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                                                  BOUTIQUE OFFICIELLE

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2018 15U & 17U BOY's National Championship Schedule
                                  AUGUST 6 - 11, 2018
                     15U POOLS                                                17U POOLS
 POOL A              POOL B               POOL C          POOL A              POOL B               POOL c
 1 - ON              5 - NS               6 - NB          1 - ON              5 - MB               6 - NS
 2 - QC              8 - BC               7 - MB          2 - AB              8 - NB               7 - SK
 3 - SK              11 - NT               9 - NL         3 - QC              10 - NL              9 - PE
 4 - AB                                   10 - PE         4 - BC

                             Court 1                                                  Court 2
06-Aug                                                    06-Aug
            Game #       Home       vs     Visitors                  Game #       Home       vs     Visitors
9:00 AM       [1]          7        vs        9          9:00 AM       [1]         11        vs        5
11:15 AM      [2]         10        vs        5          11:15 AM      [2]          6        vs        10
 1:30 PM      [3]          2        vs        3           1:30 PM      [3]          1        vs        4
 3:45 PM      [4]          1        vs        4           3:45 PM      [4]          7        vs        9
 6:00 PM      [5]          9        vs        6           6:00 PM      [5]          8        vs        11
 8:15 PM      [6]          8        vs        10          8:15 PM      [6]          2        vs        3

                             Court 1                                                  Court 2
07-Aug                                                    07-Aug
            Game #       Home       vs     Visitors                  Game #       Home       vs     Visitors
9:00 AM       [7]         L4        vs        L2          9:00 AM      [7]         L3        vs        L4
11:15 AM      [8]         W2        vs       W4          11:15 AM      [8]         W4        vs       W3
 1:30 PM      [9]          5        vs        8           1:30 PM      [9]          6        vs        7
 3:45 PM     [10]         L6        vs        L3          3:45 PM     [10]          5        vs        8
 6:00 PM
                                         National Championship Banquet (all teams)
 8:15 PM

                             Court 1                                                 Court 2
08-Aug                                                    08-Aug
            Game #       Home       vs     Visitors                  Game #       Home      vs      Visitors
9:00 AM                             vs                   9:00 AM
11:15 AM                            vs                   11:15 AM
 1:30 PM     [11]         2C        vs        3B          1:30 PM      [11]          W3      vs       W6
 3:45 PM     [12]         2B        vs        3C          3:45 PM      [12]          2B      vs       3C
 6:00 PM     [13]         4A        vs        1B          6:00 PM      [13]          2C      vs       4C
 8:15 PM     [14]         3A        vs        1C          8:15 PM      [14]          1C      vs       3B

                            Court 1                                                  Court 2
09-Aug                                                    09-Aug
            Game #       Home      vs      Visitors                  Game #       Home      vs      Visitors
9:00 AM                                                  9:00 AM                            vs
11:15 AM     [15]          L13     vs        L12         11:15 AM
 1:30 PM     [16]          4A      vs        1B           1:30 PM      [15]          L14     vs       L11
 3:45 PM     [17]          3A      vs        W14          3:45 PM      [16]          L13     vs       L12
 6:00 PM     [18]          2A      vs        W13          6:00 PM      [17]          2A      vs       W11
 8:15 PM     [19]          1A      vs        W12          8:15 PM      [18]          1A      vs       W12

                            Court 1                                                    Court 2
10-Aug                                                    10-Aug
            Game #       Home      vs      Visitors                  Game #       Home        vs    Visitors
9:00 AM                                                  9:00 AM      [20]         L14        vs      L12
11:15 AM     [19]         W15      vs        L17         11:15 AM     [21]         L16        vs      L19
 1:30 PM     [20]         W16      vs        L18          1:30 PM     [22]         L17        vs      L18
 3:45 PM     [21]         L16      vs        L15          3:45 PM     [23]         L13        vs      L14
 6:00 PM     [22]         W18      vs        W13          6:00 PM     [24]         W19        vs      W16
 8:15 PM     [23]         W17      vs        W14          8:15 PM     [25]         W18        vs      W17

                            Court 1                                                  Court 2
11-Aug                                                  11-Aug
            Game #     Home        vs   Visitors                    Game #      Home        vs    Visitors
9:00 AM      [24]       L20        vs     L19          9:00 AM        [26]       L21        vs      L22
11:15 AM     [27]       L24        vs     L25         11:15 AM        [25]       W20        vs      W19
 1:30 PM     [26]       L23        vs     L22          1:30 PM        [28]      W22         vs      W21
 4:00 PM     [29]       W25        vs     W24          3:45 PM
 6:15 PM     [27]       W22        vs     W23          6:00 PM
 8:15 PM          Closing Ceremonies - Court 1, immediately following 17U Gold Medal game (all teams)

