April12th,2020 12deAbril2020 - EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE PASCUA - Parishes Online

Page created by William Richards
April12th,2020 12deAbril2020 - EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE PASCUA - Parishes Online
April 12th,
  EASTER    2020
         SUNDAY    12 de Abril 2020
                   DOMINGO DE PASCUA
April12th,2020 12deAbril2020 - EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE PASCUA - Parishes Online
ST. PETER PARISH                                         SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

             Saint Peter
                                                                      A Prayer for Protection
           Catholic Church                                             in Time of Pandemic
             100 Saint Peter Drive
                  P.O. Box 248
               Douglas, MI 49406                                                          O Mary,
                                                                              You always brighten our path
Parish Office:     269-857-7951                                             As a sign of salvation and of hope.
Website:     www.stpeter-douglas.org                                  We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
Facebook:      @stpeterdouglas                                         Who, at the Cross, took part in Jesus’ pain
                                                                            While remaining steadfast in faith.
Pastor:          Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF                                             O loving Mother,
                 fr.garzon@stpeter-douglas.com                                  You know what we need,
Deacon:          Dcn. Tony Nethercott (Retired)                        And we are confident you will provide for us
                 Dcn. Arthur Morsaw                                               as at Cana in Galilee.
Sisters:         Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND                                  Intercede for us with your Son Jesus,
                 Hna. Maria Eugenia Gómez, MSDE                                   The Divine Physician,
                 sr.maria@stpeter-douglas.org                                  For those who have fallen ill,
Pastoral Associate                                                            For those who are vulnerable,
Rick Hardy                                                                    And for those who have died.
rick.hardy@stpeter-douglas.org                                            Intercede also for those charged with
Business Administrator:                                                 Protecting the health and safety of others
Ralph Hensley                                                           And for those who are tending to the sick
ralph.hensley@stpeter-douglas.org                                                   And seeking a cure.
                                                                            Help us, O Mother of Divine Love,
RCIA, Pastoral Care & Administrative Assistant:
                                                                           To conform to the will of the Father
Marianne Hoffman                                                            And to do as we are told by Jesus,
marianne.hoffman@stpeter-douglas.org                                            Who took upon himself our
Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization:                              Sufferings and carried our sorrows,
Alisha Giles                                                               So as to lead us, through the Cross,
alisha.giles@stpeter-douglas.org                                         To the glory of the Resurrection. Amen.
Communication Coordinator:                                                Under thy protection we seek refuge,
Liliana Van Dam                                                                   O Holy Mother of God.
liliana.vandam@stpeter-douglas.org                                       In our needs, despise not our petitions,
Liturgical Director:                                                     But deliver us always from all dangers,
Nancy Maslanka                                                            O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
                                                                        Adapted from the prayer of Pope Francis
Music Director:
Sr. Olivia Latiano,SND
Maintenance:                    857-7951
Funeral Planning:               Parish Office ext. 0
Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org              “Lord, the one You love is sick.”
Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org                                       Jn 11:3
Capital Campaign: OnTheRock@stpeter-douglas.org
                                                               The St. Peter Prayer Line unites parishioners in a spirit of
ST. PETER MASS SCHEDULE                                        Christian Charity to pray for the needs of our parishioners,
Saturday:            5:00 pm                                   especially: Luella Kerridge, Jackie Diaz, Reese Holmes,
Sunday:              8:00 am and 10:30 am                      Saúl Suárez Jr., Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard,
Week Days:           8:30 am M, T, Th, F
(if a funeral is scheduled, there will be no mass that morn-   Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott, Dolores
ing)                                                           Snyder, Br. Larry Sparacino, OSA, Tom Doucette and all
Holy Days:           8:30 am and 7:00 pm                       the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer Line. The group will continue
Morning Prayer: 8:15 am, M-F                                   to pray for your request until they hear differently from you.
Confessions:        Sat 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration on the 2nd Thursday of each
                                                                If you know of a person who is ill that you would like the par-
month from 9 am - 9 pm in the Church.
                                                                ish to pray for, please put his name in the basket in the vesti-
Holy Hour of Reparation in the church on the 13th of
                                                                       bule to be taken up at the Offertory on Sundays.
each month at 6 pm except Saturday and Sunday,
Otherwise, the Friday before

