Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!

Page created by Brandon Goodman
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish
    Saint Anne Catholic Church                    Saint Winifred Catholic Church
    400 Hoodridge Drive  Pittsburgh, PA 15234    550 Sleepy Hollow Road  Pittsburgh, PA 15228
        P: (412) 531-5964  F: (412) 531-6901           P: (412) 563-1414  F: (412) 563-7279

Pastor: Fr. Michael Caridi
Sr. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Richard Infante
Deacon: Victor P. DeFazio
Deacon: Joe Kosko
Saturdays: 4:00 p.m.
Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m., Tuesdays: 6:30 p.m.
Saturdays: 5:30 p.m.
Sundays: 11:30 a.m.
Weekdays: Mon. 5:30 p.m., Wed. & Fri. 8:45 a.m.

Sunday: 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Saturday: CLOSED

Tuesdays: 5:15p.m.-6:15p.m.
Saturdays: Following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
           11:00–11:45 a.m.
Saturdays: 4:45 p.m.-5:15 p.m.                          FEBRUARY 9, 2020
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                                            February 9, 2020

Salt of the Earth

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading (MT 5:13-16 Jesus refers to his
disciples as the “salt of the earth”! By doing so, we come to an
understanding of what Jesus thought of them at this point in His
earthly ministry. From this allusion, we can also get an idea of
our Lord’s fundamental view of us who are called to
discipleship today and struggle to faithfully follow Him.

In Jesus’ time, salt was a highly valued commodity connected
with three basic qualities:

First of all, it was associated with purity because of its
glistening whiteness. The Romans believed that salt was
actually the purest of all things because it came from the purest
of all things, namely, the sun and the sea. Therefore, because of
its considered purity, salt was the most primitive offerings to the    ASH WEDNESDAY
gods. Even the Jewish sacrifices to Yahweh were offered with           Ash Wednesday is February 26, 2020. Our Parish Schedule for
salt. So, if the follower of Jesus is to be the “salt of the earth”    Masses and distribution of ashes is the following:
then he must be an example of purity, according to the mind of
our Lord.                                                              Saint Anne Church
                                                                       8am Mass
In today’s world this is tough, where immodesty in dress,              10am Mass
vulgarity and suggestiveness in speech and a general laxness in        12pm Prayer Service
moral standards have become the norm. Nevertheless, if we are          4pm Prayer Service
to be true to our own identities as followers of Christ - if we are    6:30pm Prayer Service
to be the “salt of the earth” - then we will always be willing to
engage in the struggle to guard our purity in regards to how we        Saint Winifred Church
dress, what we look at, how we view the people we’re attracted         8:45am Mass
to and how we speak one to another.                                    5pm Prayer Service
Secondly, in the time of Jesus, salt was the most common of all        By way of reminder, Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and
preservatives. In other words, it was used to keep things from         abstinence for Catholics between the ages of 18 and 60. Please
going bad and rotting. Therefore, in referring to his disciples as     remember to abstain from meat.
the “salt of the earth”, Jesus is revealing that we are to have sort
of an antiseptic influence on life. In other words, people should
find it easy to be good and virtuous when they are around us,
and that we will support, encourage and help preserve the moral        NEW OFFICE HOURS
goodness and beauty of other people. Being the “salt of the            The Main Parish Office, located at 400 Hoodridge Drive, has
earth” suggests our willingness to become agents of change and         changed its office hours on Sundays. The office will now be
purification when the culture and society in which we find             open on Sundays from 8:30am to 12pm. The following is the
ourselves becomes corrupt.                                             weekly schedule at the Main Office:

