INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 - Infant Jesus RC Church

Page created by Felix Woods
INFANT JESUS Roman Catholic Church 110 Myrtle Avenue Port Jefferson, NY 11777 - Infant Jesus RC Church
                                  Roman Catholic Church
                                        110 Myrtle Avenue
                                   Port Jefferson, NY 11777
                                                 founded in 1903

                              August 15, 2021
Father Patrick M. Riegger
    Parochial Vicars
 Father Francis Lasrado
Father Rolando Ticllasuca
     Rectory Office
                                   Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital circa 1941
Pastoral Staff                                                              Parish Contacts
          Weekend Assistant                                               Rectory:                 General Information:           631-473-0165
         Father Jack Moore, Retired                                                                Fax:                           631-331-8094
   Hospital Chaplains In Residence                                                                 E-Mail:
   Father Henry Vas - St. Charles Hospital                                                         Website:     
  Father Matthew Udobi - Mather Hospital
                                                                          Bookkeeping:             Dcn. Carlito Roman             631-473-0165
             Parish Trustees                           Assistant
                                                                          Facility Manager:
                                                                                                   Lucy Paplin                    631-473-0165
    Robert Coughlan       Ralph Cerullo       Fr. Anthony Ewherido
                                                                          Parish Ministries:
                  Permanent Deacons                                       Religious Education:     Corinne Addiss                 631-928-0447
  Deacon Michael J. Byrne     Deacon Kenneth J. Clifford
    Deacon Pat Gerace           Deacon Carlito P. Roman                   Spanish Ministry:        Fr. Rolando Ticllasuca 631-473-0165
              Deacon Richard E. Waldman                                   Social Ministry          Vicki Rybak                    631-331-6145
        \Ç `xÅÉÜ|tÅ ~ Deacon William J. Powers                            (Parish Outreach):

                             Weekend Schedule for INTENTIONS
  Those of you who are unable to attend Mass are encouraged to follow Mass                                              PLEASE VISIT
   online or on TV. EWTN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.135 / Fios Ch.285 : Da ily M a ss a t 8 AM                              FOR MORE OPTIONS
      CFN ~ Altice-Optimum Ch.29 / Fios Ch.296: M-F 8:30 AM, 12:30 PM, Sundays 11 AM, 7 PM                             AND UPDATES!!

               Saturday, August 14th                                                      Saturday, August 21st
               St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest & Martyr                                                   St. Pius X, Pope
                  Jos 24:14-29; Mt 19:13-15                                              Ru 2:1-3, 8-11, 4:13-17; Mt 23:1-12
           9:00 AM        Fr. Joseph         People of the Parish                     9:00 AM          Fr. Joseph         People of the Parish

           5:00 PM       Fr. Matthew         Nanette Stefanucci                      5:00 PM           Fr. Tony            Nanette Stefanucci

     Chapel 5:15 PM        Fr. Tony            Nancy Mahoney                    Chapel 5:15 PM     Fr. Matthew            Mary Castrogiovanni

                Sunday, August 15th                                                        Sunday, August 22nd
 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary                                     Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

           7:30 AM       Fr. Matthew              Cliff Smith                         7:30 AM          Fr. Tony             Frances Crovello
                         Fr. Rolando                                                  8:45 AM      Fr. Matthew             Spanish Intentions
           8:45 AM       (Spanish Mass)
                                             Spanish Intentions                                    (Spanish Mass)

          10:30 AM       Fr. Francis              Henry Ling                         10:30 AM          Fr. Tony            Timothy Mottola

          12:00 PM       Fr. Francis            Alyssa D’Orazi                       12:00 PM          Fr. Tony              Michael Laffey

           5:00 PM         Fr. Tony               Al Tizzano                          5:00 PM       Fr. Francis              Rachel Quinn

    Chapel 8:30 AM         Fr. Tony          William Schroeder                 Chapel 8:30 AM       Fr. Francis              Edna Sheehan

   Chapel 10:00 AM       Fr. Matthew           Jean LaBarbera                Chapel 10:00 AM        Fr. Francis               Marie Trent
                          Fr. Rolando                                                               Fr. Matthew
   Chapel 11:30 AM       (Family Mass)            Ruth Testa                   Chapel 11:30 AM     (Family Mass)           George Hanley III

