Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ - St. Paul's ...

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Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ - St. Paul's ...
A member of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ

                               Worship Schedule
        Sa turda y: 5:00 pm tra di ti ona l • Sunda y: 8:00 a m tra di ti ona l
                         Sunda y: 10:30 a m contempora ry
               Speci a l s ervi ces duri ng Advent, Lent & Summer

210 E. Pleasant St., Oconomowoc, WI 53066 | 262-567-5001 |
Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ - St. Paul's ...
Welcome to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, School
                        & Early Childhood Center
Rev. Lance Armstrong O’Donnell, Senior Pastor                Rev. Jason Schockman, Associate Pastor
Allison Mackie, Director of Parish Music                                ŚƌŝƐƟŶĞ&ůŽƌĞƐ͕  Director
Jill George, Principal                               Adrianna Lubner, Middle School YouthDirector
Volume 27                           Office Hours: 7:00 am – 3:30 pm                          Number 2

       Please fill out an attendance card              As the prelude begins, worshipers are
       and place it in the offering plate.             ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐĞĚƚŽĐŽŶĐůƵĚĞĐŽŶǀ ĞƌƐĂƟŽŶ
                                                         and quietly prepare for worship.

                                                               JANUARY 9, 2022
 Wel come! If you a re a guest, the following
 i nformation may help you:
                                                          THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD
 If you ha ve questions, or would like more
 i nformation about St. Pa ul’s, a n usher will be      Pastor: Lance Armstrong O’Donnell
 ha ppy to help you.
 Pl ease fill out a n a ttendance ca rd, l ocated on             Theme: God With Us
 the pew in front of you, a nd place it i n the                  dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůt ŽƌƐŚŝƉ
 offeri ng plate.                                           LSB, Divine Service 2, pg. 167
 If you ha ve small children, there a re activity
 ba gs l ocated behind the back pews that might                Contemporary Worship
 be helpful for your child.
                                                                   Special Order

              HOLY COMMUNION
 Pl ease read our confession found on page 329-330 of the Lutheran Servi ce Book a nd i ndicate
 your a greement with our beliefs by checking the box next to the names of those communing.
 Thos e who share in our confession of faith of the Lord’s Supper are welcome to receive.
 If you hol d a confession differing from this congregation, please s peak with a pastor or elder.
 Non-communing, baptized children a re welcome to come to the table for a blessing.
 If you a re physically unable to come to the table, please let a n usher know a nd the pastor will
 come to you a nd give you communion.
 Communion Wine
 The wi ne glasses i n the center of each tra y contain one drop of communion wine. The glasses
 tha t contain more wine a re rose in color.
Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ - St. Paul's ...
LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE                 Sca n the QR code a nd give
   5:00 pm – 40          Total: 174         el ectronically. This i s a safe and
   8:00 a m – 68                            ea sy wa y to offer your gifts to
   10:30 a m – 66                           God.

                                         THIS WEEKEND
                        5:00 PM                        8:00 AM                       10:30 AM
Music Leaders     Sheri Fleischfresser         Sheri Fleischfresser                 Praise Team

Acolyte                   TBD                            TBD                            TBD

Altar Guild         Ma rgi e Hertneky                Ji l l George                  Sa ra h Neff

Camera                     N/A                  Al ys s a Di nna uer                    N/A

Elders              Todd Leonha rdt                 Ri ck Za s trow                Ma tt Schedl er

                                         Ra lph & Donna Andrus (church)
Greeters             Roxi e Gerl a ch                                                   TBD
                                              Ga ry Pri bnow (s chool )
OBS Studio                 N/A                      Cheryl Tes ch                       N/A

Power Point                N/A                           N/A                            TBD

Radio                      N/A                      Tom Krenzke                         N/A
Ushers          Todd Leonha rdt Tea m          Ri ck Za s trow Tea m         Truman Seifert Tea m

Radio Broadcast: Vi cky Tuder in praise to God for her granddaughter’s, Sylvi e’s 21st, bi rthda y
                                        on Ja nua ry 9th

   Our 8:00 am Worship Service is                          Families with small children:
   broadcast live on WTKM 104.9                       dŚĞƌĞĂƌĞĂĐƟǀ ŝƚLJďĂŐƐůŽĐĂƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ
         and at available at                         back of the church that might be helpful
                                          for your child.

