January 12, 2020 - Solutions

Page created by Eugene Schroeder
January 12, 2020 - Solutions
January 12, 2020
                                                                    Rev. Scott S Herrera
                                                                    Associate Pastors:
                                                                    Rev. Manuel Gutierrez del Toro
                                                                    Rev. Derek Twilliger
                                                                    Palomar Hospital Chaplain:
                                                                    Rev. Gabriel Afeti
                                                                    James Kostick
                                                                    Mitch Rennix
                                                                    Andres Sanchez
                                                                    Amador Durán
                                                                    Parish Office Address:
                                                                    1170 South Broadway
                                                                    Escondido CA, 92025
                                                                    Phone: (760) 745-1611
                                                                    Fax: (442) 248-8600
                                                                    Office Hours/Horario:
                                                                    9:00 am-12:45 pm
                                                                    Closed for lunch/
                                                                    Cerrado durante el almuerzo
                                                                    2:00 pm-5:00 pm
                                                                    St. Mary School:
                                                                    (760) 743-3431
                                                                    St Mary Preschool:
                                                                    (760) 705-9906

          LITURGY & SACRAMENTS                                LITURGIA Y SACRAMENTOS
      Refer to page 3 for Mass Schedule              Consulte la página 3 para el Horario de Misas
Morning Prayer: Mon - Sat 7:40am                     Rosario: Lunes-Viernes 5:00pm
Rosary: Mon - Sat after 8:00am Mass                  Confesiones: Martes & Jueves antes de la Misa a las
Mother of Perpetual Help: Tue after 8am Mass         7:15am y 5:15pm. Sábado 4:00pm-5:15pm y con cita
Penance: Tues & Thurs 7:15am & 5:15pm Sat 4-5:15pm   previa a tráves de la oficina parroquial.
January 12, 2020 - Solutions
PAGE 2                  ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                           January 12, 2020
         Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
January 12, 2020 - Solutions
January 12, 2020                                         ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                       PAGE 3
                                   Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

