Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal

Page created by Travis Robles
Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Glen Innes
                                                              High School
   NEWSLETTER                               Thursday 6th December 2012

 Year 6 Transition Mural—Rainbow Serpent

                                                        Inside story
         Year 12 Formal                           Japanese Murals Photos —— 3

                                                  2013 Return date —————-4
Edward Street, PO Box 405, Glen Innes 2370        Student Achievements —— 5
Phone: (02) 6732 1322 Fax: (02) 6732 1972
     Email:     Principal’s Message —–——– 7

                                                  SRC & Library   –——–—— 9
Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
End of Year Laptop                              From The English Department
                                                  Last Tuesday, we had the absolute pleasure of hosting The Bell
                                                  Shakespeare Players at the Old Hall at the High School. They
                                                  performed interactive abbreviated versions of Midsummer
                                                  Night's Dream and Macbeth for the junior school, as well as lead-
                                                  ing a group through an entertaining two hour workshop on Ham-
Any students who think that they will not
be returning to Glen Innes High School in         As a rural school it can be difficult to give students the same ac-
2013 are requested to return their laptops        cess to live Shakespeare performances as their competitors in ur-
and chargers to Ms Cooper in the English          ban areas. While we are privileged to have live theatre in our
Staffroom by the end of term. These lap-          town, productions of prescribed texts every year would not be a
tops will be stored until Term 1 2013, and        viable option. Bell Shakespeare company have been sharing their
should you return, you will not lose any of       love and knowledge of the 'Bard' for over 20 years around Aus-
your personal items.                              tralia which makes this an opportunity we could not miss.

If you know a graduating Year 12 student,         Students who had a professed dislike for all things Shakespearean
please remind them to drop their laptop to        walked out of the hall enthusiastically asking for more; those
Ms Cooper so the laptop can be graduated          with an abiding love of the bard had our passions renewed and
and they will receive their free Microsoft        those who attended out of curiosity had their interest decisively
and Adobe licences.                               rewarded. Not only were the students spellbound but also the su-
                                                  pervising staff, from all subject areas, were held as willing cap-
This time of the year is an opportunity to        tives.
check that your child’s device is working
correctly as the “Green” Lenovo Thinkpad          As this touring production was only made possible due to the fi-
will run out of warranty in early February        nancial support of the Professor Hon Foundation, as well as small
2013. If any parents or students have any         contributions from the students and families, we would like to
questions please do not hesitate to contact       take this opportunity to thank all those that have assisted Bell
me.                                               Shakespeare to our region.

Ms Cooper
TSO                                               Cindy Moor

                                              Under 14s Cricket
On Monday November 19, twelve students travelled to Armidale to play against Duval. We won the toss and elected to
bat .The captain was Jayden Every who opened the batting with Ed Malone.
 The batting order then was Matthew Campion (10) , Luke Hodgson (12), Hugh Mitchell (9), James Cameron (3), Jay Kemp-
ton (0, not out) , Tom Chard (3), Adam Kerr (1), Luke Potter (1), Zac Willis (0), we were all out for 89.
 The openers got on to a cracking start. Ed was very lucky as he got bowled off a no-ball but soon after that he got caught
he was very disappointed to get out for (8). That brought Matt Campion to the crease. He and Jayden had a good partner-
ship together but shortly after Jayden went for a big shot and got caught on the boundary (40). Then the middle order
Matthew Campion bowled very well he picked up 3/24 off 6 overs and Luke Hodgson also took 1/18 off 3 overs
Lachlan Jerrett was twelfth man. He kindly did not bat so he was on the field the whole time while Duval was batting. He
caught a magnificent catch in mid off.

It was a good Day. Our thanks go to Mr Russell Meehan who drove the RSL bus and umpired for us and also had to put up
with Jayden Every Thanks to Toby Shannon and Cody Hogan who came to do the scoring and help warm up the players.
Thanks to Mrs Malone for organising the day.

