St. Vincent de Paul Parish
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St. Vincent de Paul Parish The St. Vincent de Paul community lives out the Vincentian charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception. May 16th, 2021 The Ascension of the Lord “This Jesus will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven — Acts 1:1-1 Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M., Pastor Parish Center: 1010 West Webster Avenu Chicago, IL 6061 Phone: 773-325-861 Fax: 773-325-862 Email: info@stvdep.or Website: Facebook: stvincentdepaulparishchicago Mass Schedule Sunday: 10:00 am 5:00 p 8:00 pm (CCM) Thursday: 8:00 am m 1 6 4 0 g e / ”
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 2 Sunday Scripture Re ection Today as the People of God, we commemorate and celebrate the end of Jesus’ me on Earth. We recall his Ascension into heaven, when he returned to God. But it’s not simply a commemora on of a historical moment or an important event in the lives of the disciples; it has relevance for us here today. As we hear in today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus’ nal words before ascending to God were, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” This mission to be a witness to the Resurrec on is our mission today. We are a Church on a mission to proclaim what Jesus has taught us. We are on a mission to share the love of God with all we meet. We are on a mission to recognize where God is working in our lives. As a parish community, and as a part of the larger Church, we are called to make this love and welcome real in our lives: both individually and collec vely. Each one of us is called to spread the joy of the Gospel in our lives. As the living Body of Christ, we are called to be generous, giving of ourselves out of love for God and others. We are Christ’s presence in our city and world. As we gradually emerge from our COVID cocoons and re-engage with family and friends and fellow parishioners, we are reminded today of the importance of living out this mission together as community. I hope that this past year has helped us to see the great importance of community and communion with one another, and we seek to make it a greater priority in our lives. When we celebrate the Ascension, this is what we really celebrate. WE are the Body of Christ present in the world. We are connected with one another and with Christ. People get to know Christ because they know us and see the impact that our faith has. I close with a poem by the Spanish mys c St. Teresa of Avila. May this be our prayer today: Christ has no body now on earth but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ti ti fl ti fi ti ti
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 3 Pray : Serve : Share The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops tell us, “Work is about more than making a living; it is a form of participation in the creative work of God. People have a right to decent, meaningful work and fair wages. Workers have the right to organize and join unions, own private property, and to economic initiative. Work should promote the dignity of the worker. Our economy exists to serve people, not vice versa. Our faith calls us to demand justice for all workers and a just economy that serves the life and dignity of all. Likewise, our work contributes to the good life of our brothers and sisters.” Support of the Catholic Social Teaching theme of “The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers” in scripture is found below. Take a moment this week to read a couple of the excerpts from the Old or New Testament: • Genesis 2:1-3 God rests on the seventh day. • Deuteronomy 5:13-15 The Sabbath is for everyone—all are allowed to rest from their work. • Deuteronomy 14:28-29 The Lord blesses our work so that we may share its fruits with others. • Deuteronomy 24:14-15 Do not withhold wages from your workers, for their livelihood depends on them. • Sirach 34:20-22 To deprive an employee of wages is to commit murder. • Isaiah 58:3-7 To observe religious practices, but oppress your workers is false worship. • Jeremiah 22:13 Woe to him who treats his workers unjustly. • Matthew 20:1-16 All workers should be paid a just and living wage. • Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath. • Luke 3:10-14 Practice integrity in your work. • Luke 12:13-21 One’s worth is not determined by an abundance of possessions. • James 5:1-6 Those who become rich by abusing their workers have sinned against God. We welc e into the ch ch this weekend: Alexander William Garreau, Jr. child of Alex and Elizabeth Garrea Isabel Marie Kosciuek child of Neal Bryan Kosciulek and Christina Marie Javier Torre Ella Grace Zanolli child of Zachary Joseph and Grace Zanoll Grayson Michael Arizmendi child of Mark and Celia Mengel Arizmendi The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 om ur i u s
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 4 Pray : Serve : Share Baby Bottle Project Please return Baby Bottles this Sunday at Mass or Monday to the Parish Office, 9 - 5 Thank you to all who participated! Encouraging women to build friendship and community in our parish through faith and service. Join us to Pray the Rosary every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Visit our website for more information: Protecting LGBT Yout Our parish has joined a number of bishops, along with over 100 Catholic religious orders, parishes and schools, including DePaul University's Division of Mission and Ministry, to sign a statement from the Tyler Clementi Foundation to reject bullying and harassment of LGBT youth. We as a parish seek to live out the belief that each person has God-given dignity and worth and respond to the call to love our neighbor as Jesus commanded. To read the statement and see other signatories, go to https:// The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 h