Shut-in announcement
If you or a family member are homebound and cannot come to worship, pleasecontact the
church office. We would be happy to have one of the pastors come to see you to serve you Holy

                                                  Gi vi ng through our Vanco Mobile app is an easy
                                                  a nd convenientway to donate to our church. It
                                                  onl y takes a moment to set up an account:
                                                      1. Download the freeVanco Mobile app from
                                                            the App Store of GooglePlay.
                                                      2. Fi nd our church by searching St. Pauls
                                                            Lutheran (no apostrophe)
                                                      3. Donate!
                                                             Thank you for your generosity!

                     Would you like to sponsor a radio broadcast?
  Our ra dio broadcast over WTKMis a very important outreach for our congregation. Below are
  the dates open for 2022. Pleaseprayerfully consider sponsoring one of these Sundays.The new
  cost for 2022 i s $110.00. We pra i s e God for thi s va l ua bl e communi ty outrea ch.

  Ja n. 23    Ma r. 6     Ma r. 27     Jun. 26         Aug. 14   Oct. 9      Nov. 13     Nov. 27
  Ja n. 30    Ma r. 13    Apr. 10      Jul . 10        Sep. 11   Oct. 16     Nov. 20     Dec. 4
  Feb. 27     Ma r. 20    Jun. 19      Jul . 17        Sep. 18   Oct. 30     Nov. 24
  If you are interested in sponsoring a broadcastplease fill out the bottom portion of this page
  a nd hand it into the church office. Thank you.Any questions please call Heather in the church
  offi ce 567-5001.
  NAME_______________________________DATE– 1ST CHOICE_______2ND CHOICE_______
  Pl ease dedicate to (i .e. i n memory of, wedding a nniversary, to the Glory of God, in honor

CongreŐĂƟŽŶ at Prayer
                             A Gui de for Da i l y Medi ta ti on a nd Pra yer
                               The Ba pti s m of Our Lord: God With Us
                                        Ja nua ry 9 - 16, 2022

                                                  God With Us
dŚĞĂƉƟƐŵ Žf our Lord is an “Epiphany” of the one true God in the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ.
In divine mercy, He takes His place with sinners and takes their sin upon Himself. “When all the
ƉĞŽƉůĞǁ ĞƌĞďĂƉƟnjĞĚ͕ ” :ĞƐƵƐƐƵďŵŝƩ ĞĚ, ŝŵ ƐĞůĨƚŽĂĂƉƟƐŵ ŽĨƌĞƉĞŶƚĂŶce for the forgiveness of
sins (Luke 3:21). He had no sins of His own, but He took the sins of the world upon Himself and so
ǁ ĂƐďĂƉƟnjĞĚŝŶƚŽ, ŝƐŽǁ ŶĚĞĂƚŚ͘ dŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞ͕ “when you pass through the waters,” He is with you (Is.
43:2). He created you for His glory, and He has redeemed you with His blood, that you may be His
Žǁ ŶĂŶĚůŝǀ Ğǁ ŝƚŚ, ŝŵ ŝŶ, ŝƐŬŝŶŐĚŽŵ ;/Ɛ͘ ϰϯ͗ ϭ͕ ϳ Ϳ͘ ƐLJŽƵĂƌĞďĂƉƟnjĞĚǁ ŝƚŚĂĂƉƟƐŵ ůŝŬĞ, ŝƐ͕ ƐŽĂůƐŽ
ĂƌĞLJŽƵƵŶŝƚĞĚǁ ŝƚŚ, ŝŵ ŝŶ, ŝƐĚĞĂƚŚĂŶĚƌĞƐƵƌƌĞĐƟŽŶƚŚĂƚLJŽƵ“might walk in newness of life” (Rom.
by His Father as beloved and well-pleasing sons and daughters.

                                The Order of Meditation and Prayer
 Pray and confess out loud as much from the order of meditation and prayer as you are able, or
 as your family size and ages dictate. Learn by heart the verse, catechism, and hymn of the week.

 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.

