Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...

Page created by Henry Newman
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Palm Sunday
                                                                                                               March 28, 2021

  Celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday on Sunday, April 11th: there will be confessions
    from 2:00-3:00pm (no signup) and there will be a Holy Hour at 3:00pm with the
              recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy (signup required).

  Saint Petronille Catholic Parish
March 28, 2021                      Page                         Follow St. Petronille:
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
March 22, 2021
                                                  Holy Week
This Sunday is Palm Sunday (also known as Passion Sunday) and marks the beginning of the most Sacred week
of the year. On Palm Sunday, we hear two separate Gospel passages. The first passage is read at the start of
Mass prior to the procession and recounts Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem among singing and shouting,
“Hosanna in the Highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” The second passage is read after
the second reading and recounts the Passion of the Lord, the moment when Jesus Christ is defamed, falsely
accused, beaten and crucified. The Church, in giving us these two passages within the same liturgy, points us Fr. Thomas Milota
toward contradictory treatment of Jesus. On one hand, He is praised and heralded as “coming from God,” and,
on the other, defamed and killed. Once more, all this happens within days of one another…in the same city…by many of the same
We, in the here and now, are invited to meditate on the sacrifice Christ made for us…in order to meditate on this mystery…we
must believe, in fact, that Jesus Christ was real…that He was who we believe him to be and He did, in fact, suffer and die on the
cross and rise from the dead three days later. This may seem strange to say for us reading this…after all…we are Christians and
Catholics. I am a priest. You are regular Mass goer and one who prays and reads letters from the pastor.
However, it is quite easy to fall into the trap not only of going through the motions…but of allowing all of our other motions to
crowd out the reality of that in which we believe. One of the things I did this Lent was re-read some essays composed by C.S.
Lewis. You may better know him as the author of the Chronicles of Narnia, e.g., The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, but he
was actually a fine philologist and Christian author and professor.
One essay, in particular, struck me: “God in the Dock.” “The dock,” you see was the stand in a court room in which an accused
criminal is held and questioned. If God were in the dock, this would mean that he must prove his innocence…or, in this case, His
existence. Whereas for centuries it would appear that God, the Almighty and Omniscient Judge, determined what is right and
wrong or, perhaps, who is a sheep or a goat, now, in our modern world must defend Himself. God defends Himself not simply
against claims that He is not all good but that He does not even exist. Interestingly, C.S Lewis begins His essay pointing out that
his premise comes not from his experience with virulent atheists but his experience with those who are well-educated and who
would call themselves “christians.” He notes that, in his time, the word “christian” has, indeed, come to signify not an individual’s
belief in a personal God whose Son came to earth, suffered and died, and rose from the dead but rather to signify a person of high
moral standard, a person who behaves well, is generally honest and, perhaps, cares for the poor and those who are in need.
C.S. Lewis was not the first to make this observation and he was not the last. Although the list of such people who have made this
observation is long, it likely suffices to point out that our last three Popes have made such observations in the hope that we avoid
the danger of being a christian without God.
Now, mind you, it is good to behave well, be honest and care for people other than yourself; however, the person of faith is some-
thing more than this. A person who believes in a personal God who sent His Son to die on a cross and rise from the dead so that
we might have eternal life with Him, knows why he behaves, why he tells the truth and why he helps the poor. This person does
it, because Our Lord has made him and others in His image and likeness and it is this God who is the source of all that is good.
The Christian/Catholic determines his behavior not out of some ungrounded moral principle of which origin he is uncertain, but
because he has an intimate relationship with the person of Jesus Christ who truly walked the earth, cured the sick, raised the
dead and gave his life.
During Holy Week we are invited to not only to be good people but to walk with the Person who truly walked this earth, who has
spoken to us and continues to speak to us, who was scourged and derided and suffered just as we suffer, and a Friend who did not
merely promise to give His life for us but truly gave His life for us.
This Holy Week we are invited not just to believe but know and love Jesus Christ.
                                                         Fr. Art Update
As mentioned previously, two weeks ago, Fr. Art entered the hospital for some treatment and to regain his strength. He remained
in the hospital for a week and returned home for a week. Although he was not attending Mass with the community, he was with
us in the rectory and seemed to be doing better. Unfortunately, he was readmitted to the hospital earlier today. Please continue
to keep Fr. Art in your prayers in the coming days and we will keep you informed to the degree that we are able.
Please be assured of our prayers for all of you during this Sacred and Holy Time and may you have a truly Blessed Easter.
Please do not forget to sign-up for our Triduum Services and Easter Masses. You can find the sign-up genius on our parish
webpage beginning on Friday afternoon, March 26th.
May Almighty God bless you and keep you.
In Christ,
Fr. Thomas Milota

