MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...

Page created by Ross Leonard
MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...

435 Mammoth Road
Londonderry, NH 03053
Parish Office | (603) 432-3333
Faith Formation | Youth Ministry
(603) 437-7026
Adult Faith Formation | RCIA
(603) 425-1795
Monday - Thursday | 9:00am-4:00pm

Saturday | 4:00pm
Sunday | 8:00am, 10:00am
                                              NEW PARISHIONERS                         YOUTH MINISTRY
                                              Welcome! Please introduce                Our youth are involved in activities
Monday - Wednesday | 8:00am                   yourselves and register as members       and various service events for our
                                              of our parish family. Forms are          parish and greater community.
                                              available in the parish office, on our   Contact Trish for more information.
Vigil Mass | 7:00pm                           website, and at church entrances.
Holy Day Mass | 8:00am                                                                 RCIA
                                              BAPTISM                                  The Rite of Christian Initiation of
RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION)                   Parents planning to have a baby or       Adults (RCIA) is a process to welcome
Saturday | 3:00pm-3:30pm                      child baptized are required to attend    new people into the Roman Catholic
Other | By Appointment                        a Baptismal Preparation Class.           Church. Please contact Diane
                                              Contact Sally Green for details.         Swinarski at 425-1795 or Mary
                                                                                       Carrigan at 722-5586 for details.
                                              Please contact the Parish Office at      HOMEBOUND & HOSPITALIZED
PASTORAL TEAM                                 least 6 months prior to the intended     We welcome the opportunity to
Fr. Robert E. Gorski, Pastor | 768-1936       wedding date to participate in the       bring the Sacraments to those
Deacon Jay Cormier | 432-3333                 Marriage Preparation Program. The        unable to join us due to illness or
Trish Woodward, Faith Formation K-8 |         Church should be booked prior to         age. Contact Sally Green for details.
Youth Minister | 437-7026                     booking a reception facility.
Diane Swinarski, Adult Faith Formation,                                                PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRY
RCIA | 425-1795                               FAITH FORMATION                          Strengthening our parish community
                                              Faith Formation program for K-8th        by connecting to those in need.
SUPPORT STAFF                                 graders, including preparation for       Contact Lisa Laurence at 548-5130 or
Sally Green, Parish Secretary | 432-3333      the Sacraments of First Penance/ for
Catherine Himmel & Barbara LaBelle,           Reconciliation, Confirmation and         details.
Co-Directors Choir | 432-3333                 First Eucharist. We also offer RCIA
Kathleen McKenney, Faith Formation,           adapted for youth (7 years and up)       FOOD PANTRY
Bulletin | 437-7026                           who want to become members of            If you are in need of assistance,
                                              the Roman Catholic Church. Contact       please contact Kay or Dick Doyle at
                                              Trish for details.                       434-1827.
MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...

                                                                   God’s love story reveals itself in our stories, experiences, and aspirations. We are
                                                                   all prodigal sons and daughters. There are many times in our lives when we would
                                                                   “sell our souls” in order to pursue our passions. We pursued what we wanted
                                                                   without regard for others or God. We have sowed our oats, thrown ourselves into
                                                                   careless pleasures, spent what we know we ought to have saved, turned our backs
  Masses are celebrated at 4PM on Saturday,                        on those we love and abused gifts we have been given. We even hit bottom and
      and at 8AM and 10AM on Sunday.                               realized the silliness and self-destruction of it all. We needed to come home. We
     Confessions are on Saturdays at 3PM                           knew we erred and needed a gentle presence to show us God’s unconditional love.
              or by appointment.                                   This wayward journey home changed us.
For those who are over age 65 or have health                       As much as we need to be welcomed, we are also the one who needs to do the
concerns, we will continue to post Sunday                          welcoming and mercy giving. Those we love need our guidance, but they don’t
Mass on our Facebook page, on YouTube at                           always take it. We know that what they are doing is off the mark, self-destructive
StJudeNH, and on our website.                                      and wrong. We have to let them go and let it happen, even though they might get
                                                                   hurt. As we wait and hope, they choose to make their way back to us. They don’t
                                                                   need us to judge them. They have done enough of that to themselves. We
                                                                   immediately embrace them and are just happy they’re home. God uses us to help
Please join us on Sundays at 3PM in the church                     heal them. Knowing how much we craved understanding and forgiveness
as we offer Exposition, Rosary and Benediction                     ourselves, we can now freely give it away. God uses what he has taught us to teach
for the people of Ukraine.                                         others.
                                                                   We are also the entitled ones. At least we “think” we are entitled. After all, we
                                                                   work hard for what we have. We cannot get our heads around the idea that
FIRST READING                                                      someone can get something that I really deserve! If I do what I’m supposed to do,
While the Israelites were encamped at Gilgal on                    I ought to be rewarded for that, right? If I do something wrong, I ought to pay the
the plains of Jericho, they celebrated the                         consequences. This is justice, isn’t it? This is not God’s justice. God is all about
Passover. (Jos 5:10)                                               love, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. God’s justice is love freely given
PSALM                                                              without merit. We carry the stories of the prodigal son, the unconditional forgiving
                                                                   father, and the entitled angry brother with us. When we make friends with all
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. (Ps 34)
                                                                   three, humbly telling those stories to others makes us Christ’s ambassadors. ©LPi
And all this is from God, who has reconciled us
to himself through Christ and given us the
ministry of reconciliation. (2 Cor 5:18)                           Sunday:           Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [9a]/2 Cor 5:17-21/
GOSPEL                                                                               Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
“‘But now we must celebrate and rejoice,                           Monday:           Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b/Jn 4:43-54
because your brother was dead and has come to                      Tuesday:          Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn 5:1-16
life again; he was lost and has been found.’”                      Wednesday:        Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18/Jn 5:17-30
(Lk 15:32)                                                         Thursday:         Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23/Jn 5:31-47
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The
English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass
                                                                   Friday:           Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23/
©1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the                        Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ©LPI                     Saturday:         Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12/Jn 7:40-53