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Recently students from year 7-10 showed incredible teamwork and skill in creating a huge eight panel artwork for the school. The
students worked for three days with community artist Ms Ky Curran and Art Teacher Ms Abi Sparks. The subject of the murals were
Japanese seasons and were created to decorate the side of the new language centre (facing the oval). The visiting artist commented
that this was one of the most cohesive groups of students that she had ever worked with and this was how we were able to achieve
such a high standard of work in a very short amount of time.


         of the


  Japanese Murals


  by the students

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
LANGUAGES REPORT                                             Footware requirements
                                                                     for Workshops and Kitchens
2012 has been a marvellous year of language learning at
GIHS, with our first HSC cohort in many years for Japanese                    Next Year.
Beginners, a very promising class of Japanese Continuers, a
wonderful Year 9 elective class and hard-working Year 7     As we approach the end of the year, please be in-
students who completed their mandatory year of language     formed about the requirements for students under-
study. Highlights included cooking days, Japanese movies    taking subjects in the Kitchen and Workshops next
and an increase in the average marks for the yearly and half
-yearly exams. Congratulations to all students involved.
                                                            year. They will be required to wear the correct foot-
                                                            wear or theory work is to be completed. This will
In a huge finish to the year, we saw 3 students accepted to give you a chance to buy the correct footwear over
the 2012 Kizuna scholarship program. Year 12 Captain Jason the holidays ready for the new school year.
Zomer, along with Yr 11 student leaders Grace Barratt and
                                                               (Extract from DEC WHS Directorate.)
Sophie Newsome, will visit disaster-affected areas of Japan
                                                               In accordance with the Safe Working Policy, the Department
and witness the international recovery efforts now under-
                                                               has identified areas of its workplaces where appropriate foot-
way. Glen Innes High School achieved very highly to have 3     wear must be worn by staff, students and visitors to ensure
students selected for this hotly-contested program, as only    their safety.
200 places were available across Australia.
                                                                Areas where enclosed leather footwear (or other material
The Japanese garden is on-track for completion as an out-      confirmed by the manufacturer to be suitable, refer to Austral-
                                                               ian/NZ Standard 2210: Safety Protective and Occupational
door classroom in 2012, and a spectacular Japanese-themed
                                                               Footwear) is required are:
mural has been developed by Ms Sparks with a dedicated
                                                                   Industrial Arts and trades workshop areas
crew of Art students.
                                                                   Science laboratories
2013 will see the commencement of Korean languages and             Canteen or Food Technology (Kitchen) areas
an Aboriginal languages "taster" course in Ngoorabul and       Sandals, open footwear or high heeled shoes are not permit-
Bundjalung.                                                    ted in these areas. If students present for a class or activity
Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable holiday, and an       with inappropriate footwear the student should be offered
exciting year of language study ahead in 2013.                 alternative educational activities until they are wearing appro-
                                                               priate footwear.
Mercurius Goldstein                                            The above list is not exhaustive. Appropriate safe footwear
Teacher— Languages                                             may also be identified as a requirement in relation to other
                                                               areas or activities, documented procedure or a documented
                                                               risk assessment .e.g. Another example is wearing enclosed
                                                               leather footwear (or suitable safe alternative) in agricultural
 What day the students go back                                 areas/activities.

        to school in 2013?
Years 7, 11 & 12—starts on
Wednesday 30th January 2013

Years 8, 9 & 10—starts on
Thursday 31st January 2013

 ALL Staff starts on Tuesday 29th
           January 2013

   Welcome to Year 6 students
  who are coming to Glen Innes
      High School in 2013