                                 CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 3
Welcome to the 2018 15U & 17U Boy’s National                   The National Championships are a stepping stone on
   Championships in Kamloops, British Columbia! Canada’s          the pathway to Canada’s national team program. Young
   championship tournament is an opportunity for the              men and women gather at this event and wear the name
   nation’s best basketball players to assemble and               of their respective province or territories on the front of
   represent their provinces and territories in hopes of          their jersey. Those players who exhibit perseverance and
   winning the national title. This annual event plays an         hard work may one day see themselves exchange that
   important role in the continued growth and development         jersey for one with Canada on the front. Conduct yourself
   of basketball in Canada.                                       with honour and pride by showing sportsmanship and
                                                                  taking the opportunity to showcase the skills that got you
   Canada continues to excel on the international stage in
                                                                  here. Remember, you represent your hometowns and all of
   both the men’s and women’s competitions. The Senior
   Men’s National Team is coming off two consecutive wins
   in their World Cup Qualifying bid against the Dominican        Hosting the National Championships is no simple task. It
   Republic and the U.S. Virgin Islands in Toronto and Ottawa     takes the coordination of hundreds of organizers, staff,
   respectively. As they commence the second round of             coaches, athletes, officials, and volunteers to execute a
   qualifying, they prepare to take on Brazil in Laval’s Place    successful event and to create an excellent basketball
   Bell on September 13. Canada's youth men have risen to a       and community experience. Canada Basketball would like
   program high No. 2 in the FIBA World Ranking presented         to recognize and thank Basketball British Columbia and
   by Nike. Canada's climb up the rankings can be largely         Thompson Rivers University for their tremendous work as
   attributed to the team's historic gold-medal finish at the     hosts. We are extremely grateful for the tireless work and
   FIBA U19 Basketball World Cup 2017. This summer, the           dedication these organizations have shown to the sport
   U18 Men’s National Team fought hard for a silver medal         we love.
   finish at the FIBA U18 America’s Championship which was        Best of luck to all of the participating teams!
   hosted for the first time on home soil in St. Catharines,
   Ontario! The U17 Men’s National Team secured a 4th place       Sincerely,
   finish at this year’s FIBA World Cup in Argentina.             Canada Basketball
   Young Canadian talent is quickly becoming recognized
   as some of the best in the world. R.J. Barrett is set to
   begin his Duke career this fall after being the most heavily
   recruited high school player since LeBron James! Barrett’s
   high school teammate, Andrew Nembhard, has also
   made waves in the basketball world, committing to NCAA
   powerhouse Florida and being named to the tournament
   All-Star team in the FIBA U18 Americas Championships.
   Other young stars including the highly recruited A.J.
   Lawson and Addison Patterson have each represented
   Canada this summer, as Patterson proved to be a key
   member in both the FIBA U18 Americas Championship
   and the FIBA U17 Basketball World Cup.

Bienvenue aux Championnats nationaux 2018 des                   Amériques U18 et à la Coupe du monde U17 de la FIBA.
garçons 15U et 17U qui se déroulent à Kamloops, en              Les Championnats nationaux représentent une étape
Colombie-Britannique! Ce tournoi réunit les meilleurs           importante dans la progression menant au programme
joueurs et les meilleures joueuses de basketball du pays        de l’équipe nationale canadienne. Des jeunes, hommes
et leur donne l’occasion de représenter leur province ou        et femmes, se réunissent à l’occasion de cet événement
leur territoire dans l’espoir de remporter le titre national.   et portent les couleurs de leur province ou territoire de
Cette compétition annuelle joue donc un rôle important          résidence. Les athlètes qui persévèrent à l’effort et font
pour ce qui est de la croissance et du développement du         preuve de détermination verront peut-être un jour leur
basketball au Canada.                                           rêve de porter le maillot canadien se concrétiser. Affichez
Notre pays continue de briller sur la scène internationale,     votre fierté, comportez-vous de façon honorable et
tant du côté des hommes que des femmes. En effet,               faites preuve d’esprit sportif au moment de démontrer
aux éliminatoires de la Coupe du monde, notre équipe            votre talent et vos habiletés. Rappelez-vous que vous
nationale sénior masculine a remporté deux victoires            représentez à la fois les villes et villages d’où vous venez
d’affilée, soit une sur la République dominicaine à             ainsi que le Canada tout entier.
Toronto et l’autre sur les Îles Vierges des États-Unis à        L’organisation de ces championnats n’est pas une
Ottawa. En ce début de la deuxième série éliminatoire,          mince tâche. Les efforts coordonnés de centaines de
elle s’apprête à affronter le Brésil à la Place Bell de Laval   membres du comité organisateur, d’entraîneur(e)s,
le 13 septembre. Elle s’est hissée au second rang du            d’athlètes, d’officiel(le)s et de bénévoles sont nécessaires
classement mondial de la FIBA, une présentation de Nike.        pour mener à bien une telle entreprise et ainsi créer
Cet exploit est en grande partie attribuable à la médaille      des expériences inoubliables tant sur le plan sportif
d’or historique qu’elle a gagnée en 2017 à la Coupe             qu’humain. Canada Basketball souhaite donc reconnaître
du monde U19 de la FIBA. Cet été, l’équipe nationale            la contribution en ce sens de Basketball Colombie-
masculine U18 a remporté de vive lutte une médaille             Britannique et de l’Université Thompson Rivers, et tient
d’argent au Championnat des Amériques U18 de la FIBA,           à les remercier chaleureusement pour leur excellent
qui, pour la première fois, s’était tenue en sol canadien,      travail en tant qu’hôtes de ce prestigieux tournoi. Nous
soit à St. Catharines, en Ontario! Cette année, l’équipe        apprécions grandement l’engagement et le dévouement
nationale masculine U17 s’est placée au 4e rang à la            dont ces personnes et organismes ont fait preuve envers
Coupe du monde de la FIBA en Argentine.                         le sport que nous adorons tous et toutes.
Le talent des jeunes Canadiens commence à se faire              Je termine en souhaitant un franc succès à toutes les
reconnaître aux quatre coins du monde. Ainsi, R.J. Barrett      équipes présentes à la compétition!
se joindra cet automne aux Duke Blue Devils après avoir
été l’un des joueurs de niveau secondaire les plus en           Cordialement,
demande depuis LeBron James! Son ancien coéquipier              Canada Basketball
Andrew Nembhard a, lui aussi, fait des vagues dans
le monde du basketball : il s’est joint à la redoutable
équipe floridienne de la NCAA et été choisi pour faire
partie de l’équipe des étoiles au Championnat des
Amériques U18 de la FIBA. D’autres jeunes vedettes, dont
les très recrutés A.J. Lawson et Addison Patterson, ont
représenté le Canada cet été, Patterson ayant démontré
qu’il était un joueur essentiel au Championnat des

                                              CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 5
                          THANKS YOU FOR YOUR
                           CONTINUED SUPPORT!

                           CANADA BASKETBALL
                           VOUS REMERCIE POUR
                             VOTRE SOUTIEN!

