THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace

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THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
   A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance

Partnerships Highlight Annual
Adopt-A-School Service Project                                                                              Volume 12, Issue 2

The Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-         co mmu -                           community volunteers. “This
                                                                                                            Winter 2020
School Program continued its        nity de-                           is our eleventh year for the
emphasis on partnerships by         pend on                            food drive,” added Cox-
joining with First National         the ser-                           Boniol. “We estimate that with
Bank, Lincoln Rotary,               v i c e s                          this annual winter service pro-      Special points of interest:
Choudrant High School, and          t h a t                            ject, CCA has been the benefi-
                                                                                                             Community Service Emphasis
community volunteers during         C C A                              ciary of more than 260 tons of
its annual winter service pro-      provides                           food during that time. That is        Food Drive Initiative
                                    and CCA                            absolutely amazing and some-
                                    then depends on the support of     thing this community should           Overview of Partnership Activities
                                    our community to continue          join us in celebrating.” CCA          Chamber AAS Partners
                                    fulfilling its mission. So it’s    Director Stephanie Matthews
                                    fantastic to see our schools and   once again applauded every-
                                    students stepping up to really     one involved for continuing          Do you have an extraordinary
                                    be leaders in this type of ef-     such an exceptional effort on          Adopt-A-School Partner?
                                    fort.” Counselor Jessie Bryan,     behalf of this community or-         Keep an eye on your partner-
ject. Sixteen schools through-      teacher Doug Perry, and Assis-     ganization, adding “This is just     ships throughout the year and
out the parish collected another    tant Principal Chris Jones from    amazing seeing how the               be prepared to nominate your
record-setting number of food       Choudrant High School joined       schools continue to give more         partner, whether community
items for Christian Community       in supervising the       student   and more, especially when it’s       or school, for one of the end-
Action before a multi-              team that served as primary        filling a critical need. It’s just      of-the-year awards. You
generational team worked col-       loaders for the day. Rotarian      wonderful to see the local kids       could be the one in the spot-
laboratively to bring the project   and State Representative Chris     care so much about the local
                                                                                                                      light in May!
to another successful conclu-       Turner and community volun-        community and we really ap-
sion. This once again demon-        teer Bill Cox pulled the huge      preciate all they do.”
strated the AAS mission to fos-     First National Bank trailer and                                          LINCOLN PARISH
ter strong partnerships between     joined Jones and Perry in man-                                           ADOPT-A-SCHOOL
the community and schools.          aging trailers in order to suc-
“Our schools continue to raise      cessfully deliver the collection                                        Sponsored In Collaboration
the bar to make this service        to the facility where the food                                                      By
                                                                                                               The Ruston-Lincoln
project one of our most success-    was stored. The effort was                                                Chamber of Commerce
ful initiatives,” shared Adopt-A    completed with Tom Boniol,                                                         and
-School Co-Coordinator Cathi        Jackie Cochran, and other
Cox-Boniol. “So many in our
                                     THANK YOU Braden Jones, Brandon Carter,
                                     Luke Holloway, Luke Tassin, Grant Smith,
                                     Stone Weaver, and Chris Williams for being                                     Lincoln Parish
                                     such an amazing loading team for the
                                     2019 Adopt-A-School food drive. Your work
                                     ethic was absolutely AWESOME and you are
                                     APPRECIATED more than can be expressed!!
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
Page 2                                                                                                                   THE PARTNERSHIP POST

