SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
      Parroquia de Santa María
February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                         February 14, 2021

                                                           LENT 2021
                         When you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.
                                             And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.
Dear brothers and sisters,
   May these words of the Master guide you through Lent. On Wednesday we begin Lent with ashes and the reminder that someday we
won’t be here; time will end and the judgment for us will begin. We begin our annual spiritual quarantine to get ready for that day with
forty days of fasting, prayer, charity and abstinence. Each one of us is called to deepen our personal relationship with the Lord... or
renew it if we messed it up in the past... or start one for the first time if we never really had one beyond being baptized as an infant.
This requires us to also do penance and seek to rebuild relationships with others... because loving God requires loving our neighbor.
None of us in the parish, including the priests, are monks or hermits. Therefore Lent is a communal fast rather than isolation. One way
we allow our messed up relationships to heal is by making time for God and others. Coming to church more for prayer, devotions and
charity is a big help. You have heard me say before, “Nobody can be a Christian on your own; on your own the most you will be is half
a Christian.” Unfortunately, we cannot gather as much as in past years, so you need to do more in your households if your Lent is go-
ing to be successful. The plague and its effects cannot stop you from prayer, fasting, abstaining, and charity. Nothing can stop you from
spiritual and bodily discipline and self-denial unless you are very sick. Even sickness cannot stop you from strengthening your soul.
The prayers and faith witness of the sick are very powerful and redemptive. So for this Lent, we will make some suggestions on how
you can pray, fast and be charitable. Some are the same as in previous years; some are adapted and some are new. - Fr. Michael
in Spanish at 7:00pm; FRIDAY EVENING MASS in Luganda at 8:00pm.
2. EXPANDED CONFESSION TIMES – SATURDAY 9:30am – 3:45pm. The entranceway in the church will have a temporary
expanded space for confessions. This will allow for both distance and privacy.
3. STATIONS OF THE CROSS ON YOUR OWN – We encourage you to take advantage of this devotional prayer by visiting the
church on your own or with your household. Copies of the prayer guide are at the First Station near the confessional. The church is
open from 7:00am – 7:00pm every day. You can also take these pamphlets to pray at home. The stations usually take 30 minutes.
4. DAILY PSALM PRAYERS – Consider praying the parts or all of the Daily Office by downloading the APP IBREVIARY onto
you laptop or smartphone. It is free and very easy to use. It also has the daily Mass readings and prayers. You can decide at what hours
and how often to prayer the breviary. If you need guidance on doing this please send an email to the rectory and we will call you.
5. READING THE BIBLE – We encourage you to read the Bible. Begin by reading or re-reading Genesis and Exodus, Jonah, and
the Gospels of Mark and John. You can also visit the parish website (OUR DAILY BREAD section) and listen to recordings of the
Bible read by parishioners. We are also looking for parishioners to volunteer to record more of the books of the Bible. Send Fr. Fernan-
do an email and he will help you get started.
6. WEEKLY MOVIE SUGGESTIONS – Since many of you will be spending more time inside this Lent, we will be making movie
recommendations each week for your edification and enjoyment. Most of the movies can be found on the streaming services.
7. “WE BELIEVE” PAMPHLETS – We are distributing pamphlets at the doors of the church that may help you remember the ten-
ets of the Catholic faith. These pamphlets contain basic prayers and teachings of the Catholic Church that we need to learn and remem-
ber. Anyone who wants to study the teachings in more depth can purchase the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a starter. We need
formal prayers because on our own we really do not know how to pray. Prayer is an art that has to be developed. The formal prayers
help us. Memorizing this information may help you. There is nothing wrong with memorization. You will never know how it may help
you in the future. One thing is for sure... if you don’t learn and memorize the prayers, you will never pray them.
8. YOUCAT – This small book is an abridged version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It was designed for young adults and
we use it with the confirmation students. It has a simple question and answer format that is perfect for self-study. It is inexpensive and
can be ordered online in English or Spanish. You may wish to read it through Lent.
9. FIND A PRAYER PARTNER – You may live alone or not have someone in your house with whom you can pray. A suggestion
is to arrange with a friend to connect by phone and or the web to pray together on a regular basis. During my quarantine, my parents
and I made a set time to pray the Rosary via telephone. It helped us overcome the distance and isolation.
10. FASTING – Decide to fast as much as you can. Make a plan that takes into account what you can do and how it will affect other
people with whom you live and work. Abstain from eating meat at least on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays. That is our basic obliga-
tion but you can choose to abstain from any food or drink for the whole forty days of Lent.
11. ALMSGIVING – Those preparing for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation will be given “rice bowls” They fill
them with money through the 40 days as a charitable sacrifice. If there are extra bowls we will leave them at the church doors. You can
bring them back to the church during Holy Week. You do not need the actual rice bowls to take part in this act. Just put a small box or
coffee can somewhere in your house. Throw your spare dollars and coins into the container and bring it to Church at the end of Lent.
We will combine the offering and donate it to those in need.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                           February 14, 2021