                                 GOVERNMENT SUPPORT
                                APPUI DU GOUVERNEMENT

                                   OFFICIAL SPONSORS
                               COMMANDITAIRES OFFICIELS


It is with great pleasure Basketball BC welcomes all players,
coaches, fans and representatives to the Tournament
Capital of Canada.
We are taking great pride and privilege in hosting Canada
Basketball’s Under-17 and Under-15 Mens’ championships on the
campus of Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops.
Basketball has a long and storied tradition in this country
and the 2018 version of Canada Basketball Nationals will
add to that growing list.
The competition level at these two age classes is tremendous.
The desire and determination of our athletes and our future
leaders across Canada will be on full display from the opening
day’s tip off until the last medal is presented on Aug. 11th.
Players and coaches have dedicated years toward making
the reality of representing their province and pursuing a
National Championship.
Don’t take for granted what should be a memorable week
in your young lives.
The ability to compete at this level puts you in the elite company
of players who have played here before you. Many are fortunate
to have gone on to play at the university, collegiate, professional
and international levels.
Many have opted to remain in the game as coaches or managers,
teaching the game of basketball to younger generations.
Basketball will be the talk of these two national championships,
but there is so much more to embrace. Embrace the spirit of
high-level competition if you’re on the sidelines and realize
what a tremendous experience this is going to be for the
elite level athletes.
As Director of Male High Performance, we are delighted to
showcase our province and the Tournament Capital of Canada.
Take the time to enjoy Beautiful British Columbia.
On and off the court.
Joe Enevoldson –
Director of Male High Performance and Technical Director

                                                  CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 7
                                                   THE MAYOR

        On behalf of my colleagues on Council and all of the citizens of Kamloops, I would like to
        take this opportunity to welcome players, coaches, family, and guests to Kamloops for the
        U15 and U17 National Boys Basketball Championship on August 6-11, 2018. The City of
        Kamloops is proud to be hosting the best basketball players in Canada.

        As Canada’s Tournament Capital, Kamloops is Canada’s premier location for hosting
        tournaments and events of this calibre. The Tournament Capital Centre is an exceptional
        facility that we know you will enjoy experiencing first-hand.

        Along with our fantastic climate, Kamloops has great hiking and biking trails as well as
        numerous parks to enjoy the outdoors. The Rivers Trail explores over 40 km of the North
        and South Thompson River valleys. A unique blend of shops, boutiques, restaurants,
        bakeries, premiere coffee bars, and old-world-style delicatessens can be found throughout
        our city. We hope you also take some time to explore all that Thompson Rivers University
        has to offer between games.

        We are proud of the warm hospitality we know you will find here in Kamloops, and we know
        you will have a great experience. Best of luck to all of the competitors!

        Yours truly,

        Ken Christian, Mayor
        City of Kamloops


   Uniform #        Position       First Name          Surname                City        School Attending (in Sept)

      2                             Dundee              Wang               Calgary             Queen Elizabeth

      5                              Arren             Torrabla          Edmonton

      7                              Nate              Burbank           Edmonton                Harry Ainlay

      8                            Immanuel            Oludele             Calgary

      9                              David              Ayon               Calgary            Winston Churchill

      10                            Caelum          Swanton-Rodger         Calgary                 Western

      11                             Bubu              Benjamin         Medicine Hat

      12                            Ephraim            Humilde           Edmonton                Harry Ainlay

      13                             Fawaz             Omidiwa             Calgary

      14                             Arjun             Dhaliwal          Edmonton               Lilian Osborne

      21                             Tyler              Yanick         Sherwood Park

      35                             Topaz              Nnani            Edmonton

       Head Coach                   Raegan              Wood             Edmonton            Concordia University

      Assistant Coach                 Ian              Thomson             Calgary           Sir Winston Churchill

      Assistant Coach                Randy              Peron             Cochrane

    Uniform #           Position       First Name      Surname         City            School Attending (in Sept)

          2                                  Holt       Tomie         Calgary                Bushop Oburn

          4                                 Nate       Petrone        Calgary                Bishop Oburn

          6                             Grayson        Youngs        Edmonton                  Ross Shep

           7                                 Jack    MacPherson      St.Albert                 Paul Kane

          8                                 Owen       Weaver        Edmonton               Harry Ainlay HS

          9                              Daniel        McLaren       Edmonton                Jasper Place

       10                               Brandon         Muntu         Calgary                 Halifax Prep

          11                                Deng         Dak          Brooks               Brooks Composite

       12                                    Ajou       Ajou                                  Harry Ainlay

       13                               Imoudu         Ibrahim        Calgary              Winston Churchill

       14                                    Ben        Krikke       Edmonton                Jasper Place

       15                                    Max        Petryk       Edmonton                  Ross Shep

               Head Coach               Shayne         Midford       Cold Lake          Assumption Catholic HS

           Assistant Coach                   Slav       Kornik       Edmonton             University of Alberta

           Assistant Coach                   Eric      Magdanz       Edmonton                  Macewan


Uniform #        Position   First Name    Surname             City             School Attending (in Sept)    Height

    1                G        Justin        Sunga      New Westminster               Burnaby South             5’8”

    2                G        Ravjeet     Randhawa           Surrey                 Fleetwood Park             6’0”

    3                G        Oliver        Seto           Vancouver              Sir Winston Churchill        5’9”

    4                G       Cameron      Slaymaker        Coquitlam                    Terry Fox              6’2”

    5                G         Cole      Cruz-Dumont       Richmond                Vancouver College           6’0”

    7                G         Caleb        Lyons        Prince George               Duchess Park              6’0”

    8                F        Nesta       Malcolm            Fernie                      Fernie                6’5”

    9                F         Evan         Kimm            Langley                   Brookswood               6’3”

   10                F        Naveed      Abdollahi        Coquitlam                Dr. Charles Best           6’4”

   20                F        Tyrelle     Chadwick         Kamloops                    Westsyde                6’3”

   23                F        Yurdan      Rozumnyj      West Vancouver                 Rockridge               6’3”

   35                F       Cormick       Brown            Victoria                 Lambrick Park             6’3”

        Head Coach            Cassidy    Kannemeyer         Burnaby                       N/A