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 5 Pray : Serve : Share Weekday Morning Mass for the Lincoln Park – Old Town Parishes at 8:00 am The five parishes in our Renew My Church Grouping are working together to offer a weekday Mass. You will need to follow the same procedures for health and safety as you would for attending Sunday Mass. Monday- St. Joseph Church Tuesday – St. Michael’s in Old Town Wednesday – St. Teresa of Avila Church Thursday – St. Vincent de Paul Church Friday – St. Josaphat Church The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 6 Pray : Serve : Share Our local council of knights at St. Vincent de Our local c Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action Paul Parish Programs, activities designed to serve our Programs, community while building upon core values of community charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. charity, un Membership is always open and we invite you Membersh to learn more about us. to learn mo For more information? Contact Justin Tucker For more in at at jmtucke Service and charity are at the heart of the Knights. Founded to Service and ch meet the needs of immigrants, refugees and families suffering meet the need from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small from the death service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial service organiz and charitable organization. and charitable VOLUNTEERS FOR CHURCH SOUP KITCHEN SERVICE GREETING We are in need of more volunteers to greet people Our soup kitchen needs volunteers to help serve and act as ushers. Currently, we have mass at on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in the 10am and 5pm on Sunday and 8am on Thursday, morning from 7:30-10am. In addi on, volunteers in addi on to bap sms and weddings on are needed to pick up dona ons at Costco on Saturdays. The number of masses and the Sunday morning at 9:15am. If you would like to celebra on of daily Mass depends largely on the volunteer or want more informa on, please availability of volunteers. If you would like to help, contact Nelson Mendoza at and are not part of the vulnerable popula on, or register at h p:// please contact Fr. JeremyOurat local council of knightswww.rotundaso at St. de Our local c or 773-325-4155. Seton_SandwichKitchen?enroll=1 Paul Parish engages in Faith in Action Paul Parish Programs, activities designed to serve our Programs, The Ascension of the Lordcommunity while building upon core values of community May 16, 2021 charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. charity, un ti ti ft ti ti ti ti tt ti
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 7 Pray : Serve : Share DO YOU RECEIVE PARISH EMAILS? Did you know that we send out weekly emails with parish updates, events and the e-bulle n? If not, please go to our website ( and subscribe to our newsle er. As we begin to have public mass, this will be your opportunity to get the link for pre-registra on for masses every Thursday. Also, please check to make sure it’s not going to your spam folder! St. Vincent de Paul Emergency Assistance Fund Are you or someone you know struggling with keeping up with bills or rent at this me? Thanks to some generous donors, we have created an emergency assistance fund. This will provide a one- me, short-term, emergency nancial support to parishioners, and those who are sponsored by parishioners. It is designed to give an extra hand to those of you who may be struggling nancially. Any of you who need this help are invited to apply here. Ministry of Praye While we are separated from each other physically, we are all connected in one spirit in Christ. “Being Church” means more than coming to a building. The Church is you and me – all of us together – living out our mission. This con nues even if we are physically separated. Let us pray for each other. We have formalized a Ministry of Prayer by asking the members of the Vincen an Women and Men’s Prayer group to pray for your inten ons each day. We now would like to invite anyone from the parish to par cipate. If you would like to join, please email Leslie Linke at If you have any prayer inten ons, please email Fr. Jeremy at or send a message to our parish Facebook page. As Catholics, we believe that our prayers make a di erence in the world. Now, more than ever, we must band together as a community of faith and keep this prac ce alive. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ti ff ti ti ti tt ti fi r ti ti ti ti ti fi
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 8 Pray : Serve : Share St. Vincent de Paul Parish Masses in the church: Sunday Mass at 10:00am, 5:00pm, and 8:00pm (DePaul University) (10:00am also streamed live on Facebook) Thursdays at 8a Parish Center Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) living out the Vincentian charism by serving and loving the Body of Christ without exception Financial Stewardship Actual Budget Current Previous Variance Current Mo Variance March 2021 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2021 Collec ons $ 26,648 $ 28,317 -6% $ 31,500 -15% Easter $ 145 $ - $ - Other $ 22,956 $ 19,981 15% $ 25,015 -8% Total $ 49,749 $ 48,298 3% $ 56,515 -12% YTD YTD Collec ons $ 252,713 $ 310,551 -19% $ 298,200 -15% Other $ 194,159 $ 236,584 -18% $ 214,135 -9% Total $ 446,872 $ 547,135 -18% $ 512,335 -13% Thank you for your continued support of St. Vincent de Paul Parish! Your commitment is vital to the scal health of our parish. For convenient regular giving, please consider using our auto-withdrawal program. Visit for more information. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ti ti m fi