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Sarah Byrne
               Regional Final
                                                                         Madison Cook
           for Open Boys Cricket
                                                                   Sarah Byrne and Madison Cook competed in individual events at the
Glen Innes High School are into the regional final of the          CHS Athletics carnival this year. Both girls achieved excellent results
Open Boys Cricket Knockout after a two wicket win over             in their events including Madison 4th in 200m run and Sarah 11th in
                                                                   100m run. These achievements are overall results in NSW from in
Tamworth’s powerhouse Oxley High School on Monday 26th
                                                                   their individual age groups. From this competition Sarah and Madi-
                                                                   son have been selected to compete internationally in Canada.
The team consisted of Scott Hodder (Captain),                      Sports Travel Australia are the coordinators of the event and recent-
Nathan Marzulli (VC), Jay Gallgher, Nick Whan, Cody Hogan,         ly rang and selected our two students to be invited. They base their
Tobias Shannon, Michael Chard, Jayden Ehsman, Brock                selection on the times athletes run at the CHS carnival in NSW,
Simpkins, Jacob Howard, & Jayden Every.                            Victoria, and QLD. Sports Travel Australia select students whose
                                                                   times are close enough to compete internationally, but may not
It was a tremendous effort by the local boys to beat a much        have achieved a top 3 placing at the CHS carnival. They also look to
bigger school, who also has a strong record in cricketing          select students who have demonstrated outstanding potential and
                                                                   have limited access to facilities, coaches and competition. Madison
competitions, including the 40 over open boys competition.
                                                                   and Sarah have met every aspect of this criterion. The two girls have
Glen Innes bowled first at King George Oval and were able
                                                                   trained individually and shown natural talent and skill in a sport that
to restrict Oxley to a modest 143 on a slow outfield. Open-
                                                                   has limited experience and expertise in a small rural community.
ing bowler Nick Whan (3-19) spearheaded the Glen Innes
attack and was able to provide some crucial break throughs.        This trip will include travelling with other selected athletes as an
Nick continued his excellent form from previous school             Australian squad. They will travel to and around Canada. The trip will
games, and showed Oxley why he was recently selected in            last for two weeks in total and will include intense training and com-
the North West Cricket team to compete at CHS. Jayden              peting in two international meets in Vancouver and British Columbia.
Every (2-15) was the next best for Glen Innes. Jay Gallagher       They are provided with one national coach per every seven athletes
(1-17) and Jayden Ehsman (1-23) were also impressive with          selected, and will have access to a variety of international coaches.
ball in hand.                                                      Congratulations Sarah and Madison. We are so proud and supportive
The Glen Innes chase got off to a fast start, having worked        of you both. You are an excellent representation of Glen Innes High
                                                                   School and a complete demonstration of what individuals can
their way to 60 off the first 10 overs, losing only one wicket
                                                                   achieve with dedication and commitment.
along the way. Glen Innes skipper and another player who
has been in fine form in the senior competition, Scott Hod-
der, top scored for Glen Innes. Scott (32), who has also
been playing for the senior representative side, came in at                               Nick Whan
number three and played a vital hand in the win. Gallagher
(30) also provided a big hitting cameo and opener Cody Ho-         On 13th November Glen Innes High School sent three school crickets
gan (28) was solid at the top of the order. Gallagher hit Ox-      to the North West trials held in Gunnedah. These three boys were
ley’s highest wicket taker and spin bowler for 16 in one           selected from the New England Trial held in Armidale where the
over, and was even willing to collect his own ball, which          trialled against boys from schools of Inverell, Armidale, Tenterfield
was hit out of the oval. After these big hitters fell, the order   and Warialda. Scott Hodder, Nic Whan and Jacob Balchin were rep-
was quickly toppled and it became a closely contested              resentatives for Glen Innes High.
match that could’ve gone either way. Jayden Every and Nick
Whan established a steady partnership that saw out the             Nick was selected from the Gunnedah trial in the elite team of 12
game. Glen Innes were eight wickets down when Every hit            from across the North West region that will be attending the CHS
the winning runs in the 34th over. Cody was named man of           trials in Sydney early in Term 1. Nick was surprised at his selection,
the match, while Every claimed two best and fairest points         but we are not. Nick is known for his fast bowling skills, and has
and Nick got one.                                                  been the spearhead in our bowling attack in the school cricket
                                                                   knockout competition, regularly taking more than 2 wickets a game,
Glen Innes now plays the Tamworth High School in the               and has thoroughly deserved this selection. He will compete in
North West Regional Final on Friday the 7th December at            Sydney over four days, and will seeking selection in to the National
King George Oval. If they are successful in this game they         squad that will compete later next year.
will not only be crowned regional champions but may com-
pete at a Sydney carnival against the best teams from each         Congratulations to Nick, and we wish you the best of luck at your
region in NSW. Well done to all the boys involved, and good        upcoming tournament.
luck in your final round.

