Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha

Page created by Bruce Solis
Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Parks and Recreation Department
Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
City of Menasha Parks and Recreation Department

                                                                                                                                                                                 Department Contact Information
                                         100 Main Street, Suite 200, Menasha, WI 54952
                                                     Phone: (920) 967-3640
                                            General Email:
                                             Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:00am-4:00pm

Our mission: To offer quality youth and adult recreation opportunities and provide desirable
parks, open space and trails which contribute to a healthy community.
                                                      DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION
    Megan Sackett, Director of Parks, Recreation, Forestry & Cemeteries .....................
    Thad Brown, Deputy Director of Municipal Operations
    Recreation/Senior Services Manager ............................................................................................................................... Vacant
    Lori Walbrun, Administrative Assistant
    Park Maintenance Garage—Weekdays 7:00am-3:00pm ......................................................................... (920)967-3620
    Program Cancellation Line .................................................................................................................................. (920)967-3657

                                                                                                     PARK FACILITY RENTAL INFORMATION
               PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD                                                    City residents or city business affiliated events will have
                                                                                             the opportunity to reserve park shelters/areas on a
The seven member Board, which is appointed by the                                            first-come, first-served basis beginning the first working
Mayor, meets the second Tuesday of each month at                                             day in January. Companies must have a significant
6:00pm. Call the MPRD office at 967-3640 if you would                                        presence within city limits in order to reserve facilities
like to discuss putting an issue or question on the Board                                    on the first day. Non-residents will have the
Agenda. Any citizen interested in serving should write a                                     opportunity to reserve a park shelter/area starting the
letter of interest, stating qualifications to the Mayor.                                     first working day in February.

Board Members:                                                                               Smith Park Wedding Reservations
   Dick Sturm (Chair)                     Lisa Hopwood (Vice Chair)                          City of Menasha residents may reserve the Smith Park
   Alderman Ted Grade                     Brian Adesso                                       Garden and Gazebo for a wedding up to 30 months in
   Tim Hale                               Tom Marshall                                       advance. Non-residents may book a wedding at Smith
                                                                                             Park up to 18 months in advance.
                                                                                             To reserve a park shelter/area, a Park Facility
                                                                                             Reservation Form must be filled out and all fees paid in
 FIND US ON FACEBOOK: MENASHA RECREATION                                                     full. We are unable to “hold” a date prior to receiving
                    AND POOL                                                                 the completed reservation and payment. Reservations
                                                                                             CANNOT be made over the phone or online. Neenah,
Join our online community by liking our page on                                              Appleton, and Fox Crossing groups pay resident rates.
Facebook at Menasha Recreation and Pool. We make
every attempt to keep all program information
accurate and share any weather-related activity
                                                                                                                FAMILY ASSISTANCE FUND
cancellations here.
                                                                                             You can help to give all Menasha kids an opportunity to
                                                                                             participate in Recreation programs! There are many
                                                                                             Menasha families who simply can’t afford a pool pass or
                                                                                             fees for recreation programs. There are two ways you
                                                                                             can make a donation to help these families.
                                                                                                1. When registering online—on the payment screen
Available to City of Menasha youth who cannot afford the                                           click on the Family Assistance Fund donation and
full price of a pool pass OR any recreation program.                                               add any dollar amount you wish.
Funding for this program comes from donations, so the                                           2. By mail or in person—there is a line on the
amount available varies from year to year.                                                         registration form where you may add any dollar
                                                                                                   amount you wish to your payment.
A minimum of three business days is required for staff to
review requests for financial assistance. Please plan                                        All funds are held in a separate account and will only be
accordingly.                                                                                 used to assist City of Menasha families.

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Information regarding COVID-19 pertaining to
                         Parks and Recreation Services and Programs
We continue to ensure that the staff and participant’s safety is of utmost
importance to us. Our recreation programs and events offer children
and adults the opportunity to participate in fun and enriching activities
that is much needed during this unprecedented time. We will be taking
the following measures to mitigate the concerns and spread of COVID-
19 in our programs and community.