   Assistant Coach             Eric        Williams        Vancouver                      N/A

           S&C                Aaron         Chew           Coquitlam                      N/A

Uniform #        Position   First Name    Surname           City            School Attending (in Sept)      Height

    1            Forward      Liam       McChesney      Prince Rupert     Charles Hays Secondary School      6’8”

   2              Guard       Parker     Johnstone        Kelowna                      KSS                   6’0”

   3              Guard       Josh        Kagande        Vancouver                  Britannia                5’8”

   5              Guard     Jiordhano       Khan          Burnaby                Burnaby South               6’3”

   6              Guard       Diego        Maffia          Victoria            Oak Bay Secondary             6’0”

   8              Guard       Dylon       Matthews     North Vancouver         Seycove Secondary             6’1”

   9             Forward     Jeevan        Sidhu           Surrey             Tamanawis Secondary            6’5”

   10            Forward     Michael        Risi          Burnaby        Holy Cross Regional High School     6’2”

   11             Guard       Jacob        Mand          Coquitlam             Terry Fox Secondary           5’11”

   14            Forward      Victor      Radocaj        Richmond               BC Christian Prep            6’8”

   15             Guard       Soren       Ericsson      Prince George             Duchess Park               6’2”

                 Forward       Luc        Therrien       Vancouver             Vancouver College             6’9”

    Head Coach                Kevin        Hanson        Vancouver                     N/A                   N/A

         Manager               Ed         LeFurgey         Surrey                      N/A                   N/A

         Manager            Ransford     Brempong        Vancouver                     N/A                   N/A

           S&C                Aaron        Chew          Coquitlam                     N/A                   N/A

                                          CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 11

  Uniform #       Position      First Name        Surname          City                School Attending (in Sept)          Height

     2            Forward         Joshua         Nwachukwu       Winnipeg                        Dakota                      6’2

     3             Guard          James              Rae         Winnipeg                Oak Park High School                6’3”

     4             Guard          Elijah            Grant        Winnipeg              Vincent Massey Collegiate            5’10”

     5             Guard          Mekhi             Lisan        Winnipeg                      Undecided                     5’8”

     6            Forward       Akachukw         Ebubechukwu     Winnipeg                 Glenlawn Collegiate                6’1”

     7             Guard          Joshua           Shyllon       Winnipeg                  Kelvin High School               5’10”

     8            Forward        Brayden          Longstreet     Winnipeg               Ecole Kelvin High School             6’2”

     9            Forward          Tako            Suliman       Winnipeg                      St. Maurice                   6’0”

     10           Forward        Nathaniel         Bangura       Winnipeg                John Taylor Collegiate              6’1”

     11            Guard          Logan             Kraus        Winnipeg                  Sturgeon Heights                  6’0

     12           Forward       Lotachukwu          Offor        Winnipeg              Vincent Massey Collegiate             6’6”

     14            Guard          Simon          Hildebrandt     Winnipeg        Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute     6’6”

      Head Coach                   Dan             Becker        Winnipeg                         N/A                        N/A

    Assistant Coach               Daron            Leonard       Winnipeg                         N/A                        N/A

          Manager                Jonathan          Janzen        Winnipeg                         N/A                        N/A

   Uniform #         Position       First Name       Surname          City               School Attending (in Sept)        Height

         3           Forward         Marcus          Foreman      East Selkirk               Dakota Collegiate             6’7 1/2

         4            Guard          Dontae         Alexander      Winnipeg                St Pauls High School             6’2”

         5            Guard            Matt          Medrano       Winnipeg                  Sisler High School            5’10.5”

       6              Guard           Mason           Kraus        Winnipeg                  Sturgeon Heights                6’1

         7            Guard          Bolatito        Obasoto       Winnipeg              Fort Richmond Collegiate           6’2”

         8            Guard          Malachi        Alexander      Winnipeg                  Sisler High School             6’0’’

       9              Guard           Luke           Cardinal      Winnipeg                St. Paul’s High School           6’1”

      10              Guard            Paul          Francisco     Winnipeg                  Kelvin Highschool               6’1

      11              Guard         Trevonne          Julian       Winnipeg                 River East Collegiate           6’3

      12             Forward         Donald          Stewart       Winnipeg              Vincent Massey Colliegate          6’7

      13             Forward          Jonam           Kazadi       Winnipeg                St. Paul’s High School           6’5’’

      14             Forward          Kyler          Filewich      Winnipeg              Vincent Massey Collegiate          6’8

             Head Coach                Nick           Lother       Winnipeg                         N/A                     N/A

      Assistant Coach                 Dean            Favoni       Winnipeg                         N/A                     N/A


Uniform #         Position      First Name      Surname         City               School Attending (in Sept)        Height

    4                 Guard       Jimmy          Hwang      Fredericton             Fredericton High School           5’5”

    5                 Guard      Malcolm         Christie   Fredericton             Fredericton High School           6’2”

    6            Point Guard      Aiden          Connors     Saint John              Simonds High School              5’11”

    7             Forward         Owen            Amos       Mirimichi            Mirimichi Valley High School        6’2”

    8                 Guard        Tyler          Green     Fredericton              Leo Hayes High School            6’2”

    9                 Guard        Evan          Valanne     Miramichi            Mirimichi Valley High School        6’0”

    10                Guard       Jonas          Munroe       Moncton             Harrison Trimble High School        6’1”

    11                Guard       Isaac          Mullen      Riverview               Riverview High School            6’0”

    12            Forward         Ethan         Szemerda     Saint John              Simonds High School              6’0”

    13                Guard       Colin         Matthews      Hanwell               Fredericton High School           5’11”

    14               Center        Tyler           Fiaui    Fredericton              Leo Hayes High School            6’8”

    15                Guard       Davis          O’Brien      Moncton              Bernice MacNaughton HS             5’11”

          Head Coach               Jim           Watters     Mirimichi

        Assistant Coach            Nate         Horsman       Moncton

            Manager               Darko         Milosevic    Saint John

Uniform #         Position     First Name      Surname             City                School Attending (in Sept)    Height