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 9 Pray : Serve : Share Calendar of Events Sunday, May 16 Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook: First Communion, 10:00 am Mass, Church Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required) CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church Monday, May 17 Baptism Prep, 7:00 pm, Zoom Divine Mercy Chaplet - 7pm Tuesday, May 18 Music, Stillness, Solidarity - 5:30pm-6:30pm Evening Prayer in the Style of Taizé, 8:00 pm, CCM Facebook Live (@depaulccm) Wed., May 19 Pray the Rosary - 6pm Thurs., May 20 Mass, 8:00 am, Church, no reservation required. Sunday, May 23 Mass, 10:00 am, Church (registration required) and on Facebook: Mass, 5:00 pm, Church (registration required) CCM Mass, 8:00 pm, Church The Archdiocese of Chicago's O ce of Young Adult Engagement has gathered a list of online resources for your use during this time of social distancing and beyond. Visit to nd resources about local and national prayer opportunities, mental and physical health, books to read, podcasts to listen to and so much more. These resources are speci cally geared toward young adults to help them stay connected. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ffi fi fi
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 10 News & Notes ON THE ASCENSION (NO AND YES) Copyright 2021 by John B. Reynolds ( The Church gives us two options for the readings today, with one set of readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter (today), and one set for the Ascension (this past Thursday). Both options begin with Acts, but different passages. The second reading is from two different books all together, as is the Gospel. In the recent past, anyway, the Ascension readings have always trumped the 7th Sunday readings. So… I guess the Ascension account from Mark it is! Well, no and yes. We know that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John stress different things in their works, but they agree sometimes. The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, for example, is common to all four. They each speak of Peter’s denial, and of Jesus’s crucifixion and death. Interestingly, though, the Ascension doesn’t make the sweeps list. Far be it from me to challenge any of the Gospel scribes. But, c’mon. Who leaves out the Ascension? Not Luke, certainly! He writes about Jesus ascending twice, in fact (in his gospel, Jesus is “taken up,” and in Acts he is “lifted up”). John’s Ascension story is vague. He doesn’t explicitly write of it, but when Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene post-Resurrection, he tells her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father…’” OK. The Ascension-in-waiting. Matthew makes no Ascension reference at all, leaving us with the mysterious Mark. I said “no and yes” earlier re: his account because he gives us two endings. His original ending is abrupt when Mary and the others, upon hearing the white-garmented man’s instruction at the tomb to tell the disciples that Jesus is risen and is headed for Galilee, are “seized with trembling and bewilderment” and “say nothing to anyone…” Nope. No Ascension here. But in Mark’s “Longer Ending” (today’s Gospel, in part), Jesus is “…taken up into heaven,” and per the footnote in my Book, this ending was deemed canonical by the Council of Trent. Here’s the thing, however… Scholars believe that Mark didn’t write it. Because also per the footnote, “vocabulary and style indicate that it was written by someone other than Mark.” Someone, perhaps, who wanted a more defined conclusion? Per the “Longer Ending,” Jesus dies, rises, and ascends into heaven. It’s pretty neat and clean. But per the original ending, Jesus dies, rises, and is just kind of out there somewhere. It’s a bit messier. But you know what? I like the original ending precisely because it is a bit messier and doesn’t come to the neater/cleaner end. Oh, I subscribe to the Ascension. But I also subscribe to the notion that Jesus is just kind of out there somewhere. You know. As in, the neighbor down on his luck. As in, the woman asking for coins outside the grocery store. As in, the odd duck of the family we tend to shy away from. And remember: Jesus tells us that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for him. We are all called to be Christ for one another, but also for Christ himself. If he is just kind of out there somewhere, then, I think it wise we keep an eye out for him, and attend him as best we can. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 )
