CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition

Page created by Evelyn Lawrence
CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
Cottonwood Courier                                              August 2021

               Messages for a Church in Transition
                           “In Christ Together for the World” = Our Purpose

Tom’s Corner:
Dear members and friends here at Cottonwood,
                 As I said in my letter that I recently sent you, it has been a privilege and blessing
                 to serve you as your interim pastor for the past two years, and as always, the
                 two things that we can always depend on in this life are God’s unconditional love
                 for us and change. That being said, the time has come for me to make that
                 change or transition from active full-time ministry to retirement.
                 It goes without saying this has been one of my most challenging and unusual
                 interims in my entire career. When Covid hit I didn’t have a clue as to what to
                 expect or even do for that matter? I fumbled along with everyone else trying to
figure out how to do church differently and make it work. By God’s grace and with your help we’ve
made it together. I believe God has sustained us thus far, and will guide this church into a brighter
future in the coming days, weeks, and months. I know there have been a few bumps along the
way, as there always are in each of the interim calls that I’ve served in. In fact, each of the 10
churches I have served in over the past 25 years have all been different, challenging, and trying
at times for parishioners and for me. Nonetheless, God has been the glue that has held them
together so that they can continue to share the love of God in Jesus Christ for all humanity and
At this point we all need to be praying daily for the PNC and the hard work they have been doing
for well over a year now. I know God knows the right person who is already selected to be your
next called pastor. Try to be patient until the Spirit leads the PNC and ‘you’ to call him or her here
to Cottonwood.
My prayers and thoughts go with you as we both will be moving in new directions in this journey
called ‘life’ in God’s good creation.
God’s grace, mercy, and blessings always be with you,
In Christ’s Service,
Rev. Tom Holslag - Interim Pastor (PCUSA)

               Join us for Pastor Tom’s Final Sermon
On August 8th at 10:00am Pastor Tom Holslag will be preaching his last sermon before heading
into a well-deserved retirement.
The Session and Congregation are grateful for his over 25 years of ministry and the two years he
has given us as interim Pastor and we wish him well as he steps forward into his next journey. As
a retirement gift, Session and the people of Cottonwood are allowing Pastor Tom to commence his
retirement early on August 9th with full salary in accordance with his notification letter.
Please join us in the garden after the Sermon for some light refreshments and a chance to say
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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
Pastor Nominating Committee
Let's be honest, the PNC updates are hard. Because the process is designed to be highly
confidential, there aren't a lot of specifics that can be shared. So much can change so quickly in
the life of candidates, as we've already experienced.
Rest assured that the PNC is still hard at work, following God's call and listening for the Spirit's
guidance. We are reviewing new candidates, as well as conducting Zoom interviews with more
serious prospective pastors. This process takes patience and prayer (a lot of both), while we search
for who will be the next pastor, with the gifts to serve Cottonwood today, and into the future.
We are very encouraged, knowing that he/she is out there and God will lead us to one another
in his perfect timing. We feel God at work among us. Thank you so much for your patience and
fervent prayers.

Submitted by Jody Good, Clerk of Session
   •   Session met on Thursday, July 15, 2021.
   •   Elder Rick Urbom opened with prayer and gave a devotional at 7:00 a.m.
   •   Meeting was held in the Fellowship Hall.
   •   Elders in attendance: Jody Good – Clerk, Ron Hunter, Nadine McAlister, Kristin McElwain,
       Steve Sands, Rick Urbom, Mark Zaba. Rev. Tom Holslag moderated.
   •   Minutes were approved from the June 3, 2021 & June 27, 2021 Session Meeting.
   •   Reports from church committees were received.
   •   We approved the use of the building for non-profit community use.
   •   Plans and options were discussed in regards to opening of church nursery.
   •   We discussed the dire need for volunteer Ushers and Tellers. If any member is interested
       in helping, please contact the church office.
   •   Outdoor Worship Service and packaged Communion Elements were discussed.
   •   Rev. Holslag submitted his letter of resignation.
   •   The Treasurer’s Report was presented:

                                    MONTHLY FINANCIALS
            June 2021
                    Income             Month of June                    Year to Date
                       Actual             $20,469.01                    $126,096.14
                       Budget             $16,744.04                    $200,926.94
                       Actual             $25,361.50                    $156,779.42
                       Budget             $28,377.34                    $340,528.10
                    Net (Income minus expenses)
                        Actual           -$ 4,892.49                   -$ 30,683.28
   •   Please continue to financially support the church. We look forward to increased giving.
   •   The next Stated Session meeting will be held on August 19, 2021.
   •   Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
Sunday Worship