                                             Weekday Mass Intentions and Readings
                                                                     6:50 AM             9:00 AM                           Readings
 Monday, August 16th          St. Stephen of Hungary                                 Mary Udavchak                Jgs 2:11-19; Mt 19:16-22
                                                                   of the Parish
 Tuesday, August 17th                  Weekday                                       Chris Laybourne             Jgs 6:11-24a; Mt 19:23-30
                                                                   of the Parish
Wednesday, August 18th                 Weekday                                        Elaine Naples                 Jgs 9:6-15; Mt 20:1-16
                                                                   of the Parish
Thursday, August 19th          St. John Eudes, Priest                                Aurora Panopio              Jgs 11:29-39a; Mt 22:1-14
                                                                   of the Parish
                                St. Bernard, Abbot                     People              People                   Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22;
  Friday, August 20th
                              & Doctor of the Church               of the Parish       of the Parish                     Mt 22:34-40
August 15, 2021                                                                                                                   Page 3

                                   A Message from Fr. Tony Ewherido
Celebrating God’s Mercy; and His Passionate and Steadfast Love (Hosea 1–3)
Last weekend, I introduced the Prophecy of Hosea by inviting us to come into the experience of God’s
Passion for us. In the three chapters recommended for last week’s reading, that passion comes into full
view, not just for the righteous, but also, for the sinner and stray. The Prophet Hosea ministered in the 8th
Century BC, at a time when prosperity had moved the heart of people away from God; people lived
independently of divine ordinances. Such independence led to the abandonment of religious obligations by
a people who saw no need for a relationship with God; the same God who made them into the nation that
they were, out of nothing. During that period also, there was political tension and the threat of the
domination of the great Assyrian Empire, with its menacing military campaigns. At such times, Israel ought
to remember her affinity with the God, who fought Pharoah on their behalf, brought them through the
desert to the Promised Land by fighting and defeating different nations and kings on their behalf, and
settled them on the land in which they lived and prospered. Faced by the menace of the Assyrian and
other great Empires once more, Israel ought to have gone back to her God to do battles for them. Instead, they relied on political
diplomacy and alliances to save their nation; to the point of even making treaties that made them into vassal states of bigger nations.
Israel’s God considered that a betrayal; an affront and disloyalty.
Using the actual life experiences and marriage of Hosea then, God would dramatically portray His people’s infidelity in marital,
adulterous and idolatrous imageries that must be unveiled through the experiences of the Prophet himself. Accordingly, the prophet
followed instructions from God on what to do with his marital life, and He bred out of the prophet’s experiences with an unfaithful
wife, the relationship of Israel to God. Israel’s infidelity was thus portrayed as prostitution. More surprising though was the portrait of
the faithfulness and love of the prophet toward his unchaste wife. That imagery and its significance unfolds for the first time in Hosea
Following the superscription in Chapter 1, God instructed the prophet: “Go, get for yourself a woman of prostitution and children
of prostitution, for the land prostitutes itself, turning away from the Lord” (1:2). The prophet followed God’s orders: married Gomer, a
whore, who gave birth to three kids with very symbolic names, a son, Jezreel (symbol of punishment for the house of Jehu), a
daughter, Lo-Ruhama (literally, “no pity,” for the house of Israel), and a son, Lo-Ammi (literally, “not my people,” symbolizing Israel’s
loss of her status as God’s chosen people, with its attending consequences, that they would be left to the nations to plunder). More
significantly, in addition to the symbolism of the name of the second son, Lo-Ammi, the Lord adds, “for you are not my people and I
am not your God.” We see already, in the first chapter, the sharp contrast of the prophet’s obedience (to God) to the Israel’s
disobedience and rejection of their God. The result is a total reversal of the covenant commitment made during the desert journey to
the Promised Land. The God, who revealed Himself through Moses as I AM, now states categorically: “I am not ‘I AM’ for you.”
Hosea 2 substantiates the accusation of harlotry against Israel and at the same time invites her to abandon her prostitution and
other husbands and return to her only Love, God. Israel is there accused of a false sense of independence from God, not knowing
that whatever accounted for her success was actually provided and given by God. When God takes it all away because of her
infidelity and disloyalty, marking a return to the slavery and desert experiences from which God plucked her, she would come to her
senses and repent of her waywardness. Together with the expected return to God, her spouse, was a promise of restoration to her
former glory. That reversal is signaled by a reversal of the negative names for Hosea’s children. In addition to Jezreel becoming
fruitful, the Lord says: “I will have pity (ruhama) on ‘Not Pitied.’ I will say to ‘Not-My People,’ ‘you are my people,’ and he will say, ‘My
God!’” (Hos 2:24-25). God continues and completes (at least in the meantime) the process of winning back his bride, His people in
Hosea 3:5 with a declaration of Israel’s return to her God and her roots.
God would go through this process of betrothal, infidelity, repentance and restoration over and again with Israel, always faithful
and keeping to his part of the bargain, while Israel repeatedly faltered and failed.
Is that not the cycle that God goes through with us, in a constant effort to draw us to Himself? Think of how often God urges us to
himself and how inconsistent we are with our response to his steadfast love. Hosea, in these three chapters, demonstrates God’s
passionate thirst for us.
As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we remember how her obedient response to
God’s will brought her into full union with her Son in heaven. We also look forward with hope that, with her maternal assistance, we
too would be fully committed to a life of obedience to God’s will, so that at the end of our earthly journey, God may draw us to
Himself in heaven, through the merits of the passion, death and resurrection of her Son and our Brother. Amen.
Page 4                                                                                                  August 15, 2021

