St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos

St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
St. Anthony Catholic Church
971 O’Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785
    (925) 625-2048   Fax: (925) 625-4433
     Welcome / Bienvenidos
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial                        PASTORAL and OFFICE STAFF
    (925) 625-2048     Fax: (925) 625-4433                       Fr. Rafael Hinojosa, Parochial Administrator
          Monday, Wednesday, Friday                              Fr. Mac Lingo, Parochial Vicar
          (Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes)                            Deacon Alberto Cruz
        9AM to 12PM and 1PM to 6PM                               Deacon Emeritus Joe Tovar
CONFESSION / CONFESION                                           Deacon Emeritus Alan Layden
   Saturday: 3:30PM to 4:30PM or by appointment                  Parish Secretary, Carolina Jauregui, 625-9214
   Monday: After the 6:30PM Mass                                 Parish Bookkeeper, Celeste Plate
         Daily: 8:30AM Bilingual in the Church                 Call the Parish Office, (925) 625-2048 for more
Daily Mon & Wed: 6:30PM Español en la Iglesia                  program information or to register.
Daily Tue & Thu: 6:30PM English in the Church                   Baptism, Carolina Jauregui
       Daily Fri: 6:30PM Bilingual in the Church                CCD (English), Natalie Earley
      Saturday: 5:00PM English in the Church                    CCD (Español), Belen Capilla
    Sunday:      8:00AM English in the Church                   Youth Confirmation, Emma Arcayena
  Sunday: 10:00AM English in the Plaza & Live Stream            Adult Confirmation, Jaime Jauregui
  Sunday: 12:00PM Español en la Plaza & Live Stream             Rite of Christian Initiation
      Sunday:    2:00PM Español en la Iglesia
      Sunday:    5:00PM Español en la Iglesia
                                                                     For Adults (English), Michael Maeda
                                                                     For Adults (Español), Esperanza Vega
Live Stream Mass                                                     For Children, Monica Cardoza
                                                               Special Religious Development (SPRED), John Dixon
                                                               Help Beautify the Sanctuary with Flowers
                                                               Donate flowers to decorate our Sanctuary. Call the
                                                               church office at (925) 625-2048 for more information.
        SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE                         Virtus Safe Environment Training
                                                                                            We are required to renew
                                                               our certification every three years. This is a MUST to
          Monday: 7PM to 9PM in the Church                     continue in your ministerial work here. Start now at
          Friday: 7PM to 11PM in the Church           Call Florrie Brice at (925)
                                                               354-0107 or the parish office with questions.
  H     C      C               F         C
  2200 East 18th Street, Antioch, (925) 757-0658               Clergy Sexual Abuse
We recommend using Catholic Funeral and Cemetery               Any reports of abuse should be directed to Steve
Services (CFCS) at Holy Cross Cemetery and Funeral             Wilcox, Chancellor, at or
Center. Their staff will contact the parish office to assist   (510) 267-8334.
you with your arrangements.
Email and Text Scam Involving Priests                          Special Event Approval

                                                               Submissions to the Sunday Bulletin
                                                               Deadline by noon on Monday, six (6) days prior
                                                               to the desired Sunday of publication. Send files
Giving Made Simple                                             to or call
                                                               Michael Maeda, (925) 451-6883.
                                                      — An Online Faith Website
                                                                  St. Anthony is a subscriber of
                                                                       Select “St. Anthony Oakley, CA”
                                                                         Second Collection Schedule
                                                                            June 20     Parish Utilities
                                                                            June 27     Peter’s Pence
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
June 20, 2021
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                 Mass Intentions For The Week
THE WIND AND THE SEA                                                           Saturday, June 19
Living along the shores of Lake Superior—the “big
                                                                                5:00PM Ana, Joseph Jr., & Joseph Sr. Nguyen
lake,” as the locals call it—you can often hear the
                                                                               Sunday, June 20
advice, “Respect the lake; don’t take it for granted.”
