"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path

Page created by Paula Riley
"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path
10955 SE 25th Avenue Milwaukie, OR 97222 ª 503-654-5449
            Email: parishoffice@sjbcatholicchurch.org ª www.sjbcatholicchurch.org ª
                        Office hours: Mon - Thur 9 a. m. – 3 p. m., Fri Closed

Twenty – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                         September 13, 2020

             “Blessed Among Us”—Those whose wisdom
                   and faith can illumine our
                                                            Blessed Frederic Ozanman
                                                     Founder, St. Vincent de Paul Society

                                                 A man convinced of the inestimable worth of each human
                                            being, Frédéric served the poor of Paris well, and drew others into
                                            serving the poor of the world. Through the Saint Vincent de Paul
                                            Society, which he founded, his work continues to the present day.
                                                 Frédéric was the fifth of Jean and Marie Ozanam’s 14
                                            children, one of only three to reach adulthood. As a teenager he
                                            began having doubts about his religion. Reading and prayer did
                                            not seem to help, but long walking discussions with Father Noirot

of the Lyons College clarified matters a great deal. Frédéric wanted to study literature, although his father, a
doctor, wanted him to become a lawyer. Frédéric yielded to his father’s wishes and in 1831, arrived in Paris to
study law at the University of the Sorbonne. When certain professors there mocked Catholic teachings in their
lectures, Frédéric defended the Church.
     A discussion club which Frédéric organized sparked the turning point in his life. In this club, Catholics,
atheists, and agnostics debated the issues of the day. Once, after Frédéric spoke about Christianity’s role in
civilization, a club member said: “Let us be frank, Mr. Ozanam; let us also be very particular. What do you do
besides talk to prove the faith you claim is in you?”
     Frédéric was stung by the question. He soon decided that his words needed a grounding in action. He and
a friend began visiting Paris tenements and offering assistance as best they could. Soon a group dedicated to
helping individuals in need under the patronage of Saint Vincent de Paul formed around Frédéric.

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"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path
Continue from page 1                        formed a sacrifice that could redeem the people’s humanity.

      Feeling that the Catholic faith            In 1852, poor health again forced Frédéric to return to Italy
needed an excellent speaker to explain       with his wife and daughter. He died on September 8, 1853. In his
its teachings, Frédéric convinced the        sermon at Frédéric’s funeral, Fr. Lacordaire described his friend as
Archbishop of Paris to appoint               “one of those privileged creatures who came direct from the hand
Dominican Father Jean-Baptiste               of God in whom God joins tenderness to genius in order to enkindle
Lacordaire, the greatest preacher then       the world.
in France, to preach a Lenten series in
                                                 ”Frédéric was beatified in 1997. Since Frédéric wrote an
Notre Dame Cathedral. It was well-
                                             excellent book entitled Franciscan Poets of the Thirteenth Century, and
attended and became an annual                since his sense of the dignity of each poor person was so close to the
tradition in Paris.                          thinking of Saint Francis, it seemed appropriate to include him
      After Frédéric earned his law          among Franciscan “greats.” His Liturgical Feast Day is September 9.
degree at the Sorbonne, he taught law
at the University of Lyons. He also
                                                                                             —From Franciscan media
earned a doctorate in literature. Soon
after marrying Amelie Soulacroix on
June 23, 1841, he returned to the                       Pastoral Corner by Fr. John Marshall
Sorbonne to teach literature. A well-
respected lecturer, Frédéric worked to            Peter approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brother
bring out the best in each student.
                                             sins against me, how often must I forgive?
Meanwhile, the Saint Vincent de Paul
Society was growing throughout                    St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said: "If you really want to
Europe. Paris alone counted 25               love, we must learn how to forgive." Forgiveness is not foreign to
conferences.                                 love rather it is intimately connected to love. If we love, we also
      In 1846, Frédéric, Amelie, and their   must be willing to forgive. Yet how often do we get caught up in
daughter Marie went to Italy; there he       believing that we cannot forgive. Forgiveness is not just the
hoped to restore his poor health. They       Christian thing to do but the human thing to do. History has
returned the next year. The revolution       shown us that when forgiveness is lacking so too is our humanity.
of 1848 left many Parisians in need of       We only have to look at all the turmoil and even wars that have
the services of the Saint Vincent de Paul    begun because we can't forgive! If we are unwilling to forgive,
conferences. The unemployed                  then we are not fully living.
numbered 275,000. The government
asked Frédéric and his coworkers to               I have experienced people in the confessional who tell me that
supervise the government aid to the          they cannot forgive this person or even themselves. It is not easy
poor. Vincentians throughout Europe          to forgive especially when the hurt is deep such as physical or
came to the aid of Paris.                    sexual abuse, domestic violence, destroying another’s reputation
      Frédéric then started a                and good name, or murder. We may think such sins are
newspaper, The New Era, dedicated to         unforgivable. Such evil can take years or a lifetime to heal. Yet,
securing justice for the poor and the        even these sins must be forgiven. Forgiveness does not eliminate
working classes. Fellow Catholics were       justice or restitution that is due nor does it mean that everything
often unhappy with what Frédéric             will go back to the way things were before. Scars will undoubtedly
wrote. Referring to the poor man as          form. However, being able to forgive frees us from the hold that
“the nation’s priest,” Frédéric said that    the offense or perpetrator has over us.
the hunger and sweat of the poor                                                                     Continue to page 3
"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path
Esquina Pastoral por el
Continue from page 2

