UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality

Page created by Alberto Williams
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
3rd Quarter 2020


                               UMfolozi Municipality

  T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g
                                 uMfolozi Local Municipality
      25 Bredelia Street, Kwa-Mbonambi | Tel: 035 580 1421            |
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
       • Mayor's Message

Pg     • Municipal Manager's Message

     • uMfolozi Business Community Welcomes SMME Fair & Exhibition

     • Premier Zikalala Opens Dialogue for KwaMbonambi Community

     • R4,7 Million Investment Handed Over to Mbonambi Communities
Pg   • Protect Yourself & Others By Staying Informed Covid-19

     • MEC Bheki Ntuli Meets with Kwa-Sokhulu & Dondotha Communities

     • School Shoes Handover Brings Smiles To uMfolozi Learners
Pg   • Fight Against Gender Based Violence A Priority For uMfolozi

     • uMfolozi Awards Best Performing Matriculants
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
Mayor's Message
                                  Residents of uMfolozi, 2020             our counter surfaces at home on          for networking and mentorship
                                  was planned to be a year of             a regular basis, practicing social       between emerging small
                                  vigorous service delivery and the       distancing and quarantining              businesses and established
                                  implementation of many projects         ourselves when we feel we have           businesses. Richards Bay Minerals
                                  aimed at moving our Municipality        the symptoms.                            officially handed over the
                                  a step closer towards meeting our                                                upgraded Nhlabane and Mzingazi
                                  target of sustainable development.      The common symptoms of                   sports fields at a cost of R4, 7
                                                                          Covid-19 are fever, tiredness and        million as part of the company’s
                                  However as with the rest of the         dry cough. Some people may               social and labour commitments.
                                  world, South Africa now finds itself    experience aches and pains, nasal        Transport, Community Safety and
                                  in a position of uncertainty as we      congestion, runny nose, sore             Liaison, MEC Bheki Ntuli officially
                                  fight the Covid-19 pandemic. All of     throat and diarrhea. It is important     handed over the contractor for the
                                  our resources have been directed        to contact the free national             construction of the P232 Road in
                                  towards ensuring that South             coronavirus 24-hour emergency            kwaSokhulu.
                                  Africans are safe and protected         hotline on 0800 029 999 if you feel
                                  from the coronavirus. The national      you have any of these symptoms.          We also awarded top achieving
Cllr. Smangaliso Mgenge - Mayor   lockdown implemented by                                                          matriculants through our Matric
                                  President Cyril Ramaphosa was           Government has also launched             Excellence Awards and Bursary
                                  not taken lightly, however the          a national screening and testing         Programme and handed over
                                  President needed to make the            campaign that will see Community         school shoes to 120 learners still
                                  tough decision in order to save the     Health Workers going door to             within the basic education system.
                                  lives of many South Africans.           door to screen us for the virus. This
                                                                          is important as everyone needs to        I would like to thank our essential
                                  I urge us all to heed President         know their status in order to be         service workers for their continued
                                  Ramaphosa’s call of staying in our      assisted accordingly.                    commitment during this time.
                                  homes and only venturing out
                                  when it is absolutely necessary to      Before the pandemic came to              Let us all work together and
                                  do so. We must follow the health        our shores, we were on track             contribute towards flattening the
                                  guidelines of washing our hands         in our poverty alleviation and           curve for a healthier South Africa.
                                  with soap and water, using hand         developmental goals. We held
                                  sanitisers when we do not have          an SMME Fair and Exhibition in           Stay Home, Save South Africa.
                                  soap and water available, cleaning      an effort to provide a platform