ASHES 2021                                                              PLEASE PRAY FOR . . .
One year, I happened to be in Rome for Ash Wednesday. I went            Jane Feltner, Dick, Ellie Paradise, Jordan, Eva, Helen, Edward,
to the ancient Basilica of Santa Sabina on the Aventine Hill where      Jackie, Jane L, Brian, Kathleen, Laura, Frank, Charlie, all the sick
the Pope traditionally receives and imposes ashes on the faithful.      and suffering.
I joined the procession expecting to receive the thumbprint of          Note: If you want a name added or removed from the sick list,
ashes on my forehead, marking that I was a sinner and in need of        please email or call the parish office.
mercy and God’s salvation. What I received instead was a sprin-
kling of ashes on top of my head. It seemed a bit strange but not                               OFFERTORY
bad in any way. It made me think a little more about the signifi-              Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
cance of ashes. It made me think of people before me like Job and             The following was collected during all parish Masses.
the King of Nineveh in the Book of Jonah who sat in ashes during
                                                                                                January 30/31
their fasts. The distribution of ashes has to be done without physi-
                                                                                             Offertory              $4,951
cal contact so we will do as the Romans do this year which makes
sense, as we are with the Pope and are Roman Catholics.                                      #Worshippers              590

Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation but we encourage                        January Electronic Giving      $4,185
those who can to go to Mass or the Prayer service at 5:00pm. In
Church the distribution of ashes will take place before and after                           MASS INTENTIONS
each Mass. Come in through the front door; receive ashes and                     Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6.
decide whether to stay for Mass or exit by the side doors. You can
also receive ashes at all other times of the day at the front door of         Saturday, February 13
the rectory. Just ring the doorbell. If the priest has gone over to               4:00pm Parish & Parishioners
the church during the day, a sign will be placed on the front door            Sunday, February 14
directing you to the church for ashes.                                            9:00am Robert McGurrin
                                                                              Monday, February 15
ASH WEDNESDAY MASS/SERVICE TIMES                                                 12:10pm Pierre LeBlanc (living)
          7:30am MASS                                                         Tuesday, February 16
          12:10pm MASS                                                           12:10pm Andrea Cormier
          5:00pm LITURGY OF THE WORD                                          Thursday, February 18
          7:00pm MASS (SPANISH)                                                  12:10pm Charles D’Angelo
MOVIE SUGGESTIONS FOR BEGINNING OF LENT                                       Saturday, February 20
It is not easy to recommend movies. These recommendations are                     4:00pm Parish & Parishioners
based on films that I have seen in the past. If I have not seen one           Sunday, February 21
of the movies, I will tell you who made the recommendation. A                     9:00am Paul Shea
certain recommendation may be made to educate, shock, wake
you up; restore hope or help you to change. The selections may be       JANUARY DONATIONS THANKS
explicitly religious or not religious at all. They may have scenes      The parish was hard hit in January. The closure of the church for
or material that is disturbing or not appropriate for all ages.         quarantine, some winter snow on the weekends and the spike in
These movies may have thematic weakness and are imperfect.              COVID-positive cases that kept us from gathering also affected
Yet, these flaws aren’t enough to keep the films ofF the list. They     our regular income from the offertory collection. Many thanks to
are not being recommended as Gospels. They are made by direc-           everyone who has donated recently and sent donations into the
tors and actors with flaws. This list is not an endorsement of their    parish by mail or online. We are grateful for your stewardship.
complete careers. I will try to make weekly suggestions that            Thanks also to those who have been able to increase their level of
somehow relate to the Sunday Gospel of that week. Yet I think           donating. It is a big help and appreciated.
they are worth seeing anytime in Lent.
                                                                        PARISH OFFICE
THIS WEEK’S MOVIE RECOMMENDATIONS                                       Currently there is no receptionist working in the rectory office.
THE TREE OF LIFE (TERENCE MALLICK, 2011)                                The phone is checked for messages periodically throughout each
                                                                        day. We will call you back. The easiest way to communicate with
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW (PIER PAO-                          us is email. We can schedule Masses, sacraments etc. Please in-
LO PASOLINI 1966)                                                       clude your phone number in your email message in case we need
THE SEVENTH SEAL (INGMAR BERGMAN, 1956)                                 to call you as a follow up.
GROUNDHOG DAY (HAROLD RAMIS, 1993)                                      KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
INTO THE GREAT SILENCE (PHILIP GRONING, 2007)                           Become an online member for free! Now through June 30th, enter
                                                                        Promo Code MCGIVNEY2020 for 12 months of free online
THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO (WOODY ALLEN 1985)                             membership
OF GODS AND MEN (XAVIER BEAUVOIS 2010)                                  knights.html.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                           February 14, 2021