Forgiveness liberates us from the slavery of resentment,                      P. John Marshall
hatred, and the need for revenge. Forgiveness doesn't
require us to return to where we were hurt or injured before
                                                                       Pedro se acercó a Jesús y le preguntó:
but rather directs us towards the horizon of healing and
                                                                  “Señor, si mi hermano peca contra mí,
restoration. Forgiveness makes us vulnerable to be healed         ¿cuántas veces debo perdonar?
and open to love again. Forgiveness restores us our                    Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta dijo una
humanity that was taken from us from someone or                   vez: "Si realmente quieres amar, debemos
something that wanted to deny our humanity.                       aprender a perdonar". El perdón no es ajeno
                                                                  al amor, sino que está íntimamente ligado al
     In the Gospel, Jesus sets the record straight on             amor. Si amamos, también debemos estar
forgiveness. Following Peter's question about when there is       dispuestos a perdonar. Sin embargo, ¿con
a limit to forgiveness, Jesus teaches that there is no limit      qué frecuencia nos vemos atrapados en la
now or ever on the amount of times you must forgive. In           creencia de que no podemos perdonar? El
                                                                  perdón no es solo lo cristiano, sino lo
fact, Jesus attaches a "pay it forward" amendment to the act
                                                                  humano. La historia nos ha demostrado que
of forgiveness through the parable of the wicked servant.
                                                                  cuando falta el perdón, también lo es
As much as we approach God to be forgiven, we must
                                                                  nuestra humanidad. ¡Solo tenemos que
equally offer forgiveness to others.
                                                                  mirar toda la confusión e incluso las guerras
                                                                  que han comenzado porque no podemos
      Like love, forgiveness is never one-sided but two-sided.    perdonar! Si no estamos dispuestos a
It’s directed to the other before the self. That's why the        perdonar, entonces no estamos viviendo
prerequisite of true love is true forgiveness. As much as we      plenamente.
find it easy to say: "I love you," we must also find it easy to        He experimentado a personas en el
say: "I forgive you." What is needed is a better                  confesionario que me dicen que no pueden
understanding of what forgiveness truly means. If we can          perdonar a esta persona ni a sí mismos. No
begin to see the link between forgiveness and love and how        es fácil perdonar, especialmente cuando el
it is not the right thing to do but the human thing to do,        daño es profundo, como el abuso físico o
                                                                  sexual, la violencia doméstica, la
then we will want to forgive often and unconditionally.
                                                                  destrucción de la reputación y el buen
                                                                  nombre de otra persona o el asesinato.
                                                                  Podemos pensar que esos pecados son
                                                                  imperdonables. Tal maldad puede tardar
                                                                  años o toda una vida en sanar.
                                                                       Sin embargo, incluso estos pecados
                                                                  deben ser perdonados. El perdón no elimina
                                                                  la justicia o la restitución que se debe ni
                                                                  significa que todo volverá a ser como antes.
                                                                  Indudablemente se formarán cicatrices. Sin
                                                                  embargo, poder perdonar nos libera del
                                                                  control que la ofensa o el perpetrador sobre
                                                                  nosotros. El perdón nos libera de la
                                                                  esclavitud del resentimiento, el odio y la
                                                                  necesidad de venganza.