March 28, 2021                             Page 2                                                                    Palm Sunday
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Christian Service
                                                       As we begin to journey with Jesus during Holy
                                                       Week, I want to say thank you. During this Lenten
                                                       season you have helped support our community by
                                                       engaging in the Works of Mercy in so many ways.
                                                       Your children have helped “feed the hungry” by
                                                       collecting food donations for the Glen Ellyn Food
 Holy Week Schedule                                    Pantry. Many thanks to the Faith Formation
  There will be no 24-hour adoration on Good           students for their collections and thank you to Mrs.
             Friday/Holy Saturday.                     Murray and Mr. Jones 7th and 8th grade students for
Confessions                                            their coordination of food collections at the school.
 Tuesday evening, March 30 at 7pm in the PLC          Your families have helped those who “shelter the
 Good Friday, April 2 at 5pm in the PLC               poor” by your donation of Easter eggs for the
 There will be no 7am confessions on Good             children whose families are guests of PADS. You
  Friday and there will be no confessions on           have supported programs such as St. Vincent DePaul
  Holy Saturday.                                       by “giving alms to the poor”; your donations help to
Masses & liturgies during Holy Week / Easter:          keep a family in their home. You have “visited the
                                                       sick” by distributing Communion to our homebound
·    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 29-
31: Mass 6:15am, 8:00am                                parishioners and bringing hope, friendship, and
                                                       love. Thank you for continuing to support our St.
·    Thursday, April 1: Mass of the Lord’s             Petronille and Glen Ellyn community so faithfully.
Supper                                                 May God Bless you and your families this Holy
7:00pm (signup required); Adoration in the             Week.
church after Mass until midnight, Tenebrae at                                     Tanya Singh, Coordinator
11:30pm. No morning Masses                                                           

·    Friday, April 2: Stations of the Cross
12:00pm & 7:00pm – in church (no signup);
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion – 3:00pm                    Women's Morning of Recollection
(signup required); no morning Masses                    Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church,
·    Saturday, April 3: Blessing of food                                Naperville, IL
baskets 10am – outside in front of the church,           Join us for our next morning of recollection
weather permitting                                              Tuesday, April 13 at 10:00 am
Easter Vigil Mass 7:30pm (signup required);
no morning Mass                                                              Please note:
                                                        Due to the current situation there is a capacity limit of
·    Easter Sunday, April 4: Mass Schedule                          25 women, please come early.
7:30am; Church & PLC
9:30am 11:30am Church/PLC & Abbington                  We will be following the usual COVID guidelines -
(signup required), NO 5pm Mass on Easter                Please wear a mask
Sunday                                                  Sanitize hands
       To sign up, visit           Sign your name & phone using your own pen
 Triduum and Easter Masses and liturgies will not be    Sit in the designated places
    posted on the website until Friday, March 26.
        The parish offices will be closed from           Maintain social distancing practices throughout
             Thursday, April 1 through                 recollection for the health and safety of everyone in
       Monday, April 5 for Holy week and Easter.                            attendance

March 28, 2021                               Page 3                      Follow St. Petronille:
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Parish Life                                                                           Readings
                                                                                      Week of
                                                                                    March 28, 2021