Maintaining a true heart for service, the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School
Program once again produced a record-breaking collection for the local
Christian Community Action effort. On the heels of its phenomenal Wig-
gin’ Out fundraising project, the AAS team proudly surpassed its yearly
collection average to help others in the community.
This year’s effort included A. E. Phillips Laboratory, Cedar Creek,
Choudrant Elementary, Choudrant High, Cypress Springs Elementary,
Dubach Elementary, Glen View Elementary, Hillcrest Elementary, I. A.
Lewis, Lincoln Head Start, Lincoln Parish Early Childhood Center, Lin-
coln Preparatory, Ruston Elementary, Ruston High, Ruston Junior High,
and Simsboro schools along with a host of Chamber partners.
Chris Turner (Lincoln Rotary, First National Bank), Jessie Bryan, Chris
Jones, and Doug Perry (Choudrant High School), Cathi Cox-Boniol                     I. A. Lewis students pause just before loading their boxes to showcase
(Lincoln ACHIEVE), and Bill Cox, Tom Boniol, and Jackie Cochran                     some of the items collected during their food drive. (above)
(community volunteers) helmed the pick-up service with Choudrant High
School students handling the bulk of the loading and unloading. Cochra
serves on the CCA Board and once again offered one of her properties as
the storage site for the load with church and community volunteers sched-
uled to sort and inventory the massive collection after the holidays.
CCA Executive Director Stephanie Matthews was overwhelmed with the
efforts of the schools. "We so look forward to this project each year and
CCA thanks the everyone involved for this amazing and wonderful dona-
tion," Matthews expressed. "Our needs grow more and more with each
year and there are many times when we wonder if we’re going to make it.
So this donation will help this community tremendously and especially
after the holidays. Thank you all for your generosity."                             Hillcrest Elementary School students proudly display items collected on
                                                                                    campus for the CCA food drive. (above)
                                                      Ruston Junior High
                                                      School students prepare
                                                      the school’s collection
                                                      before the trailer arrives.

                                                                                    Showing that even the youngest of students can make a difference, Lin-
                                                       Lincoln Preparatory          coln Parish Early Childhood Center students got into the spirit and
                                                       School students bring        brought multiple boxes of canned goods to contribute to the AAS holiday
                                                       the final food items to      food drive. (above)
                                                       the school boxes before
                                                       the trailer arrived on       Community volunteers
                                                       campus. (left)               Representative Chris
                                                                                    Turner and retiree Bill
                                                                                    Cox help a student load

                                                          Tis the                   boxes from their campus
                                                                                    collection into the First

                                                        season for                  National Bank trailer
                                                                                    during the pickup sched-

                                                          giving!                   ule for the record-
                                                                                    breaking project. (right)
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
Volume 12, Issue 2                                                                                                                                                  Page 3

                                                                 At Simsboro School, everyone from
                                                                 Principal Rusty Farrar to students,
                                                                 faculty, and even their School Re-
                                                                 source Officer helped to load its
                                                                 collection of food items when the
                                                                 pickup team arrived on campus.

A. E. Phillips Laboratory School students prepare their food
collection for pickup prior to loading. (above)

                                                                                                         Dubach      Assistant
                                                                                                         Principal Matthew
                                                                                                         Vincent helps load
                                                                                                         the school’s huge
                                                                                                         collection fueled by
                                                                                                         an exciting pizza
                                                                                                         party competition.

Glen View Elementary School students pause at the trailer with
additional food items before the load is completed. (above)

                                                                                                                                  Choudrant Elementary School students
                                                                 Cedar Creek School students celebrate their additional the       helped load the school’s CCA collection the
                                                                 food drive before the pickup team leaves campus. (above)         pickup teams. (above)

                                                 Choudrant Elementary School students helped load
                                                 the school’s CCA collection the pickup teams.

                                                 Lincoln Head Start students and staff posed with
                                                 the pickup team when it stopped on the Head Start
                                                 campus to load their food collection during this
                                                 year’s drive to support CCA. (left)

                                                                                                        Ruston High School students continuously filed out of the school with
                                                                                                        the multitude of boxes filled for CCA. (above)

