        WA 6000

Aboriginal Visitors Scheme                                       (08) 9230 2070
Aboriginal Visitors - visit people in prison to reduce the       1800 282 429
likelihood of Aboriginal deaths and incidents of self-
harm in custody,                                                30 Moore St Level 3, EAST PERTH
                                                             WA 6004

Beananging Kwuurt Institute                                      (08) 9350 9973
From 2015 BKI intends to provide training                        188 Treasure Rd, QUEENS PARK WA

                                                                 PO Box 335, CANNINGTON WA 6987

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Centrecare - Djooraminda Outreach                        (08) 9451 1100
Services - Cannington
                                                         22 Pattie St, CANNINGTON WA 6107
Intensive Family Support Services
                                                         9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Centrecare - Djooraminda Outreach                        (08) 9498 9200
Services - Gosnells
                                                        2302-2308 Albany Hwy, GOSNELLS
1. Indigenous Family Program (IFP)                   WA 6110

                                                         9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Centrecare - Djooraminda Placement                       (08) 9436 0600
Services - Lockridge
                                                         45 Yelverton Drive, MIDLAND WA
Placement Services (Out of Home Care and Tier 1      6056
Family Group Home
                                                         9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Department of Child Protection and Family                (08) 6217 6388
Support - Information Management
                                                         1800 000 277
                                                         189 Royal Street, EAST PERTH WA
Has responsibility for the Department for Child      6004
Protection and Family Support’s Freedom of
Information responses to requests for information.      Accessible By Anyone

                                                       No fee

Department of Local Government and                       (08) 6551 8700
Communities - Perth
                                                         140 William Street, PERTH WA 6000
PARENTING WA - Department of Local Government
and Communities

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Department of Sport and Recreation -                        (08) 9492 9700
                                                           246 Vincent Street, LEEDERVILLE
Financial assistance for Western Australian children    WA 6007
and youth for the payment of community sport and
recreation club registration fees.

George Jones Child Advocacy Centre -                        (08) 9391 1900
                                                            2 Wungong Road, ARMADALE WA
The George Jones Child Advocacy Centre was opened       6112
on Tuesday 1st March 2011 by the Honorable Colin
Barnett, Premier of Western Australia. It was a
celebration of innovation and success for Parkerville
Children and Youth Care, local agencies and
government partners who began in 2007 to design,
develop and implement this new service for children
and young people who have been harmed.

Indigo Junction - Family Service                            (08) 9250 5256
A service of Swan Emergency Accommodation                   17-19 Cope St, MIDLAND WA 6056

Meerilinga - Aboriginal Parent Support                      (08) 9377 7922
                                                            Meerilinga Children and Family
This team works alongside parents and families, to      Centre, 106 Amazon Drive, BEECHBORO
support and empower them to develop their own           WA 6063
parenting knowledge and skills and to enjoy the
                                                            9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Fri
experience of parenting.

Mooditj Youth Development                                   0402 492 886
A newly developed initiative led by local Noongar           Champion Centre, 78 Champion
youth. This mentoring and Leadership program is         Drive, SEVILLE GROVE WA 6112
aimed at reaching high risk youth aged between 6 and
25 years.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Ngala Indigenous Parenting Service -                         (08) 9368 9308
Aboriginal Peer Support
                                                              31 The Crescent, MIDLAND WA
Do you need support with parenting                        6056

Northern Suburbs Community Legal                             (08) 9440 1663
Centre Inc - Mirrabooka
                                                              10 Cobbler Place, MIRRABOOKA WA
Older People’s Rights Service(OPRS) provides Legal        6061
Assistance and Social Work Assistance for those
experiencing, or who are at risk of experiencing, elder

Rise Network - Moorditj Mia Program                          (08) 6274 3750
A centre-based service for Indigenous people who may          0417 929 915
be at risk of isolation in the community.
                                                              3 Astroloma Place, KOONGAMIA WA

                                                             10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Mon-Fri

Save The Children - Reconnect Program                        (08) 9399 4466
The Reconnect program provides holistic support to           57 Braemore Street, SEVILLE GROVE
young people aged 12-18 who are homeless or at-risk       WA 6112
of homelessness

South Lake Ottey Family and                                  (08) 9417 2372
Neighbourhood Centre
                                                             2A South Lake Drive, SOUTH LAKE
Community Center with a broad range of activities for     WA 6164
all ages.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Strong Families - Armadale                                 (08) 9398 4741
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0427 086 793
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       ARMADALE WA 6112
the application of a more formal coordination process      9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Cannington                               (08) 9358 5605
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0429 370 296
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       CANNINGTON WA 6107
the application of a more formal coordination process      9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Joondalup                                (08) 9301 3676
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0429 083 299
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       JOONDALUP WA 6027
the application of a more formal coordination process      9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Midland                                  (08) 9274 8666
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0423 299 621
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       MIDLAND WA 6056
the application of a more formal coordination process      9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Strong Families - Mirrabooka                               (08) 9440 1946
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0409 962 027
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       MIRRABOOKA WA 6061
the application of a more formal coordination process      9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Peel                                     (08) 9583 6604
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     0418 814 961
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       DUDLEY PARK WA 6210
the application of a more formal coordination process
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Perth                                    0457 592 583
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     PERTH WA 6000
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
the application of a more formal coordination process
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

Strong Families - Program Support                          (08) 9222 2555
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process     PERTH WA 6000
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that       9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
the application of a more formal coordination process
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Strong Families - Rockingham                                  (08) 9524 6920
Strong Families is a planning and coordination process         0448 523 746
for consenting families who are receiving services from
a number of agencies and where it is considered that          ROCKINGHAM WA 6168
the application of a more formal coordination process         9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
will assist in better achieving the desired outcomes for
the family.