YEAR OF SAINT JOSEPH                                                  PREPARING FOR LENT I
Due to space constraints this week, we were unable to include the     (re-printed from 01/31/21 bulletin)
next excerpt from the Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter, Patris          In a few weeks we will begin the annual Forty Day Fast that we
Corde, (which means With a Father’s Heart). We will continue to       call Lent. In Spanish, Lent is called Cuaresma. Italians call it
include these excerpts as space permits St. Joseph pray for us.       Quaresima. In the French language it is Careme. Unlike the Eng-
DEACON STEVEN WITH US FOR LENT                                        lish name of Lent, the other cultures emphasize the number 40.
St. John’s Seminary has sent their deacon/students to live in their   Anyone who has had to quarantine lately may have a better sense
assigned parishes for the Season of Lent. This is a good idea be-     of Lent. I learned recently that the Venetians developed the policy
cause the COVID restrictions have made it difficult for deacons       of restricting movement to insure safety from plagues. The Vene-
such as Steven to serve and minister in the parishes. Deacon Ste-     tians required that ships quarantine for forty days before coming
ven will be living in the rectory with the priests and continue his   ashore. Quarantine also means isolating when someone in a
seminary training and coursework online. We are happy that we         household is positive and others are not. The word isolation
will have the Deacon with us at least for Lent. Deacon Steven will    comes from the Italian word for island – isola. Let’s face it ...
finish his coursework in May and will receive a new assignment        whether we are physically sick or healthy, none of us is perfect.
where he will serve as a Deacon for the next year. Let us continue    We are all sinners. We need to quarantine or spend 40 days to deal
to pray for him and pray that more men will consider serving as       with our spiritual sickness and weakness and recognize that sin
deacons and priests.                                                  isolates us from God and one another. There has been a a huge
                                                                      focus on physical well-being even before the pandemic. The cur-
40 DAYS FOR LIFE BOSTON PRAYER CAMPAIGN                               rent marketing tool for this industry is WELLNESS. Yet physical
You are invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil    well-being does not insure happiness or save us ... All the social
(from February 17 through March 28) outside Planned                   and political divisions prove that. I think the key to a successful
Parenthood,1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston from 7:00 a.m.-             Lent is being more disciplined and ascetical; not only praying
7:00 p.m. In addition, prayer vigils are scheduled throughout the     fasting, abstaining and giving alms but most importantly being
week at the same location. For more information visit                 truly sorry and truly regretting what we have done and failed to                                 do. That is not automatic in the times we live in ... because when
                                                                      everything is tolerated and has to be accepted, then nobody ever
         HOW SHOULD I HOLD MY HANDS WHEN                              has to be sorry and nothing has to be forgiven. A good way to
           RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION?                                  prepare for the spiritual quarantine of Lent is asking what you
                                                                      need to be sorry for ... and if you aren’t sorry for anything ... then
             Form a “throne” for our Lord by resting                  why not? ... or maybe the best thing you can do is be sorry for not
              your left hand over your right hand.                    being sorry.
                                                  YES                 PREPARING FOR LENT II
                                                                      (re-printed from 02/07/21 bulletin)
                                                                      Last week I said that a key component to marking Lent is being
                                                                      truly sorry or regretful for your past sins. I said without contrition
                                                                      and sorrow, Lenten ascetical practices can be reduced to mindful-
                                                                      ness and wellness training which is the latest fad. Don’t get me
                                                                      wrong; I am all for healthy living, but it only helps you in this life
                                                                      instead of getting you ready for judgment and eternity. Wellness
                                                                      tends to focus on self-love and self-care more than loving God
          NO                     NO                     NO            and your neighbor. So sorrow is key. If we are not sorry, why do
                                                                      we need to repent and change? At the same time, we need to ex-
                                                                      amine all the practices, behaviors and habits that wear us down
                                                                      and distract us. I think it is good to try to rid ourselves of those
                                                                      bad habits even before Ash Wednesday. The goal is not to stop
                            Never receive single-handed or try        doing them for just forty days. The goal is to attend to them
                           to snatch the host with your fingers.
                                                                      through the forty days and say good-bye to the harmful ones for-
                                                                      ever. I think dealing with our phones is a big one. Excessive
                                                                      drinking, drug use, wasting time on the computer and TV, over-
          When you look at the Crucifix, you understand               eating, being late all the time – these are just a few examples of
                how much Jesus loved you then.                        habits that weaken us when we come to ridding ourselves of sin-
         When you look at the Sacred Host you understand              ful habits and behaviors such as jealousy, gossip, hate, lust. So it
                how much Jesus loves you now.”                        may be good to examine how we are structuring our lives and
                       - St. Teresa of Calcutta                       relating to others so we can train to be more virtuous when Lent
                                                                      starts on February 17th.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
14 de Febrero del 2021