                                                                      Morning Mass - Mass at 8:00AM on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
                                                                           Evening Prayer During Lent - Monday Evenings at 6:30PM
Join us today in supporting the Ukraine                            March 7th, 14th, 28th, and April 4th (No Evening Prayer March 21st or April 11th)
Solidarity Fund! Your gift today will provide                            Every Friday During Lent: Confessions from 5:00PM - 6:00PM
temporary shelter, food, medical supplies,                                                  Stations of the Cross at 6:00PM
clothing, communications and religious supplies.                    Saturday, April 9th and Sunday, April 10th - Palm Sunday Weekend Masses
These items will all be immediately distributed,                                               with distribution of palms
and 100% of your gift will go directly to these                                                  Holy Week Schedule
displaced people.                                                  Monday, April 11th - Confessions from 11:00AM - 1:00PM & 5:00PM - 7:00PM
To further your impact, the Knights of                                 Wednesday, April 13th - Tenebrae Service at 7:00PM, St. Jude Church
Columbus Supreme Council has promised to                                                            Easter Triduum
match every dollar up to $500,000.                                       Holy Thursday, April 14th - Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00PM
Please prayerfully consider how you can                              Reposition of the Eucharist in the Parish Hall following Mass until 10:00PM
contribute to this effort. Your gift of any                                    Good Friday, April 15th - Morning Prayer at 8:30AM
amount will go a long way in helping our                                    The church will be open all day for private Stations of the Cross.
brothers and sisters. Together, we can bring                           Veneration of the Cross with Distribution of Communion at 7:00PM
Christ's healing love to a wounded world.
                                                                               Holy Saturday, April 16th - Morning Prayer at 8:30AM
Please donate whatever you can at
                                                                        Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 16th - Mass at 7:30PM (No 4PM Mass)
ukraine.html                                                                Easter, Sunday, April 17th - Mass at 8:00AM and 10:00AM
MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...
 Saturday  26 March                              Fourth Sunday of Lent
 4:00p     ◊ Our Parish Family                                                                    Alison, Amber, Andrew, Ann, John & Katie
 Sunday    27 March                              Fourth Sunday of Lent                            Ankiewicz, Ashley, Nick B, Shawn B, Elaine
 8:00a      Aniceta Rock by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ouellet                                         Barrett, Joanne Beard, Pam Beaudette, Sisi Beaver,
                                                                                                  Diane Biron, Jessica Blinn, Michelle & Virgilio
            Michael Young (5th Anniversary) by the Young Family                                  Boeing, Bonnie, Julie Bradley, Dee Broussard,
 10:00a     Cecile Schneider by Joe and Lisa Laurence                                            Caitlin, Ellen C., John Callamaro, Caleb, Michael
            Laura DiCenso by Frank and Paola McKone                                              Carbone, Chris, Raymond Cipoletti, Sue Coker,
 Monday    28 March                                     Lenten Weekday                            Rosemary and Vince Colonna, Carol Comfort,
  8:00a     Daniel Katavola (10th Anniversary) by his Family                                     Carole Connolly, Betty, Dot & Fred Cormier, Bill
 Tuesday   29 March                                     Lenten Weekday                            Cornelissen, Beverly Corrow, David, Susan Day,
  8:00a     Bernard M. Paine, Jr. by Maureen and Bryant Quilliam                                 Dorothy, Jan Dougherty, Renata Dryer, Helen
 Wednesday 30 March                                     Lenten Weekday                            Elder, Claire & Jim Errico, Stan F, Shirley
                                                                                                  Ferreira, Cecile Fortin, Kelly Gagnon, Nancy
  8:00a     Dan Dennehy by Don and Noreen Canney                                                 Gerardi, Kate Grandchamp, Christina Grover, Ken
            Brent Shepard by Judith Shepard                                                      H, Sarah Habib, Mary Haynes, Heidi & Brad,
 Thursday  31 March                                                                               Danielle Hoffman, Barbara & David Hope,
           NO MORNING EUCHARIST                                                                   Hudson & Tripp, Sandra Hughes, Sharon
 Friday    01 April                                                                               Hunzelman, Carolyn Iavecone, Janice, Jessica,
           NO MORNING EUCHARIST                                                                   Mason & Olivia, Jillian, Elliott Johnston, Jon,
 Saturday  02 April                                Fifth Sunday of Lent                           Jordan, Kathleen, Emma Kazor, Kevin Keefe,
  4:00p     Peter Veros by Polly Veros                                                           Kelsey, Ken, Kevin, Richard Kibildis, Kimberly,
                                                                                                  Geoffrey King, Shirley Kinsella, Diana & Rita
            George “Red” Bannister by Martha McCarthy                                            Lacourse, Avery Lafferty, Elaine Lafond, Tina
 Sunday    03 April                                Fifth Sunday of Lent                           Lanctot, Larry, Colleen Laurence, Alice Lavoie,
  8:00a    ◊ Our Parish Family                                                                    Edward Lee, Coral Lemire, Yvette Lessard, Casey
 10:00a     Yvon Guillaume by Yvan Guillaume                                                     Lindsay, Fiona Losty, Crystal M, Dot Maloney,
            Marie Parker by her Family                                                           Jack Maas, John Macadam, Marissa, Mary Martin,
                                                                                                  Mary & Pat, Tommy Martinez, Matthew, Alice
                                                                                                  McClure, Donna McDonald, Richard McManus,
                                                                                                  Kathryn & Matt Mead, Beverly Messier, Dorothy
        For the week of March 26th through April 1st, the Sanctuary Lamp is                       Michali, Richard Michaud, Dan Mullen, Muriel,
        dedicated in memory of Michael Young at the request of the Young                          Peg Nagle, Cheryl Naso, Shannon Nolan, Barbie
        family.                                                                                   O’Brien, Haley O’Riorden, Bill Pappas, Lucille
        If you would like an opportunity to dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a            Paradis, Barbara Pelloquin, S. Perry, Tim Phillips,
        deceased loved one or for a special intention, please contact the parish office at 432-   Gabriella and Michael Pietrangelo, Vanessa
        3333 or email Sally at A suggested stipend is $25.00.                Plourde, Priscilla, Lisa R, Phillip Reed, Sarah
                                                                                                  Reinold, John & Amy Renfer, Richard, Robert,
                                                                                                  Scott Rolf, Melody Royer, Lisa Russell, Jessica S,
                                                                                                  Sabrina, Martha Saunders, Dolores Schafer, Scott,
                     “God is making His appeal through us.”                                       Serine, Shawn, Gilda Simao, Meaghan Simpson,
Does a life dedicated to furthering the grace of reconciliation in Christ for others              Anne Skopelites, Brad Smith, Raymond Smith,
appeal to you? Contact the Vocation Office at (603) 663-0196 or email:                            Sophie, Stacy, Therese St. Germain, Alexandra                                                                                  Stoddard, Marilyn Stocks, Tony Stoddard, Jeffrey
                                                                                                  Swain, Thomas, Tina, Joyce Tuden, Carl Turner,
                                                                                                  Ron Valencourt, Susan Vlahos, Rosemarie Walker,
                                                                                                  Adam Wheaton, Laurie Willey, Aubrey & Crystal
                                                                                                  Willis, Lori Woscyna, Jess Wyrsch and baby, Eric
                                                                                                  Younger, Vince Zahornasky, Dina Zorawowicz.
                                                                                                  If you, or a loved one, would like your name to be listed in
          Please note, baptisms are not celebrated during the season of Lent,                     the bulletin, please call Sally at 432-3333 or email
                      unless there are extenuating circumstances.                       
After the season of Lent, baptisms will be celebrated by Deacon Jay Cormier on
the first Sunday of each month at 11:30AM. A Baptism catechesis “prep” session
for parents (required) will take place two weeks prior on Wednesday evening at
7:00PM (for the time being, these sessions, about 75 minutes, will take place on
Zoom). Families may also choose to celebrate their child’s Baptism at any Sunday                            WEEKEND OF MARCH 20, 2022
                                                                                                  Offertory                                $6,117.81
Parents wishing to arrange for their child’s baptism should contact Sally Green in                Maintenance                              $ 564.00
the parish office at 603-432-3333.                                                                Last Week’s Online Giving                $3,316.01
                                                                                                  Total                                    $9,997.82
UPCOMING BULLETIN DEADLINES: Due to an earlier bulletin
deadlines, to submit information for the April 10 th bulletin please email                                 Thank you for your support by Wednesday, March 30 th. Information for the April                              and continued generous giving!
17th bulletin should be submitted by Tuesday, April 5 th.
MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...