 Apostles’ Creed

 Christ-Centered Theme: dŚ ĞĂƉƟƐŵ ŽĨ:ĞƐƵƐŝƐƚŚ ĞĨƵƌƚŚĞƌƌevealing of His Name: Emmanuel,
 “God with us.”

 Verse: Ma rk 10:14-15 “>ĞƚƚŚ ĞůŝƩ ůĞĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶĐŽŵĞƚŽ D Ğ͕ ĂŶĚĚŽŶŽƚĨŽƌďŝĚƚŚĞŵ ͖ for of such
 i s the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God
 ĂƐĂůŝƩ ůĞĐŚŝůĚǁ ŝůůďLJŶŽŵĞĂŶƐĞŶƚĞƌŝƚ͘ ”

 Psalm: Ps alm 141 a nd/or the appointed daily psalms for General Psalms in Psalm Schedule
 LSB, p. 304
                   Sun.       Mon.         Tue.        Wed.         Thur.       Fri.        Sat.          Sun.
  Daily Psalms
  Morning          19      136              123        15           36          130          56            67
  Evening          81, 113 97, 112          30, 86     48, 4        80, 27      32, 139      100, 62       46, 93

The Catechism: Sacrament of Holy Baptism: What is Baptism?
  t ŚĂƚŝƐĂƉƟƐŵ ͍                                                                       3rd Grade +
  ĂƉƟƐŵ ŝƐŶŽƚũƵƐƚplain water;
  but it is the water
  included in God’s command
  and combined with God’s Word.
  Which is that Word of God?                                                              1st Grade +
  dŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞŐŽĂŶĚŵĂŬĞĚŝƐĐŝƉůĞƐŽĨĂůůŶĂƟŽŶƐ͕                                          Kindergarten +
  in the name of the Father and of the Son
  and of the Holy Spirit.
  t ŚĂƚďĞŶĞĮ ƚƐĚŽĞƐďĂƉƟƐŵ Őŝǀ Ğ͍                                                      3rd Grade +
  It works forgiveness of sins,
  rescues from death and the devil,
  as the words and promises of God declare.
  Which are these words and promises of God?                                              2nd Grade +
  Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark;
  t ŚŽĞǀ ĞƌďĞůŝĞǀ ĞƐĂŶĚŝƐďĂƉƟnjĞĚǁ ŝůůďĞƐĂǀ ĞĚ͕
  but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
The Baptism of Our Lord: God With Us
 Day     Bible Stories for the Family & School                    Daily prayer readings from LSB, p. 299
 Sun.    dŚĞĂƉƟƐŵ ŽĨK Ƶƌ>ŽƌĚ—D ĂƩ ŚĞǁ ϯ ͗ ϭϯ -17             Ezek. 3:12-27            Rom 2:1-16

 Mon. The Boy Jesus in the Temple—Luke 2:41-52                     Ezek. 18:1-4, 19-32      Rom. 2:17-29

 Tue.    Israel Is Carried Away by the Assyrians—2 Kings           Ezek. 33:1-20            Rom. 3:1-18
         17:5-18 (19-41)
 Wed. King Uzziah of Judah—2 Chronicles 26:1-5, 16-23              Ezek. 34:1-24            Rom. 3:19-31
         Isaiah Is Called to Preach in Israel and Judah—Isaiah
 Thur.                                                         Ezek. 36:13-28               Rom. 4:1-25
 Fri.    King Hezekiah of Judah—2 Kings 18:1-8                     Ezek. 36:33-37:14        Rom. 5:1-21

Prayers: Collects for the Week, Daily Themes for Prayer, In Our Prayers at St. Paul’s
&ĂƚŚĞƌŝŶŚĞĂǀ ĞŶ͕ ĂƚƚŚĞĂƉƟƐŵŽĨ:ĞƐƵƐŝn the Jordan River You proclaimed Him Your beloved Son
ĂŶĚĂŶŽŝŶƚĞĚ, ŝŵ ǁ ŝƚŚƚŚĞ, ŽůLJ^Ɖŝƌŝƚ͘ D ĂŬĞĂůůǁ ŚŽĂƌĞďĂƉƟnjĞĚŝŶ, ŝƐŶĂŵ ĞĨĂŝƚŚĨƵůŝŶƚŚĞŝƌĐĂůůŝŶŐ
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen
God With Us
              by Rev. Lance Armstrong O’Donnell, Senior Pastor
                         St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
                          Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

                          The Baptism of Our Lord
                            9 January, A.D 2022
                 Isa 43.1-7; Ps 29; Rom 6.1-11; Lk 3.15-22


What is one of the glories of the Christian faith?

