RESOURCE & TRAIN JANUARY 2020 - New Life Restoration Centre, Malaysia
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EQUIPPING PASTORS For many years, missions in NLRC are normally associated with mission trips, mobilizing teams to visit new churches, encouraging them to grow, conducting evangelistic meetings, training small group leaders and providing funds to improve the welfare and create better living conditions among the poor. However, in the past years, NLRC has taken missions to a more strategic level; to resource and train pastors in the field. In Kobe Japan, we spent a year in consultation with newly appointed Pastor Loyd Flaherty of KBF, and his team after the sudden passing away of Pr Rob in June 2018. We met to train this team on re-structuring the leadership of the church, and re-focusing their limited resources for their mission and ministry needs, whilst not neglecting the normal and fun activities of mission trips. Pastoral training comes through formal education. NLRC’s mission investment in the training of Ankit Das in Malaysia Bible Seminary has led to the equipping of a theologically-trained Masters graduate who is poised to lead dynamic millennials in cities such as New Delhi and Chandigarh. In the last few months, our Interim Pastor Arthur Priestley of Telagus, Sarawak received training in NLRC’s vision and values from the senior pastoral team to prepare him for ordination. Training pastors, I believe, builds a person in vision, character, and a pastoral-theological skill set. It is essential in the foundation of healthy churches and gives the impetus for the centrifugal expansion of Christ’s influence into the community. Blessings, Lawrence Chen Advisor : Lawrence Chen | Editor : Esther Liew | Administrator : Ying Lai Hing | Design : Vince Seah Senior Pastor
PRAYER MISSION TO OA TAPAHTapah (Air Kuning), Perak (30 March 2019) By Joanna Wee, PJ English T hree (3) of us, Bobby Wee, May Loke and I went on this trip. Slim River was our scheduled location for this prayer From the dream, we believe that God is growing new plants in this area which will eventually become a church that will bless mission. However, we were informed by the community. Pr Park to go to Air Kuning as there was a need for the team to pray for the house The team prayed for the Lord to open the church with new believers who were just eyes of unbelievers in the Kampung, that water baptized in January 2019. the families will be the beacon of light. We experienced a great sense of God’s presence There were 18 people gathered for the prayer throughout the prayer time. I felt that that meeting in the house, including Bobby, May, team was united in prayer and in purpose. Pastor Rubil, his family, and I. Subsequently, May felt led to prophesy over The Lord revealed His work at OA through each family member and she released words Isaiah 61 when we prayed for the 1st time of blessing. During ministry time, the family and Bobby shared his dream with the team members were encouraged. We did not and the house church members to encourage realize that it was about 2.20pm by the time the young believers. It was a timely dream we ended. The team too, felt refreshed after and revelation too. the ministry time. We rejoice at what the Lord can and will do through this family. The night before our prayer mission to Air Kuning, Bobby had a dream that he saw The family blessed everyone with nice home small plants growing out from his arms and cooked food. Overall, the team felt that it hands. Initially, he felt quite scared and tried was a fruitful, rewarding and awesome trip to pull them out from his arms and hands one because God was with us. Glory be to God. by one. But as he pulled one stem out, a new plant appeared. Then, as he watched again, one of the plants turned into a bouquet of beautiful flowers and his fear turned into joy. He was puzzled as to what his dream meant after waking up.
LAUNCH OF NEW LIFE KOTA KINABALU Sabah (8-9 April 2019) By Ying Lai Hing, PJ English A team of five (5), led by Pr Lawrence & Sis Lip Yee Chen included Bro CH, Sis Evelyn Soon, Pr Park, Pr Lee (a Korean missionary) and I, made a maiden trip to launch our latest church plant in Kota Kinabalu on 8-9 April 2019. New Life Kota Kinabalu (KK) is located in a growing township of Inaman. It’s about a half hour drive from KK town. It’s a BM-speaking church with a native Kadazan-dusun congregation, comprising of a few families pastored by Pr Rosli Madjunting. We had night fellowship with some leaders and members in the church premise with praise and worship, introduction by Pr Park, a word of exhortation by Pr Lawrence, sharing by local church members and prayer for the KK church. Despite a short trip of 2 days and 1 night with one meeting, I am encouraged by the enlargement of tent and territory in KK that the Lord has given to New Life to stretch forth His glory. Hallelujah! Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.