                                                                              Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 [1a]/Jn
                                                                              Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab,
                                                                              15 and 17 [cf. 15ab]/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
                                                                              Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31
                                                                              and 33-34 [14c]/Mt 26:14-25
Monday, March 29
                                                                              Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-
  6:15am Intentions of the Celebrant
                                                                              8, 11-14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc,
  8:00am Frank Barr(d)              r. Eileen O’Carroll
                                                                              17-18 [cf. 1 Cor 10:16]/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1
Tuesday, March 30                                                             -15
  6:15am Intentions of the Celebrant                                          Friday: Is 52:13—53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-
  8:00am Joe Maier(d)               r. Colleen Maier & Family                 16, 17, 25 [Lk 23:46]/
                                                                              Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1—19:42
Wednesday, March 31                                                           Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1—2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/
  6:15am Peg Oulvey(d)                 r. Barnett Family                      Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 [30] or
  8:00am Richard Manning(d)            r. Tom & Claire Tansley                Ps 33:4-5, 6-7, 12-13, 20-22 [5b]/Gn 22:1-18
                                                                              or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/
Thursday, April 1 Holy Thursday                                               Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11 [1]/Ex 14:15—15:1/Ex
  7:00pm For All Priests
                                                                              15:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18 [1b]/
Friday, April 2 Good Friday                                                   Is 54:5-14/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/Is
  3:00pm Solemn Liturgy                                                       55:1-11/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/
Saturday, April 3 Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil                                Bar 3:9-15, 32—4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn
                                                                              6:68c]/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/
  7:30pm Intentions of the Newly Baptized
                                                                              Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, 4 [42:2] or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6
Sunday, April 4 Solemnity of Easter Sunday of the                             [3] or Ps 51:12-13, 14-15,
                                 Resurrection of the Lord                     18-19 [12a]/Rom 6:3-11/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17,
  7:30am Ruth Orr(si)                    r. Family                            22-23/Mk 16:1-7
  9:30am Church      O.J. Brueck(d)      r. Mary Jeanne Castro                Next Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2,
  9:30am Abbington Pat & Carol Pavini(d)                                      16-17, 22-23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/
                                         r. Fr. Milota                        Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35
  11:30am Church Amy Catherine Leagans(d)
                                         r. June Gruner
  11:30am Abbington St. Petronille Parishioners                                               Remember members of the
                                                                                          military, especially relatives of our
                                        (d)=deceased (si)=special intention               own parishioners, in your prayers.

          We pray for this couple as they look forward to their               Michael Boatright        Christopher Melka
                             wedding day:                                     Peter Carey              J.J. Miller
                                                                              Christopher Cavoli       Mike Misner
                     Ashley Beck & Thomas Olsen                               Mitch Chmielarz          Joseph O’Carroll
                                April 10, 2021                                Patrick Daigle           Paul Orbegoso
                                                                              Robert Donnelly          Eric Peterson
                                                                              Joe Doyle                Robert Piper
                  We welcome the following children                           Meagan Doyle             Tony Russo
              recently baptized into our Church family of                     John Hatfield            John Ryan
                                 faith:                                       Anthony Iovinelli        Mark Ryan
                  Harper Elizabeth, daughter of James &                       Francis J. Koykar        Jason Sta Ana
                                                                              David Laird              David Stefanik
                        Courtney (Mildren) Hancock
                                                                              Bobby Lendabarker        Steven Tutaj
                 Victoria Anne, daughter of Ryan & Kellie                     Emily Martis             Jack Ryan Vos
                           (Mazzarella) Chapman                               Brian McDevitt