AUGUST WORSHIP SCHEDULE: There will be one worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m.
   •   Worship Services will be held in the sanctuary on August 1, 8, 22 & 29. If you are unable
       to attend in person, worship services on these 4 Sundays will be live-streamed on YouTube.
   •   On August 15 (third Sunday of the month), worship service will be held in the area
       surrounding the SOUL Garden.
   •   We will celebrate the sacrament of communion a week later than usual on
       Sunday, August 8 during 10 a.m. worship in the sanctuary.

                             Mission and Outreach

                   Operation Hydration – Rescue Mission of Salt Lake

“As I write this, many parts of Utah have seen day after day of record-breaking temperatures. At
the Mission, we call it Triple Digit Danger (extremely high temperatures), which are creating life-
threatening situations for our homeless friends.
“And as we all bake this summer; many people have asked me about how Utah’s record heat is
impacting the homeless community and what the Rescue Mission is doing to help. One thing I
want everyone to know is that the need is real. It is humbling to see men and women crawl under
parked cars downtown to find some shade. It’s humbling to talk with people whose lips are
blistered and peeling as they express their appreciation for a bottle of cold water. “
The above was written by Chris Croswhite, Executive Director of the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake,
in their July 2021 “Rescuer” newsletter. Cottonwood Presbyterian Church has an opportunity to
assist in efforts to protect those experiencing homelessness, by donating the following for the
Rescue Mission’s “Operation Hydration”:
           •   Bottled water
           •   Sunscreen
           •   Lip balm with SPF (sun protection factor)
           •   Wide-brimmed hats
The Mission Committee donated 45 cases (1800 bottles) of bottled water to the Rescue Mission in
July as part of Cottonwood’s support of Operation Hydration. The donations collection table is
located in the west hallway near the Crossroads Food Pantry donation carts, with donations
accepted through August.

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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition

                             2021 Golden Celery Completion

Thank you to everyone who helped with the bagging of rice for the Golden Celery Competition.
1763.1 = total lbs. for the week of July 18th (1,368.1 lbs. of bagged rice and 395 lbs. of food
from the shopping carts).

Our final food donation to Golden Celery was 197.5 pounds giving us a total for July of 2499.3

                                       Deacon Digest
The human race is constantly on a quest for wisdom. This explanation of wisdom comes from the
Introduction to Proverbs in "The Message" by Eugene H. Peterson.
"Wisdom" is the biblical term for this on-earth-as-it-is-in-heaven everyday living. Wisdom is the
art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves. Wisdom has to do with
becoming skillful in honoring our parents and raising our children, handling our money and
conducting our sexual lives, going to work and exercising leadership, using words well and treating
friends kindly, eating and drinking healthily, cultivating emotions within ourselves and attitudes
toward others that make for peace. In matters of everyday practicality, nothing, absolutely nothing
takes precedence over God."
Thelma Wells in The Women of Faith Daily Devotional identifies wisdom from James 3:13,17.
   "Show wisdom by your good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from
  wisdom. The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,
     considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."

Susan Middleton, Deacon

                                        Small Groups

                                  Adult Small Group Study
                                    Mondays at 7 p.m.
                Most meetings are via Zoom, with occasional in-person outdoor gatherings.
                                 The group is studying Brian McLauren’s
           “Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It.”
                                 Questions? Please contact Sue Martin.

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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
                           Knowing someone is praying for you is so powerful.
             Please consider joining the small group who meets on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the
             Pergola for forty-five minutes of quiet meditation and prayer.

                                     Cottonwood Women

                                    Prayer Shawl Group
                          Monday, August 2, 1:00 p.m. in Room 1
Do you know how to knit or crochet or do you want to learn how? Come and share your time and
talent and make prayer shawls for CPC and for hospice patients. Yarn can be provided. Contact
Barbara White with questions.

