St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022

St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
St. Peter’s Parish
 Rome, New York
  March 6, 2022
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
Page Two

                                                     MASS INTENTIONS

Saturday, March 5, 2022
   8:00am KATHY MILLER (Healing) by Pete Wood & MaryAnn Lyman
   5:00pm MARY MCADOO (2nd Anniv) by Mom
           JENNIFER JACKSON BUTLER by Jeannie
           RONALD J. FAZIO SR. by Bryan & Tania Walrath
           ROBERT & JOAN LEAHY by Jeannie Damon
Sunday, March 6, 2022 First Sunday of Lent
   7:30am JOSEPH FUSCO JR. by Christopher & Brenda Klara
           VLADIMIR WILLIAMS by Pete Wood & MaryAnn Lyman
 10:00am WILLIAM DEHIMER by Connie Burnham * CARL J. MASSETT JR. by Family
           PATRICIA ROSCOE PRITCHARD by Jeanette Reid
           WILLIAM “BILL” EVANS JR. by Sheila & David Semo
   6:00pm FRANK COSTELLO III by the Fragola Family
           WILLIAM J. RUANE by Mark & Cindi DeDominick
Monday, March 7, 2022
   7:00am BILL BARRY by Friends * PATTIE MASTRANGELO (Healing) by A.L.B.
 12:10pm BARBARA K. ACCHINO (Healing) by a Friend
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
   7:00am MARIAN NILES by Loving Daughter * JANE A. MARTIN (5th Anniv) by Husband Fred
           ED HERR (Healing) by A.L.B.
 12:10pm JOHN PEKARSKI by Mom & Dad
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
   7:00am CATHY “MURPH” CLEM (Living) by Pete Wood & MaryAnn Lyman * WILLIAM LENNON by A.L.B.
 12:10pm BOB PEACH by Ann Peach Lynch
Thursday, March 10, 2022
   7:00am MARIAN NILES by A. L. B. * DOROTHY TARBANIA by Ann Peach Lynch
           JOE SIMONS (B’day) by Wife
 12:10pm MICHAEL FERRIS by Kathy Miller
Friday, March 11, 2022
   7:00am CATHERINE HALEY MORGAN by Charles & Gretchen Sprock
           MSGR. JAMES KENNEDY by A.L.B.
 12:10pm FRANK COSTELLO III by Family * JOSEPH MICHAEL CHUBBUCK (B’day) by Family
Saturday, March 12, 2022
   8:00am ANTOINETTE & MARK SANITA by Granddaughter, Kim Ocuto
   5:00pm RONALD J. FAZIO SR. by Al & Jan Cidzik * BERNIE KASBY by Margaret Bovi
           FRANCIS PREMO by Amy Balog * JOAN & ROBERT LEAHY by Chris & Sharon Hansen
Sunday, March 13, 2022 Second Sunday of Lent
   7:30am BARBARA K. ACCHINO (Healing) by a Friend
           KATHRYN BOTTINI by LaDonna Allamon
 10:00am WILLIAM BEHIMER by Randy & Linda Iannotti * FRANK COSTELLO III by Lorrie & Bryan Whooten
           JOSEPH FUSCO JR. by Joe & Lorraine Griffo
   6:00pm JOHN MARMOL JR. By Loving Wife Carol
           MICHAEL CUSHMAN by Dorothea & Paul Iselo

                                  Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation from St. Peter’s Church
                          are now live streamed & available on the parish website:

                   Please remember our families, friends and parishioners in your prayers.
    Michelle A.            Robyn Engle                 Jesse Johnson                    Dale Newman            Brian Schilling
    Barbara K. Acchino     Carol Fasick                Lena Johnston                    Tari-Lyn Orton         Bradley Sharpstene
    Georgie Amodio         Beatrice Ferguson           Megan Jones                      Debbie Pacicca         Thomas Serra
    Leonard Amodio         Judith Ann Fesner           Jennie Kemp                      Clair Papadametrious   Emmalynn Sharrow
    Jayne Atwood           Joan Fiaschetti             Bill ”Dobbie” Link               Rachel Pawlikowski     Alexander Simpson
    Fr. Gabriel Berko      James Flemming              Michael Loso                     Barbara Pazdur         Freja Emily Simpson
    Paula Bailey           Diana Fowler                Lori Losowski                    Jim Pekarski           Spencer Robert Smith
    Raymond Barbar, Jr     Julianna Fusco              Anne Lubecki                     Joseph Petrelli        Sharon Sprague
    Chris Bousalis         Lauri Fusco                 David, Liz, Mitzi                Carol Piatt            John Stark
    Jimmy Brognano         Joanne Gaffey                Marcelletta                     Datie Ponath           Gabriel Streiff
    James Brooks           Augusta Ginsburg            Geoff Marchione                  Paul Powers            Neil Sutherland
    Carla Cacciatori       Scott Ginsburg              Russell Marchione                Patrick Quinn          Blanche Sweatman
    Lorayne Calicchia      Amanda Gold                 Pattie Mastrangelo               Bill Reese             Anne Toepp
    Stephanie Calicchia    Gail Greene                 Nicole Mathe                     Francine Riolo         Barbara Thomas
    Mary Carmody           John Hedrington             Marybeth Matyasik                John Ritchie           Rylin Turley
    Adam Carpenter         Joshua Hedrington           Brian McQueen                    Catherine Roman        Sr. Rosaire DeMare
    Annie Cimo             Mike Henry                  Carol Misiaszek                  Robert Roman           Vito Waterman
    John Cordsen           Billy Jo Hildenbrandt       Michael Mizgala                  Lisa Ryder             Ray “Dusty” Whitman
    Tom Delpico            William Herrig, Jr.         Ann Moster                       Kelly Sabia            John Wright
    Barry Dunning          Cora Sue Howe               Sonia Myers                      Jacqueline Schachte    Bernice Young
    Paul Eisinger          Jerry & Joan Jacobs         Beverly Nasci                    John Schachte

                                      Please call the rectory for additions, deletions and corrections.
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
Visit us at                                               Page Three

                                                                                                      Office Hours:
                                           St. Peter’s Parish
                                              200 N. James Street                                Monday * Tuesday *
                                             Rome, New York 13440                                    Thursday *
                                                                                            9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00-4:00pm
                                          Parish Office: 315-336-5072
                                         St. Peter’s Fax: 315-336-0855                              Wednesday * Friday
                                       E-mail:                              9:00am-12:00pm

 Pastor: Very Rev. Sean P. O’Brien, VF                                     REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE
Parochial Vicar: Father Bernard Menard                            WEEKDAYS               7:00 am
    Deacon: Deacon Nicholas Rosher                                SATURDAYS              8:00 am * Vigil Mass 5:00 pm
    Pastoral Associate: Laura Mack                                SUNDAYS                7:30 am * 10:00 am * 6:00 pm
       Seminarian: Ben Schrantz                                   HOLYDAYS               7:00 am * 12:10pm * 6:00 pm

                  PARISH STAFF                                                PARISH ORGANIZATION
                                                                                and PARTICIPATION
Director of Faith Formation: Laura Mack                           Altar Rosary Society: Mary Wahl
First Sacraments Coordinator: Jean Bauer                          St. Peter’s Senior Group: W. Warren Sickles, Jr.
Music Ministry: Barry Russo                                       Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Kathy Miller
Office Administration: Sharon Hansen                              Scripture Study: Betty Pettinelli
Administrative Assistant: Kathy Miller                            Funeral Preparations: Barbara Thomas
Maintenance Director: Mark Lagasse                                Hospital Ministry: John MacGaffick
Cemetery Superintendent: Kate Stephan                             St. Aloysius Catholic Center: Julie McCormick
Communications/Media: Joseph Stanton                              ASL Interpreters: Mary Margaret VanDamme
                                                                                              Gabby Griffin