The Family Inclusion Network WA (FinWA)                       (08) 9328 6434
Fin WA’s mission is ‘To have a child protection system        156 Vincent Street, NORTH PERTH
that is respectful and inclusive of parents, family and    WA 6006
community as key stakeholders’.
                                                               PO Box 140, NORTH PERTH WA

UnitingCare West - Aboriginal Family                          1300 663 298
Respite Service
                                                              4 Penrith Place, BALGA WA 6061
Provides support to Aboriginal families who care for a
family member with a mental illness by facilitating
monthly respite days for the whole family.

Yorganop Association Inc                                      (08) 9321 9090
Out of home care Placement service for Aboriginal             1320 Hay St, WEST PERTH WA 6005
                                                              9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Child Youth & Family Health
Child And Adolescent Community Health -                       (08) 9531 7292
                                                              McKay St, PINJARRA WA 6208
A Community Health Centre

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Churches and Places of Worship
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and Council -                    (08) 9328 7529
Nyungah Catholic Life
                                                             8 Burnet St Holy Trinity Church,
Mass 11am Sun (except last Sun of the month).             EMBLETON WA 6062

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and Council -                    (08) 9328 7529
                                                              0408 447 062
The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry is concerned with the
                                                              5 Baker Ave, PERTH WA 6000
spiritual, cultural and social development of people of
Aboriginal decent.                                            PO Box 8111, PERTH WA 6849

Karla Bidjar Aboriginal Church                                0417 417 732
Seventh Day Adventist Aboriginal Ministry. Fellowship         50 Old Perth Rd, BASSENDEAN WA
meetings every Saturday morning at 10.00am.               6054

Northern Area Aboriginal Evangelical                          (08) 9440 1736
                                                              4 Penrith Place, BALGA WA 6061
Pastoral care at 3 hostels includes reform work,
assistance to re-enter the community, employment and

Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Champion Centre                                               (08) 9399 0820
The Champion Centre offers an inclusive neutral             76 Champion Drive, SEVILLE GROVE
environment to promote healing of many groups with WA 6112
the local area, reconciliation, build bridges for families,
share knowledge and connect with the Armadale
community to promote hope and opportunities.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Jacaranda Community Centre                                 (08) 9477 4346
Provides a range of free programs for Indigenous           (08) 9478 1219
                                                           146 Epsom Ave, BELMONT WA 6104

                                                           PO Box 142, CLOVERDALE WA 6895

Karnany Resource Centre                                    (08) 9274 7929
A service of Swan Emergency Accommodation                  25 Spring Park Rd, MIDLAND WA

Koolbardies Talking                                        0411 151 761
Meeting place for Indigenous and non-Indigenous            Wanjeep Dve, COODANUP WA 6210
women, providing an opportunity to share stories and
change public perceptions.

Langford Aboriginal Association Inc                        (08) 9451 1424
Community Centre with Free programs for community          15 Imber Place, LANGFORD WA
members – e.g: men’s group, women’s group, Best        6147
Start and art group.

Miya Kaadadjiny Learning Sanctuary                         0419 047 009
All Aboriginal family members welcome to come along.       Calvert Way, GIRRAWHEEN WA

Moorditch Gurlongga Association Inc -                      (08) 9459 3868
Coolabaroo Neighbourhood Centre
                                                           73 Parkside Dve, THORNLIE WA
The group formed due to the need of childcare for      6108
Indigenous parents.
                                                           PO Box 671, MADDINGTON WA

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Community Health & Medical
360 Health + Community - Guildford                               (08) 9376 9200
Our team of allied and mental health clinicians connect          1300 706 922
body, mind and lifestyle to deliver services for all-round
health.                                                          48A James Street, GUILDFORD WA

                                                                 PO Box 354, GUILDFORD WA 6055

                                                                 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

                                                                Referral Required

Home and Community Care Services                                 (08) 9222 4061
                                                                 Ground Floor, C Block, 189 Royal St,
Long term subsidised services including personal care,       EAST PERTH WA 6004
social support, domestic assistance, medication
                                                                PO Box 8172, PERTH BUSINESS
prompts, and transport assistance.
                                                             CENTRE WA 6849

                                                                Referral Required

                                                                Accessible By Approved service users

                                                                Contact us for details

Community Service Clubs
ABMUSIC College                                                  (08) 9458 9077
Abmusic's role is to create a positive environment that          295 Manning Rd, WATERFORD WA
promotes teamwork, self-esteem and independent               6152
learning utilising all fields of music.
                                                                 PO Box 7018, KARAWARE WA 6152