                                                                  Choudrant High School Assistant
                                                                  Principal Chris Jones leads the
                                                                  charge during pickup. (above)
Ruston Elementary School students carry out crates filled with    Cypress Springs Elementary
food collected during their campus project for the AAS service    School students proudly display
initiative. (above)                                               their food collection. (right)
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Ruston Elementary School
Early November, RES Third graders had                                                        Trinity United
the opportunity to go to a Lady Techsters                                                    Methodist
basketball game! RES would like to say a                                                     Church       has
huge THANK YOU to the ACHIEVE                                                                continued to
office for your role in providing the fund-                                                  treat teachers
ing to make this experience happen. Our       buses for these trips so our students are      this     school
students had a fantastic trip to Louisiana    able to experience learning in a different     year. Monthly
Tech University’s campus, and thor-           form! Each month, a student from each          door prizes at
oughly enjoyed their time at the basket-      classroom is selected to represent their       faculty meet-
ball game! RES students were also             class as the “Lion of the Month.” Skip         ings have been a huge hit! Teachers and
treated with a special visit from the Lou-    Russell State Farm has generously pro-         staff have enjoyed various gift cards from
isiana Tech Men’s basketball team! LA         vided goodie bags filled with treats and a     places like Chick-fil-a and Rocketfast.
Tech students                                 gift card! Students have truly loved their     Our school was also treated to a chicken
visited     our                                                                              tortilla soup luncheon with all sorts of
school       in                                                                              toppings. Teachers and staff truly loved a
co nj unctio n                                                                                                         duty-free lunch
wi th      the                                                                                                         while enjoying
“Dawgs with                                                                                                            this tasty lunch!
a Cause” pro-                                                                                                          Thank you to
gram. These                                   reward, and have appreciated the recogni-                                Trinity UMC for
students vis-                                 tion for their honorable citizenship and                                 your support! As
ited     class-                               character that their teachers have seen dis-                             we draw closer
rooms, read books, and then cheered for       played within the classroom. Thank you to                                to the holiday
students as they got on their school bus at   Skip Russell State Farm for their steady                                 season, we are
the end of the day. This was an exciting      partnership in this monthly initiative to                                reminded to take
event for our students, and we greatly        encourage our past, present, and future                                  opportunities to
appreciate the support from our higher        Lion’s of the Month! In November, RES          think of all the people that help make each
education partners at Louisiana Tech Uni-     partnered with Temple Baptist Church to        day valuable and successful at Ruston
versity! RES students have thoroughly         collect items for and then build shoeboxes     Elementary School. We are truly thankful
enjoyed the opportunity to visit the new      for Operation Christmas Child. This was a      for each of our partners and the role that
                                    state-    fun way for students to share in the “spirit   they play in helping our students and
                                    of-the                                  of giving” to    teachers. We recognize that we could not
                                    - a r t                                 other children   do the important jobs we do each day
                                    STEM                                    around     the   without the continued support from all of
                                    center                                  world. Stu-      our community members. We send you
                                    t h i s                                 dents helped     our heartfelt thanks and well wishes for a
                                    fall.                                   to select do-    very Merry Christmas and a joyous New
Students from third, fourth, and fifth                                      nated items      Year!
grade classrooms spent time experiment-       and fill shoeboxes with gifts and toys for
ing, exploring new concepts, and solving      children. With all of our donated items,
team-building challenges. Students re-        we were able to fill and stuff-to-the-max
turned to school excited and eager to         14 shoeboxes! Students helped load shoe-
share their new learning! We are appre-       boxes that were then delivered to Temple
ciative of the funding that pays for the      Baptist Church’s shoebox delivery station.
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
Volume 12, Issue 2                                                                                                             Page 5

