BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes

BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
                      3rd Sunday of Easter | 3º Domingo de Pascua
                                                                                        MAY 1st
                                                                                        1 DE MAYO

Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger, Pastor
Parochial Vicars:        Deacons:
Rev. James Arriola       Dcn. Michael Plummer Dcn. Jorge L. Matamala Dcn. Erick J. Cinco
Rev. Alberto Chavez      Dcn. Isidoro Villa   Dcn. Ricardo J. Rauseo

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic
Church & School - 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 - (305) 386-4121               ololourdes.org
BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
May 1, 2022 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

General Information
Parish Office                                                                                                           Mass Intentions - Intenciones de Misas
Monday - Friday | 8:30am - 4:30pm                                    (305) 386-4121
(closed for lunch 12:30pm - 1:30pm)                                  (305) 386-6881                                     SATURDAY, April 30th                                            WEDNESDAY, May 4th
                                                                                                                        8:00am    † Ana Santiago                                        8:00am   † Emmanuel Schutt-Aine
Christian Formation/Sacraments ............ ext. 107                                                                              † Humberto Viana                                      7:00pm   † Gladys Falla
Youth & Young Adult Ministry .................. ext. 106                                                                          † Danny Trujillo                                               † Maria Eulalia Aquirre Venerio
                                                                                                                        5:00pm    † Frank Escobar                                                † Olga Suarez
                                                                                                                                  † Diane Bill                                                   † Pac Cole
Parish School                                                                                                                     † Wilfredo M. Fadragas                                         † Ignazio Alessandro Castello
                                                                                                                                  † Orlando Jose Pasos                                           † Juan Bautista Perez-Rivera
    (305) 386-8446                  (305) 386-6694                                                                                † Dario Cartaya                                                Por La Salvacion De Toda La Humanidad
                                                                                                                                  † Esperanza & Dario Segundo Cartaya
Hospitalité de Miami                                                                                                              † Manuel And Marylda Falcon                           THURSDAY, May 5th
                                                                                                                                  For the birthday celebration of Maria Clara Miranda
                                                                                                                                                                                        8:00am   † Christopher Plummer
    (305) 386-4121 ........................................ext. 242                                                     6:30pm    † Eduardo Loboguerrero                                         † Maria Chu
                                                                                                                                  † Jorge Aguirre Venerio                                        For the birthday celebration of Vishnu Persaud
                                                                                                                                  † Marina Montenegro Castillo                                   In Thanksgiving For Christopher Ruggiano And His Family
                                           Holy Boutique                                                                          † Ligia De Fatima Perez
                                                                                                                                                                                        7:00pm   † Luz María Bohada-Perez Y Elisa Díaz De Bohada
                                                                                                                                                                                                 † Agapito Mejia Chavez
                                                                                                                        SUNDAY, May 1st
Hours of Operation                                      From                                To
                                                                                                                        7:15am    † Alberto & Maria Muñeton                             FRIDAY, May 6th
Monday to Thursday                                     6:00pm                           8:00pm                                    † Concepcion Alba
                                                                                                                                  Christelle Vanessa Chantal Olivier Meo                8:00am   † Elena Zenoz Rodriguez
                                                                                                                                                                                                 † Paz Vaquero
                                                       8:30am                           1:00pm                          8:30am    † Francisco Renta-Quinones                                     † George Khawly
Friday                                                                                                                            † Maria Luisa Dias                                             † Rose Khawly
                                                       2:00pm                           8:00pm                                    † Miriam Espinosa                                              † Rohan Persaud
                                                                                                                                  † Luis Vasquez Bertorelli                                      For An End Of Gang Violence In Haiti
                                                       8:30am                          12:00pm                          10:15am † Angel T Fuentes                                                For The Blessing Of George & Family
Saturday                                                                                                                        † Hubert Frage                                          7:00pm   † Alyiasia Pastora
                                                       6:00pm                           8:00pm                                  † Nereida Ruz                                                    † Byron Pineda Galo
                                                                                                                                † Jose Angelo Pizzi                                              † Ingrid Lindahl
                                                       8:00am                           3:00pm                                  † Lina Guitian
Sunday                                                                                                                          Thanksgiving For Jorge Reyes’ Job
                                                       6:00pm                           8:00pm                          11:45am † Elena Frenero
                                                                                                                                † Antonio Jose Quintero Regalado
                                                                                                                                For the health of Christopher Benedetti
                                                                                                                                For the Wedding Anniversary of Maria Mercedes
Mass Schedule,                                                                                                                    Pasos-Garcia Y Tom Harry Garcia
Reconciliations, Devotions                                                                                              1:30pm   † Silvino Castro
                                                                                                                                 † Francisco Gabino Falcones - 6 meses de su partida
Mass Schedule                 Location                 English                          Spanish                                  † Luis Enrique Moncada
                                                                                                                                 † Nohemy Calderón
Mon- Sat                        Church                 8:00am                                 -                         5:00pm   For The Protection & Guidance Of Nicole Recuset
                                                                                                                                 For The Protection & Guidance Of Nicholas Recuset
Mon- Fri                        Church                       -                          7:00pm                          6:30pm    † Rolando Cubillon
                                                                                                                                  † America Camero
Saturday Vigil                  Church                 5:00pm                           6:30pm
                                                                                                                        MONDAY, May 2nd
                                                       7:15am                           8:30am                          8:00am    † Anestacia Torres
                                                                                                                                  † Micae Chu
                                                      10:15am                           1:30pm                                    † Lucienne And Serge Gaillard
Sunday                          Church
                                                      11:45am                           6:30pm                          7:00pm    † Eduardo Alan Mendez
                                                                                                                                  † Jorge Caicedo
                                                                                                                                  † Eduardo Andrade
                                                       5:00pm                                 -                                   † Claudia Marcela Rojas Daza
                                                                                                                                  Por La Salvacion De Joliessa Perez Y Su Familia
                                                                                                                                  Accion De Gracias Por Bendiciones Recibidas
Holy Days of Obligation                                                                                                 TUESDAY, May 3rd
Vigil ....................................................................................... 7:00pm (Bilingual)        8:00am   † Kemli Saud
Holy Day ...............8:00am (Eng), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (Eng), 8:00pm (Spa)                                   7:00pm   † Antonio Gomes Henriques
                                                                                                                                 † Blanca Diaz Garcia
                                                                                                                                 † Oscar Gabriel Bejarano
Other Masses                                                                                                                     † Bertha Yolanda Toledo
                                                                                                                                 † Maria Teresina De Faria
French Mass                                                                                                                      † Noyda Machado & Jose Alba
First Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 9:30am                                                                          Por La Salvacion De Camilo Calvillo Y Su Familia
Mass for the Blessed Mother
First Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 8:00am
Latin Mass
Second Saturday of the month, in the Main Church, 9:00am