Bringing them Home Committee (WA) Inc                            0428 250 155
Reconciliation organisation dedicated to the                    366 Grand Promenade, DIANELLA
implementation of the Bringing Them Home Report              WA 6059
recommendations to meet the needs of the Stolen
Generations and their families and communities.                  PO Box 509, DIANELLA WA 6059
Member of the National Stolen Generations Alliance.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Bush Tucker Catering                                           0402 492 886
A catering service delivering bush tucker feed to  78 Champion Drive, SEVILLE GROVE
community groups, Government and non-Government WA 6112

Deaths In Custody Watch Committee                              0415 074 602
Monitors and works to ensure the effective                     0409 947 457
implementation of the Royal Commission Into
Aboriginal Deaths In Custody.                                  CANNINGTON WA 6987

                                                               PO Box 1, CANNINGTON WA 6987

Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Western                      13 32 54
                                                                140 St George’s Tce 5th Floor AMP
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has a national         Building, PERTH WA 6000
network of Indigenous Veterans’ Liaison Officers
                                                               PO Box 9998, PERTH WA 6848
(IVLOs) to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
veterans in obtaining their entitlements and benefits          8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri
and answer any questions relating to entitlements and

Kuditj Kitchen - Perth                                         (08) 9228 0614
Aboriginal Training positions in relation to hospitality       201 Beaufort St, PERTH WA 6000
and associated industries.

Madjitil Moorna Inc                                            0409 116 460
Led by professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait               Anderson Rd, FORRESTFIELD WA
Islander musicians, this Choir sings in English and in     6058
Aboriginal Languages – songs of joy and hope, for
healing, friendship and reconciliation.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Muggin Aboriginal Corporation                                0402 492 886
Provides a culturally appropriate, community led, social    78 Champion Drive, SEVILLE GROVE
and emotional wellbeing and healing service to our       WA 6112
Nyoongar community.

Noongar Radio Perth                                          (08) 9228 0606
Noongar Radio broadcasts daily on 100.9fm and digital        (08) 9228 2688
radio from its studios in Beaufort Street.
                                                             207 Beaufort St, PERTH WA 6000

                                                             PO Box 8462, PERTH BC WA 6849

Nyoongar Patrol Outreach Services                            (08) 9228 4211
Street level interventions in public places around           35-37 Gladstone St, EAST PERTH WA
Fremantle, Midland, Northbridge and City of Vincent,     6004
South East and North Corridors, and Burswood, to
address social and welfare issues, transport to a safe
place, provision of appropriate referrals.

Nyoongar Wellbeing and Sports                                (08) 9272 3189
Designs and delivers culturally appropriate physical       7/168 Guildford Road, MAYLANDS
activity and healthy lifestyle programs and projects in WA 6051
Perth and throughout the Peel, South West, Wheatbelt
and Great Southern regions of WA.                          8:30 AM to 4:45 PM Mon-Fri

Recognise - Western Australia                                1800 836 422
Recognise is the people’s movement to recognise              (02) 8204 1500
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our
Constitution.                                                PERTH WA 6000

                                                             PO Box K746, HAYMARKET NSW

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Sharing Culture - Western Australia                          PERTH WA 6000
Sharing Culture aims to help Indigenous people from
around the world to heal from historical trauma and its

Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group                              0418 901 887
Traditional Noongar dance performances with                  PERTH WA 6000
storytelling and music.

Western Australian Aboriginal Tourism                        0419 921 946
Operators Council
                                                             PERTH WA 6000
Peak tourism industry body for Aboriginal tourism.
Promotes Aboriginal experiences.

WILDFIRE - Indigenous Education and                          0427 290 490
Cultural Consultants
                                                       99 Carnarvon Street, EAST VICTORIA
Indigenous owned and operated business in Perth WA. PARK WA 6101

Crisis & Emergency Accommodation
Ebenezer Home Aboriginal Corporation                         (08) 9440 1736
Aboriginal staffed accommodation and support for             4 Penrith Place, BALGA WA 6061
homeless young people.

Moorditch Gurlongga Association Inc -                        (08) 9490 4333
Coolabaroo Emergency Relief
                                                              2117 Albany Hwy, GOSNELLS WA
Accomodation                                              6110

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Dental & Oral Health
Armadale Dental Clinic                                     (08) 9399 9066
Government Dental Clinics                                  3056 Albany Highway, MT NASURA
                                                        WA 6112

Dental Subsidy Schemes                                     (08) 9313 0552
DHS also facilitates subsidised general and emergency      43 Mt Henry Road, COMO WA 6152
dental care for financially or geographically
disadvantaged persons.                                     Locked Bag 15, BENTLEY DELIVERY
                                                        CENTRE WA 6983

                                                           Accessible By Anyone

                                                          No fee

Mt Henry Clinic                                            (08) 9313 0552
Emergency Dental Care for Adults. Generally,             43 Mt Henry Road, COMO WA 6152
emergency treatment covers situations such as pain
and trauma, but other situations may be considered as    Locked Bag 15, BENTLEY DELIVERY
an emergency (e.g. lump, broken denture). All persons CENTRE WA 6983
who seek emergency treatment will be seen as soon as
possible on the day they present at a Public Dental

General Aboriginal Services
Aboriginal Workforce Development Centre                    (08) 9224 6535
We engage and enable job seekers to connect with           3 Forrest Place, PERTH WA 6000
employers and service providers to take up
opportunities in the workforce. We welcome you to
explore and connect to opportunities through our ...

