Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany

Page created by Mitchell Francis
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
                         ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH
                                     Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!
                         September 12, 2021                 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                    12 de Septiembre, 2021                   24 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

How do you
your faith to

¿Cómo demuestras
tu fe a las demás?

 Mass Schedule of Intentions                +Repose ~Intention
September 11 — 17                                          Sunday, 9/19 8:30 AM + Wallace McMills
Saturday, 9/11 5:00 PM + Sophie Badger                     Sunday, 9/19 10:30 AM + Val Hellman
Saturday, 9/11 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s      Sunday, 9/19 12:30 PM + Emiliano Ochoa-Garcia
Sunday, 9/12 8:30 AM + Steve Austin
Sunday, 9/12 10:30 AM + Marietta B. Balbas                          Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles
Sunday, 9/12 12:30 PM + Liborio Castillo Rodriguez         If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular
Tuesday, 9/14 7:00 PM + Antonia Cortez Quiroz              Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would
Wednesday, 9/15 8:30 AM + Sean Alpapara                    like to dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one,
Thursday, 9/16 8:30 AM + Jack Keller                       please call the parish office. The suggested stipend for the
Friday, 9/17   8:30 AM + Anne Mitchell                     Mass is $10. The candles are $30 for 1 month, $60 for 6
                                                           months, or $90 for 1 year. Our office staff will help you
September 18 — 19                                          find an open date and time for a Mass, or available
Saturday, 9/18 5:00 PM + Sophie Badger                     candles for dedications.
Saturday, 9/18 7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s

                                            Prayer Corner 
                  Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers.
              If you would like to add the name of someone to the Prayer Corner, please call the office.
For those who are ill or homebound: Fritz Trance, McKenzie family, and for all those struggling with illnesses,
                                       upcoming surgeries or cancer.
We remember our family members and friends who are serving in the military, and we pray for peace throughout
                                       the world.
For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed: Fred “Fritz” Lang
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
Estimados feligreses,

"Es divertido hablar de la cruz, hasta que empezamos a cargarla".

Estas palabras son del P. Benedicto XVI durante nuestra convocatoria de sacerdotes
hace unos años. Me hizo reflexionar sobre cómo llevo mis propias cruces mientras
vivo mi vida ministrando al pueblo de Dios. Me di cuenta de que existe el peligro de
que me pierda la realidad de lo difícil que es llevar la cruz. Como sacerdote, me he
encontrado con muchas personas que llevan diferentes cargas. Siempre les recuerdo
cómo somos uno con Cristo en Su sufrimiento cuando llevamos nuestras cruces.
Automáticamente me refiero a los sufrimientos por los que atraviesan las personas
como cruces que les ayudan en su camino hacia la santidad, y siento al Espíritu Santo
trabajando cuando veo signos de alivio y esperanza que comienzan a mostrarse en sus rostros. Pero lo que el
P. Benedicto XVI nos dijo durante nuestra convocatoria me recordó que como ser humano y seguidor de
Jesucristo, también tengo que cargar con mis propias cruces. Sus palabras me recordaron las cruces muy
reales que enfrento y necesito llevar ... y no, no es divertido llevarlas.

Creo que este es un buen recordatorio para todos nosotros. Hablar de las cargas y los desafíos diarios de
nuestra vida o hablar de nuestras cruces no es suficiente, ¡tenemos que llevarlos! Recordemos que somos
testigos de Jesucristo, no solo el Cristo resucitado, sino también el Cristo sufriente y moribundo. Ahora bien,
¿cómo afrontamos nuestras cruces? ¿Solo hablamos de ellos o los cargamos? No es divertido, pero llevémos-
las con esperanza, porque si en la fe somos uno con Jesús en Su sufrimiento, también seremos uno con Él en
Su resurrección.

En Cristo,
P. Maro.