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
YEAR 10 FORMAL                                           Dates to Remember
The Year 10 Formal is on Thursday 13th December at the              3rd-7th Dec.—Yr9 & Yr10 Canberra Excursion
Services Club Remembrance Room. Photos will be taken at             5th Dec.— Yr6 Orientation Day
5:30 pm at the Standing Stones. Dinner and Disco at 6:30pm.
Tickets are now available for purchase from Mrs Gillett, Cost :     6th Dec. — Year 6 Parent & Student Night
$30 per student. This is a STUDENT ONLY function. Parents           13th Dec. — Year 10 Formal
must drop off & pick-up their child/ren. Pick-up time is
10:00pm. Please be PROMPT.                                          18th Dec. — PRESENTATION DAY
Year 10 Parents who would like to help supervise at the Ser-
                                                                    19th Dec. (Wednesday) — LAST       DAY for
vices Club, please contact Mrs. Gillett. Parents assistance is
always welcome and valued. Thank you.                                                           STUDENTS

                                                                     30th January 2013 Wednesday—First
                   Farewell Barbecue                                         day for Yrs 7, 11 & 12
                                                                     31st January 2013 Thursday—First day
   for Charlotte Holtrop and Hiroto Suzuki
                                                                                for Yrs 8, 9 & 10
On Tuesday 27th of November an Aussie BBQ was held for Year
11’s two exchange students- Charlotte Holtrop from Holland
and Hiroto Suzuki from Japan. This was an assessment task for                   Year 11 Report
English studies students. It was both an exciting and sad event
for the pair as they were farewelled with iconic Australian gifts   Yr 11 students have received certificates from
such as Vegemite, Tim Tams, Smarties and Pepper and salt            the NSW Board of Studies to indicate their level
shakers, a signed Australian flag and shirt signed by the year      of achievement and completion of Preliminary
group and an image with a lightly coated snow field of Glen         courses. These certificates can be used as evi-
Innes High School. A special gift was presented to Hiroto by        dence when applying for jobs, TAFE courses
his English teachers: Mrs Chapman-Burgess and Mrs Malone            and to access government and community ser-
which was a traditional Aboriginal painting that depicted and
                                                                    As a reward for their hard work and consistent-
conveyed his cultural and educational journey within Australia      ly good behaviour, 46 Year 11 students enjoyed
and all the people he met along the way. The vegemite wasn’t        an excursion to the Gold Coast from 28-30
exactly a taste of heaven for these two but the memories gath-      November. This was their last trip away togeth-
ered with the people of Australia made it all a more                er as a year group and resulted in many special
enjoyable day.                                                      memories for the years ahead. Students got the
                                                                    chance to try surfing lessons, kayaking, visits to
Mauno + Mrs Chapman-Burgess                                         Wet 'n Wild and Movie World. The behaviour of
                                                                    the students throughout reflected very well on
                                                                    they and their families and they showed that

                           FREE FRUIT
                                                                    they are maturing in to a fine bunch of young
                                                                    A special farewell Aussie BBQ was held on
                             FRIDAY                                 Tuesday 27 November for our international visi-
                                                                    tors Hiroto Suzuki and Charlotte Holtrop. Sau-
              Free Fruit is available every                         sage sizzle and pavlova were enjoyed by all,
 Friday after 11am at the school canteen. It is                     and special thanks to Ms Chapman-Burgess,
 great to see so many students eating healthy                       Mrs Malone and all the Yr 11 cooks and clean-
                                                                    ers who made the lunch so special. Long-term
 snacks.                                                            friendships have developed with our interna-
                                                                    tional visitors, which adds a wonderful dimen-
                                                                    sion to our students' social development.