CCT: The Baptism of Jesus is the further revealing
of His Name: Emmanuel, “__________ with us.”

I. Non-Christian Religions
A. The God Who Might be there?

1) utterly transcendent

2) the fallen superhero (undependable)

So, what happens when we’re in trouble?

B. The God Who Isn’t

Atheist: ______ doesn’t exist.

1. No ultimate justice

2. Mercy

If there’s no God, you’re just _______.

So, what happens when we’re in trouble?

If this idea is unsettling to you, of what is that

II. Christ = Emmanuel (God with us)
A. God became a man

Matthew 1:22–23 (ESV)
        All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken
      by the prophet: [Isa 7.14] 23 “Behold, the virgin shall
      conce ive and bear a son, and they shall call his name
      Immanue l” (which means, God with us).

B. In Jesus God identifies with us

Matthew 3:13–15 (ESV)
         The n Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John,
      to be baptized by him. 14 John would have pre vented
      him, saying, “I need to be baptize d by you, and do you
      come to me?” 15 But Jesus answe re d him , “Le t it be so
      now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all
      righteousne ss.” . . .

2 Corinthians 5:21 (ESV)
         For our sake he made him to be sin who kne w no
      sin, so that in him we might be come the righteousness
      of God.

Jesus’ Baptism: I’m with them. They’re not
_______. I AM _____ them.

Hebrews 4:15 (ESV)
        For we do not have a high prie st who is unable to
      sympathize with our weaknesse s, but one who in e ve ry
      respe ct has been tempted as we are , yet without sin.

C. God even experienced forsakenness for us

D. God Shows us His Glory

III. The Baptismal Life

Matthew 28:19–20 (ESV)
        Go the refore and make disciples of all nations,
     baptizing them in the name of the Fathe r and of the
     Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to obse rve
     all that I have commande d you. And behold, I am with
     you always, to the e nd of the age .”

What does such Baptizing with water indicate?
[LSB, 325]

Where is this written? [LSB, 325]


In Baptism you are __________ and __________
with Christ.

The image of God is ____________. You are taking
up into the ___________ of God. You are not

God help us to manifest this in our lives:
     1. Receiving the _________ who is near;
     2. Giving the love and hope of ________:
           a. being ________ others;
           b. doing ____________;
           c. loving ____________;
           d. proclaiming what?

A Place of Refuge Baby Shower
LWML is collecting items to benefit the clients at A Place of
Refuge. This is a network of volunteers and staff who are
committed to life and to caring for women facing crisis
pregnancy in South Wisconsin. Please brin g your items to
church the weekend of Life Sunday: January 22nd & 23rd.

    Baby wipes                   Colored pencils
    Walmart Gift Cards           Drawing paper
    Kids’ toothbrushes and       Infant sleepers
     toothpaste                   Baby Powder
    Diaper Genie refills         Infant board books
    Crayons                      Infant headbands
    Water color paints,          Bibs
     paper & brushes              Infant socks
    Colored pens                 Instant read
    Diapers—sizes:                thermometers
     newborn, 5 & 6               Infant washcloths &
    Coloring books                bath towels
    Markers                      Infant toys

We are lookin g for two used electric stoves, washer, dryer
and refrigerator for three graduates of our progra m.
Please contact Kate at 414-438-2767 for large items.

We are in need of a handyman to help keep us with
Refuge House needs, as well as people who would be
willing to assist with different cleanin g tasks.