                                                    We invite you to join us on Monday evenings, in Diane’s office or via Zoom, as
St. Jude Parish offers a variety of opportunities   we look at several short studies by Dr. Brant Pitre:
for adults to continue faith formation through       3-28-22 - The Faith of Abraham and the Spiritual Life (2 weeks)
bible studies, courses, and a monthly book
group. Due to Covid, many of our classes offer       4-11-22 - The Jewish Roots of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (1 week)
hybrid options and take place in person as well     PLEASE NOTE: Studies begin immediately after Lenten Prayer (about 6:45PM)
as simultaneously through Zoom. Please              and run until 8:15PM. Just come back to Diane’s office after when prayer ends.
consider joining us!
                                                    No books are needed for these studies BUT, you do need to send Diane your e-
Chosen Part II - Online study continues to meet     mail if you are planning to join via Zoom so she can send you the link and the
on Thursday mornings from 9:00AM-10:30AM.           outline/notes to help you follow along. (
It’s never too late to join in!
              Next Lesson: April 7th
      We will cover Chapter 5, The Merciful
For more information about Adult Faith
Formation, contact Diane at 603-425-1795 or
email                                     Monday Evenings at 6:30PM starting on April 18th,
                                                               and continuing on April 25th, May 2nd, May 9th, and May 23rd
                                                             (No Evening Prayer on Monday, May 16th or Monday, May 30th)