Municipal Manager's
                                  South Africa along with the rest        immediate interventions to be            urge all our residents to trust the
                                  of world is currently faced with        executed by the Municipality.            Community Health Workers, as
                                  a pandemic that the world has           The Emergency Task Teams are             they are part of government’s
                                  not seen in recent times. The           led by His Worship the Mayor             effort to stabilise the coronavirus
                                  coronavirus requires for all our        Cllr SW Mgenge, Deputy Mayor             impact in our country.
                                  effort and resources in order for us    Cllr SR Thabethe and Speaker of
                                  to become victorious and stop the       Council Cllr ZD Mfusi who were           Let us all continue to stay home
                                  virus from devastating our country.     accompanied by ward councillors,         and only leave when it absolutely
                                                                          and Senior Management officials.         necessary to do so, wash our
                                  At the uMfolozi Local Municipality      This was our immediate response          hands, use hand sanitisers when
                                  we have heeded President Cyril          in our effort to raise awareness         it is needed and practice social
                                  Ramaphosa’s call and strictly           and educate our community.               distancing as advised by the
                                  adhered to the national lockdown                                                 government.
                                  rules and regulations. All non-         Through the leadership of
                                  essential services such as libraries,   Honorable Mayor Mgenge, we               We must all be united in our
                                  community halls and sports fields       are continuing our education             vision of following the rules and
Mr Khulumokwakhe Gamede           will be closed for the duration of      efforts. We are regularly informing      regulations in order for us to
Municipal Manager                 the lockdown with only essential        our residents on Covid-19,               flatten the curve. Our country
                                  services working. These services        and are implementing various             needs all our co-operation so that
                                  include Disaster Management,            programmes to sanitise and               we can get our economy working
                                  Waste Management and Municipal          disinfect public spaces such as          again and continue with our
                                  Protection Services.                    ranks.                                   developmental goals.

                                  We have already developed               The Department of Health is              Stay Home, Save South Africa.
                                  an Emergency Response Plan              currently embarking on a Covid-19
                                  to COVID-19, which outlines             screening campaign and we

01 | uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020                    T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
uMfolozi Business Community
   Welcomes SMME Fair & Exhibition
   An SMME Fair and Exhibition was held at the Amangwe Village Sports                Matlala said the company has palm oil operations in Indonesia, East
   Field on Thursday, 20 February 2020 in an effort to provide opportunity           Malaysia and some parts of Africa and has committed to invest
   for businesses within uMfolozi to promote their products and services             R1,3 billion in the Richards Bay plant. “It will have facilities for the refining,
   amongst each other in a more efficient and effective way.                         manufacturing, processing, storage, packing and handling of edible oils.
                                                                                     The refinery will not only provide a cost advantage for the company
   Held by the uMfolozi Municipality in partnership with Richards                    owing to its location near the Port of Richards Bay but will also be
   Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ), the Small, Medium and                    beneficial to the area and surrounding communities,” he said.
   Micro Enterprise Fair (SMME) and Exhibition held under the theme,
   “Empowering SMME's through innovation”, provided a platform for                   The session featured presentations from the uMfolozi Supply Chain
   networking and mentorship between emerging small businesses and                   Management Manager Mrs LF Mhlanzi who unpacked the SCM policy
   established businesses.                                                           to the audience. RBIDZ Supply Chain Management divisions shared
                                                                                     procurement processes, while the Moses Kotane Institute, Small
   Addressing the SMME Fair and Exhibition, Donavan Matlala from Wilmar              Enterprise Finance Agency SEFA and KZN Economic Development,
   Processing SA said there will be opportunities for local businesses in both       Tourism and Environmental Affairs Department provided information
   the construction and operational phases of the plant. “Next month we will         on financial and non-financial support available to small businesses.
   begin site clearing and civil works and we hope to have a running plant           Moses Kotane Institute informed the exhibitioners of funding available
   by April 2022. We are building a refinery, a fractionator and a pipeline. This    for researchers from Honours to PhD level.
   will be a huge facility, presenting many opportunities for locals. We hope
   to start the civil works on 15 March and use local subcontractors. In June,       In attendance, King Cetshwayo District Mayor Cllr NNP Mkhulisi, uMfolozi
   we should begin mechanical installation and then three months down                Municipality Deputy Mayor Cllr SR Thabethe, Speaker of Council Cllr ZD
   the line begin with electrical work and implementation,”                          Mfusi, uMfolozi Councillors and management, RBIDZ management and
   said Matlala.                                                                     officials, SEFA and Umfolozi TVET College.

   Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ) exhibition tent at the           A community member asking questions during dialogue at the
   uMfolozi SMME Fair and Exhibition.                                                uMfolozi SMME Fair and Exhibition.

    Speaker Dan Mfusi at the addressing the Community at the                         From the right Her Worship the Mayor of King Cetshwayo District Municipality
    uMfolozi SMME Fair and Exhibition.                                               Cllr Nonhle Mkhulisi with Deputy Mayor of uMfolozi Local Municipality
                                                                                     Cllr Smangele Thabethe.