Divine Mercy Chaplet                                                                     Sundays, 3:00pm

Reconciliation / Confesiónes
1 hour before daily Mass. Saturdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, in the Chapel.                                                                                                               www.ololourdes.org/MassIntentions
No Confessions on Holy Days / No habrá confesiones los Día de Precepto.
                                                                                                                        Request a Mass Online
                                                                                                                        In order for the Mass intention be printed/announced in the parish bulletin, the request for the
                                                                                                                        Mass needs to be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
                                                                                                                        Pedir una Misa en linea
                                                                                                                        Para tener una intención de Misa impresa en el boletín, la solicitud de la Misa debe ser por lo
                                                                                                                        menos con dos semanas de anticipación.

      2                                  www.ololourdes.org                                              OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL                                  @ololourdes                           @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
1 de mayo de 2022 - 3º Domingo de Pascua

                                          Sunday, May 1st                               Tuesday, May 3rd                           Thursday, May 5th                        Saturday, May 7th
                                          Third Sunday of Easter                        1st: Acts 4:32-37                          Memorial of Saint Peter Chanel,          Memorial of Saint Pius V, Pope, Religious
                                                                                                                                   Priest and Martyr
                                          1st: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41                     RP: Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5                                                             1st: Acts 6:1-7
                                          RP: Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13                Gospel: Jn 3:7b-15                         1st: Acts 5:27-33                        RP: Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
                                          2nd: Rev 5:11-14                                                                         RP: Ps 34:2 & 9, 17-18, 19-20            Gospel: Jn 6:16-21
                                                                                        Wednesday, May 4th                         Gospel: Jn 3:31-36
                                          Gospel: Jn 21:1-19
                                                                                        Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter                                              Sunday, May 8th
                                          Monday, May 2nd                               1st: Acts 5:17-26                          Friday, May 6th                          Fourth Sunday of Easter
                                          Feast of Saint Mark, Evangelist                                                          Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena,
                                                                                        RP: Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9                                                        1st: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
                                                                                                                                   Virgin and Doctor of the Church
                                          1st: 1 Pt 5:5b-14                             Gospel: Jn 3:16-21                                                                  RP: Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13
                                          RP: Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17                                                                1st: Acts 5:34-42                        2nd: Rev 5:11-14
  Readings                                Gospel: Mk 16:15-20                                                                      RP: Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14                    Gospel: Jn 21:1-19
  for the                                                                                                                          Gospel: Jn 6:1-15