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"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path
Continue from page 3
                                                           Enroll Now/ Enlístese ahora
     El perdón no requiere que regresemos a
donde fuimos heridos o heridos antes, sino                  Registration is now open for our Sacramental Prep
que nos dirige hacia el horizonte de la               (First Reconciliation and First Communion) and
curación y la restauración. El perdón nos hace        Confirmation Prep programs. This year, classes will not
vulnerables para ser sanados y abiertos al            begin until later in the Fall, but if you are interested in
amor nuevamente. El perdón nos devuelve la            enrolling your child, please go to our parish website to
humanidad que nos fue arrebatada a alguien            fill out the registration form and we will contact you with
o algo que quería negar nuestra humanidad.            more information.
     En el Evangelio, Jesús aclara las cosas
sobre el perdón. Siguiendo la pregunta de            www.sjbcatholicchurch.org/faith-formation
Pedro sobre cuándo hay un límite para el                   Ya está abierto el registro para nuestros programas de
perdón, Jesús enseña que no hay límite ahora         Preparación Sacramental (para Primera Reconciliación y
ni nunca en la cantidad de veces que debes           Primera Comunión) y de Preparación para Confirmación.
perdonar. De hecho, Jesús adjunta una                Este año, las clases no comenzarán hasta más tarde en
enmienda de "pague hacia adelante" al acto de        otoño, pero si está interesado en inscribir a su hijo, visite
perdón a través de la parábola del siervo            el sitio web de nuestra parroquia para completar el
malvado. Por mucho que nos acerquemos a              formulario de registro y nos comunicaremos con ustedes
Dios para ser perdonados, también debemos            con más información.
ofrecer perdón a los demás.
     Como el amor, el perdón nunca es
unilateral sino bilateral. Se dirige al otro antes
que al yo. Es por eso que el requisito previo
del amor verdadero es el verdadero perdón.
Por mucho que nos resulte fácil decir: "Te
amo", también debemos encontrar fácil decir:
"Te perdono". Lo que se necesita es una mejor
comprensión de lo que realmente significa el
perdón. Si podemos comenzar a ver el vínculo
entre el perdón y el amor y cómo no es lo
correcto sino lo humano, entonces querremos
perdonar a menudo e incondicionalmente.

                              “Be the Light” Prayer Intentions …
La Iglesia Católica St. John the Baptist está presentando - "Be The Light", un
nuevo ministerio para ayudarte a ser una luz para los demás al encender una
vela devocional en la iglesia para una de las siguientes cuatro intenciones de
• Para usted mismo: encienda una vela por sus intenciones personales o en
agradecimiento por las bendiciones recibidas.
• Por los demás: por sus intenciones y bienestar y por todo lo que hemos
prometido orar.
• Para eventos mundiales: la pandemia, la injusticia racial y otros problemas
para los que uscamos ayuda.
• Por las Santas Almas del Purgatorio y los seres queridos que han fallecido de
esta vida.
"Blessed Among Us"-Those whose wisdom and faith can illumine our path
Así es como funciona:

Habrá cuatro candelabros devocionales colocados a ambos lados al entrar a la iglesia.
Complete el sobre (disponible en inglés y español) seleccionando su intención con
detalles relevantes, incluido su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico o número de
teléfono junto con $ 20 para la vela devocional de 7 días y colóquelo en la caja ubicada
cerca de uno de los cuatro soportes de velas devocionales.
Una vez procesada por el personal de la oficina, recibirá un correo electrónico con una
imagen de la vela o una llamada telefónica para informarle que su vela se ha
encendido en la iglesia.

                             “Be the Light” Prayer Intentions …

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church is introducing - “Be The Light,” a new ministry to assist you
in being a light for others by lighting a devotional candle in the church for one of the following
four prayer intentions:

    •   For yourself - light a candle for personal intentions or in gratitude for blessings received.
    •   For others – for their intentions and wellbeing and all we have promised to pray for.
    •   For world events – the pandemic, racial injustice, and other issues for which we seek help.
    •   For the Holy Souls in Purgatory and loved ones who have passed from this life.

Here is how it works:

There will be four devotional candle stands setup on both
sides as you enter the church.