We are lookin g for a reliable vehicle needed for a
graduate of the program—a single mother of three
children. She is doing very well, but does n ot have

Daily Themes for Prayer
Sunday:        Pray for the joy of the resurrection among us; for the fruit of faith nourished by the
               Word and Sacraments.
Monday:        Pray for faith to live in the promises of Holy Baptism; for one’s calling and daily work;
               for the unemployed; for the salvation and well-being of our neighbors; for schools,
               colleges, and seminaries; for good government and for peace.
Tuesday:       Pray for deliverance against temptation and evil; for the addicted and despairing, the
               tortured and oppressed; for those struggling with besetting sins.
Wednesday:     Pray for marriage and family, that husbands and wives, parents and children live in
               ordered harmony according to the Word of God; for parents who must raise children
               alone; for our communities and neighborhoods.
Thursday:      Pray for the Church and her pastors; for teachers, deacons, deaconesses, and other
               church workers; for missionaries and for all who serve the Church; for fruitful and
               salutary use of the blessed sacrament of Christ’s body and blood.
Friday:        Pray for the preaching of the holycross of our Lord Jesus Christ and for the spread of His
               knowledge throughout the whole world; for the persecuted and oppressed; for the sick
               and dying.
Saturday:      Pray for faithfulness to the end; for the renewal of those who are withering in the faith
               or have fallen away; for receptive hearts and minds to God’s Word on the Lord’s Day;
               for pastors and people as they prepare to administer and receive Christ’s holy gifts.

In Our Prayers this Week
Those sick or hospitalized: MEMBERS – Chad Eberhardt; Kim Stoflet; Marian Faltersack; Carolyn
Na gel; Ăǀ Ğ, Žƫ ŶŐĞƌ–dealing w/ Bells Palsy; Bruce Bojko–lymphoma; Michael Stollenwerk; Louise
Stenson; Marilyn Runyard; Richard Schultz; :ĞĂŶĞƩ Ğ>ĞŽŶŚĂƌĚƚ͖ Vernon Schilling–cancer; Marcus
Pa nkow–cancer; Li nda Leidel–ĐŽ ŶƟŶƵĞĚŚ ĞĂůŝŶŐ; George Na gel–Shorehaven; Wi l bur Pi eper;
Ca rolyn Pankow–Shorehaven; Peggy Lauber–liver and bone cancer; Laura Gruen; Lucille Campbell–
ca ncer treatment; Ma ry Buss–cancer; Ti mothy John Bra tz–cancer; Bi ll Voss; Ma bel Fredrick;
Crys ta l Pa rker

FAMILY & FRIENDS OF MEMBERS – Those with cancer: friend of a member recently diagnosed
wi th breast cancer; Jim (friend of Mark & Debbie Prange)–brain cancer; John (friend of Mark &
Debbie Prange)–brain cancer; Diane Flanagan (Gary Flanagan’s sister-in-law); Jim (Jackie Meyer’s
da d); Dr. Judith Ames Whitenack (Pauline Bemis’s cousin)–inoperable brain tumor; Claudia (Jenny
La a bs’ sister); Gary Ketchum (friend of Dina Tanner); Craig; Jim (Laura Grubba’s brother-in-law);
Phyl lis; Mi ke; Judy–cancer returned; El izabeth–breast ca ncer; Ka yla–thyroid ca ncer; Ma ry
O’Connell–breast cancer; Kelly Bratz (Bob’s daughter-in-law)–breast cancer; Linda Hansen; Fran
Meyer (Chris Hesse’s a unt)–D ƵůƟƉůĞD LJĞůŽŵĂ͖ Eri n (Mileager)–Rayborn–Hodgkins Lymphoma;
Ma ry Sprague—breast ca ncer; Sa ndy–kidney ca ncer; Debra Thurow (Dona’s daughter); Kathy
Berkbigler (Pat Borgman’s cousin)–breastcancer; Ron Rafalski–throat cancer; Nancy–breastcancer