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com      2     Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
April12th,2020 12deAbril2020 - EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE PASCUA - Parishes Online
EASTER SUNDAY                                                        DOMINGO DE PASCUA

                                                                                            From Rick Hardy,
                                                                                            Pastoral Associate

                                                                     What Have You Done With Him?

                                                                         There’s something odd about Jesus after the Resurrec-
                                                                     tion. Not only is it “odd” that someone would rise from the
                                                                     dead — in fact, He’s the only one who has done so — but it’s
                                                                     even more odd that the people who knew Him best didn’t
            Sunday Mass                                              recognize Him after He had risen. What’s that about?

       The Live Stream begins                                            The Risen Christ apparently doesn’t look the same as the
                                                                     crucified Jesus. His own best friends and closest followers
       10 minutes before Mass                                        have entire conversations with Him before they realize who it
                                                                     is they are talking with. What’s going on here?
Thank you for understanding the technical                                Christ, risen, simply doesn’t look the same. His body is
difficul"es in sounding the live Mass from past                      different than before. He enters a locked room, twice, with-
                                                                     out using the door. He simply disappears when the encoun-
broadcasts! A$er we have received the neces-
                                                                     ter is over. He “appears” along the road to Emmaus, con-
sary component for op"mum audio quality,                             verses at length about current events regarding Himself, but
we hope you will enjoy the Mass even more!                           His own two disciples don’t recognize Him until He breaks
                                                                     bread with them. Then, He “vanishes out of their sight.”
                                                                     There are other similar encounters with Him, all on the same
                                                                     day, or close to it.
                                                                         Yet he eats breakfast on the lakeshore. Thomas touches
                  Online Giving                                      his wounds. His body is a physical object, and not a halluci-
      Support Our Parish and Community                               nation or hologram.
Online giving is available at St Peter, it’s easier than ever            The body of the risen Christ has the qualities of a physical
to contribute to the Lord’s work at our parish. Just click the       body along with the qualities of a spirit. It is unbound by
link on the parish web site under the Home category…..               death, and unfettered by the physical laws of the world creat-
Donate or Register on Line tab (www.stpeter-douglas.org)             ed through Him, the Word of God.
and make a one-time gift, or set up a recurring donation.                This is the glorified body that is promised to us when we
Online giving is ideal for when you’re traveling or sick, or
                                                                     rise on the last day — a body free from the bonds of physical
as a convenient giving solution at any time.
                                                                     limitations, and glorified so as to represent the fullest expres-
                                                                     sion of God’s creation of man and woman.
Our parish continues to rely on our pa-
rishioners’ generosity, and we may have                                  This glorified, risen body of Christ is what we receive in
additional financial need if more people                             the Eucharist. This body of the Risen Christ is the Body that
seek assistance. If you will not be able to                          we are as Church. Broken on the cross, this body rises tri-
give in person, please give online.                                  umphant over death and every other worldly limitation, and
Thank you!                                                           becomes our food and drink. And we, in turn, by Baptism,
                                                                     become a part of this Body as we gather in the name of
                                                                     Christ, who fulfills God’s every promise and “em-bodies”
                                                                     God’s love in this world.
                                                                         The Triduum (three-day Liturgy) we have just completed
                                                                     is one unified celebration of awe, mystery, wonder, and inex-
                                                                     pressible joy. And there is challenge, too: The One we
                                                                     have denied, ignored, offended, and sometimes written off, is
                                                                     back... not to get even with us for our transgressions, but to
                                                                     assure us of His mercy and forgiveness.