   Staff will be required to report any indicated symptoms to their direct supervisor.
   Staff will be required to wear a mask when in enclosed spaces.
   In addition to the annual staff training that takes place, staff will be trained in the appropriate
    safety actions listed below:
     Personal Protective equipment
     Proper cleaning and disinfecting parks and recreation facilities and equipment
     Staff will be trained to instruct participants on proper handwashing and sanitization

Program Modifications:
 Smaller program sizes or groups within each program.
 Modification of program spaces, location, storage and materials.
 Frequent disinfecting of program supplies.
 Restrictions on available equipment that cannot be easily disinfected.
 Games/Activities that promote physical distancing.
 Hand sanitizer available to all participants and staff.
 Program participants, ages 5 and older, will be required to wear a face covering when
   participating in our programs in enclosed spaces

We ask that anyone exhibiting the following symptoms not attend a program or event:
                  Fever of 100 degrees or above      Diarrhea
                  Cough or respiratory issues        Sore throat
                  Shortness of Breath                Nausea/vomiting
                  Congestion or runny nose           Chills
                  Fatigue                            Muscle/body aches
                  Headache                           New loss of taste/smell

We remain vigilant about the safety protocols that protect our staff and guests and will continue to
put the safety of our staff and guests at the forefront of our decisions. We hope to be able to offer
all the programs, events and services listed in this guide. Please watch our Facebook page (Menasha
Recreation and Pool) or the City’s website for further updates. As the COVID-19 Pandemic response
changes, so may our responses. If at any time you have questions about these or other program
policies, please contact our office at 920.967.3640 or email me at Full
refunds will be given if the City of Menasha cancels your shelter reservation or recreation program/

*NOTE- The Menasha Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right not to admit people
who pose a communicable disease risk to others.

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Registration Information

                           Drop Off your completed registration form and payment in the Parks and Recreation Department, Menasha City Center,
                           Second Floor, or use the black drop box in City Hall’s Parking Lot on Main St.
                           Mail your completed registration form and payment to City of Menasha Parks and Recreation, 100 Main Street Ste. 200,
                           Menasha, WI 54952. Checks should be made payable to City of Menasha Confirmation will be e-mailed, be sure to
                           include email address on the form.
                           Online registration at Credit/debit cards are accepted online. There is a small service
                           charge for using this form of payment.
                           Participants new to the City of Menasha will need to create an account at the website listed above. You will not be
                           able to register for any activities until your account has been approved by office staff. Once approved, you will receive a
                           confirmation email. Then you may log in using the account information you provided.

                           PROGRAM FEE RECIPROCITY
                           Recreation Program Fee Reciprocity: The City of Menasha offers recreation program fee reciprocity with the cities of
                           Appleton and Neenah and the Village of Fox Crossing. This also means that city residents may sign up for programs and
                           receive services in these communities at their resident rates. This is a fee only agreement. Each municipality may
                           establish a separate registration period or policies for its own residents. Residents of these communities pay the lower
                           Resident Rates on City of Menasha programs For further information regarding programs in the other municipalities, call
                           the Park and Recreation offices of Appleton (920-832-5910), Neenah (920-886-6060) or Fox Crossing (920-720-7108).