Fukoka was our final destination and we had JAPAN a short visit to a small group led by Mitsuru Kuruki, who is an Architect and a sculptor. This small group are friends of KBF. We met up MISSION with them and discussed various issues and the challenges of sharing the gospel. I was most surprised when Mitsuru mentioned that he was encouraged by my message, which I shared the previous day in Kobe. He had heard it earlier as he follows KBF’s internet broadcast for all the Sunday messages. (Kobe-Okinawa-Fukoka) (18-28 June 2019) By CH Soon, PJ English In conclusion, this trip gave me a better insight of outreach ministries in Japan and T he mission trip to Kobe was my 5th It was such a wonderful sight to witness the two sharing sessions have given me more trip in 5 years. Upon discovering this, Pastor Loyd, together with his leaders, being confidence in facing the congregation. I am many of my colleagues thought that I encouraged and galvanised the congregation most encouraged with the zeal displayed by must be addicted to the famous Kobe after a brief setback period when Pastor Rob all the leaders despite the low percentage beef! In fact, the answer is not that but had passed away. Praise the Lord! of Christians in Japan that amount to less rather it was to reunite with our Kobe than 1% of the population. Overall, it was an family members and encourage one The KBF church conducted two services awesome, fun filled-trip with some excellent another. on Sunday and both Evelyn & Allen shared bonding time with our Japanese brothers their testimonies in the morning and evening and sisters, topped with tasty local delicacies The mission team comprised of five of us, services respectively. They gave glory to God such as Mentaiko (raw fish roe) and wild Pastor Lawrence, Sis Lip Yee, Bro Allen, Sis for His goodness, favour and blessings. I was mushrooms. Evelyn and myself. We had a few weeks of given the honour of sharing the message in prayer meetings and briefing sessions prior both services (with plenty of butterflies in my to our departure. tummy!) and I had to totally rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and calm me down. Kobe was our first stop and we attended the church’s Wednesday night meeting which is Thereafter, our team proceeded to Okinawa usually a short, 1 point sermon conducted and met up with Pastor Taku & his family. by their pastors, followed by a small group Unfortunately, due to his deteriorated meeting. However, since Pastor Lawrence eyesight, Pastor Taku was compelled to was in the team, he was invited to preach relinquish his ministry. These days, he instead and the congregation was most needs a guide dog wherever he goes. He encouraged with his “Runners For Christ” still maintains a positive outlook and even message. All those in attendance were glued brought us to visit the Christian School that to the preaching and when I spoke to some of his two daughters attend. We had a great them during fellowship, they shared that they time of fellowship, praying and sharing with were very inspired by the word. him and family.
都没吸烟了。过后到分享神话语的时 间,由Philip Liew 分享。他以十分简 单明白的马来文分享彼得在水面上行 走。分享完后,我们就为原住民弟兄 原住民短宣 姐妹来祷告。在祷告完后,我们与他 们交谈当中,发现很多的青少年原住 民都沉迷于晚上的宴乐中(唱歌跳舞) ,所以才不来教会。我们也为着他们 来祷告。 在结束后我们有短暂的团契时间,就 是边享用我们带来的食物,边与他们 一起交谈,了解他们的生活。大部分 OA Tapah, Perak (7 July 2019) By Loh Hui Chong, Cheras North Chinese 蕉赖北区 的原住民读写还不是很好,只能靠听 道来了解圣经。至于儿童们,原住民 组长有提供读圣经的课程给他们,让 这 次的短宣是在年头时,青少 另外,由于经费的限制,我们还在担 年的组长们就提议说要青少 心给原住民食物的预备。感谢主,有 他们从小晓得神的话语。 年一起去一次的原住民短 一位的青少年的母亲愿意赞助我们带 宣,希望透过短宣,让他们 去原住民宣教的食物。 此外,我们看见原住民的鼓手是一名 晓得宣教的意义,也让他们 儿童,大概8-9岁吧。在我们与原住民 可以脱离自己的舒适圈。当 到了当天,我们带着兴奋及愉快的心 团契时间,我们青少年的鼓手也去教 我跟Uncle Philip提出时,感 情终于踏上去短宣的路途了。距离我 导一班有兴趣学鼓的儿童。这班的儿 谢主他也同意了,也放手让 几年前去过这间教会,改变了好多-- 童十分有天赋,只听了1-2次就立刻打 我们自己去筹备。 有了风扇和很好的椅子,儿童教室里 出节奏来! 然后,我们也在原住民组 也有桌子和椅子了。介绍完每位组员 长的带领下,到几位原住民的家做探 从一开始只有5人参加到最后差点超 后,我们开始以破冰游戏作为开场, 访。大部分的男人都不在家而在外打 出人数,我们感谢主的恩典带领我们 尝试打破隔膜。但反应稍微冷淡。由 工,只留下老少妇女及儿童在家。探 这11个不同类型的人聚在一起同做主 于是第一个星期的星期日,原住民的 访结束后,我们就拍了张大合照及结 工。我们在开始前的一个月开始筹 组长带领他们的会众一起敬拜赞美 束祷告。 备,分配好各自负责的事项。就在去 后,就由我们这里的弟兄带领敬拜赞 的前2个星期,我们被告知每人要自 美。感谢主,在敬拜赞美时间带动起 在走出村庄的路途中,突然在我们前 付RM30作为宣教的经费。由于我们 全部原住民弟兄姐妹一起敬拜赞美。 面出现一个“拦路虎”。辛亏前面的弟 的青少年大部分还在念书,没有经济 敬拜赞美完后,儿童就到旁边的小屋 兄没踩下去,因为这条蛇的颜色是青 来源,甚至有人提出若要自费就要退 子进行儿童教会。成年人留着大堂 色,类似于叶子,所以我们也没留 出这次的宣教了。当我们跟教会的领 里。大部分来的原住民都是妇女带着 意。这时我们都在一旁默默的祷告, 袖提起这件事时,感谢主他们都十分 孩子来到,而男人却十分稀少。询问 神怎样就保罗脱离毒蛇的侵害,我们 理解青少年的经济状况,领袖也觉得 之下,原来大部分的男人到山上打猎 也必然无事。然后这条蛇似乎也察觉 赞助几位在读学生的一半经费,而另 了,也有一部分的男人在家睡觉。然 我们的存在,竟然慢慢的离开了。我 一半的经费则由一部分的青少年组长 后就到Coco及Jack用流利的马来文分 们也就安然无事的出了村庄。在离开 赞助。在这里要感谢各位领袖们,让 享见证。在分享见证时,他们分别都 村庄后,我们也与原住民的组长有个 我们真的感受到在主里我们都是一家 带出了要对神有信心,并且Jack靠着 午餐的团契时间。然后就踏上回家的 人,都同心合意的兴旺福音。 神从以前吸烟的人到现在20年过去了 路程了。