                                                                                  What’s Happening...
          Sunday, May 1st / Domingo, 1 de mayo                             7:30 pm – 10:00 pm                                                       6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
                                                                           • 3rd Neocatechumenal Way (LB)                                           • 3rd Camino Neocatechumenal (St.B & ER)
10:00 am – 11:30 am
• Confirmation Classes - English (St.B)                                    8:00 pm – 9:30 pm                                                        8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
                                                                           • RCIA Adults - English (Room119)                                        • Camino Neocatechumenal - Eucharistic Mass (St.B)
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm                                                          • RCIA Adults - Spanish (Room 118)
• Neuroticos Anonimos Aniversario - Crecimiento Espiritual (PH)
                                                                           8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                   Sunday, May 8th / Domingo, 8 de mayo
           Monday, May 2 / Lunes, 2 de mayo                                • Separated and Divorced (Room 122)                                      10:00 am – 11:30 am
                                                                           • Camino Neocatecumenal 1a Comunidad (ER)                                • Confirmation Classes - Spanish (St.B)
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
                                                                           • Salve Regina Haitian Group (Room 121)
• Girls Scout Troop (LB)
                                                                           • Ninos en Victoria (Room 123)
7:45 pm – 10:15 pm                                                         • Matrimonios en Victorias (St.B)
• Hijos de la Madre de Dios (PH)
                                                                           8:15 pm – 10:15 pm
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                         • Emaus Women Spanish (PH)
• ITER 4.12- Young Adult Bilingual - Ages 18-38 (BFI)
• Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)                                                       Thursday, May 5th / Jueves, 5 de mayo
• Señor de los Milagros (MR)                                               6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
8:15 pm – 10:15 pm                                                         • OLOL - Little Sparks (PH)
• Escuela Evangelizacion (Room 113)                                        7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
8:30 pm – 10:00 pm                                                         • Talleres de Oracion - English (ER)
• Legion de Maria (Room 123)                                               7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
                                                                           • Boys Scouts Trp 816 (LB)
           Tuesday, May 3 / Martes, 3 de mayo                              • Venture Crew (Room 110)
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
                                                                           7:30 pm –10:00 pm
• Shield Youth Meeting (Room 112)                                          • Spirit Life - High School Youth Group Meetings (PH)
7:30 pm – 10:00 pm                                                         7:45 pm –10:00 pm
• Neocatechumenal Way Catechesis (Room PH)                                 • Knights of Columbus (BFI)
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                         8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                        AR                              OA
• Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)                                           • Neuroticos Anonimos (Room 111)                                          Art Room                        Outside Altar
• Emaus de Hombres - Español (St.B)                                        • Grupo de Oracion Betania (Virtual - Zoom)                               BFI                             OCR
• Emmaus Men English (Room 121)                                            • Bereavement Ministry (Room 118)                                         Bishop Fernando                 Office Conference Room
                                                                           • Latin Mass Group Meeting (Room 112)                                     Isern Hall
• 2nda Comunidad Camino Neocatecumenal (ER)                                                                                                                                          OS
• Jump! Young Adult Group 18-32 (BFI)                                      8:15 pm – 10:00 pm                                                        Chu                             Outside Screen
• Cursillos de Cristiandad (Room 122)                                      • Comunidades de la Nueva Evangelizacion (Room 119)                                                       PH
• Divina Voluntad - Spanish (Virtual - Zoom)                                                                                                         Cha                             Parish Hall
                                                                           8:15 pm – 10:15 pm                                                        Chapel
• School of Evangelization (Room 114)                                      • Escuela de Evangelizacion (Room 113)                                                                    PL
• Respect Life (Room 120)                                                                                                                            CR                              Parking Lot
                                                                                       Friday, May 6th / Viernes, 6 de mayo                          Conference Room
• Talleres de Oracion (LB)                                                                                                                                                           Rm
                                                                           7:30 pm – 9:30 pm                                                         NCR                             School Classroom
8:15 pm – 10:15 pm                                                                                                                                   New Conference Room
• Emaus Women English (Room 116)                                           • Talleres de Oracion (BFI)                                                                               Sc
                                                                           • Cub Scouts Meeting (Room 107, 108, 109)                                 ER                              School
                                                                                                                                                     Expansion Room
        Wednesday, May 4th / Miércoles, 4 de mayo                          7:30 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                                        SL
                                                                           • Neocatechumenal Way Catechesis (St.B)                                   FG                              School Library
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                     Festival Grounds
• Talleres de Oracion (BFI)                                                8:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                                        St.B
                                                                           • Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros - Rosary (PH)                       Kit                             St. Bernadette Hall
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm                                                                                                                                   Kitchen
• Music Ministry (MR)                                                                                                                                                                SDLM
                                                                                      Saturday, May 7th / Sábado, 7 de mayo                          LB                              Capilla Señor de
6:30 pm – 7:45 pm                                                                                                                                    Library                         los Milagros
• Christian Formation Testing (Rooms 118 &119)                             8:00 am – 1:00 pm
• FCC Candidates - Grades 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th (Room 121)                • Escuela de Evangelizacion (St.B)                                        MR                              TBA
• FCC Candidates - Grades 6th, 7th, & 8th (Room 120)                                                                                                 Music Room                      To Be Assigned
                                                                           1:30 pm – 10:00 pm
• RCIC Children - Grades 2nd, 3rd, & 4th (Room 113)                        • Food Pantry Spaguetti Dinner (PH, BFI & Kit)                            MS                              TL
• RCIC Children - Grades 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th (Room114)                                                                                              Middle School                   Teachers Lounge
• RCIC Children - Grades 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th (Room 116)