Finally, as is the case today, in the time of Jesus the most           Monday, Wednesday 8:30am-7:30pm
obvious quality of salt is that it gave flavor to food that was        Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30-4:30pm
bland, dull or even insipid. Thus, in referring to the Christian       Saturday: Closed
disciple as the “salt of the earth”, Jesus is telling us that we are   Sunday: 8:30am-12pm
to lend flavor to life and that our witness, the way we live, how
we interact with and love one another can become an exciting           The Satellite Office, located at 550 Sleepy Hollow Road, will
and compelling alternative to the people we meet along the way         continue on the same schedule. The following is the weekly
who are immersed in the boredom and darkness of the                    schedule:
prevailing culture.
                                                                       Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am-12pm
A real tragedy in the Church these days is that so often people
have connected observant Catholics with precisely the opposite.        The Faith Formation Office, also located at 550 Sleepy Hollow
They conclude that fidelity to Catholicism takes the flavor and        Road, will continue the same schedule. The following is the
spice out of life. Therefore, today’s Gospel reading is a real         weekly schedule:
challenge to all of us to rediscover the joy and radiance of life in
Christ and manifest it clearly to the world around us.                 Monday-Thursday: 12pm-6pm
                                                                       Friday: by appointment
                                                                       Saturday: closed
                                                                       Sunday: 10am-2pm
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                             MASS INTENTIONS                                                         READINGS & REMEMBRANCE
Monday, February 10th (St. A)                  8:00am      Frances Mineo (Bill Reffner)                      Sunday, February 9, 2020
                                                                                                           5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, February 10th (St. W)                  5:30pm      Patricia Cosentino (Patrick Mannion)            First Reading: Isaiah 58:7-10 (73A)
                                                                                                        Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Tuesday, February 11th (St. A)                 8:00am      Dani Miller (Dick Siak)                           Gospel: Matthew 5:13-16
Exposition to follow Mass

Tuesday, February 11th (St. A)                 6:30pm      Jean Swisher, BR (The Swisher
                                                           Family)                                         Sunday's Scripture Study
Wednesday, February 12th (St. A)               8:00am      Josh Lammert (The Gates Family)            Come to ponder next Sunday's Mass
                                                                                                     Readings. No homework. Coffee served.
Wednesday, February 12th (St. A)               8:45am      Dr. Fred Crock (Dr. & Mrs. Dennis         Thursdays 8:45-10am St. Anne Convent
                                                           and Franci Eberz)                          Room 4. For questions contact Helen
                                                                                                            Rafferty at 412-892-9284
Thursday, February 13th (St. A)                8:00am      Edward Page, Sr., BR (wife)
Thursday, February 13th (School)               8:30am      Edward J. Dithrich, Jr. (PTG)

Friday, February 14th (St. A)                  8:00am      Anne K. Keiser, AD (George F. Keiser
                                                           & Family)                                    Please pray for the souls of Norma
                                                                                                     Carso, William Zanone, William John
Friday, February 14th (St. W)                  8:45am      Fr. John Keane                             Wasko, and Albert Delsole who have
Exposition to follow Mass
                                                                                                     died. May their souls and all the souls of
Saturday, February 15th (St. A)                8:00am      Dr. Dennis A. Eberz (Paul Mavrinac)       the faithful departed, through the mercy
                                                                                                           of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Saturday, February 15th (St. A) Vigil Mass     4:00pm      Aileen O’Brien (O’Brien Family)

Saturday, February 15th (St. W) Vigil Mass     5:30pm      For the People of Our Parish

Sunday, February 16th (St. A)                  8:00am      James Schaming (Wife, Janice &
Sunday, February 16th (St. A)                  10:00am     Ryan Fazio (Aunt Nina & Uncle                          February 2, 2020
Sunday, February 16th (St. W)                  11:30am     Joelle Mauser (Winnie & Corrie                        Utilities:$1,096.38
                                                                                                            Totals include online giving.
Sunday, February 16th (St. A)                  6:00pm      Margaret Opferman (The Sue Fisher

  HELP US                          Visit
                                   2041859396068856/ or use the QR code here to like and follow our Facebook
  GET                              Page. Our goal is to reach 1000 Likes by the end of February. If you like our
                                   page, you will be entered into a drawing for a special prize! Contact the Parish
  1,000 LIKES!                     Office with questions by email at

                                      Saturday, February 15th and Sunday, February 16th
   Mass Times                4:00PM             5:30PM                8:00AM                10:00AM              11:30AM              6:00PM
                            C. Anthony          R. Davis             B. Faber             G. Balkovec            T. Leach         M. Onyruamoi
                            M. Anthony          D. Davis             S. Wasik             F. Balkovec            D. Leach          S. Anania
                            C. Robbins                                                     A. Barker

LECTORS                     M. Mahon           T. Marks            E. & K. Faber      A. Gillenberger          A. Barnhart          H. Killang

                            M. Manion        D. Levkulich           Deacon Joe            R. Belsterling       K. Barnhart           S. Routh
EUCHARISTIC                  R. Boff                                G. Rodgers            N. Belsterling        P. Bond                TBD

   Do you feel called to serve God in the Mass? If you are interested in joining our team of Altar Servers, Lectors, or Eucharistic
    Ministers, please contact our Sacristan, Mary Weaver, to learn about opportunities to get involved at Mass. (724) 814-2077.
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                            February 9, 2020

O Good
                          Saint Anne
                                             Alumnae Forensic News
                                             For the first time in school history, the Seton LaSalle Forensics Team
                                             won the overall sweepstakes award at a tournament. On January 11-
                                             12, the team competed at North Allegheny High School with over 400
                                             competitors. The Rebels won 1st Place for the Speech Sweepstakes
                                             category and 1st Place overall for the entire tournament, which
                                             combines Speech and Debate. Five of the nine students are alumnae
                                             of Saint Anne School: Hadia Killang, Alexandra Laverty, Anna Mathias,
                                             Sophia Messina, and Alexis Mueller. All team members that competed
                                             also placed in the top 10. Great job everyone!