our trust, all have got to motivate us to run and from praying regularly, effective hand-holding MISSION TO stay on course despite life struggles along and discipleship will help to encourage more the way. I am praying that this report helps local ministry workers to serve and Christians OA BIDOR other teams that go to Bidor (or anywhere to evangelise. – Lanny Yew else) to take it to another level: challenge the congregation to do more than just being a The pastor said that they would appreciate Sunday Christian. - Angel Yap more Malay books for the OA kids to read, as these are very few and the kids get through Praise and glory be to God as He led nine (9) them in about a month. The kids can answer Perak (28 July 2019) By Angel Yap & Liew Jye Shin’s Life Groups, PJ English of us to Bidor, Orang Asli. It was a wonderful basic questions about the Bible, and some of and meaningful trip to me as I was able to them are very interested and able to answer worship God with them and develop a better deeper questions. Could be an idea to invest understanding of their lifestyle. I will never in these kids in terms of studies, encouraging forget the smiles on the children’s faces them to serve etc. The kids lack a ‘leader’ or A As we were planning for this mission them to help the pastor prepare the church as we played and sang songs with them. someone who tells them what to do. (This is trip, both LGs agreed to concentrate for weekly gatherings and have fellowship God has sown seeds in their hearts as they my observation based on past visits to Sat and on giving in terms of prayer support on other days. We prayed that, young or old, understood and answered all questions Tidong, as compared to when we were there). and ministering so we didn’t bring many would rise up to be part of the church. correctly when Sis Sabrina taught them the It makes working with the kids a bit tougher as many gifts. We divided ourselves into 2 After the service, we visited three families story of ‘The temptation of Jesus Christ’. We as there are obstacles with communication groups (4 each), to minister to both the adult who needed prayer. We encouraged the visited a brother who suffers from kidney and also measuring their understanding. – and children services. When we arrived at families not to give up in praying and sharing failure. Initially he was just nodding his head. Sabrina Tan Bidor, Joanne’s son gave them a lively jive the Gospel. The church has many needs. But when Sisters Jye Shin and Carmen and rumba dance performance. Carmen and Different teams visit the church monthly and shared a testimony and taught him how to Sabrina took over for the children service leave. The rest is up to the pastor. pray and seek God, he eventually prayed and while Lanny started us off with an amazing declared aloud his heart’s desires. Hallelujah! testimony on how God has provided for her in We asked how effective it is to have people I pray that God will continue to watch over the chasing her dreams. The congregation was from our church visiting them monthly? church with daily provision and that the Holy deeply encouraged. What impact have we made? I realised Spirit will move among them to help them one important truth, if the congregation grow stronger in God every day. I also pray When we planned for the preaching, we themselves don’t have the “belonging or for wisdom to come upon Pastor Salmon to asked ourselves, what can we do in order ownership” of the Church, then all our visits preach God’s word to the church and journey to help the church be attentive to God’s are in vain. Hebrews 12:1 says “Therefore, mercies each time he travels on the road by Word? We decided to make the message since we are surrounded by such a great motorcycle from Tapah to Bidor. an interactive one so church members could cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything – Kok Ling Siang participate during the session. Q&A and that hinders and the sin that so easily on the spot games were held so whoever entangles, and let us run with perseverance I realised that there are two main issues: answered received a small gift. Lo and the race marked out for us.” First, the harvest is ready but the workers are behold, everyone participated regardless few. Despite being trained and equipped, few of whether they received gifts or not. At the It is important for them to know that being a remained in ministry after returning home. end, we challenged the church to do more Christian, God must transform us inside out. Secondly, there’s a lack of deep conviction than just come on Sunday. We encouraged Our faith, our lives, our knowledge of God, to proclaim the Good News to others. Apart