March 28, 2021                         Page 4                                                                    Palm Sunday
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Prayers Needed For Those Who are Sick
                                                                            Call Parish Office (630) 469-0404 x0,
                                                                       with names to be added/removed from this list.
We pray for:
                                                                      Parishioners: Gina Adduci, Max Adduci, Tom Allison,
                       Tom Koral                                      Mili Bertrand, Carol Bonus, Donna Bresser, Delores Cassidy,
                      Diane Walen                                     Paul Cassidy, James Chambers, Michael Clifford, Becky
                                                                      Elbrecht, Patricia E, Adam Farley, Janice Farley, Jerry
that they may now enjoy the great blessings of                        Fleischfresser, Chris Forman, Anne Geraghty, Gloria Gogola,
eternal life. We pray also for their families and                     Lorraine Grabner, Erica Gustafson, Lois Hoffman, Elizabeth
friends, that they may find peace in the                              Hwang, Vicky Judd, Ed Jung, Omar Katafago, Beth Kilker,
promises of Christ.                                                   Nancy Kirkwood, Guy Lapore, Evelyn Lechner, Jean Leyman,
                                                                      Joan Loesch, Kermit Ludwig, Diane Makowski, Mary
                                                                      McGinty, Mekdes Manno, Jean Mazza, Molly McKenna, Bob
                                                                      Melichar, Marilyn Melichar, James Michel, Mary Ann Mikus,
                                        “Come Follow
                                                                      Ethan Moon, Richard Moskal, Simon Nabeti, Clementina
                                            Me”                       Niemann, Richard Pozdol, Sue Scarpelli, Jacqueline Radke,
                                                                      Scott Radke, Don Rauch, Mary Rauch, Vito Scarpelli, Ginny
 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults                           Scruggs, Pauline Sypal, David Tansley, Jeff Valaika, Edward
                                                                      Wolski, Tom Zur
Please pray for these adults who are currently on
the journey of becoming Catholic or completing                        Friends/Relatives: Amadeo, Julia Anderson,
their full reception into the Catholic Church by                      Constantinos Athanassakis, Ernie Avellana, Gemma Bailey,
receiving the rest of the Sacraments of Initiation                    Sara Bayliss, Baby Adrienne Bayliss, Bill Blair, Michel
(Eucharist, Confirmation):                                            Brown, Daniel Burke, Joseph Camardo, Maria Luz Caro,
 Steven Anderson, Brian Dorn, Stephanie Dorn,                         Teresa Caro, Ben Cavanaugh, Alyssa Chappell, Randy
 Garrett Fife, Ashley Rivas, Brendan Sailer, Sara                     Rinehart Chase, Dolores Clement, Rita Danner, Kathy Davit,
                Smith, Bob Zoellner                                   Barbara DeMars, Dee DeMars, Fr. Thomas Dieter, Joseph
                                                                      Dinaso, Mary Ann Doherty, John Dreyer, Marlys Dunlap, Joni
Considering becoming Catholic or are a Baptized                       Dunley, John Ellison, Judy Fontana, Anthony Giunta, Tom
Christian who would like to receive Eucharist and/or                  Gorman, Cecilia Grissom, Christine Hellman, David Higgins,
Confirmation in the Catholic Faith? Contact Christine
Balaty at or
                                                                      Phyllis Holmen, Bernadette Hotze, Kay Hyland, David
(630) 469-0404 x 2107 for more information.                           Ignacio, Jinny Irons, Jill Jackson, Jackie Johnson, Max
                                                                      Kelderhouse, Becky Kreidler, Patrick Kuefler, Kim Kuhnle,
                                                                      Fr. Roger Kutzner, Fr. Jim Lennon, Joy Loboda, Bob Lowrie,
      Saint Petronille Stewardship                                    Ernestine Lowrie, Mary Anne Luczak, Sue Mancini, Chrissy
                                                                      McAleer, Matt McCollum, Tom McCluskey, John Mertz,
 Thank you to all those who support the mission of Saint
                                                                      Becky Meyer, Andrew Meyers, Paul Michel, Margaret
  Petronille Parish with their time, talent and treasure.
                                                                      Monnier, Lauren Montenegro, Paul Moran, Ronald Nelson,
 Sunday collection; total YTD,                                        Angela Novak, Joan Noviskis, Mary Jo Orbegoso, Angelo
 including electronic giving
                                                                      Sands, Nancy Sidener, Darin Tenuto, Dee Rankin, Ray
 through February 2021                        $    1,026,268.27
                                                                      Rasmussen, Mary Rathunde, Valerie Rauch, Mary Jane
 Sunday collection budget                                             Renschen, John Rossi, Carl Schaubhut, Angela Schuman, B
 through February 28, 2021                    $      989,914.45       Wanda Slupik, Fr. George Smith, Jean Smith, Kay Smith,
                                      Over    $      36,353.82
 Drop-off/Mail-in collection                                          James Spalo, Michael Stinn, Peter Stone, Julia Suchomski, Sr.
 (not including electronic giving)                                    Ellen Thomas, Eric Vargas, Kenia Vargas, Joe Vernon,
 March 13/14, 2021                             $       13,826.50      Michael Vincelette, Nancy Vis, Margaret Waltman, Jason
 Please notice that reporting of Sunday collections is only           Weiner, Fr. Keith Wolfe, Ray Young
 updated the first weekend of each month. This allows more
                                                                      * bold type denotes new to the list this week.
 accurate reporting due to the fact that electronic giving and mail
 -in deposits are typically received on a monthly, not a weekly