Other: Gi nny (Bob Hackbarth’s mom)–surgery 1/10/22; Bi ll & Pa t Kuebler; John Briggs–heart
tra nsplant; Jennifer (Diana Radtke’s niece)–healing from aneurysm; Ken Nash; John Hildebrandt;
Fred Storm (Lynda Rades’s brother); Yvonne (Sheila Rams’ sister)–stroke; Merita Dinnauer; Sue
Ja nsen; Armi n Tessmann– strength i n walking, ri ght a rm a nd ha nd; Doug–CCL; Ba rb (Dave
 Hymns: 399, 408 (412, 631, 623) 533
                          The Eternal Marriage (Pastor O’Donnell)
 Jesus’ turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, is not just “the first of his signs” by which He
 “manifested his glory” (John 2:11), it is the archetypal sign, that is, THE SIGN that points to whatHis
 Jesus seeks out the forsaken and the desolate and establishes them in an eternal home. He adorns
 ďƌŝĚĞ͟ ;/Ɛ͘ ϲ Ϯ͗ ϰʹ ϱͿ͘ WƵƌŝĮ ĞĚďLJƚŚĞǁ ĂƐŚŝŶŐŽĨǁ ĂƚĞƌǁ ŝƚŚ, ŝƐt ŽƌĚŝŶ, ŽůLJĂƉƟƐŵ ͕ ǁ ĞͶ , ŝƐ
 disciples—confess that “Jesus is Lord,” returning thanks to Him “in the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 12:3),
 covenant with and for us, drawing us every more deeply into the life of God.

As Word on Wednesday began again this week,we are
                                       exa mining the Old Testament minor prophet Micah. The name
                                       ͞ D ŝĐĂŚ͟ ŵĞĂŶƐ͞ t ŚŽŝƐůŝŬĞz ĂŚǁ ĞŚ͍ ͟ E ŽƟĐĞŝƚ͛ ƐĂƋƵĞƐƟŽŶ͕ 
                                        not a statement. The assumed answer is NO ONE is like
                                        Ya hweh.
                                        Mi ca h’s message from Yahweh alternates between oracles of
doom (Law) a nd oracles of hope (Gospel). The two-fold theme is judgment and deliverance by
delights in pardoning the penitent. Finally, the prophet declares that Zion will have greater glory
i n the future than ever before. The Davidic kingdom, though it will seem to come to an end, will
rea ch greater heights through the coming Messianic deliverer [2:12-13; 4:1-8; 5:4-5].
Luther said: “Micah is one of the fine prophets who rebukes the people severely for their idolatry
a nd constantly refers to the coming Christ and to His kingdom. In onerespect he is unique among
the prophets, i n thathe points with certainty to Bethlehem,naming it as the town where Christ
wa s to be born [5:2]. &Ž ƌƚŚŝƐƌĞĂƐŽŶ͕ ŚĞǁ ĂƐĨĂŵ ŽƵƐƵ ŶĚĞƌƚŚĞK ůĚŽ ǀ ĞŶĂŶƚ͕ ĂƐD ĂƩ ŚĞǁ 
certa inly s hows i n chapter 2. In short, Micah denounces, he prophesies, he preaches, etc.
Chri st, who is in all things, will yetcome and make all things good” (LW 35:324f). ChristIn All
Thi ngs, indeed.
Pl ease join us for Word on Wednesday in room 219, at 6:30 pm.
St. Paul’s Youth Group
January Events
9     MS (5:30-7:00 pm) & HS (7:00-8:30pm), Fellowship Hall
13-15 Boys ’ Warrior Classic, fundraising event, save the date
16    HS Youth (7:00-8:30pm), Fellowship Hall
23    MS (5:30-7:00 pm) & HS (7:00-8:30pm), Fellowship Hall
30    WƌĞͲ>D ^z Ž ƵƚŚ' ĂƚŚĞƌŝŶŐĞǀ ŽƟŽŶ;ϳ ͗ ϬϬͲϴ͗ ϯ ϬƉŵͿ͕ &ĞůůŽǁ ƐŚŝƉ, Ăůů
Piggly Wiggly Receipt fundraiser
If you shop at Piggly Wiggly, please deposit your receipts i n the designated box in Fellowship Hall.
/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ a boutthe MS & HS youth group is available through:
     Ema il:
     Instagram: splyouthocon
                      The January Epistle is online at
 MONDAY                   Lord’s La mbs Gi vea wa y                Fellowship Ha l l   6:00 pm
January 10
                      Boa rd of El ders ’ Meeti ng                    Room 219          6:00 pm
 TUESDAY            Educa ti on Commi ttee Meeti ng                   Room 205          6:00 pm
January 11
                    Opera ti ons Commi ttee Meeti ng                   Li bra ry        6:30 pm
                       Brent Raben Funeral Visitation                  Church          10:30 a m
WEDNESDAY               Brent Raben Funeral Service                    Church          12:00 pm
 January 12            W.O.W. (Word on Wednesday)                     Room 219          6:30 pm
                            Adult Choir Practice                       Ba l cony        7:30 pm
                         Boys’ Warrior Classic                          Gym               TBD
THURSDAY                                                              Room 219          1:00 pm
                 New Member Sponsor Committee Meeting
January 13
                         Praise Team Practice                          Church           7:00 pm
  FRIDAY                      Boys’ Warrior Classic                      Gym                TBD
January 14
                           Women of Joy Bible Study                   Whel a n’s        8:00 a m
SATURDAY                    Boys’ Warrior Classic                         Gym             TBD
January 15                 Tra di ti ona l Wors hi p                     Church         5:00 pm
                                AA Meeti ng                        Fellowship Ha l l    8:30 pm
                           Tra di ti ona l Wors hi p                     Church         8:00 a m
                              Sunda y School                       Va ri ous Rooms      9:15 a m
                   Publ i c School Confi rma ti on Cl a s s           Room 219          9:15 a m
 SUNDAY                  Contempora ry Wors hi p                         Church        10:30 a m
January 16         Mi cha el Grul ke Funera l Vi s i ta ti on            Church         1:00 pm
                    Mi cha el Grul ke Funera l Servi ce                  Church         3:00 pm
                        Reforma ti on Ta p Soci ety                  Brewfi ni ty       5:00 pm
                        Hi gh School Youth Group                   Fellowship Ha l l    7:00 pm