                        Our next meeting will be
                        on Wednesday, March         Attention Catholic Men of St. Jude Parish. If you are interested
                        30th at 6:00PM via          in helping to support and protect our Church and our Priests and
                        Zoom.        We’ll    be    directly serve our Parish - please consider joining our Knights of
                        discussing The Stranger     Columbus Council 6949. The QR code will take you directly to
                        in the Lifeboat, by         Knight information and an electronic sign-up. If you have further
                        Mitch Albom                 questions, you can contact our Grand Knight, Bill Schenkelberg -
                                           God Bless.
Synopsis of the book: What would happen if we
called on God for help and God actually
appeared? In Mitch Albom’s profound new
novel of hope and faith, a group of shipwrecked
passengers pull a strange man from the sea. He      All are invited to join the Most Reverend Peter A. Libasci and the priests and
claims to be “the Lord”. And...he says he can       deacons for the annual blessing of the oils at the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, April
only save them if they all believe in him.          12th at 6:00 PM at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Manchester. This invitation is
                                                    extended to all Clergy and Parishioners. To register, visit
Contact to confirm
you will be joining in on the discussion via
                                                    Bishop Peter A. Libasci invites all couples celebrating a significant wedding
                                                    anniversary in 2022, and those recently unable to participate due to COVID-19, to
                                                    attend a Wedding Anniversary Mass. The Mass will be held on Sunday, May 1,
                                                    2022 at 2:00PM at St. Joseph Cathedral, Manchester. To register, please contact
                                                    the parish office by April 8, 2022.
We are blessed to have a young woman going
through the RCIA experience this year.
As we draw closer to Easter, we ask that you        Rockingham VNA & Hospice is offering a comprehensive Hospice volunteer
remember our catechumen, Leanne, in your            training beginning on Thursday, April 14th and continuing 4/21, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26,
prayers. She will be received into the church by    6/9, 6/16 and 6/23. Class will be from 1:30PM to 4:30PM. There must be a mini-
receiving the sacraments of Baptism,                mum of 5 people registered for the training to be held.
Confirmation, and First Eucharist at the Easter     Classes will be held at Rockingham Hospice,4 Alumni Drive, Conference Room
Vigil this year. Leanne has been meeting with       1A, Exeter, NH.
the RCIA team on a weekly basis since last fall     To register or for more information call Martha Carlson, Hospice Volunteer
and is looking forward to becoming a part of our    Coordinator at 603-580-8949.
family here at St. Jude Parish. Please pray for
her as she continues this journey through Easter
and Mystagogy.
Leanne’s picture and information will be at the     The CMC Heart & Hands Scholarship is presented to two students entering grades
back of the church along with a small basket        7-12 who have made a significant contribution or impact in their community.
where you can leave encouraging thoughts,           Learn more about the eligibility requirements and how to apply at
welcoming notes, and cards or prayers for her.
MARCH 27, 2022 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Parishes ...
      Trish Woodward / 437-7026 /