       OUR LITURGICAL WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS & WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS                                                                           
 Fr. Scott Herrera (SH) | Fr. Manuel Guiterrez (MG) | Fr. Gabriel Afeti (GA) | Fr. Derek Twilliger (DT) | Visiting Priest (VP) | Dcn Mitch   PRAY FOR THE SICK
 Rennix (MR) | Dcn James Kostick (JK) | Dcn Andres Sanchez (AS) | Dcn Amador Durán (AD) | Latin (L) | English (E) | Spanish (S)
                                                                                                                                                  Bruce Botner
Day                              Date: Priest Lang: Daily Readings:                                                                          Henry and Irene Armenta
                                                                                                                                                 Ana Recinos
Mass Feasts:                           / Dcn:       Mass Times: Mass Intentions:                                                                 Robbie Lyons
                                                                                                                                                Carmen Serrano
Monday / Lunes                    1/13                              1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
                                                                                                                                              Robert and Michelle
St. Hilary                                     SH           E       8:00 AM         O’ Donnell Family – Special Intention                      Herrera and family
                                                                                                                                                   Virgil Arado
                                            GA / AD         S       6:00 PM         †Reinol Cruz Baltazar                                          Bert Verger
                                                                                                                                                  Irene Palmer
Tuesday / Martes                  1/14                              1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28                                      Tillie King
                                               DT           E                                                                                    Dana Trudelle
St. Felix of Nola                                                   8:00 AM         Conversion of Sinners                                         Rosa Wilson
                                               SH           S                                                                                Noe Samuel Arguelles
                                                                    6:00 PM         †Reinol Cruz Baltazar
                                                                                                                                                Carmen Serrano
Wednesday / Miercoles             1/15                              1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39                         Maria Elena St. Martin
                                                                                                                                                Julie Woessner
St. Paul the Hermit                         DT / MR         E       8:00 AM         Bass Family – Special Intention                           Yolanda H. Villicano
                                                                                                                                              Raymundo Saldivar
                                               SH           S       6:00 PM         Almas de Purgatorio                                          Lucio Juarez
                                                                                                                                                 Michael Ford
Thursday / Jueves                 1/16                              1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45
St. Fursey                                     SH           E       8:00 AM         Growth in holiness of St. Mary Parish                       LOVING FATHER
                                                                                                                                               GRANT UNTO THEM
                                            DT / AD         S       6:00 PM         †Ricardo Hernandez                                             HEALING
                                  1/17                              1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12                                AND FULL RECOVERY
Friday / Viernes
                                                                                                                                             FROM THEIR AILMENTS
St. Anthony Abbot                              DT           E       8:00 AM         End to abortion and Culture of Death
                                            GA / AS         S       6:00 PM         Crecimiento de Santidad en la Iglesia
                                                                                                                                                PRAY FOR THE
                                                                                    Santa Maria
Saturday / Sabado                 1/18                              1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17
                                                                                                                                                 † Larry Murray
Blessed Virgin Mary;                           DT           E       8:00 AM         Juan Estrellado – Special Intention                      † Maria Duron Santos
                                                                                                                                                † Robert Carlson
Week of Prayer for                          GA / MR         E       5:30 PM         Purification and holiness of the Church                   † Christina Lineham
Christian Unity begins                                                                                                                       † Maria Duron Santos
                                               SH           S       7:00 PM         †Ramon Soria                                             † Elvira Duron Esparza
                                  1/19                              Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34                    † Salvador Morales
Sunday / Domingo                                                                                                                             † Romy Garcia Castro
Second Sunday in                               DT           E       7:30 AM         †Larry Blenis                                              † Jackie Whittaker
                                                                                                                                               † Michael P. Kelley
Ordinary Time                                SH / JK        E       9:00 AM         †Elias Michel                                                † John Trudell
                                                                                                                                                † Santos Stacco
                                            DT / MR         E       10:30 AM Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life
                                               SH           S       12:00 PM Vocaciones al Sacerdocio y Vida Religiosa                       ETERNAL REST GRANT
                                                                                                                                             UNTO THEM O LORD,
                                            SH / AD         S       1:30 PM         †Leticia Conde – 40 dias de fallecida                       AND LET YOUR
                                                                                                                                               PERPETUAL LIGHT
                                               VP           L       3:30 PM         Daniel Dolan – Deliverance and Healing                     SHINE UPON THEM
                                               DT           E       5:30 PM         †Giovanni Antonio Garcia                                      
                                            GA / AS         S       7:00 PM         Purificación y santificación de la Iglesia                WEDDING BANNS /
                                                                                                                                             2/22 Martinez/Cervantes

                                                 PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS
Sun / Dom        12 Rev. Michel Pham, OSB                            Thu / Jue        16 Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Purcell
Mon / Lun        13 Rev. Msgr. John Portman                          Fri / Vie        17 Rev. James Rafferty
Tue / Mar        14 Rev. James Poulsen                               Sat / Sab        18 Rev. Fernando Ramirez, Jr.
Wed / Mie        15 Rev. Msgr. Frank Pugliese                        Sun / Dom        19 Rev. Andres Ramos
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                          Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                                                                    Ubicada a un lado del Centro
                       Located beside the Parish Center.                      Parroquial.
                             Hours of Operation:                               Horario:
                           Saturday 5:30pm-8:30pm                      Sábado 5:30pm-8:30pm
                           Sunday 8:30am-3:30pm                       Domingo 8:30am-3:30pm
                              ....please stop by!                        …por favor visítenos!
                          Thank you, St Mary Parish.              Gracias, Parroquia de Santa Maria.
                            Phone: (760) 745-1611                       Phone: (760) 745-1611
                             Fax: (442) 248-8600                         Fax: (442) 248-8600