Saint Anne School Honor Roll
Congratulations to the Following Students of Saint Anne School for Achieving Academic Excellence for the
Second Quarter of the 2019-2020 School Year

                                             Highest Honors
  Sarah Demel, Cecelia Jackovic, Laura Kutschke, Meghan Rodgers, Tessa Smith, Michael Todd, Mackenzie
   Wade, Sierra Cunic, Gwen Homerding, Emily Kubick, Gina Maola, Noah Mathias, Lauren Tarrant, Michael
                               Vogel, Benjamin Pasquarelli, Maeve Williams
                                                    High Honors
                               Alex Barker, Makenzie Korshlak, Leon Vo, Caleb Anthony
 Hope Klotz, Stephen Mescan, Alayla Bivins, Kamyla Morris, Kayla Naumann, Joshua Alvarado, Isaac Betlow,
                                               Talia Smith
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania   February 9, 2020
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                                             February 9, 2020

 Black History Month and The Catholic Church
 By: Matt Scruggs, Director of Young Adult and Adult Faith Formation

 When moving to Pittsburgh 4 years ago to pursue my doctorate in systematic theology, I was often told that Pittsburgh was one of
 the most livable cities in America. The housing was affordable, there were plenty of things to do, and there was an up and coming
 food scene.
 At the end of 2019, there was a study by the University of Pittsburgh that showed that, for some, Pittsburgh was not the most livable
 city. In fact, “Pittsburgh is considerably less livable for black men than other similar cities … particularly true when it comes to
 health and employment outcomes… Pittsburgh is arguably the most unlivable for black women.” Black women in Pittsburgh are
 97% more likely than other cities to be unemployed with black men not far behind with 87% more likely than other cities. The infant
 mortality rate is substantially higher for black children than white children compared to other cities. Reading these results are
 staggering and shameful.
 Now I am not black, nor am I a woman. But I am Catholic. 1 Corinthians 12:12 says, “as a body is one though it has many parts, and
 all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also with Christ.” To be Catholic is to be universal and to be universal is to
 be made up of all tribes, ethnicities, and races. So when one part of the Catholic body is hurting, so does the whole body.
 As February is Black History Month, I think it is important to discuss the ambiguous history of the American Catholic Church in
 regards to systematic racism. A recent document by the USCCB, called Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love,
 illustrates how Catholics have been complicit in systematic racism that leads to awful statistic such as the one conducted by the
 University of Pittsburgh. The Catholic Church in the United States was slow to condemn slavery and many Church leaders had
 slaves. At one point, 272 slaves were sold to save Georgetown University from financial ruin. To this day, there are no African
 American saints from the United States officially recognized by the Catholic Church. When we picture some of our favorite saints,
 such as St. Augustine, St. Perpetua, and St. Felicity, they are depicted as white, even though all of them hail from North Africa.
 Jesus himself, rather than being depicted as a person of color from the Middle East, is often depicted as white.
 Since this is black history month, I think it is important to reflect on the Catholic Church’s often ambiguous response to systematic
 racism faced by the African American community, especially its response to the recent study by the University of Pittsburgh. I think
 it’s important to not view Catholic History, as primarily white Catholic history, but to recognize that Black history is Catholic
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                                              February 9, 2020