                            Estamos trabajando en un nuevo directorio. Este tiene opciones en línea para un
                            uso y acceso fácil. Todavía estamos disponibles en la oficina para ayudarlos a
                            ingresar a nuestro Directorio en línea y brindarle sugerencias cuando sea
                            necesario. Para aquellos que se le dificulta el uso de computadoras, tabletas o
                            teléfonos celulares, podemos tomar su información que elija compartir e
ingresarla por usted.
Habrá copias impresas del directorio, con una donación voluntaria, a los feligreses registrados a partir de

                                Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
                        Saint Peter Claver, Jesuit Priest, Spain, Patron of Black Missions (1580-1654) -
                                                           Feast Sept 9
                 Nourished and sustained by Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and Mary’s intercession, this well-
                 educated Jesuit spent his life caring for black slaves in South America, vowing to be “the
                 slave of the blacks forever.” St. Peter baptized 40,000 black slaves and brought them God’s
                 healing love through Holy Communion. With loving patience he fed, clothed, and
                 ministered to the sick, reflecting God’s love. St. Peter is the patron of all missions to the
                 black people.

                                        Rosary for Vocations - Come join us!
               The monthly Rosary for Vocations FOR SEPTEMBER will be at 6pm on the 2nd Monday of the
               month by the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows between the church and the parking strip on 8th
                           street. Don’t forget to bring back the prayer guide from last time.
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
Dear Parishioners,

"The cross is fun to talk about, until we start carrying it."

Those words are from Fr. Benedict during our priests convocation a few years ago. It
made me reflect on how I carry my own crosses as I live my life ministering to God's
people. I realized that there is a danger for me to miss the reality of how difficult
carrying one's cross really is. As a priest, I've met with so many individuals with
different burdens to carry. I always remind them of how we are one with Christ in His
suffering when we carry our crosses. I automatically refer to the sufferings that
individuals go through as crosses that help in their journey to sainthood, and I feel the
Holy Spirit working as I see signs of relief and hope start to show in their faces. But
what Fr. Benedict told us during our convocation reminded me that as a human being and a follower of Jesus
Christ, I have to carry my own crosses too. His words reminded me of the very real crosses that I face and
need to carry... and no, it is not fun to carry them.

I believe this is a good reminder for all of us. Talking about the burdens and the daily challenges of our lives
or talking about our crosses is not enough – we have to carry them! Let us remember that we are witnesses of
Jesus Christ – not just the resurrected Christ, but also the suffering and dying Christ. Now, how do we face
our crosses? Do we just talk about them or do we carry them? It is not fun, but let us carry them with hope –
because if in faith we are one with Jesus in His suffering, we will also be one with Him in His resurrection.

In Christ,
Fr. Maro.

Prayer Shawl will meet on Monday, September 13 from 9 - 11:00. The meeting has been temporarily moved
to the St. Therese of Lisieux Room during the repair of the St. Francis Room. Supplies needed for the
meeting or projects can still be gathered from the St. Francis Room the day of the meeting and
returned. Masks are still mandated. For more information call Carol Hawke at 541-979-5994, or
her email is the-hawkes@comcast.net

If you would like to help those in New Orleans, use the following link to donate
through Catholic Charities: https://app.mobilecause.com/form/YR3ZYA?vid=l7cuc

                              WE NEED MORE HELP!!!
We need all EM’s to tell us their Mass of choice in order to be able to serve everyone. If you are flexible in
which Mass you can serve at, please let us know that, too. There will be NO Precious Blood distributed at
this time. Only the Host. There are a few other alterations to the system which we will show you. For now,
please sign up on the sheets in the entry by the Gathering Space.
                                         God Bless you for all you do!

We are working on a new Directory. This one has online options for easy access and use. We are still
available at the office to help you gain entry into the online Directory and to give tips where needed. For
those who do not work with computers, tablets or cell phones, we can take your
information which you choose to share and enter it for you.

Printed copies of the directory will be available, for an at-will donation, to
registered parishioners beginning with Advent.
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
Like singing or play an instrument? Come join the K-8 Children/Youth Choir!
       Rehearsals: 1st and 4th Wednesday of the month beginning in October.
       Where: 1st Wednesday in the church, 4th Wednesday in the practice room.
       Time: 7pm
       Mass: 4th Sunday of the month at 10:30am.
       Contact: Nushia Lake – 541-974-6235/olphmusic@stmarysalbany.com

ARCHBISHOPS APPEAL 2021:                    Total Given: $28,457.00
                      Goal: $58,218.40                             Percent of Goal: 48.88%

Safe Haven Laws in Oregon (information courtesy of the Knights’ Oregon, That’s Life! newsletter)
Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to anonymously surrender their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven
provider within a specific time after birth. Each state has its own unique Safe Haven law. While each law has
similar components, the age and location restrictions differ per state.