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Cockburn Care                                               (08) 9411 3780
Kwobarup, a centre-based program for Aboriginal             6 Ingram St, HAMILTON HILL WA
people. Provides a cultural arts program, outings and   6163
other activities identified by participants.
                                                            PO Box 1215, BIBRA LAKE DC WA

                                                            8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

                                                           Wheelchair Access

                                                           Referral Required

                                                           Accessible By Approved service users

                                                          Contact us for details

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9391 1600
Services - Armadale
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9792 2111
Services - Bunbury
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9350 3244
Services - Cannington
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9432 5300
Services - Fremantle
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9350 9191
Services - Midland
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                   (08) 9345 9655
Services - Mirrabooka
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
Aboriginal Customer Support Officers, based in          6004
Regional Office locations, provide support and
advocacy on behalf of Aboriginal clients wishing to
access or are already receiving Department of Housing
products or services.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Department of the Prime Minister and                         (08) 6218 1400
Cabinet - Closing The Gap
                                                             1300 653 227
Closing the Gap is a commitment by all Australian
                                                              152-158 St George’s Tce Level 12,
governments to work towards a better future for
                                                          Central Park, PERTH WA 6000
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It aims to
close the gap of Indigenous disadvantage in areas such        PO Box 6848, PERTH WA 6848
as health, housing, education and employment.

Department of the Prime Minister and                         (08) 6218 1500
Cabinet – Indigenous Affairs Network
                                                             1800 079 098
Source of advice on Indigenous issues to the Federal
                                                            152-158 St George's Tce, PERTH WA
Minister for Indigenous Affairs.

                                                             8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

General Accommodation Services
Aboriginal Hostels - Allawah Grove Hostel                    (08) 9279 6646
Transitional accommodation for men, women and               133 Great Eastern H’way, SOUTH
families.                                               GUILDFORD WA 6055

Aboriginal Hostels - Derbal Bidjar Hostel                    (08) 9371 9090
Temporary/short term accommodation for people                6-8 Harrow St, MAYLANDS WA 6051
accessing medical services.
                                                             8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Fri

Aboriginal Hostels - Stirling                                (02) 6212 2000
Head office for Aboriginal accommodation services          47 Cedric Street Unit 2, STIRLING
                                                        WA 6021

                                                             8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9391 1600
Services - Armadale
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9792 2111
Services - Bunbury
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9350 3244
Services - Cannington
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9432 5300
Services - Fremantle
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9350 9191
Services - Midland
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

Department of Housing - Aboriginal Client                    (08) 9345 9655
Services - Mirrabooka
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Aboriginal Communication and Awareness Unit          6004
role is to facilitate and influence an appropriate and
integrated delivery of services to Aboriginal clients
across the Department.

Department of Housing - Bond Assistance                      (08) 9222 4666
                                                           99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Bond Assistance Loans (BAL) scheme is available to 6004
assist low and moderate income households to access
housing in the private market.

Department of Housing - Disruptive                           1300 597 076
Behaviour Reporting Line
                                                             99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
A direct phone line to report disruptive behaviour       6004
complaints at Department of Housing properties.
                                                             8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

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Department of Housing - East Perth Hay                      1800 093 325
                                                            1300 658 418
The Department provides public housing for those in
                                                            160 Hay Street, EAST PERTH WA
need, when in need; affordable land and housing
opportunities for those on low-moderate incomes;
assists with housing finance through Keystart; provides
rental assistance; and provides government employees
in regional areas with quality homes so that they can
deliver the necessary services to their communities.

Department of Housing - East Perth Plain                    1800 093 325
                                                            1300 658 418
The Department provides public housing for those in
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
need, when in need; affordable land and housing
opportunities for those on low-moderate incomes;
assists with housing finance through Keystart; provides
rental assistance; and provides government employees
in regional areas with quality homes so that they can
deliver the necessary services to their communities.

Department of Housing - Housing Pathway                     (08) 9222 4666
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Housing Pathways Unit assists tenants who are no    6004
longer eligible for public housing by providing them
with information and support to access suitable
alternative and affordable housing options.

Department of Housing - Mainenance Line                     1300 137 677
Please refer to the website for a link to the online        (08) 9222 4652
maintenance request form
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA

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Department of Housing - Private Rental                     (08) 9222 4666
Aborgiginal Assistance Loan
                                                            99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Private Rental Aboriginal Assistance Loan scheme is 6004
available to support Aboriginal people to remain in
their homes by providing a loan to repay rental arrears.

Department of Housing - Tenancy                            (08) 9222 4666
Compliance Unit
                                                           99 Plain Street, EAST PERTH WA
The Tenancy Compliance Unit identifies and assesses    6004
public housing tenants against the Departments
Eligibility Policy.