                           OTHER REGISTRATION INFORMATION
                              Visit our website ( for more information about programs, parks, jobs, etc.
                              Child’s grade in the Fall of 2020 should be used when registering
                              Make checks payable to the City of Menasha
                              Telephone registration is not accepted
                              Program cancellations and other announcements can be accessed by calling our Program Cancellation Line at (920)
                               967-3657 or visit our Facebook page: Menasha Recreation and Pool
                              Register early! Nothing kills a recreation program faster than residents who wait until the last minute to
                               register. There is a point when a program must be cancelled or modified if there is insufficient registration. All
                               programs require a high level of coordination, often including facility scheduling, staffing, volunteer recruitment
                               and purchasing supplies.
                              Do I pay resident or non-resident fees? If you pay your residential property taxes to the City of Menasha,
                               you are considered a resident. Under reciprocity agreements, if you pay your residential property taxes to the City
                               of Appleton, City of Neenah or Village of Fox Crossing, you will receive the resident rate for programs (Fox Crossing
                               residents pay the NON-RESIDENT rate for swim lessons and pool passes). Any taxing municipality outside the Cities
                               of Menasha, Appleton, Neenah and Village of Fox Crossing is a non-resident. Unfortunately, living in one of these
                               school districts or having a Menasha, Appleton or Neenah address does not necessarily mean you are eligible for
                               the resident rate. Non-residents pay higher fees because a portion of the municipality’s property taxes is
                               designated to pay for the buildings, parks, instructors and administration or recreation services.
                              Inadvertent overpayments are place on the payee’s registration account.
                              In an effort to better promote a positive learning environment for programs, only registered participants are
                               permitted in the program area. Our instructors welcome the opportunity to discuss participant’s progress with
                               parents after class.
                              Say Cheese! Our Recreation Department periodically takes pictures of participants in our classes, during
                               special events, and in the City parks. Please be aware that these photos are for recreational use and may be used in
                               the City of Menasha’s brochures, flyers, or website. You must give us written notice if you or your family members
                               do not want to be photographed or published.
                              Refunds: Will be given when the department cancels a class or makes a change in the class schedule that no
                               longer fits the participant’s needs. A credit on account may also be issued. A refund can be granted when a
                               medical excuse is provided through the first 25% of a program.

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha

                                                                                                                  Youth Programming
Ages 3 1/2—5. Child must have been 3 by July 1, 2020 and be potty-trained
We all know how important the first several years of your child’s life are and we want to be a part of it! Our
days are designed to be play-based and provide your child with the skills and practice for them to be ready to
begin their school years. Themed weeks are packed full with hands-on projects, stories, songs, and activities
designed for social and emotional development, introduction to math and science concepts, language and
communication growth, and physical development which includes both fine and gross motor skills.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Location: Memorial Building, 640 Keyes Street                  Activity #
Session 1    January 18-February 26, 2021                      81011
Session 2    March 1-April 16, 2021                            81012
             (no classes March 29-April 2)
Session 3    April 19-May 28, 2021                             81013

FEE (Per Session): $95/R $110/NR

                          Meet your instructor: My name is Julie Bradley and I would be thrilled to have
                          the opportunity to teach your child in our Tiny Tots program. I am a mother of
                          four wonderful children who have provided me with many experiences to prepare
                          me for working with your child at Tiny Tots. Along with personal experiences, I
                          also received my teaching degree in 1998 through the University of Wisconsin-
                          Oshkosh. I have had the opportunity to teach various age groups in the
                          Oshkosh, Neenah and Hortonville school districts.

                          On a more personal note, I love the outdoors. I enjoy digging in my flower beds,
                          camping with family and picnicking in the summertime. I am excited to help your
                          child take on this challenge and see them grow.

Are you looking to continue developing your child’s skills to prepare them for school, but don’t have the time
to prepare the activities? We’ve done all the work for you in our Tiny Tots – At Home kits. Each week, you will
receive one S.T.E.A.M. themed kit that is designed to challenge your child’s cognitive, emotional, fine and
gross motor skills. Each kit will include easy to follow ‘how to directions’ along with…
     List of books revolving around S.T.E.A.M. based theme/themes for the week
     Finger plays/poems/songs
     Fine motor practice activities (for example: mazes, connect the dots, color by number, matching, letter
      writing, tracing).
     Three arts and crafts projects which include prepared supplies and how-to directions.
     List of get up and move activities with how to directions to build your child’s confidence and gross
      motor skills
     Access to an experienced teacher for questions and advice