                                             Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
                                                    El próximo miércoles comenzamos la Cuaresma con cenizas y el
                                             recordatorio de que algún día no estaremos aquí. El próximo miércoles
                                             comenzamos nuestra cuarentena espiritual anual preparándonos con
                                             cuarenta días de ayuno, oración, caridad y abstinencia, para el día cuando
                                             todo termine y el juicio por nosotros comience. Cada uno de nosotros
                              está llamado a profundizar nuestra relación personal con el Señor ... o renovar si la
                              hemos arruinado en el pasado ... o comenzar una, si la última vez fue cuando fuiste
                              bautizado de bebé. Esto requiere que también hagamos penitencia y busquemos
                              reconstruir las relaciones con los demás ... porque amar a Dios requiere amar a nuestro
                              prójimo. Ninguno de nosotros en la parroquia, incluidos los sacerdotes, somos monjes o
                              ermitaños. Por lo tanto, la Cuaresma es un ayuno comunitario más que un aislamiento.
                              Una de las formas en que permitimos que nuestras relaciones en mal estado se curen,
                              es haciendo tiempo para Dios y los demás.
                                    Lamentablemente, no podemos reunir tanto como en años pasados. Por esta razón,
                              deben hacer más en sus hogares para que su Cuaresma sea exitosa. La plaga y sus efectos
                              no pueden impedirle hacer alguna forma de oración, ayuno, abstención y limosna.
                              Nada puede impedirte la disciplina espiritual y corporal y el ayuno (la negación de
             alimentos) a menos que estés muy, muy enfermo. Incluso la enfermedad no puede impedirles fortalecer
             su alma. Las oraciones y el testimonio de fe de los enfermos son muy poderosos y redentores. Entonces,
             para esta Cuaresma, haremos algunas sugerencias para que sepa que puede orar, ayunar y ser caritativo
             en esta Cuaresma