The Oregon "A Safe Place for Newborns" law allows a birth parent (mother or father) to leave a
newborn infant at an authorized facility. As long as the baby is 30 days old or younger, is handed to
someone working there, and shows no signs of abuse, there will be no legal consequences for making this
choice. An “Authorized facility” is one of the following:
   Hospital                   Doctor's Office                        Birthing Clinic
   Police Station             Sheriff Office                         Fire Department

No appointment is necessary to leave the baby. The individual leaving the child does not have to give identi-
fication, but will be offered a health information form for the child which may be filled out then or

The authorized facilities required to notify the Department of Human Services of the abandoned infant with-
in 24 hours of receiving the child. The Department of Human Services is deemed to have protective custody
of the infant from the moment the infant was left at the facility. The child will be placed in foster care.

If the parent changes his or her mind about leaving the baby, the parent may seek custody in court. Ability to
seek custody will be limited to the time before the court makes a decision to end the parental rights.

Information can be found on these websites:
    Oregon Health Authority www.oregon.gov/oha
    National Safe Haven Alliance: www.nationalsafehavenalliance.org/
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
                     Renewing the tradition of praying the family Rosary together is the primary mission of
                   rosaries.com. Rosaries.com has created free printable/downloadable materials that are
  perfect tools for renewing the tradition of praying the family Rosary together during these difficult times.

                                EL ROSARIO FAMILIAR:
    Renovando la tradición de la oración el rosario familiar juntos es la misión principal de
  rosaries.com. Rosaries.com ha creado gratis materiales imprimibles/descargables que son
   herramientas perfectas para renovando la tradición de rezando juntos el rosario familiar
                               durante estos tiempos difíciles.

                                                             Gift Shop
               The Catholic Daughters of America will have their gift shop open after
              Masses this weekend. They have items in, like Saints cards, rosaries,
crucifixes, books, statues, and more! If you need something ordered, please contact
Dorothy Gall at 541-619-1255.
                                   La Tienda de Las Hijas Católicas de America
              Las Hijas Católicas de América abrirán su tienda de artículos religiosos después
       de cada misa este fin de semana. Tienen tarjetas de oración, rosarios, crucifijos, libros,
imágenes, y más! Si usted necesita ordenar algo pase a la tiendita , comuníquese con
Honorina Manuel Contreras a la oficina 541-926-1449.

                                   Usted puede ayudar a su matrimonio.
¿Se siente sola o solo? ¿Están frustrados o enojados entre los dos? ¿Hablar de eso lo hace más difícil la situacion?
Retrouvaille (se pronuncia retro vay) ayuda a las en los momentos difíciles de su matrimonio. Retrovaille es para las
parejas que desean tener un redescubrimiento en su matrimonio y mejorar su comunicación. Puede visitor
 www.retrouvaille.com para conocer testimonios. Para información confidencial o para registrarse para el fin de
semana en Junio 4-6, 2021 en Monte Angel, St. Benedict, Oregon. Llame al 1-800-966-7981 o visite el sitio

        WorldWide MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER:                         “For God did not send his Son into the world to
        condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” Bring God into your marriage to
        honor Him by attending a virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. If you find it difficult to com-
mit a whole weekend, try our once a week experience for seven weeks. To apply for YOUR WWME Experi-
ence or search for dates go to rediscoverthespark.org. For information about WWME call 503-853-2758 or by
email at reservations@rediscoverthespark.org