Indigo Junction - Family Service                           (08) 9250 5256
A service of Swan Emergency Accommodation.                 17-19 Cope St, MIDLAND WA 6056

Indigo Junction Youth Service                              (08) 9274 1611
A service of Swan Emergency Accommodation.                53 Great Northern Highway,
                                                       MIDLAND WA 6056

Keystart - Perth                                           1300 578 278
Keystart is an initiative of the State Government to       1300 366 055
assist Western Australians into affordable housing.
                                                           2 Brook Street, EAST PERTH WA

                                                           PO Box 6679, EAST PERTH WA 6892

Moorditch Gurlongga Association Inc -                      (08) 9490 4333
Coolabaroo Housing Service
                                                           2117 Albany Hwy, GOSNELLS WA
Provision of transitional housing and support for      6110
Aboriginal families at risk of homelessness.
                                                           PO Box 671, MADDINGTON WA

                                                           8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

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Noongar Mia Mia                                                (08) 9271 8711
Rental housing with option to purchase.                        2 Sussex Street, MAYLANDS WA

                                                               8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

OUTCARE LTD - East Perth                                       (08) 6263 8622
Outcare offer an accommodation program for                     27 Moore St, EAST PERTH WA 6004
individuals upon release from prison or those identified
as at-risk in the community.                                   9:00 AM to 12:30 PM & 1:00 PM to
                                                           4:00 PM Mon-Fri

                                                              Referral Required

                                                              Accessible By Approved service users

                                                              Contact us for details

General Ageing Services
Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Western                      13 32 54
                                                               140 St George’s Tce 5th Floor AMP
A range of support is available to help eligible veterans Building, PERTH WA 6000
and widows live independently in their homes,
                                                               PO Box 9998, PERTH WA 6848
including domestic assistance, personal care, home and
garden maintenance, respite care.                             No Wheelchair Access

                                                              Accessible By Anyone

                                                              No fee

General Communication & Information
Department of Health - Aboriginal Health                       (08) 9222 4061
The Department of Health through Home and                      Ground Floor, C Block, 189 Royal St,
Community Care Program (HACC) provides funding             EAST PERTH WA 6004
available for comprehensive, coordinated range of
basic maintenance and support services.                       PO Box 8172, PERTH BUSINESS
                                                           CENTRE WA 6849

                                                               8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

                                                               Wheelchair Access

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General Community Facilities
City of Joondalup - Local History                           (08) 9400 4746
Local History is a dedicated collection located on the        102 Boas Avenue, JOONDALUP WA
lower ground floor of the Joondalup Library. Local        6027
History collects, preserves and celebrates the rich local
heritage. It contains many resources on the history,          9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri; 9:30
development, environment and culture of the locality. AM to 12:30 PM Sat
The collection provides researchers with a picture of        Wheelchair Access
life in the Joondalup region from Aboriginal times to
the present day.                                             Accessible By Anyone

                                                           No fee

General Cultural Groups
Curtin University - Centre for Aboriginal                   (08) 9266 7091
                                                            1300 052 732
An Aboriginal-managed academic school that promotes
                                                           Building 211, Curtin University, Kent
participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                       Street, BENTLEY WA 6102
people in tertiary studies.
                                                           GPO Box U 1987, PERTH WA 6845

Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation                           (08) 9451 4977
Cultural Resource Agency and Gallery and Keeping            295 Manning Rd, WATERFORD WA
Rooms.                                                  6152

                                                            10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Kaartdijin Noongar - Sharing Noongar                        (08) 9358 4700
                                                           Prime West, 1490 Albany Highway,
This website is a continually growing collection of     BECKENHAM WA 6107
Noongar knowledge, culture and history containing
photos, stories, video, maps, archives and other
historical information.

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Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery                                    (08) 9296 0711
Authentic Aboriginal art. Large and small pieces. Glass,    10070 West Swan Rd, HENLEY
woodware and ceramics hand painted by local              BROOK WA 6055
Aboriginal artisans.
                                                            10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

National Trust Heritage Festival                               (08) 9321 6088
The National Trust Heritage Festival (18 Apr-18 May            4 Havelock Street, WEST PERTH WA
each year) celebrates Australia’s historic, Aboriginal     6005
and natural heritage

Polytechnic West - Mooditj Moodle                              (08) 9267 7591
Mooditj Moodle E learning on line cultural competency          Hayman Road, BENTLEY WA 6102
resource developed by Polytechnic West.

University of Western Australia - Berndt                       (08) 6488 2854
Museum of Anthropology
                                                               35 Stirling Hwy, CRAWLEY WA 6009
Museum staff work closely and collaboratively with
                                                               11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Tue-Thu
Indigenous communities, art centres, researchers and
other organisations.