March 28, 2021                                         Page 5                                    Follow St. Petronille:
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Happy March (and almost spring!) from the
Christian Service                                                              Christian Services Desk!
                                                              I wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all your
               Volunteers Needed!                             support recently with the many families we are trying
        I am putting out a plea for help!! St. Petronille     to help! I am often overwhelmed with your genuine
supports two wonderful and local organizations which          care and concern for others. We continue to see need
are in need of volunteers from our parish.                    though and you may not know, but there has been a
        We have a partnership with Bridge Communities         statewide moratorium on rental evictions since Covid
to provide mentors to families in their Transitional          began but that is set to expire March 6th, which means
Housing Program (taking families at risk of homelessness      the needs of others in our community may increase
and working with them to self-sufficiency). Currently, we     exponentially. We may begin to see more families
have one family in the program and two wonderful              displaced and looking for help. You can help us help
mentors who will be working with this family. We have         others by contributing to the SHARE Fund or the St.
space to host another family in the program, but we need      Vincent DePaul Society fund; your contributions allow
volunteer mentors and that is where you come in. I am         us to help with emergency rental assistance among
looking for 3-4 individuals who would be interested in        other things. You can also help by providing donations
learning more about this very special program.                of gift cards to Aldi or gas stations. Gas station gift
        We also have a partnership with another local         cards are one of the most requested needs in addition
organization, the Glen Ellyn Walk-in Ministry. This is an     to help with groceries.
organization which provides financial support to Glen                  This month we are also responsible for stocking
Ellyn residents in times of need. The GEWIM is in need of     the shelves of the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry. This is an
volunteers to help take phone calls from clients in need. I   easy way to help; simply bring an item or 2 with you to
am looking for 4-5 individuals who are looking to make a      church and leave it in the bin in the Narthex. You can
difference in the lives of those in our community. Please     also bring an item to the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
contact me if you are interested in learning more about       dinners; they are collecting for the food pantry. Our
working with these wonderful organizations.                   school kids are collecting donations and our Faith
                                                              Formation kids are also collecting donations. There are
                      Tanya Singh, Coordinator                so many ways to help fight food insecurity in our
                                                                    Thank you again for all you do!! God Bless!

                                                                                               Thank you

                                                              to everyone who has already pledged a gift to the 2021
                                                              Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal (CMAA). Every gift,
                                                              large or small, brings us closer to our parish’s 2021
                                                              CMAA goal of $142,000.
                                                                      If you have yet to make your gift, please
                                                              prayerfully reflect on how you can best support the
                                                              CMAA. If we raise more than our goal, 70 percent of
                                                              the amount over goal will be returned to us for our
                                                              use. This is an amazing opportunity for our parish.
                                                                      Our pastor recently mailed a pledge envelope to
                                                              everyone in our parish. Please either return it, or the
                                                              pledge card you received from the diocese, in the mail.

                                                                   You may also make a secure gift online at
                                                              or text
                                                                        DONATE to (815) 205-1949.

March 28, 2021                         Page 6                                                           Palm Sunday
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
                                               I Trust in You!
                                                       How do I get ready for
                                                       Divine Mercy Sunday?

                                     “On one occasion, I heard these words: My daughter, tell the whole world
                                     about My Inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a
                                     refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day
                                     the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of
graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive
Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine
floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its
sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it
throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy.
Every soul in its relation to Me will I contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy
emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday
after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy” (Jesus, Diary of St. Maria
Faustina Kowalska, 699).
                “This message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint
Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of
about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God's mercy…In a series of revelations to
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s, our Lord called for a special feast day to be celebrated on the
Sunday after Easter. Today, we know that feast as Divine Mercy Sunday, named by Saint John Paul II at the
canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000” (

                        Start The Divine Mercy Novena on Good Friday
        Jesus asked that the Divine Mercy Sunday be preceded by a Novena to the Divine Mercy which would
begin on Good Friday. He gave St. Faustina an intention to pray for on each day of the Novena. In her diary,
St. Faustina wrote that Jesus told her: "On each day of the novena you will bring to My heart a different
group of souls and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy ... On each day you will beg My Father,
on the strength of My passion, for the graces for these souls." This can be prayed on your rosary beads.
In anticipation of Divine Mercy Sunday, you can personally pray the Divine Mercy chaplet each day
    beginning on Good Friday.

You can find the prayers and instructions on how to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet at https://
and links to the special daily intentions for the novena at
devotions/novena or all of the intentions together on

For more information about the Divine Mercy Devotion, go to, enter your email and parish (St. Petronille,
    Glen Ellyn), and search for Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy 101 with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC is especially good!