     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                  Adult Bible Study
                                                                  Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Parish
                 Notice to All Parishioners                       Center, Room 223. We are studying the Acts of the Apostles,
To prevent accidental spillage of the Precious Blood of           also known as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit!
Christ during communion, Extraordinary Ministers of                        St. Mary Middle School Youth Gatherings
Communion will not present the cup to anyone seated in the
                                                                  Come and gather with other Christ-like youth in a setting that
pews. Also, please do not approach the cup holding a
                                                                  is youth friendly, where you can get fed spiritually, from the
child or if you are unable to embrace the cup with both hands
                                                                  four pillars of faith, the Creed, Liturgy , Sacraments, Christian
to receive. There have been many unfortunate spill
                                                                  Morality and Christian Prayer. We will make new friends, on
accidents under these circumstances. The ministers have
                                                                  occasion break bread together, sing, laugh and be Christ like.
been directed to follow these conditions. Rest assured, Christ
                                                                  FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ENEDINA SAUCEDO
is present "body, blood, soul and divinity" when receiving only
                                                                  at 760-745-1611x3 or esaucedo@stmaryp.org and NORMAN
the consecrated Host, so receiving the Precious Blood is not
                                                                  SAUCEDA 760-518-7645 nsauceda@stmaryp.org
needed to receive Him fully.