               PARISH COUNCIL                                                       St. Peter’s Cemetery
           Pastor: Father Sean O’Brien                                     E. Dominick Street Rome 315-337-8307
             President: Kevin Barry                                                 St. Mary’s Cemetery
             Trustees: Bernard Kaier,                                      W. Liberty Street, Rome          315-336-3110
        Lawrence Riolo Jr., Timothy Sestito,
                 Barbara Thomas
                                                                                  Faith Formation Office
                                                                                 Online at:
           Next meeting March 8, 2022

    SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/                                            St. Mary’s/St. Peter’s Collection
            CONFESSION                                                                  February 13, 2022
       Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm or by Appointment
           SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM                                              Regular Collection             $9,941.60
                                                                              Electronic Giving              $1,195.52
     Please call the Rectory Office for information.
                                                                              Make-ups                        $335.00

           SACRAMENT OF THE SICK                                              Total:                        $11,472.12
  When a family member or friend may be in need of                                  Thank you for your support!.
     anointing, please call the Rectory Office.

                               A SPECIAL NOTE: For those who find it difficult to walk, etc.
               The front pews across the Church are reserved for you. Communion can be brought to your pew.
 If anyone needs Communion in any pew, please indicate that to the Minister of the Eucharist who will assist the person in need.
                 HEARING AIDS: Assistive hearing devices are available for loan in the Sacristy before Mass.
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
Page Four
                                                                      WINDOW/MEMORIAL FUND
                                                                             In Memory of
                                                                    DORIS PALINSKI by Geraldine Sears
                                                                    MISSION OF THE CHRIST CHILD
                                                                             In Memory of
                                                                    DORIS PALINSKI by Diane Mumpton
              SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2022
            First Communion Class 9:00AM
                    Parent Session                                        THE SANCTUARY LAMP
                                                                     Will burn the week of March 6, 2022
              MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2022                                              In Memory of
               Grades 1-6 6:00-7:00PM                                        MARY MCADOO
               Grades 7-8 7:30– 8:30PM                                              by Mom
              SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2022
            First Communion Class 9:00AM
                                                               DISCOVER THE MESSAGE GOD HAS FOR
                 No Confirmation Class
                                                                   YOU THROUGH THE PROPHETS
                                                                A 10-WEEK BIBLE STUDY FEATURING
                                                                         THOMAS SMITH
            MONDAY, MARCH 14 , 2022
             Grades 1-6 6:00-7:00PM                                 Wednesdays beginning on January 19, 2022.
             Grades 7-8 7:30– 8:30PM                                Next class March 9, 2022. 6:00PM—7:30PM
                                                                       at St. Aloysius Center 400 Floyd Ave.
             JESUS’ LITTLE FRIENDS                                    Cost-Registration to purchase online access and
                                                                                      get a workbook.
              SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2022                
                At the 10:00AM Mass                                                    -gods-mercy

             SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2022                            Everyone is welcome for fellowship and to watch the video
               At the 10:00AM Mass                                     even if they don’t purchase the study set.
                                                              Online access allows you to do the study at home if you can’t
            Follow us at: St. Mary’s/St. Peter’s                    make all the sessions during the winter months.
             Faith Formation Facebook page.                        Call St. Peter’s Rectory to register. 315-336-5072


             “Come and listen to my story,” says
             Purple, “a tale of pain and feeling
             abandoned by God with an amazing
             and surprising ending. The story of the
             resurrection of our Savior and King.”
     Now that the church has entered the Lenten                                        performing a variety of
season, the liturgical color changes from green to purple.                               music including jazz
Purple symbolizes both the pain and suffering leading up                                standards, Broadway
to the crucifixion of Jesus, as well as the suffering of                                    & pop tunes.
humanity and the world under sin.
     But since purple is also the color of royalty, it re-                                     March 27th
minds us of Jesus’ resurrection and hope of newness that                                         3PM
will be celebrated on Easter Sunday. Jesus is our King,
our royal King.