T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g               uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020 | 02
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
Premier Zikalala Opens Dialogue
For KwaMbonambi Community
Provincial Premier Honourable              development in the area as well          Premier Zikalala also urged                and Traditional Affairs Hon.
Sihle Zikalala hosted an Imbizo at         as the slow pace of employment           community members to raise                 Sipho Hlomuka, MEC for Human
the KwaMbonambi at Nzalabantu              amongst women and the youth.             their concerns using the relevant          Settlements and Public Works Hon.
Sports Field.                              Issues concerning housing and            channels as his office is opened 24        Peggy Nkonyeni, Mayor of King
                                           safety were also raised.                 hours to the people of KwaZulu             Cetshwayo District Municipality
Addressing the community,                                                           Natal. The Premier condemned               Her Worship Cllr N. Mkhulisi, Mayor
Premier Zikalala detailed a                Honourable Premier Zikalala              violent roadblocks and the                 of uMhlathuze Municipality Cllr M.
progress report about the                  listened to the community’s              destruction of property.                   Mhlongo and Mayor of uMfolozi
Chiefiency of the kwaMbonambi              concerns and reassured them                                                         Municipality His Worship Cllr SW
community as well as matters               that the provincial government is        Premier Zikalala was accompanied           Mgenge as well as Senior Officials
concerning the community.                  committed to their development           by Provincial MEC for Transport,           from various Government and
                                           and addressing the challenges            Community Safety and liaison               Municipal Departments.
Community members of                       hindering the progress of the            Hon. Bheki Ntuli, MEC for Health
KwaMbonambi engaged the                    people of KwaMbonambi.                   Hon. Nomagugu Simelane, MEC
Premier on issues affecting                                                         for Cooperative Governance

Provincial Premier Honourable Sihle Zikalala addressing the community at the        MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Hon. Peggy Nkonyeni, MEC for
Imbizo the KwaMbonambi at Nzalabantu Sports Field.                                  Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Hon. Sipho Hlomuka as well as
                                                                                    the Mayor of uMfolozi Municipality His Worship Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge.

Mayor of King Cetshwayo District Municipality Her Worship Cllr Nonhle Mkhulisi      Community members who attended the Premier's Imbizo at the
addressing the community.                                                           Nzalabantu Sports Field.

03 | uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020                              T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
R4,7 Million Investment Handed
   Over to Mbonambi Communities
   On Thursday 5 March 2020, Richards Bay Minerals (RMB) officially handed           us that RBM is a part of life-changing events such as these.
   over the upgraded Nhlabane and Mzingazi sports fields at a cost of                We wish to encourage healthy lifestyles and a community that
   R4, 7 million as part of the company’s social and labour commitments.             understands taking care of one’s body can have positive effects on
                                                                                     one’s health,” said Mayor Mgenge.
   Two sub-wards of Mbonambi where the sports fields are located, namely
   Mzingazi and Nhlabane, will benefit from the facilities which includes            RBM’s Managing Director Mr Werner Duvenhage said that they are
   change rooms, ablution facilities, goals posts, grass planting and steel          committed to making a real difference in the communities that they
   grand stands.                                                                     live and work in. “These new facilities are an important marker of our
                                                                                     significant social and economic contribution to our host communities,
   His worship the Mayor of uMfolozi Municipality Cllr. Smangaliso Mgenge,           going well beyond the taxes and royalties paid and laying the foundation
   commended RBM’s contribution to uMfolozi’s local communities. “This is            for sustainable development. Sports is an essential part of life and these
   an important milestone in the life of the community of Mbonambi. I am             facilities will help create a safe and conducive space, particularly for youth
   sure school children and the youth will be celebrating as they will now           and pupils to come together and grow a spirit of sportsmanship, team
   have a place to let off steam whilst exercising and keeping fit. It delights      work, competition and excellence,” said Mr Duvenhage.

                                                                                                                     Unveiling the plaque to symbolise the handover
                                                                                                                     of the two sports fields, from the left is RBM
                                                                                                                     General Manager, Communities and Corporate
                                                                                                                     Relations Mr Bheki Nowele, Managing Director
                                                                                                                     of RBM Mr Werner Duvenhage and uMfolozi
                                                                                                                     Mayor Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge.