                   Women’s Bible Studies                                      EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA AVISOS
     St. Mary Parish – 1170 South Broadway, Escondido
                                                                            Conquistando Las Naciones Para Cristo
Enjoy a deeper look at Scripture with a great group of women.
                                                                  El cupo es limitado, entregue su aplicación en la Oficina de
Enjoy singing, praying and studying together. Come and join
                                                                  Educación Religiosa de Santa Maria lo antes posible.
us. Monday evenings, 6:45 pm, in the Catechumen room in the
                                                                  Crecimientos en el SM Hall de la Escuela. Todos los lunes
church. Info: Mary – 760-798-4323. Tuesday Mornings – 9:15
                                                                  comenzando con la misa de 6:00 pm. Fechas de Retiros.
am in the Parish Center room 211 Info: Jean – 760-745-9439
                                                                  Enero 10-11-12, Febrero 07-08-09, Marzo 20-21-22, Mayo 01-
                    Sacred Heart Novena                           02-03, Junio 12-13-14, Julio 30-31-01 de agosto
On the First Friday of the month, we celebrate the consecration
                                                                                  Novena del Sagrado Corazon
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please join us at the 6:00 pm
Mass for the consecration of children to His most precious        El primer Viernes de cada mes, celebramos la consagración al
heart followed by Adoration.                                      Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Por favor acompáñenos en la
                                                                  Misa de 6:00 pm para la consagración de los niños al
          A blessing at 15: Quinceañera Masses                    Preciosísimo Corazón de Jesús.
Please register at the Office of Religious Education at 14 or
                                                                       La bendición a los 15: Misas para Quinceañeras
one year before the 15th birthday. Masses available individual
or in group of four. 1170 S. Broadway, Room 215A, (760) 745-      Favor de registrarse en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa al
1611.                                                             cumplir los 14 años o un año antes de los 15. Hay Misas
                                                                  disponibles en grupo de 4 o individuales. 1170 S. Broadway,
                  Sign Language Classes                           Salón 215A, (760) 745-1611.
Available during the catechetical year SEP - APR.
                                                                                   Curso de Biblia en Español
Registrations for the Sacraments are now open Mon-Fri 4-8:00
pm. Masses are translated on the Second and Fourth Sundays        Venga y participe en el Curso de Biblia todos Los Jueves de
of the month at the 1:30 pm Mass. The community learns one        las 6:15 pm a las 8:20 pm en el salón #3. Para mayor
sentence in sign language. Classes will meet after the 1:30 pm    información, por favor contáctese con la señora Lourdes
Mass in Room #3 of the School. Translators needed, please         Alejandrino at teléfono 760-519-4226. Muchas gracias le
contact Alejandra at 760-445-6889.                                esperamos.
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                             Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
                PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                      St. Mary Prayer Quilt Ministry
                                                                         Please join the Quilt Ministry workshop on Wednesday, January
              New Seminar Starting in 1/17/2020                          15th, 9:00 am to 11:30 am in St. Mary Parish Center room
Overcoming Compulsive Behavior By the Power of God's                     223. We meet every third Wednesday. Quilts are made for people
Word - Food, Drugs, Alcohol, Porn, etc.                                  with long suffering illnesses where sometimes their only joy is
”You must know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit             receiving the quilt with our prayers said for them. Please join us to
who is within - the Spirit you have received from God. You are           help prepare the quilts with ties and prayers. You do not need to
not your own. You have been purchased, and at a price. So                know how to sew. Everyone is welcome. f you would like a quilt,
glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20                         please call and request one. There is no charge for a prayer quilt.
                                                                         For more information, please contact Ruth at 760-738-1869.
Seven consecutive Fridays beginning 1/17/20 from 7:00 pm -
8:30 pm at St. Mary Parish Center, Room 223. All are welcome.                                 San Diego Walk for Life
                                                                         All are welcome to our 8th annual San Diego Walk for Life, at
                         Senior Ministry                                 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, 6th and Laurel Balboa Park on Saturday,
Senior Ministry meets on Thursday, January 16th, from 9:30 -             January 18, 2020 with Bishop Robert McElroy and Auxiliary
11 am, room 223 in the Parish Center.                                    Bishop John Dolan. Live, serve, and embrace life.
                        Free Flu Vaccines
Free Flu Vaccine Clinic at St. Mary Parish Center patio,
                                                                                           AVISOS PARROQUIALES
January 26th from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. Please take                                     ¿Está Protegida Tu familia?
advantage of this special offer for our parish. Available to                   ¿Tu compañía de seguros de vida es pro-vida?
everyone over 9 years of age. For more information, contact
Kathleen McColl at 760-749-8019 or katmc56@icloud.com.                   Los Caballeros de Colón son, como dijo San Juan Pablo II, "el
                                                                         fuerte brazo derecho de la Iglesia". Los Seguros de Caballeros de
              Santo Nino Feast Day Celebration                           Colón, con su calificación AA +, ha estado protegiendo a sus
The Filipino American Community invites our parishioners in              miembros y sus familias desde 1882. Nuestros programas de
celebrating the Feast of Santo Nino. There will be a nine day novena     seguros de vida y jubilicion católicos ahora están disponibles para
prayers to Santo Nino at local residences from Jan 16 - Jan 24, 2020     todos los hombres católicos y su familia. Consulte con el agente
at 7 pm. The Fiesta celebration on the 25th of January consists of 10    Caballeros de Colón asignado para nuestra parroquia, fuera de
am Mass, 11 am Blessing of Santo Nino images, 11:30 am                   las Misas en español el fin de semana del 25 y 26 de enero para
Procession leading to the Parish Center, and 12 Noon Reception           obtener más información. Descubre la diferencia católica.
Potluck with Entertainment. If interested with the novena location of
the day or questions about the fiesta celebration, please contact Rose            OTHER COURTESY ANNOUNCEMENTS
Canturia at 619-398-5038 or Santi Mallari at 760-705-0656.
                                                                                           Healing Mass at St Timothy
                 Is Your Family Protected?
                                                                         You are invited to the Healing Mass on Jan 14, 2020 at St. Timothy
         Is Your Life Insurance Company Pro-Life?
                                                                         Parish. Celebrant is Fr. Pat Crowley. Praise & worship music 6:45 pm
The Knights of Columbus are, as St. John Paul II said, “the strong       with Mass at 7:00 pm. All are invited to be prayed over for healing.
right-arm of the Church.” The Knights of Columbus Insurance, with
its AA+ rating, has been protecting its members and their families                       Academy of Our Lady of Peace
since 1882. Our Catholic Life Insurance Benefits & Retirement            Don't miss the flight of a lifetime! Apply to be an OLP Pilot today!
Programs are now available to every Catholic man and his family.         Applications for admission to the Academy of Our Lady of Peace
See the parish’s assigned Knights of Columbus field agent, outside       are due on Wednesday, January 15th! Once an application is
of the Spanish Masses on the weekend of January 25th and 26th            submitted, students will be automatically registered to take the
for more information. Discover the Catholic Difference.                  HSPT on our campus on Saturday, January 25th. OLP is a
                                                                         Catholic, all-girls, college preparatory, high school founded in
                    Personal Prayer Ministry
                                                                         1882 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. To apply online
If you desire to have personal prayer - James 5:13 says, "If anyone      or to learn more, visit our website www.aolp.org/admission
among you is suffering hardship, He must pray." If anyone wants
personal prayer, please make an appointment with Deacon Jim &                     "Protect Our Kids" Free Parent Conference
Carol Kostick through the Front Office by calling 760-745-1611.              Friday, January 17, 6:30 pm at St. Gregory the Great Church
or contact Lidia Rennix at 760-271-7743.                                 Parents are invited to Protect our Kids, a free Conference about the
                                                                         new Sex Education Curriculum passed by the 2016 California Healthy
                       Magnificat Meeting
                                                                         Youth Act (AB 329). This presentation will shed light on what the law
North County Magnificat “A ministry to Catholic Women” invites you to    says, the efforts some school districts are making to implement sex-
the next Quarterly breakfast on Saturday, January 18, 2020 (8:00 am      ed concepts K-12, what your alternatives are, and your rights as a
Mass), 9:00 am – 12:00 noon, Breakfast at St. Mary Parish Center,        parent.     Event     is    FREE       but    please     RSVP       to
1170 S. Broadway, Escondido CA 92025. Our Speaker is Carmen              respect4lifesg@yahoo.com. Location: St. Gregory the Great Church,
Garcia, For information and reservations www.magnificat-nsd.com          11451 Blue Cypress Dr, San Diego, CA 92131, (858) 653-3540.
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PAGE 6                               ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                              January 12, 2020
                     Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