                                                                     Continued on the next Page

                                                                 3         View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
April12th,2020 12deAbril2020 - EASTER SUNDAY DOMINGO DE PASCUA - Parishes Online
EASTER SUNDAY                                                         DOMINGO DE PASCUA

                   Gospel Mediation                                      The article form     Rick Hardy Continued
                                                                         In this Year of the Eucharist, Easter is a moment to think
                                                                         about the Body we receive in the sacrament of the Eucharist,
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord                            and of what that Body truly means in our life. Are we
                                                                         changed? Are we transformed? Do we become more like
When we awoke this morning, we found ourselves blessed
                                                                         Christ, more closely joined with Him (Communion) through
with another day. It is Easter Sunday. As that thought
                                                                         this sacrament?
crossed our minds, did we find ourselves saying “so what”
                                                                             This year, in particular, when we are not physically receiv-
or “alleluia”? For many, today is truly a day of alleluia. For
others, it is just another day of “so what.” Faith makes a               ing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, we have an oppor-
huge difference. It not only makes a difference in how we                tunity to deepen our spirituality of Eucharist. The word
understand today and the significance of what we cele-                   “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving.” How do we celebrate our
brate, it also makes a huge difference in terms of how we                thanks for this gift of resurrection and sacrament? How are
understand ourselves.                                                    we changed? How are we transformed? And, most im-
                                                                         portant, will anyone recognize the Risen Christ in us?
Succeed, live well, be productive, find your niche, follow
your dreams, make money, protect your social status, be
politically correct, and keep your preferences to yourself                April 19, 2020: Sunday of Divine Mercy
are pretty good examples of the messages our secular life
wants us to hear. In and of themselves, they don’t sound                 Each year, on the Second Sunday of Easter, the Church
all that harmful. But when really examined, they are. The                celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday. Mankind’s need for the
life of resurrection embodied in the Gospel tells us a much              message of Divine Mercy took on dire urgency in the 20th
different story.                                                         century, when civilization again began to lose the under-
                                                                         standing of the sanctity and inherent dignity of human life.
Life keeps us busy. We are always connected, distracted,                                       In the 1930s, Jesus chose a humble
occupied, and working. For many of us, an agenda awaits                                        Polish nun, St. Maria Faustina Kow-
us before we even start our day, and unfinished stuff is                                       alska, to receive private revelations
brought with us when we retire at night. Make the best of                                      concerning Divine Mercy that were
life and “find your own road to happiness are messages we                                      recorded in her Diary. St. Faustina’s
all too easily believe. The “so what” response to the new                                      Diary records 14 occasions when
life of resurrection is often the result of believing that life is
                                                                                               Jesus requested that a Feast of Mer-
                                                                                               cy be observed. On May 5, 2000, five
only what I make it. What God has to say isn’t important to
                                                                                               days after the canonization of St.
me securing my next raise.                                                                     Faustina, the Vatican decreed that
                                                                                               the Second Sunday of Easter would
Sadly, we live as if the grave is the end. While we may give                                   also henceforth be known as Divine
the wonder of heaven a blink now and then, its glory really                                    Mercy Sunday.
doesn’t impress us or matter all that much. It’s all about the
here and now and what I need to do today to get where I
want to be tomorrow. We tend to put off considering the
one significant “tomorrow” that will come the millisecond
after we take our last breath. When that happens, will we
want to be thinking “so what?” or “alleluia”?

There is only one Jesus, one mission, and one resurrec-
tion. There is also only one of us. Have you ever pondered
what one solitary, humble human life can do? Faith, not
our world, tells us how special we are. We are not robots.                                               Ad
                                                                                                          dvertise Y
We are not replaceable. We have one shot. There are no                                                   Business
                                                                                                          usiness in
                                                                                                                   n the
do-overs. Love is at our core and unites us together as one
with the God of love who so desperately wants us to be
                                                                                                            last page
with Him forever. This may not match our secular agenda,                         Support
                                                                                        t                Contact Rick Soper
but it ought to make our true inner agenda leap for joy.                           our
                                                                                    ur                   rsoper@4LPi .com
There doesn’t need to be an end. I can live forever.                                                   (800)-477-4574 x 6474

                                                                     4        View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com
ST. PETER PARISH                                            SAN FELIPE DE JESÚS

          Sharing Family Meals as a Domestic Church.