People who know Lake Superior respect its power                                     8AM Janice Lynn Huff Contreras
and watch out for its many moods. Sunken ships and                                10AM Garrett Mayer
boats crushed into kindling are testimonies to what                                12PM Por la Comunidad
the lake can do.                                                                    2PM Maria de Jesus Soltero
The readings of this Sunday evoke our memories of                                          Deacon Alberto y Claudia Cruz
the lake, of the mighty Mississippi River, or of the                                       (29th Wedding Anniversary)
ocean itself. Who but God can control these mighty                                  5PM Francisca y Jose Gonzalez
waters and set limits to their advance? The lake                               Monday, June 21
described in today’s Gospel was a body of water                                 8:30AM Irene Pacheco Miramonte
subject to sudden storms and churned into dangerous                             6:30PM Neftali Francisco Leon Morales
waves by terrible winds.                                                       Tuesday, June 22
But these mighty agents are subject to God.                                     8:30AM Elena Heredia
The sailor and the fisher all respect the water.                                6:30PM Nila Remo
Even more, they respect the awesome power of the                               Wednesday, June 23
Maker of wind and sea.                                                          8:30AM Consuelo Macias (Thanksgiving)
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                                    6:30PM Juan Manuel Luna
TODAY’S READINGS                                                               Thursday, June 24
First Reading — The Lord said to Job: Who shut                                  8:30AM Sally and John Padua
within doors the sea? And who said: Thus far shall                              6:30PM 
you come but no farther! (Job 38:1, 8-11).                                                 Oscar Manuel Charre Ruiz
Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord, his love is                                   Friday, June 25
everlasting (Psalm 107).                                                        8:30AM Cipriano Mejia (Thankgiving)
Second Reading — Whoever is in Christ is a new                                  6:30PM Roger Delgadillo
creation (2 Corinthians 5:14-17).                                              Saturday, June 26
Gospel — Who is this whom even wind and sea                                     5:00PM Ana, Joseph Jr., & Joseph Sr. Nguyen
obey? (Mark 4:35-41).                                                                      Yesenia Padilla
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy
                                                                               Sunday, June 27
Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                   8AM Armando y Conceicão Rafael
Bishop’s Appeal: “Rebuild My Church”                                              10AM 
As of 30 April 2021, St. Anthony is at 46.35% of our                               12PM Cesar y Elena Chavez
$21,100 goal. This year has been challenging for so                                 2PM Abram y Blanca Amador y
many. Now, more than ever, the good work of the                                                       Campesinos (Thanksgiving)
Church is needed in our community. From Faith                                       5PM Por la Comunidad de St. Antonio
Formation for students and adults, to important
ministry works, to supporting our schools and                                 Submissions to St. Anthony Website
parishes, our Diocese is making a difference in                               ALL church organizations are invited to share their
people’s lives every single day — thanks to the                               upcoming events or news about their group on our
prayers and contributions of our catholic community.                          website. Send your info to
Make your pledge or donation at:                                              or call Carolina Jauregui at the Parish Office.
Sunday Mass Dispensation Continues                                            Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
Bishop Barber has dispensed the obligation to attend                          St. Anthony Council 10414 is looking for men to join
Sunday and Holy Day Masses until further notice.                              their fraternal organization in church and community
Although the faithful are dispensed from their                                services. For more info contact Grand Knight Danny
obligation to attend Mass, they are encouraged to                             Avalos. Call (510) 447-9897.
spend time in prayer on Sunday (such as following a
Live Stream Mass or participating in a spiritual or                             Support the Businesses and Merchants
corporal act of mercy).                                                         whose advertisements make this bulletin possible.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
Excerpts from the                                                     Schedule of Events
MESSAGE FROM BISHOP BARBER                                            Horario de Eventos
                                                         All Parish events have been suspended, canceled or
Read the complete message and worship guidance at:       postponed by Bishop Barber as we are ordered to            “Shelter in Place” to curb the spread of the novel
bishop-barber-concerning-june-15-2021-covid-19-          coronavirus COVID-19. This Order will continue to
updates-eng-esp                                          be in effect until it is extended, rescinded, superseded,
Dear Friends:                                            or amended in writing by the Health Officer by Order
We are glad the pandemic continues to recede in our      of the Contra Costa County Public Health Officer.
part of the world, and continue praying for those        Convalidation
countries which are still experiencing much suffering    This program is designed for those couples who are
and pain. I am happy the USA is sharing millions of      married civilly and now wish to marry in the Church.
doses of vaccines with countries who lack the means      Some couples, because of differences in religious
to develop and purchase them.                            background or, a sense of distance from the Church at
As a result of the improvements in the public health     the time of their marriage, or due to complicating
situation and the rising numbers of people getting       family situations, were married civilly or in some
vaccinated, we are able to adapt our safety protocols    other manner that did not meet the Catholic Church’s
for worship accordingly.                                 legal requirements for a valid church marriage. If you
Starting June 15, the main change is that if you have    need more information about this program call the
been vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask for      Parish Office (925) 625-2048 and ask to speak with a
indoor worship. If you have not been vaccinated,         priest.