         Ordina on Anniversaries Celebra on                          Corpus Chris Procession

            Re-dedica on of Mary Statue                                Staff Advent Retreat

  Changing of the Flag                            School and Preschool Christmas Pageant
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January 12, 2020                     ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                         PAGE 7
                     Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

  Capital Campaign Phone-a-thon                                               Santa Nino Procession

    Filipino Community Capital Campaign Plaque

                                                        Encuentros de Conversión Católica Men’s Retreat

 Encuentros de Conversión Juvenil Youth Retreat                   Culture of Life Family Services
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PAGE 8                                   ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                        January 12, 2020
                        Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

                              Debt Reduc on Campaign

In January the SECOND COLLECTION for the Debt Reduction Campaign will be held the third full weekend January
18 and 19. Although we have a special second collection once a month, donations can be made at any time using the
GRAY envelopes or online at www.stmaryp.org. Please designate as Parish Center/Capital Campaign.

En enero la SEGUNDA COLECTA para la Campaña de Reducción de Deuda tomará lugar el tercer fin de semana
completo enero 18 y 19. Aunque tenemos una segunda colecta especial una vez al mes, los donativos pueden ser
hechos en cualquier oportunidad usando los sobres GRISES o en línea en www.stmaryp.org. Por favor desígnelos
como “Parish Center/Capital Campaign”.

St. Mary Debt Reduction Campaign -- New Donors:
Sta. María Campaña de Reduccíon de Deuda -- Nuevos Donadores:

Agustin, Jesus & Marbella                Flores, James & Albertina                    Olivera, Sebastian & Margarita
Alvarado Mateo, Eduardo & Claudia        Garcia Aguas, Francisco & Elizabeth          Olvera, Carlos & Arteaga, Carmen
Alvarez Juan Manual & Borja, Maria       Gaspar, Antonio & Bernabe, Maria             Olvera, Sebastian & Margarita
Andres, Francisco & Isidra               Gaytan, Emilio                               Ortiz, Benito & Theodora
Avila, Aurora                            Gomez Vivas, Sandra                          Ortiz, Mario & Castro, Amparo
Balderas, Ramiro & Carolina              Gomez, Francisca                             Pacheco, Eleuteria
Barfield, Katie                          Gonzalez, Alicia                             Perez Garcia, Rosa
Bernardio Perez, Odalis & Victor         Gonzalez, Maria Felix                        Ramirez, Federico & Contreras, Irene
Bourassa, Raquel & Jerome Joseph         Guerrero, Lucero                             Ramirez, Rafaela
Bulldis, Samuel & Arlene                 Guzman, Alejandro & Resendiz, Maria          Ramos, Katherine
Caballero, Carina                        Harless, Maria                               Reyes, Eduardo & Elizabeth
Cap, Mary Jo                             Kehl, M C                                    Richardson, Mike and Anne
Cartwright, Blanca                       Lamas, Raquel                                Rodrigo, Florentino & Jennifer
Cervantes, Anselma & Garcia, Jose L      Leon, Sergio & Ana                           Rodriguez, Angel & Teresa
Cespedes, Antonio & Eulalia              Linares, Javier                              Rojas, Everardo & Lucero
Chamu Ramos, Daniel & Brenda             Lucas Juan, Juan & Diego Basilio, Angelina   Salazar, Alejandro & Evelyn
Chamu, Diego                             Macedo, Kevin & Araceli                      Saldivar, Alvertano & Maia
Cisneros, Maria                          Mayo, Joel & Josefa                          Sauve, Obdulia
Corona, Aurora                           Mayo, Yolanda                                Silva, Todd
Damaso, Warren & Jona                    Mendez, Yesenia                              Soria Resendiz, Erika
Diego, J Rosas & Wendy                   Meza, Maria                                  Tello, Rigoberto & Aura
Dominguez, Jose & Juana                  Mondragon Family                             Tran, Ryan & Nguyen, Anh
Dominguez, Victoria & Ramirez, Enrique   Mueller, Thomas & Bridget                    Vasquez, Rosario & Petra
Dukes, David & Darlene                   Norton, Michael & Perla                      Velasquez, Saul & Cristina
Espinoza, Perla                          O'Brien, Olivia                              Villanueva, Rocio
Feria, Emma                              Olea, Lazaro & Elia                          Zuniga, Alberto & Maria Gonzalez
   For campaign information, contact Diana Bumgardner Cook at: 760 745-1611 x 204 or campaign@stmaryp.org.