                                                         u M F O L O Z I M U N I C I PA L I T Y

                                      PROTECT YOURSELF
                                    and OTHERS BY STAYINg
                                      INFORMED COVID- 19
                                               HOTLINE : 0800 02 9999
                                            WhatsApp Support Line: 0600-123456

T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g              uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020 | 04
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
MEC Bheki Ntuli Meets With
Kwa-Sokhulu & Dondotha Communities
Transport, Community Safety and Liaison MEC Bheki Ntuli officially                      sponsor them with bursaries to further their studies at any future tertiary
handed over the contractor for the construction of the P232 Road in                     institution of their choice.
kwaSokhulu on Thursday, 13 February 2020.
                                                                                        Mayor Mgenge thanked the MEC Ntuli for his swift response to the
MEC Ntuli accompanied by His Worship, the Mayor of uMfolozi                             community’s request and urged the community not to damage the
Municipality Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge, a delegation from the Department                   infrastructure.
of Transport and uMfolozi Councillors and Management visited
kwaSokhulu Traditional Court and handed over the contractor for P232                    The delegation then proceeded to Dondotha Stadium where the
road to the community.                                                                  Department of Community Safety and Liaison hosted a Crime Awareness
                                                                                        Dialogue. One of the many concerns that the community raised was
The project by the Department of Transport is in partnership with                       the maintenance of roads. The community further pleaded with the
Richards Bay Minerals (RMB) and will cost just over R70 million. MEC                    Department to build a police station that will prioritise the Dondotha
Ntuli requested that the appointed contractor ensure that they identify                 Community as the Mbonambi Police Station is far away from Dondotha
two learners from surrounding high schools who are in matric and                        and this makes it hard them to report a crime timeously.

                                                             PLS PROVIDE HIGH RES PHOTO

His Worship the Mayor Cllr SW Mgenge during the          General Gonye addressing the                       The new contractors for the P232 Road.
Crime Awareness Dialogue.                                community in Dondotha.

                                 PLS PROVIDE HIGH RES PHOTO                                                         PLS PROVIDE HIGH RES PHOTO

From left: His Worship the Mayor, Cllr SW Mgenge, MEC for Transport, Community          From left: Inkosi Mthethwa, uMhlana Traditional Council, MEC for Transport,
Safety and Liaison, Mr Bheki Ntuli, Inkosi Mthethwa uMhlana Traditional Authority       Community Safety and Liaison Mr Bheki Ntuli and Inkosi Mthiyane Sokhulu
and Deputy Mayor Cllr SR Thabethe at the Crime Awareness Dialogue.                      Traditional Council during the handover of the contractor for P232 Road.

His Worship the Mayor Cllr SW Mgenge showing off the new uMfolozi DLTC                  The community of Sokhulu attending the handover of the contractor.
to the MEC of Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Mr Bheki Ntuli.

05 | uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020                               T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
School Shoes Handover Brings
   Smiles to uMfolozi Learners
   UMfolozi Municipality led                  the education and development
   by His Worship, the Mayor                  of children within uMfolozi. “All
   Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge handed              children must be equal at school.
   over school shoes to 120 learners          These shoes will bring confidence
   on the 28th and 29th of January            to our young learners so that
   2020 at Bhiliya Primary School             they are able to focus on their
   Ward 17 and Fuyeni Primary                 education and not worry about
   School in Ward 12.                         the shoes they are wearing,”
                                              said the Mayor.
   His Worship the Mayor also
   donated paper for printing and             Mayor Mgenge was accompanied
   committed himself to assist with           by Deputy Mayor Cllr Smangele
   sports equipment, a grass cutting          Thabethe, Speaker of Council Cllr
   machine, cultural attire and full          Dan Mfusi, Councillors, School
   uniforms for identified learners at        Governing Body, Municipal
   Fuyeni Primary School.                     Management and Ward
                                              Committee Members during the
   Mayor Mgenge said that the                 school visits.                         His Worship the Mayor Cllr SW Mgenge greeting the learners at
   Municipality is committed to                                                      Bhiliya Primary School in Ward 17.