you are asked to wear a mask indoors for your own
protection. There are no more restrictions on social     Adult Faith Formation Classes
distancing and seating limits for indoor worship.        If you are over 18 years old and need one or more
We can take down the ropes and taped closures of         Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion
pews. If parishes wish to continue having a Mass         or Confirmation; please call the Parish Office (925)
outside, no one is required to wear a mask at all.       625-2048 to receive more information and to put you
Let’s extend a warm “welcome home” to our                on a sign-up list.
parishioners who have been starving spiritually
during this pandemic. The Lord has given us
                                                         We are living our Catholic faith in the midst of one of
“Bread from heaven, containing all sweetness within
                                                         the greatest global health crises in recent times.
it.” Let us do what the Good Shepherd commands us
                                                         Therefore, the Diocese of Oakland strongly
and open wide our doors to “Feed His lambs, feed His
                                                         recommends all clergy, employees and volunteers to
                                                         get COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as possible.
In the overwhelming love of the Sacred Heart of
                                                         Beyond protecting their own health and safety,
Jesus, I am
                                                         Catholics also have an obligation to protect their
Yours sincerely in Christ,
                                                         family, friends, co-workers and community by
The Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, S.J.
                                                         vaccinating as soon as feasible.
Bishop of Oakland

                                                         If you need assistance, would like to volunteer or
                                                         donate, contact the St. Vincent de Paul St. Anthony
                                                         Conference at 925-325-7424. St. Vincent de Paul
                                                         provides various forms of assistance which may
The faithful are encouraged to return to participating   include food, clothes, furniture, housing assistance,
in the Sunday Mass if their health permits.              and referrals to other professional agencies.
Bishop Barber will soon be issuing a Pastoral Letter     St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
on the beauty and centrality of the Eucharist in our     Open on the 2nd and 4th Saturday from 8:30AM to
lives. The lifting of the dispensation from the Sunday   10AM in the Parish Hall. If you need food outside of
Mass Obligation will come into force on Sunday,          these dates call (925) 325-7424.
August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption.
The usual dispensations allowed by canon law will be
explained in the bishop’s letter.
                                                                       St. Anthony pray for us.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                           Please Pray For/Oremos Por
                                                            Deacon Joe Tovar             Jose Munoz
Though we re-enter Ordinary Time already knowing            Andrea Spindler              Karen Valdez
that Jesus is the Son of God (see the centurion’s           Antonio Velasquez            Margarita Avalos
words at the end of the Palm Sunday Passion reading         Avelina Sablan Salas         Marge Browne
from Mark’s Gospel), the long succession of Sundays         Bartolome Robinos            Maria Guadalupe Galvan
confronts us again with the question that each              Bebit Belotendos             Marlene Layden
Christian community, each individual Christian faces        Bev Rossi                    Mayra Murillo
continually throughout life: “Who is this?”                 Danny Luna, Sr.              Michael Makinano, Sr.
(Mark 4:41), and prompts an “examination of                 Danny Luna, Jr.              Michael Makinano, Jr.
conscience” regarding the practical consequences of         Erica Jaranilla              Olga Ramos
our response. This year’s Gospel readings from Mark         Fatima Matuu                      Rigoberto Hinojosa
suggest that we find our answer in the cross and in the     Gay Lacsa                         Rocco Vicente Reyes
Eucharist. Today’s stark challenge of Jesus’ call to        Gloria Ibarra                     Rolando Abad
discipleship is, thankfully, balanced by the comfort        Grace Bustos                      Stella Benitez
we can take in relating—perhaps only too well—              Guadalupe Sanchez                 Tina Herrera
to the disciples’ fears. Though we welcome Jesus in         Guillermo Villanueva              Tita Lira
Word and Eucharist Sunday after Sunday,                     Helen Alleman                Teri Hernandez
don’t we all, from time to time during our lives’           Heriberto Diaz               Thomas DiGiallonardo
“ordinary time,” experience Jesus’ “real absence”?          Joanne Salas                 Tony Rodriguez
SEA AND WIND                                                John Salas
As always in Ordinary Time, today’s Old Testament               Our Men and Women of the military services.
sets the stage for the Gospel. God, who in Jesus will       Names are removed periodically. If you wish to add
“rebuke the wind” and “command the sea to be                a loved one, please call the office at 625-2048.