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 11 Re ection om Fr. Murphy Depositing Your Bank Account I recently came across an inspirational and convicting story about a 92-year-old woman who lost her husband after 70 years of marriage. On this particular day, she was moving into a nursing home—her new home after her husband’s death. After waiting patiently for several hours in the lobby, she was told her room was ready. She smiled sweetly. While gingerly maneuvering to her room with her walker, she was provided with a visual description of it including eyelet curtains that had been hung on the window. “I love it,” she said with enthusiasm. “Mrs. Jones, you haven’t even seen the room…just wait,” her escort said. “That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” she said. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. I already decided to love it.” “I make a decision every morning when I wake up, she explained. “I have a choice: I can spend the day in bed recounting the dif iculty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work (she is legally blind), or I can get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away just for this time in my life.” She went on to say, “Old age is like a bank account—you withdraw from what you’ve put in. My advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories. I am still depositing.” With a smile, she shared ive simple rules to being happy: free your heart from hatred free your mind from worries live simply give more expect less Email me at The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 fl fr f f
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 12 News & Notes Mass offerings are available for all weekend masses and weekday masses Request a mass to be o ered on behalf of your loved one. You can reserve one for the anniversary of a death or support someone during a di cult time, o er one for a birthday or wedding celebration, or however else you wish. We are still taking requests, but please contact Fr. Jeremy directly by email ( instead of calling the Parish Center. Giving DONATE with Zelle DONATE online • Select “Transfer $ using Zelle” • Enter • Enter an amount to donate • Send! • Register as a parishioner so we have your contact information The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ffi ff . ff
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 13 Weekly Intentions Please Pray for Our Sick Let us remember all those here at St. Vincent’s who are ill and in need of God’s healing and comfort. Let us keep them in our prayers and thoughts, especially: Sue Maris Allen, Elaine Anderson, Alyssa Beverly, Phil Bogert, Margaret Charles, Sommer Churchill, Danica Djalovic, John Garrity, Leticia Gross, Mary Hayes, David Neesan, Ruth Ohrem, Natalia De Los Rios, James Schwake, Joyce Wals Please contact Ginny in the parish center to inform us of those who are ill and in need of God’s healing and comfort. They will be listed in our bulletin for 4 weeks. Renewal of prayers for the sick is available by contacting Ginny at that time. If you would like Fr. Jeremy to visit the person (if they live in the area), please let Ginny know when you add them to the list. If you would like a mass intention for any open date, as well as other dates in the future, please contact Fr. Jeremy at to schedule. He continues to celebrate mass for your intentions in private. Mass O erings Sunday, May 16th 10:00 am – Mary Grecoina, 5:00 pm – People of the Parish Monday, May 17th Tracy Dolce (living) Wednesday, May 19th Livia Ledesma Thursday, May 20th The Bergles / Crawford Families Saturday, May 22nd People of the Parish Sunday, May 23rd 10:00 am – Patsy Von Grinsuen, 5:00 pm – Ryan Miller Welcome New Parishioners: Jenn Moore, Brandon & Taylor Thompson The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 ff h
St. Vincent de Paul Parish 14 Contact Us Parish Sta Rev. Jeremy Dixon, C.M. Pastor ...................................................................................................................... Robert Beatty Director of Music and Community Development …………………………………….. Rebecca Simons Evangelization & Faith Formation Coordinator ………………………………………. rcarmic1@depaul.ed Christopher Allen Communications Director ………………………………………………………………………. Mary Carter Administrative Assistant & Records ……………………….……………………………… Ginny Costigan Administrative Assistant ………………………………….…………………………………….. Suzanne Hannau Assistant Director of Music & Young Adult Ministry …………………………………. Jen Olson Director of Operations ……………………………………………………………………….. Jose and Salvador Perez Maintenance Bulletin Information Articles must be submitted on or before Noon on Saturday for the next weekend’s bulletin (earlier, for the week preceding holidays). Microsoft Word attachments are requested. Please make sure to indicate which Sunday date(s) you’re requesting. Please DO NOT send content by email, but instead use the Bulletin Submission Form: Contact Christopher Allen ( with any questions Website Information Submit news items, photos, PDF announcements, and similar promotional materials at any time to Christopher Allen. Please include your complete contact information in case we need to reach you. The Word Among Us ( is a Catholic devotional magazine with the daily mass readings and re ections. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops DePaul University ( has a ( has a daily video re ection on variety of resources regarding St. Vincent de Paul and the mass readings, as well as the readings the Vincentian Family, including articles, podcasts and interviews, in “All Things Vincentian.” Busted Halo ( is an “online magazine for spiritual seekers” sponsored by the Paulist Fathers. Saint of the Day ( provides a It includes re ections on faith and popular culture. short biography of the saint for the current day. The Ascension of the Lord May 16, 2021 fl fl ff fl u .
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