I. A. Lewis School
The lessons I. A. Lewis students are                                                        helped keep up with the collections. Sev-
learning from our community partners                                                        eral of our students helped collect, pack-
cannot help but make our small north                                                        age, and load the canned food items. We
Louisiana community a better place both                                                     are happy to announce that Lincoln Pre-
now and in the future. As we conclude                                                       paratory School students rallied together
o u r                                                                                       to collect 680 canned food items for the
holiday                                                                                     annual Adopt – A- School Holiday Food
f o o d                                                                                     Drive. We appreciate the efforts of our
                                                                                            parents, students, and faculty and staff for
we wish                                        Whataburger for judging our Red Ribbon
                                                                                            our successful campaign.
all our                                        Week Door decorating contest. We have
partners                                       had a very prosperous first semester and
a very
                                               look forward to continuing our relation-
                                               ship with our thoughtful, generous, kind
                                                                                            Choudrant Elementary
Christmas and prosperous and Happy
New Year. We are proud to announce the
                                               Lincoln Parish community partners dur-
                                               ing the rest of the school year.
collection of 940 non-perishable food                                                       Choudrant Elementary has been buzzing
                                               Lincoln Preparatory
items that will benefit Christian Commu-                                                    with Christmas Cheer! Our students body
                         nity Action. A                                                     collected over 450 pairs of shoes for
                         special thanks goes
                         out to Bancorp-       School                                       Champ, more than any other school. And
                                                                                            then a very special visitor come by to say
                         South and the Lib-                                                 thank you. CES welcomed Champ as he
                         erty Hill Mission-    At Lincoln Preparatory School, our stu-      came to
                         ary Baptist Church    dents understand that giving back to our     congratu-
                         family who took                                                    late Mrs.
                                               community is an important part of our        Chris-
                         the lead in our       school’s vision. We are so proud of the
                         food drive. We                                                     m a n ' s
                                               positive things our students are doing in    kindergar-
                         also thank Ban-
                                               the area of service learning. Teachers led   ten class
                         corpSouth       and
                                               students in our Monday sharing circles       for     the
                         Woodard & Clem-                                                    m o s t
ent for welcoming our students inside          about what the Christian Community Ac-
                                                                                            shoes col-
their facilities before and during the very    tion Organization does for Lincoln Parish
                                                                                            lected and
chilly Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown        citizens. Even though our students are       then made his rounds to all of the classes.
Ruston. Whataburger gift cards as well as      from seven different parishes throughout     CES also collected 365 cans for CCA
those from Ponchatoulas and Log Cabin          North Louisiana, our students embraced       with Mrs. Washam's and Mrs. Collins-
Grill & Market brought many smiles to          helping the community of Lincoln Parish.     worth's classes tallying the largest dona-
our Honor Roll students. We also thank         Our 4-H Club promoted this fundraiser,       tions. Choudrant Elementary wishes all
Dr. Nan McJamerson of McJamerson               and Mrs. Mary Ann Willock-Allen helped                                       its part-
Achiever Builders and Mary Almond of                                                                                        ners      a
                                                                                                                            and looks
                                                                                                                            forward to
                                                                                                                            with you
                                                                                                                            in the next
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