March 28, 2021                             Page 7                            Follow St. Petronille:
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Friday, April 2 Good Friday

EVENTS 03.29 - 04.04                       3:00pm     Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
                                           Noon & 7:00pm Stations of the Cross
                                           Saturday, April 3 Holy Saturday
Monday, March 29 - Wednesday March 31:     7:30pm     Easter Vigil Mass
6:15am & 8:00am Mass                                        Sunday, April 4
Thursday, April 1 Holy Thursday            Solemnity of Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:00pm      Mass
Adoration in the Church until Midnight

March 28, 2021                    Page 8                                               Palm Sunday
Saint Petronille Catholic Parish - Saint Petronille ...
Now, more than                   Eucharistic Adoration Every Friday
                                   ever, it’s time to                             We have the exposition of the Blessed
                                    get FORMED!!!                             Sacrament in the Church every Friday from 3
                                                                              -10pm, Adoration on First Fridays beginning
                                                                                    at 11am. Mass until 8am Mass on
If you haven’t logged into FORMED, you are missing                             Saturday. The Blessed Sacrament, exposed
out on an incredible collection of Catholic movies,                           in the monstrance, brings Jesus very close to
talks, books, and more!!! It’s free to you because St.                        us, and all are welcome to come and pray. To
Petronille pays the subscription cost. It is easier than                            make a regular weekly or monthly
ever to register and access all the content YOU want.                          commitment to prayer, call Parish office at
Here’s how to get FORMED:                                                       630 469-0404 x0 for more information.
     Register more easily – no more passwords or
        codes! All you have to do is go to , choose “St.                                 Crisis Pregnancy Resources
        Petronille, Glen Ellyn, IL” from the drop-down                  ·   Rachel’s Vineyard: 877 467-3463
        menu, enter your name and email address,                        ·   Waterleaf: 630 701-6270
        and you’re in!                                                  ·   Project Gabriel: 877 734-2444
     You can get the FORMED app for your phone                          ·   National Birthright: 800 550-4900
        or tablet                                                       ·   Natural Family Planning: 815 221-6251
     More content is constantly being added
          Login to                         Pro-life and family information links:
         to connect or re-connect with your       
              Catholic faith on demand!
                                                                      Choose Life! Ministry meetings held
                     ESSE – Ecumenical                        Third Thursday each month, 7:30pm, Parish Office.
                     Support Services for                   Contact for more information.
                     the Elderly is a not for
                     profit organization which              PRAYER CONNECTION                         (urgent prayer ministry)
provides adult day care options that promote the            Prayer requests which are deemed urgent should be emailed to
                                                            Gert MacPhail at We also invite
physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of            parishioners to join the Prayer Connection as ‘pray-ers’.
older adults and their families. Open to persons of
all faiths, ESSE is dedicated to preserving the
independence and dignity of individuals
                                                           MINISTRY OF CARE VISITS
                                                           We have many trained ministers of care ready to bring
experiencing dementia while offering respite for           Communion and visit our sick and/or homebound parishioners.
their caregivers. There are three sites where safe,        Please contact Tanya Singh at (630) 469-0404 x2108 or
                                                  for more information.
comfortable, and pleasant interactive day care is
provided in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, and Warrenville.
                                                                  Keep up on the latest Parish Happenings
The Glen Ellyn site is located at Faith Lutheran
Church, 41 N. Park Blvd. Call us at 630 260-3773
for more information.
                                                                       Parish eNews Blast
                                                                   Text STPETS to 22828 to start receiving the
                                                                              Parish e-mail blast

                    The Rite of Christian
                                                           Reporting Sexual Abuse:                           Anyone with reason
                 Initiation of Adults (RCIA)               to believe that a child has been abused or is being abused should
                                                           report their suspicions to civil authorities. Contact: Illinois
                 Considering becoming Catholic             Department of Children and Family Services: (800) 25ABUSE (800)
                                                           252-2873 or local police. The Diocese of Joliet Victim Assistance
 or are a Baptized Christian who would like to             Coordinator is available to help victims/survivors of child sexual
 receive Eucharist and/or Confirmation in the              abuse by a cleric, employee or volunteer of the Catholic Church. The
 Catholic faith? Contact Christine Balaty at               Victim Assistance Coordinator will report to Bishop Conlon and
                                                           coordinate efforts of pastoral support and outreach to assist in the or (630) 469-0404                healing process. The Victim Assistance Coordinator can also assist in
 x2107 for more information.                               making a report to civil authorities. Contact the Diocese of Joliet
                                                           Victim Assistance Coordinator at (815) 263-6467.