              DEBT REDUCTION STATUS                                              MASS COLLECTIONS
As of Dec 30, 2019:
                                                        Saturday (1/4/20)                                            $3,373
# of Donor Families                               2,015
Donations Received                           $2,154,454 Sunday (1/5/20)                                            $16,493
382 Pledges to Collect                         $599,874 Online Tithing                                                 $726
Total (revised)                              $2,754,328
                                                        Total                                                      $20,592
Campaign Goal                                $4,500,000
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January 12, 2020                                            ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                                         PAGE 9
                                    Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.
                       You will be blessed by participating in one or more of the ministries listed.
                            Contact the person listed to find out how you can get involved.
                                              *Area code is (760) unless stated otherwise.
                         ENGLISH MINISTRIES                                               HISPANIC MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS HISPANOS
                  http://www.stmaryp.org/english-ministries                                             http://www.stmaryp.org/spanish-minstries
Altar & Rosary Society ........................(Joan Ayash) 801-2354                  Apostolado de Maria .....................(Joel Hernandez) 212-5264
Altar Servers ............................... (Debby LaGrange) 432-0383               Apos. Pro-Vida C.N ..........(Elizabeth Gonzalez) 858-208-9695
American Heritage Girls ....................... (Nick Testa) 532-7619                 Asn. Guadalupana ............................ (Manuel Razo) 815-6981
Baptisms ............................................... (front office) 745-1611      Cena de Mujeres ............................ (Basilisa Aragon) 390-2564
Bereavement / Funerals ....................... (front office) 745-1611                Com. De Guatemala ....................(Domingo Gaspar) 497-1103
Bible Study Womens ...................... (Jean Michaels) 745-9439                    Confirmación Juvenil .......... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242
Bible Study (adult) ....................... (Kathryn Masters) 580-8156                Educación Religiosa ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
Confirmation and Youth ..... (Mauro Resendiz) 745-1611 x242                           Encuentro de Conversion Católica ..... (Max Alfaro) 504-5919
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion .......................                    Encuentro Matrimonial ............................................................
........................................................... (Mary Golder) 214-1099    ........................ (Rámon & Lucia Garcia) 445-1463 or 533-1463
Filipino Community ...... (Ron & Rose Canturia) 619-398-5038                          E.P.J. Promoción Juvenil Diocesana......................................
Hospitality ....................................... (Gary Johnson) 884-7974           .................................................... (Eduardo Diaz) 619-302-5277
Hospital Ministry ......................... (Kathleen McColl) 749-8019                Estudio de Biblia ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226
Hall and Room Use ............... (Ramon Garcia) 745-1611 x210                        Evangelización Familiar.. (Samuel y Araceli Torres) 532-7313
Human Trafficking .......................(Lorraine Houser) 586-8817                   Funerales ..... (Llamar oficina: María Douglas) 745-1611 x113
Lectors ......................................... (Kelley MacIsaac) 717-5262          Grupo de Oración ............................ (Saula Varona) 807-8053
Legion of Mary ........................... (Karen Forrey) 619-300-7606                Hospitalidad ...................................... (Oscar Flores) 644-1352
Magnificat ............................................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743        La Divina Misericordia .............. (Veronica Morales) 975-8084
Music ..................................................... (front office) 745-1611   Lectores ............................... (Dcn Andres Sanchez) 745-1611
Perpetual Adoration ............ English: Donna Oeland 489-8830                       Legion de María (dos grupos) .................................................
.................................... Spanish: Lourdes Alejandrino 519-4226            ........................................ Grupo #1 (Arnulfo Aguilar) 580-9488
Personal Prayer Ministry .........................................................    .............................................. Grupo #2 (Clara Meza) 533-7127
...................................... (Dcn Jim and Carol Kostick) 745-1611           Los Varones de Emaus ........ (Eduardo Adrián León) 807-2448
Pilgrim Virgin Mary .............................(Lidia Rennix) 271-7743              Matrimonios ............... (Efrain and Susana Alvarez ) 709-2613
Pro-Life Ministry ........................ (Mercedes Aguilar) 580-9563                Ministerio de Paletas ......... (Luciano & Idelia China) 443-9127
Quilt Ministry for the Sick ................ (Ruth Lovison) 738-1869                  Ministros Extra-Ordinarios de Comunión ..............................
Religious Education ... (Dr. Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215                           ........................................................... (Rutilo Colima) 520-3632
Sacristans ...........................................(Edith Quiray) 743-2369         Misioneros Parroquiales-Apóstoles de la Palabra ................
St Mary Parish Outreach ............. (Kathryn Masters) 745-1611                      ............................................. (Francisco Gaytan) 760-715-1683
St Mary School ......................... (Amanda Johnston) 743-3431                   Música y Coros .................................. (Rosa López) 855-4008
St Mary Preschool ......................... (Amanda Harriff) 705-9906                 Niños Sordos ...........................(Alejandra Sánchez) 445-6889
                                                                                      Planificación Familiar ..................... (Patricia Trejo) 291-0231
                                                                                      Pre-Bautismales ............... (Abraham Sanchez) 442-237-2479
                  INDEPENDENT MINISTRIES /                                            Quinceañeras ................... (Enedina Saucedo) 745-1611 x215
                                                                                      RICA ................................................ (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
                 MINISTERIOS INDEPENDIENTES                                           Rosario-Iglesia ................................. (Maria Juarez) 746-8712
Alliance of the Holy Family International (AHFI)                                      Sacristanes ...................................... (Ranulfo Rojas) 480-2840
.................................. (Steve & Connie Scoggin) 858-335-4096              Servidores del Altar (Macrina Rojas & Ivon Sanchez) 480-2840
Knights of Columbus ............... (Frank Chavez) 858-752-2910                       Teología del Cuerpo y Castidad ...... (Mario Murillo) 546-8185
St. Dismas Guild .......................... (Sharon Soberon) 466-7001                 Union Mutualista de San José ...(Patricia Esparza) 746-3424
                                                                                      Venta de Comida ........................ (Paulina Ramírez) 533-3157
                                                                                      Virgen Peregrina ................... (Lourdes Alejandrino) 519-4226

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PAGE 12                          ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH                           January 12, 2020
                  Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus.

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