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Simsboro School                               December we par-
                                              ticipated in the an-
                                                                                              Mrs. Cindy at
                                                                                              2High enough
                                              nual CCA Food                                   for providing
November and                                  Drive. Our week                                 this opportu-
December have                                 started off slow, but                           nity to our
flown by at                                   boy did our students                            precious kid-
Simsboro School                               step up their giving                            dos. We look
and as usual, our                             by the end of the                               forward    to
Adopt-A-School                                week! Our grand                                 what    2020
partners ran right                            total was 1,196                                 holds for us
alongside us. In                              cans. Each day our                              all!
November        we                            Junior National Honor Society made the
had the opportu-                              rounds collecting, counting, and boxing
nity to celebrate                                                              cans.     A
our school grade as an entire school, Pre-                                     huge thank
K through twelfth grade. We had a day                                          you      to
full of “A” celebrations! 2 High Trampo-                                       these stu-
line park graciously donated waters and                                        dents and
                                juice for                                      their spon-
                                every stu-                                     sor    Mrs.
                                dent     in                                    Lacey Hol-
                                o u r
                                              comb. Thanks also to our fabulous fifth
                                              grade boys who stepped up to help load          Lincoln Parish Early
                                at Louisi-
                                              the boxes whilte the NJHS students were
                                              taking midterms. We are thankful to be          Childhood Center
                                ana Tech      able to hand
donated delicious cookies for every stu-      these food                                      The Lincoln Parish Early Childhood Cen-
dent as well. We are so thankful for their    items over                                      ter Adopt-A-School partners have been
support and their donations made our day      to meet the                                     busy this holiday season. Dr. Lori Brown
even sweeter! In December we held our         needs       of                                  from Liberty Christian Center West pro-
annual Elementary Sci-                        those in our                                    vided a big Butterball turkey and all the
ence Fair. Jill Howard                        community.                                      trimmings for 30 families at the Lincoln
from LaCapital Federal                        We would                                        Parish Early Childhood Center. The fami-
Credit Union as well as                       like to thank                                   lies were excited to receive such as gener-
Melanie Moffet and                            A r d -                                         ous gift! She has also continued to show
Victoria Sexton from                          agh Group                                       up on Tuesday mornings to pray with the
Centric Federal Credit                        Glass Plant, located in Simsboro, for gen-      faculty and to greet students at the door.
Union volunteered their                       erously providing Iron Cactus for our en-       John Knox Presbyterian Church has pro-
time and talents as                           tire faculty and staff the day before Christ-   vided snacks for some of the classrooms
judges for our fair. They worked for sev-     mas break. Wrapping up our Decemeber            to help relieve the burden on parents. We
eral hours to judge each individual project   fun was another fabulous trip to 2High to       appreciate all of the help and support that
for grades 3, 4, and 5. Mr. Jordan            reward our Elementary Students of the           our partners have given to LPECC. We
Blachier, the director of our Elementary                                   Month.      We     hope each
                                  Fair,                                    took many stu-     of you had
                                  w a s                                    dents      this    a     Merry
                                  incredi-                                 month who had      Christmas
                                  b l y                                    never had the      and      are
                                  thankful                                 chance to visit    looking
                                  for their                                2High.      We     forward to a
                                  help.                                    cannot thank       Happy New
                                  Also in                                  Mr. Matt and       Year!
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
Volume 12, Issue 2                                                                                                           Page 7