             Fast . Pray . Give
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
Page Five

   LENT & HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE                                                   ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY
                  THE LIGHT IS ON...
                    CONFESSIONS                                                                SAVE THE DATE:
                March 8th-April 12th.                                                           MARCH 24, 2022
     MONDAYS: 5:00PM-6:00PM St. Paul’s Church
     TUESDAYS: 5:00PM-6:00PM St. Peter’s Church                             The annual parish-wide St. Patty’s dinner is
          followed by Benediction at 6:00PM                                           at 6pm in the Church Hall.
    WEDNESDAYS: 4:30PM-5:30PM St. John’s Church                                  Catered by Eddie’s Paramount Diner.
              STATIONS OF THE CROSS                                  Corned beef & cabbage, parsley potatoes, baby carrots, rolls,
          March 4th 7:00PM at St. Paul’s Church                                          beverages & desserts.
        March 11th 7:00PM at Transfiguration Church                   Tickets are $18.00 per person & will be available after all
         March 18th 7:00PM at St. Peter’s Church                              masses on March 12-13 & March 19-20.
        March 25th 7:00PM at Transfiguration Church                         There will be music, a 50/50 & door prizes!!
           April 1st 7:00PM at St. Peter’s Church                      And as always time for us to come together as a parish
          April 8th 7:00PM at St. Joseph’s Church                             family for great company & good food!!!
                                                                                      Sorry — NO TAKE OUTS
                   HOLY THURSDAY                                               If you have any questions please contact
                 7:00PM at St. Paul’s Church                                         Mary Wahl at 315-533-6907.
                     GOOD FRIDAY
                 3:00PM at St. John’s Church                       Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, April 21st, 6pm
                                                                       in the church hall. Please consider attending one of our
                HOLY WEEK RETREAT                                           meetings. Your time & talents are welcomed.
                   at St. Paul’s Church
      Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00PM-8:00PM                       Please consider becoming an ARS member. We are a fun,
                   HOLY SATURDAY                                      productive group of ladies whose mission is giving service
                    at Individual Parishes                                  to our clergy, our parishioners and our church.
                  8:00PM St. Peter’s Church
                    EASTER SUNDAY                                             ALTAR AND SANCTUARY CARE
                  at Individual Parishes                                                     MARCH:                   Mary Wahl
     7:30AM * 10:00PM * 6:00PM at St. Peter’s Church                                                                  Fran Rose
                                                                                             APRIL:                   Diane Sjodahl
                                                                                                                      Char Rondinelli
              BEREAVEMENT GROUP                                           ___________________________________________________________________________________

                at St. Paul’s Parish
      Meetings are held the second Sunday of the month.
                                                                                     THE MERRY MAKERS
      For more information call Celeste 315-794-9851                            KNITTERS, CROCHETERS & SEWERS
                                                                              Our Next Meeting: March 9, 2022 6-9p.m.
THE MISSION OF THE CHRIST CHILD                                                 Beverages, Desserts and Light Snacks
                                                                                           will be served.
        The Food Pantry is an all volunteer team that                       For More information call Cate: 315-225-7900
      distributes free food to low and middle-income
  families from the mission office at 400 Floyd Ave. every                        To anyone who can knit, crochet or sew:
 Tuesday. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team,
      please call or text the Mission at 315-281-9492.                     The MERRY MAKERS is a group of knitters,
                                                                  crocheters & sewers who currently knit and crochet hats, mittens
                    The Mission Served:                             and scarves for local school children. For cancer patients we
                                                                             make chemo caps, lap robes and prosthesis
                      March 1, 2022                                             (to fit into mastectomy patient's bras).
                    Households -     53                                   We also make adult bibs, masks and walker bags.
                    Children -      33                                   We give all these items to the local school nurses,
                    Adults -        58                                     cancer & infusion centers , local adult facilities
                    Seniors -       35                                             and to individuals upon request.
                                                                  If you or someone you know are in need of these items or if you
                    Total People Fed: 179                                       would like to join us in this endeavor,
                                                                            please call Cate Powers at (315)337-2289 or
                                                                    (315)225-7900. If you have items to drop off, or if you need
          Thanks to all the volunteers that staff the                        more yarn, please call ahead.(315)337-2289
               Mission Food Pantry each week                             Thank you all for continuing to produce so many
  and to all of the parishioners that generously support the                beautiful items for the people we care about.
  Mission with food donations and financial contributions.