Themes will follow the Tiny Tots program that is offered in person. Kits will be
available for pickup at the Parks and Rec Office the Friday of each week, but can be
picked up anytime the following week.
                                                             Activity #
Session 1       January 18-February 26, 2021                 81011.20
Session 2       March 1-April 16, 2021                       81012.20
                (not March 29-April 2)
Session 3       April 19-May 28, 2021                        81013.20

FEE (Per Session):      $36/R $42/NR

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Santa sent his elves to visit Menasha this year! They’ve been busy
putting together family friendly at-home packs to enjoy throughout the
season and they brought these with them! Packs include:

    Map to guide you through the Smith Park neighborhood on a
     holiday lights tour
    At-home elf training kit
    At-home escape room kit
    Hot cocoa kit and cookies
    Registered participants will receive an email template for a letter to Santa. Children are encouraged to
     complete the letter and bring to the Family Fun Pack pick up time to give to Santa’s elves for delivery.

Register for a time slot to pick up your Elf Themed Family Fun pack. After picking up the family fun pack, get
in the holiday spirit by enjoying a drive through the festively decorated Smith Park neighborhood. You may
even spot an elf while you travel through the neighborhood!

Family Fun Pack pick up will be held at the Memorial Building (640 Keyes Street) on Thursday, December
10. Pickup times available 4:00-7:00pm.

Register for your pack pick up time slot at or stop in the Parks and Recreation Office
by noon on Wednesday, December 9.
        Search Activity #84507 and select your desired time slot.
        FEE:   $8R/$10NR (registration per family)

                                                            The Menasha Parks and Recreation Dept. invites
                                                            your organization to connect with the community
                            Winter Gala                     through supporting our community events and
                                                            programs. Our goal is to offer quality youth and
                     Saturday, February 6, 2021             adult recreation and provide desirable parks, open
                                                            space and trails which contribute to a healthy
                                                            community. There are many opportunities to be
                      Watch for further details             involved, along with varying levels of
                       coming in mid-January.               sponsorship—advertise in our Activity Guide,
                      We’re working on plans to             sponsor an event, or be part of our Families First
                                                            Entertainment Series.
                      provide a fun, safe winter            These events and programs play an important role
                               event!                       in the quality of life for the greater Menasha
                                                            community. Your support through sponsorship
                                                            plays an important factor in achieving that goal.
                                                            Through our sponsorship program, we strive to
                                                            provide our sponsors an exceptional value with
                                                            great exposure by showcasing your support for
                                                            the Menasha community.
                                                            If interested in being a supporter of Menasha
                                                            Parks and Recreation, please contact Megan at

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha

Ages 3-14

Family Flips: It's never too early for your little one to start learning while having lots of fun! Our Family Flips
class provides your child a safe place to explore and develop, while you're there to support each success, tada
and giggle.

3-4/5-6 year olds: These independent classes help your growing child develop confidence in his/her
movements, build strength, and improve balance while introducing foundational gymnastics skills.

7-9/10-14 year olds: These fun-filled classes are designed to progressively move your child through circuits
designed to challenge their individual skill level, build strength and flexibility, and create body awareness.
Proper skill execution and form will be emphasized to promote safety and future advancements.

Safety Considerations
 Masks will be required for athletes aged 5 and older. Coaches will be wearing them at all times during
 Class sizes are limited.
 Bar work will be limited to floor bars and other training materials due to need to protect the equipment.
 Students and coaches will sanitize their hands before and after practice.