“Year of St Joseph”                     in you Mary placed her trust;
                                        with you Christ became man.
                                                                                 Obtain for us grace,
                                                                                 mercy, and courage,
Pray with us:                                                                    and defend us from
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,    Blessed Joseph, to us too,                    every evil.
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. show yourself a father                                        Amen.
To you God entrusted his only Son; and guide us in the path of life.
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
                                  Las personas mayores de 18 años que les faltan
                                  sacramentos de Bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión les
                                  invitamos para que se registren, podemos ayudarles en
                                  este proceso que llamamos Rito de iniciación cristiana
                                  para adultos (RICA).
                                  Durante el proceso se le ayudara a discernir si aun no esta listo
para recibir este sacramento.
Este proceso es un modelo de la antigua practica de la Iglesia Catolica del Siglo Cuarto cuando
los Catecumenos, (aquellos que deseaban ser bautizados) viajaban a traves del proceso que los
llevaría a recibir al final los tres Sacramentos juntos.
Catecumeno: una persona que necesita los tres Sacramentos de Iniciacion: Bautizo,
Confirmacion, y Eucaristía.
•   Candidato para Confirmación y Eucaristía: una persona ya bautizada en la Iglesia Catolica
    o una Iglesia de otra denominacion y quiere ser aceptado dentro de la Iglesia Catolica y
    recibir Confirmacion y Eucaristía.
•   Candidato solo para Confirmación: una persona ya bautizada y que haya recibido la
    Eucaristía, pero necesita completar el Sacramento de Confirmacion para completar su
•   Candidato solo para Comunión: una persona ya bautizada que ha recibido Confirmacion,
    pero que nunca completo el proceso de recibir la Sagrada Comunion.
•   Le damos la bienvenida a estas personas.
Para mayor informacion puede contactar a la hermana Herlinda al 541 223 1866 o puede
mandar un mensaje con sus preguntas al olphministeriohispano@stmarysalbany.com

               "Año de San José"                         Bendito José, para nosotros también,
                                                         te muestras como un padre
Grandioso, Guardián del Redentor,                        y guiarnos en el camino de la vida.
Esposo de la Santísima Virgen María.                     Obtenga para nosotros gracia,
A vosotros Dios os confió a su Hijo único;               misericordia y valor,
en ti María depositó su confianza;                       y defiéndenos de todo mal. Amén.
contigo Cristo se hizo hombre.

                          Excerpt from Archbishop’s 8/30/21 statement
       (See full statement at https://archdpdx.org/news/statement-on-oregon-mandates-210830 )

“No letters can be written by priests or other Church officials to support an individual’s request for religious
exemption. This is because the matter is strictly between the employee and the employer. Also, no Church
official can state that receiving the vaccination is contrary to the moral teachings of the Church, given the
moral guidance provided by the Church as referenced above.
Individuals can be directed to use National Catholic Bioethics Center materials as a reference to craft their
own letters of conscientious objection.“
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
Saint Mary’s Adult Catechesis Seminar (ACES)
“In the Image and Likeness of God” – A Course in Theological Anthropology
       By: Dr. Brian Morin
“Great truths can only be forgotten and can never be falsified.” – G. K. Chesterton
Looking to deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith? Do you want an intellectual engagement with a
rich 2000-year-old tradition that sees no conflict between faith and reason? Then the Saint Mary’s Adult
Catechesis Group (ACES) is for you.

First Class Tuesday, (07SEP2021) at 6:30 PM (St. Max Coffee Shop) – What does it mean to be
made in the image and likeness of God? This question and more will be explored for an entire semester
beginning in September 2021 as ACES restarts after a long hiatus. The entire fall semester will be dedicated
to the study of theological anthropology or what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God.
Topics will Include but are not limited to:
    Human begins according to scripture – Image of God and Son of God
    Historical perspectives on Humanity
    Grace and Justification from the Catholic perspective
    Nature and the Supernatural
    Human persons and the Trinity
Contact Dr. Brian Morin at brian.morin@mtangel.edu for more information.