                 PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS                                                 GREETING CARD MINISTRY
         Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.                   If anyone knows of a St. Mary’s/St. Peter’s Parishioner who is ill, in
                Protect them as they protect us.                  a nursing home or home bound, and would like to receive a
Bless them and their families for the selfless act they perform   greeting card, call Debbie Pinti 315-337-5982 or email
    for us in our time of need, and give us peace. Amen. with the person’s name and address and our
                                                                  team will gladly send them a greeting card to brighten their day.
                                                                                  Thank you in advance for all your help!
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
Page Six                                         Visit us at

                   KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
                       COUNCIL #391
                              112 Ridge Street
                              Rome, New York
    The next business meeting of the Knights of Columbus
Council #391 will take place at 7PM Thursday, March 10, 2022
at Council Hall, 112 Ridge Street, Rome. It will be preceded at
6:30PM by the Holy Rosary.

                              The faithful are encouraged to
                              pray the Rosary, especially on the
                              22nd of each month, with the
                              intention that the Supreme Court
                              will decide that laws which protect
                              the unborn are not in conflict with
                              the US Constitution. Please say
                              this prayer to adopt a spiritually an
                              unborn child: “Jesus, Mary and
Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the
unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of
abortion.” Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

     The Knights are looking for interested Catholic males over
18 to join and help support our area churches and community.
For information to learn about the Knights call 315-337-4010 or
join online at us and use Council 391.

                                                                                   Pope Francis asks us to pray for one of his
             FAMILY PERSPECTIVE                                                       published intentions each month.
                                                                                      To pray with the Pope daily
                      First Sunday of Lent                                            visit:

     Jesus “was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.”                                     MARCH INTENTION
What is the wilderness in your life to which the Holy Spirit is                     FOR A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE
leading you this lent? Perhaps there are uncharted areas in your                   TO BIOETHICAL CHALLENGES
marriage or family relationships. Spend this Lent in your                 We pray for Christians facing bioethical challenges; may
“wilderness” with God’s work. Where is the Spirit leading you         they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer
this Lent?                                                            and action.

                                                        10475 Cosby Manor Rd
                                                           Utica, New York
                                                              (315) 735-6210
                                              CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP

     Caring’s not the hard part of caregiving. The Good News Center is hosting a free and open to the public monthly
Caregiver Support Group. Meetings are the third Monday of the Month (except holidays) from 6-7:30PM. facilitated by
Susan Read, MS,RN. This group provides a source of emotional and social support for those caring for a loved one. We welcome
adults, spouses, family members or friends in the caregiver role to attend. Upcoming meetings are March 21st and April 18th. Please
call the Good News Center at 315-735-6210 Monday –Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM to register for both in-person or virtual meetings or
email us at


     The Good News Center invites you to travel with us October 3-14, 2022. Our pilgrimage to Greece will be led by our spiritual
leader, Fr. Mark Kaminski. Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul as we visit Thessaloniki, Corinth, Greek cruise ship while visiting
various Greek Isles including Rhodes and Santorini. Price includes round trip airfare, ground transportation from the Good News
Center to the airport and when you return, ground transportation back to the Good News Center. For more information, contact the
Good News Center 315-735-6210 or visit https://www.thegoodnewscenter,org/resources-copy-copy/?fl builder
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
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St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
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                  Contact Manuelo West
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                   (800) 477-4574 x 6301

                  Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •   St. Mary’s / St. Peter’s Parish, Rome         06-0174
St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022 St. Peter's Parish Rome, New York March 6, 2022
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