Waiting List - If a class is full, you may opt to be put on a waiting list. Occasionally, a class may be added,
but could be on a different day and/or at a different time.
Session 1:            January 4-January 29
Session 2:            February 1-February 26
Session 3:            March 1-March 26
Session 4:            April 5-April 30
Session 5:            May 3-May 28

Location:             Memorial Building, 640 Keyes Street
FEE (per session):    30 minute class         $15/R $19/NR
                      45 minute class         $17/R $21/NR
                                                                       Activity #
Class Time             Age Group                         Session 2       Session 3      Session 4      Session 5
9:15-9:45am           Family Flips       31001             31012         32013           32014           32015
4:15-4:45pm           Ages 3-4           31100             31111         32101           32102           32103
5:00-5:45pm           Ages 5-6           31120             31122         32123           32124           32125
6:00-6:45pm           Ages 7-9           31350             31311         32313           32314           32315
7:00-7:45pm           Ages 10-14         31450             31401         32402           32403           32404
4:15-5:00pm           Ages 5-6           31112             31123         32223           32224           32225
5:15-6:00pm           Ages 5-6           31113             31125         32226           32227           32228
6:15-7:00pm           Ages 7-9           31351             31312         32333           32334           32335
7:15-8:00pm           Ages 10-14         31451             31412         32413           32414           32415
8:15-8:45am           Family Flips       31002             31013         32001           32002           32003

Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Youth Programming

                    Location:       Memorial Building, 640 Keyes Street
                    Kickover and Back Walkover                                 Back Handspring Clinic
                    Ages 5 and up                                              Ages 6 and up
                    Stations will be set up to learn bridge kick overs         Is your gymnast ready for a new challenge? This is a
                    and back walkovers. This is an ideal setting for           fast-paced clinic with non-stop drills, conditioning,
                    cheerleaders, dancers, or anyone interested in             and assisted spotting to teach athletes the basics of
                    tumbling. Beginners will work on bridges, kicks, and       the skill while providing a healthy environment to
                    kickovers while advanced gymnasts will work on             reinforce class training.
                    back walkovers on the floor and beam.                      What skills must the athlete already have to
                    What skills must the athlete already have to               participate? Strong handstand, strong cartwheel,
                    participate? Bridge with head off ground.                  strong bridge, 5 strong push-ups.
                    Saturday, January 23          9:30-10:30 am                Saturday, February 6          9:30-10:30 am
                    FEE: $8R/$10NR                Activity #31481              FEE: $8R/$10NR                Activity #31882

                    Beginner Bar Clinic- Pullover and Back Hip Circle          Intermediate Bar Work- Kip
                    Ages 4 and up                                              Ages 6 and up
                    Stations will be set up to learn pullovers, casts, and     Stations will be set up to learn kips on the bars.
                    back hip circles. Stations will also include               Stations will also include strengthening stations to
                    strengthening stations to develop the proper               develop the proper muscles to complete this
                    muscles to complete these difficult skills.                extremely difficult skill.
                                                                               What skills must the athlete already have to
                    Saturday, January 23          10:45-11:30 am
                                                                               participate? Pullover, Back hip circle, 10 sit ups.
                    FEE: $6R/$8NR                 Activity #31482
                                                                               Saturday, February 6          10:45-11:45 am
                                                                               FEE: $8R/$10NR                Activity #31884
                    Meet your instructor: My name is Chloe Hansen-Dunn. A little bit about me...I
                    earned my Masters in Public Health with a focus in Parks and Recreation. I am
                    going into my second year with the City of Menasha as the Senior Activity
                    Coordinator and a Program Lead (you may also know me from the Tiny Tots or
                    Fables to Tables programs). I grew up in Sparta, WI and married my
                    wonderful husband two years ago. We are parents to a cat (Wisteria) and dog
                    (Oliver), enjoy the outdoors and are avid board game players. I have been
                    coaching both recreational and competitive gymnastics for over 10 years and
                    have experience with all ages. I love coaching gymnastics, as it truly is a sport
                    where each athlete will take away something unique from every practice. Set
                    aside the improvement on strength, balance, and skill- it’s the gymnast’s
                    growth in their confidence and grit that’s so energizing to me!
                                                      FABLES TO TABLES
                                                      Ages 4-12 Parent/Child
                                                      The great thing about books is that they transport us to a different world.
                                                      Here we are jumping into the kitchen and bringing the story of the day to life
                                                      through food. Join us as we explore all the great food that literature has to
                                                      offer. Pre-registration is required. Please note any food allergies at time of
                                                      This is a virtual class. Program information will be emailed one week before
                                                      the first class of the session.
                                                      Session 1:     Wednesdays, February 10-24 / 3 weeks
                                                                     4:30-5:30pm       Activity #81505
                                                      Session 2:     Wednesdays, March 10-24 / 3 weeks
                                                                     6:00-7:00pm       Activity #82506
                                                      FEE:   $12/R $14/NR (registration per family)
Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Ages 10 and up
Learn the fundamentals of child
care, child safety, and learn
American Heart Association
CPR/AED during this 8-hour
course. Designed for pre-teens
ready to stay home alone or for
those interested in babysitting. Participants will
receive a digital babysitting course guide prior to the
start of class, an American Heart Association “Friends
and Family” participation certificate and an 80-page
student manual. Participants should bring a lunch
and beverage.