            Daily Readings                                    “Fall” for 40 Days for Life!
            SEPTEMBER 2021                      The fall 40 Days for Life campaign starts in September. There
                                                are 5 campaigns in Oregon: Bend, Eugene, Klamath Falls,
11 Sat [BVM] 1 Tm 1:15-17/Lk 6:43-49 (442)
12 SUN Is 50:4c-9a/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35       Portland, and Salem. It will run from September 22 through
(131) Pss IV                                    October 31. For more information, see
13 Mon Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church 1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 7:1-10
14 Tue The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Nm
21:4b-9/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17 (638) Pss Prop
15 Wed Our Lady of Sorrows 1 Tm 3:14-16         5th Sunday Rosary                                  KNIGHTS OF
(445)/Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 (639) Pss                                                          Albany Council
                                                To help bring families together in a               1577
Prop                                             spiritual activity and promote devotion           www.kofc177.org
16 Thu Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian,     to Mary, the Albany Knights of
Bishop, Martyrs 1 Tm 4:12-16/Lk 7:36-50
                                                Columbus are pleased to continue with the 5th Sunday Rosary
                                                Program. Knights, their families and other parishioners are
17 Fri Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and
                                                encouraged to pray the rosary as a corporate body every time a
Doctor of the Church; Saint Hildegard of
                                                                 5th Sunday occurs in a month.
Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church] 1
Tm 6:2c-12/Lk 8:1-3 (447)
18 Sat [BVM] 1 Tm 6:13-16/Lk 8:4-15 (448)
                                                                The next 5th Sunday Rosary services will be
                                                                conducted on September 30th & 31st
NARY TIME Wis 2:12, 17-20/Jas 3:16—4:3/                         The Knights will lead a decade of the Rosary
Mk 9:30-37 (134) Pss I                                                      before each mass.
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
                    ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH
                              815 Broadalbin St. SW Albany, OR 97321-2469
              Email: olphoffice@stmarysalbany.com               www.stmarysalbany.com
                     PH: 541-926-1449                           Fax: 541-926-2191
Pastor: Rev. Mariano “Maro” Escano, ext 303            Hispanic Ministry Director: Hna. Herlinda
       olphpastor@stmarysalbany.com                       Rodríguez Ruiz, ext. 306
Pastoral Associate: Ace Tupasi, ext 304                   olphministeriohispano@stmarysalbany.com
       olphpastoralassociate@stmarysalbany.com         Volunteer Religious Education Coordinator: Honorina
Administrative Assistant: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 302      Manuel Contreras, ext. 308
       olphoffice@stmarysalbany.com                       olphfaithformation@stmarysalbany.com
Receptionists: Marty Kloeck (AM), Janice Woolsey,      OLPH CT Ministry: olphcommuntecm@gmail.com
       Margie Harshberger and other volunteers         Soup Kitchen Director: Patricia Jacobson, ext. 317
       olphreceptionists@stmarysalbany.com             Facility Custodian: Les Porter
Finance & Administration Director: Joy De Castro,      Custodian & Security: Don Marcum
       olphfinance@stmarysalbany.com ext 305           Office hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM
Music Director: Nushia Lake, ext 319
       olphmusic@stmarysalbany.com                     For EMERGENCY calls (death), dial the regular
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Rosa Vargas, ext. 309            number and Press 1. You will automatically
       olphyouthministry@stmarysalbany.com                   be connected to the emergency line.

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish;
                     Sunday 8:30AM & 10:30AM English, 12:30PM Spanish
DAILY MASSES:        Tuesday 7pm Spanish; Wednesday to Friday 8:30AM English
CONFESSIONS:         Saturday 3 - 4:30PM No appointment necessary
ADORATION: In the church is last Tuesday of the month 6-7pm;
             In the Adoration Chapel is 5am—12am every day
                                   In Times of Need
PRAYER CHAIN: Diana Hendrickson, stmarysprayerchain@yahoo.com or 541-730-5288
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss,
please contact Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or the-hawkes@comcast.net.
                                 FORMED: formed.org/signup            97321

Bienvenidos a su casa a su parroquia Nuestra Señora Horario de las Misas en español
del Perpetuo Socorro                                         Sábado: 7:00pm          Domingo: 12:30pm
                                                             Martes: 7:00pm
Clases del Bautismo
                                                     Horario de las Confesiones
El ultimo Sábado de cada Mes a las 4:00PM
                                                             Sábado 3:00pm - 4:30pm
(Pero, no durante cuaresma, ni Diciembre)
Favor de no traer niños a la clase.                  En nuestra Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo
Es muy importante que usted pase a la oficina para   Socorro / Santa María. Hay diferentes grupos los
llevar el acta de nacimiento original del niño/a.    invitamos a formar parte de esta familia parroquial.
                                                     Durante COVID, es posible a reunirles por ZOOM.
Los bautizmos son el tercer sábado de cada mes a las Lunes: Grupo Apóstoles de la palabra 7:00pm
12:00pm (Pero no durante Cuaresma).                  Lunes: Grupo San Juan Diego para hombres 7:00pm
Para preguntas puede llamar o venir a la oficina de    Lunes y Viernes: Grupo Carismático a las 7:00pm
lunes - viernes. 9:00am - 4:00pm                       Miércoles: Grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres 7:00pm
541-926-1449                                           Jueves: Apostolado del Oratorio de Nuestra Señora de
                                                       Fátima 6:00pm
Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany Welcome! Bienvenidos! - OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH - St. Mary's, Albany
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