   Fight Against Gender Based
   Violence a Priority for uMfolozi
   UMfolozi Municipality in partnership with the provincial Department of            abuse of women and children as our society will never reach its fullest
   Agriculture and Rural Development led by MEC Bongiwe Sithole - Moloi,             potential if we allow for such abuse to continue.” said Mayor Mgenge.
   officially launched the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women
   and Children on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 in Ward 2 in Amangwe                    King Cetshwayo District Municipality Mayor, Her Worship
   Village.                                                                          Cllr NNP Mkhulisi also attended the launch along with uMfolozi
                                                                                     Municipality and the District’s municipal officials.
   The campaign was launched under the theme “Enough is Enough,
   Khawuleza: End Gender Based Violence Now” and started with a Farmers
   Exhibition and a peaceful march against gender based violence that took
   place from Amangwe Sports Field to Mbonambi Town.

   His Worship, the Mayor Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge welcomed
   MEC Sithole- Moloi and the community thanked them for attending the
   important launch that forms part of government’s ongoing programme
   of fighting the scourge of gender-based violence. “We must as a
   community stand against abusers and allow for an environment that is
   safe for victims to speak out and seek help. We must all condemn the

                                                                                     uMfolozi Local Municipality Mayor Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge addressing the
                                                                                     community at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women
                                                                                     and Children campaign.


   uMfolozi Local Municipality Mayor Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge, Department of
   Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Bongiwe Sithole - Moloi and King
   Cetshwayo District Municipality Mayor, Her Worship Cllr NNP Mkhulisi leading
   prayer at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women         Community members that attended the 16 Days of Activism Against
   and Children campaign at Amangwe Village in Ward 2.                               Violence on Women and Children campaign in Ward 2.

T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g               uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020 | 06
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
uMfolozi Awards Best
Performing Matriculants
                                                                                         at a tertiary level,” said the Mayor           top ten list, thanked his family for
                                                                                         Mgenge. The Mayor further urged                the continued support in ensuring
                                                                                         education inspectors and officials             that they allocate enough time
                                                                                         to allow the school functionality              for him to study.  Gumede will be
                                                                                         programme to be conducted                      going to study Civil Engineering
                                                                                         every day and not just in January.             at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
                                                                                                                                        Mthobisi Ndlovu from Sphephelo
                                                                                         On behalf of uMfolozi Circuit                  High School topped the list of top
                                                                                         Management, the Chief Education                ten learners who did well under
                                                                                         Specialist Mr DD Biyela thanked                the uMfolozi jurisdiction. The most
                                                                                         the municipality for hosting an                improved schools were Gijimani
                                                                                         event that honours the learners                High School, Mkhosi High School,
                                                                                         and schools for their hard work.               Dondotha High School and
                                                                                         “We are proud of our learners and              Nhangwini High School.
                                                                                         teachers performance. To reach
                                                                                         matric is a huge achievement                   Zakhekahke Secondary, Mundi
                                                                                         because most of the learners                   Secondary, Nhlangwini Secondary
Excitement and pride were on                  beneficiaries, best performing             drop out along the way. We are                 and DlemuDlemu Secondary
the faces of learners, parents and            schools and most improved                  thankful to our parents who guide              School received laptops, trophies
educators when the uMfolozi                   schools. “Out of hardship we               them. Education Minister Angie                 and the certificates for obtaining a
Municipality honoured the top                 expect a good product. Fire does           Motshekga once said that the                   100% pass rate for the 2019 matric
achieving matriculants at the 2019            not destroy gold but it purifies           KZN province is like the elephant              year. Manqama High School,
Matric Excellence Awards and                  it. We are happy that the most             that runs with rabbits- if these               Khanyiselisizwe High School,
Bursary Programme held at the                 disadvantaged schools produced             principals were not there with                 Ekupheleni Secondary school,
uMfolozi Municipal Hall on Friday,            good results. We honour our best           their great commitment and                     uYengo Secondary school, Mningi
31 January 2020.                              performing learners with bursaries         continued support, we wouldn’t                 High and Welabasha High School
                                              and hope that these bursaries              reach this level. We positively                received certificates of excellence
Municipal Manager Mr                          become a motivation for new                contributed in our District with               and trophies.
Khulumakwakhe Gamede said the                 matriculants to study hard,”               double 100% in 205 schools,”
programme is aimed to award top               said the Mayor.                            said Mr Biyela.                                The awarding ceremony was
achieving learners as well as most                                                                                                      graced by the presence of Circuit
improved and the best performing              His Worship further said the               Dlemudlemu High School Principal               Management, uMfolozi Speaker
schools of the year in 2019. “We              learners are now working towards           Mr JV Fakazi said the teachers’                Cllr Dan Mfusi, Deputy Mayor
acknowledge and congratulate                  being independent members of               commitment and discipline of                   Cllr Smangele Thabethe, Ward
learners, schools that obtained               society. “Education is the route           the leaners contributed towards                Councillors, School Principals,
a 100% pass rate and the most                 to a better life so I urge different       the school becoming the                        learners from different schools
improved schools. This is also                stakeholders to support our                best performing school under                   and parents.
aimed at highlighting Operation               local schools and education as             the uMfolozi Jurisdiction in
Sukuma Sakhe that advocates                   a whole. I am also proud of the            2019. “Discipline and teachers’
and urges partnerships amongst                two learners from our jurisdiction,        commitment reaps good results.
government departments for our                Mthobisi Ndlovu and Nothando               We are thankful for the passion
schools and learners to do well,”             Khambule, for doing well and               showed by the class of 2019.”
said the Municipal Manager.                   putting uMfolozi on the map.
                                              We will also give each of them             Speaking on behalf of the
His Worship, the Mayor                        R10 000.00 so they are able to             beneficiaries Sbonelo Gumede
Cllr Smangaliso Mgenge                        go out and be our ambassadors,             from Isiphephelo High School
congratulated the 2019                        representing uMfolozi Municipality         who obtained position 5 on the