                                   Presbyterian Women
                  Mark Your Calendar & Join August 5 and September 17-18
      This is your opportunity to participate in a PW Churchwide Gathering without
                 traveling, managing luggage, or being away from home.
           The Churchwide Gathering is ONLINE, Thursday, August 5, 2 - 4 p.m. MDT
                                The Online Churchwide Gathering Event will be held on Zoom and
                                also livestreamed on Presbyterian Women’s Facebook page. Zoom’s
                                capacity is limited, but the livestream on Facebook is open to all.
                                Go to PW’s Facebook page.
                                The online event will include plenary and worship. During plenary,
                                Irene Pak Lee—associate pastor at Stone Church in Willow Glen,
                                California—will offer a keynote.
                                You’ll also hear from PW/Horizons Bible study authors, present and
                                • Merryl Blair, author of What My Grandmothers Taught Me:
                                  Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of
                                  Jesus (2021–2022 study)
                                • Carol Bechtel, author of Celebrating Sabbath: Accepting God’s
                                Gift of Rest and Delight (2022–23 study)
                                • Olive Mahabir, author of Sacred Encounters:
                                The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of
                                Luke (2023–2024)
You’ll hear about programs and resources that Presbyterian Women cherish, and see messages of
hope and thanks from individual Presbyterian Women, PW groups and PW’s ministry partners.
During worship, Rev. Diane Moffet will preach and Austin College will provide music. Communion
will be celebrated as we Rejoice in Hope, newly confident in God’s promise to guide and support
us, and our PW community that strengthens us.
                       PWP of Utah Fall Gathering – September 17 – 18
                                 IN Person at Wasatch PC
                         Watch for details in the September Courier

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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
                                    Women’s Bible Study
                          CIRCLE 4 will start meeting again in this fall!
                   Tuesday, September 21st at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
           Pastor Jeff Silliman will be leading us through the Horizons Bible Study Guide –
                             “What My Grandmothers Taught Me”.
           Study guides will be available in September. If you would like to join the group,
                          please contact Gloria Faris or the church office.

                                   Cottonwood Men

                    MEN’S GOLF meets every Tuesday (weather permitting)
                       Mick Riley Golf Course, 421 E. Vine St., Murray
                         Please be at the golf course by 2:30 p.m.
                               No reservations necessary!
                      Just show up for a fun time of golf and fellowship.
                          Questions? Contact Jack Van Klaveren.

                                 Life at Cottonwood

                              WELCOME TO COTTONWOOD

                            New Member ~ Shayna Harlow
Home is where I hang my hat. I have lived in 8-10 different states as an adult for work. This is
my second time in Utah. Because I wasn’t raised in the church, I have attended a variety of
denominations throughout my travels across the country.
My professional career started in Kansas City MO where I was a police officer. I left to pursue my
degree in engineering and have been working in various engineering disciplines for the last 20ish
years. I currently work for a robotics company as well as have a website where I make and sell
handmade dog collars and occasionally other items-too many hobbies to count!
I live with my 2 dogs, Sgt. Friday and Natty, in Herriman.

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CottonwoodCourier August2021 - Messages for a Church in Transition
Surprise Visit from Stephanie and Roland

Stephanie Melton and Roland Baez’, our Whitworth University summer interns from 2018, made a
visit to Cottonwood. They interacted with the kids during the rice bagging service project on July
18th, and then with the youth on Monday night, July 19th at the youth hang-out. They got ice-
cream and then went to Murray Park to play games & catch up. They enjoyed lunches and dinners
with some of our members and stayed with Randy and Dorothy Urbom at their home. It was such
a gift to Cottonwood when Roland and Stephanie spent the summer of 2018 and then again when
they came for a visit in July 2021. They promised they would visit again next summer.

                                 Baptism in the Garden

                                                     Victoria and Samuel Greeff were baptized
                                                     during our July Outdoor Worship Service
                                                     in the beautiful setting of our SOUL

                                                     With joy and thanksgiving, we welcome
                                                     them into Christ's church; for we are all
                                                     one in Christ. We promise to love,
                                                     encourage and support them, to share
                                                     the good news of the gospel, and to help
                                                     them know and follow Christ.

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Stella and Peter are Back from Young Life Camp!
Frontier Ranch is in Buena Vista, Colorado nestled into the foothill of mount Princeton.
Young Life camp was an amazing experience for Cottonwood youth, Stella Hegngi and Peter
Onuoha. There was always something going on, moving from one activity to the next. But not only
was there a multitude of activities but the staff had a genuine desire to get to know kids on a
deeper level. Stella and Peter are thankful for the experience to view their relationship with God
and see where it is taking them. Thank you to Cottonwood for supporting our youth in this
meaningful endeavor.