                                          BIBLE STUDIES

                                 Life Application Bible Study
                               Sunday: 9:15 am - Fellowship Hall
              Women of Joy                                         J ourneymen
       Saturday (1 st & 3 rd) - 8:00 am                    Saturday (2nd & 4th) - 7:30 am
                 Whelan’s                                            Maxim’s

                   5:00 PM                            8:00 AM                    10:30 AM

Readings        Is a i a h 62:1-5           1 Cori nthi a ns 12:1-11            John 2:1-11

Acolytes              TBD                          Col ton Meyer                    TBD

Altar Guild   Mi chel l e Wi l s on                Mega n Mi l l er            Ja mi e Sta che

Camera                N/A                       Mi cha el Ei fert                   N/A

Elders            Da n Ei fert                     Chuck La a bs                 Eri k Benes

                                           Ji m & Judy Bra a tz (church)
Greeters        Ri ck Za s trow                                                 John Mel vi n
                                       Ji m & Ma rlene Steinberg (s chool )

OBS Studio            N/A                       Ra chel l e Ei fert                 N/A

Power Point           N/A                               N/A                         TBD

Radio                 N/A                       Chuck Muecke                        N/A

Ushers        Jerry DeWi tz Tea m            Da n Fri edri ch Tea m           Eri k Benes Tea m

                                  JANUARY 16, 2022
                      Pastor: Lance Armstrong O’Donnell
                             Title: The Eternal Marriage
                                 dƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůt ŽƌƐŚŝƉ
                            LSB, Divine Service 2, pg. 167
                                 Contemporary Worship
                                     Special Order

Isaiah 43:1–7
But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O
Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they
shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the
flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your
Savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in exchange for you. Because you
are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you,
peoples in exchange for your life. Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring
from the east, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up, and
to the south, Do not withhold; bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end
of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I
formed and made.”
Romans 6:1-11
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no
means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who
have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried
therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from
the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we
have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a
resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the
body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.
For one who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we have died with Christ, we
believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ being raised from the dead
will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he
died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider
yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Luke 3:15–22
As the people were in expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning
John, whether he might be the Christ, John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you
with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am
not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His
winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into
his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” So with many other
exhortations he preached good news to the people. But Herod the tetrarch, who had
been reproved by him for Herodias, his brother’s wife, and for all the evil things that
Herod had done, added this to them all, that he locked up John in prison. Now when all
the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the
heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a
dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well
                                             16                              January 9, 2022
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