FAITH FORMATION                                                       ORGANIZATIONAL EVENTS
Confirmation Retreat Scheduled                                        Tae Kwon Do Classes
The Confirmation retreat will take place on Saturday, April 25,       Se Jong Tae Kwon Do will be admitting new students from
2020 from 1 pm to 6:30 pm in Benedict Hall at St. Winifred            February 06 thru February 27, 2020. Classes are held in Saint
Church. This retreat is mandatory for all 8th grade students          Anne Church Harkins Hall in Castle Shannon on Thursdays from
preparing to receive Confirmation next fall. Lunch will be            7pm to 9pm. Students must be 8 years old or older. Students 8
provided. Please contact Matt Scruggs at                              through 12 years old must take class with an adult or older for more information.                   sibling. Please show up at the hall or call Mr. Gemeinhart at 412-
                                                                      462-2269 for further information. As always past students are
Pre-Cana Marriage Class                                               welcomed back.
Saint Paul of the Cross is having a marriage preparation class
on March 28th from 9am to 4pm in Harkins Hall. The class will         Fish Fry Volunteer Kick-Off Meeting
end with Mass at 4pm in Saint Anne Church. Please contact             Join us in Benedict Hall on Wednesday, February 12th for a
Matt Scruggs to register at             Volunteer Kick-Off Dinner and Meeting. Doors open at 5:30pm,
                                                                      soup and sandwiches will be served at 6pm, and the meeting will
Pub Theology                                                          being at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend! Please contact
February 27th at 7pm at Caliente's Pizza 329 Castle Shannon           Darlene Vietmeier with questions at (412) 343-6929.
Blvd. Join us for FREE Pizza and Beer at Caliente's Pizza and a
discussion of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishop's pastoral letter on racism called, "Open Wide Our
Hearts". A recent study conducted by the University of                SOCIAL MINISTRY
Pittsburgh and the City of Pittsburgh discovered that due to          Family Promise
systematic racism that Pittsburgh is the worst city to live in if a   On March 1 our Family Promise guests will be joining us for a
person is African American. We will discuss what does that            week. It takes 56 volunteers plus our coordinators to have a
mean for the Church who is made up of all peoples and how our         successful program. Have you ever donated your time? Each
faith demands that this changes.                                      volunteer slot is only two hours but each volunteer can make an
                                                                      enormous difference. Please think about participating in this vital

                                                                      program. For information call Deb Larson 240.426.5057

                                                                      Free Tax Assistance
Summit Bible Study, Tuesdays at 7 pm                                  Get fee help with your taxes at the Bible Chapel in McMurray,
Join us on Tuesday nights at the South Hills Chick-fil-A for          PA weekdays starting February 3rd through April 9th from
Summit Bible Study from 7 pm - 8:15 pm. No RSVP needed for            8:30am to 2pm. No appointments, first come, first served. Please
these weekly events - bring a friend!                                 contact the IRS with questions at 1-800-829-1040.

SUBSTANCE ADDICTION MINISTRY                                          RESPECT LIFE
Substance Addiction Ministry Presentation                             A HUGE thanks to those parishioners who joined us on the
Fr. Michael Decewicz will speak at 7:00pm, Wednesday,                 March for Life! This year we were blessed to have 15 students
February 12 in Harkins Hall. Fr. Michael’s talk is “The               travel with us in a bus almost filled to capacity! The weather
Challenge of Loving the Addict/Alcoholic” and is based on the         was great, the crowds unbelievable and the event itself was filled
parable of the Prodigal Son found in the Gospel of Luke. Fr.          with unbridled joy. Just to be able to hear songs and prayers
Michael is the Director of the diocesan Addiction Recovery            along the way in many different dialects - words cannot describe
Ministry and is Senior Parochial Vicar at St. Juan Diego Parish       the beauty of the day. Because of generous donors we were able
in Sharpsburg. No registration and the program is free. Please        to completely absorb our expenses without any cost to our
contact Jim Hanna, Pastoral Associate, for further information.       parish. Please mark your calendars now for Friday, January 22,
                                                                      2021 and prayerfully consider making the pilgrimage with us or
First Anniversary                                                     sponsoring a rider!!
The Addiction Recover Ministry of Madonna of Jerusalem
Church in Sharpsburg is celebrating its first anniversary             SAVE THE DATE: Monday, May 18 2020 is the date for the
TODAY, February 9, 2020 with an Anointing Mass for those              FIRST annual Pennsylvania March for Life sponsored by the
struggling with addiction or are in recovery at 3:00pm.               Pennsylvania Family Institute and the Pennsylvania Catholic
Following Mass, an activity and refreshments will be held in the      Conference. Mass at 9 am St Patrick's Cathedral and then a rally
John Paul I Center across from the church. Please direct              at 11 am at the PA State Capitol in Harrisburg and an approx 1
questions to (412) 784-8700.                                          mile walk around Capitol Square. All state lawmakers will be in
                                                                      session that day, so we will have a chance to remind them that
    Stay tuned for the release of our                                 Pennsylvania families stand for life. Please see the website:
                                                             for more information.