                www.ololourdes.org                             OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL                                @ololourdes                              @OLOLCatholicMiami                          3
                                                                                                                                                           View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
May 1, 2022 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

My Dear Family of                                                           Mi querida familia de
Our Lady of Lourdes,                                                        Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Happy Easter!                                                               ¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!

Remember we have 50 days of Easter, and all require                         Recuerden que tenemos 50 días de Pascua, y todos
celebration. Jesus Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!                     requieren una celebración. ¡Jesucristo ha resucitado!
                                                                            ¡Ha resucitado de verdad!
We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus up to the
Solemnity of Pentecost on June 5th. At Pentecost Jesus                      Celebramos la Resurrección de Jesús hasta la Solemnidad
sends down His Spirit upon the Apostles – making them                       de Pentecostés el 5 de junio. En Pentecostés, Jesús hace
His mighty witnesses and missionaries to all the nations.                   descender su Espíritu sobre los Apóstoles, convirtiéndolos
The Spirit of Christ joins the Apostles to Him and to                       en sus poderosos testigos y misioneros en todas las
each other and they go out to the world for Christ, not                     naciones. El Espíritu de Cristo une a los Apóstoles con Él y
alone, but together.                                                        entre ellos y salen al mundo por Cristo, no solos, sino juntos.

Pentecost is celebrated as the birthday of the Church.                      Pentecostés se celebra como el cumpleaños de la
We, the Body of Christ, have been confirmed in that same                    Iglesia. Nosotros, el Cuerpo de Cristo, hemos sido
Spirit. We have been joined to Christ and His Apostles                      confirmados en ese mismo Espíritu. Hemos sido unidos
and we too go out to the world for Christ, not alone, but                   a Cristo y a sus Apóstoles y también nosotros salimos al
together. For that reason, Pentecost Sunday is when we                      mundo por Cristo, no solos, sino juntos. Por esa razón,
as a parish family renew our commitment to Living the                       el domingo de Pentecostés es cuando nosotros, como
Faith by renewing our choice of service in and with the                     familia parroquial, renovamos nuestro compromiso de
parish for the coming year.                                                 vivir la fe, renovando nuestra elección de servicio en y
                                                                            con la parroquia para el próximo año.
This year, our Ministry Fair returns to Our Lady of
Lourdes Hall on Pentecost weekend. This is an                               Este año, nuestra Feria del Ministerio vuelve al Salón
opportunity to visit with our various parish ministries to                  Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes el fin de semana de
learn more about their work and the people they serve.                      Pentecostés. Esta es una oportunidad para visitar los diversos
There is certain to be a ministry for you! One through                      ministerios de la parroquia para aprender más sobre su
which you can help to bring Jesus to the lives of others.                   trabajo y la gente que sirven. Seguro que hay un ministerio
Please come and see. Take advantage of having                               para usted. Uno a través del cual puedes ayudar a llevar a
everyone in the same place to find your place. Take                         Jesús a las vidas de otros. Por favor, venga y vea. Aprovecha
advantage of having everyone together at the same                           que todos están en el mismo lugar para encontrar tu sitio.
time to make this your time.                                                Aprovecha el hecho de tener a todos juntos al mismo tiempo
                                                                            para hacer de este tu momento.
We will soon be distributing our new Parish Ministry
Directory. Take one home and check out all our parish                       Pronto estaremos distribuyendo nuestro nuevo Directorio
groups and ministries. Find a few that interest you and                     de Ministerios Parroquiales. Llévate uno a casa y echa
visit those booths at the Ministry Fair. Remember that as                   un vistazo a todos nuestros grupos y ministerios
parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, we are asked                    parroquiales. Encuentre algunos que le interesen y
to commit each year to being involved in at least one                       visite esos puestos en la Feria de Ministerios. Recuerde
parish group or ministry. Jesus is essential for the salvation              que como feligreses de la Parroquia Nuestra Señora de
of the world and as a member of His body, you are too!                      Lourdes, se nos pide que nos comprometamos cada
                                                                            año a participar en al menos un grupo o ministerio
Msgr. Schwanger                                                             parroquial. Jesús es esencial para la salvación del mundo
                                                                            y como miembro de su cuerpo, usted también lo es.

                                                                            Mons. Schwanger

    4                   www.ololourdes.org          OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes            @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
1 de mayo de 2022 - 3º Domingo de Pascua

                CATEQUESIS PARA
               JOVENES Y ADULTOS
¿Estas cansado, agobiado y solo?                         “I have come so that they may have life,
¿Buscas y no encuentras el sentido de tu vida?           and have it to the full” (Jn. 10:10)
¿Sientes a Dios lejos de tu vida?
¿Estas Viviendo tu Fe solo?                              If you want to deepen in your Faith
Ánimo, No tengas Miedo                                   If you do not find the meaning to your life
                                                         If you cannot see the love of God in your
VEN y ESCUCHA                                            Life and do not understand your suffering

¡Cristo ha vencido la muerte                             COME and LISTEN!
para que tu tengas vida!
¡Todos los mayores de 13 años están invitados!           Have an encounter with the risen Christ!
                                                         Everyone 13+ is invited!
Martes y Viernes
8:00 PM en el Parish Hall                                Tuesdays & Fridays
Empezando el martes 3 de mayo                            8:00 PM in the Parish Hall
                                                         Beginning Tuesday May 3rd
Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Proveeremos niñeras                                      Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
                                                         Babysitter Provided

 www.ololourdes.org      OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL        @ololourdes        @OLOLCatholicMiami                   5
                                                                            View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
May 1, 2022 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

    6                   www.ololourdes.org          OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes   @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
1 de mayo de 2022 - 3º Domingo de Pascua

It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss,        Es normal llorar la pérdida de un embarazo, como
including the loss of a child                  también la pérdida de un hijo por un aborto.
by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s       Puede crear un hueco en el corazón, un
heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it        hueco tan profundo que a veces parece
seems nothing can fill the emptiness.          que nada puede llenar ese vacío.
You are not alone...                           No estás sola...

                                               St. Martín de Porres VPA Ministry
                                               “...so also, faith without works is dead” - James 2:26

                                               Calling all our YOUTH between the ages of 2- 100!

                                               The Ministry of St. Martin de Porres VPA is seeking individuals to
                                               participate with us in bringing joy & happiness to the abandoned
                                               sick and elderly at nursing homes.

                                               If you like to be part of this ministry, please contact
                                               Rosa Springer at (786) 495-9846 or Melquiades167@hotmail.com

                                               San Martin de Porres VPA
                                               “..asi tambien la fe sin obras esta muerta” - Santiago 2.26

                                               ¡Llamando a toda nuestra JUVENTUD edades 2-100!

                                               Buscamos personas para colaborar con nosotros para llevar felicidad
                                               y alegria a los enfermos y ancianitos abandonados en los asilos.