Location: Menasha Senior Center, 116 Main Street
Class Time:      8:00am-4:00pm

Saturday, February 6                     Activity #81331
Registration deadline: January 30

Wednesday, March 31                      Activity #81332
Registration deadline: March 24
FEE:    $68/R $80/NR
Ages 14 and up                                              We love to up-cycle! Please consider donating any of the
                                                            following items. Donations can be dropped off at Menasha
Are you ready to take your game to another level?           City Hall – Park/Rec office.
Work with seasoned pickleball players to improve                   wine corks
your games through different drills using our ball                 egg cartons
machine and through match play.                                    toilet paper tubes
                                                                   paper towel tubes
Location: Nicolet Elementary School                                small pots from gardening plants or flowers
            (449 Ahnaip Street — enter in back of school)
                                                                   bubble wrap
Tuesdays                                                           ribbon and yarn (all lengths welcomed)
6:30-8:00pm                                                        buttons
                                         Activity #                golf tees
Session 1: January 5-February 9          21311                     leftover crafting materials
Session 2: February 16-March 23          21322                     covers of pringle cans (and other like)
                                                                   cereal boxes
FEE: $29/R       $34 NR                                            knitting needles / crochet hooks
                                                                   clean to-go condiment containers with lids

                 OPEN PLAY
                 Ages 14 and up
Try the fastest growing sport in America! We provide the equipment.                Open play for all abilities.   Site
supervisor will be available to provide instruction to any beginners.
Location:        Nicolet Elementary School (449 Ahnaip Street—enter in back of school)
FEE (each session):       $29/R $34/NR (we are unable to accept drop-ins at this time)
Tuesdays                                                    Wednesdays
January 5-March 30, 2021                                    January 6-March 31
Class Time          Activity #                              Class Time                      Activity #
5:00-6:30pm         21301                                   Session 1: 5:00-6:30pm          21302
                                                            Session 2: 6:30-8:00pm          21303
Parks and Recreation Department - City of Menasha
Boredom Busters

                  Since we are staying a little closer to home and have a little more time on our hands, take this opportunity to
                  explore new interests, find a new hobby or learn a new skill.