WA Gould League Inc - Ancient Science                          (08) 9387 6079
Nyungar people have a strong cultural and spiritual link       Flynn Street, WEMBLEY WA 6014
with Land (Nidga Gnulla Boodja).
                                                               8:15 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

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General Disability Services
OUTCARE LTD - Bayswater                                    (08) 6263 8622
This program supports people with disability and           476 Guildford Rd, BAYSWATER WA
mental health issues who are at risk in the community, 6053
in prison or after release from prison. Case workers
offer community in home support, accommodation,           Wheelchair Access
daily living skills, access to education and skill        Referral Required
                                                          Accessible By Approved service users

                                                         No fee

General Education Programs
Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid Training                0402 492 886
A 14 hour accredited course in Aboriginal Mental          78 Champion Drive, SEVILLE GROVE
Health First Aid Training (AMHFA) to help people       WA 6112
understand how to deal with a mental health crisis.

Australian Parents Council Inc - Indigenous                (08) 9394 0063
Parent Factor Program
                                                           THORNLIE WA 6988
This program aims to foster partnerships between
                                                           PO Box 27, THORNLIE WA 6988
home and school in support of Indigenous children’s
successful learning and literacy development,
successful entry into school learning and successful
participation in early school life.

Boodjarri Business                                         (08) 9340 1795
Aboriginal Perinatal Mental Health training package        15 Loretto Street, SUBIACO WA
developed by the Women's Health Clinical Support       6008

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Catholic Education Office of WA -                           (08) 6380 5258
Aboriginal Secondary Student Bursaries
                                                            50 Ruislip St, LEEDERVILLE WA 6007
Bursaries are intended to recognise commitment to
                                                            PO Box 198, LEEDERVILLE WA 6903
schooling by Aboriginal students, as well as assist
Aboriginal secondary students who might be denied a
Catholic Education because of financial circumstances.

Centacare Employment and Training                           (08) 9482 7000
Centacare Employment and Training is a not-for-profit       823 Wellington Street, WEST PERTH
registered training organisation which has been          WA 6005
transforming lives through education, training and
employment for more than 40 years. We offer                 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
programs, courses and support services to                  Contact us for details
disadvantaged people in the Perth community who are
looking to obtain the skills or qualifications necessary
to find a job or go on to further study or training.

Clontarf Aboriginal College                                 (08) 9251 0666
A Catholic Secondary College for Indigenous boys and        295 Manning Road, WATERFORD
girls from Years 7 to 12.                                WA 4133

                                                            Locked Bag 5, BENTLEY DC WA 6983

Commonwealth Scholarships Program                           1800 020 108
The Commonwealth Scholarships Programme (CSP)               151 Royal St, EAT PERTH WA 6004
assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly
those from rural and regional areas.

Department of Education - Aborginal                         (08) 9402 6497
Education Teaching and Learning
                                                            PADBURY WA 6025
Operates across public schooling throughout WA.
                                                            Wheelchair Access

                                                            Accessible By Anyone

                                                           No fee

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Equal Opportunity Commission                                (08) 9216 3900
The Commissioner for Equal Opportunity promotes            141 St George’s Tce Level 2, PERTH
recognition and an understanding of the principles of   WA 6000
equal opportunity. Laws alone do not end intolerance,
prejudice and discrimination in our community.

Ignite Basketball                                           (08) 9399 0642
Ignite Basketball is an award winning, not for profit       Mead Street, BYFORD WA 6122
intervention for young men and women in and around
the Armadale area.

Mamarapha College                                           (08) 9397 7233
Mamarapha is a tertiary Christian Bible College owned       23 School Rd, KARRAGULLEN WA
and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church        6111
offering Certificate 1 up to Advanced Diplomas in
Ministry and Health.

Marr Mooditj Training Inc                                   (08) 9351 9344
Marr Mooditj Training offers Aboriginal students a          295 Manning Rd, WATERFORD WA
number of pathways to increase their employability      4133

Moorditch Gurlongga Association Inc -                       (08) 9490 4333
Coolabaroo Aboriginal Early Years Services
                                                            0417 939 038
Support for parents and carers of young Aboriginal
                                                            2117 Albany Hwy, GOSNELLS WA
Children aged 0 - 5 years.

Moorditj Noongar Community College                          (08) 9374 8800
Ring for information about other areas as well as          83 Eddie Barron Dve, MIDDLE SWAN
enrolment applications. Mon-Fri 8.30am–3.30pm           WA 6056

                                                            8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Murdoch University - Kulbardi Aboriginal                        (08) 9360 2128
                                                                90 South Street, MURDOCH WA
Kulbardi is located on the grounds of Murdoch               6150
University’s main campus on South Street.

North Metropolitan TAFE - Koolark Centre                        (08) 9428 0340
for Aboriginal Students
                                                               30 Aberdeen Street, NORTHBRIDGE
The Koolark Centre for Aboriginal Students at Central       WA 6003
Institute of Technology can assist you with information
in a range of areas to do with your study including
course enquiries, career and training pathways,
facilities, fees payments and instalment plans, referrals
to external support agencies and tutorial support.

Peedac                                                          (08) 9351 2200
An Aboriginal owned and operated Registered Training     12 Burton Street Unit 2,
Organisation (RTO) which provides courses that assist CANNINGTON WA 6107
people to access employment.