                ORACÍON                               AYUNO                               LIMOSNA
              HORARIO DE CUARESMA                                   FOLLETOS
•   MISAS: Durante Cuaresma habrá misas en 1.            “ESTO ES LO QUE CREEMOS” Este
    español de lunes a viernes a las 7pm.            año estamos distribuyendo folletos que
•   CONFESIONES: Habrá confesiones de lunes          pueden ayudarle a recordar las oraciones
    a viernes de las 6:30pm hasta las 7pm. En la     de la fe católica. Puedes encontrarlos en
    entrada de la iglesia a mana izquierda veran     las puertas de la Iglesia. Estos folletos
    el lungar donde estaremos haciendo las           contienen oraciones básicas y enseñanzas
    confesiones.                                     básicas de la Iglesia Católica. Es posible
          PRACTICAS PARA CUARESMA                    que haya olvidado algunas de las oraciones,
                                                     puede que nunca los hayas aprendido no
•   LITURGIAS DE LAS HORAS: Considere rezar
                                                     obstante nunca es tarde para iniciar.
    los salmos del officio y/o laudes de la Liturgia
    de las Horas. Puede descargar desde su 2.            También hallarán unos folletos para
    teléfono el APP: EPREX ES, o IBREVIARY.          que puedan hacer el VIA CRUCIS ya sean
                                                     en sus casas con sus familias o si tiene
•   LEER LA BIBLIA: Animamos a las personas
                                                     tiempo, pueden venir durante los días de
    a leer la Biblia durante los cuarenta días.
                                                     cuaresma a la iglesia a rezar y meditar con
    Puede leer los cuatro evangelios u otro libro
                                                     las estaciones de la cruz.
    de la biblia que más le guste.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                              February 14, 2021

                                                          SAINT MARY PARISH
                                            Parish Office: 781-891-1730       Fax: 781-209-0555
                                            Mailing Address: 133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
                                            Email: Please contact us via the website (WHO WE ARE > PRIESTS & STAFF)

SAINT MARY CHURCH                                                        SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO CHAPEL
 Location: 133 School St., Waltham MA 02451                               Location: 51 Hall Street, Waltham, MA 02453
 Parking Lot & Rel. Ed. Bldg: 30 Pond St., Waltham                        Parking Lot & Parish Ctr: 30 Taylor St. Waltham
    St. Mary Church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.             St. Charles Borromeo Chapel is closed temporarily due to pandemic.
    La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas                                       QUINCE AÑOS
 Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia      4:00 pm                               Llamar al Padre Fernando para programar la celebración. La joven
 Sunday/Domingo                      9:00 am                               debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
                                    11:00 am        Español              BAPTISM/Bautismo
                                     1:00 pm        Luganda               Parents must call the parish office for information about preparation
                                     6:00 pm        Español               and baptism. Parents and godparents must attend a preparation class.
 Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 12:10 pm                              Para Bautismos padres deben llamar a la oficina. Padres y padrinos
 Mon. & Fri./Lunes y Viernes         7:00 pm        Español               deben asistir a la preparación.
 Friday/Viernes                      8:00 pm        Luganda              SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
    Holy Days/Dias de Precepto            12:10 pm                         Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of
                                           7:00 pm Español                 Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must attend preparation
                                                                           classes. Call the parish office for information.
                                                                           Los adultos y niños (7+) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bau-
 Sunday/Domingo                      10:00 am - 10:45am
                                                                           tismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases
 Mon thru Thurs/Lunes-Jueves         11:30 am - noon
                                                                           de preparación para los sacramentos. Llamar a la oficina.
 Friday/Viernes                      11:00 am - noon
 Saturday/Sábado                      3:00 pm - 3:45 pm                  MARRIAGE/Matrimonio
                                                                          Call the parish office to arrange a meeting./Llamar a la oficina.
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario
 Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 11:30 am                             STAFF
 Sunday/Domingo                     10:30 am Español                       Pastor/Párroco                        Rev. Michael Nolan
                                                                           Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Joseph Diem
ADORATION/Adoración                                                        Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Fernando Vivas
 Friday/Viernes                      12:45 pm - 5:45 pm                    Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
COMMUNION TO SICK & HOMEBOUND                                              Sexton/Sacristán                      Michael Welch
Comunión a los hogares y enfermos
  Call the parish office 781-891-1730
  Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730
 Nilvia Hernández 781-308-4961 or
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/Programa Después de la Escuela
 Call the parish office 781-891-1730
 Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730

                                                        FAQ: How can I make a donation?
Thank you!                                                                                                                          Gracias!

                      Drop in basket at                  Mail to:           Online via website               Venmo
                       weekend Mass                    St. Mary’s           (click DONATE)               @stmarywaltham
                                                     133 School St.
Webale nnyo!                                       Waltham, MA 02451                                                                   Merci!

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
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SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
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SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021 SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 14, 2021 / 14 de Febrero del 2021
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