                  Learn Knitting Basics                                    Nutrition Kitchen: Cooking Through COVID
                  All Ages                                                 Ages 18+
                  Interested in knitting? Now is your chance to learn
                                                                  Become a confident at-home cook with this virtual
                  how to cast on and make a simple stitch in an
                                                                  cooking class from the comforts of your own home
                  encouraging and virtual environment. The first class
                                                                  this winter season! Join Mack Hansen-Dunn, a local
                  will be instructional and the second class is designed
                                                                  Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and home chef as he
                  to give participants the opportunity to ask questions
                                                                  leads you through 4 stand-alone recipes that are
                  or get further guidance as needed based on their
                                                                  designed to strengthen and maintain your immune
                  progress from the first class. No experience needed.
                                                                  system during the winter months. Sign up for one or
                  Knitting kit will include knitting needles and starter
                                                                  join in for all four sessions as Mack walks participants
                  yarn. One starter kit per person registered.
                                                                  of all skill levels through not only a delicious recipe to
                  Wednesdays, January 13 and January 20 / 2 weeks make again and again, but gives you the nutrition
                  6:00-6:45pm       Activity #1908.02             know-how to promote your health and wellness.
                  Location: Virtual                                  One week prior to the class you will receive an email
                  FEE: $7R / $9NR                                    with the class information which will include shopping
                                                                     and equipment lists, as well as the recipe that will be
                  Registration deadline: January 10                  used during class. At the time of your class,
                                                                     participants will simply open the registration link and
                                                                     connect in real-time with our instructor. Our talented
                  Beginner Spanish                                   instructor will walk you through the entire menu,
                  All Ages                                           sharing his tips and expertise and allowing time for
                  Stretch your brain by practicing Spanish at a questions.
                  beginner’s level.     No experience needed, just a Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm
                  willingness to participate and learn.
                                                                     January 21                    Activity #81990
                  Tuesdays, January 12 and January 19 / 2 weeks          Grilled salmon & quinoa salad w/pesto dressing
                  6:00-6:45pm                    Activity # 1907.02  February 18                   Activity #81991
                  Location: Virtual                                      Shrimp Curry
                  FEE: $6R/$8NR                                      March 18                      Activity #82992
                                                                         Roasted Red Pepper Bisque w/berry salad
                  Registration deadline: January 10                  April 15                      Activity #82993
                                                                         Mushroom Risotto
                                                                           FEE:   $10R / $12NR per class
                  Winter Animal Tracking and Hike
                  Grades 1-5                                                          CITY SKI AND SNOWSHOE TRAILS
                                                                                  (Ski trails groomed for traditional and skate skiing)
                  Children will become nature detectives, unraveling
                                                                         Smith Park Ski Trail 1.5 miles, flat, traditional & skate
                  some tracking mysteries. We will also go for a walk at skiing, no restrooms.
                  the Menasha Conservancy looking for winter animal
                  tracks and other animal signs.
                                                                           Ski Trail and Snowshoeing (Conservancy Area) Located
                                                                           1/4 mile East of Oneida Street, North side of STH 114.
                  Friday, March 5                                          Flat, wooded with ponds, 1.5 miles. Please do not walk or
                  1:00-3:00pm                   Activity #84102            snowshoe on groomed ski tracks.
                  Location: Menasha Conservancy
                                                                           Snowshoeing (Heckrodt Wetland Reserve) 1305
                  FEE: $7R/$9NR                                            Plank Road. 2+ miles, flat, wooded. Call (920)720-
                  Registration deadline: February 26                       9349 for information.

                                                                                        ICE SKATING AT HART PARK
                                                                           Our ice skating rink at Hart Park will be open as weather
                                                                           permits. Areas are set aside for both free skate and casual
                                                                           hockey play. The warming shelter and skate rental will not
                                                                           be available this winter.
The Menasha Senior Center’s building will be closed until further notice.

                                                                                                             Senior Center Programming
             That does not mean that our classes, events, and programs are cancelled too.
                                   Join us for our creative offerings.
Registration is required ahead of time so we know how many people to prepare for and who
to expect. Register online at or give us a call at 920-967-3530 for
assistance. There may be limitations to the number of available spots, so register soon to reserve
your place!
Payment for programs that have a small fee need to be made at least two days prior to the
start of the program. Payment can be made in one of the following ways:
1) Pay online when you do your class registration (please note there is a small transaction fee.)
2) Mail your money to Menasha Senior Center, 116 Main St Menasha, WI 54952.
3) Pay in person at the Parks and Recreation Office located on second floor at City Hall.
4) Drop payment in the black drop box on the left of the main door of the Senior Center.

The Menasha Senior Center has their updated program information and newsletter available on their website: and on Facebook at Menasha
Senior Center. Program information will include the monthly At Home Craft Kits, Virtual Programming, and
other great ways to be engaged and entertained.