                                                                    Mercurius Goldstein
                                                                    Year 11 Adviser

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Principal’s Message                                                    Exploring careers by subject
                                                                          Help your student to broaden their ideas about work and career
Welcome once again to our Newsletter. This is the final                   paths. Bullseye posters have been designed to help your student
                                                                          assess career and training options based on 33 subjects. Each
newsletter for 2012.
                                                                          includes sample career biographies by young people. Find out
Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year                                more:
My best wishes to everyone for a safe, happy and re-                      Pages/CareerBullseyeposters.aspx
freshing Christmas and New Year break.

Presentation Day                                                          Work and study advice

Presentation Day is Tuesday 18th December at 10 am in the Town            There is a range of school staff who can help your student navi-
Hall. At the conclusion of the ceremony students will return to           gate their way through study and training options. Student sup-
school where reports will be presented. There will be normal sport        port is provided by key people such as careers advisers, transi-
in the afternoon.                                                         tion advisers, year advisers and school counsellors. Find out
First Day Back Next Year
The first day back for students in 2013 is Wednesday January 30th         Attendance and the Change to the School Leaving Age
for years 7, 11, 12 with the remainder of the school (Yrs 8,9,10) to
attend on Thursday January 31st.                                          All parents need to be aware that the new school leaving age as
                                                                          at January 2010 is 17. This means that students must remain at
                                                                          school until they turn 17 unless they are in full time education
Digital Education Revolution                                              elsewhere such as TAFE or they have moved into full time work
                                                                          (at least 25 hours per week). This legislated change applies to all
2013 is the final year of the Digital Education Revolution – the          students.
rollout of laptop computers. In previous years the rollout has been
to individual students – students have “owned” the computers and at
the end of Year 12 were able to take the computers with them. In          I would ask all parents to send a note explaining absences as
2013 the Department of Education and Communities Policy will be           soon as possible after the absence to the school. Please note
that the laptops will be issued to the school and the school will own     that parents cannot sign students out of school unless there is a
the computers. This means that the computers will not be “owned”          legitimate reason. For example, you cannot give your student a
by year 9 students. A decision still needs to be made as to whether       note that says please excuse her/him on Wednesday afternoons
the computers will be issued to students directly as in other years or    because they do not want to do sport.
if year 9 will have priority of lending.
                                                                          It has also been legislated that parents are contacted about ab-
                                                                          sences as soon as practicable after that absence. We also have
Record of School Achievement (ROSA)                                       to contact parents when attendance falls below 85%. Even if
                                                                          absences have been explained it is still possible that you may
In 2011, the NSW Minister for Education announced that School             receive a letter. Please be patient with these new procedures.
Certificate tests would not continue beyond that year. From 2012,         We are exploring an SMS option which may begin next term.
eligible students who leave school before receiving their Higher
School Certificate will receive the NSW Record of School Achieve-         The Legislation clearly states that students are to be in attend-
ment (RoSA).                                                              ance at school five days a week unless given an exemption by
                                                                          the Principal. Students cannot sign out to work on Wednes-
The RoSA is a cumulative credential – recognising all of a Year 10        day afternoons, for example. This is in breach of the Legisla-
students’ academic achievements .                                         tion.
Instead of just showing what a students’ results were at the end of
Year 10, the RoSA recognises that many students who leave school          Issues
before completing their HSC complete some Year 11 courses. The
RoSA will show Year 10 grades, as well as any grades for Year 11          I always welcome suggestions or concerns from parents – if you
(Preliminary) courses completed after that. If a student starts a         have any then please contact me directly at the school.
course but leaves school before completing it, the RoSA will show
evidence of that enrolment. The RoSA will also show results of any
VET or Life Skills courses a student completes in Year 10 and/or
Year 11.                                                                  “Since the final quarter of the 20th century, the consequenc-
The RoSA will be awarded to all eligible students when they leave         es in all developed nations of a student not succeeding in
school. If a student transfesr from one school to another at the end      school have become increasingly grim. The practical import
of Year 10 they will not receive a formal RoSA credential at that         of this shift in the labour market is that failure to succeed in
time. To receive a ROSA a student will need to meet the school’s          secondary education, which once bore only modest individ-
attendance requirements. Students are able to request a RoSA              ual and societal costs, now results in unacceptable costs for
through the school when they talk to theirr principal about leaving. If   both individuals and larger societies. Anything less than
a student has completed any Life Skills courses they will receive         educational success for virtually all citizens has become so
their Life Skills Profile of Student Achievement at the same time as      expensive that neither individuals nor societies can afford
their RoSA.                                                               failure.”
                                                                                                         Schaffer, Reynolds, and Stringfield