                                               Si les gustaria ser parte de este ministerio, puede contactarnos a
                                               Rosa Springer al (786) 495-9846 o Melquiades167@hotmail.com

     www.ololourdes.org        OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes             @OLOLCatholicMiami                   7
                                                                                          View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
May 1, 2022 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

        The time has come to
        expand our Grotto Plaza!
        You can be a part of this achievement and have your
        name engraved as a memorial of your collaboration.

        ¡Ha llegado el momento de ampliar                                                         (305) 386-4121 ext. 100
        la plaza de nuestra Gruta!                                                                                  Msgr Schwanger
        Puede ser parte de este logro y grabar su nombre como                         www.ololourdes.org/grottoplaza
        recuerdo de su colaboración.                                                               more information / más información

    8                   www.ololourdes.org          OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL           @ololourdes           @OLOLCatholicMiami
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BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
1 de mayo de 2022 - 3º Domingo de Pascua

                                5th Annual Archdiocese
                                of Miami Pilgrimage
                                to Lourdes
                                5ª Peregrinación Anual a Lourdes Arquidiocesis de Miami

                                This pilgrimage is for everyone seeking healing; of body, mind, or spirit. It is
                                for those who would like to serve our sick and suffering brothers and sisters
                                at the Sanctuary, including those who would like to serve with the Hospitalité
                                Notre Dame de Lourdes.

                                Esta peregrinación es para todos los que buscan sanación; de cuerpo, mente o
                                espíritu. Es para aquellos que desean servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
                                enfermos y enfermos en el Santuario, incluidos aquellos que desean servir con la
                                Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes.

                                Sep, 17th to Sep, 27th
                                Reservation deadline: May 13, 2022.
                                With a non-refundable deposit of $200.
                                Make your reservation - Haz tu reserva


www.ololourdes.org   OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL             @ololourdes              @OLOLCatholicMiami                   9
                                                                                   View this bulletin online at www.DiscoverMass.com
BULLETIN - Our Lady of Lourdes
May 1, 2022 - 3rd Sunday of Easter

         The 2022 itinerary of
         Saint Bernadette’s relics
         El itinerario 2022 de las
         reliquias de Santa Bernardita