       Reconciliation (Confession)

                         Baptism (Infant & Child)

                                                                          Prayer Chain—Prayer Requests

                                                                                           Scriptural Rosary

                                   Attention!!                                  Spirit Alive Group
               Please take note that
            beginning the weekend after
              Labor Day, on Saturday,
            September 11th, the 5:15 PM                                                   Oración y Adoración

 Mass on Saturdays at the Chapel will be
     changed to begin at 4:00 PM.

                                                                             2021 CMA Parish Goal $112,300

          Total Contributions As of 8/8/2021                                                   8/10/2021:       275
           (Includes Weekly, & Mailed donations. $494,303
     Does not include holiday/ special collections.)                             Donors This Time Last Year:    249
          Total Contributions same time in 2020                          Total Pledges So Far This Year:
                (Includes Weekly, & Mailed donations.        $577,870
          Does not include holiday/ special collections.)
                                                                               Pledges This Time Last Year:    $93,434
  Average Weekly Collection 2021                                        Percentage of Our Goal This Year:       74.5%
   All regular donations since the beginning of the          $15,945
        fiscal year. (Basket, electronic and mailed)                                                            83%
    Average Weekly Collection same time in 2020
   All regular donations since the beginning of the fiscal   $18,640
                   year. (Basket, electronic and mailed)                     
August 15, 2021                                                           Page 5

                             Attention All
                               The 2021 CMA is
                              The brochures for
                              this year’s appeal
                             are available in the
                                Church and the
                              Chapel after all of
                                 the Masses!

                   We have reached 74.5% of our goal!
                       Last year, we were at 83%.

                                              Pledging just got easier!
                                                  Text the keyword
                                                 “142infantjesus” to
Page 6                                                                                 August 15, 2021

   Autumn Splendor                        Welcome Friends                Food Pantry & Free
        Needs                              FREE MEAL                        Store Hours
We are in need of the following items
 for the Autumn Splendor baskets:           CURBSIDE                          Tuesday & Thursday
                 Items                                                          10 AM – 12 PM
                  Wine                      PROGRAM
            Irish Whiskey                                                      Office hours are
           Wheel Barrow                    (Please Note Changes)             Monday thru Thursday
             Gift Cards                                                         10 AM – 2 PM
               2- Disney
               Michael’s                    Monday @ 1 PM
          William Sonoma                                                 Donations of seasonal clothing
         Gift Certificates
                                         Christ’s Church Episcopal      and small household items can be
     Ransome Inn (1 night stay)         Barnum Ave, Port Jefferson        donated during office hours.
      Cooperage Inn (Brunch)
   Crushed Olive (Merchandise)                                                 We no longer place
      Christmas Tree Voucher               Tue & Thu @ 1 PM                         furniture.
            Cigar Lounge                     St. Paul’s Church           If you have furniture to donate,
              2 - Bakery                309 Rt 112, Port Jeff Station               please call:
          Danford’s Brunch                                                     Open Door Exchange
           Danford’s Stay                                                       at 631-751-0176 or
               P J Ferry                         Wed 1 PM                      Hope Springs Eternal
              2 - Butcher                  Fri from 3:30-4:30
       Photographer Package                                                      at 631-509-1101.
     Florist (Wedding Flowers)
                                         First Presbyterian Church        The Salvation Army bin in our
               Nurseries                     Main & South St.,             side parking lot is for bagged
             Mets Tickets                      Port Jefferson           clothing only. Please do not leave
                  Deli                                                      items outside of the bin.
 Sparkling Pointe or Wine Tasting
August 15, 2021                                                                                Page 7

                 Mass of Thanksgiving
                   Please join us as we gather to
               celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving with
                      Father Dominik Wegiel
          Sunday,                                                         Please join us in
       October 3, 2021                                                     Montfort Hall

           10 AM Mass                                                     after Mass for a
                                                                        reception and first
           Infant Jesus
              Chapel                                                          blessings.