Hillcrest Elementary School
Hillcrest Elementary has had a successful     save money                                  gave a gift basket to our teacher of the
start to the 2019-2020 school year. Our       for a two-                                  year, Kim Sutton. First Baptist Church
teachers are working hard to meet stu-        week pe-                                    treated us to a Back to School luncheon in
dents’ needs and foster their social and      riod. At the                                August. The entire faculty and staff of
                                              end of the                                  Hillcrest went to FBC to enjoy a meal of
academic growth. Our students are doing
                                                                                          fried catfish and all the trimmings.
their best to meet the high expectations      time period,
                                                                                          Throughout the year, FBC Ruston provides
set forth and are learning how to be good     F N B
                                                                                          supplies and treats to our teachers. We are
citizens. Our students are excelling in       counted the                                 pleased to be partnered with Wal-Mart this
their reading skills through the use of our   money the                                   year. They donated to Wiggin Out and our
reading program from American Reading         students saved and matched that amount      canned food drive. Even before they were
Company. We are fortunate to have Im-         for a donation to DART. Then, the two       our AAS partners, they assisted us with our
pact Healthcare partnering with us each       classes who saved the most money            PBIS incentives for students. The teach-
Friday to                                     earned a pizza party from First National    ers, students, and parents of Hillcrest Ele-
read with                                     Bank. All of us at Hillcrest Elementary     mentary are eagerly anticipating a success-
our stu-                                      are grateful for the generosity of FNB.     ful 2020!
d ents.                                       In December, Hillcrest and our partners,
The one
on       one
                                                                                              SAVE THE DATE!!
time these
spend reading with our children is price-
less. Hunt Guillot and Associates sent a
huge box full of supplies from our wish
list to Hillcrest in October. We are thank-                                                       Adopt-A-School
ful for these supplies and will put them to   First National Bank and Wal-Mart, par-
                                              ticipated in the canned food drive for
good use! Thank you so much HGA! At
Hillcrest, we also have a Positive Behav-     Christian Community Action. Boxes                    Luncheon and
ior program (PBIS) in place for our stu-      upon boxes were filled with canned                    Celebration
dents. Each month students can earn           goods to aid CCA in their ministry to the
points for good behavior. In November,        community. Three representatives of              Tuesday, April 28, 2020
First Baptist Church provided nachos for      FNB also judged the Christmas door                     11:45 AM
our PBIS reward. The children enjoyed         decorating contest. First National Bank            Ruston Civic Center
this treat so much! We appreciate our         and First Baptist Church have been faith-
partnership with First Baptist Church.        ful Adopt-A-School partners for many
They are always ready, willing, and able      years. Our faculty and students appreci-      Have you thought about your
to help us in any way possible. Also, in      ate the many                                  next project and how you will
November, First National Bank visited         ways these two
each first and second grade class and         institutions
                                                                                              showcase the ways your
taught      a                                 reach out and                                    students are becoming
s a v i n g                                   support us. First                                 “Agents for Change”?
m o n e y                                     National Bank
lesson.                                       provided three
FNB gave                                      delicious fried                                 Project Reports
                                                                                                  are due
each stu-                                     turkeys for the
dent a bank                                   staff Thanksgiv-
and chal-
len ged
                                              ing meal in No-
                                              vember. In ad-                                       March 18!
them       to                                 dition,     FNB
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Page 8                                                                   THE PARTNERSHIP POST