Polytechnic - West Aboriginal Training                          (08) 9267 7777
Resource Centre (ATR)
                                                               Burslem Drive Block 8, THORNLIE
Facilitates Aboriginal participation in vocational          WA 6108
education and training, including: student support and
                                                                8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri
mentoring, program development, cultural advice, staff
liaison and advice, community and industry support as
well as through the Vocational Training & Employment
Centres (VTEC) job readiness programs

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate I, II,                    1800 001 001
III and IV in Leadership Development
                                                                15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate I, II, III & IV in Leadership Development       6162
(Indigenous Focus)

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South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate II, III                1800 001 001
and IV in ATSI Primary Health Care
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate II, III & IV in ATSI Primary Health Care      6162

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate III                    1800 001 001
and IV in ATSI Allied Health Assistant
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate III & IV ATSI Allied Health Assistant         6162

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate III                    1800 001 001
and IV in ATSI Population Health
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate III & IV ATSI Population Health               6162

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate III                    1800 001 001
and IV in Education Support
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate III and IV in Education Support (Indigenous   6162

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate IV in                  1800 001 001
Frontline Management
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate IV in Frontline Management (Indigenous        6162

South Metropolitan TAFE - Certificate IV in                  1800 001 001
Training and Assessment (TAE40110)
                                                              15 Grosvenor St, BEACONSFIELD WA
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110)      6162
(Indigenous Focus)

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
South Metropolitan TAFE - One Sky, Many                     (08) 9599 8757
Paths Program
                                                            0467 742 534
One Sky Many Paths is a program that helps make you
                                                            1 Fleet Street, FREMANTLE WA 6160
a leader in your community

University of Western Australia - Centre                    (08) 6488 1917
for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health
                                                            1800 819 292
                                                           35 Stirling Hwy M303 University of
In partnership with the School of Indigenous Studies,   WA, CRAWLEY WA 6009
the Centre or CAMDH offers Outreach Programs (i.e.,
Science Camps) offering a wide range of activities
aimed at encouraging and fostering Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander secondary students to complete
Year 12 and pursue tertiary education at university.

West Coast Institute - Aboriginal Student                   (08) 9233 1247
Support Service
                                                            0429 264 084
Contact the Aboriginal Support Officer.
                                                            D Block 1st floor, 35 Kendrew
                                                        Crescent, JOONDALUP WA 6027

Western Australian Aboriginal Education                     (08) 9441 1975
and Training Council
                                                            22 Hasler Road, OSBORNE PARK WA
Ministerial Advisory Council on Aboriginal education    6017
and training. Providing independent "grassroots"
advice to the WA Minister for Education and Training.

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General Employment & Training Services
Aboriginal Workforce Development Centre                        (08) 9224 6535
The Aboriginal Workforce Development Centre works              3 Forrest Place, PERTH WA 6000
in partnership with existing service providers to
support Aboriginal jobseekers to obtain meaningful and
long-lasting employment

Australian Indigenous Business Alliance                        (08) 9459 4583
Group (AIBAG)
                                                               PERTH WA 6000
AIBAG specializes in Indigenous Recruitment,
mentoring individuals and their immediate families
within work sites and externally after hours with access
to councillors and therapeutic professionals.

Jobs Gathering Place                                           PERTH WA 6000
Jobs Gathering Place is a national website aiming to
make it easier to advertise and find employment and
study opportunities in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander sector.

Many Rivers - Perth                                            0434 973 278
Many Rivers helps people experiencing individual and      152-158 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA
structural disadvantage who want to operate their own 6000
small businesses to sustain lifelong change for
themselves, their families and communities. Many
Rivers is a not-for-profit enterprise development
organisation with a special focus on supporting
Indigenous Australians.

Peedac                                                         (08) 9351 2200
Structured training and employment program, and               12 Burton Street Unit 2,
employment and pre-employment related services.            CANNINGTON WA 6107

                                                               9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Fri

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
General Health Services
Australian Indigenous HealthBulletin                      (08) 9370 6336
Helping to ‘close the gap’ by providing a free web        2 Bradford St Edith Cowan
resource on Indigenous health for anyone working or   University, MT LAWLEY WA 6050
studying in this area.

Babbingur Mia - South Coast Aboriginal                    (08) 9591 2025
Health Services
                                                            61 Council Avenue, ROCKINGHAM
The Aboriginal Health Team is here to help with all your WA 6168
health needs.

Beelya Healing Service                                    0402 492 886
Provides a culturally appropriate, community led, social     Champion Centre, 78 Champion
and emotional wellbeing and healing service to our       Drive, SEVILLE GROVE WA 6112
Nyoongar community.