           Seminarian Dominik was a special gift to our Parish during his pastoral
                year in 2018-19. We wish him blessings as he continues on
              his journey in his first assignment at St. Mary’s in Manhasset.

                                                                          Let’s Get Together
                                                                          Something 4 Seniors
                                                                         is planning another Luncheon!!
                                                        This is not a meeting, it is just a luncheon.
 We will resume rehearsals on
Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9 PM                                      Luncheon will be on
   beginning on August 24th                                Tuesday, August 17th, 2021 at 1:00 pm
  in the Church choir loft.                                       at Lotus East Restaurant
"All are welcome to join; just
     bring the voice that                               on Route 25A in Mt. Sinai,
       God gave you!"                                       Price $12 per person.
      If you have any questions,                        Reservations are a must.
     please contact Anna Rosenberg
                                                           Please RSVP by August 12th to
 " I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with               FaithCardone
 my mouth I will make your faithfulness known
        through all generations." Psalm 89:1        
Page 8                                                                                                August 15, 2021

                Help Support Infant Jesus Parish Social Ministry
                                Annual Back To School Drive
                                                   Why Should I Participate?
                            By participating in our Back to School Drive, you are giving a child the tools that are
                            needed in the classroom to help them play, learn, and grow. Education is the key to
                                        success- help them unlock the door to a brighter tomorrow.
                                                    What Items Are Needed?
feel free to donate gift cards to the following stores: Staples, Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl’s, and Dollar Tree. Or you may
 choose to donate basic school supplies, such as: composition books, pens, pencils, rulers, crayons, markers, glue,
          folders, binders, backpacks, lined paper, construction paper, graph paper, calculators, erasers, etc.
                                   Where Can I Drop Off Items?
  Donations can be dropped off at the Infant Jesus Parish Social Ministry Office, which is located in the Convent
          Building-110 Hawkins Street, Port Jefferson. Call us at 631-331-6145 for detailed directions.
                                    When Can I Drop Off Items?
                    We will begin collecting donated items now during office hours. Thank you!

              Crea ng a brighter future, one child at a me!
                                                                                     Great News!
                                                                          Worldwide Marriage Encounter has gone “Virtual"!
                                                                           To support married couples during this time of
                                                                               social distancing, Worldwide Marriage
                                                               Encounter is sponsoring virtual marriage experiences.
                                                                 Some are on weekends and are seven sessions on
                                                            weekdays from 7:00 to 9:30 PM. Couples will explore their
                                                                  individual personality styles, improve listening and
                                                                communication skills, understand God’s plan for their
                                                                 marriage, and learn how to keep their relationship a
                                                            priority. Registration is limited and a $100 application fee is
                                                              required. For more information or to apply, call Chuck &
                                                                     Maria Reiss at 631-486-8607 or visit them at
                                                                  Do you hunger for a deeper love in your
                                                                  marriage? Let Jesus fill your hunger by
                                                                       participating in the next
                                                               Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience.

                                                             Come celebrate with us at the Family Mass

                                                               We invite you, your family and friends to join us every
                                                                     Sunday at the Infant Jesus Family Mass
                                                                at 11:30 am in the Chapel at St. Charles Hospital .
August 15, 2021                                                                                         Page 9

                         Around Our Parish...
      The Infant Jesus Community is
        once again blessed to have
                                      Family Mass News
    Fr. Anthony (Tony) Ewherido                     USHERS needed for the
                return to our parish this
                                                 8:30 AM Mass at Infant Jesus
                summer. He will be with
                   us from August 1 –
                                                 Chapel at St. Charles Hospital
                September 30. As in the             Family Mass also needs
                  past, Fr. Tony will be         students grades 4 thru 12 to share their time
                presenting a course from         and talent as READERS for the Family Mass.
               the Holy Scriptures on the
                                                       Please contact Lucy for informa on
       Book of the Prophet Hosea.
                                                       (631) 473-0165 or (631) 353-5660.
     The course will be held at
      7:30 PM in the Church                                                      2021
    on the following Mondays:                                             MASS INTENTIONS
      August 2              August 23                                     STILL AVAILABLE!
      August 9              August 30
      August 16            September 13