still” (Mark 4:39), “addresses Job out of the
storm” (Job 38:1), speaking to the turmoil in               Sacrament of the Sick
Job’s heart, calling to mind the primal chaos of            Please notify the parish office of any parishioner who
creation’s untamed sea, reminding Job that God’s            is ill or infirm to request a visit, to receive the
mighty word then was enough to command order and            Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Communion at
bring forth life. In today’s Gospel, the disciples’ fear,   home, hospital or assisted living facility.
even near despair, takes center stage. Are any of us        Pope Francis’ prayer to
strangers to such emotions? Squall-force winds buffet       Our Lady, Health of the Sick
their boat, waves break over it, and Jesus might as
                                                            O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a
well not be there. Mark’s account is especially grim.
                                                            sign of salvation and hope.
Alone among the evangelists, he tells us that Jesus is
                                                            We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
in the stern, the very back of the boat, not just
                                                            At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’
asleep—sound asleep! Only Mark adds the detail,
                                                            pain with steadfast faith.
“on a cushion” (4:38).
AWAKEN CHRIST                                               We are certain that you will provide, so that as you
Though we welcome Jesus in Word and Eucharist               did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return
Sunday      after    Sunday,      haven’t     we    all,    after this moment of trial.
from time to time, experienced Jesus’ “real absence”?
This personal application should comfort us, as it has
generations of disciples before us. Though the              He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore
“boat” is, primarily, a symbol of the Church,               our sorrows to bring us through the Cross to the joy of
never forsaken by Christ, carried safely across time’s      the Resurrection. Amen.
stormy waters, Saint Augustine preaching on this
very Gospel sixteen hundred years ago noted that,           of God.
since each of us is a temple of God, each one’s heart
is a sailing boat. Consider any temptation,                      deliver us from every danger, O glorious and
says Augustine, as “the wind, the surging of the sea,”      blessed Virgin.
and do what the disciples did: wake up Christ,              from last column
“the sleeper in your heart,” by recalling his words and     seems absent or at least asleep, “let us not despair but
commands. Then be like the wind and the sea:                awaken Christ, so that we may sail in quiet waters,
“The sea obeys him, the wind is still.” Whenever            and reach at last our heavenly homeland.”
emotions make our hearts turbulent, whenever Christ         Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
20 de junio de 2021                                                  Gratis Vacuna Del Covid
                                                                     La Clínica De La Raza MOBILE TEAM está
                                                                     ofreciendo la VACUNA del COVID (Janssen/J&J)
Los que conocen bien el Lago Superior le tienen
un saludable respeto, y siempre están alerta sobre
sus caprichosos cambios de ánimo. Muchos barcos

Las lecturas de este domingo nos evocan memorias de
ese lago, del poderoso río Mississippi o del océano
mismo. ¿Quién, fuera de Dios, podrá controlar esas
aguas poderosas, o imponerles límites, diciendo
“Hasta aquí llegarás”? El lago que describe el
Evangelio de hoy era un lago en el que se levantaban
súbitas tormentas, en las que los vientos huracanados
agitaban olas enormes.
Pero estas fuerzas tan poderosas se someten a la
voluntad de Dios. Los marineros y los pescadores le
tienen un saludable respeto al poder de las aguas.
Pero más todavía respetan el poder del Creador del
viento y del mar.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

LECTURAS DE HOY                                                      Rosario Diario
Primera lectura — Aquí se romperá la arrogancia de                   Solamente transmitido en Vivo a las 6:30 pm Lunes,
tus olas (Job 38:1, 8-11).                                           Miércoles, y Viernes—En Ingles. Martes y Sábado—
Salmo — Demos gracias al Señor por sus bondades                      En Español. Jueves—Bilingüe. Domingo—Antes de
(Salmo 107 [106]).                                                   cada Misa.
Segunda lectura — Ya todo es nuevo (2 Corintios
5:14-17).                                                            Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro-Virtus
Evangelio — ¿Quién es éste, a quien hasta el viento y                Esta su certificado al día? Se nos pide de manera
el mar obedecen? (Marcos 4:35-41).                                   obligatoria a renovar nuestra certificación cada tres
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970,   años. Comience ahora en
Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos
reservados.                                                          Para preguntas por favor llame Florrie Brice al
                                                                     (925) 354-0107.
                     El que vive según Cristo
                      es una creatura nueva.                         LOS INVITAMOS
                               — 2 Corintios 5:17
                                                                     A que no deje de pasar al vestibulo a revisar los flyers
                                                                     que temenos con informacion importante para toda
                                                                     nuestra comunidad.