 We thank the parishioners of St Peter Church for allowing these images to enter their homes and in some way feel united in
 these difficult times we are going through that surely we will be victorious, maintained in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com         5     Bulletin Questions: Liliana.VanDam@StPeter-douglas.org
EASTER SUNDAY                                              DOMINGO DE PASCUA

 Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...
         Las lecturas de la semana
          del 12 de abril de 2020                            San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church
                                                                               5586 117th Ave.
Domingo de Pascua                                                                PO Box 558
   Hch 10, 34. 37-43/Sal 118, 1-2. 16-17. 22-23/                              Fennville, MI 49408
   Col 3, 1-4 o 1 Cor 5, 6-8/Jn 20, 1-9 o Mt 28, 1-10          Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029
Lunes de la octava de Pascua                                   Fax:                              269-561-2192
   Hch 2, 14. 22-33/Sal 16, 1-2 y 5. 7-8. 9-10. 11/           Página Web/Website: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
   Mt 28, 8-15                                                 En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador
Martes de la octava de Pascua                                      Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.
   Hch 2, 36-41/Sal 33, 4-5. 18-19. 20 y 22/Jn 20, 11-18
Miércoles de la octava de Pascua
   Hch 3, 1-10/Sal 105, 1-2. 3-4. 6-7. 8-9/Lc 24, 13-35
Jueves de la octava de Pascua
                                                              LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD DIARIA
   Hch 3, 11-26/Sal 8, 2 y 5. 6-7. 8-9/Lc 24, 35-48
                                                            Ven a Cristo
Viernes de la octava de Pascua
    Hch 4, 1-12/Sal 118, 1-2. 4. 22-24. 25-27/Jn 21, 1-14   La vida es quizás el mayor regalo de Dios para cada uno
Sábado de la octava de Pascua                               de nosotros. Sin la vida, no podríamos
   Hch 4, 13-21/Sal 118, 1 y 14-15. 16-18. 19-21/
                                                            experimentar todas las maravillas de este mundo, el
   Mc 16, 9-15
                                                            amor de la familia y los amigos, y el gozo que proviene
2° Domingo de Pascua (de la Divina Misericordia)
    Hch 2, 42-47/Sal 118, 2-4. 13-15. 22-24/1 Pe 1, 3-9/    de usar nuestros talentos y habilidades. La vida misma
    Jn 20, 19-31                                            es un regalo más profundo de lo que realmente
                                                            podemos contemplar. En la Pascua, celebramos la
                                                            vida. Porque en este día, Jesucristo conquistó la muerte
Dios, Señor Mío, no tengo idea                              y nos dio la oportunidad de una vida eterna. La maravilla,
de adónde voy.                                              el amor y el gozo de este mundo no tiene que terminar. A
No veo el camino delante de mí.                             través de una vida en Jesucristo, estas emociones se
No puedo saber con certeza                                  intensifican, y encontramos un cumplimiento aún mayor
                                                            en este mundo.
dónde terminará.
Tampoco me conozco realmente, y el hecho de                 Tal vez esta Pascua te encuentres abierto a dar el
pensar que estoy siguiendo tu voluntad no signifi-          siguiente paso en tu relación con Jesús. Este podría
ca que en realidad lo esté haciendo.                        ser el momento en que decidas seguirlo más de cerca
                                                            y tomar en serio todo lo que él te ha dado. Si es así,
Pero creo que el deseo de agradarte,
                                                            bienvenido a esta travesía, donde hay muchos otros dis-
de hecho te agrada. Y espero tener ese deseo                cípulos en este mismo trayecto que pueden ayudar a
en todo lo que haga. Espero que nunca haga                  mostrarte el camino y compartir sus historias. Si no es
algo apartado de ese deseo y sé que si hago es-             así, esperemos que no tomes todo un año para que esta
to me llevarás por el camino correcto, aunque yo            posibilidad sea considerada nuevamente. Jesús está vivo
no me dé cuenta de ello.                                    y esperando acercarse más a ti. Que esta temporada de
Por lo tanto, confiaré en ti siempre aunque                 Pascua los encuentre a ti y a
                                                            Nuestro Señor conociéndose de
parezca estar perdido a la sombra de la muerte.
No tendré temor porque estás siempre conmigo,               manera completamente nueva.
y nunca dejarás que enfrente solo mis peligros.             ¡Felices Pascuas!
Amén.        (Thomas Merton 1915-1968)
                                                            —Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
EASTER SUNDAY                                          DOMINGO DE PASCUA

 Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...

         La Vida de Oración                                La Novena a la Misericordia
El Sr. Obispo Paul Bradley ha anunciado que la             La Novena comenzó este Viernes
suspensión de misas públicas y actividades parroquiales   Santo y termina el sábado 18 de abril.
continuará hasta el 30 de abril. Mientras tanto                 Hay folletos para rezar la
seguiremos poniendo la Misa en vivo en nuestra                    novena en la iglesia y
página de Facebook. Estamos aprendiendo y cada                pueden pasar a recogerlos.
semana aprendemos algo nuevo para hacer que nuestra                  La Fiesta de la
transmisión de la misa sea una mejor experiencia para      Misericordia es el próximo domingo
ustedes.                                                               19 de abril.
La Iglesia de San Felipe estará abierta cada día entre       Cada día tenemos la oración que corresponde a
las 12 p.m. y las 9 p.m. para que la gente pueden venir          ese día en nuestra pagina de Facebook.
a orar. Pedimos que se acuerden que esto es para
oración personal o familiar y no para venir en grupo.
                                                                   La Adoración al Santísimo
Mantengan su distancia entre personas y desinféctense
cuando entran y salen del templo.                         Tendremos expuesto Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento
                                                           del Altar este miércoles desde las 4:30 p.m. hasta las
Pueden ver el boletín de cada semana en nuestra           8:30 p.m. Es un tiempo para devoción personal. Traiga
página web: www.sanfelipe-fennville.org y los anuncios    una Biblia, libro de oraciones o su rosario para pasar un
más recientes en nuestra página de Facebook.                         rato con nuestro Señor Resucitado.

El Obispo Bradley y                                              Una Oración durante un Tiempo de
la Diócesis de Kalamazoo                                                   Enfermedad
está comenzando
la campana “Que Brille la                                 Padre amoroso y compasivo,
Luz de Jesús” invitando a                                 En este tiempo de preocupación y confusión
ustedes y todos los                                       impártenos la clama de Tu presencia.
cristianos a prender sus                                  En Ti déjanos encontrar esperanza y sanación.
luces para el Domingo de Pascua y toda la Semana de       Fortalece las manos de los que sirven a los enfermos
Pascua y incluso todos los cincuenta días de Pascua       con Tu presencia misericordiosa.
comenzando el 12 de abril y terminando con                Dales Tu Espíritu de sabiduría a los que nos guían
Pentecostés 31 de mayo, para dar testimonio del Señor     y gobiernan.
Resucitado, La Luz del Mundo.                             Pon en Tu corazón los que se han enfermado
                                                          y dales Tu consuelo.
Les invitamos a decorar sus ventanas y casas con
                                                          Envuelve nuestro mundo en Tus brazos y guárdanos
luces como hacemos en el tiempo de Navidad.
                                                          en Tu amor. Déjanos en este tiempo de prueba a servir
Así seremos un testimonio visible al mundo de la ale-     como instrumentos de ese amor a todos que encontremos.
gría y la esperanza que nos trae el Señor Resucitado.     Te lo pedimos en Tu nombre. Amén.

             Visítenos al www.sanfelipe-fennville.org
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