the team members were first-timers! We MISSION TO thoroughly enjoyed the process of preparation and were touched by what we witnessed on OA TAPAH the day itself. On paper, it may seem like we are giving a lot in terms of materials and time, but the reality was that we received even more! Our spirits were encouraged, and hence we are emboldened to do more in our next visit to the OA community. Indeed, it is Perak (20 October 2019) By Jeffrey Pang, Shah Alam Chinese more blessed to give than to receive. To God be all the glory. Till the next trip! O n October 20, a team of young working adults – 13 of us – from New Life Shah Alam (Chinese) embarked on a mission having a lot. They remain upbeat and choose to focus on the positives. Most importantly, they support each other within a big family trip to an Orang Asli church in Batu 1, in Christ. Even during Sunday School, our Tapah. We were well received by the local teachers were pleasantly surprised to find congregation, and two Korean missionaries out how obedient the children are – they from the bible school in Kepong. listened keenly and were very much involved until the end. Among us, we even had a member from Taiwan who could not speak nor understand Our theme for the day was “Kedamaian di Bahasa Malaysia. Yet, with practice and tengah kekacauan” (interpreted as peace onsite interpretation, not only was he able to amidst the tribulations), based on the scripture get involved in the skit performance and pray of how Jesus calmed the storm (Matthew 8, for the needy, he even managed to share Mark 4, Luke 8). For cohesive purposes, we his testimony on how God led him to serve ensured the same theme was incorporated in prison school while he was in Taiwan and throughout both the skit performance and how he presently serves as a teacher in Kota testimony. For the skit, we decided to Kemuning. improvise slightly. Instead of literally basing it off a bible story, we performed a modern While we were disheartened, we were also drama following the same theme – about encouraged by what we saw. They stay in how a young man went to work in a big city, impoverished living conditions at Batu 1. ran into troubles, and found peace through During our visitations to two families after Christ. This innovative approach was well service, we witnessed first-hand how little received by the congregation. they have – a few families of close to 10 people lived under the same roof, yet they are In conclusion, this was an eye-opening trip content with their simple lifestyle despite not for many of us, especially since majority of
The two-day mission trip was fruitful and “Despite a small congregation size of 20-30 MISSION TO packed with services, visitations and people, what mattered most was the heart fellowship. We are deeply touched by the of worship. I am encouraged by the praise SARAWAK hearts of the brothers and sisters in Telagus and worship of both churches unto the Lord. and Kuching where they desire for more of Simple faith with a worship-filled heart. God. Hallelujah!” ~ Ying Lai Hing, PJ English ~ It is God’s destiny to put us in a team for such I pray that the spirit to “be fishers of men” will a trip as this. We didn’t know each other very come upon every brother and sister. If you Kuching & Telagus (26-28 October 2019) By Esther Heng, PJ Chinese well previously but through this trip, we got are moved to do the same thing, Telagus and to know each other better. Four of us shared Kuching welcomes you!” ~ Esther Heng, PJ the same thoughts to encourage more of our Chinese ~ churches to visit and render any possible B y the leadership and guidance of God, a team of four (4), set sail for a short mission trip to Telagus and Kuching, Sis Taria’s (wife of the late Pr Patrick) houses which were built beside the church. According to Sis Taria, it