                       Announcements & Messages

       Thank you to our loving and caring congregation for your financial support.
       Summertime gets busy for all of us and sometimes it is easy to forget to continue
       your financial support to Cottonwood. If you are behind on your pledge, it would
       be a great gift to Cottonwood to catch up on your giving.

       TELLERS NEEDED: Tellers are needed to count the Sunday offering after worship
       services. If you are available one Sunday each month to help out, please contact
       Nadine McAlister or the church office.

       FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 2nd quarter giving statements are available upon
       request. Contact Desta Aure or the church office.

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       The Building & Grounds Committee would like to remind everyone that the church
       does NOT need any of your used furniture, rakes, file cabinets, etc.
       Our church is NOT a dumping ground for your used “stuff”. Unless you have
       permission from our committee, please take your unwanted items to Goodwill,
       Savers, Deseret Industries, or other charitable organizations.
       Thank you. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Urbom, Elder, Building &
       Grounds, 801-560-4152.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for additional volunteers for Time with the
Children on Sunday mornings during worship. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your
life experiences and spiritual understanding with the Kids of Cottonwood. It would amount to
about 4-6 times a year that you would be called upon to help out. If you would like to help in this
capacity, please contact Diane Golladay or the church office.

CALLING ALL MUSIC-LOVERS! We would love to have more singers and ringers, and you’re
all invited to join us! You do not have to be able to read music to join either group.
   We will start rehearsals again in September at a new time
     • Bells will rehearse on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45pm.
     • Choir will also rehearse on Wednesdays, starting at 6:00pm.
Questions? Contact Kathy Fisher at            Come join in the fun!

       Aug 1    Lee Ann Barton                             Aug   17   Karen Jurgens
       Aug 2    Gloria Faris                               Aug   19   Stella Hegngi
       Aug 5    Doug Kirmer                                Aug   20   Jaden Calkins
       Aug 6    Judy Sweitzer                              Aug   21   Ron Owsley
       Aug 7    Vicki Kuhn                                 Aug   21   Dalyn Thomas
       Aug 7    Braxton Hawkes                             Aug   22   Nancy Kuhn
       Aug 8    Lee Flynn                                  Aug   22   Kristin McElwain
       Aug 9    Tom Barton                                 Aug   23   Colleen Alter
       Aug 9    Pamela Johnson                             Aug   24   Rev. Tom Abbott
       Aug 12   Bobbie Ivey                                Aug   25   Betty Hurlbut
       Aug 14   Rev. Jeff Silliman                         Aug   26   Clavis Fonguh
       Aug 15   Dorothy Crockett                           Aug   26   Mary Ensz
       Aug 15   Judy Van Klaveren                          Aug   31   Deb Abbott
       Aug 15   Sally Hoffelmeyer-Katz                     Aug   31   Colby Su
       Aug 16   Dick Saurer

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SOUL Garden

                                  Farmer’s Market
                    Every Sunday Morning from 9 – 11 am.
We have a great selection of tomatoes, along with squash, carrots, cabbage and lots more. Plan
your menus around all the fresh produce you’ll find each Sunday morning.

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August 2021
                   What to Expect at Cottonwood?
       ❖ Sunday Worship Services:
            ❖ August 1 – 10 a.m. Worship Service
            ❖ August 8 – 10 a.m. Worship & Communion Service
            ❖ August 8 – After Worship Rev. Tom Holslag’s Retirement Goodbye
            ❖ August 15 – 10 a.m. Worship Service in the Garden
            ❖ August 22 – 10 a.m. Worship Service
            ❖ August 29 – 10 a.m. Worship Service
       ❖ August 2 – Prayer Shawl Group
       ❖ August 5 – PW Churchwide Gathering Online
       ❖ Every Monday – Adult Small Group
       ❖ Every Tuesday – Men’s Golf (weather permitting)
       ❖ Every Wednesday – Prayer Group
       ❖ The Weekly Newsletter is emailed each week.
       ❖ Deacons are diligent is staying in contact with their care list and willing to offer
         a helping hand if needed.

   What can you do to help?
       ❖ Continue to pray for our church family & friends.
       ❖ Continue to reach out frequently to others by email and telephone,
         inquiring about their well-being, establishing new patterns of greater
       ❖ Continue to offer Christ’s kindness and compassion, grace and tenderness to
         everyone with whom you contact.
       ❖ Continue with your financial giving.

                          Cottonwood Presbyterian Church
                           1580 E. Vine Street, Murray, Utah 84121

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