                                                     MONTHLY MAKE AND TAKE-
Do your cookies bring a smile to the faces of
                                                     CORK CHRISTMAS TREE
many? Or do you just want a fun challenge?
                                                     Inspired by participants
Send a picture of your decorated cookies to
                                                     who missed the cork, drop it off at
                                                     pumpkin class, here is the
the Parks and Recreation Office at City Hall, or
                                                     chance to join the fun with
send it to 116 Main St
                                                     a fun cork Christmas tree!
Menasha, WI 54952 on or
                                                     Easy to make and can be
before December 30th for
                                                     enjoyed by yourself or
a chance to be the
                                                     your wine-loving friend.
Menasha Senior Center’s
Cookier!                                             All materials are provided,
                                                     except for crafting glue
                                                     (i.e., hot glue, any type of
     FESTIVITIES FOR A FRIEND                        crafting adhesive, tacky glue.)
     Want to help spread some holiday cheer?         Registration is required. This is a Take Home Kit
     Nominate a friend who could use a smile by      that will be available for pick up at City Hall on
     calling     920-967-3530      or    email       December 9th and 10th We’ll stop
     by with some holiday treats and maybe           FEE:   $3
     even a carol or two.
                                                     Registration Deadline: December 7th
     Nominations are needed by December 18th

Virtual Programs are a great way for you to continue feeling engaged and a part of the
Senior Center Programming
                            Menasha Senior Center family! Register for the class and you will receive instructions to join by either
                            calling a phone number or via the internet. We’re here to help you through any necessary trouble
                            shooting. Hope to see you online!

                                                                                     TRIVIA PURSUIT
                                                                                     In the pursuit of trivial knowledge, the group will
                                                                                     embark on a virtual game of Trivial Pursuit and
                            Calling all Bingo lovers!                                compete to know the most about geography,
                            Location:       Virtual, GoToMeeting                     entertainment, history, art, literature, science, nature,
                                                                                     and sports or leisure.
                            When:           January 4th
                                                                                     Location:      Virtual, GoToMeeting
                                            1:00-2:30 pm
                                                                                     When:          December 14th
                            Registration Deadline: December 28th

                            BREAKFAST FOR YOUR BRAIN                                 Registration Deadline: December 11th

                            We would love for you to join us for our weekly
                            Breakfast for Your Brain. We’ll partake in an activity   FANCY GIFT WRAPPING TUTORIAL
                            that is chosen as a way to engage your mind while
                            you                                                      Want to upgrade your gift wrapping game? Now is
                            enjoy your breakfast or a cup of coffee.                 your chance to learn a few tips and tricks to make
                                                                                     your gift stand out.
                            Location:      Virtual, GoToMeeting
                                                                                     Location:       Virtual, GoToMeeting
                            When:          Every Thursday
                                           8:45am—9:30am                             When:           December 16th
                                                                                                     10:00-11:00 am
                            Registration Deadline: Tuesday before
                                                                                     Registration Deadline: December 14th

                            CHRISTMAS CARD TREES
                            Location: Pick Up at City Hall                           ACTIVITY BAGS
                            When: Anytime to                                         We are so glad that people are enjoying our
                            January 7th                                              activity bags. We have decided to try to streamline the
                            8:00 am-4:00 pm                                          process a bit. Moving forward, if you previously
                                                                                     received an activity bag, you can expect a no-contact
                            Cost: $7
                                                                                     delivery every 4-6 weeks of our new bag.
                            Get yours today! Each
                                                                                     If you wish to stop receiving them, update your
                            tree sold will benefit
                                                                                     address, recommend a friend, or suspend
                            the Menasha Senior
                                                                                     delivery until a later month, please give us a call at
                            Center. Menasha City
                            Hall is open 8:00am-
                            4:00pm, Monday-                                          Next delivery: Week of December 14th

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