                                                                                      Interested in Sending Your Child to Summer
                                                                                      Camp Bernadette for girls & Camp Fatima for
                                                                                      boys still have some availability and could be
                                                                                      ideal for your family!
                                                                                      The Diocesan camps of New Hampshire are
                                                                                      joyful, Catholic communities with a sense of
                                                                                      belonging for all. Campers’ lives are changed
                                                                                      every summer after participating in the robust
Congratulations to the following youth who received the Sacraments of
                                                                                      camping experiences at Bernadette and Fatima:
Confirmation and First Holy Communion on Monday, March 21 st:
                                                                                              Grow in Faith • Learn New Skills •
                              Timothy Abanilla            Shawn Lauzon                               Develop Confidence
                              Gianna Aimone               Jason Mosgrober                Kayaking • Tubing • Archery • Rock Wall •
                              Madeleine Botz              Nathan Pinkos                             Ropes • Team Sports •
                              Kassidee Chickering         Gavin Schwidder               Make Lifelong Friendships And Much More
                              Bennett Cooney              Liliana St. Amand           Call Andrew Thibault at 603.931.5500 x 114 or
                              Rhys Cronin                 Ella Starin                 visit for more information about the
                              Cooper Dionne               Aria Suarez                 incredible opportunities that the camps offer.
                              Austin Gilbert              Alexis Theroux              Download a flyer at
                              Connor Kerrigan             Sydney Theroux              Documents/Flyers/Flyer-Camps.pdf
Congratulations also to those who received the Sacrament of Confirmation:

        Luke Abanilla
        Serah Abanilla
        Camille Castillo Alvarado
        Cora Cooney
        Ellie Cooney
        Isabella Hanson
        Molly Mosgrober
        Joshua Vigliotta                                                              Our knitting group is moving in a new direction
                                                                                      with a new name, Third Wednesday. Every 3rd
    Please keep these youth, their parents, and their sponsors in your prayers.       Wednesday for the next 2 months, we will work
                                                                                      on knitting or crocheting hats and scarves for the
                                                                                      homeless. We hope you can join us for our next
                                                                                      meeting on April 20th from 1:00-2:30PM in the
                                                                                      Parish Hall. If you are not able to join us in
                                                                                      person, but would like to participate, please
The March Free Community Meal will take place this weekend on Sunday, March           contact Liz.
27th from 1:30PM-2:30PM. Due to the Corona Virus, there will not be a sit down        Thank you to all those who have donated yarn!
dinner for the Community Meal. Instead, we will be handing out bagged lunches to      Thanks to your generosity, we have received an
take with you at 1:30PM from the side entrance of the church. (Adjacent to the        abundance of donations to keep us busy for the
large parking lot, near the basketball hoops.)                                        time being.
                                                                                      Please email Liz at if
                                                                                                   you have any questions.

                            During Lent, the Knights of Columbus are collecting
                            diapers for Birthright of Manchester. Diaper sizes 3 to
                            6 are greatly appreciated. Please place donations in      St. Jude’s Food Pantry serves the needs of all
                            the portable crib at the side entrance hallway.           residents of Londonderry without regard to
                            Birthright of Manchester understands the challenges       religious affiliation. We are completely
                            related to unplanned pregnancies and offers love,         confidential and here for everyone in the
                            friendship, and support to women who are pregnant or      Londonderry community. We meet with
                            think they may be pregnant.                               families individually, by appointment.
                            Thank you for your generosity.                            If you are in need of assistance, please call Kay
                                                                                      or Dick at 434-1827.
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