was the desire of support. “We were touched by the warmness of our Sarawak. The team was led by Bro the late Pr Patrick to host visitors from our Telagus church as they were so excited to Philip Liew and the rest of the team churches. Hence, a few more rooms were meet us. Indeed, our late Pastor Patrick had members were Sis Krystal, Sis Lai built for hospitality. We were blessed with a left a good legacy in his church as we see the Hing and I. Telagus and Kuching were packet of home-grown rice by Sis Taria as a enthusiasm of the members. We hope that no strangers to us as we had visited gift to us. we can encourage their youth to grow strong them a couple of years back. in the Lord. For our Kuching church, Pastor The next morning, we ministered at Kuching Rimon has been serving faithfully and we trust We ministered at Telagus church on Saturday church for Sunday service to a congregation God for breakthrough. We thank God for Sis evening after we arrived in Kuching in the of less than 30 people. Some of them left Lai Hing and Sis Esther for their partnership in afternoon. We were welcomed by their warm earlier because of work commitments. After this trip as we got to know one another. God hospitality with a home-cooked dinner by praise & worship which was led by Pastor is so good!” ~ Philip & Krystal Liew, Cheras the members. The church was engrossed in Rimon, we continued with testimony sharing. North Chinese ~ praising and worshipping the Lord with their Sis Lai Hing preached about the importance voices, the children too, sang and danced of church unity and how brothers and joyfully. We shared our testimonies and Bro sisters work together to grow and become a Philip preached on Matthew 6:26-34 where Kingdom church. all of us were reminded that our Heavenly Father constantly cares for us. Under the This trip was concluded with a home visitation leadership of our late Pastor Patrick, we to Bro Simon and his family. As well as dinner could feel the vibrancy of our fellow Telagus fellowship with Bro Arthur, Pastor Rimon and church members. their spouses. They shared some of the challenges they faced while shepherding and After the service, we were invited to Bro we hope we can continue to provide more Arthur (brother of the late Pr Patrick) and support with our prayer.
INDIA MISSION AMRITSAR Punjab (15-18 November 2019) By Ankit Das, New Life Punjab W e are thankful for New Life’s consistent • Pastor Kenneth taught about the missions to Punjab!! importance of the Kingdom of God in our lives and how it must flow through We are all thankful for the New Life us in our surroundings. So that God’s Restoration Centre’s annual mission trip to blessings can come in our lives and Punjab. We were all blessed to have Rev nation. Pastor Ron Hee & Sis Grace and Pastor Kenneth Toon & Sis Loo Ann. This was a • Sis Grace shared on biblical prayer. short trip as compared to the other mission She was able to engage the audience trips. However, it was very peaceful & fruitful. and encourage them to share about Together with my parents (Pastor Ajit & “different biblical prayers”. Everyone Anita), we also had a time of fellowship with was encouraged to pray together. It was each other by sharing and enjoying the naan indeed a spiritually uplifting experience. & mutton, followed by playing some virtual games. • Sis Loo Ann shared on the power of the Holy Spirit that leads to harmony among In this mission visit, the New Life Church team believers. Her focus was on the unity had a concern to teach the Pastors, Leaders the church ought to have. Thus, it helps and church believers about the kingdom of every individual reflect and submit to the God. We were taught on the following: leading of the Spirit so that we all can be united together in God’s family. • Rev Pastor Ron’s sharing was encouraging as he shared specifically We are thankful for these Kingdom teachings. about approaching the Kingdom of God And I would kindly request for New Life with boldness (Hebrews 4:11). He also Church to continue to pray for Punjab encouraged and taught the people to live churches. We need every Pastor, leader and in the Kingdom of God where there is no believer to be spiritually driven according to darkness, sickness or any lack of good God’s Kingdom. So please keep praying for things. all of us in Punjab.
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