A. E. Phillips Laboratory School
A.E. Phil-
lips    has
been busy
with their
p a r t -
ners! Ori-
gin Bank
and the College of Education were invalu-
able in sending volunteers to judge our 7th
Grade Science Fair projects. We so ap-
preciate their willingness to give up some
of their time to help with this. Each of our
                                  made     a
                                  l a r g e
                                  card for
                                  all of our
                                  p a r t -
                                  ners. Stu-
                                  d e n t
Council members helped deliver them
along with a treat bag to all of our part-
ners. Our partners mean the world to
AEP and we wish them all a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy 2020!

 AAS Wraps Up Its Fall Service Project
and Presents $10,228.24 to Wiggin’ Out                         260 TONS
                                                                The amount of food col-
                                                               lected for the local Lincoln
                                                                Parish Christian Commu-
                                                                 nity Action food pantry
                                                                  through the Adopt-A-
                                                                School program since the
                                                                   project began eleven
                                                                        years ago

                                               GREAT JOB AAS
THE PARTNERSHIP POST A Quarterly Review of the Lincoln Parish Adopt-A-School Alliance - Squarespace
Volume 12, Issue 2                                                                                                          Page 9

Cypress Springs Elementary School                                                        Ruston High School
Students were sur-
prised on December
19th when Cypress
Springs’ Principal,
Ms. Kilgore, called
the names of TEN
bicycle     winners.
Sponsors from all
across the city have
heard of this happen-                        CSE students! These arrived just in time
ing and have offered their services in       for the cold weather. The annual canned
donating. Thank you to Deputy Powell,        food drive at Cypress Springs was a suc-    Kim Dupree and Rachel Anderson Cooper
Mrs. Abrahm, Mr. Vaughn, Clint Allen         cess yet again!                             of Kim Dupree State Farm stopped by the
and Today’s Reality, Beta Sigma Phi,         In hopes to                                 campus of AAS partner Ruston High
                         Omicron Chap-       counteract                                  School to drop off a few supplies from the
                         ter, and Ivy and    local hunger,                               school wish list. In addition, they also
                         Pearls Founda-      students glee-                              presented several special athletes with
                         tion of Alpha       fully    trans-                             awards. Grayson Hipp was the September
                         Kappa      Alpha    ported bags of                                                     recipient of their
                         Sorority,    Inc.   food all week                                                      State Farm Athlete
                         Ep silo n    P si   long.     After                                                    of the Month.
                                                                                                                Grayson was se-
                         Omega Chapter.      only five days
                                                                                                                lected by Coach
                         The chosen stu-     of collecting, Wildcat contributors were
                                                                                                                Lucie Hunt to honor
                         dents will be so    able to collect and donate 1,632 cans to                           her comeback from
                         excited to re-      CCA! CSE’s Fall Carnival would not                                 shoulder surgery as
ceive this generous gift! Continued ap-      have been a success without such amazing                           well as how she
preciation to CSE Student of the Month       partners! Thank you to all who supported                           leads by example
supporters, The Bridge, Beta Sigma Phi,      this event and helped make it one to re-                           both on and off the
Omicron Chapter,                                                         member for                             court. Congratula-
and Re/Max Real-                                                         the students.   tions Grayson! The October Athlete of the
ity for donating                                                         The students    Month award went to Leigh Cox. Her
cupcakes to these                                                        especially      Cross Country coach noted that she is one
student-honored                                                          loved     the   of the best runners in North Louisiana as
events. The stu-                                                         face painting   well as one of the best high school stu-
dents’ eyes always                                                       offered    by   dents. She returned strong after recovering
                                                                                         from stress fractures and ended up as the
light up when they                           Louisiana Association of Educators and
                                                                                         top RHS runner at the LHSAA 5A State
see these delicious                          the over-sized Chess game refereed by
                                                                                         Cross Country meet
treats! CSE offers                           Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.            and was also named
a big THANKS to Rotary Club of Ruston                                                    to the All-State
for donating brand new winter jackets to                                                 Academic Team for
                                                                                         her outstanding high
                                                                                         school performance
                                                                                         in the classroom.
                                                                                         Ruston High appre-
                                                                                         ciates all Kim
                                                                                         Dupree does to sup-
                                                                                         port the school and
                                                                                         its students.
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Dubach School
It was a happy holiday season as Santa                                                Teacher of the
came to visit Dubach students! Students                                              Year.       Ms.
in kindergarten were treated to a special                                            Hicks is repre-
surprise hosted by Ruston Junior Auxil-                                              senting Dubach
iary on Friday, December 13. Santa                                                   School      this
shared a special book with the students                                              year as our
                                                                                     Teacher of the
and every student received a book before
                                                                                     Year. This is Ms. Hicks’ second year to teach
he left. Many thanks to the members of
                                                                                     kindergarten at Dubach School. She is a
Junior Auxiliary for helping make a spe-                                             graduate of Louisiana Tech and participated
cial memory for our students at Dubach                           in the teacher intern program. AAS Part-
School. Dubach School PTA sponsored a                                                 ner Peregrine Cor-
Christmas Float in the Dubach Christmas                                               poration treated Ms.
Parade. Students had the opportunity to ride in the Dubach                            Hicks to some won-
Christmas Parade this year. Parents and students had a great                          derful prizes to mark
                                     time at the Dubach                               her honor as No-
                                     Christmas Parade in the                          vember Teacher of
                                     first annual PTA-                                the Month at Du-
                                     sponsored Christmas                              bach.        Madison
                                     Float. Thank you to all                          Myers is our student
                                     of the parents that came                         of the year. Madison
                                     out to help decorate the                         began Dubach School as a kindergarten stu-
                                                                                      dent. She loves to read and aspires to be-
                                     float for our students to
                                                                                      come a writer one day. Congratulates to
enjoy! Congratulations go out to Dubach School’s Student and
                                                                 both and good luck at the district competition!

Volume 12, Issue 2                                                                                    Page 11