   4               Guard         Lucas        Tompkins          Woodstock                Woodstock High School         6’0”

   5               Guard         Rees          Hasson           Fredericton              Leo Hayes High School

   6              Forward         Tim           Kabre            Moncton                   St. Jean de Brebeuf         6’3”

   7               Guard       Emmanuel       Octavious          Moncton

   8            Point Guard     Gabriel        Cormier           Moncton                     Ecole l’Odyssee           6’0”

   9              Forward         Ken           Daley            Rothesay                 Rothesay High School         6’4”

   10              Guard         Jack         Fury-Miller   Grand Bay-Westfield        Harbour View High School        6’3”

   11             Forward        Kyron          Amos             Mirimichi            Mirimichi Valley High School     6’4”

   12              Guard       Alexander         Dool            Moncton                Bernice MacNaughton HS         6’0”

   13             Center        Thomas        MacDonald          Rothesay                 Rothesay High School         6’8”

   14              Guard          Sam          Maillet           Moncton                Bernice MacNaughton HS         6’5”

   15             Forward       Norman          Burry            Grafton                 Woodstock High School         6’4”

         Head Coach              John           Hickey          Fredericton                       N/A

        Assistant Coach           Kyle        Woodworth         Fredericton                       N/A

           Manager               Matt           Daley           Fredericton                       N/A

                                             CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 13

  Uniform #         Position          First Name         Surname          City         School Attending (in Sept)    Height

     2             Point Guard           Jack             Fiander        Torbay             Holy Trinity High         5’ 8”

     4                Post              Gabriel           Trickett    Mount Pearl      St. Peter’s Junior High, NL    6’ 1”

     6           Shooting Guard          Liam             Dalton       St. John’s      Holy Heart High School, NL     5’ 11”

      7             Forward         Jiovanni Dilarno      Drake       Mount Pearl     Mount Pearl Senior High, NL      6’

     8              Forward           Arpandeed           Singh         St John’s       Waterford Valley High, NL     6’ 2”

     9              Forward            Nicholas          Edwards        St John’s       Waterford Valley High, NL     6’ 2”

     10          Shooting Guard       Christopher         Druken        St John’s       Waterford Valley High, NL      6’

     11          Shooting Guard        Innocent        Ndaitouroum      St John’s      Holy Heart High School, NL

     12               Post              Conor             Warren        St.John’s       Waterford Valley High, NL     6’ 1”

     13               Post              James            Combdon        McIvers         Templeton Academy, NL         6’ 1”

     15               Post              Hunter           McGrath       St. John’s      Holy Heart High School, NL     6’ 3”

     21              Guard              Miguel           Bunleon        Paradise      MacDonald Drive Junior High     5’ 8”

              Head Coach                 Steve             Ryan       Mount Pearl

           Assistant Coach            Christopher        Snyders

           Assistant Coach             Douglas           Partrdige     St. John’s

   Uniform #          Position         First Name       Surname          City         School Attending (in Sept)     Height

      4              Point Guard         Devon            Tobin      Middle Cove        Holy Heart of Mary, NL        6’ 2”

      5              Point Guard        Matthew          Pennell      St. John’s      Rothesay Netherwood, NB         6’ 1”

      6            Shooting Guard       Joshua           Reimer       St. John’s        Holy Heart of Mary, NL        6’ 2”

      7               Forward            Dafydd         Banfield      St. John’s        Holy Heart of Mary, NL        6’ 6”

      8                Guard            Joshua           Critch        Paradise      Mount Pearl Senior High, NL       6’

      9                Guard           Jean Pier        Agbesse       St. John’s        Holy Heart of Mary, NL       5’ 10”

      10              Forward            Gavin            Wall        Bay Bulls        Mobile Central High, NL        6’ 1”

      11           Shooting Guard        Caleb         d’Entremont    St. John’s        Holy Heart of Mary, NL         6’

      12           Shooting Guard         Glen           Sooley      Mount Pearl      Rothesay Netherwood, NB         6’ 5”

      13              Forward            Jacob            Ryan       Outer Cove           Gonzaga High, NL            6’ 3”

      14               Center           Marcus           Hughes      Corner Brook   Corner Brook Regional High, NL    6’ 3”

      22               Center             Ryan           Bugden      Mount Pearl          O’Donel High, NL            6’ 5”

               Head Coach                 Glen           Sooley      Mount Pearl

            Assistant Coach               Dave          Banfield      St. John’s

                Manager                   Kelly          Sooley      Mount Pearl


Uniform #          Position         First Name              Surname           City        School Attending (in Sept)    Height

    1           Point Guard              Aidan             MacDonald       Timberlea       Ridgecliffe middle school    5’ 11.5”

    5                Guard           Anthony                  Sears        Antigonish       Dr JH Gillis High School     5’11’’

    11               Guard                Coby              Tunnicliff       Sydney       Riverview Rural High School    6’0”

    15               Guard           DreOnne                Williams       Dartmouth          Graham Creighton           6’3”

    12             Forward                 Kaj              MacVicar      Port Williams         Horton High D1           6’5”

    8                Guard           LeShaun                 Young           Halifax       RidgeCliff Middle School      5 10

    3           Point Guard               Malik              Brown           Halifax           Halifax Grammar           6’1”

    4                Guard              Nacari               Smith         Dartmouth          Graham Creighton           5’6”

    14             Forward           Nicholas               Dayman         Antigonish         Dr J H Gillis Royals        6’3

    2                Guard          Romerace                 Smith        North Preston        Dartmouth High            5’8”

    6                Guard          Sebastian              Barrington         Truro        Truro Junior High School      5’9”

    7              Forward             Vedran                   Lujic        Halifax        Park West Junior High         6’2