Please note that ALL year 10 students are required to
attend school until December 19th unless they are enter-
ing fulltime employment or full time education through
another provider (See attendance requirements later in                    Mike Gray
this newsletter)

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Australian Government assistance for Canberra Excursion 2012
Last week ( 3rd- 7th Dec. ) forte one students from Years 8, 9 & 10 Australian History, Civics and
Citizenship went to Canberra for an educational tour of our National Capital. All students participated
in a variety of educational programs focussing on Australian history, culture, heritage & democracy.
The students had a very busy schedule, visiting the Old Parliament House, the House of
Representatives and the Senate, the Australian War Museum, Questacon, the National
Museum, the National Art Gallery, the National Film & Archive, the Mint and the Australian Institute
of Sport.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the
National Capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. Therefore they have contributed
funding under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate ( PACER )
programme towards the travelling expenses incurred with this excursion. The contribution will be paid
directly to the school in the amount of $30.00 per student.
The Glen Innes RSL Sub-branch has also donated money towards this excursion.
Both these donations enabled the final cost of this excursion to be considerably reduced.
The students of Glen Innes High School would like to thank the Australian Government and the Glen
Innes RSL Sub-branch for the financial support they provided for this excursion.
I would also like to thank Mr Mick Malone for his assistance with supervision, and Mr Steve Stewart
for his magnificent organization and planning.
It was not all work as the students had the opportunity to visit Telstra Tower, Questacon and Ice
Skating. Naturally no trip to the city could be undertaken without a chance for some
serious “retail therapy” by both boys and girls.
On several occasions the staff were complimented on the students’ behaviour and uniform. They were
at all times a credit to their parents, school and community.
In all, the excursion was a rewarding experience for those involved.
Mrs Jacki Kiehne

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Student Representative Council
       ( SRC )                                                 URGENT NOTICE
                                                       Trolley Dash tickets MUST BE
                                                       RETURNED ASAP to Mrs Maxwell
                                                       in the Library.

The SRC have entered a tree in the Red Cross
Christmas Tree Display which is currently on dis-             Library News
play at the Town Hall (ends Saturday). There is a      Kindles!! The time for borrowing Kindles is almost here.
$2 entry fee and $1 per vote. All proceeds go to       The devices should be ready for borrowing from
the Red Cross. The students have had a great time      Tuesday 13th November (fingers crossed!). If you would
building their tree out of books from different sub-   like to borrow a Kindle, you will need to print the
                                                       borrowing form (attached to this Newsletter) or see Mrs
ject areas so please take the time to have a look.
                                                       Maxwell in the Library for a form. The form must be
The Senior Leadership have recently taken a trip to
                                                       filled in and signed by both the student and a parent/
Brisbane to attend the Halogen Leadership
                                                       guardian before a Kindle may be borrowed. Once again,
Conference. The students had a great time, listen-
                                                       we would like to thank the volunteers at the Glen Innes
ing to a variety of speakers, learning about
                                                       Opportunity Shop for their very generous support which
leadership, and strengthening their own bonds as
                                                       enabled us to make this purchase.
a group.
The SRC are currently holding elections for the
                                                       The Glen Innes Op Shop very generously donates money
2013 SRC group. The SRC is a committed group of        to the school Library each year. Last year, we used the
students who are always keen to be actively in-        money to buy Kindles (eBook readers) which have been
volved in school and community events. I would         launched with the students recently. All reports are so
like to thank each and every member for their          far positive with a variety of books available to read in a
valuable contributions which have been much ap-        digital format. This year, the donation was spent on
preciated throughout the year.                         replacing the audio books that needed to be upgraded
                                                       to CD, and also on a new selection. We now have a large
                                                       variety of audio books (listening books) for students and
                                                       staff to borrow. We would like to extend an enormous
                                                       thank you to the Op Shop volunteers who have been
                                                       very generous in their support of the school.