 Sbonelo Gumede who obtained the
 5th position on the learners top ten list   From left to right: uMfolozi Municipal    From left to right: Chief Education
 at uMfolozi Matric Excellence Awards        Speaker Cllr Dan Mfusi, Chief Education   Specialist Mr DD Biyela, and uMfolozi
 ceremony being awarded a laptop,            Specialist Mr DD Biyela, uMfolozi         Deputy Mayor Cllr Smangele Thebethe
 trophy and the certificate by Deputy        Deputy Mayor Cllr Smangele Thabethe       awarding the certificate, trophy and the         uMfolozi Speaker Cllr Dan Mfusi doing
 Mayor Cllr Smangele Thabethe and his        and Manqamu high School educators         laptop to Dlemudlemu Secondary School            his opening remarks at uMfolozi
 principal during the uMfolozi Matric        during the uMfolozi Matric Excellence     Principal Mr JV Fakazi, for topping the list     Matric Excellence Awards and Bursary
 Excellence Awards Programme.                Awards Ceremony.                          of the best performing high school.              Programme.

From left to right: Chief Education          Laptops, Trophies, Awards and             Trophies that were to be handed over to        Learners, Teachers, Principals, Councillors,
Specialist, Mr DD Biyela, a parent of the    certificates that were handed over to     top achieving learners at uMfolozi             and Municipal officials who were part
beneficiary, Deputy Mayor Cllr Smangele      the Most Improved, Best performed         Matric Excellence Awards.                      of uMfolozi Matric Excellence Awards
Thabethe, the Mayor Cllr Smangaliso          and top ten students at uMfolozi Matric                                                  Ceremony.
Mgenge, one of the educators from the        Excellence Awards Ceremony.
most improved school.

07 | uMFOLOZI NEWS - 3rd Quarter 2020                                 T h e Ye a r o f U n i t y , S o c i o - E c o n o m i c R e n e wa l & N a t i o n B u i l d i n g
UMfolozi News - uMfolozi Municipality
Important Numbers
Fire Department                Aids Toll Free Line           Kwambonambi Saps
060 901 7664                   080 001 2322                  035 580 1222
Emergency Call Centre          Stop Gender Violence          Kwambonambi IEC
086  100 3473 / 082 828 3549   0800 150 150 / 035 789 9111   035 580 1420
Disaster Management            Eskom                         Uthungulu Water
083 637 0643                   086 020 4560                  035 580 1018
Ambulance                      Spca NRB                      uMfolozi Municipality
10177                          035 753 2086                  035 580 1421
Childline                      Spca Empangeni
0800 055 555                   035 792 9129
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