                 Fill out the envelope (available in English
                 and Spanish) by selecting your intention
                 with relevant details, including your name,
                 email address or phone number along with
                 $20 for the 7-day devotional candle and
                 drop it in the box located near one of the
                 four devotional candle stands.
Once processed by the office staff, you will receive an email
with a picture of the candle or phone call to let you know
that your candle has been lit in the church.
IT & School Security             $40,000.00

     Due to the social and physical distancing restrictions    New roof for Parish              $68,000.00
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, Funeral Masses           Center 2021
at St. John the Baptist have been restricted to limited
family and friends of the family. Please remember these        Parish Center front doors        $19,790.00
faithful departed who have died in the last nine months:
                                                               IPad Cases                       $1,500.00
Aldagisa Calcagno    Joesph Lisac        Patrick Revelli
Aristeo Alejopablo   Joseph Buchanan     Philip Lisac          8 Apple pencils                   $1,000.00
Carolee Peterson     Joseph Peterson     Porfirio
Darlene Reed         Kyle Mendenhall     Martinez
Ed Watkins           Margarito           Rachel Siri
Filomena Espino      Alejopablo          Ron Braun
Joann Cahill         Melvin Duvall       Thelma Lee

                  Sept 13 – Sept 19
     In Memory of Rudy Lisac from Sue Lisac
    The red Sanctuary Lamp above the Tabernacle burns
 to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus                 Kathy Saylor, John White
 Christ. If you wish to have the Sanctuary Candle burning
 in memory of a loved one, to honor a special occasion, or
                                                               Please contact the office if you, or someone
 a special intention, you can make arrangements with the
                                                                      you know needs our prayers!
 Parish Office. The cost of the candle is $20 and it burns
 for one week. A notice of your intention will be posted in
 the bulletin.
    La lámpara roja del santuario sobre el tabernáculo            “St. John the Baptist Catholic
 arde para recordarnos la presencia sacramental de             Community, inspired by the Spirit of
 Jesucristo. Si desea que se encienda la Vela del Santuario
                                                                Christ, reaches out, educates, helps
 en memoria de un ser querido, para honrar una ocasión
                                                                  and nurtures all people, as we
 especial o una intención especial, puede hacer arreglos
                                                                 worship and serve Our Heavenly
 con la Oficina Parroquial. El costo de la vela es de $ 20 y
 se quema durante una semana. Se publicará un aviso de
 su intención en el boletín.
Sat. / Se Sentó. Sept 12:         8:30 a.m. –     YLI Members – YLI
                                      4:00 p.m. –     † Rudy Lisac – Sue Lisac
    Sun. / Dom. Sept 13:              7:30 a.m. –     † Stephanie Day – Randy & Dana Day
                                      9:30 a.m –      † Beulah Casale – Casale Family
                                      12:00 noon -     People of St. John the Baptist
    Mon. / Lun. Sept 14:              8:30 a.m. –     † Jeffery Magana - Family
    Tues. / Mar. Sept 15:             8:30 a.m. –     Theresa Keagbine & Family – Ray Talarsky
                                      7:00 p.m –      No Mass
    Wed. / Mie. Sept 16:              8:30 a.m. –     Lillian Raschio – Pat Raschio
    Thur. / Jueves Sept 17:           8:30 a.m. –     Musicians – Tam an tran
                                      7:00 p.m. -     † Cecelia Van Dyke – Sue Lisac
    Fri. / Vie. Sept 18:              8:30 a.m. –     † David Meriman – Jean Hill
    Sat. / Se Sentó. Sept 19:         8:30 a.m. –     † Steven Palosh – Mary Palosh
                                      4:00 p.m. –     † Ila-Vay Roso – Patrick & Patty Gabrish
    Sun. / Dom. Sept 20:              7:30 a.m. –     † Alieen Wilken – Ed Wilken
                                      9:30 a.m –      People of St John the Baptist
                                      12:00 noon -    † Joseph D’Cruz – Maureen Rodrigues

Clergy:                                 Administration/Bulletin                 Mon-Sat. : 8:30 a.m. English
 Rev. John Marshall, Pastor                                                           Tues. & Thurs.:
                                        Debbie Guthrie
       frjohn@sjbcatholicchurch.org                                                7:00 p.m. En español
                                                                                    Sat: 4:00 p.m. Vigil
 Rev. Nazario Atukunda                                                          Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m.
  (In Residence)                                                                  12:00 p.m. En español
                                        Amber Ploussard, Principal
                                                                              Sacrament of Reconcilation
  Deacon Jim Hix
                                         Lucero Silva, Admin. Assistant        Saturday - 2:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                               Sabado - 2:30-3:30 p.m.
                   Faith Formation & Music:
                                                                             EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL
Tim Kluge, Pastoral Assistant
                                                                             DIARIA CAPILLA DE ADORACION
                                           Rudy Lopez,
                                               Music Ministry Coordinator
Lauren Enriquez, Pastoral Apprentice                                          Cancelled for now.
      lenriquez@sjbcatholicchurch.org          rudyl@ocp.org
                                                                             Cancelado por ahora
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