Year 6 Transition Mural-Rainbow Serpent Year 12 Formal
Glen Innes High School
                                             POLICY - ATTENDANCE
Glen Innes High School encourages students to attend school on a regular basis. We believe that regular attendance pro-
vides students with the opportunity to experience success at school. It is compulsory for young people up to the age of 17 to
be enrolled in school or other approved educational program. Glen Innes High School provides a wide variety of courses
and alternative programs to meet the individual learning needs of students. The school has also embraced VET programs
and partnerships with community groups to provide opportunities and support for as broad a range of students aspirations
as possible. There is an emphasis on teaching and learning styles that seek to engage students the educational experi-
     Roll is marked by Roll Teachers each morning between 8.55 and 9.00 am.
     Students arriving late to school are to report to the front office where their names are recorded and they are given a
      late pass to take to class. Late students will be required to provide a note or the school will phone parents
     Each period teachers are required to mark the roll on a class roll sheet.
     Variations are recorded on the Daily Notice sheet.
     Truancy should be notified to the Deputy Principal / Office staff.
     Regularly a report of student absences is provided to Head Teachers and Year Advisors.
     Deputy refers students of concern to the Home School Liaison Officer.
Parents are responsible for:
    enrolling their children of compulsory school age in school.
    ensuring that their children attend school regularly
    explaining the absences of their children (within 7 days) to the school
The responsibilities of school staff:
     following school attendance procedures
     maintaining accurate records of student attendance (each contact)
     accept verbal or written advice regarding unexplained full or part day absences
     retain records of written, electronic and verbal explanations from parents.
     If teachers receive verbal explanations from parents, they should record, sign and date the explanation
     report chronic non-attendance, fractional truancy and persistent lateness promptly to the principal or nominee.
     The exception method (marking absences only) is to be followed by all schools.
     School attendance must be recorded on the attendance register (roll) early in the school day.
     Attendance information must be recorded on either the Department’s electronic attendance register or approved
       manual roll.
Staff responsible for maintaining attendance registers must be
     acquainted with requirements of this document and correct procedures.
     When manual registers are used in addition to electronic rolls, a certified hard copy of the electronic roll is the
     attendance register (roll).
     School sport must ensure adequate attendance monitoring practices.
The principal is responsible for ensuring that:
    attendance records are maintained in an approved format
      staff record accurately the attendance of each student in each lesson
      students whose attendance is identified as being of concern, are referred to the Home School Liaison Program
      the school discipline policy addresses attendance issues, including truancy.
      school staff are trained to implement school attendance policies and Procedures.
      unsatisfactory attendance and part or full day absences from school are investigated
      In the case of students participating in course work or school activities away from the school site attendance records
       must be maintained..
     an exemption from school attendance for periods totalling up to 50 days in a 12 month period for any one student.
Principals may:
     decline to accept as satisfactory an explanation for an absence.
    request medical certificates or other documentation when absences explained as being due to sickness are frequent
       or prolonged.
Merry Christmas
       and a
Prosperous New Year
     to all…..
Have a safe holiday


                          the Staff
                       of Glen Innes
                       High School

Year 6 getting ready for High School
2012 has been a very busy year for Year 6 students who have been involved in a number of events and programs to
enable them to adjust to life at High School. Students have been involved in Art, Woodwork, Food Technology,
Drama, Science and Health programs and have enjoyed many visits to the High School. Students will have a full orien-
tation day on the 5th of December where they will spend the day with their Year Advisors Miss Emma Davy and Mr
Jone Rakesa.
There will also be a Parent information evening on Thursday the 6th December at 6pm.
The Rainbow Serpent Mural will be placed near the Canteen.

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