                                                                     Dispensación Masiva Dominical

                                                                                      Segunda Colecta
                                                                                 20 de Junio    Agua/Luz/Gas
                                                                                 27 de Junio    Colecta Peter’s Pence
                                                            St. Anthony es un suscriptor de
                                                           , un sitio web de fe en línea. Acceda
          Apoye a nuestros patrocinadores                            con nuestro Código Parroquial: St. Anthony Oakley
        Cuyos anuncios hacen posible este boletín.
St. Anthony Catholic Church - 971 O'Hara Avenue, Oakley, CA 94561-5785 Welcome / Bienvenidos
Duodécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                     Extractos del
                                                           MENSAJE DEL OBISPO BARBER
Aunque volvemos a reempezar el Tiempo                      ACERCA DE LAS ACTUALIZACIONES DEL
Ordinario sabiendo que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios            COVID-19 DEL 15 DE JUNIO DE 2021
(léase atentamente las palabras del centurión en la
lectura de la Pasión del Domingo de Ramos del
Evangelio de Marcos), la extensa serie de domingos
nos enfrentan con la pregunta que cada comunidad
cristiana, cada uno de los cristianos afronta continua-
mente a lo largo de la vida: “¿quién es este?”
(Marcos 4:41), y nos impulsa a hacer “un examen de
conciencia” sobre las consecuencias practicas de
nuestra respuesta. Las lecturas para este año del
Evangelio de Marcos sugieren que encontremos
nuestra respuesta en la cruz y en la Eucaristía. El reto
claro de hoy de la llamada de Jesús al discipulado
está, afortunadamente, balanceado con el consuelo
que tenemos al relacionarse, quizá demasiado bien,
con los temores de los discípulos. Aunque demos la
bienvenida a Jesús en la Palabra y la Eucaristía
domingo tras domingo, ¿no hemos experimentado

de nuestras vidas, la “ausencia real” de Jesús?
Como siempre en el Tiempo Ordinario, las lecturas de
hoy del Antiguo Testamento preparan el escenario
para el Evangelio. Dios que, en Jesús, “reprenderá el
viento” y “mandará calmar el mar” (Marcos 4:39),
“se dirige a Job desde la tormenta” (Job 38:1),
hablando desde la confusión de su corazón,
recordando a Job que entonces la Palabra poderosa de
Dios bastaba para con una orden devolver la vida.
En el Evangelio de hoy, el miedo de los discípulos,
incluso su desesperación, es el protagonista.
¿Acaso alguno de nosotros es ajeno a esas
emociones? Los vientos de la borrasca golpean la
barca, las olas rompen sobre ella y Jesús podría no
estar ahí. El relato de Marcos es particularmente
triste. Solo entre los evangelistas, él nos cuenta que
Jesús está en la popa, en la parte trasera de la barca,
y no solo dormido, sino que está profundamente
dormido. Únicamente Marcos añade el detalle                continúa desde la última columna

“sobre un cojín” (4:38).                                   hace mil seiscientos años, señaló que, puesto que
                                                           cada uno de nosotros es un templo de Dios,
DESPERTAR A CRISTO                                         el corazón de cada uno es una barca de vela.
Aunque acojamos a Jesús en la Palabra y la Eucaristía      San Agustín dice: considera cualquier tentación como
domingo tras domingo, ¿acaso no nos ha pasado a            “el viento, el oleaje del mar”, y haz lo que hicieron
todos que experimentamos, de vez en cuando,                los discípulos, despierta a Cristo, “el durmiente en tu
la “ausencia real” de Jesús? Esta experiencia personal     corazón”, recordando sus palabras y mandamientos.
debería reconfortarnos, como así ha sucedido               Luego sé como el viento y el mar: “El mar lo
con generaciones de discípulos antes que nosotros.         obedece, el viento está tranquilo”. Siempre que las
Aunque ante todo la barca es un símbolo de la Iglesia,     emociones hagan turbulento nuestro corazón, siempre
nunca abandonada por Cristo, llevada con seguridad a       que Cristo parezca ausente o al menos dormido,
través de las aguas tormentosas del tiempo,                “no nos desesperemos, sino despertemos a Cristo,
san Agustín al predicar sobre este mismo Evangelio         para que podamos navegar en aguas tranquilas,
continúa la siguiente columna
                                                           y llegar por fin a nuestra patria celestial”.
                                                           Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
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