    Please note that music will resume at the
     following Sunday Masses on the
             weekend after Labor Day:
             11:30 AM (Chapel)
                                                      celebrating Mass offers the celebration of the
             5:00 PM (Church)                    Eucharist for a particular person, or intention. By doing
                                                     so, he applies special graces from God upon that
                                                  person or intention. Mass Intentions are reserved and
                Save the Date for 2022           recorded in the Mass Book. Mass Cards are often used
                 "Interna onal Dinner"           to convey to the family and friends of a departed loved
                                                      one, the time and date of the intended Mass.
                We are sorry to say that our
             Interna onal Dinner will not be
held this year. Due to the reality that we are   Please be advised as all are welcomed back to
                                                 Mass at 100% capacity that the dispensation
  just coming off of many restric ons and          from the obligation to attend Mass will be in
  constantly changing recommenda ons.             effect until the Feast of the Assumption on
We have decided to wait one more year and        August 15th. The dispensation will officially be
                                                  lifted as of this feast, and the obligation to
         make October 2022 one of                     attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days
            our best events ever.                      will be reinstated in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Page 10                                                                                                     August 15, 2021

                                                                      "Parents have shared the gift of human life with their
                                                                      children and, through Baptism, have enriched them
                                                                      with a share in God's own life. They have the duty to
                                                                      nourish it. Their faith, their attitude toward other
                                                                      human beings, and their trust in a loving God strongly
                                                                      influence the development of the child's faith. Parents
                                                                      are catechists precisely because they are parents. Their
                                                                      role in the formation of Christian values in their
                                                                      children is irreplaceable....parents, pastors, catechists,
                                                                      and teachers need to cooperate closely to ensure that
Please note that there will be special Confirmation sessions          the catechesis offered children is truly an ecclesial
in the Fall. We are able to offer two options which will be a total   catechesis that is consistent with Christian values lived
        of five hours, eliminating the Final Prep Review:             in the family. Pastors have a serious obligation to assist
                                                                      parents and educators in their mission to hand on the
                                                                      faith to future generations. School-age children should
                      SESSION #4:                                     receive formal and systematic catechesis in a parish-
      Tuesday, 9/7 & Thursday, 9/9 from 4:30 - 7 PM                   based catechetical program, a Catholic school, or a
                      SESSION #5:                                     program of home-based catechesis in which the content
          Saturday, 9/11 from 10 AM - 3:30 PM                         of the faith and the experience of Christian life is
                                                                      presented authentically and completely." National Directory
                  (1/2 hour lunch break included)                     for Catechesis USCCB


We look forward to hearing from all of our families!!! All registrations are being done on-line via Parish Giving. Families
   currently in the program received an email from Parish Giving with family log on information to register on line.
       New Families & New 1st Grade students: Contact the religious education office for information: 631-928-0447
                                                    Grade Level 1 (First Holy Communion 1)
                                 Parent/Child meet on one Mondays approx. once a month beginning October 18th.
                                        Parent and child read short chapters each week at home together.
                          Grade Level 2 (First Holy Communion 2)
    Students meet each week in classroom with catechist. Classes are offered on Tuesdays at
          4:30 or Wednesdays at 5:30. First Parent/Child meeting September 21 & 22.

  Grade Level 3, 4, 5: Families will meet on October 12 &13 for an initial gathering with two more scheduled during the
      year. In addition to other activities, student texts and activity books along with syllabus and other tools will be
   distributed to assist families in completing lessons at home each week. Assistance from a grade level catechist via
     google classroom will be provided as well. For certain circumstances in person classes may be made available.

                       Grade Level 6: Students will receive a BIBLE at a special Mass on Sept. 18 (last name A-M)
                     or Sept. 25 (last name M-Z). Students will meet in class every other week beginning in October.
                             They will be given syllabus and readings to work on at home alternating weeks.
                          Assistance from a grade level catechist via google classroom will be provided as well.

                                  Confirmation Lv. 1 & Lv. 2 (Gr. 7 & 8)
      will meet each week in the classrooms. The first parent/child meeting is on October 5 & 7 with
                several others throughout the year to assist with the Confirmation process.