                Head Coach           Mathieu               MacDonald

                   Manager                Brent            Martindale

                   Manager           Denton                 Anthony

Uniform #     Position        First Name                Surname              City          School Attending (in Sept)   Height

   2           Guard            Caleb                   Johnson          Cole Harbour          Cole Harbour High           6’3

   13         Forward           Ethan                Marshall-Harris        Halifax         Halifax Grammar School        6’4”

   5         Point Guard        Jaren                   Johnson          NEW GLASGOW             HALIFAX PREP              6’0

    1        Point Guard      Jashajaun                 Downey           North Preston           TRC Academy               6’1

   7           Guard            Jaxon                    Smith              Halifax                  Citadel               6’0

   8         Point Guard        Jayrell                  Diggs            Dartmouth                  Auburn               5’10

   4           Guard            Lydell                 Husbands             Halifax                 Gammar                 6’1

   3           Guard            Ryan                     Munro           Timberlea,NS       Halifax Grammar School        6’2”

   9           Guard            Stacy                    Smith           North Preston      Auburn drive high school      5’10

   15         Forward           Tyrese                  Borden             Sunnyville       Guysborough Blue Eagles        6”4

   12         Forward           Dylan                    Landry            Yarmouth          Y.C.M.H.S/D.H.C.M.H.S.       6’ 5”

        Head Coach              Chris                   Holland

   Assistant Coach              Colter                 Simmonds

         Manager                Curtis                  Coward

         Manager                Chris                     Rao

                                                 CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 15

      Uniform #       Position       First Name    Surname          City

                       Guard           Kevin        Santos       Yellowknife

                       Guard          Jordan        Balsillie    Yellowknife

                       Guard          Gabriel       Filllion     Yellowknife

                       Guard           Leslie      Karembera     Yellowknife

                       Guard          Charles       Valerio      Yellowknife

                       Guard           Blake         Cook       Ft. Good Hope

                      Forward          Krish        Sharma         Inuvik

                       Guard           Joelin       Murphy       Yellowknife

                      Forward          Jack          Nevitt      Yellowknife

                       Guard           Chase        Clarke       Yellowknife

                       Guard          Brendan      McAllister    Yellowknife

                      Forward         Donovan        Arey          Inuvik

                      Coach            Matt          Craig       Yellowknife

                      Coach            Nick          Diem        Yellowknife

                     Manager           Matt          Brien       Yellowknife


Uniform # Position          First Name         Surname                 City              School Attending (in Sept)      Height
   15            F            David            Ononiwu                Whitby           Bill Crothers Secondary School     6’5
   7             F           Autrey            Dawkins               Brampton          Vaughn Prep Secondary School       6’3
   8             F          Benjamin            Ezeagu               Brampton                     GTA Prep                6’5
   6             G             DJ              Jackson             Mississauga                St Martin School            6’3
   14            F            Dylan           Kalambay               Brampton           St Edmund Campion School          6’7
   21            G            Jaden            Clayton                Whitby           Andrews Osbourne Academy           6’0
   11            G          Jahsemar           Olembe                Kitchener              Resurrection C.S.S.           6’3
   13            G            Javier       Gilgeous-Glasgow          Brampton           Thornlea Secondary School         6’1
   23            G            Josiah            Davis                Kitchener             Huron Heights School           6’3
   9             G            Kole               Scott                 Ajax                       Rise Prep               6’0
   10            F           Malachi        Coke-Harrison              Ajax                Pickering High School          6’4
   6             G           Nathan             Barrett            Mississauga             Montverde Academy              6’1
   12            F            Noah             Ngamba                Vaughan            Vaughan Secondary School          6’4
   22            F            Rory             Stewart                Toronto                     Rise Prep               6’8
   5             G           Shaedon            Sharpe                London               H.B. Beal High School          6’3
   Head Coach                 Mike              Selliah
 Assistant Coach             Marlon            Greene
       Manager                 Jay             Holness
       Manager               Jeremie            Kayeye

Uniform #        Position     First Name     Surname                  City               School Attending (in Sept)     Height
    9                G           Josh         Bascoe                 Milton                  Vermont Academy             5-11
    14               F          Kordell       Charles                 Ajax                    Bill Crothers S.S.         6-7
    8                G          Darius       DeAveiro                Ottawa                     TRC Academy              5-11
    5                G           Tyler       Delevante            Mississauga                Mount Carmel S.S.           6-4
    12               G           Okay        Djamgouz                Oakville           London Basketball Academy        6-4
    21               F         Bennett      Grumbach                 Toronto                    Lincoln Prep             6-4
    23               F         Reuben       Hasebenebi               London                 Sir Wilfrid Laurier S.S.     6-3
    13               G           Kobe          Elvis                Brampton            Southwest Furfaro Academy        6-2
    7                F           Tomi        Johnson              Stoney Creek                  Ridley College           6-8
    10               F          Jerred        Kinstler              Kingston              Regi-opolis Notre Dame         6-2
    6                F           Ben             Li           Whitchurch-Stouffville            Thornlea S.S.            6-6
    11               F         Michael        Matas                  Oakville           London Basketball Academy        6’8
    4                G           Ryan        Nemhard                 Aurora                Monteverde Academy            6-0
    22               F        Alexander      Nwagha                  Milton              King’s Christian Collegiate     6-7
    11               G          Justice      Prentice                Toronto                  Bill Crothers S.S.         6-1
    4                G           Josh         Primo               Mississauga                   Lincoln Prep             6-4
    22               G           Alex          Root                  Welland                    Ridley College           6-4
    25               F           Sam         Thomson               Halton Hills                Brooks School             6-9
        Head Coach              Jamie        Campbell               Waterloo
   Assistant Coach              Brock        Bourgase                Toronto
   Assistant Coach              Kevin         Barnes                 london
   Assistant Coach              Omar           Miles                Brampton
   Assistant Coach              David        Bethune                 Toronto

         Denotes Alternate                    CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 17

 Uniform #        Position   First Name           Surname                    City                  School Attending (in Sept)            Height