                                 In Prayer Life - En la vida de oración
                   Please pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he so humbly asks of us to do; Por favor oren por el Santo Padre,
                     Papa Francisco, como él humildemente nos ha pedido… and for our following Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
    Aaron-James                      Crystal Torres                     Jaime Palacios                Marco Polo Hernandez        Oswald Young
    Adelina Rey                      Daniel Paez                        Janelle Suarez                Margaret Shearon            Paul Butler
    Adolfo Tamayo                    Deborah Lyn                        Jeanette Cooper               Margarita Picado            Paris Darrisaw
    Adrian William                   Delhi Ferreira                     Jason Michael Van Brusselen   Maria Asuncion Barahona     Rakeish Williams
    Adriana Tamayo                   Diego Ruiz                         Jeronne Diaz                  Maria Elena Frontela        Rev. Padre Jhonn Montoya
    Aileen Manso                     Digna Martinez                     Joanne Ortolan                Maria de Fatima Pacheco     Reynaldo Estrada Velez
    Alejandra Dominguez              Domenick Russo                     Jonathan Vasquez              Maria Ines Alvarez          Roberto Bravo
    Alejandra Escobar                Domino Torres                      Jorge Pacheco Vivar           María Nazareth Reyes        Roberto Jose Olivares
    Aliyah Petrone                   Elainne Marie Cancel               Jose Antonio Torres           Maritza Ceballos            Roberto Torres
    Alvarez’ family                  Elba Arnalgo                       Jose Cortés                   Maria Isabel Amador         Ron Family
    Ana Maria Manzano                Elena Franco                       Jose de Jesus Berrios         Mariana Lasprilla           Ronald Garcia & Family
    Ana Ramirez                      Elena German                       José Luis Moreyra             Marnie Munoz
    Anaiz Planas                     Elvio Amarilla                     José Ramón Perdomo            Marta Carrillo              Ruben Olivas
    Andres Mendez                    Edgar Arango                       Juan Pablo Trovato            Martha Gavarrete            Ruth Cardenas
    Anita Hernandez                  Edgar Lee                          Juan F. Velazquez             Martin Campos Oliveira      Ryan Guerrero
    Anne Calhoun                     Eduardo Galo                       Julia Santos                  Max Omphalius               Sandra Banky
    Annie Meneses                    Elizabeth Jordan                   Julieta Blanco Romero         Mayra Pendon                Sebastian Janot
    Antonio Gamez                    Emilia Jarquin                     Justa de la Torre             Melany Tercero              Sergio Luis Pineda
    Ari Delgado                      Erica Riviere                      Karel Gaitan                  Melina Depante              Silvana Gerami
    Armando Jiron                    Eugenio Camilo Plasencia           Ken Panda                     Mercy Stieffel              Stephan Calafel
    Arnaldo Gamez                    Eva Valdivia-Wheeler               Kaylen Estrada                Mercy James                 Stephanie Wunshel
    Beatriz Rivera                   Fr. Abel Lopez                     Laura Valentina Montoya       Michelle Gallardo           Steven Medina
    Blanca Escobar                   Fr. Adalberto Cortes               Leo Diaz                      Michelle Hernandez          Sharon Armstead
    Blanca Perera                    Fr. Benjamin Santa-Cruz            Leonardo Gallardo             Michael Holzli              Sofia Gerami
    Brenda Cordoba Cardona           Fr. Luis Flores                    Leonardo Moreno               Mike Poe                    Sonia Butler
    Brieanna                         Fr. Miguel Angel Lopez             Leonel Blandon                Minda Villanueva            Susy Lahr
    Camilo Jarquin                   Fr. Pedro Freitas                  Libia Davila                  Mirta Marcos                Tatiana Paolucci
    Caridad Sencion                  Francisco Rodriguez                Liliana Ramirez               Monique McKay               Thalia Acosta
    Caridad Sierra                   Fredy Arango                       Lisa Zemba                    Nadezda Vinck               Teresa Aparicio
    Carlina Palacios                 Geraldine Overton                  Lorna Sewel Degregory         Nancy Rauseo                Tommy Muñoz
    Carlos Helver                    German Otero                       Lourdes Manso                 Nathan James Collazos       Trinidad Hernandez
    Carlos Luiz                      Gonzalo Cabrera                    Lourdes Pravia                Nelin Alvarez               Vicky Solares
    Carlos Rodriguez                 Gonzalo Palacio                    Louis Young                   Nerelys Martinez
    Carmen Pacheco                   Hadley                             Luis M Perez                  Nicasio Urbina              Victor Arnaldo Romo y Familia
    Cheryl Reed                      Harvey Sam                         Luisa Granados-Varona         Noemi Rodriguez             Victoria Sultan
    Christian CruzSosa               Heather Ahye                       Luiz Fernando Ruiz            Norma Poveda                Walter Arango
    Christine Vasquez                Hernando Salgado                   Luz Elena Osorno              Odalys Perera               Yanelkis Diaz
    Christopher Tsitos               Herold Patterson                   Luz Jenny Otero               Odette Guerra               Yaneth Vegas
    Chrissie Hitchman                Hope Morse                         Lyla Williams                 Olga Lucia Rachadey Avila   Yolanda Cadavid
    Christine Belmau & family        Humberto Fasano                    Manuel Mendez                 Olga Peterson               Yolanda Kelemen
    Claudia B. Obregon               Ilda y Americo Nieto               Manuel & Silvia Vasquez       Oraida Peraza               Yolanda Urroz Arauz
    Clara Pacheco                    Isabel Nuñez                       Marcela Melgar                Oscar Andres Zuluaga        Zavier Estrada
    Cristina Jiron                   Ivan A. Zeruigon                   Marcelino Mora                Oscar Fernandez             Zully Arango

        Pray for those whom the Lord has called home - Oremos por aquellos que el Señor ha llamado a Su lado

    Thomas de Jesus Cortes            Hiberto Alexis Leal                Nilda Paredes Garcia           Jorge Gomez Plata            Jorge A. Panizo
    4/21/2022 - 46 years              4/10/2022 - 53 years               4/4/2022 - 73 years            4/3/2022 - 84 years          3/29/2022 - 64 years
    Blanca Evelia Diaz Garcia         Zaine Lopez                        Carmen Villamizar              Miriam Perdomo               Martha Restrepo
    4/19/2022 - 77 years              4/6/2022 - 48 years                4/4/2022 - 58 years            3/31/2022 - 91 years         3/14/2022 - 64 years

   10                     www.ololourdes.org                    OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL              @ololourdes             @OLOLCatholicMiami
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