  Special Sacraments, children and teens: Special classes are set up for older students who have missed attending
          religious education throughout the years and have not received baptism and/or Communion and/or
                         Confirmation for any reason. Contact the office for more information.
August 15, 2021                                                                                               Page 11

                                                                       Article #91 by Phil Griffith

In 2002, Vietnam veteran and Faithful Navigator Jerry Spanola of Our Lady of Lourdes Fourth Degree Assembly of the
Knights of Columbus honored Rev. Charles J. Watters with the K of C Fourth Degree Exemplification posthumously.
In 1965, at 38 years of age, Chaplain Father Watters joined the 2nd Battalion of the 173rd Airborne Division. During the
Vietnam War, the Knight from Regina Council 1688 of Rutherford, New Jersey heard confessions, celebrated Mass,
anointed the dying, carried injured soldiers to safety, bandaged their wounds and offered his fellow paratroopers with
water, food, comfort and prayers. On November 17,1967, he was killed in action in the Battle for Hill 875.
Father Watters achieved the rank of Major and is only one of four Catholic Priests to receive the Medal of Honor along
with Rev. Joseph T. Callahan, Rev. Charles Litkey and Rev. Vincent R. Capodanno. Reverend Father, Chaplain, Knight
Charles J. Watters is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

To benefit our local
healthcare heroes at
Mather & St. Charles

      KOC Annual Golf Fundraiser ~ Monday 8/16/21 at Port Jefferson Country Club!
   Limited number of spots still open for golfers. Sign up!! Deadline approaching soon.

         Go to for more information!
Page 12                                                                                                                                                                                                     August 15, 2021
                                                                                                                 CPT Daniel Armstrong            Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Steven Balfoort             Army          • New To Our Parish?
                                                                                                                 PFC Jesse Bernstein
                                                                                                                 PFC Ethan Bernstein
                                                                                                                                                               • Have You Been A Part
                                                                                                                 PFC Richard Bestafka            Army            Of Our Parish, But
                                                                                                                 Spc. Nicholas J. Bohm           Army
                                                                                                                 CPT Connor Britt                Marines         Never Registered?
                                                                                                                 PVT Patrick John Buckley
                                                                                                                 PO Jenna Burton
                                                                                                                                                               • Are You A Long Time
          Please call the rectory at 631-473-0165 or e-mail to have someone listed.