    4              Guard      Armaan               Singh                Summerside                    Athena Consolidated                 1.65

    5              Guard        Ryan               Leard                Mill River East                Westisle High School               1.7

    7             Forward      Jeremy             Norman                Charlottetown                Colonle Gray High School             1.8

    9             Forward       Luke              Thomson               Charlottetown                Colonel Gray High School             1.8

    11            Forward      Kalon           MacDonald-Wood           Charlottetown         Charlottetown Rural High School             1.8

    12            Forward      Nathan            Swansburg              Charlottetown                Colonel Gray high School             1.8

    13             Guard      Spencer             Rossiter              Summerside                   Three Oaks High School               1.8

    14            Forward      Parker             Williams              Charlottetown                Colonel Gray high School             1.8

    15            Forward      Jordan             Ellsworth             Charlottetown          Queen Charlotte Intermediate               1.8

    20            Forward     Michael              Friesen                Richmond                   Three Oaks High School               1.8

    21            Forward       Isaac             Chaisson                  Souris                      Souris High School                1.85

    8              Guard        Ryan             MacKinnon               Miscouche           Summerside Intermediate School               1.7

        Head Coach              Tracy             Ellsworth             Charlottetown                                                     1.8

    Assistant Coach           Vernelle            Johnson               Charlottetown                         UPEI                        1.9

         Uniform #              Position                   First Name                      Surname                             City

             1                   Guard                        Jose                        Crisostomo                         Stanhope

             2                   Guard                        Sahib                         Singh                       Summerside

             3                   Guard                         Ben                          Gillis                           Stratford

             4                   Guard                         Will                         Vidito                      Charlottetown

             5                  Forward                      Thomas                         Craig                      Mount Stewart

             9                   Guard                         Ian                           Kerr                       Charlottetown

             10                  Guard                        Logan                       MacCallum                            York

             11                 Forward                       Steve                       Chapman                            Stratford

             12                 Forward                    John Alex                         Vos                        Charlottetown

             13                  Guard                        Zack                           Wall                            Stratford

             14                 Forward                       Jason                       Thompson                           Montague

             15                 Forward                       Parker                        Roche                       Charlottetown

                              Head Coach                      Reagh                         Vidito

                             Assistant Coach                   Jeff                        Morrison


Uniform #    Position     First Name           Surname                    City              School Attending (in Sept)    Height

   4           PG         Christian            Payawal                  Montréal           Downtown Community Blues        5’10

   5           PG          Eldrick              Rivard                  Québec                 É.S. Jean de Brébeuf        5’10

   6           PG           John                 Dayo                   Montréal               Collège Notre-Dame          5’9

   8           SF           Louis               Daoust                 St-Laurent            Collège Jean de Brébeuf       6’3

   9           SG           Victor              Bonsu                   Montréal               E.S. Dorval-Jean XXIII      6’3

   10          SG          Sheldon              Waithe                  Montréal             Westmount High School         5’11

   11          PF          Jahcob               Rocan                    Magog              École Secondaire du Triolet    6’2

   12          SF           Malik           Montero-Francin            St-Hubert                É.S. Gerard-Fillion        6’4

   14          SG         Jo-Daniel            Cegliasto                Lorraine                   Collège Laval           6’2

   15          PF          William               Côté             St-Brigitte des saults           Marie-Rivier            6’2

   22          PF           David              Williams                 Montréal             Monarques de Montréal         6’2

   23          PF           Luke                Hunger                Beaconsfield         Brookwood / Collège Ste-Anne    6’5

             Coach         Shawn                Alleyne

             Coach          Gerry               Neree

             Director     Alejandro            Hasbani

 Uniform #     Position       First Name            Surname                  City           School Attending (in Sept)    Height

        4       Guard               Yve           Nsanzinshuti             Québec              É.S. Jean de brebeuf        5’9

        6       Guard         Bennedict             Mathurin                 Laval           College Charles-lemoyne       6’5

        7       Guard         Emmanuel                  Bonsu             Monttréal            Cape Fear Academy           6’2

        8       Guard      Olivier-Maxence           Prosper              Rosemère                  Brookwood              6’7

        9       Guard       Jordan Junior        Fanmoé Chebeu            Montréal               É.S. Lucien-Page          5’10

    10          Guard          Yannice                  Nlend              Québec              É.S. Jean de brebeuf        6’2

       11       Guard           Sidney              Gauthier               Blainville         College Montmorency          6’2

    12          Guard         Jefferson             Koulibaly               Lasalle           Our Saviour American         6’4

    13          Forward        Trenton            Dias-Maxwell            Montréal               North Cross Prep          6’5

    21          Guard           Jahmyl                  Telfort          Boucherville             Parc Extension           6’6

    22          Forward        Georges               Lefevre            Pointe-Claire          Cape Fear Academy           6’8

    23          Forward       Tre-Vaughn         Minott-Gauthier          St-Laurent            É.S. Saint-Laurent         6’9

                Coach          Nathan                   Grant

                Coach          Denburk                    Reid

               Director       Alejandro              Hasbani

                                               CHAMPIONNATS NATIONAUX 2018 DES GARÇONS 15U ET 17U | 19
U-15 ROSTER                              SASKATCHEWAN

  Uniform #       Position      First Name      Surname         City        School Attending (in Sept)    Height

        9          Guard           Dylan        Boughen       Moose Jaw         Central Collegiate         6’1

     22           Forward          Noah          Bymak         Yorkton          Yorkton Regional           6’3

     11            Guard           Seth          Herzog        Regina                Balfour               5’10

     12            Guard           Noah          Flaman       Saskatoon            Holy Cross              5’8

        8          Guard          Jacob           Butz        Weyburn            Weyburn Comp.             6’1

     10         Point Guard      Drayden         Hernoi        Regina             Winston Knoll            6’0

        4          Guard          Daniel        Cameron        Regina               Leboldus               5’8

        7         Forward         Phillip       Palmerin       Wilcox              Notre Dame              6’0

        5          Guard          Zachary         Hillis       Regina               Leboldus               5’10

     14           Forward          Aiden         Maier         Regina             Winston Knoll            6’3

        6          Guard           Rylan        Jockims       Saskatoon               TBD                  5’7

     13           Forward        Benjamin      Schoenfeld     Saskatoon          Aden Bowman               6’1

                Head Coach       Navanga         Burke

                 Manager           Jason         Payne

                 Manager           Kevin         Shalley

 Uniform #       Position       First Name      Surname            City      School Attending (in Sept)   Height