                          2019-20 ADOPT-A-SCHOOL PARTNERS
               2 Crazy Girls                 Henderson Financial Services                   Ponchatoulas
         2High Trampoline Park                     Hi-Tech Computers               P.O.S.H. (Pushing Our Sisters
             Angela Mayfield                  Hopewell School Foundation                 Higher) LLC at GSU
           Annette Straughter                   Hunt Guillot & Associates         Presbyterian Church of Ruston
         Argent Financial Group                       Hunter Energy                          Quality Inn
                  Ascent                      Impact Healthcare Solutions                Quota International
           Athletic Field Worx            John F. K. Belton, 3rd Judicial Dis-              Raising Canes
              BancorpSouth                             trict Attorney                        rapidSIGNS
 Beta Sigma Phi, Eta Omicron Chapter        John Knox Presbyterian Church              RE/MAX Results Realty
          Blue Bell Creameries                        Johns Manville                      Red River Roofing
       Bridge Community Church                 Junior Auxiliary of Ruston                   Regions Bank
   Calvary Baptist Church of Vienna             Kilpatrick Funeral Home                 Rotary Club of Lincoln
               Carolyn Cage                 La Capitol Federal Credit Union             Rotolo’s Craft & Crust
Center for Counseling and Psychological   Law Offices of Russell A. Woodard           Ruston Cleaning Services
                 Resources                                   and                        Ruston Glass & Mirror
      Centric Federal Credit Union                Monique B. Clement                            SciTEC
           Century Next Bank                            Lewis Jones                   Scott's Catfish of Ruston
          Choudrant Mini-Mart                Liberty Christian Center West                  Sonic Drive-In
               Christ Church                 Liberty Hill Missionary Baptist         State Farm – Gregg Phillips
              City of Ruston                               Church                     State Farm - Kim Dupree
           Cleaners of Ruston                         LifeChurch.LA                   State Farm - Skip Russell
           Computer Solutions             Lincoln Community Health Center                 Storms & Storms
          Cook Baptist Church                Lincoln Flooring & Acoustical               Subway - Choudrant
  Cotton Top Print Shop & Fine Arts                 Lockwood Group                           Suddenlink
               Dairy Queen                               Log Cabin                         Super 1 Foods
              Davis Printing                 Louisiana Center for the Blind            Temple Baptist Church
             Douglas Church                          Lynette Murphy                        The Peach 99.3
              Dr. John Ward                  Martin Presence Property Mgt               The Visual Difference
   Dubach United Methodist Church            McJamerson Achiever Builders              Third Day Messengers
       Emory Community House                 Michael A. Hunter Foundation              Townsend House Gifts
               Faith Church                Monroe-Grambling LA Chapter of              Trenton Dental Center
     First Baptist Church - Dubach                     the Links Inc              Trinity United Methodist Church
     First Baptist Church - Ruston             Mt. Zion #2 Baptist Church                 True Care Dental
           First Guaranty Bank                            NetTech                United Way of Northeast Louisiana
           First National Bank                        Newk's Eatery                     Walmart Supercenter
                Gina Jones                Northern Louisiana Medical Center                WHATABURGER
       Godley Works Advertising                      O'Nealgas, Inc.                          Wingstop
            Goodwill Lunching                      OneMain Financial                        Z-107.5 Radio
GSU Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi                   Origin Bank                 Zion Traveler Baptist Church
                Green Clinic                         Paradigm Gym                 Zion Traveler Women's Ministry
               Hampton Inn                       Peregrine Corporation

A Quarterly Review of the                                    Adopt-A-School partners
   Lincoln Parish                                          have the potential to become
Adopt-A-School Alliance
                                                     key partners that can influence students,
Provided in Collaboration Between the
Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and                 the future leaders of our community.
Lincoln Parish ACHIEVE

                                                      Schools involved with such sponsors
                                                      gain invaluable community resources
                                                       whose expertise and experience can
                                                              enrich and elevate the
                                                             educational landscape.
                For More Information Contact
                  Ivana Flowers, 255-2031            For these partners, the rewards are both
                Or Cathi Cox-Boniol, 255-1430
                                                            immediate and long-term;
                          positively affecting academic
                                                               achievement, in turn,
                                                      develops an effective education system
                                                     that provides a strong foundation for the

Adopt-A-School Coordinator Retires
As her last “official” duty with the Lincoln Par-
ish Adopt-A-School Program, ACHIEVE Coor-
dinator Cathi Cox-Boniol helped lead the 2019
canned food drive and then hosted the pickup
team with a pizza buffet lunch at the conclusion
of the load-in. After beginning the AAS program
twelve years ago with Nancy Bergeron, formerly
of the Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce,
Cox-Boniol concluded more than thirteen years
with Lincoln ACHIEVE and almost thirty-eight
years as an educator in Lincoln Parish. While
her retirement marks the end of her formal work
and association with the Lincoln Parish District
as well as the initiatives within it, Cox-Boniol
pledges to remain active in community efforts
alongside her husband and staunch supporter of
our area schools and their students, Tom Boniol.
She shares that it has been nothing short of a joy
and privilege to serve in what she considers the
most noble of professions and is grateful for each
and every opportunity it as offered.
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