                                                                                                                 LCPL Edward Callan              Marines         Parishioner, But
                                                                                                                 CPL Ryan Caltabiano             Marines
                                                                                                                 SSG Collin Cash                 Army            Have Never Gotten
                                                                                                                 SFC Nang Cash                   Army
                                                                                                                 PO Richard Chappel              Navy
                                                                                                                                                                 Around To Updating Your Contact
                                                                                                                 SGT Ricardo Combariza           Army            and Household Information?
                                                                                                                 CPO August Delledonne           Navy
                                                                                                                 2LT Mark A. Duffy               Army                 WE INVITE YOU TO REGISTER YOUR
                                                                                                                 MASA Justin Edwards             Navy
                                                                                                                 CSM Michael A. Eiermann         Army                     FAMILY WITH OUR PARISH
                                                                                                                 SSG Justin Eminhizer            Army
                                                                                                                 MAJ Brett Erland                Army              We have also been having issues with the Post Office not
                                                                                                                 SSGT Andrea S. Evangelista      Air Force     delivering mail to some of our parishioners. Sadly, we often can
                                                                                                                 PVT Daniel Fey                  Marines
                                                                                                                                                                  not tell if you have moved, or if there is an issue with your
                                                                                                                 SN Christian T. Freda           Navy
                                                                                                                 SGT Sammy Guerrero              Army
                                                                                                                                                               address and contact information. If you have registered with us,
                                                                                                                 PFC Thomas Grau                 Air Force      but are no longer getting regular mailings, please contact the
                                                                                                                 PFC Dean Grau                   Marines         rectory @ 631-473-0165, or contact us through our website.
                                                                                                                 2LT John Hewitt                 Army
                                                                                                                 CPO Thomas J. Joyce III         Navy
                                                                                                                                                                   Both the Registration & Family-Update Form and the Rectory
                                                                                                                 PFC Donald J. Kelly             Army
                                                                                                                 PVT Ryan D. Kelly               Marines
                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact Form can be found at:
                                                                                                                 CPL Brian Kolarik               Marines                       WWW.INFANT JESUS.ORG
                                                                                                                 MAJ Ryan T. Krebsbach           Marines                    Under the ‘OUR PARISH’ menu item
                                                                                                                 LT Mary Kruse                   Navy
                                                                                                                 PVT Thomas Christopher Lennon   Marines
                                                                                                                 CDR Jeffrey Lessard             Navy
                                                                                                                 LCPL Stephen James Lyzak        Marines                     IRA CHARITABLE
                                                                                                                 PFC Kenneth MacAlpin
                                                                                                                 E3 Matthew Malpartida
                                                                                                                                                 Air Force
                                                                                                                                                                            ROLLOVER = GREAT
                                                                                                                 SN Edward Marbot                Coast Guard               OPPORTUNITY UNDER
                                                                                                                 SN Ronald Martiny
                                                                                                                 PFC Brenden McCabe
                                                                                                                                                                              NEW TAX LAWS
                                                                                                                 CPL Andrew Meyer                Marines                            ……..
                                                                                                                 LCPL Bruce Moeller              Marines
                                                                                                                 PO1 Jared Mills                 Navy
                                                                                                                 CPT Lintner Monroy              Army
                                                                                                                 HN Connor O’Keefe               Navy
                                                                                                                 SGT Melissa Perez               Army
                                                                                                                 SSG Maximilian Perez            Army
                                                                                                                 PSC Paul Piotrowski             Marines
                                                                                                                 LCPL Sean Piotrowski            Marines
                                                                                                                 PVT Ryan W. Powers              Marines
                                                                                                                 PFC David Ramos, Jr.            Army
                                                                                                                 HM2 Samantha Reilly             Navy
                                                                                                                 LCPL Matthew Romomoyske-Bean    Marines
                                                                                                                 PFC Paul Russo                  Army
                                                                                                                 LT Andrew Sebastiano            Navy
                                                                                                                 LT Diane Kruse Sebastiano       Navy
                                                                                                                 LCPL Chris Seijido              Marines
                                                                                                                 MAJ Warren Sheprow              Army
                                                                                                                 LT Brian J. Shields             Coast Guard
                                                                                                                 SFC Craig Smolenski             Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Jason Spence                Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Shane Spence                Marines
                                                                                                                 LTCMDR David Still (Retired)    Navy
                                                                                                                 PVT Daniel Sullivan             Army
                                                                                                                 SGT Jason Tulowilzki            Marines
                                                                                                                 PVT Derek Warsaw                Army
                                                                                                                 HN Timothy Wieland              Navy
                                                                                                                 MSGT Christopher Wilson         Air Force
                                                                                                                 PFC Thomas Yacopino             Army
August 15, 2021                                                                                  Page 13
          Attention Shoppers!                                      Weekly Memorials
Please visit Hope Springs Eternal - Second
 Chance Boutique in Port Jeff Station! All
 proceeds benefit Hope House Ministries in
    Port Jefferson. For the past 40 years,
  HHM (Founder Father Francis Pizzarelli)
  has provided a safe haven of support and recovery for
   thousands of Long Islanders struggling with poverty,
 addiction, homelessness, family conflicts and more. The
  Boutique sells high-quality new and gently-used goods
  including fine crystal and china, glassware, furniture,
handbags and name brand clothing. There are all kinds of
 treasures, large and small with something for everyone
on your holiday shopping list. We are featuring a special
  GIFT department featuring brand new items, many of
             them still ticketed! Visit us today                                         August 16th
                    and tell your friends!
             Hope Springs Eternal
           Second Chance Boutique
       19 Chereb Lane, Port Jefferson Station
                                                                       Bread & Wine
                                                                      For Infant Jesus Church
               Hours of Operation:                                  was donated in loving memory of
  Monday through Saturday from 11 AM to 5 PM
       For more information about donating
                                                                      Raymond Capalbo
         and to view items for sale, visit:
        Or Call 631-509-1101
                                                               Wedding                    Banns
                                                            Luis Manrique Palacios to Mirna Salvador
                                                                       August 18, 2021
                                                             Jonathan Buscetta to Amanda Schnettler
                                                                        August 21, 2021
                                                                    Justin Eyer to Mary Best
                                                                        August 21, 2021
                                                                Joseph Mucci III to Katie Correa
                                                                       August 22, 2021
                                                                Diego Velasco to Meghan Kirby
                                                                       August 27, 2021
                                                                Jason Savio to Francine DeNicola
                                                                       September 4, 2021
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