March 28, 2021                               Page 9                              Follow St. Petronille:
Pastoral Life:

        Directory                                           Adult Faith Formation Inquiries (RCIA):
                                                               Contact Christine Balaty at (630) 469-0404 x2107.
                                                            Anointing of Sick:
                                                               Please phone the Parish Office. Communal celebration
                                                            held seasonally.
            St. Petronille Parish                           Communion Calls:
  420 Glenwood Avenue, Glen Ellyn IL 60137                     Communion for homebound available. Contact Tanya
               (630) 469-0404                               Singh (630) 469-0404 x2108.
          Web Site: http://www.stpetschur ch.or g           Parish Registration:
                  Parish office hours                          A special welcome to our new parishioners. Please
                 8:30am - 4:30pm M-TH                       introduce yourself, and register your household as soon as
                      8:30am -1pm F                         possible. Please call the Parish Office at (630) 469-0404 x0.
Pastoral Staff
                                    Mass Schedule                Sacrament of
 FR. EDUARDO FLORES, PAROCHIAL VICAR, X2101                 Weekdays 6:15am & 8am              Reconciliation:
                            Saturday 8am
                                                                                               Fridays: 7 - 7:45am
 FR. JOHN SULLIVAN, SENIOR PRIEST, (630) 849-5006           Sunday Liturgies Celebrated:       Saturday: 4 - 4:45pm.
 FR. ART MAHER, SENIOR PRIEST (630) 740-7991
 DEACON JOHN SPIEZIO, DEACON, (630) 469-0404 X2105          Saturday                           Other times available by
                                                             5:00pm                           appointment with priest.
 DEACON RON YURCUS, DEACON, (630) 858-5499                                                     Communal Reconciliation
                                                                celebrated seasonally. The
                                                            Sunday                             Reconciliation Room is
                                                             7:30am                           located in the southeast
                                                             9:30am                           corner of the Church.
Ministry Offices at 420 Glenwood Avenue                      11:30am
                                                             5:00pm                           Sacrament of Baptism
(630) 469-0404 :                                                                               Pre-Baptismal catechesis
Adult Faith Formation :                                                                        held third Monday of the
  MS. CHRISTINE BALATY, DIRECTOR, X2107                     Holy Days:                         month. Baptisms held                                  Vigil 7:00pm                       Sundays at 1:00pm. For
                                                            Holy Days 6:15, 8am and            Baptism inquiries, phone
Christian Service:                                          7:00pm                             the parish office.
  MRS. TANYA SINGH, COORDINATOR, CHRISTIAN SERVICES X2108                                   National Holidays: 9am only        Sacrament of
Liturgy and Music:                                          Eucharistic Adoration:             Marriage:
                                                                                               Couple must personally
  MR. ERIC RASMUSSEN, DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC, X2104        Fridays 3-10pm                   notify the parish office at                                First Friday of each month,      least six months prior to
  DEACON JOHN SPIEZIO, LITURGY COORDINATOR, X2105                  24 hours following          the preferred wedding                                        8am Mass                    date.
Grade School: 425 Prospect Avenue
MAIN: 630 469-5041 FAX : 630 469-5071
  E-mail address:                    MRS. MAURA CANZANO, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, X4000
  MS. MAUREEN ASPELL, PRINCIPAL, X3101                                                Youth Ministry:
  MR. KEITH MATUNE, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL, X3103               MS. ANNEMARIE COMAN, DIRECTOR, X2106                          
  MRS. KAREN GRONWICK, SECRETARY, X3000                     E-mail address:
                                                            MRS. DIANE MAKOWSKI, BUSINESS MANAGER, x2103,
Parish Office & Ministry Offices at :             
420 Glenwood 630 469-0404 fax: 630 469-0412                 MS.JESSICA PAYNE, OFFICE MANAGER, X0
Faith Formation (P3-Gr. 8):                       
MAIN: 630 858-3796 x4000 Fax: 630 858-6232                  MRS. SHEILA LYNCH, PARISH ACCOUNTANT, X2004
 E-mail address:  
 MRS. JULIE KNOX, DIRECTOR, X4109                           MRS. PAULA BARNETT, COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR, x2302,                          

March 28, 2021                          Page 10                                                                     Palm
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