Bentley Community Health                                  (08) 9458 4383
Child & Adolescent Community Health                       22 Coolgardie St, BENTLEY WA 6102

Breast Cancer Care WA Inc – Indigenous                    (08) 9324 3703
                                                          80 Railway Street, COTTESLOE WA
• Practical Assistance • Breast Care Nurses •         6011
Counselling • Group Support • Visits at home or in
                                                          PO Box 905, COTTESLOE WA 6911
hospital • Transport • Financial assistance
                                                          9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

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The WA Aboriginal Community Directory
Breast Screen - Western Australia                               13 20 50
FREE 2-yearly mammograms for women 40 years and                 233 Adelaide Terrace, PERTH WA
over.                                                       6000

                                                               Accessible By Anyone

                                                              No fee

Cancer Council Of Western Australia                             (08) 9212 4333
An Aboriginal Project Worker, based in the Education            420 Bagot Road, SUBIACO WA 6008
and Research division of the CCWA, facilitates health
promotional events targeted toward Aboriginal and               420 Bagot Road, SUBIACO WA 6008
Torres Strait Islander people, including improving              8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri
cancer prevention, early detection and treatment

Make Smoking History                                            (08) 9212 4333
The Make Smoking History campaign, run by the                   420 Bagot Road, SUBIACO WA 6008
Cancer Council of Western Australia with funding from
the WA Department of Health, provides information on            420 Bagot Road, SUBIACO WA 6008
media campaigns, smoking cessation services and other          Accessible By Anyone
relevant activities to key CaLD publications and media
outlets, working through key bodies such as Ethnic            No fee
Communities Council of Western Australia and the
Office of Multicultural Interests.

Cockburn Dental clinic                                          (08) 9494 2977
Government Dental Clinics                                      1 Coleville Crescent, SPEARWOOD
                                                            WA 6163

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Inc -                           (08) 9370 1044
Elizabeth Hansen Autumn Centre
                                                                340 Guildford Rd, BAYSWATER WA
Residential renal dialysis facility, 24 hours, 7 days per   6053

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Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Inc -                        (08) 9374 1400
                                                             Railway Workshop, Centennial
Community oriented service                               Place, MIDLAND WA 6056

                                                             8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Inc -                        (08) 9421 3888
                                                            22 Chesterfield Rd Unit 44,
Community oriented service covering the north metro      MIRRABOOKA WA 6061
                                                             8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Diabetes WA - Belmont                                        1300 001 880
Provides education and support services to help              172 Campbell Street, BELMONT WA
prevent and manage diabetes, including free Yarning      6104
Up sessions for Aboriginal community groups.
                                                             8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

Fair Game Australia                                          28 Denninup Way, MALAGA WA
Fair Game is a health promotion and community
development charity which recycles sports equipment
and uses it to run unique fitness, health and wellness
programs for Indigenous communities.

Fremantle Dental clinic                                      (08) 9335 6722
Government Dental Clinics                                    Holdsworth St, FREMANTLE WA

Health and Disability Services Complaints                    (08) 6551 7600
Office (HaDSCO)
                                                             PERTH WA 6000
Empowering users and providers to collaboratively
                                                             PO Box B61, PERTH WA 6838
improve health and disability services.

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Health Consumers Council of WA                                (08) 9221 3422
Provides individual advocacy to health consumers of           1800 620 780
WA - if they have a complaint or a problem with any
health service in WA.                                         Unit 6 Wellington Fair, 40 Lord
                                                          Street, EAST PERTH WA 6004

                                                              PO Box C134, PERTH WA 6839

Hilton Community Health                                       (08) 9337 2528
Provide a primary health care service to the people and       34 Paget St Unit 3, HILTON WA 6163
families of the Fremantle/Cockburn area.
                                                             Accessible By Anyone

                                                             No fee

Joondalup Community Health                                    (08) 9300 1620
Government Dental Clinics                                     Regents Park Road, JOONDALUP WA

Kwinana Community Health                                      (08) 9419 2266
The Child and Adolescent Community Health                     1 Peel Row, KWINANA WA 6167
metropolitan wide early intervention and health
promotion is for children aged between 0 - 5 years.

Liddell Dental Clinic                                         (08) 9470 4212
Government Dental Clinics                                     6 Temple Street, VICTORIA PARK WA

Maddington Community Health                                   (08) 9459 9695
Child & Adolescent Community Health                           132 Westfield St, MADDINGTON WA

Mandurah Community Health                                     (08) 9586 4556
Child & Adolescent Community Health                           112 Lakes Rd, MANDURAH WA 6210

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Midvale Community Health                                   (08) 9274 1641
Child & Adolescent Community Health                        2/36 Mathoura St, MIDLAND WA

Mirrabooka Community Health                                (08) 9345 7105
Child & Adolescent Community Health                       U4/14 Chesterfield Rd,
                                                       MIRRABOOKA WA 6061

Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Health and                       (08) 6174 7000
Wellness Centre
                                                           150 Gilmore Avenue, MEDINA WA
This centre aims to enhance the health of Aboriginal   6167
people in Rockingham and Kwinana.
                                                           PO Box 252, KWINANA WA 6966

                                                           8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri

                                                          Accessible By Anyone

                                                         No fee

Morley Dental Clinic                                       (08) 9375 9107
Government Dental Clinics                                  Catherine Street, SUBIACO WA 6008

Mt Henry Clinic                                            (08) 9313 0552
Government Dental Clinics                                  43 Mt Henry Road, COMO WA 6152

                                                          Locked Bag 15, BENTLEY DELIVERY
                                                       CENTRE WA 6983

Murray Health Centre                                       (08) 9531 7292
Child & Adolescent Community Health                        McKay St, PINJARRA WA 6208

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