    8             Guard           Alan        Spoonhunter       Saskatoon                                  6’4

    5             Guard          Michael       Akintunde        Saskatoon            St. Joseph             6’1

    15           Forward         Dakota      McBride-Marean       Estlin      Regina Christian School      6’4

    14          Point Guard      Mason          Dirham          Saskatoon            St. Joseph            6’0

    6           Point Guard       Nick          Johnson         Saskatoon      Centennial Collegiate        6’1

    21           Forward           Tai           Vassell        Saskatoon          Walter Murray           6’5

    22            Center          Caleb         Racette          Regina      Luther College High School    6’4

    11            Guard           Keon          Cleland         Saskatoon      Centennial Collegiate       5’11

    13        Guard/Forward       Simon          Engen          Saskatoon      Evan Hardy Collegiate       6’3

    4           Point Guard      Feranmi        Adebiyi         Rosetown               RCHS

    7             Guard           Josh           Linner          Regina           Miller Collegiate        6’2

    10           Forward         Andrew       Vanderhooft        Regina      Luther College High School    6’5”

               Head Coach         Chad         Jacobson

              Assistant Coach     Heith         Drennan


                             NEW BRUNSWICK


                    PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND

         QUEBEC            SASKATCHEWAN


                       NEW BRUNSWICK



Year          Age / Gender               Dates                         Host
1987     Junior U19 Girl’s & Boy’s      Aug. 4 - 8          Basketball AB (Lethbridge)
1988        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 2 - 6         Basketball NB (Fredericton)
1990        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s       July 31 - Aug. 4      Basketball NS (Cape Breton)
1991        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s                              Basketball MB (Winnipeg)
1992        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s         Aug. 11 - 15         Basketball BC (Kamloops)
1994        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s         July 25 - 31     Basketball ON (Kitchener/Waterloo)
1995        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s         July 24 - 30     Basketball ON (Kitchener/Waterloo)
1996        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s       July 31 - Aug. 5        Basketball MB (Brandon)
1998        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 4 - 8            Basketball NS (Halifax)
1999        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s         July 27 - 31          Basketball QC (Montreal)
            U17 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 3 - 7          Basketball BC (Vancouver)
2000        U19 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 1 - 5           Basketball ON (London)
            U17 Girl’s & Boy’s         Aug. 8 - 12           Basketball BC (Langley)
2001        U17 Girl’s & Boy’s         Aug. 7 - 11           Basketball BC (Langley)
2002         U17 & U15 Girl’s          Aug. 13 - 17        Basketball NB (Fredericton)
             U17 & U15 Boy’s         July 29 - Aug. 2       Basketball AB (Lethbridge)
2003         U17 & U15 Girl’s        July 30 - Aug. 2       Basketball MB (Winnipeg)
             U17 & U15 Boy’s         July 30 - Aug. 2         Basketball NS (Halifax)
2004        U17 Girl’s & Boy’s         Aug. 10 - 14           Basketball SK (Regina)
            U15 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 3 - 7            Basketball NS (Halifax)
2005        U15 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 2 - 6           Basketball AB (Calgary)
2006         U17 & U15 Girl’s           Aug. 1 - 5         Basketball QC (Sherbrooke)
             U17 & U15 Boy’s            Aug. 1 - 5          Basketball BC (Vancouver)
2007         U17 & U15 Girl’s          Aug. 14 - 18         Basketball BC (Vancouver)
             U17 & U15 Boy’s           Aug. 9 - 14         Basketball QC (Sherbrooke)
2008        U17 Girl’s & Boy’s        Aug. 19 - 23        Basketball PE (Charlottetown)
            U15 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 5 - 9          Basketball BC (Kamloops)
2009        U15 Girl’s & Boy’s          Aug. 4 - 8          Basketball BC (Kamloops)
2010         17U & 15U Girl’s           Aug. 2 - 7           Basketball ON (Toronto)
             17U & 15U Boy’s            Aug. 2 - 7          Basketball MB (Winnipeg)
2011         17U & 15U Girl’s           Aug. 1 - 6          Basketball MB (Winnipeg)
             17U & 15U Boy’s            Aug. 1 - 6           Basketball ON (Toronto)
2012         17U & 15U Girl’s          Aug. 6 - 11         Basketball NB (Fredericton)
             17U & 15U Boy’s         July 31 - Aug. 5      Basketball QC (Sherbrooke)
2013        15U Girl’s & Boy’s         Aug. 5 - 10              NLBA (St. John’s)
2014      15U/17U Girl’s & Boy’s       July 25 - 30         Basketball AB (Edmonton)
2015         17U & 15U Girl’s          July 24 - 29         Basketball AB (Edmonton)
             17U & 15U Boy’s            Aug. 3 - 8            Basketball NS (Halifax)
2016         17U & 15U Girl’s          July 24 - 31           Basketball SK (Regina)
             17U & 15U Boy’s         July 31 - Aug. 7       Basketball MB (Winnipeg)
2017        15U Girl’s & Boy’s         July 23 - 30           Basketball SK (Regina)
2018         17U & 15U Girl’s          Aug. 6 - 11         Basketball NB (Fredericton)
             17U & 15U Boy’s           Aug. 6 - 11          Basketball BC (Kamloops)
2019         17U & 15U Girl’s          Aug. 5 - 10           Basketball BC (Victoria)
             17U & 15U Boy’s           Aug. 5 - 10         Basketball NB (Fredericton)
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