  Lenten Speaker Series                                               Respect Life next meeting Weds, February 19 in the Youth
                                                                      Room. All are welcome!!
                       next week!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish - Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania   February 9, 2020
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                   SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION
 Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. A Pre-Baptism class is required with
 your first child. Please call the parish office for registration and scheduling.
 Communion Calls and Visitation of the Sick: Please call the parish office if you or anyone you know would like to re-
 ceive the Sacraments of Anointing, Confession or Eucharist.
 Eucharistic Adoration: Eucharistic Adoration is offered every Tuesday after the 8:00am Mass in Saint Anne Church
 and Friday after the 8:45am Mass in Saint Winifred Church.
 Marriage: Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 1:30pm. Arrangements must be made with the parish priest at least
 six months in advance and a pre-cana class is required.
 Novena Prayers: Our parish maintains a perpetual Novena in honor of Saint Anne every Tuesday at 6:30pm in Saint
 Anne Church and in honor of Saint John Neuman every Wednesday after the 8:45am Mass in Saint Winifred Church.

                           Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: (412) 456-3093 (office) 1-888-808-1235 (Hot Line)
                                    PA Childline: 1-800-932-0313, Call 911 immediately if a child is in danger.

                             PARISH STAFF                                            MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS
Office                       Rachel Wanovich (412) 531-5964 x124     Bereavement                     Kathy Raimondi (412) 344-9690
                                                                     Bible Study                     Lois Yates (412) 531-2400
Business Manager             Mary Trageser (412) 531-5964            Book Club                       Lynne Aber (412) 833-3578
Bookkeeper                   Beth Guzowski (412) 531-5964 x127       Bowling                         Karen Howe (412) 953-5695
                                                                     Catholic Men’s Fellowship       John Raimondi (412) 344-9690
Pastoral Associate           Jim Hanna (412) 531-5964 x115
                                                                     Cub Scouts Pack 350             Brynn Hughes (412) 897-2488
Music Ministry               Brendan Lowery (412) 531-5964           Eucharistic Adoration           Mary Weaver (724) 814-2077
                               Fair/Fish Fry Committee         Rudy Richtar
                                                                                                     Darlene Vietmeier (412) 343-6929
Social Ministry              Jim Hanna (412) 531-5964 x115
                                Family Promise                  Debbie Larson (412) 343-3906
                                                                                                     Florine Kelly (412) 818-3169
Sacristan                    Mary Weaver (724) 814-2077
(St. Anne Church)              Food Pantry                     (412) 343-1915
Sacristan                    Andrew Barnhart (412) 452-6052          Funeral Mass Ministry           Mary Arden
(St. Winifred      
Church)                                                              Joy of Belonging                Parish Office (412) 531-5964

                             Faith Formation                         Knights of Columbus             Francis C. Hynds (412) 279-0798
Director of Faith            Mathew Scruggs (412) 563-1414 x37       Ladies of Charity               Mary Arden
(Adult & Youth Services)                                             Legion of Mary                  Sharon Dare (412) 833-7562

Director of Faith            Colette Speca (412) 563-1414 x27        Lunches for the Hungry          Kerry Boehner (412) 334-2018
Formation                       Mass Ministry                   Mary Weaver (724) 814-2077
(Elementary Education)

Faith Formation              Amanda Scruggs (412) 563-1414 x26       Men’s Club                      Andy Vater (412) 874-3603
Assistant                     Respect Life                    Kathy & John Raimondi
                                                                                                     (412) 344-9690
                       ST. ANNE SCHOOL
                                    St. Vincent de Paul Society      Parish Office (412) 531-5964
Principal                    Harmony Stewart (412) 561-7720          Substance Addiction Ministry    Jim Hanna (412) 531-5964 x115
                                                                     Sunday’s Scripture Study        Lora Angeletti
Secretary                    Kellie Coffey (412) 561-7720
                                Women’s Guild                   Darlene Vietmeier (412) 343-6929

Director of                  Yvonne Creehan (412) 561-7720           Working Hands to Heal Hearts    Joannie Brown (412) 657-7880
Saint Paul of the Cross Parish  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                                  February 9, 2020

                                              Welcome to
                                   Saint Paul of the Cross Parish!
 Please consider joining our parish by completing the form below and returning to our parish office or
                                   placing it in the offertory basket:
Family Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:__________________________________________________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Members registering: _____________________________________________________________________________


Tell us how you would like to get involved in our parish:



Website:                                   Flocknote:                                      Facebook:   @Saint Paul of the Cross Parish
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